The mysterious and previously undisclosed 29th member of Aberdeen Mayor Mike Bennett’s grandiose transition team was revealed last week to be none other than Joseph Bray – the one-time Aberdeen police officer and Municipal Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 128 president, who was recently terminated from both positions.
Despite his recent firing from the Aberdeen Police Department and forfeiture of his FOP presidency, Bray is expected to remain a member of the now 29-person transition team, so said team coordinator Art Helton.
Although there has been great speculation regarding why he was apparently on some sort of extended leave from APD, Bray’s firing came two weeks ago without an official reason for his dismissal.
“I can only confirm that he was terminated effective 12/06/07. I can’t comment on the reason for the termination,” APD Det./Sgt. Kirk Bane said.
Early last week, just days after Bray’s firing, it was acknowledged that Bray is and will continue to be a member of the mayor’s transition team.
Bennett was initially said to have picked a 30-member transition team, yet the official roster released on Nov. 27 included just 28 names. At the time, Helton – the architect of Bennett’s recent mayoral victory, who was put in control of the transition team by the new mayor – said he believed there were “a couple more names” to be added once Bennett had confirmed them. Helton later said he misspoke about additional members and that the team stood at 28 members.
Last week, Helton acknowledged he had erred and that Bray was indeed on the transition team and should have been listed on the roster from the beginning.
“His name should have been on the original list. He is on the infrastructure sub-committee,” Helton said.
When asked if Bray would be removed from the transition team following his termination from the APD, Helton said there is no reason to kick him off the team.
“I wouldn’t believe his position or questions about his APD status would interfere with any role he is serving on the transition team. I have not talked with the mayor about any changes to the transition team,” Helton said.
Perhaps anticipating further consternation from members of the APD and FOP, who are already in disbelief that former city police officer and failed city council candidate Rick Denu was put on the transition team, Helton pointed out Bray’s work on the volunteer advisory team involves infrastructure and not police issues.
“He is not at all involved in any information gathering for the Public Safety committee,” Helton said.
Elaborating on the growing discord within the city police department, Helton offered his own opinion.
“It seems to me one of the problems that was created in the APD was [former mayor] Fred [Simmons] making promises for their support in the campaign. Promises he most likely couldn’t or wouldn’t keep. That has created a level of expectation that will have to be dealt with,” Helton said.
Helton said he believes everyone understand the issues of the APD, including the Law Enforcement Officers’ Pension funding shortage, and that they need to be resolved, but reiterated that the entire purpose of the transition team is to “get a handle on the totality of the APD issues and the rest of the city’s problems.”
“There needs to be a comprehensive approach to the CITY’S PROBLEMS NOT JUST APD,” Helton wrote in an email.
Someone please, please explain to me why with a City of 14,000+/- residents and 8,000 +/- registered voters we have a transition team with over half of its members living outside City limits.
Where are the resume's of each transition team member that were promised in the newspaper so we would have an explaination as to why they are a part of the team and all this foolishness can end.
Unless the real reason was that each person has their own agenda and vendetta and it is all about political paybacks. I guess Bennett/Helton is making good on his promises huh.
another question – why someone who was just fired from a city department is now (and has been from day 1?) given the power to influence decisions made about the future of the city?
In the first case, if anyone still believes anything that Art Helton says (unless it has a direct benefit to Art), then they should have their head examined. In the second place, Bray is an embarrasment to A.P.D. and himself. If he had any sense, he would back down gracefully, but he doesn't, so he won't. In the third place, if Mayor Helton…sorry, If Mayor Bennett really wants to be Mayor, then he should get in there and get his information first hand. He shouldn't be relying on a bunch of misfits, losers, critics, ne'er do-wells and Heltonistas to "garner" (sorry Bruce, pun intended) information that will no doubt be biased at best, and because of politics, be totally wrong for our City at the worst! Mike Bennett should be embarrassed. To let some [edited by admin] like Art Helton "run the show" that he was elected to do is simply disgusting! To nausea from 10:23 pm…. there is NO power or influence given to these unqualified clowns on the "Heltransition Team". Basically, they are running around, wasting their time, as well as staff time at City Hall, etc. When the report back to the "Mayor" and Council, it will be our elected officials that make the decisions that guide our City. Check out this formula that everyone should keep in mind: Transition Team= Not in Charter=No Qualifications=No Power=Waste of Time!
Elected Officials= In Charter=Some Qualified=Have the Power to do What's Right!
Citizens of Aberdeen…Hang in there, because November 2009 is only 22 months away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Justin on December 17th, 2007 10:58 pm: You should submit that to your local papers editorials.
As for the article. Yet another great job by the reporters at The Dagger. I think some of the news papers could use you guys up this way. I thought I have seen it all, or heard it all….but a terminated employee on this "transition team." Oh lord, What have the citizens of Aberdeen, Maryland done?
I spoke to my friend yesterday and was told Mayor Bennett has yet to speak with the Fraternal Order of Police or even meet the guys and gals from the PD. Mr. Bennett, excuse me, Mayor Bennett…I am sure you or this Helton guy keep up to date on here….a piece of friendly advice….go say HI, talk, get the real deal, and don't waste time and money on the outside influences. I think showing you yourself will save face.
To my fellow guys and gals…Remain safe!
Frank G
Newark, DE
I heard some of the gang members are back on the streets maybe they can be on the transition team , They supported Bennett to.
They sure didn’t want Fred back in office!
Just a word about the election and the current Mayor, elected and non-elected.
The Aberdeen voters chose not to come out and vote in the general election, even voters who knew how important it was stayed home. So guess you’ll just have to live with whatever the outcome of the Art “witch hunt” team and the lack of a mayor. Art’s Witch hunt team is now almost complete it only lacks a few more folks with an ax to grind.
Good luck Aberdeen is about all that can be said, you didn’t turn out and vote so guess you’re stuck with Art as non official mayor and a team of misfits that does have some good people on it but if they were smart they would excuse themselves, actually everybody should get off and let the real elected mayor do the job he was elected to do.
I get what you’re saying Ol Man, you’re sort of doing the S.Fred echo: “The people get the government they deserve.” And you’re right, except those that comment in this forum seem to be voters, at least. So you can understand the frustration for those who knew this would happen all along if these jokers got elected.
I think another problem comes from “why” people voted. Helton’s boys ran an anti-Fred campaign–and let’s face it–you either love or hate the guy. But that was pretty much it as far as his political platform was concerned; the whole election people were wondering, “Where is Bennett?” And while he remained relatively amorphous, the boys came inside Aberdeen city limits to launch a smear campaign (and ultimately create their own “dream team” to push things like tax breaks…) For those who voted without a clear understanding of facts or issues–the ones who talked only about signs, slogans, and firearms (oh my!)–yep, they are in the same boat as those you say didn’t vote: they’ll just have to live with it.
As far as letting the real elected mayor do the job he was elected to do–I think everyone would really like him to get on that. Where is he? Why can’t he meet with law enforcement organizations? And why does he need 29 merry men and a spokesperson?
Wow. Somebody up there doesnt get that whole “keeping up appearances” thing. The questions are lined up trying to come into my mind at once.
1. Why was Bray terminated (just before the holidays, no less)? Speaking as a civilian, when you hear a cop was fired, you assume it wasnt about fudging time cards. You assume he messed up big time.
2. If he wasnt fired for a legitimate reason, was it a political firing? And if thats the case, shouldnt we presume that this his appointment to the TT means punishment time for the FOP?
3. Is the new administration either ignorant of the implications of the TT, or do they just not care? And if they dont care, why not? Is Aberdeen that far away that there is no media or state agency that can hold their feet to the fire?
Looks bad, smells bad. Maybe its all perfectly innocent, I honestly do not know.
You all are onto something. Bray did screw up, 19 times to be exact. that doesn’t include one more time trying to get another cop to lie for him. It’s been said before: you have a liar a thief a couple of former employees who weren’t strong or good enough to be on the real team. This TT is truly spectacular. Ted Hendricks where are you?
I agree with (true but) when I met’ mayor elect bennett. he was concerened about his side kick. steve johnson. he will be along in minute.
that’s fine is he running for the mayor elect? I was told no.well that ended the conversation very quickly’. so I assume mr helton is the master of ceremony’s. and there are certainly’ people on that transition team’ that have no business on it . mr simmons if your reading this.your word’s of wisdom ring so true.
Since Mr Helton called me “God on the blog” and gave me “friendly advice” about staying off this thing the other day while on a call for service for him, I will be very short: “Great article.”
I hope the voters are paying attention. I also hope things aren’t as bad as they really do appear. Joshua was right – someone really doesn’t get (care?) about keeping up appearances. Day after day the appearances are worse.
Can I gast a vote for Simmons in 2009? I hope Helton doesn’t do too much damage till then.
Joshua- a couple of comments to your post
1. Why was he fired? none of your business.
2. Was it political? again none of your business
3. ask the administration yourself. Call the mayor and ask him. Isn’t that our duty as civilians to ask why they are doing things in our city? There are council meetings most mondays at 6pm. They take open comments there as well.
UAV–thats all i gotta say!
Nobody would care if I got fired, but we are talking about a public servant being let go from a job and then within the month being politically appointed to some sort of “team” that apparently has jurisdiction over his former bosses!
I dont care a fig about this guy or what he did. I care about transparency and fairness in government and public safety.
Isnt that why we are all posting on here?
I agree Joshua. Not to mention I don’t think the mayor would have time to field phone calls from everyone that would likely want an answer to the questions you posed. I can think of a lot of reasons someone could get fired that would be very much the business of the citizens who could be affected by any influence this person may be given and any information he could have access to.
Joshua, I too agree. Unless Mr. Bray used to run a WTP what does he bring to the table that makes him so qualified to be on the the infrastructure committee? My guess is that Helton is covering the team’s butt and moved him to that committee from the Public Safety committee after his firing.
Please don’t acquiesce or kow tow to “The Great” Art Helton (didn’t want to get “edited by admin” again!). He gets his rocks off when people do that. He certainly wishes that he could hold ANY elected office. That way, he could actually have some LEGAL authority to legislate (or in his case DICTATE). Art (or Ann) haven’t been able to win any election since his one term failure as a State Senator down in Annapolis many years ago (and believe me, he has tried just about everything except dog-catcher!). Anyway…please know that there are many people in Aberdeen (and beyond) that realize what is going on. And as time goes on, more and more will understand. Like i said last night, November 2009 is only 22 months away!
Am I the only one confused by the UAV post? Its got me curious now!
Sorry, Brian but this is too good not to post:
Seems that there are some rules that do apply to Mr. Helton. I wonder if he will be charged with election fraud for having voted in past elections? My guess is that they would have ruled the same way for Steve Johnson.
I am so happy we have a Mayor with such good judgement of those he surrounds himself with and that he put the future of the City in Helton’s hands.
Jason: Your post has me concerned. If I am not reading too much into your post, I get that you were dispatched to a call to assist/help Mr. Helton. He then made comments to you about posting? If this is the case, I see a violation of your rights, FREEDOM OF SPEECH…especially since he has been appointed to chair/head a committee by the Mayor. I am wondering if you will become one of these “targets” people are talking about?
Frank G
Newark, DE
Regarding the article, a question that comes to mind is – why would someone who is not a city resident WANT to participate (voluntarily, uncompensated) on the transition team for the city that just fired him, unless there was something it it for him?
Doesnt add up. As someone mentioned before – looks bad, smells bad.
It is my understanding, second hand, that Helton actually threatened Jason. Classic Art, bully the people to do it his corrupt way. If he did threaten that Jason would lose his job for getting on here, with his straight and accurate postings, then Helton needs to be called out for what he really is.
Many of us heard the rumors that members of the transition team were enforcing a “no blogging” policy. I’m just surprised to hear it’s being delegated by someone who wasn’t elected, doesn’t live in the city, and does not hold a city job.
Speaking more on this, if the city is not paying for any studies the transition team is preparing, how can anyone be forced to follow any of it’s recommendations? Does the mayor have the power in the city to enforce the findings? Who is actually paying for it?
Y’know, I thought about Sandi’s response post at 8:18 all night. It bothered me. Because, maybe he/she (I don’t really know) had a point. Maybe this is none of our business, maybe the Dagger was sticking it’s alligator nose too far into the inner workings of Aberdeen and simply muckraking.
This morning it was clearer to me. True, the subject of this article’s personal employment history is none of our business. EXCEPT, when he agreed to be a part of the transition team, it BECAME the public’s business. By agreeing to join the team, he put the cards on the table, and opened the door to this article.
If you are going to play, you shouldnt complain about the rules.
Jason, you’re doing a fine job. Keep up the good work. Frank G. is correct it is violation of your rights, FREEDOM OF SPEECH. But that’s how Art operates, always has, always will. Perhaps another suit could be entered against Art? Check with the city attorney, unless that’s John Landbeck then you need an outsider to help. He may be worth more then the $15M, never know.
Here’s to all who post here – This site is read by a few folks, not many. If you really want to show support for the APD and the other city employees send e mails, write letters to the newspapers and copy furnish everything you write to the city council and mayor. Let the real public know where you stand.
Mr. Frank G from Newark and Ol Man…
I cannot go in to detail as to what transpired. I can tell you I addressed the issue through my chain-of-command, and they handled it to my satisfaction. It is documented should something negative arise in the future.
Now I will post my thoughts to the article…
Many know I was a friend of Mr. Bray’s and we will not go into detail as to why the friendship went south. I hate to see anyone lose their job (even Mr. Bray) and I wish the best for his family and he. I do, as many people on the “inside” have issue to him being part of the Transition Team, whether it be the water/sewer sub committee, or trash collection sub committee. This does not send a positive message.
To: Everyone
These are my thoughts on all I have been reading on the talk about the
Transition Team. There are 29 or 30 people on this team. You all say that
a few of the members are bad influence. But I do not think they can infuence
the most of the people on the team. Alot of good Aberdeen people volunteered
to be on this team,and I know they will not let this happen. They will do the right thing. Do not be afraid to talk to these people.Do not pre-judge them, answer
their juestions honestly, then you will have nothing to worry about.
Yea whatever Buck.
when you’ choose to become a public servant, be it police or what ever you are and will be under scrutiny. by the public. if theres skeleton’s in your closet’ you can expect them to be found. and brought forth.
something was a miss at the police department. and justice was done. mr bray lost his job. quitting is one thing’ getting fired is another. as far as the council meeting’s.they show very little interest in anything’ you have to say’ as far as how many people read the dagger you’ might be surprised.
they simply don’t comment.
the question is, why aren’t the qualifications of the individuals on the team being published? there probably are some good people on the team – I don’t doubt that. But why would the bad influences, especially in this case, be allowed to remain on the team? What does this individual bring to the table that is so significant that it out weighs the bad image that is created? It doesn’t make sense, so it appears to be a political pay back of some sort. And if there is one, its reasonable to suspect there are others.
the whole point is trust. there is a saying about one bad apple ruining the whole bushel..why allow even the appearance of misguided motivations?
In case anybody forgot why we put on the uniform every day…
SMITHSBURG, Md. – Washington County Sheriff Douglas Mullendore says a Smithsburg police officer was fatally shot by a man who had killed his girlfriend a short while earlier.
Mullendore says the suspect, 29-year-old Douglas Pryor, was wounded in a shootout with police and is sedated at Washington County Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
The sheriff says the violence began last night in the unincorporated community of Halfway, just south of Hagerstown, where 31-year-old Alison Munson was shot and killed.
Mullendore says officers investigating that shooting determined that Pryor was headed for the Smithsburg area east of Hagerstown and notified Smithsburg Police Officer Christopher Nicholson. The sheriff says Nicholson was parked in a driveway about two miles north of Smithsburg, awaiting backup, when he was shot.
Maybe we all can back away from our own problems for a few minutes. How do you think the Nicholson’s will be celebrating Christmas this year?
If the Bray person was a police officer then he worked for the citizens of Aberdeen and he was paid by the citizens of Aberdeen. His employment as a police officer is in the public office venue, he was not elected to public office, but held a public fund supported position. Why he was fired is every single taxpayer’s business just as the firing of any police officer is the taxpayers business of that particular jurisdiction. If he stole overtime or lied about hours worked, that is theft from the citizens, if he was fired for brutal actions that is a threat to the citizens.
The truth will come out. It always does.
Just wondering…is it a conflict of interest if one of the people on the transition team is listed as the plaintiff in a civil suit filed against the city of Aberdeen set to go to court in March of ’08?
Man, this team has it all, doesn’t it? We’ve got cops fired from their positions, we’ve got people the Aberdeen voters said they DIDN’T want making decisions, we’ve got the axe-to-grind crew, we’ve got the non-residents with dollar signs in their eyes for their businesses…
A simple search of court records is eye-opening too. Domestic violence, foreclosures…these are people who are in charge of assessing Aberdeen’s security levels and budget? I feel better already.
It just keeps getting more and more unbelievable. There is an interesting quote from the ‘Transition Team’ Leader in the lastest Examiner article (online) about the ruling that he cannot vote in Aberdeen.
In a paragraph stating why he is suited to lead the transition team, he states that he owns more property and pays more taxes than anyone ELSE on the council.
Freudian slip? Or did Aberdeen elect an additional council member in November?
Not to mention the implication that his money and property somehow have anything to do with his qualifications to make good recommendations for the city. If anything, I would think that makes him biased.
It was definitely not a “Freudian slip”. Art, although not elected has been issuing instructions to the mayor since the election and most likely will continue to do so. Mayor Bennetttt owes Art and many others “big time”. The baggage he carried into office will need to be shed one piece at a time with most bags going to Art. I think you have degraded Art, he would never settle for being a council member. If he can’t be mayor and run Aberdeen then his position now is even better. When the elected mayor screws up then Art can walk away back to Darlington and let Mayor Bennettt live with the mess. I truly would like to see Mayor Bennettt do the right thing for Aberdeen but that’s not likely to happen. His real interest is not the betterment of Aberdeen but the revenge he can heap on Mayor Simmons, truly sad.
I think you all are a bunch of troublemakers with nothing in your lives. Give that poor man (the Mayor) a break. The City Manager is now ALLOWED to manage the City and this means ALL Department Heads and not just the departments the Mayor chooses. There is a great deal of messes to clean up, in ALL areas, give the man a break!
Shut up.
dell to answer a question. hopefully’ our police officers’ are aware of the danger there in. along time ago, my brother and I observed a state trooper make a traffic stop along rte# 22 near fountain green.
which would have been in front of what was known as lundy’s store’ theres a jewelry store there next to it now.
the young trooper pulled his cruiser in front of the car walked back and said something to the man. went back to his car’ to prepare a ticket. the man got out went to his trunk and got a tire iron,and was sneaking up on the officer. apparently with the intent of bashing the officers brains out. my brother and I screamed at the officer to warn him. he was able to avoid the blow. he thanked us for saveing his life..a simple mistake almost cost him his life.he pulled his car in front’ where he could not observe what was happening behind him.
Vietnam Vet………..interesting.
Sad you are obviously on the Transition Team
Does your post mean that the departments that Fred didn’t choose and the City Manager haven’t done anything for the last two years and that is where the messes are? Or does it mean to a bunch of people who have their own interests at heart the City is a mess? I am sure that most who post on this blog would give it a rest if the City Manager or the Mayor himself were making comments or meeting with staff rather than a group of people who have their own agendas.
From the sounds of everything that has transpired so far it sounds like Mayor Bennett is doing everything he can to not be Mayor. If he didn’t want the job and all that goes along with it, why did he run?
His own campaign literature stated that we would have an open and transparent government. I guess in your mind that would only be for positive remarks? It seems to me that we have had the Transition Team and its member rammed down our throats just like the annexation. So much for change.
yes limbo it is. a true story.2 kid’s 12 & 13 years old. no brass band’s no fancy award’s. not even honorable mention in the aegis. nor was it expected. we were taught to respect our elder’s. the police were respected as they should be.
and they’ need our respect now.
sem-per fi.
fyi im not sure about you but i read it as saying if you dont learn from the past and dont look at where youve been how can you fix the future or know where your goin. going behind the car vs goin in front gives you a better view. maybe this is what the tt is suppose to do. view whats been happening in aberdeen in the past to see if or what needs a fixn. not sure but maybe bennets team is doing just that and he is patiently waiting for them to complete theri job.
who know i dont know but this is how i read it
the concept of learning from the past is a good one. But the citizen elected 4 council members and a mayor to make these evaluations and decisions. The problem many have is the fact that some individuals without obvious qualifications, some with obvious conflicts of interests, many from outside the city and a few with questionable backgrounds are being relied upon to do the evaluating.
Any evaluation is only as good as the objectivity of the evaluators.
this feels a lot like a bait and switch. I am not even sure the other council members who WERE ELECTED by the citizens had any say into the make up of this transition team.
Shouldn’t the elected officials be doing the evaluating? I wonder what the rest of the council thinks…I haven’t seen anything about them regarding the TT.
freud-from what i read in the world of politics it is a known practice for new politicians to bring in a team to evaluate before the new politicians step in and begin to focus on theri goals. not sure about the council but usually the mayor is the leader of the pac. thats why the mayor is separated from the council in most election
how are the qualificiations obvious? i havnt seen anything. sometimes a not so perfect background in a person can make them more objective and sensitive. you can have a person that lived a perfect life evaluating. no that would be a subjective evaluation
if the other council doesnt know whats happening then whos to blame the mayor or council for anot asking questions?
im an objective viewer looking in you know more than i do
You won’t hear from the Councilpersons. The top two vote getters are absolute do nothings who are more than content to have had 2 council meetings in two months and the third is now scheduled for the 14th of January. Those 2 want their free meals and perks and to pick up the pay check every month. The other 2 are at a very distinct disadvantage in that 1 of them is so new that she isn’t really sure how or what to do and the other is so far on the outside that anything he wants or says is not just ignore it is considered for doing the opposite by the Heltonistas. This is a really sad time for Aberdeen. I mad the point some time ago that there is absolutely no legal authority for this team. The Charter does not provide for its existence. The budget does not have one cent in for transition team funding. They may be all volunteer but the inordinate amount of staff time to support it is not just costly it’s wasteful. I wonder if our Christmas bonus was canceled so the they could pay for this boondoggle. I don’t know about any other employee but I count on that bonus every year. 2 years is a long time! Can we get a recall?
Daddy try looking at the glass half full. this could be a good thing for your town. dont be so quick to judge. let the mayor work in his own way. ive watched in my town how each mayor come in with a different way of doin things. some good and some not so good. but be patient my friend. from what i read this mayors roots are in your town so he has to be thinking about the people or why would he live there so long from what i read he went to high school there and was active in the town. this could be a good thing.
give it time. he may prove me wrong but my objectivity in reading this blog tells me that he could be on the riightt trac
DaddyRabbit nailed it! I couldn’t have said it better myself. Also, not only won’t there be a Christmas Bonus, but they canceled the Christmas Party as well. If you don’t believe me, then check it out. Ask ANY employee. I can tell you this, the employees at large are NOT happy. But wait until the next budget deliberations commence. The three top vote getters (Elliott, Kupferman, Bennett) were elected largely because they promised a substantial property tax reduction AND promised to lower water and sewer rates! So……..let’s see, the CIty is going to reduce its revenue (tax reduction), then increase its debt (because the Water and Sewer fund will run at a deficit) and finally, to balance the budget they will reward their hard working employees with……a salary freeze! (balance the budget on the backs of thier employees!) Watch the most astute employees start heading for greener pastures (if they hadn’t already done so!) Believe me, I’m already looking. Ain’t politics grand? The small minded / misinformed citizens of Aberdeen really F#$%ed up this time. I hope the clowns in charge don’t destroy what’s left of the good points about living and working in Aberdeen. Only time will tell.
P.S. : Twenty-Two months and counting……………………………………..!!!!
Delaware! Get real! If you are truely an “outsider”, then you don’t know Art Helton, and what he is (unfortunately) capable of! Bennett didn’t even want to run for Mayor. He was persuaded by Art to run against Simmons. Now Helton is running the show. Enough said. If YOU think that is proper, then good for you! (but NOT for Aberdeen) Hey, got any openings in Delaware?
sounds like an employee thats had a good life on the backs of the citizens now looking at facing reality like the rest of us in the working world. the employees at aberdeen are paid at market value. from what i hear theres been a market survey done each year and you are at market with the county and above most comparable municipalities to your size so quit crying. in fact go find another job that pays you as good and gives you the benefits that you have and quit crying. enjoy what you have and respect the people that gave you it.
I think you are onto something. Delaware does not sound like an outsider…seems to know a lot more about the mayor and the situation than someone casually observing from another state would know. Although I am not sure about the mayor being active in the town prior to the election thing…I don’t recall reading much about that on this blog as Delaware indicated.
come on justin the bonus was only 25 or 50 dollar certificate to weis. if that breaks you then i feel sorry for you. besides its us the taxpayers that are giving you the bonus. go work for the private sector then you dont have to worry about the citizens paying you well and giving you a bonus. do a survey. how many governments give their employees bonuses. thats why you chose public.. its secure and private isnt. its a trade off. the choice is yours.
Let Bennett do his job. I think you are under-estimating him. so what if he doesn’t come out like a steam engine similiar to some previous mayors. A quiet observer is the strongest. Give him time to work out what is best for all.
Come on are you defending the Mayor (he hasn’t done anything) or are you really defending the actions non- elected transition team and Art Helton?
It is actually comical to read this blog and the daddy/rabbit/fyi/jason/justin, etc comments. What a bunch of children whining. Get a life! Get real! The people of Aberdeen spoke when they voted these people in. The people of Aberdeen! What part of that don’t you small minded weirdos understand? What exactly is it that you want? Maybe that should be the question posed to you? Why didn’t any of you run if you had or have all the answers? Do any of you even live in the City? I know there is at least one of you who are planning on moving out county come the New Year. Do you jobs and if you have so much to say, then run yourself and let’s see if you can do a better job!
Delaware, thank you for you comments. I can see you were trying to be polite and give these people some hope, but you are wasting your time. They can only see what they want to see.
snsfy – you just made the point as to why anyone who does not live in the City shouldn’t be on the TT. Thanks
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Hope you all enjoy that! Happy Holidays!
I agree with that, thank you!
we were given some wonderfull choices to choose from. a mayor who’s intent was to bankrupt the people’ & incourged gestapo tactic’s.
which is not so bad’ to the fact some people are thick headed and it’s all they understand.
the other was a mild mannered man who choose’s to allow stronger personality’s. to do his talking.I happen to work very hard for my money. the easy way is disability. of which I refuse.
you can only hope they keep there promises’ which is very unlikely. so 2009 better hurry.
Come on, “come on”. You are misinformed, small minded and selfish. If you think that compensating employees at parity (whether it be government or private sector) is “having the good life on the backs of the citizens”, then you are a moron. The fact is, if City employees aren’t compensated fairly, then they will use OUR City as a starting point, get some experience, then depart for greener pastures. This is a fact! It is what was happening prior to Simmons, Hiob and Yensan’s vote to provide said parity. Since parity, employee turnover for compensation reasons has gone from constant, to almost non-existant. High employee turnover is a waste of tax dollars, AND the City loses its experienced workers, leaving “rookies” without long term knowledge of intricate infrastructure idiosyncrasies! (now that’s a mouthfull!)
Oh, and by the way…I agree with you when you said “Let Bennett do his job!” The problem is that he’s NOT doing his job. Art Helton is!
Peace Out!
Well said Justin. Its the difference between short term and long term vision. The temptations of short term savings in this case may lead to long term increased cost and inefficiency.
Whoever you are…..Thanks.
Hey Justin, just to add a little bit to the thought process. The bonus has been historically $50.00 for the rank and file folks. I believe we have about 150 employees total. That works out to a savings for the citizens of a whopping $7500! We spent more than that weekly trying to provide Ruth the infor she demanded in the Swizzlergate debacle!
Please explain swizzlergate debacle.
Though you didn’t answer my blog on “hmmm…. on December 11th, 2007 4:26 pm – Return to Sender”. You seem to have answered an important part of it in your previous blog;
“The fact is, if City employees (ALL EMPLOYEES) aren’t compensated fairly, then they will use OUR City as a starting point, get some experience, then depart for greener pastures”.
Isn’t it fact that all employees are essential to the city?
The water department makes sure that the water you drink is chlorinated and good tasting 24/7.
The waste water department makes sure that the waste is properly disposed of according to MDE standards 24/7.
The maintenance shop is working all hours of the day ensuring that water is not interrupted to the consumer and the waste water is flowing constantly.
The shop is out at all hours of the night in bad weather cutting up trees in wind storms and plowing snow in snow storms.
Finance is functioning to ensure prompt payment of bills, taxes and payroll.
Planning and Zoning ensures the City gets the best possible plans submitted by developers.
DPW admin ensures that the developers are complying with standards and specifications and also ensuring the best work is completed by the contractors so City taxpayers won’t have to repair their mistakes in the future.
The police are out 24/7policing the city of wrong doers.
The fire department (although mostly volunteer) respond to very critical calls and minor calls as do the police department.
This is what the City does that most people take for granted while going on with their usual day.
These are hard working individuals with families that go above and beyond the call of duty and deserve to be compensated fairly.
Give these people a BIG thank-you if you see them out.
You are on target. Every single employee of the City is essential. In addition to the very cogent list of functions, add responding to phone calls and personal visits by the tax payers, demanding every thing imaginable. The running of the City is a constant juggling act, with every action being a first priority action. When a lady on Rogers street calls about something, no matter what it is, she has a problem and somebody in the city has to respond to it NOW. Without the quality employees, you cannot make that happen. Justin was right about turnover. If any employer doesn’t value the employees, he or she will spend all of the time recruiting and training so that some other entity can cherry pick the best ones. Successful business people recognize this and do something to minimize turnover. Aberdeen is blessed to have a very large base of qualified, devoted professional in all of the departments yo mentioned. We should encourage this and a small gift and a party once a year is a very small price to pay.
dave your’ right it is a small gift. $50 dollars. the town employee’s have went out of there way’ to assist me in a tree clean up, from storm damage.
the road sweeper was alway’s appreciated.
can’t say’ I’ve seen it lately tho. I can only’ speak for my self when I say’ they deserve better than $50.00 dollars. we can start by takeing the $7.00 dollars off the water bill for the bay. it’s polluted anyway. and save it for the employees of the city.
Maybe there should be a “Sponsor a Cop” program. For less then the price of a cup of coffee a day, you can sponsor a police officer for a whole year.
My company was sold this year for 10 million + to an out of state corporation. No holiday bonuses this year, and no holiday party under the new order. Plus crappy bullying buyouts for anyone over 50. Sign of the times, I guess.
Daddy Rabbit & Yensan
You two jerk offs have been telling everyone on this blog a bunch of lies about
everything . Every city employee received a bonus, check it out & stop shooting your mouth off. And if DaddyRabbit is a police officer in Aberdeen ,I do not feel safe living here because you sound like a person with a chip on his shoulder
and could go off the deep end at any time. And if I was a council person I would pkeep my door locked at all times day & night. You are one person that should not be a police officer or be permitted to carry a loaded gun. You can poison the minds of a lot of good police officers around you. So go to your friend Fred and
play with his new gun & maby he will let you kiss his tattoo too.
P.S. And by the way ,your party was canceled because only 7 people would
come BIG MOUTH……..
Wow Buck, I feel really put securely into my place. I’ll just go away and let you and your friends do the right thing for the right reason.
By the way Buck, do you have a real name or you just some little old lady in tennis shoes who hides in cyberspace? If you think you can call me a name at least man up and put yourself out there.
Be careful what you say about little old women bigmouth. Thats what got you in trouble before, remember BIG MOUTH . Thats one of the reasons you didn’t get re-elected,BIG MOUTH.
I can’t believe X councilmen are blogging on the Dagger. Do they not have a life after serving as a one term official. I guess they can’t no for an answer. What a pity.
I guess they still think or they still want to be in charge./>)??? Or maybe they are bored and have nothing better to do other than add fuel to the fire.
Gosh, most politicians are just readers of the blog and have thier friends post what they want to say. Kudos to you DY– even if I don’t agree.
Well Delete
I guess they all have their bonus money to spend for Christmas. Like
someone said some time back . It’s all about money,money,money. Isn’t
it the root of all evil? Stay well & God Bless
I wonder if there is such a thing as and honest politician ? smooth talker’s one and all. the voter is soon forgotten.
it’s all about power & money
Aw, I think Buck wants to kidss Fred's tattoo…
I started to read the Record about Aberdeen and its TT and had to put the paper down. Helton, Helton, Helton–where is the mayor? Who did the people elect Helton or Bennett? Come on Mayor Bennett take charge. You can be consulted to an extend, then you must face the music. Simmons may have not always made the right decisions, but atleast he made them.
Isn't this what a Mayor is suppose to do? Why did you work so hard to get elected, then turn you back on the people and pass the baton to a wonaabeee? There's a reason why the people are not putting Helton in office. Pay attention, you are letting many of your supporters down.
Many people are counting on YOU not HELTON.
Mayor do you have an agenda or have you adopted Heltons? Why hide in the background?
I saw in the Record that Robert Elliott had died. Turned out to be the wrong guy!
the mayor is confident' art helton can bring the city out of a mess. if he can we should elect him as mayor. I fail to understand, how a few misguided individual's could think' we could support a staduim.
and then gather the support needed to have it built. & now they don't know what to do with it.
art is no fool' when it comes to his''money'' hopefully he can find away to bail the city out of it's mess.
may be we can sell it to bel air. they have everything else.
I think you are all over reacting. As residents of the City of Aberdeen we should be happy to have Mr. Helton running the City. It could be the best thing that has happened to Aberdeen in years. If anyone here follows state politics you should see what is about to happen…
Helton will go on a Citywide tour saying there is a structural deficit, the City has no water, the Stadium needs repairs and infrastructure is failing all over town. He will proclaim that taxes have to be increased since the Simmons administration didn't plan for the future. At a "special" Council meeting that goes until 1:00 am the actual Mayor and Council will raise taxes and impose a special tax on all residents who post on the dagger (we don't have lobbyists yet).
Bennett, Kupferman, Elliott and Young will say they were against the tax increase before they vote for it, Hiob will vote against it saying if you had worked harder and got the Hotel tax this would not be necessary.
Barbara Kraemer will then sue the City and subpoena Mayor Bennett who will by that time have gone back into his secret hiding spot (where he is now) and Helton will say he knows nothing of value and needs not be deposed.
What a great story..funny, but scary too!
All I want to know is "were is the promised water/sewer cost reduction"? "When are we going to get the promised property tax reduction"? Looks to me like our non elect mayor is already trying to make excuses to the Aberdeen citizens for the mayor in hiding and Ruth E. Both made promises which appears to be going into the same hole as the elected mayor.
By the way does anyone know when the legal actions are going to be taken against those who have yet to resign from the council?
legal action'? as far as art helton' he know's where to find money. at present it appears the city is broke.
he ( helton) made a remark' the taxpayer would not be to happy' with a tax increase again. and he's right. were paying more tax's than what the house would appraise fore. $7.00 dollars to save the bay what a joke it's polluted anyway. we have a new mayor? maybe we should advise him. he has been elected.
it's ok to come out.
The voters voted and they got what they voted for. They majority won and they get what they deserve. Those that didn't vote have no say in this battle and those that voted to give Fred two more years and predicted that the town would become ArtHeltondeen can only say "told you so!"
Simple unscientific prediction: Property taxes will NOT go down by any substantial amount. Water and sewer rates WILL increase. Art Helton WILL make money and prosper. The police will have to watch out for themselves and apply for a lot of grant money. Ruth Ann WILL shake her head in disbelief and wonder what she got herself in to. The ghost of Wilson/ Dacey will continue to haunt through Ripken Stadium. Ruth Elliott WILL finally retire after this term. And last, but not least, somewhere around May or June 2009 folks will be begging S. Fred to have another go at it.
I doubt s fred will get another chance as mayor. the police department has alway's managed on there own. when fred appeared on the scene, they simply took advantage of the offer's given.
and now, one of there own has turned his back on them. art helton is makeing money'. and also bringing new business's also. and now we have a council man that has decided to stand up be counted.
well at least' be found. MIKE HIOB
Hey folks don't let the comment by John Salser just dangle out there. He is talking about a serious situation. One of the former Council is under investigation for an ethics violation. If the City had a decent attorney, the issue would have been in front of the voters before the election. The same person is also under investigation for election fraud and could very well end up with serious legal consequences. What a great City!
By the way Viet Nam vet, you don't need to worry one way or another, S. Fred isn't coming back. Where, when and with whom did you serve in SEA?
Hangin around
It looks like to me that Robert & Ruth must have ruffled your feathers at one time or another. But to wish a man died is another thing. You should go stick your head in the sand & forget to take it out BIG MOUTH. I would like to meet you in person BIG MOUTH.
You are a very interesting case. Is it your habit to always resort to name calling? I have no idea who you are or anything about you but I trly pity you.
Hanging around.
fred should have known' messing with the people's money' would get him in to trouble.and it did.
where did I serve? vietnam . may 17 1968 to july 30 th 1969. kilo company' 3rd battalion 26 marines.( mos) machine gun specialist. 2nd mos. (2111) small arm's weapon's repair.
sem -per fi.
Hangin around
I call it the way I read it . You have a BIG MOUTH, you are one of these people on this blog that change their name & even post answers back to yourself. You are a trouble maker With a BIG MOUTH. And you know that no one knows who you are except your buddies that blog also. So don't tell me you do not know me & you pity me. Because you are the most pityful thing on this site. So stick your head back in the sand BIGMOUTH.
Buck, Buck you poor thing. Please try to get hold of yourself. Have you ever tried counseling?
Viet Nam vet,
You and I were there at about the same time. I went over in November '67 and came back November '68. I was in the first Cav Division, all over I and II corps.
.I corp's was our stomping' ground. did a joint operation with army's americal div. in chu-lai batangan peninsula. jan 1969. got in to and enemy mine field
lost a lot of men' leg's & feet blown off.
marine officers refused to leave the area. theres still a lot of hatred toward's those officers. we were going' too push the gook's, to and army base that was waiting with open arm's. I might add everything uncle sam could muster' tank's artillery etc.
well charlie had other plan's. ( the mine field) it make's you wonder where they got there intel. some thing's are best for got, but refuse to go away. one in particular a marine setting up asking for his leg' that landed in a bush. lost about half the company' declared combat inaffective and pulled back.
sem-per fi
Seems to be alot of people on this blog that claim to know alot but I doubt seriously have ever run for office. should an person be able to run for office if he/she owns a business or holds a position within an organization that could benefit from that person holding a councilperson' seat?
Lots of armchair politicians here from what I see.
Who are any of you to judge when you have not sat in one of those seats?
Seems to me that people of Aberdeen spoke and history shows me that if anyone, they like Ruth Elliott and Ron Kuperman.
Mr. Hiob is simply a "yes" man for others and brings no "value" to the town.
The former mayor dug himself in a hole by simply outrageous behavior. Who needs a gun weilding mayor?
Get over your self serving opinions and try supporting your town and the council members. Heck, I'll even give Hiob a chance. Who knows he may suprise me.
United we prosper, divided we fall!!!
By the way, has Mrs. Elliott' son moved back to Aberdeen yet? A couple of months ago he had some very thought provoking ideas. I know from some of my sources, he is looked upon highly by various municipalities in NC. Just a thought, take it easy on me. I mean no harm
Welcome Alligator eyes. It is obvious that you mean no harm. Only a few folks here take to calling names and proposing that certain folk not be given the right to express themselves. As you say a lot of folks not only haven't walked in the shoes, they lack most of what it takes to be an elected official. The people did say they like Ron and Ruth best, and for the next two years that is what it will be (unless the courts change it). We need to give all of them a chance, but where the hell are they? All we see is Helton. There are 5 elected officials and none of them have any more power than the other. Why are they all allowing this guy from Darlington to run everything? As Buck said it's the money. If you can collect your Councilperson paycheck and do absolutely nothing, that's a pretty good deal.
As said, welcome man.
I too Welcome Alligator eyes but it is obvious you know little of the real Aberdeen. You like many others seem real worried about Fred's gun. Suggest you spend 10 to 12 hours a day in and around the city, suggest you spend time walking in the evening, in some of the cities better areas. Frankly, Fred has had a gun permit for many years and had it when he was elected mayor. I think you would be surprised at how many folks carry. You also need to meet Mike Hiob and let him know your concerns. He is far from a "yes" man and unlike some others alway does what he thinks is best for the ENTIRE city and not just do the political thing. You are correct about Ruth and Ron. They did get the most votes but as Americans we generally support the underdogs, right or wrong. Aberdeen as a city has many highly important issues in the next 2 years with water and BRAC being the biggest. We need a strong council and people of vision not just those who would collect a check. I for one see the county doing the developing and the city sitting on it's hands because for the next 2 years Art will run the city and he is a major developer that would like to keep other developers out. The vote on the Wetlands is a prime example. Check the voting numbers against the election numbers, real surprise there! Aberdeen lost about $2.5 mil to start with and then the yearly tax revenues and if the city does not get moving on issuing the permits for the area around Ripkin the city will continue to lose income. Just a couple of issues for the city that have been "rotting in City Hall".
there's no big issue, about fred's gun. it simply started when he dicided to walk the bad neighbor hood's inticeing the punk's.
I'am surprised the church' citizen's did'nt get him for carrying it in a bible. but may be they did. he was not elected again. the choice's to elect for mayor were slim to none.
hopefully this one, if you can find him.will go light' on the tax;'s
Just returned from a welcomed holiday travel and had to catch up on the reading….Alligator Eyes–pretty cool name-welcome to the fold!
Chicken Little, very funny and very close to scoring a touchdown but you must punt. You sound like you've been around town–with a few exceptions. Kupferman would never pass a tax increase–look at his track record. I think you underestimate Young. She has been around the Aberdeen arena long enough to know how to play the game.
Structural deficit–I agree but it's not an infrasture deficit, as you described. It's a structural deficit.
We all have the right to bear arms. The meaning of the Second Amendment depends upon who you talk to.
Come on Viet Vet, the carrying thing is a non issue. He never carried a weapon in a Bible. He carried either in an ankle or shoulder holster. He used to carry his 45 in a carrying case that was made for that purpose. I'm not sure what your real issue is with S. Fred but so far all of the things you've written have been the silly rumors that his detractors threw out there. If you don't like him, or me or anybody else that's fine, just say so but don't toss out the tired stuff. Rise above that brother.
I was Army so we didn't have any semper stuff, but in the Cav we said 'Gary Owen!"
If he didn't want the myth perpetuated, Fred probably shouldn't have been telling people that he carried a gun in a Bible.
That's exactly what he told me and I still vividly remember Chief Rudy asking him, "Will you be preaching today Mr. Mayor?"
It was a black day planner looking book that housed his gun, but I guess some people could mistake it for a Bible – especially if that's what they were told it was by the man who was carrying it.
I don't have and issue with s fred. or anybody else for that matter. his issue's with the gun had very little to do with his looseing the election.raiseing property tax & water sunk his ship.
you might try some semper- stuff it work's
Prometheus how about a safety at least?
You are probably right Kupferman would vote no if he could get away with it. I say you are wrong about Young she is about fixing today's problems which require funds and if the only way to do that is to raise taxes I think she might. Unless Buffet gets licensed in MD pretty darn quick I don't see the City borrowing their way out of the mess they are in at the moment. The municipal bond market is getting ready to crash – at least the insurers are already being downgraded to junk. Never understood how the City could even consider selling the stadium when it is one of the assets it has already borrowed against unless they received the full $17 million for it.
Without water there will not be any more new development to provide extra revenue. Many forget that most of Aberdeen is in the Enterprise Zone which lasts ten years from certification on increases in real property taxes assessed for commercial properties. The commercial property owner gets credit of 80% on increases in real property taxes assessed for years 1-5 and then the credit decreases 10% annually for years 6 through 10. Even the COPT project at the 22 gate is in the enterprise zone.
Happy New Year everyone!
Alligator Eyes,
Me, a "yes man"? Hardly! "Brings no value to the town"? Depends on who you ask! But I am here ,and I am NOT "an armchair politician". Also, I never shy away from any issue or discussion. (if the audience is reasonable and respectful) And regarding the number of votes that a couple of my colleagues received during the last election…. well, does that mean that they are doing the right thing for the City, or does it mean that their decisions are politically motivated and calculated to reward them with more votes on election day? It's a rhetorical question, and no answer is desired. I just want people to be informed (not misinformed) and to think things through PRIOR to expressing themselves in letter form or at the ballot box. If you ever want to discuss ANY City related issue, I suggest that you contact me directly. My number is 410-272-6185 and my email address is I will always make myself available.
Mike Hiob
P.S. Ol Man, Thanks for the support. I appreciate it!
Thanks Hiob, as usual……what is your point other than to make am attempt to justify your seat. What I get out of your response is that the people of Aberdeen are stupid and misinformed.
There are messages in numbers and it seems to me you barely hung on.
The people of this town need to understand that you and some of the ousted have an aggenda that only serves your PERSONAL needs.
What you, Simmons, Yesnan and others were trying to do is no different than what you accuse Arthur Helton of trying to do.
If you are not trying to do this town justice, get of of town.
Can you also explain why you went to the governor for permission to use a picture of you with the governor for your campaign? very tacky……..
Ol man, Hiob, Hanging Around and others…….
Every town/city has "bad" areas but that does not mean you go walking into them with a gun. Thats no excuse. Thats asking for trouble. Lets put this one to bed. sorry I brought it up.
What you do is go talk to the people in these communities like Mrs. Elliott and see what thier concerns are also. I know Mrs. Elliott does this because I have witnessed it during non-election years. That says something.
Tell me one thing, why did the annexation vote documents go unsigned in the first place? Do you think the documents would have been unsigned if the vote went the other way? I seriously doubt it.
New topic…….what do you all think about 2 year terms? Can anything be accomplished in two years?
what about privitizing town services in order to save dollars? It costs jobs but saves money and the savings can be used to lower your property taxes.
Alligator Eyes (whoever you are).
You know who I am, but I don't know who you are. Advantage…YOU.
I have nothing to hide, and maybe you do. But I will respond for the time being just the same.
1.) I don't need to justify my seat. (I am here, serving my third term)
2.) You misinterpreted my explanation of "politically motivated".
3.) Elected is elected. Number of votes does not matter otherwise.
4.) There is no way that you can justify or verify that I have a "personal agenda".
5.) Using a picture of myself with other elected officials that have endorsed me is in no way "tacky". It happens to be "Politics 101".
Regarding length of terms….I believe that 2 years is entirely too short. Not only that, I believe that the terms should be staggered. In my opinion, Bel Air has is correct. Their terms are 4 years, and they have staggered terms. It provides for stability AND allows for solutions to be implemented without being jeapordized by election year "political decisions".
Regarding privatizing City services? I can't begin to answer that question. You need to be more specific. Also, a few years ago, the City went from "privatized" trash / recycling services, to City operated trash / recycling services. This decision was the proper decision. It has resulted in vastly improved customer service / satisfaction, while concurrently saving the City money.
I hope that this letter has helped you in your quest to understand my actions.
Mike Hiob
the tax payer ended up paying more money' after the private trash contractor's were shut down. the cost of trash, pickup was absorbed in the property tax's paid.
now it's buy trash stickers, still a cheap price to pay.
I agree very little can be accomplished, in two years. but in the same token a lot of damage can be done in less than 2 years.
Alligator Eyes would suggest you surface your entire body not just your eyes and nose and perhaps get a better look around. You are correct every city has it's "less desirable" areas but does that mean those ares and people living in them should be "Written Off"???? I don't think so. Perhaps you're better then the folks who live in those areas! You are also correct about Mrs. Elliott at election time she did walk around the city, but lets see, the past mayor spent 3 to 4 hours just about everyday walking the city, talking to folks about their concerns! No credit given? Most candidates walked every area of the city, that's just an election thing, just like Iowa now. If you really want to contribute to a better city attend the council meeting, speak at the mike, volunteer to serve and most important understand what's really happening, get your facts straight and then talk to all the council folks, they will listen to real citizen concerns but not just things like the past mayor carries a pistol, lots of people do and you'll never know it. And by the way what Mrs. Elliott did with the election documents was and is illegal, she knew it then, knows it now, should resign or really never run. When all is said and done it was wrong and that fact cannot be changed or whitewashed.
Ol Man, YOU are "THE MAN"
Ol man
You are right simmons did walk the streets, but with two loaded guns, a bullet proof vest & apolice escort following him just out of site. He would go into the police station & point to an officer and say "You go with me today" . Check it out
I am sure some of the officers did not like baby sitting him every day. You seem to know a lot about everything . But you don't tell the truth about everything. You and Hiob have a hatered for Mrs. Elliott, that is plain to see. And like I said I would keep my doors lock day & night with people like you two around.You both have a BIG MOUTH. Little man.
Are you at all embarrased? Do you have any idea how stupid and uneducated you have made yourself sound. Your blogs make NO sense, and you have absolutly nothing to say. Just like a Heltonista if you ask me.
Now for the rest of the folks. Let's use this for it's real purpose.
What I have said is all true. You are one of the name changers on this blog, that has something to say and answers yourself to make yourself look good. You sound to me like a little child who is talking for his daddy who's feelings has been hurt.
P.S. Learn how to spell,there is no word as Heltonista.
I believe that Buck is none other than Bob Elliott. Why else would anyone defend this waste of a Council Position? Besides, "Buck's" intelligence level seems to fit well with Bob Elliott's. Apparently "Buck / Bob" is the one who doesn't spell well!
"Hatred" is spelled as I have shown you, not "Hatered" like Buck / Bob posted it at 10:04 am today! Sorry to prove a point, but "people" that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. (or hide behind fake names!)
P.S. We all know that "Heltonista" isn't in the dictionary. It is a "custom" word, designed to fit a certain type of person. (and it fits like a glove!) Wear it Buck!
Changed your name again. I think I just heard your mommy call you to take your bath. Don"t forget to wash behind your ears little fella.
Actually Buck I'm very fond of Mrs. Elliott. I think she, unlike you, is a nice person. I do however think many of her ideas are far out and her council seat should be occupied by a person who is a bit more honest, check out the "ethics violations". They are on file for anyone to see. FOIA, it's great.
I'm glad you know all about the past mayor. Now it's "two loaded guns, a bullet proof vest & apolice escort following him just out of site. He would go into the police station & point to an officer and say “You go with me today”. Next time you write he will have been carrying a Thompson machine gun, having an escort driving a tank and have a "star Wars" shield that pops up automatically.
Buck, when it comes to a BIG Mouth, U R tops. Stay with it perhaps some day you'll even get A FACT straight, doubtful, but we can only hope .
You just proved my point. I'm glad everything you have said is the truth, BUT? what have you said?
I've never changed my name. Only got one email address.
If Buck is Bob like Justin said, it's no wonder there is no cogent thought or argument. What is wrong with the water at the Elliott house? It seems to make folk stupid.
Do you people know Bob Elliott personally? If you do , Is he really that bad? I don"t know him at all. I have seen him around but that is all. And what has he ever done to all of you that is that bad ? If he reads any of this I apologize to him for causing all of the things that you have said about him and thinking I am him.
Well folks the cat is out of the bag, so to speak. This weeks Record "Aberdeen Chief on way out?" You may write whatever here but do you really want to lose one of Aberdeen's finest? If the answer is NO we don't then you should all contact the city council members to insure their support for the chief. We all know that Mayor Bennett has some sort of grudge against the chief. Most like because he knows where the mayors bodies are hidden. In any case Chief Rudy desires your support, he runs a clean department and Aberdeen has "right now" one of the best group of officers in the state. Get off your duffs and let the council know you support the APD and the Chief. To Mayor Bennett – You really need to reconsider letting Chief Rudy go and if this is an Art Helton move then remember he's from Darlington and will leave you to take the hit. Chief Rudy has a lot of support in Aberdeen. Come on people – stand up and be counted!
I agree john.chief rudy would be a loss to the people' he was citizen friendly and should remain in his job.
did you notice? the brac transplant from baltimore' in the editorial section.of the haver de grace record' complaining about aberdeen.bought his self a brand new home in ( winston's choice) next to baldwin manor rental office. said he did not realize he was next too section 8 houseing.
as a rule those kid's seldom cross the road to winston's choice. he should check and see he has six (6) investment property's on the property.and more likely' to come.& rentable as section 8. in my travel's I noticed 3 scruffy looking men inter one of the apartment's, at winston's choice. apparently one or more live there. I think he's right'baltimore is the place he ought to be. all low income people are not bad people. as he portray's.
Wow, you are all pretty interesting creatures. I have been reading this blog off and on since before the Aberdeen election. I feel the citizens of Aberdeen get what they deserve – both good and bad. As for Mr. Bennett- give him a chance. The information given by the Transiton Team can still be investigated further by the Council and Mayor. It is up to the Mayor AND the Council members to act or NOT act upon the information. It is my hope that the citizens are given an opportunity to hear the results of the investigations going on by the TT. Remember…transparency ? Sigmund- to answer your question from some time ago…I doubt very much that any of the Council members had anything to do with who was going to be on the TT, except possibly CW Elliott. She was, and is so closely tied to Mr. Helton and "his" TT.
Daddy Rabbit- I agree with you that CM Kupferman does nothing except eat and collect paychecks. Years ago he may have done some great things, but not in the past several years.
Alligator eyes- you really should give CM Hiob a chance. He has helped me and several of my neighbors out on many occasions. He grew up here and is raising his children here. Why wouldn't he want what is best for Aberdeen? Get to know HIM.
Mayor Bennett- Good Luck! But please…GET TO WORK and be the Mayor YOU were elected to be… not Mr. Helton!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of my friends in Aberdeen told me to take a look at what was being written about my mother and some about my father. So I took a look.
I feel for all the families that have had loved ones hold seats on the council. It is not easy reading this stuff.
While I admire your quest for what is right for Aberdeen and, who is right to run the town of Aberdeen. The council that was voted to office has been voted to office by the people of Aberdeen and not just the bloggers of the Dagger.
I ask you to do one thing down the road. Consider sites as the Dagger ( which I feel is a great site) or a town meeting, as a way of expressing your concerns in a professional way. A manner in which you would want them expressed to you if you were a member of the council. I guess what I'm trying to say is, take the emotion out of it and put yourself in thier place.
I attend many town/city meetings and the ones address the issues and leave the personal attacks out of the equation tend to work the best. The members of the town council must believe in what they are trying to accomplish or they would not run for a seat. I commend all of them for thier dedication to the city.
I have known Mr. Hiob and his family since I went to school with his brother Gary. I know the Hiobs are all good people and I commend Mike on his service to the council. I know it is not easy Mike, But the pay is good right :=)
But Mike, don't subject yourself to this. Make the people show thier faces at a town meeting to express thier concerns. You know better than me so, I will shut up on that subject.
My mother is no different. She only wants what is best for your town and she also knows she is not perfect. I can only tell you one thing. she cannot be bought and she fights for what she feels is best for your town. I know this might not apease many of you coming from her son, but my mother is "good people" (as they say in NC) and NEVER means any unjustice to the town of Aberdeen. She has lived in that town for her entire life.
Don't succomb to big time politics. Try and work together as a town/council, You'll get more accomplished.
Take it easy on me or I will not come back to visit :=)
Good luck to all
If 29 members of Mayor Bennetts transition team are from the APD, just how many APD officers are there who actually supported Mayor Simmons? How many more APD officers (who aren't on the transition team) are there who really opposed Mayor Simmons? How many members of the police union voted in support of Mayor Simmons? Makes one wonder.
I think you misunderstood. There are, or were, 29 members on Mayor Mike Bennett's transition team in total, but not all of them were members of the Aberdeen Police Department. At least two members of the team are former APD officers. The city police department and FOP strongly supported former Mayor Fred Simmons. And from what I understand there is a great deal of mistrust between the APD and the former members of the APD on the transition team.
it make's you wonder?how much, damage to ex police officers on the transition team could create? s. fred was funneling money' hand over fist to the police department.
so they could up grade the junk' they were up grades etc. the camera system seemed like a good idea' but apparently turned sour.
Give it break already Ol Man and others you are nothing but a bunch of sore losers that have nothing better to do than bash anyone who does not agree with you.
Ol man… mention that Alligator Eyes should come out but what about you? You are hiding behind "Ol man". I don't see your real name anywhere.
You also go off a tangent about Alligator Eyes talking about council people visiting the "bad areas". You are the one that brought it up about Simmons.
It was a fact that was stated by AE. Us folks across the tracks know who really cares about us. I never see any of the council people except CW Elliott around here. Whether you like it or not, it shows in the polls.
Please point our to me where AE suggested the "bad areas" be written off.
Where are you coming from half the time?
This is sickening to me to watch you (Ol man) attack everyone that writes something that in the least does not agree with you. How old are you, 10?
This whole town makes me sick to my stomach with people like you posting to it.
Why are some council people posting to this site? take your business where real faces are Hiob. The COUNCIL MEETING!!!!!!!
Aside from S Fred and his gun, baton, oc spray and oh dont forget the $3000+ police radio he had with his own ID number………which he now claims he lost??????????
Wonder what happened to that investigation?????????????????????????????
Guess it depends who you are………..or were I should say.
Vietnam Vet,
Where are you getting your information from about Rudy…seems like the same place Salser of Havre de Grace does.
Rudy hasn't done much of anything after his first three years in Aberdeen and most of his programs are bunk, but more importantly he's long since lost the respect of his men and women to inlude his command staff.
It's time for a bunch of new blood.
Justin……what are you talking about most of the time. You ramble on and on and say absolutely nothing.
Ol Man….Do you really want to bring up ethics in regards to the annexation issue?
If I recall there is more than one council person in town. Better yet, Mr Hiob, please explain to all why the document was not signed. I am real curious to hear your response. Thats right, nothing is ever your fault. Your perfect.
Was it because signing the document meant the end of annexation? Somebody, anybody, please tell me what the voting figures were on annexation. I just want to see if anyone can tell me.
Did getting the document signed effect the annexation voting outcome?
Did the town election voting reflect that the voters were upset with CW Elliott?
Who finished first, second and last?
I moved here from Bel Air a few years ago (unfortunately). I will volunteer to have some of the Bel Air council show you folks how to run a city. If they can stop laughing at you long enough.
Youhit the nail right on the head there. how about all of the trips simmons & the Chief took to to New Jersey at least 7 . One trip to California with a partner,Two trips to Texas with a partner,a trip to Florida . Then we paid for Three days to Annapolis for simmons, Yensan, Hiob, miller & Rudy ,also Hiobs family.
(for the lost cause Hotel/Motel Tax deal) .Didn't all of that cost us tax payers a
lot of our money for nothing. Oh I forgot there was also Two trips to Atlantic City for Simmons & Rudy. We never did get a breafing on the outcome of any of these trips . But I bet they had a lot of fun at our expense And why is Aberdeen broke.
please note' I 'simply' said chief rudy was citizen, friendly. as to his going's on at the police department.I know very little.
are you' suggesting we fire the intire police department? I think we need a new election. get rid of the new mayor' the city council, the transition team. and any body else that does not agree with our way of thinking.
start the new year right.
You have opened up an interesting series of thoughts. I have been concerned about the trips myself. Who funds these trips? I have heard, but seen nothing in writing, that the BRAC related trips are all funded 100% by the Federal Government. Is there any truth to that? I called Former and current Council people (not your wife though) and asked about the three day to Annapolis thing that you mentioned. Yensan can only remember one trip down and back same day, to testify, at the request of the Delegation. Fred Had numerous trips to Annapolis, all for Mayor meetings and such. Those day trips were always conducted using a City car and in many cases did involve a lunch at City expense. I think your point is just another twizzlergate.
While we're on the subject of trips however, what about the three and four day all expense trips to Ocean City every year? Those include the entire family for all five members and are in the ocean front hotels and the only report we ever got back was a curt few words at the next council meeting. Until this past year at least two of the Council Persons only went fro the free food and vacation. Shouldn't you have mentioned those too?
Hangin Around;
I did not mention the trips to Ocean City that is really three days , check in Sunday eveaning, check out Wed noon,because that has been going on for many many years. Most of the Cities & Towns in Maryland pay dues to the MML to go and attend classes & seminars on city business. By the way I do not have awife at the present time. But it is a waste of our tax money.
Punisher, it's plain you are really bitter about the APD! Have you perhaps been arrested, run in or just forced to resign? In any case the bitterness drips from you lips like poison. You really should consider your lifestyle, continuing as you are will surely give you a heart attack, not good. Would not like to see you gone, you add gusto to the Dagger.
It should also be noted that the APD has in the past few years gotten more awards, presentation and recognition from lots of different agencies then ever before, our fine officers and chief must be doing a really bad job.
By the way, I don't live in Havre de Grace and am very much interested in what goes on in Aberdeen. I've lived in and around the city since before you were born, most likely (Circa 1964) and currently have Aberdeen all around me.
To Buck – sorry you think having a wife is a waste of tax money, most of us pay our own way even with a wife and kids.
to VN vet – Good idea, get rid of everybody and start all over again. One problem, who, other then a complete nut would be willing to serve, be abused and belittled, most folks don't even come out to vote let alone get involved.
Art' Boy perhaps you need to get you facts straight in regards to ethics in regards to the annexation issue. It is not that the documents remained unsigned but that when they were signed by the election officials they were instructed by Mrs. Elliott to back date the paperwork. It's that "backdating" and the fact that it was not her job that is the problem. It's considered falsification of official government documents. If this was done in the courts it would be cause to have a case thrown out. If that case were against you, would you be happy? Think about it.
You are correct in that there is more then a single council person in the city but it was not their job to get the paperwork signed, not Hiob's, Kup's or Elliots. That job was the responsibility of the election officials and council people had zero business taking on that job. Picking on Hiob doesn't change the facts, you could just as easily blame Kup or Yensan or the past mayor but it is what it is and there are still 4 other people on the council, why not look to see if they meet your expectations, it will expand your thought process. Have a nice day!
Some of these trips are needed and are in the budget yearly.
If thats the case, it's okay.
What i would like to see is to send some of the full-time town staff members since they are not up for election every 2 years.
does seem like Simmons and Rudy abused the system.
But what else is new? we blow money on trying to prove a council member had a know document post dated, and for what? what does it get us in the long run?
Punisher…..clear the council out for what reason? because you did not get the people you wanted elected. That will not get us anywhere either.
Maybe we all try getting along in the town of Aberdeen?
BE Jr….I feel for your mother and applaud your defense of her.
Your posting was very professional considering the circumstances. I'm not sure I could have been as nice considering what is being done to your mother by some (one) council members. I hope you realize that Hiob is one of them that wants to see your mother charged with a ridiculous felony.
Ol Man
Have you ever sit and thought that if the documents were not signed by the election officials, that Simmons & the Wetlands group could come back & say that the annexation election vote was not legal because it was not signed or dated & declare the election null & void. Then they could go ahead and build that development, The city would not have the water & sewage to supply it with and the schools would not have enough room for the students , because the schools are over capacity right now. Also the city would have to hire more police officers & patrol cars for that area. Also the County would not support this area before they tried to annex into Aberdeen.
Wow! this site is just plumb full of good stuff now. First question: when is a felony OK? Is it the felon does it for your cause too? An illegal act is just that. The fact that the documents were not signed is not the issue. Yes they should have been and when they were not the correct procedure would have been to write a memo reflecting that the draft documents were signed and based on that fact the Council, at its next regular meeting accepted the report from the City Clerk. Base on that there is no way that the development could or would have gone forward. I was completely in favor of the annexation, but accepted, on the election night, the fact that the public had spoken and it would not be allowed. There is no way that any reasonably intelligent person could have thought any other outcome could evolve. That is the problem, a couple of radical and unreasonable people thought it would be better to sneak around collecting the signatures 3 months later and back dating them. If anyone can rationalize this fact as OK because the "cause was just" they also believe that it was OK for the President to lie to a court under oath.
The next thing of interest is that Terrance comes right out and suggests that Mike Hiob should not read or participate in this blog. Earlier one of the failed cops suggested the same about me. If you can accept that as just then you miss the point of having a blog in the first place. Everybody has a right to publish here, as long as they stay away from personal attacks and profanity. Please not the personal attack part BIG MOUTH.
With respect to the trips that Buck and Hangin' Around talked about, the out of state trips were all financed and required by the Office of the DOD responsible for BRAC. No Aberdeen funds were used for those. The MML trips have been a huge waste of taxpayer funds for years. I questioned the trips before and during my time on council. Last year one person attended three workshops and arrived latte and left early for all of them. Another person slept through just about all of the work sessions. The chance to meet other people is great but if you aren't planning to attend all sessions, stay home and let somebody bring home the notes.
Bob Jr. did a nice job of defending his mother and we all know about motherhood and apple pie. If only everybody defended their mothers in spite of the obvious flaws the world would be a much lore harmonious place. Can we sing Kum By ah now?
Ol Man…….thats your typical response. come back with something else other than telling people to get thier facts straight. Your a joke
Yesnan……Your recent post is a prime example of why you are no longer on the council. Where did anyone say a felony was "okay"?
Show me where other council members are posting to this blog.
and talk about no class. motherhood and apple pie? The guy meant no harm at all and you come off with something like that? (You have obviuosly never meant Jr) Oh thats right, your Dave Yesnan. You already proved to everyone that you are loose cannon from your idiotic temper tantrums while on council.
Yesnan…….I agree. You are one of the most classless people I have seen.
Dave Yesnan said….."we all know about motherhood and apple pie. If only everybody defended their mothers in spite of the obvious flaws the world would be a much lore harmonious place. Can we sing Kum By ah now?"
Wow!!!…..take a look at that again.
How did you ever get elected?
Is this Mr. Hiob' position also?
Art" Boy
As Hiob said a time back & I say it now, YOU ARE THE MAN.
And they all keep singing the same tired old song. Who writes for you are you all one big Heltonista. I did lose and I did take it like a man, but that is absolutely no reason to go away. Political correctness gets you elected and reelected but nothing gets done. Oh yeah we don't want to get things done in Aberdeen.
Yesnan……seriously, go get some professional help
I expect to see blood dripping, from the blog of the dagger. I'am not sure crime scene clean up is still working aberdeen.
Dr. Phil would like to get a hold of you. When you see him. Tell him about a friend that is living his life from a book he read (Atlas Shrugged).
Art' Boy, OK don't worry about facts since you have no clue anyway and therefore have a very warped view of the world and the real people on it. You just continue on with your self serving, shallow non-fact existence if it makes you feel worthy of holding a place on this earth and whatever you do ignore any facts that may accidentally come your way.
Have a nice day
And our friend Buck shows his brilliance once more. Fred read a book and understood it, is jealousy your problem now? You anti folks are amusing. When I sat on the Council I had to watch myself while staring out at what appeared to be the offspring of the love scene from "Deliverance" sitting in the back row next to the door. Now I simply don't much give a fig what the folks of that ilk think, say or do. Buck you are so blooming transparent. Get a life.
Ol Man…….You are too easy. Nice job.
It's nice to know I'm smarter than one person on this earth.
That would be you. You might need to go take some of that Prozac or whatever you might be taking for your rage.
By the way, try to actually make a point on future postings if at all possible. These never ending, rambling, tirades you post are rather stupid
Kinda sound like a young boy rather than an "Ol Man"
Buck it may surprise you but the Wetlands group can do, even now just what you stated. You are 100% correct. I believe something will happen and the sites will be developed, hopefully smartly and will most likely happen through the county in which case Aberdeen is the loser, $2.5 Mil. I do however understand that the wetlands group is also looking at perhaps developing back to farm lands, already has farm zoning, and perhaps bringing in cattle, hogs and chickens. That's OK by me I don't live in that area.
Art boy you really should learn to read and understand what you read, very sad that you always seem to miss the point. I'm truly glad you consider yourself smarter then me and thats OK to know your only smarter then one person in the world.
Hey everybody Art boy is smarter then me, hope this makes you feel LOL.
As I remember that movie I can"t seem to remember a love scene being in it at all. But that was a long time ago. And instead of staring out into space,you should have been paying more attention to what was happening up front I would think. Looks like to me that you have been in a daze for two years . When you finish reading this Davy, you will wake up and return to a normal life. Oh boy what a dunce.
it's interesting to see what our council, was thinking while they were being bored to death by the hill billy's at the back door.
use to be one of my favorite spot's. I guess I better find a new roost closer to the front.
good lord!! Let's act like men here. Honestly, how old are you guys? Im a heck of alot younger than you all and can at least treat people that think differently than I do with respect. Let's re-evaluate why you get involved in politics anyway. We all know that there is no such thing as an honest politician. I see it in every election be it local or national. I do think politicians try, but seriously, you can't be totally honest and tranparent all the time. Sometimes being involved in politics means admitting you made mistakes…shocking I know!!
(pardon spelling and grammer errors, its been a long day)
greeting's sandy' I was about to imbark on a long winded conversation about the love scene in deliverance.
but thankfully I did not there's a lady present.
Your mouth got you in trouble before, and it keeps getting you in trouble,because you cannot keep it shut. You lost take like a man.or is that asking to much? You were lucky that your hands didn”t get you in trouble when you were in your Santa suite over a year ago, remember when you were looking for naughty girls.
Sandi…….You are absolutely right.
Clean it up guys and talk about real issues instead of the personal attacks.
It's embarrassing to our town.
I'm not defending Yensan, but in regards to the felony being "okay" I think that he was referencing what Art' Boy wrote on 1-6 at 1:24 pm: "But what else is new? we blow money on trying to prove a council member had a know document post dated, and for what? what does it get us in the long run?" and when he closed out the same posting with: "I hope you realize that Hiob is one of them that wants to see your mother charged with a ridiculous felony."
If taxpayer money was used to root out a violation of the law committed by an elected official then it was not wasted. As a taxpayer I may not always agree with certain charges being a felony or a misdemeanor, however, if a law was violated by Ruth Elliott or other council member, whether it be felony or misdemeanor, it's not rediculous that it is charged, it's rediculous that the elected official broke the law and it's rediculous that the individual still sits on the council.
I don't care if Ruth Elliott is the second coming, if she broke the law she should be charged and the case taken before the judiciary and if a finding of guilt is rendered then a penalty should be assessed based upon that law and sentencing guidelines.
I actually wish to get back on track to the original article, does anyone know what's going on with the transition team? Any updates? My water bill came, enough said, I expect our new leaders to fix this just like they promised just as I expect a lower property tax, just like they promised. I'm a realist, so I'm not holding my breath, I actually knew not to be duped by promises that couldn't be kept but I think it will be fun to take these folks to task.
For those who have been asking, here's a quick transition team update:
Despite rumors the team has 'broken up' and that at least one member has told the mayor his team is 'a joke,' it appears all is well and the team 'continues to make great progress,' … at least according to Art Helton.
Art said the work of the transition team is proceeding without a hitch and headed toward a Jan. 16 completion date – at which time its report will first be presented to Mayor Mike Bennett and the council and then be unveiled to the public at large.
Anyone else hearing the same things?
FYI Buck, most of the free world has read a book and lived from it…Christians, Jews, Muslims, Tom Cruise…
well somebody' finally heard something. I have serious doubt's the mayor will pay any' attention to what the transition team has to say.
art helton want's to trim the fat' from the budget. which would most likely cause some job loss's.and that will stir up another '' stink''
water & tax reduction? not likely. don't be surprised if they raise them again.
Let me just add one thing off topic…Just a thought for all police officers but especially APD officers reading
I was at walmart today and saw an officer. I said hi as he was off duty and recognized me. I then proceeded to my car only to find his police vehicle parked on the side near the fire lane. This upsets me on many levels. 1. you are supposed to enforce people NOT parking there, 2. You men and women want respect from the public yet do stupid things like this. I ask you, does that warrant giving you respect???? I would think not. 3. This is just showing that you think you are above the law. You are not!
Thank you for listening, I just had to throw that out there because It really made me upset to think that this can happen and nothing gets done about it..
as a rule police do park in some strange' place's. being human' they can adopt bad behavior as well as anyone else.
and example I experienced with the bel air police a few years' back while rideing with them. was they would pull there vehicle in to on coming traffic no light's no siren no emergency.
the fact it's a police car make's it. invincible.It did'nt take me long to be come a god fearing man. non emergency' they should be required to follow the law.
Bel Air Police? They so Craaaazy!
Jansen from above? Is that Jansen….as in Onas?
I personally had an encounter with then officer Bray. I have no criminal record and have never been in trouble. My encounter with Bray was horrible. He was gruff, nasty, & very much like a Gestopo. Please, please stop this man. He was fired for a reason. I'm sure he has had numerous complaints file against him when he was with APD. Maybe Art just wanted him to be his personal henchman.
I am now convinced that Helton was actually running for Mayor. Did he change his name on the ballot? Is Bennett a real person? I've never seen him. I don't go to council meeting either. Does he attend those?