Four-year terms, strict residency and age requirements for candidates, and a new process for the recall and removal of elected officials are just a few of the major changes proposed in the revised Charter of the City of Aberdeen.
A draft of the document, posted on Aberdeen’s web site, also shows proposed changes which would empower the city manager with roles previously held solely by the mayor, alterations to who and when residents can vote in city elections, and removal of a long-standing requirement to publish city business in the local newspapers.
The most immediately noticeable change in the Charter is the doubling of the length of terms of Aberdeen’s mayor and city council members.
According to the draft Charter, “For the mayoral election in November 2009, the term of office shall change from two (2) years to four (4) years. That term of office shall remain for four (4) years for the election of 2013 and beyond.”
“Elections for Council Members shall be held during odd numbered years on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. For the Council elections in November 2009, the two (2) candidates for City council receiving the first and second highest number of votes shall serve for a four (4) year term. The terms for those Two (2) council seats shall remain at four (4) years for the 2013 Election and beyond. The two (2) candidates receiving the third and fourth highest number of votes shall serve for a two (2) year term. After the election of 2011, the terms for these two (2) Council seats shall become four (4) years. If an incumbent Council member officially declares his or her candidacy for Mayor, and if that council member has at least two years (2) remaining on his or her term as a council member, he or she will immediately resign his or her council seat. His or her name will not be placed on the ballot for mayor until that resignation is tendered.”
In what could be called the Helton/Johnson Rule, the draft Charter clarifies that, “Residency is defined as being the primary domicile of the candidate.”
In previous elections, there has been great debate concerning whether Art Helton, who owns a home in Darlington and many businesses in Aberdeen, could vote in city elections and whether Steve Johnson, who owned a home in Perryman and a business in Aberdeen, could run as a candidate in a city election.
Also, in what could be called the Burlew Mandate, the draft Charter requires, “The mayor shall be at least twenty-five (25) years of age on the Monday following the mayoral election.”
Nicole Burlew was a 19-year-old Towson University student who ran unsuccessfully for mayor in the three-way contest with Fred Simmons and Mike Bennett.
The age requirement for city council members was set at “at least twenty-one (21) years of age on the Monday following the election electing the member,” which means Burlew, while not able to run for mayor of Aberdeen again for another few years, would still eligible to become a member of the city council.
The draft Charter also lays out a clear path and process for the first time for recall and removal of an elected official via a petition and referendum vote.
“Any member of the council is subject to recall from office for cause and by a referendum of the qualified voters of the city. Upon the receipt by the City Clerk of a petition for recall of a member of council, the city clerk shall forward the petition to the Aberdeen Board of Elections for the purpose of confirming that a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the qualified voters has signed the petition, that the name and address of the qualified voter is clearly legible and that the cause for recall is clearly presented on the petition. The petition shall be presented to the City Clerk at one time and may not be amended after receipt. If the petition for recall conforms to the requirements of this Charter, an election on the recall will be scheduled by the Aberdeen Board of Elections no later than sixty (60) days from receipt of the petition. That election shall be conducted in a generally similar manner as other city elections. The petition for recall shall clearly state one or more causes for recall which shall be one or more of the following: (1) failure to uphold the oath of office; (2) malfeasance, examples of which are placed upon the petition; (3) misfeasance, examples of which are placed upon the petition; (4) engaging in illegal conduct involving for which the council member has been charged and convicted ; (5) gross abuse of public authority examples of which are placed upon the petition; (6) the coercion of any city employee into taking illegal or improper action or taking retaliatory action against any city employee due to that employee’s disclosure of information relating to the illegal and improper action in city government; (7) gross negligence or incompetence in the performance of public duties examples of which are placed upon the petition. Upon the conclusion of the referendum election, if a majority of the qualified voters who participated in the election vote to remove the member of the council, that member shall be deemed immediately no longer a part of the council and shall be replaced as provided in this charter.”
After reading those seven reasons for removal of an elected official, we can speculate as to their origin.
Elections in Aberdeen are further altered by the draft Charter in that, to be eligible to vote, one must have resided within the corporate limits of the city for at least 21 days prior to the election – cutting 10 days off the previous requirement of 31 days of residency to vote. Also, the draft Charter would extend voting by another hour on Election Day – keeping polls open until 8 p.m.
The role, duties and powers of the City Manager are also greatly bolstered by a series of proposed changes within the draft Charter. As proposed, the draft Charter would remove certain powers from the purview of the Mayor and give them to the City Manager.
Specifically, if the draft Charter is approved, it would become the role and duty of the City Manager to appointment, supervise, and removal all department heads within Aberdeen government.
Furthermore, the draft Charter would give the City Manger almost carte blanche power to run City Hall without the interference of the City Council.
“The city manager shall directly and indirectly supervise all city employees without interference from the four (4) members of the city council or any other board or commission.”
The draft Charter even goes as far as specifically forbidding any member of the City Council from communicating or in any way directing any Aberdeen employee.
“Except for the purpose of inquiry, each council member shall communicate with the city department heads solely through the city manager, nor shall any council member give an order either publicly or privately to the city manager, any department head, or any other employee of the city.”
The draft Charter also would remove the longstanding provision that each ordinance passed by the City Council be published in “a newspapers having general circulation in the municipality.” Instead, Aberdeen would be required only to post a summary of each ordinance on the city’s web page and put a copy “at a conspicuous place at city hall within two (2) weeks of its passage.”
The full draft City Charter document is posted below:
The terms for removal from office seem a bit open-ended.
Ok…all this talk about Aberdeen and them changing their charter such as extending the 2 year council terms to 4 years. But what about Havre de Grace? I waited and waited for the Dagger to write a story about what happened in HdG but there never was one. The HdG council voted (4 to 2) on March 2nd to give themselves 3 year terms. It aparently came out of nowhere and not many people knew about it….except for the Record newspaper. Last night there was a public hearing on the issue of 3 year terms and the council voted to do away with it. Everyone who spoke was hard core against it. I just really thought that the Dagger would write up a great expose on the matter. But then again, maybe even the Dagger didn’t know about it. I’m glad the Record did.
Don’t wait next time — send the Dagger an email!
Before anyone starts thinking any of this is new or a radical departure of city workings, remember that all of this was the operating proceedure, although not chartered, two administrations ago under then city Manager Peter Dacey.
This form of government will allow incumbents to stay in office as long as they like because the city manager will make sure that no voter ever gets to see or hear any of the bad news. The water rates never changed during the Dacey administration, not because the cost to produce and deliver water didn’t rise, but because borrowing money to offset the account kept the council from upsetting the voters with a rate increase. The same thing happened with property taxes. And when the voters are left dumb and happy the incumbents get to keep warming their seats and posturing in city hall once a week in a carefully scripted meeting run by the city manager.
I have my doubts that Councilman Hiob wants to return to that style of governing.
Who Is Mike Hiob?
The next Mayor.
I honestly dont mind the longer terms. I think it will help in the long run because balancing a budget doesnt happen overnight and it seems just as someone is able to come up with a plan there is another election and they are out. I WILL however be opposed to pay raises for them. I do however, forsee this coming into question soon though.
Longer terms just mean that the wrong person (promises things but can’t and won’t deliver) takes up space at City Hall for a longer period of time. It means that raising and re-raising fees and rates while money is wasted on a “Help Desk” and guide person, new furniture, and proposed pay raises for the mayor and council will go unchecked for 4 years instead of 2. Funny how nobody was harping about 4 year terms when Simmons was in office. God forbid. Funny how 4 year terms pop up just about the same time the mayor is about ready to retire (for a second time) from the State Police.
The city manager is supposed to manage the city affairs, not dictate the affairs, that’s what we elect the mayor and council for. We don’t need another Wilson/ Dacey combination (unless we want to get burned on another stadium fiasco).
Maybe the council should put this up for referendum vote in November, when we elect the next mayor and council to 2 YEAR TERMS.
How about tying the City election laws to the State election laws? At least five separate election law violations occurred during the last election but none of them can be prosecuted because Aberdeen has such a poorly written charter. We do not need a strong Mayor, we need a good one! Fred took the bull by the horns and got the job done (and got fired along with the Santa Claus). He was able to talk with two of the members of his Council and form alliances. By the way, the other two never have understood the workings of government. For them it’s all about the fee dinners, lunches and family vacations in Ocean City. Feeless Groper, (cool name) has it right. Dacy ran the City finances into the ground because he could control the elections.
No 4 year terms, insist on it. Screw recall. That’s a whole lot the rest of the referendum crap. The Council must be held accountable and voting every 2 years if the only way. Look, if we had 4 year terms a while ago all the folks couldn’t have succumbed to the lies of Aberdeen Community Together and tossed those two worthless bums two years ago. How about an election every 6 months instead. The voters can’t forget that quickly, at least the 50% who are above average.
BTW: How can we trust Aberdeen to post anything on it’s web page, according to the web page there hasn’t been a council meeting since November!
I’am in for all the above comment’s. meaning to say’ it’s apparent aberdeen is in & remain’s in trouble. even after a recent election. may be a new advisery board.
Art helton & steve johnson. Art’s got the Money’ and know how. Steve has the muscle. last but not least Rick denu.
Here’s my view of the charter:
(1) This is old language, but highly questionable and could create a Kelso situation, with very broad condemnation powers:
“The City may condemn property of any kind, or interest therein or franchise connected therewith, in a fee or as an easement within the corporate limits of the City, for any public purpose. Any activity, project or improvement authorized by the provisions of this Charter or any other State law applicable to the City is a public purpose.”
They can take your land for any reason.
(2) It gets rid of itemization and uses a confusing semi-colon/paragraph format.
(3) Council members are required to resign to run for mayor; this is an interesting public policy switch worth debating. The problem here is that the duties of the mayor are so diluted, what incentive does a council member have to leave their seat?
(4) 21 age requirement for council is not really used anywhere else; you could be a delegate but not a city council member. 20-year-olds will have to change their drinking-age slogans; now they can die for the country and run for office (except in Aberdeen), but can’t drink.
(5) Constitutional and statutory question of the sufficiency of notice of posting on the website instead of in a newspaper. What impact could this have on the Aegis? It only requires posting on the web (although it gives legitimacy to the web, and impacts those without computer access), there is no requirement for posting on the door or at the municipal building or anything in the “real world” for most laws and notices. It looks like they’ll have to hire a new web guru for the site to handle this.
(6) A recall vote is practically unheard of in Maryland. It’s a story in itself. This language does not list the requirements of the petition in a straightforward itemization, but through a confusing series of unnumbered paragraphs that put the requirements in various places. Lines 236 and 237 are in duplicate… the document needs to be proofread.
(7) Giving the City Manager discretion over Department Heads, instead of the Mayor and Council, is a big switch.
(8) The City Manager is required to be a member of a specified private association (I’m guessing requiring dues to be paid). That’s noteworthy. and legally questionable.
(9) City Manager supervises all employees. This would include council and mayoral staff. What’s the mayor do now?
(10) Again, why is there a mayor? just to appoint an attorney?
(11) Line 535 Council members can only communicate with Department Heads through the City Manager. They have less rights than the average citizen, then. Problems with communication are likely, it doesn’t make for good constituent service, and…why is there a council?
(12) ANTI-HELTON ABERDEEN TOUGHENS RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT, CREATES LOOPHOLE Residency requirement reduced from 31 to 21 days. So you have to be a citizen, but you only have to move there 21 days before the election…then back out, 2 years later back in… Also, when is the deadline to register? You register saying you will live there until the election and that will total 21 days? It doesn’t work, since I doubt they will be processing registration applications on election day.
(13) Line 577 DEATH NOT A BAR TO VOTE IN ABERDEEN or ONCE RESIDENT, ALWAYS RESIDENT so Helton can move in to Aberdeen 21 days before the election, vote, move out, and is permanently registered to vote.
(15) There would be an extra hour to vote, until 8 pm
(16) Line 656, on the budget is hilarious “electronic internet web page.” Also, it requires posting at city hall while other notices do not have the requirement– it is added to one part of the document, and not the rest, in presumably a conscious waiver of the importance of notice for all other, non-budget bills.
Can you believe. one man & his hench man Steve johnson could create such a stink in a small town. I would suggest, we should be thanking them for bringing there business’s here provideing job’s for the local’ s etc.
V Vet,
Did you mean to group Helton/Johsnon with Rick Denu?
No rick has been quite for a while. just thought it might be nice keep his name in print. just didnt want to start a thread with his name a lone. he may be gone but he’s not forgotten.
People have been talking that they hope he runs in 2009. I hope he does. Not sure if he should though. This City is a mess and what a headache. He has really done the right thing by moving on to the Feds, something he always wanted to do.
What a difference it has made! He could make a difference for this City. Just remember the Meet the Candidates night. He was the shining star there, no one could deny that!
the city is a mess. mr denu would be better off. staying where he is. I’am sure his family life is better. being a police officer his family’ never knew if he was coming in a box.
Still like to see him run for office.
I have no Doubt. Rick Denu would leave no stone unturned if this or any a mount of money came up missing. Maybe misplaced would sound better than stolen.
I still can’t believe the Dagger has not referenced what happened in havre de Grace the last 2 weeks. HdG was going through the same exact thing. The council VOTED 4-2 to change the terms from 2 years to 3 years. Only after a major public outcry was the 3 year term ruling taken back. The story was blasted all over the Record newspaper for 2 weeks. Come on Dagger…why did you not pick this story up???? This is the same thing that is happening in Aberdeen. No elected official should have the right to lengthen their own terms. That issue should only be decided by referendum. PERIOD!! Longer terms and the reasons people give for them is bullshit! Let the people decide! It obviously was not a well recieved idea in Havre de Grace.
Hey Dagger, any word on who’s running for office in Havre de Grace?
That is the truth, V Vet, I don’t believe he would either. Is this the money that came up missing during the Wilson days?
Yes, I know him making these choices were the best for his family. I also know for a fact the guys talk to him on many issues still and it bothers him what still continues to go on there. I asked his wife one day how she would feel if he would run again and she said she would support whatever decision he made.
She told me he still is undecided.
What missing money? There has never been any missing money. We explained that completely over two years ago. The money everyone was talking about was the auditors note that the retirement fund, based on their projections of market performance needed an additional $400,000 or whatever the number was. The way that works is that they compute, annually, how much money needs to be in the fund if every single participant were to go out of the fund that day. In that case, the entire force retiring on the same day, the fund would have been $400k short. No one stole, borrowed or anything else. I sure wish folks would get the facts before tossing accusations. The 400 was the number during the 2005 election. We over funded for the next 2 years, but with the market mess the fund is probably a whole lot more short than $400k.
If he decides to run & win’s the election. I hope he’s a Wheaties man because he is going to need all the help he can get. I suspect he has aroused a few enemy’s along the way. I think he can handle that.
As far as the Money. we were waiting for & explanation.
Thank you Dave. This is the Dagger. it thrives on gossip Rumor’s un truth’s busy bodies. and of course. people like me.
Gary Owen & Sem-Per Fi.
Here is a good example of what the people of Aberdeen will get if the charter changes go through and the power transfers from the council to the city manager. There is a meeting going on right now in Bel Air between the county exec, the city manager and the mayor cobbling out a water deal that will define the future of Aberdeen. The council president asked to be included and was denied. The citizens and the council will hear about this deal exactly the way they heard of the crippling Ripken Stadium deals. If the citizens decide they dont mind being under the county thumb, they might as well unincorporate and save the city taxes.
Hey Al thong:
How can the Mayor keep his Council President from attending these meetings. When Fred and I were there, we all had the same “rank” and the only stipulation we had was that if three of us were together it had to be an open meeting. Fred invited one of us to go to just about everything with him. I suppose that this clown doens’t really want any transparency anyway.
Al you are so right….
A former councilperson told me when I asked about the Stadium deal years later “The City Manager recommended we approve the deal and we pay him to review and make those kind of recommendations – so I voted for it.”
Why don’t we just a elect a City Manager and forget about the rest of them. If these amendments are passed the Mayor and Council will just be window dressing anyway.
I think some Aberdinians have got it wrong! Governance by commitee is a disaster. Take a look at the General Assembly in Annapolis and our other local legislative bodies. The office of Mayor should be strengethened so that that office can provide true direction for the city.
Trying to run any government through a legislative body is problematic, confusing, and doomed to complete and utter failure. Aberdeen is at a critical point in its history. We can either rise to the occasion or squander the future. If we leave all the power and major decisions in the hands of a legislative body or a bureaucrat, we are doomed to failure. It is time that Aberdeen take hold of this opportunity and modernize itself for the future.
Councilman Yensan the city managers call the this type of government “the weak mayor” form or governance and its what every city manager dreams of. It really only works well in very small towns with very little to do. In Aberdeen these days, not only is it impossible to meet with the mayor, it is also impossible to have anyone in that administration even return a phone call. The reason is that everything must must flow through the eye of the needle which is the city managers office and there is far too much to do to even think about being responsive the the citizens. And honestly, there are a couple on the council that love this situation as it gives one of them more time to play cards and the other one more time to bounce checks.
You may recall that the “Waterloo” for the last city manager was caused by his blind determination to chase Deer Creek water, even after as you cite in an earlier post , that source was deemed unreliable and required a one for one back up.
Even the mayor didn’t ever fully understand the stadium deals which were conjured up in the city managers office outside of the view of anyone on the council.
Kind of an off shoot but can anyone tell me why the city manager drives a police car? While you’re at it, why does he take the car home? Is he getting called out to manage emergencies at all hours? I thought that is what department heads do. I’m wondering about the car though, when the police got beat up over cars and replacing cars, I don’t recall anyone telling Miller to give his police car back to the police so that they can use it.
He’s driveing a police car because he can get away with it. do you think he cares what the public think’s Nope. I bet Rick Denu would put a stop to it real quick.
The City manager is allowed to drive whatever car he wants an employee of the city. He can drive a police car just not use lights and sirens. At the current moment, he could be driving a car to/from the shop,etc. I know that he does not “regularly” drive a police car. That being said, I am not sure the make/model of his car and it perhaps could be a “retired” police car.
He should remove his ” Bun’s” from a police car retired or not. I’am sure the city can afford to buy him a junker’ to over see his work.
A) Why does the city manager need a “take home” car.
B) A Crown Victoria with spotlight and strobe flashers is a police issue
C) If Ruth and the rest were so worried about gas costs and such, why, if the city manager really needs a car, wasn’t he issued an economy type car. I remember Ruth bringing up something at a council meeting wondering why police can’t drive compact cars and was set straight by Bennett regarding equipment and electronics and the need for trunk space. I want my police responding to calls in a police car, not a police car being wasted on a city manager.
The city manager’s car is indeed a police car. In fact it was a brand new police car when he go it last year from Randy Rudy. He drives it because Randy Rudy kissed anyone’s but who will hel him keep his job. Rick Denu can back me up on that one.
Fact is that there are alot of self serving small minds on the the city council these days that will do whatever it can to keep Aberdeen a small town. To bad for the residents, it will only increase taxes.
Whoever knows how to get a hold of Rick Denu, please ask him to run for council again. He may be what’s needed in Aberdeen to get the city on the right track.
I wanted to chim in on a few things…
DENU: My son-in-law knows how to reach out to Mr. Denu. Although Rick lost the last election, and not by much, I really hope he can drum up enough support to run in 2009.
CHARTER: This proposed Charter change or amendment is a joke. Give me a break. I thought we got rid of Pete Dacey?
ANNEXATION: It is interesting to see who spoke against the proposed Annexation at the last Council meeting; Bobbi Randalls, Rosemary Queen, Bob Price – NON RESIDENTS who are not in the annexation parcel. Then there is Chuck Doty, Karen Heavy, and Bob Hartman – RESIDENTS who cannot see into the furture and are afraid of change. If I ran my businesses and did not grow from 30 years ago, I would be bankrupt.
* * * * * * * * * * D E N U F O R Y O U * * * * * * * * * * *
Denu for You 2009!
I’m glad that at least two of you still hold some hope for the City. With the total lack of positive activity over the last two years, and the undoing of any projects which had the taint of Yensan or Simmons, I think BRAC is going to completely bypass this burg. The planning and zoning as well as the total lie in DPW about our water situation have stopped and in many cases canceled most projects. Now, even if the City somehow figures out how to cooperate, we will not have the housing stock to attract the people from New Jersey. Short of putting a toll booth on Rt. 22 Aberdeen won’t get squat from BRAC except the traffic. Good luck to anyone foolish enough to run this year.
That’s three for Denu Dave. but I agree with your out look. it’s gloomey as for mr Denu. I think he is happy where he is.
I am just amazed at the small minded people running this “City”. The BRAC express has already bypassed Aberdeen. Big money homes are going up all around the City limits (just on the Harford County side). Beechtree is being developed and it looks the Wetlands (or whatever it’s called now) will be developed too. Maybe not as part of the City, but it will happen. All to the benefit of the County. Way to go Aberdeen! How about another warehouse, they really bring in the tax money!
We need an entirely new council. Maybe Hoib will be able to be converted. I just wish he attacked City problems like he did the Record.
So how about it; will Yensen and Denu run? Who else is interested in running? What about this Lance Hirsh that’s been on the blog, will he run? This City needs help and fresh faces on the council (to include Mike Bennett-Helton)!
I’m sure the Mayor is in full accord with this proposal to put more responsibility onto the City Manager. Keeps him out of any controversey. If he doesn’t do anything, he can’t offend anyone, so he’ll get re-elected. But I don’t agree with that notion. No one person should have the power to hire and fire people. There has to be a consensus amoung the City Council to remove a Department head.
I dunno folks, with the new construction out on APG, THEY’RE getting ready for BRAC. Talk to any Real Estate Agents, ask them where are the new arrivals buy/building homes? Not in Aberdeen, try Cecil County or Fallston area. I hate to repeat myself (I spewed forth on the council meeting the other nite) but the new BRAC folks coming in are highly skilled scientists and enginners with 6 figure incomes. They could up root their families and make the move. A better bet would be for them to take up temporary housing in government quarters on post once its privitized (like Fort Meade) and drive back to New Jersey on the week ends.
Cecil County, southern DE, and perhaps (if they’re lucky) central Harford are going to get the BRAC families. Aberdeen and Havre De Grace are going to get the through traffic and Aberdeen is going to get the congestion and accidents. The WAWA, Exxon, Sunoco, and a couple of other businesses are going to make some green but the tax base, save for a couple of relocated families, in Aberdeen isn’t going to see any real positive impact. Drain on services by commuters paid for by residents. I’m not saying that S. Fred had a grand solution or scheme, although he was there at square one, and I’m not saying that Bennett is out in left field, although he hasn’t really showed me anything different.
What Aberdeen needs is strong leadership at the elected level, not at the city manager level. The city manager can commute to Aberdeen to a job (in his police car….yes I verified it, the city manager drives a police car with the lights disconnected), but elected residents that have a stake in this city and have to face their neighbors. I’m not against revisting longer terms in the future or putting it on the ballot, but before we worry about crossing that bridge let’s build a bridge first! I would venture to say that the 2009 election will be critical to Aberdeen’s survival however, I think that 2007 was the critical year and we pretty much missed the boat on that one folks….what is it about hindsight?
I don’t know lance Hirsh.but he has a stake here in town. I don’t think he has a desire to see Aberdeen turn in to a dust bowl. it’s growth is certainly stunted & has been for years.
We need strong’ Agressive leader ship. Rick Denu would bring that to aberdeen Dave yenson. has the fortitude to see a head. but can’t get any one to listen.
I am against the longer terms. If the elected official does a good job, he gets re-elected. That, in it’s self leeds to a longer term. But at least the voters get to decied!
About the current council, this is all I know:
Hoib: Seems nice, but only showed any fire when he was at war with the Record. (Who reads that anyway?) I would have liked to have seen more from him.
Kupperman: A fixture on the council for how long? What exactly has he done?
Elliott: Has an issue with everything. Gets invovled in matters she shouldn’t. Did a nice job on sidewalks way back when. Has a problem balancing a checkbook.
Young: Nice woman, doesn’t do anything.
Bennett: Art Helton’s right hand man. A behind the scenes kind of guy who has problems looking people in the eye. Seems sneaky to me. Wasted alot of money and resources getting rid of anything Simmons ever touched, looked at, or farted on in the City. (I mean alot of money!). Only thing he did was buy water from Harford County (at an outrageous price~!)
City Manager Miller: Another man who can’t look anyone in the eye. But likes to drive big fast police cars. What really has he done? I mean except for keeping the department heads in line. Oh yea, he wants absolute power.
Looks like we need a completely new start!
I had to respond, due to the fact that you have mentioned me twice regarding this story. First of all (and just f.y.i.) my last name is spelled Hiob (no big deal though). I say that for clarification only (not to be smart). Second, I hope that you don’t consider me “small minded”. Third, what kind of “conversion” would you recommend for me? I honestly try to do what I think is best for our City, but like most of us, I may err on occasion. Apparently, you would like to see a bit more aggression from me on the dais? Let me assure you that I am as aggressive as is practical BEHIND the scenes. On the dais though, I must TRY to maintain a professional demeanor. It is MY experience, that It does no good to behave any other way. In closing, I want to say that “The City” must treat our CURRENT and FUTURE businesses and residents with the respect and level of services they deserve….. and if any of the current employees, OR elected officials don’t meet that bar, then they should change their s.o.p., or be shown the door.
Mr Hiob, (Sorry about the spelling error)
I haven’t lived in the City long, only about 2 1/2 years now. But I do remember when you were on the council with Simmons. Things seemed to be getting done. New things were happening in the City and the City was embrassing BRAC. Fresh ideas were tossed around and the Ctiy Governement was actually preparing the City for the future.
Now, it seems like we set ourselves back 10 years with the current mayor and council. No growth, no water for new businesses (unless you rent from Helton), and exactly what are we doing to draw in the big dollar residents (who actually pay taxes)?
Now I admitt, I don’t attend council meetings and I don’t read the Record (it’s garbage). So I am maybe not up to speed on things that I probably should be. But I do read stuff on the internet and drive around Aberdeen and it seems that the only thing that has changed for the batter the last two years is the property that Helton owns. Why? Why does Aberdeen flounder with projects like the site across from Walmart? Or the area around the stadium? Or the golf course annexation? Why are there soooo many warehouses? Do they bring in alot of revenue; more than say expensive houses? Why does the City manager drive a big police car? Does Aberdeen have a large surplus of nice new police cars? Why do I have to purchase stickers for the City to pick my trash? (I never in my life herd of that before!) And finally, why is are my city taxes and water bill so expensive?
Hey Local, you have drumed up some interesting conversation. Give this idea a thought for a hot second……the problem isn’t with the elected officials; its with the voters. Where are any surprises with this council? These elected folks are not on a journey to Oz, so Ruthie Ann is never going to make up her mind, Ruthless is never going to be on the right page at the right time, Empty Cup is always just waiting for the next refill or election and Trooper Bendit is more afraid of his shadow than Punxutawney Phil.
Mike Hiob deserves to be the next Mayor and the voters need to put him in that office.
You have gotten a real grasp of the situation in 2 1/2 years. With the exception of Hiob, the Council is a waste of time, money, energy and for that matter the very air they breath. I left the Council two years ago, with no hard feelings. Now I look at the mess that has been created and want to vomit.
The only thing with which I would beg to differ is the trash stickers. They were created for a very specific purpose and have been an absolute success. A few years ago the County started a tipping fee all trash haulers. The commercial haulers simply raised their rates and the taxpayer/customer ate the cost. Aberdeen killed two birds with one stone and instituted the stickers rather than increase taxes. At the same time they began a very rigorous recycling campaign. Aberdeen has been a leader in the state for our recycling efforts and the actual can or bag trash decreased at the same time. The folks who instituted this program are geniuses, and guess what, Mike Hiob was one of them!
Get involved Local. Work for Hiob and kick Helton and Johnson out of town once and for all. They do have the power now and just look at how great things are!
Dave I find it funny how the topic has now changed back to what a good job you and the then council did. You guys were fabulous and got ALOT done. Miss you guys..
Dave, You didn’t LEAVE the Council. The Aberdeen voters chose not to reelect you!
And what a huge mistake us Aberdeen citizens made….and it’s showing all over town.
I would agree that I have observed a great deal of apathy, Al J. And I don’t understand it. Also, I don’t understand why it takes a really sensitive issue to draw voters out.
And Dave, regardless of what happened at the last election I would most likely vote for you based on your writtings here. I have read about Denu but he seems to have disapeared. And as for Hiob for Mayor, do you really think he will run? Apparently he reads this blog so maybe he can answer?
I would like to hear about all the stalled projects in Aberdeen though. I have talked to an aquaintance that built here and he said that it’s such a headache dealing the Aberdeen officials that most companies would rather build in the County rather than cave into the outrageous things the City adds. Is this true? I guess it is (for everyone but Helton).
Theres alot of turmoil getting permit’s. variances etc. Now old Money can make thing’s move. even if it requires rattling the window’s in annapolis.
Let’s face reality here. Aberdeen has always moved in slow motion and been behind the times. Not saying that this is always a bad thing, but with BRAC coming (psst – It’s already here), things need to change quickly.
What’s that? Aberdeen has a new website? Wake me when they create a social network site where all residents can speak directly, via email, twitter, live chat, whatever, to council members, the mayor, the city manager, etc. Many city staff are sitting at a computer all day reading the dagger anyway, I’m sure they can respond quickly to citizen requests. And by the way, thanks for finally updating the Council Meeting Minutes on the website. Question though – Was the last Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting August 13th, 2008?
You’re broadcasting your council meetings on HCN? Good for you, about 10 years too late there too. How about getting a staff member to upload the video to your website? Then let the media and local news sites link to it, or hell, I don;t know, actually use it themselves.
Maybe you’ll get around to it 10 years from now…
Steve, nothing new for aberdeen, remember the great project 2005?, again a waste of funds, since nothing ever came out of it. or how about the fact that ABERDEEN TOUTS ITS GREAT POLICE DEPT, BUT WON,T GIVE THEM A COST OF LIVING IN THEIR RETIREMENT PLAN, Aberdeen takes care of the White shirts only, check the pay scale for the West wing workers VS the folks in the trenches!!
Yes Aberdeen needs a Big change!!
Back to the topic of Charter revision; I firmly believe that the citizens need to have a lot more input than they have to date. I think the entire thing should be on the ballot. Sure some people won’t know squat about it, but they were clueless about the facts surrounding the Wetlands annexation and still voted. The changes being considered in this package are far too important to leave in the hands of sleepy, grumpy, beholden and stupid. We need to demand that this be on the ballot, and if not work our butts off to get it to referendum.
Local- Here’s a partial answer to your questions. First of all, and with regard to stalled projects, there is no non allocated water to allow most projects to continue. Second, the overwhelming consensus in the business world is that Aberdeen is nearly impossible to do business in. Also Aberdeen Planning and Zoning Committee has some members that have to put their thumb print on every project that comes before them. These are frustrated wanabe developer builder weenies that love to spend other peoples money. P&Z is a black hole to a developer. Sometimes the projects never come out and often when they do its been so many years that the market has changed. Such is the case with the property across from Walmart. And finally, the planning department has to personally “like” your project to gain approval. Its never just about the codes or the law with that department. Ask the folks at Saxon’s why their new sign permit was held up for about a year. It met the code requirements but not the favor of the department head so she sat on it until she was forced to issue the permit. And if you have about an hour, ask Jerry Thompson about the knot hole the city drug him through while he was trying to invest in this town.
Groper: What you say makes perfect sense. If the city of Aberdeen actually evolves and runs like a city those in city government will be forced to evolve and WORK…….that’s it………stall everything, keep it simple, stay sleepy town and you don’t really have to work.
Now if I can just get justification as to why the city manager is driving an unmarked police car with LG tags. I went to see for myself and it is just like an unmarked trooper car minus some lights stuck on the dashboard, it is the same thing the Aberdeen police are driving in. Wouldn’t it serve the residents better if the police car was used by the police department and the city manager used a small economy car…….THAT IS AFTER YOU JUSTIFY WHY THE CITY MANAGER NEEDS A CAR TO TAKE HOME!
Work is a four letter word.It’s time somebody? or any body who seem’s to think there in power here in aberdeen to answer some simple questions. Why does the city manager need a police car?
Maybe we should ask. steve Johnson or Art Helton.
Groper did a good job of putting his finger onto the very pulse of the situation. He was, however, overly kind to the planning and zoning commission. That is the place of the “like” and “want”. They like or want stuff that is not within their purview, but can completely stop just about anything. As a result many great projects never get off the ground. That entire group of wannbes and has beens should be replaced with people who have actually accomplished something. Of course the lady who Groper mentioned is also the staff person who is responsible for this group of CAVE people.
I hold firm on letting the voters speak. If longer terms are what it needed then let the voters speak, put it on a ballot.
As for election time, there may be some new faces because Ray Charles could see that progress isn’t being made in pace with the rest of this county. ALL department heads should be required to have a resume posted for public view. I can think of two department heads that would be looking for new jobs!
As for the city manager having more control…….NO WAY. If election time brings out the candidates that I think it will, the new council may have a couple of department head heads on the chopping block and favors to/ from Miller will be out the window. If the city manager is given too much power then we create a defacto dictatorship and the hint of democracy in Aberdeen government is gone. Any resemblence to the democratic republic form of government is going to get chipped away, there will be no checks or balances, the city manager will have the power and the mayor and council will answer to him, not the voters. The city manager will answer to no one because it is a contractual position and a city manager with any law experience or a good lawyer will create a lengthy air tight contract.
RWinger is right on the money. The City Manager was given a lot of control and we had not only a weak mayor system, but we also had a very weak mayor. As a result the CM took all of the power to himself and then micromanaged the staff and every little detail. At the end of that system, the City was in terrible shape, financially and the staff morale wise. The two year terms were adopted in order to avoid having a total loser in power for more than two. This current Council is reason all by itself for not lengthening the terms. The entire charter amendment discussion and the idea of letting the voters have final say, is rebuked by the Council as “we were elected to make decisions and this is just one of them.” I hope you and Feeless and Vet and others will join me when we have to gather signatures, when and if the Charter does get changed.
Well said Dave. the present council is a very’ good reason not to lengthen there term. I was thinking of a petition to Draft RWinger for Mayor.
Who will run? Will you Dave? How about Mike Hiob, is he running for Mayor? Who else is considering a position on the Council?
Or is it too early to start?
I don’t know about anyone other than me. I’m not doing that again. Sorry, but the damage done is too great for me to be interested in wading into that swamp again. Couple that selfish feeling with the absolute hatred of me by Art Helton and his willing dupes at Aberdeen communities Together (ACTUP) and the answer is simply hell no.
I saw Colonel Spidel, the former APG Commander in town the other day, Anyone think he’d make a good Mayor? Few of our elected City officials know as much about running an organization as he does….Ouch, another thought just crossed my mind, that happens when you’ve only had one cup of coffee in the morning. Do you think Col. Spidel might have some insight on BRAC that our elected officials can’t seem to grasp? How about initiating and maintaining effective liaison with APG over BRAC?
The colonel was the garrison commander–a minor detail (and about three ranks).
RW and Councilman Yensan-You two want transparent government but the people who vote and put candidates in office really don’t. Open government, especially in times that are full of tough challenges and decisions, can be a very messy business. The people of Aberdeen don’t really want to see the sausage being made. They want the services that a municipality brings and they want thoses services 24/7 and in greater amounts every year. But what they don’t want is a clear understanding of what those services cost. They will allow their government to attempt to balance their budget on the backs of the employees and then bitch and moan about the city’s inability to keep good help. They will allow their government to borrow enormous sums of money to offset rising costs in order to provide them an artificially low bill for services. But face it Dave and RW, they like it done in the dark. And every city manager does his best work in the dark.
God said let there be light & there was. those who were blind could ” See” Art Helton & steve johnson lurking in the shadow’s.
Feeless and Vietnam,
Well said fellow citizens….Well said! ( the public “can’t handle the truth”! )
One thing though…I’ve made sausage, and I’ve made scrapple…and believe me, scrapple makin’ is a bit more “disgusting”. (Either way, point taken Feeless!)
Just for point of clarification. I agree with you Feeless. The problem is that I do want transparent government. But as you said so well, the citizenry does not rally want to know what’s happening. While in office there were any number of times that I wanted to scream “you can’t handle the truth” ala Jack Nickolson. The other problem is that when a rumor or lie gets going that becomes the perception of the truth. All the lies and crap that were put out by ACT (Actual Communist Traitors) became the truth and when one of us disputed it we were called the liars. Just a couple more reasons why I’m finished with public life.
I saw part of what you went through and it’s a shame. I believe you had the best interest of the City at heart. Why are small town politics so brutal?
“Small Town Politics” is not always “so brutal”. Aberdeen is almost unique in that respect. Politics in Aberdeen continues to be “brutal” because of outside influence. Influence by individuals such as Art Helton and Steve Johnson trying to hyjack (and almost succeeding) the City elections. I mean, Art LIVES in Churchville, but has voted in City elections on multiple occasions. On top of that, he convinced Mike Bennett to run for mayor, backed him with money, AND the endorsement of HIS local “Dumb-o-crat” Club, etc. Also, Art convinced AND backed Steve Johnson’s aborted run for Council in 2007. Only after the City spent $13,000.00 on legal fees (our tax money!) defending the City charter, (AND came VERY close to delaying the City election), did Art authorize Steve Johnson to drop out of the race. But Steve would have lost anyway. Why? Because the vast majority of citizens know where Mr. Johnson actually LIVES (Fords Lane in Perryman), and it ain’t Post Road in Aberdeen. How could ANY informed citizen of Aberdeen even walk into “Johnson Family Pharmacy” until AFTER the Helton / Johnson Dynamic Duo return that $13,00.00 to the City’s coffers! (I know I won’t!) In addition to the aforementioned reasons, Aberdeen citizens / voters AND Council Members need to wake up and pay ZERO attention to the “Say No to Everything…Annexation” group. This group of carpet baggers (that changed their name and stripes to appear more well rounded) have been empowered by weak politicians that are scared to make any decision aside from “fluff and circumstance” without their blessing. Now calling themselves “ACT” (for “Aberdeen Communities Together”), they continue being CAVE (Citizens Against Virtually Everything) dwelling swill, that could use a check up from the neck up, as well as a prep course possibly entltled “Grooming 101”. (That’s “College Talk” for you ACT members readin’ this! ) You know, I could go on, but duty and normal live is calling, and I must respond. Anyway Local, I hope that this PARTIAL list of reasons why Aberdeen politics is “Brutal” answers your question. If you don’t believe me, check to see if these influences are found in Bel Air, Perryville, Port Deposit, Etc. (they aren’t!) There elections……as well as their terms, are, by comparison……BORING! (and that’s a good thing)
Justin needs to open up and let us know what he really thinks. Thanks fro that answer Justin. I’m glad that I’m not the only one who sees it like that. “dumb-o-crat” club? From my perspective that’s that entire party. I for one will do my best to inject as much party politics into this year’s election as possible. Art has co opted our Town with his immature and sickening view of the world and the only way to fight fire is with more fire.
As the 2009 session winds down I can’t wait to get back home and be with family and friends. I’ll rest up a bit and enjoy the peace and tranquility of the district.
Justin that was well spoken. the only thing you missed was Art helton has no problem getting permit’s from the powers that be. I agree with Dave it’s time for a rude awakening.
Meanwhile, has anyone seen the latest draft that the Council is using? My understanding is that there have been lots and lots of changes from the original Helton version. Maybe someone at the City could post the latest on the web page and let us know which version is which.
vietnam vet
First of all I would like to thank you for the service you have given to our country.
I spent the first 20 yrs of my life grrowing up and working at MCAS Cherry Point.
Would you mind explaining your statement,that Helton has no problem getting
permits from the powers that be. This may be helpful occasionaly I have to apply
to the city for building permits any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Bruce- I’ll help you with the question that you posed to the Vet. Wait until the city offices officially close at 5 and pull your truck into the back parking lot and wait for Art and Steve to pull in. When they slip in the back door follow them upstairs and see who really runs the city. I know that you and the DPW chief have butted heads more than a few times and I promise you they can help with that as well.
You’re a good man Bruce and you have lived in, and invested heavily in, the city over the years. It should scald your balls that you dont get treated atleast as well as carpet baggers from out of town.
Feeless, if they are going in the back door, they must have a key. Those doors are always locked. If they have a key, the situation is far worse than anyone ever expected. One of them has been known to openly lie and the other got caught stealing water. That makes them a liar and a thief. And then they have free run! I have never taken the time or energy to investigate what Feeless states, but Bruce, you and I have known each other for a long time. This is dire. What Vet says may or may not be true, but Art does enjoy an access that any other developer could never gain.
I can’t help you with your permit’s. I don’t have any ”MONEY” what is true is Art Helton has free rein. behind closed door’s etc. A fresher note. cherry point was nice duty station.
Semper- Fi
Let’s see if the city goes after the lone house on Rogers Street. Art made her an offer and Steve made her an offer (on behalf of Art). That lone house is standing in the way of the Helton super structure that will take up the whole block. If that house goes and Art is successful he’ll be building in a heartbeat with permits that have been expired for a good year.
Bruce you need to run again, get out a little earlier this go round, get a seat and get some sweeping changes in place………that is unless the City Manager Has Supreme Power amendment gets passed.
Bruce do you think that Helton ever had a “driveway issue” like the crap that they pulled on you?
ARTORRO NASNEY worte “One of them has been known to openly lie and the other got caught stealing water”. I was recently told that one of them beat his wife really bad a few years ago where she had to be hospitalized and now he is an auxiliary policeman. I don’t know which one, but if it is true it’s a disgrace. Anyone who would support a person like this does NOT deserve to serve in a public capacity.
RWinger,Feeless Groper,Artorro Nansey & Vietnam Vet
I would like to thank all of you for your comments. As for running for city
office I will have a decision made by the end of May. RWinger if I decide to
run I will star early, last election I was having some health issues,for those of
you that dont know me personally I had a back operation last July . It was very
successful I am doing great. Vietnam Vet nothing like a Carolina Blue sky,
boating at Bouge Sound & surf fishing at Atlantic Beach .
Again Thanks
I have heard that the Police dept is getting a few new cars, and the city manager has already asked the Chief for the new Charger, any bets He won”t get it?
the city needs Help, the Employees need help. Mr. Garner The little guys in the Trenches need your Help!!
If there is anything that I can do for you let me know. As you’ve seen here, I’m done. I do however have a pretty good insight into where we are and where we could be. More importantly though I have a darn good fell for how we got here. Those of us at our advanced age, (yeah you too Bruce) have to watch out for just how much we are willing and able to do.
I encourage you to run, with those caveats and offer my complete support, (for what it’s worth!)
Mr Garner. Dave yenson could be very usefull to to you’ in a new campaign. He has been there & done that.
RW and with regard to the lone house on rodgers street. The water allocation for a single family house is…1EDU or one equivalent dwelling unit. (about 200 gallons per day) So at this point in time whoever wants to build on that block can only build something that can survive on the EDU’s of what was torn down. If you see a permit for something commercial that requires even a drop more than that the fix is surely in and all developers with stalled projects in the city will have a more clear understanding of why their projects dont move forward.
Groper: The fix is in. It;’s a 3 story deal, was suppose to be a 4 story but the blocking of the view for residents would have caused too much of a stir. The project is at a stand still because the lone house owner will not cave. She won’t sell a framily house so that it can be torn down.Years ago there was a small family business that operated out of the front of that house (seamstress I believe) and that is why the property is so valuable for a commercial enterprise.
Water and sewer is an issue with every homeowner, with projected population increases (frankly I see them living in Cecil County), with outdated equipment, water and sewer is the hot pot on the stove………except if Helton Properties is concerned then it’s not about water it’s about finding the red carpet to roll out.
I will give Helton credit, he developed commercial prperties in town that were an eyesore at best. He took a chance on the rebirth of Aberdeen and the smart business man that he is, he jumped in when nobody else was interested. Unfortunately I think that that simple greed and power have taken over. Helton has changed and it makes one wonder how the man has so much power and doesn’t even live in the city.
The current administration really isn’t scared about what you are I think about them. A couple of votes doesn’t mean squat, it’s all about keeping Art happy. I think it’s amazing that Hiob has survived this long. At this stage in the game I’d like to see Nicole run again, she can’t screw things up any worse than they gotten (of course the Charter change would void that idea).
Can’t be sure how much defunct property Art Helton own’s in Aberdeen. I do know he bought the old c. curtis morgan property at the B. O. railroad station I believe curtis only leased that property.
Now if we could just talk him to buying three trashy’ Motel’s down town and I might add are all in a row on the 40# corridor. I might consider sending him a thank you card. that’s the least I can do.
One thing is for sure Vet, if Helton was in the home building business there wouldn’t have been all of the hooey over the townhouse design requirements (remember the new requirements pretty much force the builders to produce high end townhomes that don’t sell as opposed to AFFORDABLE townhomes that do) and DPW would be laying extra pipe to make sure that there was enough water and sewer.
From what I’ve heard the DPW has been laying a lot of pipe.
Aberdeen town clowns are nothing but crooks!
rwinger: Thank you for acknowledging the the commercial renovation projects I have done in the revitalization zone in Aberdeen. I have been blessed with many compliments for my part in the revitalization of the Aberdeen business district.As you may not know I have been a part of that business community for over 40 years and take great pride in Aberdeen. I would like to clarify a few things for the record. All of these projects predate the Bennett administration.I have no building permits that I am holding awaiting construction.I have not asked for or received any building permits since Mayor Bennett has been in office.Hopefully this information will shed some truth on the many false comments made on this blog. Art Helton
Thanks for clearing up all of the doubt Art. Wwe know that yo are only in the building business because you love Aberdeen and felt sorry for the poor slobs who live there so bought all the bad property and didn’t even care if you took a loss.
Now that you have clarified everything we can all rest easy because we know you’re honorable and if you say it then it must be the truth.
I think maybe I’ll continue to be wary of you though. What the hell are yo doing interfering in Aberdeen politics for example. What the hell are you doing in City Hall almost daily? By the way, watch out that you never turn too quickly or you’ll bust poor Stevie’s nose with it shoved so far up your ass.
Artorro Nasney etal: Please give me a call. I can be reached at 410 272 7139 or 410 808 7847. I am willing to answer any and all questions you may have of me.I do not choose to respond in this forum to folks that are unwilling to use their true identity and want to hide in this blog. I believe most folks can understand and appreciate my position and would feel the same. . Thanks. Art Helton
Sure Art. Gee I’m sure both of your friends are totally sympathetic.
You are the one who decided to inject yourself into Aberdeen’s business, not me. The questions will just have to hang out there for you.
With all do respect’s. I prefer to ”Hide” under and assumed name. the last time I was spouting my jib’s, useing my real name. I was tracked Down & threatened & in person face to face contact. Did’nt even know the man he just took it personal.
Could have shot him I suppose. but it’s so messy’. called aberdeen P.D. they were there in a split second. the culprit lied & said he was lost’ asking directions. A.P.D. suggested a place for him to go.
On November 26, 2007 the first order of business that the current administration took on was resolution 07-8, it dealt with tax credit, and guess ho had his name all over it. The same man who was picked to head up the transition or fact finding team or whatever waste of time group they wanted to call it The same guy who is NOT a resident of Aberdeen, but rumore has it, has voted in Aberdeen elections. Would one care to address that?
Once again I will give credit where credit is do and would gladly shake the hand of the man who had vision past a run down 40 corridor and invested in this city. Nobody can take that away from Art……he is a good business man and he knows his business. Why couldn’t it stop there? Why must it it continue on to a puppet playing game.
BTW, I wonder just how many keys there are to PO Box 70.
What’s PO Box 70?
question for ya Dave….I tend to not really listen nor trust rumor but since you are more “in the know” than some on here I figured I would ask.
Ok, so it is well known that “city employees” are not getting a raise. Cool, whatever. However, rumor is spilling that it is written in the Chief’s contract that he does in fact get a raise. Is that true? Theres not a darn thing I can do about it one way or another but I would just like to know.
Well, Well, Well…It’s are “buddy” Art Hel………ton! (and “they” claim that very few folks read “The Dagger”!) Welcome Art. So now that you have proven your participation in this BLOG, how about answering the question I posed a couple of days ago. Are YOU willing to reimburse OUR City the $13,000.00 that was spent on legal fees to defend OUR charter, when YOU convinced your little hot-headed buddy Steve-O Johnson to attempt an illegal run for a Council seat in the 2007 election? If so…I’m sure the City goverment, AND the citizens of Aberdeen would truly appreciate it! ( we are certain that you CAN afford the reimbursement)
Now how’s that for “shedding truth on false statements made on this blog”?
Stick around Arthur…..there’s plenty more where this came from.
In the words of former President “W”…..Bring it on! (but I doubt that you will)
You’ll probably retreat to the anonymity of “Mayor” Bennett’s 2nd floor office in the West Wing…..conniving your strategy for the Aberdeen election n November 3rd!
Thank you Justin!!!!! Well Art?
Thanks for reminding me Justin. At the last “New Dumb-o-crap” meeting, Art *No personal attacks!* Bennett and a few others were spouting about the fact that no one reads the Dagger. Oh Art, welcome to the new world! Can they call that another lie Art? Maybe it’s just wishful thinking.
I think there is more than one of us here who aren’t enamored by your quick fix projects in the City. Go back to Darlington and surround yourself with your friend.
Art, is really true that you have been registered to vote at your Darlington farm for over a decade? It makes sense. You own a business there. Everyone wants their business to thrive. Unfortunately not all of us are so fortunate speculate on real estate markets and then become politically involved to try to even attempt to influence our business outcomes.
Don’t you think they should outlaw outright purchasing of elected seats? It seems the norm of the day. I hope you pledge to be a public financing kind of guy. Stick up for us little folks who don’t have your millions of dollars. We aspire to be in your position. Aspire to be wealthy developers who can afford to use politics or to dabble in it.
Art has commented, on this blog before. the sweet part of the Dagger is you come in and consume the content’s. finding them to be distaste full leave as quitely as you came in.
Quote: And justin say’s, theres more to come. I’am surprised Steve Johnson has’nt stopped in and spoke some kind word’s for the Dagger….
V. Vet,
Steve-O doesn’t have permission from Daddy-O Art to post on “The Dagger”.
Probably has something to do with Steve’s *No personal attacks!*.
Wait…….I’m sorry, that’s never stopped Art from posting! ( I apologize )
Changing the subject, What’s this I hear about a Council vote on the Glengarry annexation tomorrow evening? I thought they were supposed to hammer out an annexation agreement PRIOR to the vote!? What’s up with that?
Great question i have yet to see any annexation agreement and heard late Thursday evening we would be on the agenda for monday night.As i understand it now the city wants to vote on whether or not to proceed with putting an agreement together ,a highly unusual tactic i think it may be unprecedented actually!The only thing i can assume is we are once again caught in someones pollitical agenda i don’t know whose but someone does not want this to happen!
We are aware that council woman Elliott made a statement a month or so ago in a public meeting about killing the annexation but they had to follow the rules of the city charter before we’vote this out once and for all’!
Frankly if the city leaders don,t want the revenue generated from a 1.78 billion project i can understand that in as much as the city is so flush with cash.
I also should mention that that number does not include the 105 Million dollars
of roadway water and sewer upgrades and improvements.This project will generate approx,25 to 30 million dollars in hook up fees alone for the city outside
of taxes ! The tax bill alone before any development would occur would be 500,000.00 est per year for the next 3 to 5 years ,thats before a shovel ever hits the ground!That my friend is cold hard CASH for doing nothing but sending an invoice in the mail , i think most of the taxpayers in aberdeen could use the help but perhaps i am wrong ,the power in the city belongs to a group of say no to everything neophites whose agenda is to stop us from doing anything until they get thier cut first and i can assure you that will never happen !!!!
I am sorry for the rant but i am a taxpayer in the city of Aberdeen and i am sick and tired of letting poor leadership more specifically POLITICAL AGENDAS stand in the way of any progress for the buisness community other than a very,very select few!
Justin and Chris;
This is just one more example of the total disregard for the welfare of the entire City, being displayed by the Council. The powers that be appear to be the devious and nasty Locksley Manor people along with Bod Price. This group has and had only one motivation – I got mine now leave me alone! The other part of it, Anarchists, Communists and Terrorists (ACT) is out to keep things “just the way they always were. The problem there is that things were never the way they were. Both groups have taken direction form a shadow group and the question is what is their motivation? Could it be that that group is so invested in slums and substandard property that the last thing they want is something better?
If this Council votes against the annexation tonight, it will have one and only one clear message; the City of Aberdeen is done. Don’t bother turning it over just stick a fork in it! The Charter won’t need to be changed, just turn it in and admit defeat.
This entire thing will be done by the three women on the Council, Ruth, Ruth Anne and Mike.
By the way Chris, you have all that property that is zoned agricultural. Why not put it to use by running hogs and chickens on it? All you need is some good fences against the Locksley Manor back yards and the hogs and chickens could be “free range.” With the current “organic” craze you could make a fortune form it. I’d bet you could even get Burkheimer to run it for you.
I 100% agree that this annexation MUST go through. My husband and I would love to raise our children in Aberdeen but it will be impossible to stay here any length of time without proper care of the city. That goes for all aspects (finances,physical care,etc.) This is just one step that *we* can take to generate some income. I will be there tonight and have already shown support for the annexation.
Well Senatenomore Helton is taking RW to task. Me thinks he doeth protest too much.
Relax King Maker Arthur. You put the mayor in office. He will be the swing vote on the annexation and it will fail making Jim Richardson’s comment all the more true. “Aberdeen is the hole in the doughnut”
The two issues at tonight’s Council meeting are the public hearing on the charter amendment abortion and the illegal vote to turn down the Glengary annexation. Even if you don’t know anything about either issue, come out at 7:00 and provide support. We want the entire charter amendment put onto the ballot. The only thing that must be done is to make Aberdeen’s election process be in compliance with all Maryland and County election codes and laws.
On the Glengary issue, we have to have this annexation for the financial well being of the City. The two true women are totally opposed to the annexation because they have been bought and paid for by Art. The true real men are in favor because they know it’s the right thing to do (yes even Kupferman gets on right occasionally!) the nutless on in the middle is the only “unknown” vote. Get down there wearing green. Let the Council know that ACT (Anarchists, Communists and Terrorists) don’t speak for yo and are anti-Aberdeen.
Come down, be loud, get in their faces.
I’m glad to see that the city council has stuck Aberdeen back into the 1980’s with a piss poor job from the Mayor last night being the third vote in a deadlock 2-2 vote with the council. No annexation, no growth, and no more tax base. I own a business and there are two ways to create revenue.
1. You create revenue by charging your current customer more for the service you provide, which is hard to do if you are not going to increase your service or product.
2.You increase your customer base so that you can generate more revenue. Thats what this annexation would have done. Jim Richardson has already made it pretty clear that the county is not going to stand in the way of building at the Wetlands (Glengarry) whatever the hell you want to call it. It will just take alittle longer. Bottom line these new developments will use our roads and services withoout contributing to the tax base here in Aberdeen.
It is clear that no one on the council has ever run a business, and if they did, the reason they are on the council is that there business went bankrupt. Mr. Mayor, overseeing a statebudget at the state police is not a business. You can just ask for more money from the state and it is given to you. So what if your communications budget got cut alittle at the state police, gee I guess we’ll have to order a couple less walkie talkies. This city required tough decisions made by a tough person, and you didn’t step up to the plate. It didn’t matter what anyone would have said at any council meeting, your mind was made up. Those redshirts will not get you re-elected. I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO MAKE SURE OF THAT. For a man who says that you care and love this community as much as you do, you didn’t show it last night. You are an elected offical and spoke for the small minority of your employers.(Taxpayers) Thats right, you work for us. It is a travisty that you allow these scare tactics to work on the uninformed citizens of this community, and you didn’t have enough guts to stand up for the majority in fear of it being an election year.
I do want to thank Mike Hiob and Ron Kupperman for voting in favor of the annexation and all there hard work in which they tried to get it to go through. The only thing I ask Mayor Bennett is that you think twice on your vote on the East Side Brac Devolopment Zone. The Eastside has been ignored for years, and that has created a barrier in this city from poverty to race. At least have the courage to stand up and say yes to this vote and give that part of Aberdeen a chance. I know you grow up on the eastside and hopefully you can find it in your heart give those people over ther the same chance you had when you grew up there, and that is to live in a safe nieghborhood again, free of drug dealers and gang violence.
If anyone would like to contact me about my remarks, feel free at anytime to call me. My number is 443-528-3046, thats if you don’t already have it from the other blogs on here. I have always made myself accessable when it comes to anything about this city.
Lance Hersh
Did the outcome of the meeting really surprise you Lance? I know that you want the best for the City but did you hold even the slightest hope that this Mayor was going to act out of character and do what was best for the City and anger the Red Shirts? Like the Vet said, no one even knows who the guy is. People in Aberdeen voted against the last Mayor not for this empty suit.
I don’t think mayor bennett makes any informed decisions with out influence from out side sources.
Lance when is the first meeting to create a grassroots campaign to make sure that Bennett does NOT get re-elected? Please post meeting time and place here – i am sure there are many folks out there who read the dagger and are like me fed up with the mayor.
Aberdeen Public Servants that is an oxymoron… HA! Did I say moron? I must have been talking about Ruth, Ruth Ann and Bennett. The only public they serve live outside the City.
Once again the politicians pander to a special interest group rather than doing the right thing. There are several levels of taxpayer here in Aberdeen, The largest group and as a whole, pretty quiet and content to let the politcians do what ever they want we’ll call the Citizens. Out of that group we have another level, we’ll call Voters, a not so quiet group. Voters are again divided into two groups, Progressives, who are looking out for the best interest and SURVIVAL of Aberdeen in the wake of BRAC . The last group and apparently the tail that wags the dog are the Red Shirts who are only looking out for themselves. Shame on you and those on the City Council that were bullied into voting against the annexation……Citizens of Aberdeen AWAKE! too late, go back to your cable TV. We’ll all be dancing under the stars when Aberdeen’s lights go out and wondering who the real survivors will be when the economic boom that was expected to arrive with BRAC settles into the surrounding counties.
I really think that the future is what money can be made in the next 4 years (if the charter amendment passes). Bennett gets elected to a 4 year term with the projected pay raise. He serves for 4 years gets his two pensions, makes 100K from the city and rolls to retirement villa elsewhere and Aberdeen sinks into the sea (well the bay).
Mark down another win for Cecil County regarding making out with BRAC.
Just crazy! Small town run by small minded people! Anyone looking to buy a 4 bedroom 2 bath rancher? I have to move out of this City before they raise my taxes, water and sewer, and trash sticker prices!
Can any of this be “undone”? Why would someone think that choking off the City would be a good thing?
Well, well, well, Many interesting, but great comments from my fellow Daggerites!
Chris Michel: What else can I say, except “thanks” for your elaborate answer, the additional information, and your educated opinion. (usually lacking at City Hall)
Feeless, “Senatenomore Helton” is a brilliant, yet appropriate moniker for A.H.H.
I guess Aberdeen, Maryland, should re-name itself “Donut Hole”, Maryland.
Dave Yensan, Sadly…no amount of folks attending would have made a difference.
In my opinion, the minds on the dais (if some even have them) were already set.
Lance, Great letter. I couldn’t agree with you more, except that maybe one or two members of the Council (even though they haven’t “run a business”) have the intelligence to legislate on behalf of our business community, not against them!
Also, Count on me to be on your “TEAM” to unseat Arthur Bennett this November.
Vietnam Vet: At this point, I must agree. The outside sources are Art, and ACT!
Fedup: Grassroots campaign against Arthur Bennett’s re-election? Count me in!
You know how to get in touch with me……………………………………………”The Dagger!”
dap: Dittos! Hey, didn’t we see you in the crowd Monday evening? Thanks!!
George Martin: Wow! You are the passionate one, aren’t you. Thanks my friend. The City needs more citizens like you. Two catagories eh? The Progressives-vs- The Red Shirts. Sounds like the Revolutionary War all over again. (and we all know who won that one, and it wasn’t the red coats!) Now if we can only come up with a great acronym for “AWAKE!” How about a contest here on “The Dagger”!?
RWinger: Hold on there partner! Four year staggered terms will be on the ballot in November if Hiob gets his wish (and I bet he does!). Either way, you’re assuming that Arthur Bennett gets re-elected. I’m predicting right here and right now that he won’t. Calling all Daggerites….stay in touch AND involved to insure that my prediction becomes reality as of approximately 8:30pm, November 3rd!
Local: Please hang in there. Don’t move just yet. Yes, some of this CAN be undone, but unfortunately, some of it can’t. Make a difference on November 3rd!
Finally, I’m used to Aberdeen “shooting itself in the foot” on a regular basis, but last nights meeting was….I believe, “a head shot”. What a shame for Aberdeen.
And the sad part is that some of those idiots don’t even realize what they’ve done!
Last night i sat in the council chambers anxiously awaiting to hear our fate my heart was pounding , and my hands were ringing wet ,in my heart i knew that this was not going to happen but in my mind i thought maybe just maybe the elected officials sitting on the dais would do the right thing .Over and over in my head, the thoughts kept creeping in that the city wouldn’t continue to burden the taxpayer with increased cost ,surely they understood that by expanding the tax base the cost would go down .That infastructure which needs desperate improvement would begin to go in ,roadways that need too be re-aligned and resurfaced would be fixed or built new and that finally Aberdeen would have a world class ,pedestrian friendly community replete with recreation facilities second to none something that every citizen in the city , county ,and state would be proud of and the bonus to it all was neither the city or the taxpayer would pay for any of it!
Now on to the important stuff when i arrived last night i sat in my car for a few minutes to collect my thoughts ,Council woman Elliott arrived parked next too me got out of her car and proceeded to hug and kiss several people all of whom had red shirts on boy they seemed to get along just fine ,also think i saw council woman Elliott’s chauffer wearing a red shirt as well interesting note is that i did not see1 aberdeen taxpayer in the bunch but oh well !!
I did also notice a tiny red ribbon attached to the lapel of her coat boy not a good sign i thought so i figured TAXPAYER 0 NONTAXPAYER 1!
I then made my way to council chambers to sit down along the way i passed many of the red shirt folks to the left and the normal group of folks on the right found my seat whew made it in no punches thrown no accusations ,no nothing!As a sat there i noticed council woman Young TAXPAYER 0 NONTAXPAYER 2 (i don’t need to explain do i)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now i am no genius but i am looking at 2 strikes and wham it hits me out of the corner of my eye i catch a glimpse of Mayor Bennett darn if he didn’t look dapper in his nice suit , blue shirt, and uh-ho a nice red tie solid to boot no print no nothing TAXPAYER 0 NONTAXPAYER 3 !Thats when i knew we were done , it was over 3 strikes DONE IN BY RED TIE GO FIGURE!
On the way to the vote i listened as council woman Elliott pontificated on how corrupt ,sleazy ,sneaky and completely unethical the Glenngarry group was and how all the nonsense up at the golf course had lead to her decsion meanwhile someone in front of her must have had funny shoes on because she looked at the floor in front dais the whole time!
As an aside i must mention all of this came out of the mouth of someone who has admitted under oath that she illegally obtained board of election signitures to certify the vote on the first annexation and has been SANCTIONED FOR INNAPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR BY THE ELECTED BODY SHE SITS WITH !WOW WHAT A WONDERFUL REPRESENTITIVE FOR THE CITY !
I should mention that the people who’s reputation she has impuned happen to own some fairly substantial buisnesses in and around aberdeen 1 of our partners corporate headquaters is in aberdeen and he employs 400 people yea what an absolute sleezball! Council women Elliott your moral compass is so screwed up i am amazed you can find your way home!!!!
Lesson’s learned are many first become a redshirt ,second live outside the city become a redshirt , third don’t try to accomplish any thing that may benefit your buisness or the TAXPAYER IN ABERDEEN your better off being outside the city and wearing a red shirt , most important GETTING RE-ELECTED IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT THEN DOING WHATS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THIS CITY AS A WHOLE AND THAT SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS THAT WEAR RED SHIRTS HAVE ACCESS TO ALL OF CITY HALL!!!!
I would be remiss if i didn’t acknowledge Council President Hiob
and council man Ron Kupferman for your tremendous support for the TAXPAYERS of Aberdeen!
I’m with local. I had planned to move on in another three or four years, but the crap that happened on Monday ices this cake. The powers that be at Presbyterian Homes are now looking at the legal mechanics of terminating the relationship with the city. They will be going through the motions to become unannexed. The same is true with one other part of this fair burg.
Now the County can feel free to do whatever it wants with the Glengarry section. Aberdeen has said they have no interest so do what they wish. It will get rezoned as R3 and be developed as densely as the terrain will permit. I hope the people in Locksley and Gilbert Rd get everything they deserve from that.
Miek Hiob suggested that the 4 year term item be placed onto the ballot. I agree, but still think the entire charter review needs to be on the ballot. It is crystal clear to me that at least three of the five on this Council don’t have the mental capacity to do the right thing for us on this either.
My house will be going onto the market as soon as the market turns. Why in the name of all that’s holy should we pay the taxes here?
One last thought: I pulled out the campaign material that Bennet used to campaign against Simmons. All of it has a message the follows the “vote for me because I’m not Fred.” He did, however, make some campaign promises, two of which were: I will reduce taxes – he did reduce the actual rate, but the actual tax paid by each homeowner continued to go up – not a reduction even using Cliton methodology. He also said he would reduce sewer and water rates – the sewer rate went up last year and will be going up again this year. Bottom line is that he lied to you to get elected, now toss his sorry ass back out in November.
Any suggestions’ for a new Mayor ? yes you better wait for better time’s. my house has fell in value from $225,000.00 to $ 128,000.00 can’t give it away
In France, a “French kiss” is called an “English kiss”. Anyway, does anyone know what it’s called in Aberdeen? It has to be something different because everything in Aberdeen is different from the rest of the world!
So someone said the Glengarry will be devolped anyway? So the whole out of citiy limits Red Shirt thing was a lie?
So let me see if I completely undersgtand this, The Glengarry sits just outside City limits. It WILL be developed regardless of being annexed or not (well not since the vote on Monday) and the stresses it will cause on Aberdeen’s roadways and other services like Fire and Police will become a reality? But since the council voted against annexation Aberdeen will not benefit at all?
I give credit to Harford County! Governement! At least they are living in the real world.
When do prospective NEW council members start campaigning?
I can fix this City’s budget in four months. If anyone in that big brick building wants to know how, they can call me. I’m not talking about doing neglectful things either, true business savy insight. Be curious if I get any phone calls from anyone. Even if anyone out there wants to know my thoughts, call me.
Lance Hersh
Hey Vet, I’ll bet your tax assessment hasn’t been cut in half though !!!!!
I am very saddened that the non residents of Aberdeen got their way. I will be talking to the mayor at length on why he chose to vote that way and will be asking hard questions. If there is one thing I cannot stand it is being lied to face to face. That is one reason I will not talk to Ruth Elliot because I believe she is incapable of telling the truth. I like Mike Bennett as a person but as a mayor he has let me down. This being the biggest thing.
Yes, glengerry will be developed. It is a known fact and now Aberdeen will get all the traffic,etc. without any benefits. I mean, the developer committed to 52 million dollars in road improvements, etc. and they turn away from that why?????? Oh, and if they can expand Aberdeen in other ways, why did Ruth Ann Young vote against Ferrel fuels expansion? Seems she doesnt want Aberdeen to grow at all. It is a real shame.
Ruth Ann Young voted against Ferrel Fuels expansion because she was afraid that when trains finally fly, she was afraid that a train would fly into the propane tanks. She was also afraid that the train would fly into the Wetlands. LMAO
Lance Hersh
If the annexation was for an area that would contain warehouses and warehouses were to be built, say by, I don’t know, Art Helton, the annexation would have passed with no problem and the city wouldn’t have gotten squat save for a couple of permit fees and there would have been NO real progress looking toward the next generation.
It is sad that the narrowmindedness of a few coupled with an OUTSIDE entity that doesn’t pay tax 1 to this city but makes out on every service that this city has, basicallt hgave driven multiple nails into the coffin. The land will be developed and incorporated Aberdeen won’t get squat, thank you Ruth, Ruth, and Ruth, pretty maids all in a row,
Ruth 1, please be truthful this one time and retire from politics like you said you would.
Ruth 2, you seemed so smart. so involved, and that got you elected, boy were we wrong. By the way, “I want whats good for Aberdeen” isn’t a stance, it’s a tag line, and frankly you have burned that one out. You haven’t come up with an orginal thought and basically have become Ruth 1’s shadow. You and hubby will have plenty of time to read together and take long walks on Monday nights.
Ruth 3, Um, er, um, er, it’s time that, um, er, well, it’s like this, um, see in our position, um, er, well thank you all.
Sandi: I think you said that you had a brother or father in the police department, what is their take on this? The police will be burdened with more traffic, more accidents, and as I understand it, may be handling calls outside of the city limits because of an agreement with the sheriff’s office. One of our most valued services will get a strain and a drain put on it, that is if we manage to keep a police department. Apparently the city doesn’t want to pay our officers what they were promised and in keeping with the surrounding areas. Basically, Aberdeen doesn’t want to pay it’s own police force but wants to give out generous raises to a city council that voyed the will of OUTSIDERS and not the will of those that elected them into office. Outstanding.
Who are you kidding RWinger…. the permit fees (and property taxes) would be waived!
Does this make you cannidate?
I wish I had the time for a full term or many full terms on council or Mayor, but unfortunately I don’t. Everyone who knows me, knows that I love this city and care about this City alot more than just about anyone out there. What I will do is devote my time to is trying to make sure we have the proper representation we need to move forward as a City. With three small children at home it’s important for me to be there for my family. I don’t feel that I could dedicate the time I feel would be required to do the job properly. There are other people out there that are qualified and I feel can do a remarkable job and those are the people I’m going to stand behind and walk the streets with. If you would like to talk some more on the subjects at hand and what we face in the future, I’m always open for discussion.
Lance Hersh
Rwinger- yes, I do have a family member in the PD. He prefers not to mix politics and his employment together however and asked that I not post his comments on a public place. He however, is WAYYYYY less politically minded than I am. Not saying he doesnt care, because he definately does but hes not into drama.
i am using a circumventor web site to post becasue i dont want no one to find out who i am the police think its bs we havent had a raise in 2 years. bennett has his men in posiitions here to keep everyone quiet. rudy changed back to his old ways as soon as bennett got elected he doesnt have any credibility with the officers and neither does his captains this place is a mess and its only getting worse if anyone is caught on this blog saying the truth they will get punished we wish election day was tomorrow
PD: I’am not sure Chief Rudy ever had any credibility. He’s a nice guy to the public. like his predecessor the ”MAYOR”. I suspect the captain’s are running the show at the P.D.
election day is not going to do us any good, if we don’t find some body in town that has BACK BONE. NO ART NOT YOU.
PD has told us he had to use a circumventor (whatever that is) in order to communicate his or her thoughts without fear of retribution. That statement alone is a really sad thing. Punishment for expressing one’s thoughts is a disaster. This is America for crying out loud. Being politically correct is what got us to this point. At some point in the near future we will no longer be able to communicate because we might tread on someone’s sensibilities. PD thanks for stepping out there in spite of the threats.
Let’s get organized and get the three women off that Council. All three of them are doing huge damage to our City and in many ways it may be too late to turn back around.
RWinger and Vet, you both know how to reach me. Please give me or Lance a call and let’s talk about what we need to do to toss out the bad apples.
The Chief has his hands tied here. You have to remember that he is an appointed official that is qualified to do his job. He has to answer to those who put him in office. Even though it wasn’t this administration, he takes his orders from them. I feel he is doing the best job that he can do in the situation that he is stuck in. If you notice when Fred was in office, no one complained abut the Chief, because he was allowed to let the officers do real police work. Now he has to worry about getting fired ever 12 months, which is crazy. The mayor is just waiting to get his chance to put on of his State Police Chronies in there. At this point, that would now take him to getting reelected, which is NOT going to happen. I think once the Chief is given the oppurtunity to do his job the way he thinks it can be performed, you will see a big difference. Just a thought.
Vet, we will be getting together to put together a campaign for the REAL CITIZENS OF ABERDEEN soon. I hoping you will be a part of it. This is the most important election (since the last one) Aberdeen will face. It’s our last chance. I know Art Helton that you read this blog and would like to sit and talk with you about the election and how the city deserves alot better than what the last election brought to the table. It was an insult to the citizens of this city how both parties ACTed in the last election and I don’t feel this city needs to go through that again. I think both parties, who ever runs can take the high road here and run a respectable campaign. We were the laughing stock of the county 2 years ago during our election. No wonder everyone in surrounding communities thinks Aberdeen is a city with no identity. The reason I reach out to you Art, is I know that you will run Mayor Bennetts campaign and I will be involved in whoever runs against him due to the difference in opinion that both I have for whats best for the City and what the Mayor thinks is best for the city.
Lance Hersh
Sandi: Do you think that Aberdeen is better off now than when Fred was at the helm? Not trying to beat a dead horse but getting a feel if some folks are finally changing their positions.
Aberdeen was alot better when Fred was in office. Just throwing out my opinion, he may have been a bull in the china shop once in a while, but he wa a business person and understood what needed to be done to bring businesses into the city and protect our community. He did a little bit more than just decide on the width of a townhouse, which you can’t get a biulding permit in this city for one anyway. Not to jump in on your conversation RWinger, just throwing out an opinion. Do you think people are changing there positions towards or away from the current administration?
Lance Hersh
I think S.Fred deserves a lot more credit than he got. I gave him a hard time but all in good fun. he is a shewd business man. he was tough on crime. he would take a minute to stop & talk. one eye roveing for possible criminal activity.
I didnt intend to Hi jack the post either. but while I’am here RWinger for MAYOR?
Lance: I think that there are voters who didn’t vote that are smacking themselves in the head and I think that there are voters who voted for Bennett but wouldn’t again. This may become an anyone but Bennett election, so we need a couple of good candidates out there. I’ve mentioned before in detail, so I’ll summarize…….what has Bennett done for the Aberdeen taxpayer other than cause us to spend more money? Property tax went down but water and sewer went up. Money was WASTED on erasing any trace of Fred in City Hall and more money was WASTED on the information desk in City Hall. Council and mayor want a raise…….you spent your raise hiring the info desk person!
I’m curious to see if Sandi is ready to admit a huge mistake in throwing support behind Bennett.
Can anyone enlighten as to what was going on at Carol and 40 on Satrurday night. Did the Helton property there open up a dance club? Police cars and ambulances all night long. Did Aberdeen issue permits? If so I’d like to know who rubber stamped this one. If Mr. Helton is reading perhaps he can shed some light.
Shhhh……. fight down there at the Beauty parlor. saturday midday started inside ended out side two women the Hair was flying.getting to be a hot spot for fight’s etc.
Thanks Vet didn’t know about that one. I’m wondering about Saturday night, this past weekend, it was later, a lot of sirens around 10:30 or so more as the night continued. A lot of kids all smoking outside from the beauty shop up. The corner building has a dance club in it now I think.
Lance- I can appreciate your motivation for wanting to reach out to the ex senator regarding the november election but if you do you’ll get more than you ever bargained for. This guy lives the Art of politics to the degree that when he fell from favor with his own party he formed his own lunatic fringe party. He knows the Art of manipulation of not only the rules as seen in his questionable polling places but also of people as we all saw in the referendum and the last election. I believe that he could give a rats ass about the cause of the red shirts or the effects of any annexation on the City of Aberdeen. What he saw was a group of hygenically challenged warriors foaming at the mouth for someone to lead them. Like Patton he believed that the enemy of your enemy can be your friend and he easily had this group spend more energy successfully hijacking an election than he could ever do in his own unsuccessful bids for office. And Lance this ground he won putting his man in office he will do anything to keep.
With your help and those like you the current Council President will be the next mayor of the city. But to be successful you will have to meet that red shirt energy head on and reaching out to the opposition in my view is a waste of your energy.
I believe Al Thong has really hit it dead on. Negotiating or hoping to get anywhere with the kingmaker will lead you nowhere. He enjoyed the run of City Hall and got all kinds of preferential treatment before the Simmons administration. He cried like a little girl when we wouldn’t grant him one waiver after another to circumvent State laws. He had to get Fred out and as Al says, he used that bunch of red shirts to spread his lies and filth.
You can help Mike Hiob a lot in order to get Bennett out but not by askinf Helton for jack diddly.
Oops sorry R, I havnt been on in a few days. So, was Aberdeen better when S. Fred was in office? Hmm..complex question.
My problem with Fred was and will always be that I was lied to. I do not do well with people that lie to me and that was his mistake. Be it as it may, whatever.
Yes, I threw support for Bennett and to say it was a mistake? mmm…maybe. Recently I have been dissappointed in him, but thats all for reasons I will not air in public. I recently talked to Fred and I genuinely like the guy. I think being in City Hall with the 2 Ruth’s is an insanely hard thing to do.
So, yes I didnt really answer the question I know. Partly because I dont know if Bennett was necessarily a “mistake” or not and partly because those who help me pay my bills read this.
Did anyone attend the Monday work session? From what I hear, the Council President pretty well stopped this entire fiasco. The four year term idea will be on the ballot and from what I hear the Mayor’s representative, Mike Bennett, said words to the effect of “now we’ll have to wait until after the election for any Charter change. That tells me that he knows the entire issue has developed legs and he doesn’t want to do anything that will effect the election. Business as usual in Aberdeen, the reelection of the person is what’s important, not what’s right and good for Aberdeen.
Did anyone notice that Aberdeen Parks and Recreation baseball opening day was Saturday? Mike Hiob was the only elected official to make an appearance. They even had to ask Dave Yensan to welcome the teams, a duty previously handled by a Mayor. I guess Art didn’t have the time.
Hiob for emperor!
Interesting post Sandi. One generally hears many bad things about the past administration but not usually from the city workers or the police department who received three substantial raises in two years. It may be argued that these three raises and the tax increase to pay for them framed the next election for the three on the council that voted to pay the city employees what they would be worth anywhere else in the region. So if you have a family member, maybe even a spouse, in the employ of the city you probably could be a little more brave in your answer to RW and be a little more thankful to “those who help me pay my bills”.
I’m sorry that you think I am ungrateful Al. The raises were very nice and I know that the city employees were very grateful for them but while I appreciated the raises, I appreciate honesty more. I was directly lied to by Fred not about police matters at all but general city things and to me, that weighed more than any amount of money he could give “us.”
I would be interested in what lie he told you. Was it a lie or political “statement” that he didn’t follow thru on that he tried to, but couldn’t given the people he was surrounded by. Just wondering.
Lance Hersh
By the way, this Mayor and half council have lied to you for 18 months, and one thing that the former mayor has said to you has you wondering which administration has done better for this city. Not attacking you, just wondering.
As an employee I can say that Aberdeen Citezens get far more bang for their buck than the other Municpalities, and I can say that at both of the other municipalities, there are employees with one tenth of the time on as I do, and do far less work, and are only a dollar an hour behind me, with better bennifits, and a brighter future as of right now. I would be hapy to know what is the future of Aberdeen with this administration, what is thier plan for growth that allows them to just ignore the annexation of property that would generate revenue for the City. Or am i missing something?
Other than the people that live out there having personal reasons to not want to be in Aberdeen Limits why would the City not want to annex? With that opportunity slipping away, I as an employee have serious doubts as to the future of Aberdeen and am having a hard time justifying a reason to stay here. I dont remember the last time someting positive on the future of aberdeen was ever put out. The base ball stadium was a disaster, they refused to annex, they are forever short on money, there is no out of the box thinking to move forward, So what is the future of Aberdeen, If they cant grow up twords Bel AIr, and havre De Grace is expanding twords Aberdeen, where are we gonna go, Whats left ?
Oh and should we as employees be greatfull for the raises or angry that we have been behind the times for so long and the Citizens should be greatfull they get anykind of service for what they paid. I worked hard to get the position i have, i have worked hard to get the money i have made. Just because they finally borught us into the currant century I should bow down. Fred Simons at least was proactive and was constantly trying to get Aberdeen as a whole somewhere. What are we doing now, other than ignoring growth and trying to make longer terms for mayor.
Your points are valid and true. The current administration has not done what is best for the City. You had only Mike Hiob and Ron kupperman stand up for what is important for this City. The current Mayor never laid out a strategy for this City and still does not have one. I would love for him to at least acknowledge to the citizens of this City what his goals were, because I never heard any when he ran for Mayor, except that he wasn’t Fred Simmons and he would not raise taxes or water and sewer rates. Well he lied about the water and sewer rates, and if he believed that the tax raise was wrong, he would have went right into council and put a bill together to abolish the tax raises that Fred Simmons put in place.
The truth be told, Fred Simmons was a tough Mayor and made tough decisions. Now this Mayor has had to make a few togh decisions, such as deciding on how wide a townhouse should be (LOL). To bad no one wants or can even geta building permit in this City. When it came to tough decisions he laid down like a baby taking a nap after a snack. He has been riding the coattails of Fred Simmons since he became Mayor. Fred gave him a budget increase that could breeze him through 2 years without making any tough decisions. Now that an election is coming I know I can’t trust him to make tough decisions going forward. Luckly Fred made 4 years worth of tough decisions in 2 years and Mayor Bennett has skated through his 2 years without having to ruffle the feathers of the non citizens who spewed out lie after lie about Fred during our last election to get Mayor Bennett elected. Anyone in that big brick building downtown want to know how to balance this City’s budget and start growing, I have the answers. Still haven’t gotten any phone calls yet from any of those people who want me to keep my mouth shut, but they can’t wait to go home and check the Dagger to see what I have posted next. Don’t worry, more on the budget to come shortly. I have had plenty of calls and emails from the concerned citizens of this City as to what some of the solutions would be.
On another note, if everyone could take a moment and pray for all the men and women across this world protecting our freedom, ask that God keep a close eye on them. Our country unfortunately has been so focused on the economy, that the news has not been paying attention to the ones that provide and protect the freedoms that we take advantage of everyday.
Lance Hersh
Sandi- Another interesting post by you. You have repeated that the former mayor lied to you but you are evasive when asked what that lie was. It seems to me watching this blog since the beginning that the lie you speak of, if exposed, will do one of two things; if it was really a lie it will make more great fodder for this thread; if it wasn’t a lie it may show that you are a one trick pony and not the connected insider you pretend to be. And remember, you “appreciate honesty more” than money.
Al with all do respect. I think sandi is telling the truth. Her husband refuses to comment on the Dagger, which in turn. would make me believe he is a city employee.
Which in turn might” put her in ” Hot water” if she comment’s on a subject that should at best lay dormant.
Hey Vet..Every day I turn on the news I am reminded to thank you for your service to our country. About Sandi..She repeatedly calls the last mayor a liar and never explains the lie. Vet- with all do respect I think Sandi is the liar. Why would a mayor single out one resident and lie about “general city things”? She supported Bennett and I believe her and her ilk got what they deserved. No pay raises and none in sight.
And Rob I believe in you and people like you. You deserve fair wages for a fair days work. You produce a superior product (service) and it is delivered to the citizens at an artificially low price subsidized by your loyalty and your wages. And at the same time the folks that trim your wages want to pass laws to double theirs and keep their hold over you for four years instead of two. I hope that you continue to speak up.
ok Al- I have reall tried to be civil. I do not have to tell you or anyone else on here exactly what went down between Fred and I. It was a personal matter and I do not wish to air it all here. I was asked a question and answered it to the extent I am comfortable with. I am sorry that I cannot say he was perfect. Bennett isnt perfect either. Im really not sure what more you or anyone else wants me to say. I am very displeased with the lack of courtesy on this thread that you have created. So, you and everyone else can talk all kinds of crap about me but I am done. I will not bicker back and forth about it anymore.
Sandi-Good go. you were comfortable enough to call the man a liar on the web but your skin turned thin when it came back at you.
Next time you get the ear of your mayor ask him why he cut the police overtime, wants to disband the RRT, and why he’s having talks with the sheriff about a county police force.
Thats an inside scoop for you.
Hey Al,
Was that part of Mayor Bennett’s agenda for this City when he ran for office, because if it was he never told anyone. Actually, I don’t think he told anyone a real plan, he only said he had a plan. Countywide Police Force. That would really do Aberdeen alot of good, especially since Sheriff Bane said he could patrol Aberdeen with 4 officers. Welcome to the next Edgewood if that happpens.
Lance Hersh
I was waiting patiently, for sandi to respond I did’nt want to hi jack the post. sheriff bane can not control edgewood. a lot of good he will do the resident’s of aberdeen. I think He ( Bane) is suffering and ego complex.
Best to leave our officers, where they are. and that includes the RRT. Hopefully the mayor & council will spend more time playing’ tiddly wink’s until the next election. which won’t come soon enough.
I have been watching this pretty closely to see how Fred had gotten to be a liar. He was called arrogant, self centered, and several more that I prefer not to repeat but Sandi is the only one who called him a liar. I worked really closely with Fred and know how and why he picked all the other titles, but can not for the life of figure out the liar part. The truly interesting irony is that Sandi uses that as her rationalization for supporting the Helton/Johnson/Bennett ticket. Of course the three of them are known for their truth telling! oh yeah!
You opened the closet door Sandi. Now fess up or shut up.
The county wide police force lost wind on a ballot some years back because Aberdeen and Havre De Grace residents fought hard, we didn’t want to lose our police, at the time it was propesed that there would be 4 more deputies on a tour, 2 in Havre De Grace and 2 in Aberdeen to supplement to Belcamp to Havre De Grace car. Think of the current population and the forecast for poulation increase in the region as well as the state of affairs that Handshakes Instead of Handcuffs got Edgewood et al and you will easily see that the municipalities need to keep their police forces.
That said, if all county law enforcement was left to the sheriff’s department I’m not sure that all of the current police would have to be hired on (sorry Sandi but brother/father/hubby may be in search of a job). If a county police department was developed free of the sheriff’s department, I’m sure that the balk of the patrol deputies and municipal officers would get hired on but there is no certainty that each would have a job (sorry Sandi but someone close to you could be submitting resumes in very trying financial times).
I’m not going to jump on Sandi for not giving a straight forward answer, I’ll accept what she gave me, proof or not, but to para phrase Fred, the people get the government that they vote in and get what they deserve not always what’s needed. Sandi, welcome to the real world and next time, think with your head, not your heart and see if you would choose the same candidate.
That’s all for today sports fans off to the Home and Garden fiasco at Ripken Stadium, should be a great day if the weather is any indication!
So how was the Home & Garden show? I couldn’t get up there. Had surgery on Wednesday and can’t drive yet. I will be hosting a small coffee clatch on Tuesday afternoon at the New Ideal Diner. I will be talking with a few others about the 2009 campaign. RWinger and Vet I would really like you to join me. Over the past couple of years we have disagreed on several things but also have considerable common ground. Please you two, try to make it.
FACTOID Anarchists, Communists, and Terrorists (ACT) has eight count them EIGHT members who live and pay taxes in Aberdeen. The remaining 8 or 9 members live outside the City. This is the group to whom Ruth Elliott, Ruth Ann Young and Mike Bennett pay homage. It is for them that the three of them stabbed the rest of us in the back. That paltry little group is responsible for almost all of our failings.
One of the attractions of a “city” or “incorporated village ” is the private police depts.
Go Dagger !
Lance, RW, Vet and Dave (although Dave already knows this) Here is the slippery slope that pandering politicians like the three women on the council bring to the sleeping citizens. As I have said before, every worker in the city produces a product. This product is service and although citizens are not in immediate need of some of those services, the machine that produces them has to to able to produce these services to all the folks 24/7 365 days a year.
A plank in almost any political platform is the reduction of spending and the lowering of taxes. Failing to do this ( or atleast pretending to by borrowing against real estate) generally wakes up the comatose voters and their reaction is usually knee jerk and they throw out the folks that woke them up and elect the sirens that sing the song that puts them back to sleep.
Now comes 2009 and real estate values are down (even municipal) and lending is tough (even at Harford Bank) so what can the three women on the council do to keep the costs for service down and the voters calm?
CUT SERVICES. Law enforcement is the most expensive service ( because to the last administration it was the most important) and it will be the first to go. A county police force will be cost effective in the beginning and a death sentence in the end. Follow that with having a company like MES (run by ex county exec Harkins) take over the water and sewer for the city and there will be no reason to remain an incorporated entity at all.
But it will happen slowly like the old boil the frog addage. Just remember; cut the overtime equals cut the service; cut the pay equals cut the service; take away the take home cars equals cut the service, reduce the staff by key members equals cut the service.
People old enough will remember when Ruth Elliott did this in a previous term.
I ran into a recent Aberdeen Officer of the Year yesterday and he told me he was looking for a different employer.
The slippery slope has begun.
Municipal politics is a tough business and needs to be run by tough people like Councilman Yensan.
This City has to be run like a business. I agree on everything that you said. I still could fix this budget in several months without cutting services or raising taxes. I could probably lower taxes and increase services with what I have in mind. I even spoke to former Mayor Simmons and he agreed in my stratagy and even said it was brilliant, and as we know, wether you like him or not, Mr Simmons is a great business man. I have spoke to Mr. Yensan about my plan and he agreed on it also. Would love to share it with everyone, but that time will come soon.
Lance Hersh
the police dept has been falling apart for over a year now. no leadership at all. everyone in charge only cares about one thing and thats themselves. sandi’s husband was promised somethings and when bennett didnt deliver she turned her back on him just like she did with s fred (it wasnt really a lie). truth be told the county police would be a good thing. only bad part is most officers wont get hired because of personal issues and political issues. remember the sheriff has a kin at the pd and he usually fills him on things. the sheriffs office is very respected and they would do a good job. granted they are not as good as having our own with fast service but it wouldnt be the end of the world.
and sandis husband i’m sure would be one of the ones who would find it difficult to get hired
To PD and all aother Dagger users-
I would like to make this one post and this one post only, and this is all I have to say. I do my best to stay out of this childish blog, but somehow I got drug into it anyway and I normaly dont care. But I need to clear the air on a few things. PD (whoever you are) I was never promised anything from Bennett and as a matter of fact I have never been promised anything from this department or from the city. I also want to say that if you have gripe with me in anyway, then you need to come and talk to me face to face as a man and as a Brother in Blue if that is what you really are. I think that it is essential for any group to keep personal business just that or that group is destined for demise. A house divided against it’s self will fall. In the hard time that we face today we have bigger battles to fight. Let’s work together to make Aberdeen a great department and a great city not tear it apart from the inside. (if you really are on the inside) I have my gripes and complaints just like the next guy however I do not chose to post them to an open forum were people chose to tear eachother apart for things that the other person may or may not know anything about. I would rather be a man and share my gripes face to face with those who may have the power to help change the problem or have the authority to tell me to live with it. I chose to be at Aberdeen Police Department and i chose to be a part of the city. I think that if I work hard daily to help make this a better place I might influence or encourage others to do the same. 1 voice by itself will get lost in the wind but if you talk to your friends and neighbors one voice becomes many and that voice can not be quieted or ignored forever. I say lets work together for a greater Aberdeen and please leave me out of this blog. If you wish to talk to me i have an open door. if you work for the PD as your name implies then you know were i live and were i work. Come ill talk any time. If you dont work for the city then if you ever see me out in Aberdeen ill talk to you (if i’m not in uniform) about whatever is on your mind. Since I hate pseudonyms, my name is Jason.
Relative to my earlier invite for coffee; I’ll be at the diner by 3:30 and want to have a chance to talk with some of you. Art feel free to send a spy,he won’t learn a thing. Al Thong, you sound like a guy in the know and I’d hope you might be able to swing by as well. 3:30 New Ideal Diner for a coffee clatch. As Lance said we are the REAL CITIZENS OF ABERDEEN.
To all out there,
You have asked when a meeting may be held, well Dave has set a meeting up tomorrow at the Ideal Diner at 3:30 (Tuesday) for anyone who can make it. Would love to put a face with some of your posts, or at least show up to support the true citizens of Aberdeen. If you can’t make it, don’t worry. This will be the first of many meetings we will have, but please try to come if you can. I have a very specific agenda in which we can move forward on and would love to share with everyone.
Lance Hersh
Dave got me a ittle nostalgic:
FROM 11-7-07 DAGGER:
“With his swearing-in ceremony set for Monday night, Bennett began familiarizing himself with his new position the morning after his resounding mayoral victory. The word from the Bennett Camp Wednesday is that a transition team to assist the new mayor will be named shortly. I am also told city residents should expect Bennett to hold true to his promise for a new vision and master plan and movement in a different direction with the goal of a more user-friendly attitude toward citizen service.”
NEW VISION…….more like blindness! MASTER PLAN……..more like serving Art and keeping Aberdeen a little behind the times while wasting money (what is up with the Help Desk woman). I called it ArtHeltondeen then and I call it that now.
MORE USER FRIENDLY ATTITUDE TOWARD CITIZEN SERVICE………anyone try to get a permit? How about a straight answer from one of the three ladies on the council? Heck, they have an IT person and Aberdeen can’t keep the council minutes updated on their own website. Bennett served some citizens, unfortunately they are the ACT members that don’t even live in city limits.
Talk to a Public Works worker or a police officer and they’ll tell you that they aren’t getting any pay raises, they aren’t getting new equipment (street sweeper doesn’t count, it was already in the works), and certain roads jobs are put on the back burner because those making the decisions and running City Hall don’t have a hint of business sense. (Certain people got all expense paid trips to conferences didn’t they Ruth Ann??)
I bring this up because Lance and others make some very valid points. The business of Aberdeen needs to be run like a business. A City Manager does not need a take home police car, a police officer does! Money did not need to be wasted on erasing everything Fred and fuzzy math (ie from Peter to pay Paul or from Property to Sewer as I like to say) isn’t the answer to fiscal problems.
I have no doubt that Lance has a structured fiscal plan that can get the city in the black by other means than taxpayers backs. (Ruth 1 reading and scratching head: Who’s Lance? Ruth 2 reading and scratching head: We have fiscal plans? and Ruth 3 reading and scratching head: Ummmmm, but the Help Desk looks so helpful…..ummmmm…….Art?Art?Arrrrrrrrrrrrrt!!!…..oh why did I wear a red tie?) I have no doubt that Dave, never a loss for words, may have some very good qwords of wisdom from someone who has “been there” . I would really love to make it to the diner Tuesday but have a late lunch meeting in Northern Virginia so time might not be my friend. Those that do show, listen and share. IT’S DARK, BUT ALL AIN’T LOST YET!
To Sandi’s husband Jason; Pd didn’t drag you into this blog, your wife did. Your ire maybe better vented in your bedroom than on this thread.
come on jason you change sides like people change their underwear. whoever you think will put you ahead you will say good things about. whoever cant do anything for you you talk talk bad about. youre young and niave and believe anything people tell you. you are good officer and you do your job. youre not a real go getter but your a steady officer. like al thong said keep sandi off the blog and you would not even have been brought up.
and s fred did not lie to your wife
and yea the mayor hates this blog. weve been told to stay off of it. i hope jason doesnt get i trouble for his post. i know rudy has some explaining to do at the staff meeting
Why would Mayor Bennett hate us?
How quickly he has forgotten the ambush that was being set up for him at the candidate’s forum prior to the election – and how The Dagger gave him an opportunity to defuse that bomb before it ever had a chance to go off:
P.D. the Mayor has good reason to dislike the Dagger….. it pick’s up Rumors gossip etc. and put’s ”Fresh” perspective to old problems.
Well, now I’ve seen it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would like to thank Mayor Bennett last night for totally insulting the Board of the Boys and Girls Club of Harford County. Diane Smith a board member got up and spoke and was treated like a female was before they had the right to vote. I shall repeat what Mayor Bennett said to Mrs. Smith on several occasions during her speech. “Look me in the eye” “address me, I am the chair”says Mayor Bennett several times in a condensending way. Excuse me Mayor Bennett, this a person who has dedicated the 2 1/2 years of her life to an organization that helps the youth of this community. True grass roots program, something that this City should have been thanking her for her service for, not treating her like a dog with flees. Mrs. Smith and many of the other Board members have given hundreds and thousands of hours and thousands of dollars of there own money to keep these clubs going, especially the one here in Aberdeen. Let I not forget to mention that the Boys and Girls Club of Harford County was started here in Aberdeen. They do all this without any monitary consideration, and haven’t asked for a raise like you Mr. Mayor.
Lets see here. The City has to make $21,000 in budget cuts for the Boys and Girls Club. I could go into many different budget scenerios, but I’ll just go into one right now since I’m short on time. The City has a new receiptionist. WOW, thats something we really needed to spend $60,000 on including benefits. Thats right tax payers $60,000 a year. You want to know why they have to have a receptionist???? I know your dying to know. Because when you walk into City Hall no one there is friendly enogh to guide you the right direction that already works there. With the receiptionist (which I’ve been told is a very nice person and this isn’t intended to slander them) it still isn’t going to be a friendly atmosphere, because the unfriendly people are still working there that you have to deal with. Want me to start naming names. Mrs. Grover, Mr. Lipinsky, Mr. Jones, Mr. Brown, Mayor Bennett, and the list goes on. $60,000 f-ing tax payers dollars wasted because these people can’t be nice or accessible. There goes the Boys and Girls Club Budget cut of $21,000 from $30,000 and not to mention the promise of a $5000 contribution to the Aberdeen Chamber from the EDC that would have went to our scholorship fund. Mr. Bennett, you should be ashamed of yourself for treating Mrs. Smith the way you did. And get this everyone, HE DID IT IN FRONT OF THE MEETING INCLUDING 25 KIDS THAT ARE MEMBERS OF THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB AND PARENTS WITH SUCCESS STORIES ABOUT THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. REAL NICE ROLE MODEL YOU HAVE TURNED OUT TO BE FOR THE YOUTH MR. MAYOR. If they all turn out to be like you we will have a bunch of condesending kids with no direction walking around the Eastside, “Where you grew up and haven’t bothered to return there since you moved out”. I hear Mike Hiob and Ron Kupperman are at the Boys and Girls club on occasion and try to help when possible. But I have to ask, Mrs. Elliott and Mr. Bennett, I have never heard of you being over there, maybe unless there is a newspaper crew there to take a picture.
Just a thought for the day.
Remember in Nov when in comes time to vote.
As a citizen of Aberdeen, I would like to apologize to the Boys and Girls Club for the mistreatment they have received by the people who I pay there salaries, but let it be known, I didn’t vote for this Mayor and I will make sure that the next Mayor has the proper respect for the Club and treats the people who come out to the meetings with respect, and you won’t have to wear a red shirt to get that respect.
Lance Hersh
Well Lance, the good thing is we will all be able to see it for ourselves on HCN, right? Or will we……
If I understand the message from PD the Mayor has told all employees to stay off the dagger. I didn’t know that the employee contract included the waiving of Constitutional rights. Just who the Hell do these people think they are?
Wow Lance, I applaud the passion in your post. It’ll take that kind of energy to defeat the red shirts. Also anything you can do to unite the police force will be a great benefit to your cause. In the last election the police department was both divided and lethargic. Some pissed and moaned about petty personal peeves and all of them didn’t show the energy they put forth on the referendem of two elections ago. You have close ties to the department and their support will mean allot. Beware however of an ex-cop lurking in the shadows that can undo any progress you may make with the department and has shown that he will court even the red shirts to get elected.
I don’t think the ex cop. is showing to much interest in up setting the apple cart.
I just go back from meeting #1, Thanks to all of you who stopped by. The idea of leaving your cars across the way helped even though the diner wasn’t that busy. Thanks especially to the former Mayor for his kid words of encouragement. We all appreciated that. Poor Art drove by six times trying to see what we were up to. He should have stopped, I would have bought him a cup too.
More to follow.
Dave, Lance- Just another example of the council remaining asleep at the switch; read in the local paper today that yet another Rec Center is being planned for the northern part of the county. Dave, wasn’t the next rec center/ senior center promised to Aberdeen and to be built on the original foot print for the stadium behind 84 lumber? Wasn’t that project already in the 2010 county budget? I believe that Council President Hiob worked that deal in the previous administration to include a rugby field and a home for peewee football.
I had the very same thought when I read the Aegis today. I and Fred had the County Parks andRecs folks in to talk about our vision for the Lands of Stancill. Joe Paff was very excited about the concept and promised to work with us to make it happen. He then promised us a $13,000,000 Community Center/Aberdeen parks building for the site. A very good contractor volunteered to put in an international class rugby field and others promised support to the project. Obviously that project had the stench of Simmons and Yensan so was abandoned as well. Aberdeen’s loss is North Harford’s gain. I guess we should have named it Art Helton park.
Like Daddy Rabbit said the other day: “Hiob for Emperor”
The lack of facilities is one of the big reasons my kids play sports in other local towns, and not in Aberdeen, even theough we live here. Of course, that’s just one reason…
Last night’s 13 – 15 baseball game was delayed because of the high school team game running over. When they finally got the field there was no umpire. Aberdeen Parks & Rec never scheduled any umpires. I’m glad it’s the last year for my grandson to participate here.
Dave, Lance, RW and Vet. Recent situations ( I couldn’t bring myself to use the word developments) in the chambers of Aberdeen city hall begs the question,” is there always an art to economic development in Aberdeen”?
At the very end of every discussion about the under revenue producing Ripken Stadium the final analysis is that the then council members were betting on the come. That being the synergy of the stadium to attract the Stadium Town Center, The Avenue, Eagles Rest, the Stadium Condos and yes even Pres Homes and the CCRC.
The Pres Homes development was pain stakingly annexed into the city with the understanding that there would be a tax abatement for these seniors who placed little demand on city services and had a great deal of money to spend in local businesses. It was even hoped that a medical clinic would follow these seniors to benefit all of Aberdeen.
Now with the city reneging on the tax abatement the Pres folks are trying to find a way to reverse the annexation and once again become a part of the county which has already seen their benefit and abated their county taxes.
If they are successful leaving the city the already allocated water for the project could be used by other developers to build even small office complexes like the one before the planning commission currently.
So I suppose one could say that there really is an art to economic development in Aberdeen
The medical clinic is still coming, I think. At least they are advertising positions for it, even though ground has not been broken…
Sounds like Harford County is going to make out pretty good at the expense of Aberdeen. Wetlands/Glengarry will get developed with the taxes going to the county, Pres Homes the same, and maybe even the county-wide police force…
it makes me wonder how long, Art has been influenceing the changes in aberdeen?
AL J Thong
Reference to your last statement #94.,I am interisted who or whom gave
Pres Home of Md the understanding thier would be a tax abetment for thier
complete project. I have also been reasearching the the reduced water &
sewer h/u fees that were granted to Pres Home of Md. From what I understand
when the amended ordinance No. 652-04 was signed by the mayor on May
10/04 it was not written the way it was approved by the council, maybe you
could advise me on the ordinance also
Howdy Bruce. That deal was done during the tail end of the Wilson Administration. AT THE TIME the thinking was that the overall benefit to the City was great enough tht it would be worthwhile to waive the property taxes. The part that ha always baffled me is that they also tied the hands of future Councils by locking the water and sewer hood up fees at the rate of the moment. Keep in mind that we now know that the water and sewer funds were losing somewhere in the vicinity of $400,000 per year. The current hook up fees reflect the actual expense of capital and operation of the funds, AT THE TIME that they were set in 2006. I would bet that they should have been adjusted again this year, but “it is an election year.”
With respect to ordinance 652-04 being different than approved by Council I am a bit baffled. That would have been Ron, Jerry, Mike and Gina with Wison as Mayor. During the two years that I was on, we signed every ordinance individually. That is we approved it by voice vote and then after reading it in the Clerk’s office signed it in order for it to go into effect. If the written ordinance is different than what the Council actually approved, then there is a case for malfeasance.
I’m not too sure if Al Thong will have any additional info, but will be interested to see.
Well, I think the Aberdeen Council might be moving in the right direction. I’ve been told that Councilmen Hiob and Councilmen Kupperman would vote down cutting the Aberdeen Boys and Girls Club funding by 67% and they had made that clear earlier than the council meeting. I’ve also been told that Councilwomen Elliott has reached out to the Boys and Girls Club about voting down the budget cut on the Boys and Girls club. I would personally like to thank those 3 Council Members for supporting the children of our future, the future leaders, doctors, police officers, fire fighters, etc. hard workers of America. Also a note of good news that the Mayor and Town Manager maybe setting a meeting up to come to the Boys and Girls Club to see there operations and meet with Randy Acosta (new director of the Boys and Girls Club) and several of the board members.
Now, for the first time today I was able to get a peak of the Aberdeen Budget, thats right, the actual budget of Aberdeen that is always hiden so it won’t be scrutinized or seen by the Citizens of this City. Most muncipalities have there budgets right on there official websites, but not Aberdeen. Seems like they always have something to hide. First thing I would like all the taxpayers in Aberdeen to know is that the $20,000 budget cut from the Boys and Girls Club could easily be found with the $20,000 the City is spending to plant and buy trees. Thats right everyone $20,000 to plant and buy trees. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a green person, but how can you out weigh our youth over trees????? Also, lets admit it everyone, Ripken Stadium is the biggest burden in the History of this City. In the red this past year at a tune of $162,000. Transfering money from the General fund to cover a loss is unacceptable. How do the taxpayers feel that there money goes to PAY for a capital venture like that, that makes huge profits for the businesses that are occupying that stadium. CCCRRRRAAAAAZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some other quick numbers for you. The Boys and Girls Club budget was cut by 67%, and yet the Parks and Rec budget was only cut by 17%. HHUUUUUMMMMMM Looks like the barriers of this City keep getting built up. 67% cut to the East Side and 17% budget cut to the West Side.
Wow, ACT. How come you don’t focus your efforts on the issues lossing money for this City instead of focusing your efforts on issues that will be make this City money and grow. Thats right ACT. Please understand this business concept. I know it’s hard for you, but it’s time to do whats right for Aberdeen. You are happy about the fact of going to Ripken Stadium every year to watch baseball, not only do you have to pay for the tickets, but $15,000 a month in tax money so you can watch the games. Budget cuts happen because your business doesn’t perform well. This is what happens in Aberdeen year after year. Time to change and for the people of Aberdeen to join the True Citizens of Aberdeen group and choose what is right for the future of Aberdeen.
$162,000 a year would do alot to shape our youth of the future. Until next time.
Lance Hersh
Bruce- I din’t think that I have a complete answer but I did work for the city then and this is what I remember. There was a huge cloak of secrecy surrounding the development of the stadium parcels and the annexation of the lands that were to be Pres Homes and the adjacent property that was to become Eagles Rest. Aberdeen hired a lawyer named Donal Brand to be in charge of “special projects” and he reported directly to the city manager. In fact, if my memory serves me, the pres Homes parcel and the Eagles Rest parcel were brought into the city as one deceiving the county council. That deception was uncovered by the next administration (including councilman Yensan) and the county council was made aware, the parcels were split properly, and there was a second vote.
I dont know who made the pomise to abate the Pres Homes taxes just like we may never know who actually crafted the deals with the Ripkens but I do know this; This kind of shit happens under city manager style government. All of these issues were voted upon by the then city council and passed. The problem was that the council had no hand in making the deals and hence no real understanding of the pitfalls to come.
And while the council slept, so too did the citizens re-electing incumbents.
Wow Lance, that’s good info. Where can we get a copy of the actual budget (and not the one paraded around by the City manager)? Like you, I am green. But where exactly would you plant $20K in trees? As for the Boys and Girls Club, the eastern part of the City looks like it’s cut off from the rest of Aberdeen by the railroad and overpass. I guess it’s out of sight and out of mind for them over there.
Concerning the election, exactly who will run against these incumbents? If no one runs, other than them, it will be the same people making the same poor decisions.
Local, with respect to your last question; There have been minor rumblings so far. One could presume that Pat McGrady (SP?) seems to be positioning herself for a run. Unfortunately she is also anti-development, anti property maintenance ordinance,etc. Rick Denu’s name keeps popping up, but as I have stated publicly, the Aberdeen elections have been taken over by the political parties and the Hatch Act will pretty much keep any Federal Employee form being able to run. Can we get Yensan and Simmons back?
There haven’t been any others who threw themselves out there as yet. Somebody wrote in here once upon a time that the problem is that anyone smart enough to get the job done is smart enough to stay away. I fear that the true quality folks won’t even show their faces.
I think Artorro is correct. We lost any chance of getting the right things done when Simmons and Yensan lost the election. I would doubt either would bother. The trash heap is too high and way beyond them being able to clean it up. Wish they would. Bruce are you running?
Tired and Artorro Nasney,
Don’t worry, in the coming months we are going to have some very good canidates to choose from. Like I said before, besides my business and my family, my main goal this year is to have Aberdeen up on track for the future. That includes making sure we have the proper people running this City and qualified people running this City. This great City will rise up from the ruins that this Mayor has left it in and be stronger than ever. Like I said, this budget can be corrected within mnths, if done properly. We are going to do a true grassroots campaign for the right canidates. If you called me, I will put you on my list of citizens to help work for whats right. Without the help of the Citizens who care like yourselves, we are going to have a hard time defeating Helton and crew. I look forward to hearing from some of you.
Lance Hersh
I wouldn’t mind getting involved to help someone get elected. I do not have the time or the stomach to run myself. I am also little concerned about calling and people getting to know me. The last thing I want is for someone in City hall or the Police Department to “come by” and selectively enforce somekind of obscure ordinance that no one ever herd of. I know it’s happened in the past to one of my neighbors and he regrets every questioning City Hall.
Lance and all Public Safety Supporters:
Lets not forget about the police departments budget. The police department ovetime was cut drastically as well as the training budget. Training is IMPORTANT and the City is setting itself up to be sued. The first questions after your name, rank, and assignment is always, What training and experiece do you have? Overtime, I hear they cut back OT in this years budget as well for the police to the point some nights are are working below minimum staffing levels and that detectives may not be coming out to certain crimes. This is jepordizing the safety of officers and jepordizing the prosecution and may hamper the convicitons. Now, our officers are capable of investigations however detectives have more specialized training.
I cannot wait for November, lets keep Mike Hiob, and get rid of the others who are keeping Aberdeen from progressing.
Oh, and lets not forget about their retirement which is still UNDERFUNDED…I mean, Sgt. Testerman is working on his 39th year…because he cannot afford to retire. That is s shame, that an officer has to work that long given the nature of their job.
No all I’m still here! Watching and waiting patiently!
I’ve chosen to listen rather than speak (or write as it is) because I want to know what it really is the citizens of Aberdeen want.
Viet Nam Vet
Lance Hersh
Dave Yensen
Et Al
Your insight and involvement is astounding; I hear you.
I still offer this, basics, we are missing the sound foundation of purpose for our government and that’s its responsibility to its citizenry by providing services and governance in their best interest and not that of “others”.
The Hatch Act only covers partisan elections so I am not limited.
Don’t worry, taking care of the officers who protect our freedoms and liberty is one of my main prioities. The public needs to see the other things that this City Government has done to other organizations besides the Police Department. They already know that the APD has been cut, but have not done enough to show support for the APD. But once they see that the City is playing the same dirty tricks to all other organizations and special interest groups, they will finally open up there eyes. I will dedicate the next 6 months to make sure that Aberdeen gets the guidence it deserves. We have to bring all isses to the forfront for the Citizens to understand the depth of problems this City has. If a majority of the Citizens aren’t going to be interested in the problems with the APD, we will show them the other problems that are out there that keep getting swept under the rug.
In the budget, there are alot of Miscellanous expenses that are not itemized that one on can seem to get a straight answer on, to the tune of a couple hundred thousand dollars. The person you showed me the budget that the public never gets to see, was told not to show anyone, (especially Lance Hersh). Gee, I guess they realize I know how to read a Balance sheet and budget statement and income statement. Jerry, you have my word that we will fight for the officers and other groups that seem to be ignored in this City. We just need to unite all the causes to get the job done. I’ll be counting on you for your help and support.
This budget can easily be fixed, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Sure would like to know how much it cost to remodel the Mayors office. I’m sure the next Mayor will enjoy the accomidations that have been made, but when I was in the Mayors office under Fred Simmons, the office was bueatiful, so why was all the money spent to redo it. Also, it will be interesting to see if Doug Miller will be driving one of the APD new Dodge Chargers fully police equipted for his use. Why the hell does the town manager need a vechicle like that. With his salary, he should be able to afford a pretty nice vechicle. Jerry, you know the building permit process in this City, another issue that needs to be addressed. You and I have been through that BS process. Mrs. Grover thinks she is the Messia, wonder who paid for that driveway she has. I know a former Police Officer who worked on it for free from the contractor who gave it to her. Crazy town politics run by crazy people.
Just a thought for the day.
Lance Hersh
By the way RIPKEN STADIUM IS VERY PROFITABLE. The only part of the contract that it doesn’t benefit is the City of Aberdeen. We always loose alot of money. Didn’t Cal make alot of money in the majors and have a great pension from MLB along with the money he makes off of his business ventures. Why do we have to pay his company a second pension for him. He is freeloading off of this City. HE SSSUUUURRRRRREEEEEE does care about Aberdeen doesn’t he??????
Good to see you on here, your post came up while I was writing mine, so I would have said Hi earlier. Glad to see you are still very concerned about the City. I’ll be honest, I know alot of people out there question your motives and prioities, and who you are lined up next to. Good thing is you are not to afraid to see that this City has major problems that need to dealt with. Look forward to chatting soon and hope the family is doing well.
Lance Hersh
Hey it’s real good new’s to hear from Mr Denu. Now there is a mover & a shaker we thought we had lost you.
My motive in seeking a seat on the City Council was to do what is right and in the right way.
My priorities were to correct legislation and business practices that were dated or largely served those other than the citizenry at large.
I allign my self with no one, but will foster a relationship where business can be conducted.
The issues Aberdeen faces need to be worked from the bottom up and the inside out and not the other way around. The focus has been on self serving individualism and external interests for far too long. A base needs to re-established and only then we can move forward.
Thanks for asking.
I have no doubt you have the best intentions for the city of Aberdeen. But I am a little confused. You say that simmons and yensan were on the right track with the city. but then you express that you are glad to see Denu back in the mix. How quickly we forget!!! Denu worked hard to get simmons and yensan out of office and no matter what he says on this post it was for personal reasons, axe to grind. Lance, I will support you in your endeavor to rid the city of these people in power. But i will tell you if you align yourself with Denu you will lose alot of support. Like the old saying if you lay down with dogs your going to get fleas.
not 4 you,
I did not say in my article once that I was throwing suppport for Mr. Denu. What I did say is that, I know he cares about the community, and it was good to see that he is keeping up with what is going on in the city government. I have not aligned myself with him, for I don’t know exactly what his plans would be for the City are if he were to run. The other thing is, even if I think someone doesn’t know what the hell they are doing when they are expressing there opinions on known facts, in which this case he really hasn’t expressed anything, that doesn’t mean that the person is an asshole and I’m not going to acknowledge him and say Hi, esspecially when I have known him for as long as I have. Thats why I asked the questions I did. He did not respond to any of the other things that I have been very vocal on so, I don’t know what his stances are on any City matters, therefore, I would not lend my support until I heard what stances any canidate has on all issues with direct answers. I appreciate your concern for me, but believe me, I will put my energies into the right people for the job. If you would like to discuss this issue or any other, just call me. I will keep every conversation confediental.
I think from my posts, you understand that I know what I’m doing, and will not be minipulated by anyone. I’m also not a minipulator like the other side that we will be battling, won’t have to be when hard facts are out there and Citizens now want answers. There scare tacts won’t work this time.
Lance Hersh
Not for 4 you I think it’s apparent. S fred is gone. Dave yenson. say’s no way he will not do it again. I’am not impartial to axe grinding. if the intent is to benefit the people of aberdeen. as for the fleas’ there’s a cure for them.
As Bic would say. DENU FOR YOU!
Easy Lance!!! I was not saying that you are supporting him the words used were “if you align yourself” i didnt say you were. I am sorry that you are so easily offended at my post. it was not meant to demean you or your ideas. I know you and I know that you have the citizens of aberdeen in mind with everything you do, and I know you know what you are doing. I also know that if you have known denu as long as you say you have then you know what he is all about.
Just my two cents
Here’s a nickel’s worth. I put my money on a Winner ! Rick Denu. Tough educated & aberdeen resident family man. agressive no non sense concept’s as too what need’s to be done. Denu for you !
Welcome back Rick. Saw the Mrs. the other day and had a nice chat. This election may be too late to undo the damage that the Heltonites have done, but God bless anyone who gets in for the right reasons.
Nasney’s comment about the Hatch Act may not be as benign as you think. During the last two elections the Democrats were actively at work and endorsing candidates. In the 2005 election the Republican party, uninvited, injected itself in. John Feroli has made an issue of this as partisan politics and I can see where someone could put you between a rock and a hard place.
Hey Just 4 You! I just went back over all of the campaign material from the 07 election. Denu did not work against me and Fred. He worked for himself. In the race there have to be winners and losers. Rick did what he needed to do to try to win, and he took advantage of the public unrest over the Simmons administration. Rick and I still talk, and quite frankly we were friends before the election and still are.
Now to the question of endorsing any candidate: Lance is a big boy and will endorse/help anyone that he thinks stand a chance of doing a decent job. I will do the same. When the election is over everybody can still respect each other. If Lance heads in one direction and I in another, so be it and I’ll still enjoy his friendship. Politics is just simply not about killing the other guy.
Lance and I do agree on one thing and that is that Ruth, Ruth Anne, and Bennett along with their Helton baggage need to go. They have willfully damaged Aberdeen and need to be stopped. If Rick, Bruce, Lance and anyone else can or will help then an alliance of sorts can be formed.
Hey Dave, this is funny. when i started my post i dont remember telling anyone who they should or shouldnt be friends with. I dont care if you have dinner every night at the Denus house. i remember hearing comments from you about how ungrateful he was after all fred did for him and his family. but now you want to act like everything is ok to serve your purpose. As far as the campaign is concerned he may have not been against you in the open but behind the scenes he was doing everything he could to ensure that you and fred did not get re-elected. like i said before how quickly we forget. You can think what you want about what i have said but it is true and you know it. This has been interesting to me because i know and respect you and I am surprised that you would even get on the Rick band wagon. (politicaly)
one more time to Lance and Dave it doesnt matter who you are friends with and i know lance is a big boy who can make his own decisions. but if you guys are on here trying to get support for your cause you may want to listen as well.
Has anyone heard from Nicole? Just wondering, I mean the toll booth idea may not be bad considering just about every BRAC related employee is going to be living outside of Aberdeen.
A balanced budget without a reduction in services, taking care of the city employees (even it’s crumbs, at this stage they’ll understand), and securing a surplus through smart and justified spending as well as making money (i don’t care how small, it all adds up) for the city without the taxpayer carrying the load. These are not pie in the sky, they are goals that can be reached.
That’s what we need, at least in my opinion for what that’s worth. Give me candidates that are going to hold to that focus and they have my support, if they’re not out there may have to run myself.
It goes without saying that Art can look to Havre De Grace or Bel Air for future developments because Aberdeen cannot have a developer monopoly, the hodge podge mix that is critical to the future of Aberdeen is going to require developers who will take a chance and developers from the residential and business ranks. The developers need to have an easy access, easy process building permit system the same easy access easy process system that the homeowner needs. Future development (oh yes annexation will have to be on the horizon) is a great way to get extra cash in the system. Any developer looking at the big picture will not balk at working a little current infrastructure support into their development presentation. (Thanks to ACT we (Aberdeen) lost 2 additional police officers and a hefty donation to the fire service on the first go round, this last time we (Aberdeen) lost some needed street improvements).
Then there is the stadium. I’m sorry but some outside entity is going to get it’s feelings hurt because they will spread the wealth or they will be outed as greedy non-caring money grubbers in the national spotlight. Tough break when you have to pay a toll to get to the ballpark for instructional clinics, but these are tough times………I’m sure a happy medium can be reached. (Sorry folks but politics ain’t always pretty and sometimes you just have to get tough)
These are some basics, that CAN be met. We won’t have the magic Utopia wand waved over us but these are the needed basics to get the ball rolling.
I agree that Bennett and Ruth and Ruth need to go. Whoever runs against them will have to ‘earn’ my vote. I refuse to vote for someone just because they run against someone else.
I just wanted to say that all the talk about the Police is unattractive and really paints everyone involved in a bad light. Police should not, in my humble opinion, get involved in politics. Especially in a small town like Aberdeen. (Didn’t some already pay that price). I agree that they should be paid what the deserve and they should have a decent retirement and benefit package. I do not agree that the City needs to break bank though; they only need to do what is reasonable.
I think Mr Denu, if remember, got caught in a he said/she said debate with officers and I believe that cost him the election. Let’s face it, the last election was just ugly all around. And as someone else put it: “The voters got the governement they deserved”. Well this election, the voters deserve something better. A lot better!
I don’t get on this box but every couple weeks, so here it goes. Only one word for the Citizens (who didn’t vote) and the Voters (the vocal minority) who did. Here it is ready: TOYOTA !.. Yep, to go with their old ad campaign, “You asked for it, YOU GOT IT.. (Toyota) Translate that to HIGHER TAXES….Thanks to the red shirts the vocal minority of voter, the Glengarry annexation did not happen. Neither did any other improvements to include the church home that was touted for Aberdeen. I gues I could add two other words, no actually four: CONGRATULATIONS and SHAME ON YOU!.
Local: Since you brought it up I’ll chime in. I believe that Ruth 1 said that this was her last term (for what that’s worth, I know that there is historic record that she says one thing and does the opposite), Ruth 2, who I supported based upon her PROMISE to keep on the path that she was on to study the issues, talk to the people, and make an educated and informed decision…….boy oh boy did we get duped on that one. As for Ruth 3, come on, it was so transparent, Ray Charles could have seen that one coming (See Post #78).
As for Rick Denu, I remember talking with him early on in the election and he was an infrastructure man who had answers, could make the tough sale, and was going to step on a toe or two but was looking to the future when it came to water and sewer issues. Then unfortunately he swayed off line and the mudslinging started (on both sides) and I think that it cost him. More than one voter said to me that he lost their vote because it went from a serious and important issue to a personal agenda against Fred. I would only offer the side note advice that if Rick seeks office again he needs to stick to his issue and stay on task. I’m sure that there is going to be a candidate this go round that will sway from an issue and do their best to unseat Bennett. Don’t fall into the trap, besides his track record can unseat him if voters simply stick to facts and history.
The police and public works pepole should stay out of politics, unless they are city residents. Those that live in the city should be able to take part in the election process without fear of reprisal should their candidate not win. If police or public works employees want to help a candidate on their off time, that’s fine, but should not interject their employment status when canvassing voters. If the police or public works employee union wants to endorse, that is up to their membership, but again it’s a slippery slope and support should be geared toward seeing that the city workers that live in the city are not screwed with for taking part in the election process.
I admit that I like 7-11 coffee. I only bring this up because if you go to a 7-11 and run across an officer or DPW worker and take a couple of minutes to say hi, thank them for their service, and simply ask for a little update on the state of affairs within their agency you might just learn a couple of useful points to be stored away come election day.
Not 4 You and other anti-Denu persons…
Rick and I had our ups and downs however I must say if there is one person I would wish was on this City Council, it is Denu. He is loud and tells it like it is. I remember sitting in the chambers when he was FOP Vice President, and let loose on former Mayor Wilson and City Manager Dacey, for how they treated the employees and questioned the underfunding of retirement. He did his home work and made it public.
My son-in-law walked with Denu a few times during his campaign and not once has he ever mentioned Denu bashing former Mayor Simmons. I believe Rick and many others liked Fred’s ideas however they were upset how he went about trying to accomplish them. He spent too much time being the Chief of Police…not that its a bad thing to show your support but it went way too far.
Lance – How long did it take you to get approval for that sign…you know the one that the CIty didn’t like so they weren’t going to approve it? What a joke this City is! Let’s get this City fixed before its bankrupt or called HELTONVILLE, MD.
Jerry T I admire your Honesty. admitting Mr Denu & your self had some differences. but yet willing to support him. you speak well for your self.
Rick Denu was not popular with the administration because he opened his mouth when something was wrong. He stood up for those whom were treated unfairly. He doesn’t say what you want to hear. This makes him unpopular because the truth hurts!
Rick Denu ran in the last election on the heels of a few too many heartbreaks and life altering events. Perhaps it was just too soon to immerse himself in that mess. But he did. He left that department on good terms because he wanted to spend more time with his family and broaden his horizons.
It did get very ugly. Sad at times actually how people can get so low.
Denu for you!
OK everyone.
We got a little off track here.
Lets talk some serious budget issues.
1. Ripken Stadium. Everyone wants to know how to get out from under the burden that the stadium is on the City of Aberdeen, well here it is, default on all bank notes that are on all properties where the stadium is. I believe there are 4 parcels (not exactly sure of exact number) that the City holds notes on. The notes that don’t have positive cash flow need to be defaulted on. At worst the City will be at breach of contract, and what is the Ripken Stadium group going to do, sue the City of Aberdeen. I call there bluff on that. Cal Ripken suing his home town. Fact of the matter is that he should have stepped up to the plate and purchased the property when he knew it was putting a strangle hold on the City.I’m all about Captialism, but there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. More and more Citizens out there have a feeling of distain and distrust for the Ripken Stadium Group. Not to many people think to highly of him, with me included in that group. This would solve a majority of the budget problems that this City has. Fred Simmons was the first to uncover years of lies and fake financial statements about the Stadium and bring to the attention to the public. I think it shocked many people out there and I give him all the credit on uncovering the web of lies that this City has been telling its Citizens all along.
2. Go after the County for its share of budget for the Police Department. We pay double tax here in the City of Aberdeen. Thats right DOUBLE TAX. We pay the same amount of tax rate that non-muncipalities pay, yet they recieve the same amount of service on all levels that we do. Two things can be done here in this case. One the county funds the APD properly or our County tax rate should be decreased and City rate increased. Either way, the City will see a surplus. Now with that plan, it gets a little more complicated, because we would be stepping into legal territories that have onlyy been stepped into a handful of times in my research that I’ve done. Also I’m not an attorney, but have spoken to a couple and there is smoke here. We need to stand up for our community and if the canidates out there are not willing to do that, then they should stay home.
3. Annexation. I have posted before that there are two ways to increase your business, and for those on the council, Ruth and Ruth, and Mayor Bennett, who have never run a business(Running the City for your carrers doesn’t count, because you have done a piss poor job at it), this is how you do it. First, you can increase your customer base, therefore increasing the amount of income you have because you have grown your tax base, along with all the other money that they will spend in your community. Or Second, you charge your current customers more for the same amunt of service. By voting down the Glengary Annexation, thats exactly what you have made the future income stream of Aberdeen have to rely on. The cost of services and salaries to stay competitive with other muncipalities will force tax increases on our Citizens, because you have not expanded your horizons. There isn’t much more room Aberdeen has to grow, because everything around us is growing and there will be no more land left for us to grow. We will be the armpit or donuthole in Harford County. These Redshirts or Act or whatever the hell they call themselves, have no idea what the hell they are doing.
4. Change of Charter. The City of Aberdeen should have a Charter change where the Mayor is a full time position. Eleminate the City Manager position and let the council be the checks and balances for the Mayor. The problem with this City, is that there is all finger pointing when something is done and no one wants to take blame or have enough guts to stand up and say they made the decision that was made. Also things like the Stadium issue would have been addressed alot easier, surplus of water taken from deer creek which the City paid tens of thousands in fines for, under charging for water and sewer to a tune of about $400,000 over a 6 year period(which we can’t figue out who to blame for), and last but not least, a change in permitting process for the City of Aberdeen. As Jerry mentioned earlier, it took me 11 months to get a permit for the sign in front of my business. Everyone want to know why, Pylliss Grover didn’t like the way it looked. Thats right, since when is when is she an arcitactural expert or any type of expert in that sense. Judging by the way she dresses and looks, I don’t think she is qualified to decide what looks good and likes bad. The sign met every zoning code and past every restriction the City tried to use as an excuse not to give us a permit. Gil Jones told me that I couldn’t build the sign and when we pointed out that it met every standard and was in code for everything that the city requested, I was still told no. Til this day, he doesn’t know how close he was to getting his ass kicked that day. Image that, a City where you have built a beautiiful building in, inproving an eyesore peace of property and they do this to you. I can’t tell you how many contractors say they will never build in Aberdeen again. What a Reputation City Hall has.
5. Buy water from Havre De Grace. They are in the middle of building there new pumping station and treatment plant. We can buy the water from them for cheaper and they will have an abundant supply. I was told that Mayor Bennett has turned down every oppurtunity to Meet with Mayor Dougherty, even turning down an invitation to the Havre De Grace Mayors Ball.
These 5 things alone can change the way this City moves forward in the future.
Everyone out there should think about all these ideas very carefully.
Lance Hersh
I don’t think cal ripken is too concerned about what aberdeen is going to do with the staduim. it was my understanding, the ripken family has done a lot for aberdeen.
The mayor council city planners etc. should be exposed for there stupidity. build it & and they will come. well they did’nt. so now it’s a tax payers night mare. Lease it to Bel Air or Haver de Grace. they may do better with it.
Ms. Ripken and the late Mr. Ripken has done alot for this City. I haven’t seen much from Cal Ripken, except for donating a couple of signed baseballs at silent auctions. I’d pay more for signed baseballs from the teachers in this county who help get these kids prepared for the future. By the way Bel Air and Havre De Grace wouldn’t be stupid enough to lease it, the upcoming maintence that Aberdeen is on the hook for will cost millions. Default is the only option.
I applaud Ms. Ripkens efforts, she has done so much for the Boys and Girls Clubs and other organizations around Aberdeen. She would have done these no matter weather her son was a famous baseball player or not. Billy lives in the area and he never participates. I go to a lot of functions and fund raisers in Harford County, casual and Blacktie and never once have seen him there. Time donated sometimes is more valuable than money, those two sons I have never seen either one from.
Lance Hersh
As for the staduim. Bel Air & Haver De Grace are to smart to fall for that one. and I stand corrected. you’ are right. the senior Ripken’s were known for there charity work.
Billy & cal forget it.
I would like to add my two cents to Mr. Hersh’s comments. I aggree with the default of the the stadium. I think the contract ought to be re-negotiated to allow the city an exit strategy. I have spoken to the council members and the city manager about this and all tell me the same thing…it can’t be done. I don’t believe that, and I think if the stadium continues to drain the assets from the city, it should be allowed to go bankrupt. GM, Chrysler, AIG, and on and on did…the stadium is not conducive to positve growth and ought to be sold.
The premise that business only grows through expansion is not completely accurate. Development of properties, both business and personal depend on many factors. If it costs 11% more for business property owners in Aberdeen, (9%county, 2.5%business county, & 9% Aberdeen prop. tax= almost 19% taxes on business), what sensible business owner will choose an area like Aberdeen, to operate with the economy as vulnerable as it is now . Water and Sewer, permit delays and fees, the lack of respect that the city office employees treat citizens, deteriating infrastructure, the lack of shopping… – think about it, Walmart, Target, Mars, Shoprite, Ollies, and diners, hotels, Home Depot, car lots, drug stores, auto parts stores, dry cleaners,Saxons, pet stores, dollar stores, Fergusons, 84 Lumber, Kunkels, a gym/ athletic club,Joannes Dog groomers, WaWa, Rent-a-Center, Verizon,, realtors, lawyers, what is missing here? We have doctors, a library, senior center, schools, parks, police, fire depts., car washes, and many churches. We have the HEAT center and all of the gov. contractors, APG, and Post Office. What are we missing? The areas that “boom” have development envelopes…The annexation that Mr. Hersh was so emphatically endorsing was not offering a solution to the revenue producing problem, the annexation would have offered a windfall profit to it’s developers,(check Brian’s story, ‘An Ace in the hole’, Dagger, 9/28/07) but if the prop. values decrease and the prop. tax rate increases, the chances of the homes being sold seem slim. Why would a family choose Aberdeen, with the income diversity that it has with out the amenities that other areas of the county offer? HdG has the waterfront, lower prop. taxes and more businesses…The addition of more section 8 housing in the Perryman area is not conducive to upper level housing developments, either. The Bush Chapel road developments offer insight to the market available to developers interested in Aberdeen. If you look further down rt.7 to Holly Woods and Annhurst Apts., the areas are clean and beautiful and have many vacancies. Take a ride down Rt. 40 to Costco one day and count the number of vacant properties, for rent, sale or lease. The appearances of Rt. 40 in the Edgewood area or in the HdG area are more welcoming to travelers than the Aberdeen section. The bright spots along the 40 corridor shine brightly, but they are few and far between. Driving through the E. Bel Air Ave. area is an eye-opener, too. The number of houses that are well kept far outnumber the less-kept, and the Affinity-Old Post Rd. Complex is beautiful. Yes there are problems, but show me an area that has none.
The argument that more development will bring more income is true, but not accurate. Another way to increase income is to reduce spending. REDUCE SPENDING.The tax rate/ property, business and capital gains taxes to encourage the investment needed to draw businesses to the area. Adding shopping plazas or a Costco or BJ’s or Sam’s club or any number big draw income producing venues will create the larger tax base that the city needs to exist without destoying the current home owners and the ambience of small town Aberdeen. The diversity in this town is one of its strengths and can be built upon to enhance it, rather than destroy it by the increased h20/sewer and prop. taxes.
Looking forward, the new train center, the development of the Pres. Homes, the expansion of the HEAT center is a great boon for all of us. If we can hold on that long.
By the way, Mr. Hersh, the sign does look good! May God bless you! Pat McGrady
Jerry T.- Did simmons go too far when he took on DPW and the city manager to solve the issues that would have kept your business from openning?
Ain’t come one, but many tine tanies.
Hello Pat. Are you the McGrady that owns the rentals on Holly Circle?
interesting question. I think that has become a split division some time back.
Didn’t Denu team up with Darlene Ostroski, the ex Mayor’s clerk who left her job pissed off after a $10k raise, and then do everything possible to help Denu and the red shirts?
Al your Blood pressure is Riseing.
Vet- I know that you like our PD and I also know that Denu made a positive impression on you but if you go back and re read old threads before the last election you will come to understand atleast two things. First of all Denu didn’t leave the department on anything near good terms. And second, he was no fan of the ex mayor or the current chief.
Ok I admit. I gave S.fred a hard time on the Dagger, but I liked him. his efforts toward crime that is. But he had to lower his profile. he was’nt a trained police officer. Rick Denu also knew this and Felt it was the Chief’s job. of course which it was. I happen to like chief Rudy But…….
Al thong : thank you, you seem to be the only one on here with a memory. Thanks for keepin it real!!!!!
I have been in lightened, I’am suffering from Alzheimers.
I like Lance’s ideas and I appreciate Pat McGrady’s take on things. Let’s default on the stadium!!!! Can we put that on the ballot instead of the longer terms?
And yes, I did go back and read the posts prior to the last election. Man, there were some really nasty posts by Denu and by his detractors.
If we go to 84 Lumber and get some wood I’ll be more than happy to build the toll booth right outside of Ripken Stadium. $2 toll with a wavier for the condo residents and a hotel guests as the $2 toll will be added to their bill. When the stadium entity cries foul they can sit down and renegotiate the contract. It’s called holding them hostage. Other cities have used similar strategies. Call me militant but survival is not for the weak at heart. BTW, when the Sunpaper held the parking lot massive flea market what did Aberdeen get out of it as in profit sharing? Same goes for the Home Show and the Food Festival.
What is the deal with the Ryan homes at Winston’s Choice. It appears that they pulled out and there are vacant lots. Does anyone know the reason? Is another builder coming in? Does this have anything to do with Team Ruth and the townhouse specs?
I like the Havre De Grace water idea. I also would like to see a hotel/ motel service fee (daily of course). It’s not a tax, simply a service fee for water, police, and other governmental services. As mayor, one of the first orders of business would be lobbying Nancy Jacobs et al for a Harford County hotel tax. I’m sure that Havre De Grace would join in and the Route 40 corridor wioth hotels in Edgewood and Joppa could garner support from Dion Guthrie. I know, God forbid it wouldn’t benefit Bel Air, Fallston, or Jarrettsville, but eastern Harford County needs this. Give me the hotel tax and I’ll abolish the service fee.
RW- I guess this time around its Berlew 4 You since you are recasting the toll idea created by that box of rocks. Just kidding.
Winstons Choice- Not only are they not selling and have discontinued building but the ones that did sell are now mostly rentals. There is no disclosure in the realestate market in maryland and many of the early buyers didn’t do their home work before they bought these very inexpensive townhomes. When the figured out that they bought their dream house contigious to Washington Park with a historical crime rate higher than their taxes they put out the for rent signs and stopped buying.
Hotel Tax- There will never be one for Aberdeen as long as Jacobs roams the Senate halls. Doesn’t matter who else supports it the Senate considers it a “courtesy” to not pass a bill around the will of a senior senator in their own district.
Hey Vet lets you and I play a game. You are a guy in the know with his ear close to the ground. Give me the name of a street in Aberdeen that has a bad reputation. A street you wouldn’t want to live on. A street that you wouldn’t want your grandchildren to play on.
How about this street:
Oh right, that’s not Aberdeen, it’s Perryman…or is it?
Aberdeen zipcode, but outside municipal limits/police power?
Interesting Street Brian – The previous Mayor received state wide jurisdiction from the state police in order to take the Aberdeen police force outside the City (a couple hundred yards) to clean that area up. That action was stopped by the Sheriff and the press had a hay day berating the mayor for being a vigilante and wasting tax payers money taking an expensive asset outside the city. What was the man thinking?
Perrywood is only in the press. when it’s convenient for the press to smear Aberdeen’s spotless record. I think it was agood idea cleaning out perrywood. the sheriff’s office could’nt do it.
I put my money’ on Aberdeen’s P.D. a long with a couple of posse member’s who would need to be Deputized. Can’t have any Vigilante’s running loose. and naturally I’am speaking of some officer’s that left the force.
Does anyone know the outcome of Officer JR’s complaint over at the boys and girls club? I know it’s the subject of another thread, but I couldn’t locate it. I remember someone saying it was all on the camera tape, so shouldn’t it have concluded by now? Is the Officer back on the street? From all I’ve herd and read about him is one heck of an Officer. I hope he, and his family, endured this.
Didn’t Washington st become a decent street under Simmons and now if you drive down there it has gone right back to the way it was?
Yes, Washington St was a once walkable Street. Getting back to its old ways now. Your NEW Mayor however feels the RRT is a waist of money…I guess he thinks fighting crime is like patroling the highway!
Lylekelvin- as yet another example of what Vet would call heavy handed, cop wannabe behavior, simmons attempted to clean up Washington street. On a snowy sunday morning he burnt down two houses and leveled a third one that had all been involved in drug activity. A church choir sang in the background as the houses were destroyed. Habitat built three new homes on the lots and named them…Faith…Hope….Love.
Great point LyleKelvin. The only police work the Mayor’s assistant understands is highway patrol. To him the entire world just keeps making left turns to catch the unlawful SOBs who don’t wear their seat belts. He was such a poor cop at that that he had to steal a copy of the Sergeant’s exam to get promoted and when caught ratted out his “friends” who accepted a copy after he stole it.
MICHAEL BENNETT IS A ***No personal attacks***!
Al there is a right & wrong way to do thing’s. when you’ are not deputized or a trained police officer. acting as one is wrong. don’t bring attention to your self.
I personally have no qualm’s in busting heads as long as it’s done in proper perspective.
jmatt- why would the mayor think that RRT is a waste of money? from what i understand he isnt giving the PD any raises anyway, so how is this a waste of money? just curious.
LyleKelvin- if washington st. is back to the way it was, isnt that the fault of the PD what does a mayor have to do with keeping the streets free of crime. I may be out of the loop on this and i am not bashing the PD, again just curious.
Well then Vet you have to be happy with your mayor now. He doesn’t ride with his Chief; he won’t even meet with him. He doesn’t walk the streets; he handles zero constituent complaints. He doesn’t act like a cop and he is one. And as you pointed out a mayor shouldn’t bring attention to himself and I think we can all give him an A plus in that category. A great grade that he didn’t have to steal the test for.
Not 4 you – It is my understanding from people inside that the RRT team have made some great cases and arrests which went beyond their 8 hrs due to paper work and transports. Then the court time figured into that. Overtime is what money I am speaking of. Speaking of no raises, it is also my understanding that the Mayor cut the PD budget so drastically that there is no overtime, no continued training and education (liability?), and still no word on how to fix the underfunded retirement.
jmatt- thank you i was unaware of that. I have a question for you. If the RRT is making good cases and arrests and the city is as safe as it was with simmons then why would the mayor put more money into the PD. he is getting the same great product at a lower cost. in my opinion he doesnt care about crime in Aberdeen. and the officers continue to work hard and do there jobs regardless of what they are given. this says alot about the character of these people and its a shame that the citizens and especially the mayor treat them they way they do.
He’s not my mayor. as I said before. when he came to my house campaigning he has some one speaking for him. I ask the mayor if he could speak ? all I got was some mumbling a bout steve johnson being a round the corner.
Needless to say’ steve never showed up either. I don’t think our police officers are going to stop doing there job.
Not4you-good call. Most of the RRT is looking for a new agency. They feel no appreciation what so ever. And why should the mayor care about crime the bulk of which is confined to areas where the people dont vote?
Al-the mayor will be happy to see those officers go. thats less money he has to spend. he does not care about Aberdeen. It is funny to see that Bel air, and HDG are giving there police raises but not Aberdeen. How can they Blame this on the economy when others have seemed to manage just fine. its a shame and I hope for the citizens that it doesnt get like edgewood before someone takes a stand again.
I’am not so sure aberdeen has anything, that resembles a mayor. a man who turn’s his back on his fellow police officer’s etc. as S . fred said. the people will get the goverment they deserve. well he’s here!
Not 4 You – Well recieved. The City is not as safe as it was under Simmons, at least I don’t believe so. I think its safer than it was four or five years ago, but no one stands behind the officers except their FOP. Example, Officer JR finds himself under investigation for doing his job. The people expect these officers not to be edgy and be aggressive. I hope this never happens, but when, not if, WHEN the City has to burry an officer because they are too worried about their administration and wearing their hats, its gonna be a shame. My example however was the FOP came to the back up or forefront and made a brief educated statement after the NAACP attacked Officer JR. Where was the Chief? Where was the Mayor? Where was the City Manager? As I said in an earlier post, the Mayor, who claims to be a Trooper, has no clue on City policing. While I am not knocking the State Police, there is a difference in enforcement on the highway v.s. the City streets.
Vietnam Vet – The problem is the Mayor does not like the Chief, maybe some others so he takes it out on the whole department. This is wrong. Let me put it like this….tell me if I am right or wrong….It seems like if the Mayor were to be still a police officer, and he did not like his partner, and his partner found himself in need of help, he would not respond to assist. Sorta like his ratting out of those fellow officers that stole the test…turned his back. Now, with that mentioned, I am OK that he came clean, but he should have been punished or demoted and never aloud to take an exam again.
Not 4 you- yes it would be the responcibility of the PD however they did their job and cleaned it up, but i would guess that other areas need attention also and with no pay increases, no support, and a general lack of leadership why would they kill them selves to to work other areas and go back and maintain a presense there. That sounds like alot of extra work and no incentives.
And didnt they put in habbitat homes, dont they have some kind of requirments to maintain a free home. Would Fred S allow the owners to sell drugs after he went through the trouble to burn down the drug houses and replace them with nicely built habbitat homes . But this mayor really has no personal stake or time inthe town , unlike S Fred who put in his time and got out inthe community and saw what needed to be done and kept the pressure up. You cant sit in the closet and make decisions for every one esle on the outside . This isnt BelAir, this is Aberdeen and it needs a hands on approach fromthe mayor on down. Even the Cheif under Fred S was out and about. Havent Seen him on any walks lately. Havent Seen any one lately.
I personally would prefer to see what is called a ” Mustang” elected to Mayor. A mustang in the marine’s would have been and inlisted man who’s performance would have been out standing usally in combat.
then promoted from the inlisted rank’s. to officer status. now we have some good police officer’s on aberdeen P.D. that worked there way from the street’s to a higher position.
I have my doubt’s the mayor ever wrote a ticket. Thank God he’s not the chief. I tell you one think. if somebody’ does’nt soon come forward and pull ABERDEEN OUT OF THIS MESS! ‘it’s going to be to late.
the mayor wasnt really a trooper he was in communications he fixed radios. he has no police experience at all and yes he is a thief and a liar. him and rudy do not get along. the mayor has trabert to run the police and tell rudy what to do. this place is a mess. i am sorry i ever came here. there is no leadership at all and all anyone cares about is themselves.
PD – It sounds like you are an employee and please don’t identify yourself because your RIGHT TO SPEAK FREELY will be violated by the Mayor. It is a shame your agency is messed up because you all do a great job with what you are provided. THANK YOU for the job you do. I wish citizens would wake up and realize you gals and guys need 110% support.
Just to let everyone know, the Mayor has authorized a candlelight vigile in Festival Park downtown Aberdeen tomorrow night for the piece of shit Blood gangbagger that was shot in Edgewwod the other day. It will be from 7:00 to 8:30 tomorrow evening (Saturday). For anyone that doesn’t know this, including the Mayor, this City as far as gang relations is Crip town. Is this Mayor blind or what. Stay clear of Aberdeen tomorrow, the guns will probably be blazing.
By the way did anyone know that unity in the community was last week and no one in the city informed anyone. Mike Hiob was the only one who attended, guess the Mayor didn’t want to attend, thats why he made sure it was kept hush. He didn’t want to look bad (or I mean worst than he already does) since he was going to be a no show. See everyone at the shootout tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
PD- I’m not sure who you are as you have been very non-descript in your posts but you are the extremely small percentage of the department which is killing morale. If you are that unhappy at the APD then LEAVE!!!!! We do not want you there!!! Yes we are struggling through some rough times but no matter what is said, things are way better than the Dacey/Wilson days. Not everybody is as unhappy and looking to leave like you say they are. Your actions and comments remind me of the way Webster was before he left. Nothing is keeping you at APD, from your comments I take it your one of many laterals, so you won’t mind making that change again if you are that unhappy. People of the dagger don’t let this guy fool you. APD is not all sunshine and lollipops right now because of the silly and stupid budget cuts, but we are still here and getting the job done. There is no mutiny or mass exodus. PD is looking for a pity party don’t give it to him.
As any of us who served our military know; “you have to lead from the front.” The other old horse to ride is that the troops will only do well, what their leaders support. Those were S. Fred’s guiding thoughts while working with the police. The Mayor has a right and a responsibility to be out front with his or her police. Too many have gotten the idea that what Fred did was illegal. It wasn’t! It may have been a bit foolish to put himself out there like that but it was not illegal.
Our PD needs and deserves the support of all of the City council members. There are probably logs, somewhere, to reflect when and if the elected official go out with the patrols. I would guess that the last two years can be written on one sheet of paper, if that much.
The main reason Bennett dislikes Rudy is that Helton told him to. Randy liked and respected Fred so in Helton’s eyes that makes him a bad person.
PDisajoke Hopefully we will get rid of this sorry A– Mayor & get the P.D. the help & support it need’s. For you Guy’s & Gal’s working the P.D. hang in there better time’s are comeing.
Lance may be the VFW could spare a 10 MAN honor Guard salute. to this fine & and up standing Criminal citizen.
Maybe the city will also allow child molesters, and wife beaters, to hold a vigil in there park next. I hope the Brac people are watching nice place to bring your family right!!
Just glad I live outside Aberdeen.
A vigile in Festival Park for a gang banger. WOW. My grandkids practice t-ball in the park, bad enough that there were some drunks hanging in there (thank you to the officer that I saw making the arrests in the park…… apparently get the bigger picture as do some of us that call Aberdeen home). Now we can have a gang bangers sporting their fine colorful fashion accessories. I wonder if the APD will have a camera or 2 out there. Nothing like a little counter intelligence. Is Helton going to have the after party at his place at Carol Avenue? I’m still confused as to how this administration lets a dance club operate in a storefront.
Lance, I do not doubt your information gathering, did you get this from a credible source?
BTW, has anyone noticed that there hasn’t been a council meeting since March 9, according to the Aberdeen website, home of user friendly transparent government. Haven’t been any work sessions either apparently. I don’t know if it’s laziness or it’s a fear that documented spoken words may come back and haunt.
Lance mentioned the fact. the mayor was running his mouth & doubted it would be made public. well apparently freedom of info stop’s at the council meeting.
Definitely a candlelight vigile tonight. Harford County has there Gang Task Force in Aberdeen and Aberdeen has there regular shift plus the RRT shift on the roads tonight. I wonder who is paying for this overtime. Surely not the gangs that are having this vigile, you know why I know that, because the tax payers are paying for it, and guess what?, they don’t work, so they don’t pay taxes!!!!! I say if violence breaks out there, the police shouldn’t risk there lives to stop it. Let them kill each other, the fire department shouldn’t respond with ambulances. The best thing that can happen is they shot up the Mayors, Phyliss Grovers and Gil Jones offices since they are going to be right in the heart of the City nest to Town hall. Whose going to pay for those repairs??? Remind everyone, Edgewood is blood town and Aberdeen is crip town. It is a blood vigile, why didn’t they have this in Edgewood?? Thats where is was shot and lived!!!
Lance Hersh
We can thank the Mayor no doubt for this stupidity” since when do we have to bow down to criminal’s?oh this is the new religous order the NAACP has taken kill ’em with kindness.
Welcome to Aberdeen.
PDisjoke— you are obviously someone in the PD, someone in a leadership position i would guess and someone who has been there a long time. to everyone on the dagger please pay attention to what PD said do not ignore his comments. thats what is wrong with the leadership or lack of, in aberdeen the answer to the problems are not: lets see how we can make it better, or lets stick together to get things done but if your not happy leave. Great leadership. this is what we are dealing with at the PD. And yes the officers are still doing their jobs and the work is getting done. In spite of the leadership. PDisjoke is trying to deflect from the real issues and make PD feel like he is alone. but i can assure you he is not.
Y’ all are really ignorant. Who are y’all to judge anyone? A bunch of nobodys with nothing better to do with yourselves. And to the person in charge of the Daggerpress you said no personal attacks but you continue to let Lance and RWinger attack people. Look how they are talking bout Yamar!!! And you don’t delete any of the messed up things they write
And by the was PDisajoke where are the officer who have been there for 20 plus years supposed to go? Are they supposed to be happy with their retirments. what about the laterals who were lured here with promises of LEOPS and pay raises only to find out they had been lied to. quit making excuses and do something about it.
we were promised leops 3 different times they even got rid of a few people to pay for it but still no leops. all the laterals were told we would be in leops and we were shown a pay scale with step increases but no increases. of course the leadership gets top dollar and clothing money and nice underarmor shirts and brand new cars and we get garbage. to pdisajoke: i would go back to my old dept but they were mad i left to go to aberdeen, but don’t worry i am looking and applying to hopefully something will come along soon. and i am not the only one. just sit in your office and keep thinking all is good.
I will restate my position on the Police Department:
It is very dissatisfying to me, as a resident and tax payer, to see members of the Police Department posting arguments back and forth.
With that said, I am looking forward to November so I can cast my vote to through out this council.
Wow what a difference 18 months can make on the general condition of a city. The last administration took the problems of the city dead on and stayed with a bad situation until its conclusion. Some of the past council put their political carriers at risk by addressing these problems and atleast one elected official put himself in harms way. Budgets were balanced, water and sewer funds were made to be true enterprise accounts, wages were made fair, and criminals were made to know two things; they were going to be met with superior force and those delivering that force had the full faith and support of the administration.
It was a time of mid week block parties in at risk neighborhoods and Fridays at city hall were reserved for employee appreciation lunches funded by businesses that wanted to do business with the city.
Unity in the Community was the biggest spring event in the park and it is unthinkable that the last mayor would do anything to support criminal activity in Festival Park.
What went wrong?
We can’t live in the past.and theres nothing’ indicateing the future is going to get any better. that’s a cheerfull message on monday morning. as local mentioned it’s time to throw them all out !
Tara? this isn’t the correct thread but I must address Tara’s comment.
Yamar was out there robbing folks. He pissed someone off and that person retaliated. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Tara: This forum survives on fact based opinion and rhetoric, none of which is a personal attack. I do not engage in personal attacks, sparring, or outright slander; I do, however, express my rhetoric with colorful expression from time to time keeping within the guidelines of the web hosts. I believe that Lance does too. Just because we are fed up with excuses for Pookie’s behavior and failure to thrive in society as an honest tax paying citizen, outright disregard for personal safety and the safety of others, and actions that deteriorate a neighborhood as well as the cowering of elected officials to speak the truth and to speak and act the wishes of the constituency , and just because we put these irritants to written word form, we are in no way making a personal attack. Funny thing about the First Amendment, it’s great when it suits you and sucks when the expressed concerns are not shared by you. I may not be the biggest fan of rap music, don’t care for the cackling hens on The View, and would rather have pins in my eyes then to hear Nancy Pelosie spew her venom, but this is the United States and it is still a free country where the First Amendment is still “on the books” and if I don’t like something that I’m hearing or reading I can simply disregard it, tune it out, agree to disagree, or in some instances put fingers to keyboard and type out a written response. That’s not a personal attack. If you get very good you can engage in debate on a fine line between personal attack and point of view, you can insult intelligence, and poke fun all while maintaining a certain air of civility.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, blessed are those that received an education as opposed to taking it for granted.
No one in any position of authority ever promised LEOPS to the Aberdeen police department. I would have been great to do but does the word impossible mean anything to you PD? LEOPS was studied and found to be totally unsustainable. Any municipal force that can pull off that budget buster is way too rich!
Dave: If you are saying a chief and a captain are not in a position of Authority then I guess you are right. but to an officer changing departments why would he not believe it when the chief and captain tells him we are guaranteed to get leops. Why would these officers give up 9 or 10 years of service to start all over if they were not promised anything? Your right Dave, they were told that they would get less pay, a terrible retirement, and no step increases for two or three years, massive upgrades in health insurance, and a department that has no direction and leadership and they all said “hell yeah, sign me up”. gimme a break.
I do not believe that either captain or the chief ever promised LEOPS. The fact is that everybody involved wanted to be able to bring in LEOPS but wants and wishes just don’t always turn into reality. I said it before, I’ll say it again no one in authority ever promised LEOPS.
if the word “guarantee” falls short of “promise” in some way, you are right.
Just because you don’t believe it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
we were promised leops by the captain and chief. it was a done deal and i was shown an outline how it was sustainable. make no mistake. they even showed how with a couple of people leaving and not replacing their positions how it would fund itself. but like everything else in aberdeen it got axed at the last minute. and for other cities, look at salisbury and how they did it, lust like apd’s plan. only salisbury cares about their police aberdeen dont. how many open positions does apd have? the city will tell you none but they never replaced the officers we lost. citizens please help us. we were lied to by our own leadership and they continue to lie to us. mr yansen you of all people know this to be true! please support us now like you use to
Dave, im confused which side of the fence are you on? are you for the new administration or against, playing devil’s advocate, you use to be a supporter and im not sure why you are standing up for “those people”?
Al Thong I would like to start a fan club for you
Tara Yamar is a career criminal that is fact not a personal attack,
I’m not a 100% about this and someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I beleive that it was David Craig who came to a FOP meeting and basically promised that the County was going to fund LEOPS as part of there responsiblity for not having to take care of the municipality. I beleive this was told to the Mayor and Council and also to the Cheif and Captains. When after he left from his little trip to Aberdeen, he went back up to Bel Air and axed the funding during his next budget. Not a 100% on this, but I’m pretty sure its the true or close to it. The Reason Salisbury and other Municipalityies have Leops, is because the Couties they are in fund there portion of Leops because they are not providing the service of protection that there County force would have to.
Lance Hersh
Lance, let me clarify this for you and everyone else. David Craig came to an FOP meeting and told us “if aberdeen wants leops then aberdeen should pay for leops”. he never promised officers anything in fact everyone was so angry that night because it was obvious we had been taken for a ride.
Dave- since you know everything tell everyone how many Police department new hire interviews you sat in on. oh yeah none. so how do you know what was or wasnt promised to anyone.
Hey Lyle and Pd- Leops was and still is a challenge in the mathematical sense. There is a huge upfront cash deposit necessary to enter the system and then a very reasonable annual contribution. The past administration including Yensan was very interested in the LEOPS program and the effect it would have on attracting and retaining the best and the brightest officers. That said, That same council squeezed the city budget until it bled in order to buy cars and bring the wages up to a regional level. Given that level of support you can rest assured that if that council was returned at the next election they would have found a creative way to make that math work. Lyle, officers like you and your team really are the best and the brightest that this city has ever seen and you do deserve quality benefits and a retirement that renders comfort after all that you have given for the wellbeing of us all.
Al, you are right LEOPS is a large financial cost to the city. I can tell you that LEOPS would be a great benifit to the officers. But the officers would be happy with a competative adjustment to our current system to be close but not exactly like leops. But at this point they cant even afford to pay the bills. I agree that the last council and mayor would have worked to get us something but that is in the past. and to all citizens the police are not trying to break the city we just want to be treated fair and have a seat at the table.
Also Lyle the only real safe guard you will ever have to protect you from elected officials more interested in paving their friends potholes than your retirement is collective bargaining with binding arbitration. The citizens are too uninformed to be relied upon to keep elected officials in office that will act in your best interest.
And Sybil- This would be a great year to get collective bargaining on the ballot. The lack of attention and support by this Mayor certainly has the attention of the bulk of your agency so maybe you could use that discontent to rekindle the the passion of two elections ago and walk the streets to get the necessary signitures. Further Sybil if we are to believe that your retirement was seriously underfunded two years ago you can just imagine what shape it is in now.
I would think it’s become apparent. there is need for major change in the council the town office administration. the town is not growing’ no growth mean’s no money.
Go back and really read what I wrote Lyle, Sybil and Al. I was and am in favor of giving our officers LEOPS. Fred and I certainly never promised it however. Al Thong has told you exactly what position we were in when the last election was held. Fred, Mike and I were committed to trying to swing LEOPS. The big buy in was a huge problem and the cash was not there according to the survey the State conducted. We felt then (Oct ’07) that we could overcome these obstacles in the next year. Fred was a whole lot more optimistic than I however. Now looking at the history since then and the diminished cash flow, it will be even more difficult to pull off.
The current retirement fund was on the road to being fully funded, but my guess is that the market has degraded the face value of that fund by about 30%
LEOPS will get you away from the market fluctuation, but you need 5 solid backers on the Council. At this moment you have one.
I really just want to start a fan club for Al thong. I want to make shirts up like they did for poor yamar. And i am just a citezen of Aberdeen no need to hold me in the same light of the daring Officers of Aberdeen.
Think we could swing Fred and Lance on the council.
Dave my feelings are still sore from when you callled me a racist.
Mabey a hug will make things better.
PD. while i agree with you that the department needs help. what i dont understand is why you would want to leave. there are alot of benifits to working at aberdeen that you can not put a price on. not many people like you, have people change their schedule to work midnights with you. if you leave you will be missing out on all those special lunches after the range., those special moments spent in your patrol car. where else can you get that kind of “service”.
anyway sorry if no one gets this but i know PD understands.
People in Glass houses.
Thanks for clarifying that to me. If you look at a post I had way earlier, you will see that I think the town should appeal to the County government for funding of leops, because they are doing what the County should be doing in the first place and that is patroling the area. Therefore the County should pick up a large chuck of the finacial reponsiblity. The citizens of this City pay a county tax and city tax. We do not recieve a tax break for services rendered by the Police force of the county, we pay the same tax rate that Edgewood does and they have a station there. Thats why this administration should be fighting for funding for the APD on the Leops side. The annexation would have provided plenty of funding for LEOPS, but we see what happened there. Thanks for the clarification. I was told something different by several different Officers, and if they have a different story, please by all means publish it.
Lance that is the story how i remember it.
The county is giving Aberdeen an additional $140k this year for law enforcement however APD’s budget is still being slashed by 40k. This is utterly ridiculous. When the budget comes out anyone who pays attention will see the PD’s budget was slashed drastically more than any other and many areas were increased including beautification which has over 2k per month to spend. Someone wrote earlier that the mayor was having discussions with the sheriff about having the county come in and doing away with the PD. I highly doubt that could/would happen however the Sheriff has stated that he could patrol Aberdeen for half the cost of what Aberdeen pays. Guess what that means…since deputies make more than APD officers and they have better equipment and benefits (retirement) it works out to about 1/3 of the officers and 1/3 of the attention Aberdeen gets now from their PD. Can anyone say Edgewood?
Lance and Knowledge- Craig has been consistent on Leops with regard to Aberdeen. He says that the best way for an Aberdeen officer to obtain LEOPS is to move toward a county police force. He’ll never spend a dime to help make Aberdeen more independant. Just like the recent deal with the additional water. He sold Aberdeen water for BRAC related projects that he would have had to provide anyway but made Aberdeen pay capital costs on those gallons. Those capital costs help provide for the defecit in his funding of the Abingdon Water plant expansion. Aberdeen needs bold leadership that convinces the citizens that we dont need to spend our time waiting in line to suck the hind teat of the county. We dont need his water and we sure as hell dont need his county police force as showcased in Perryman. The problem is that Aberdeen seems to try to light their path forward with dim bulbs like most of the current council and what you end up with is poorly concieved deals like Ripken Stadium and the most recent water deal. At some point someone running for office has to say that Aberdeen should understand that short of defaulting on the Stadium notes that deal will stand until the ends of the contracts and the County is never going to help the city become more independant.
Companies like OPUS and COPT wont just provide coldcuts for Friday employee appreciation day. They would be glad to not only plant trees for you but also help you with an independant water supply. Sam Smedley wont just provide the hot dogs for a Washington street block party. He could provide a solution for LEOPS funding immediately.
We have to stop looking toward Bel Air for our answers. They are here now.
I know the solutions are right under our nose, by the Mayor’s nose couldn’t smell cowshit if it was stuck on his upper lip.
Mr. Hersch, you’re my favorite twitter.
I’m not up with the computer lingo, so I’m not sure if I’m being insulted, but Thank You either way.
Lance Hersh
The county realize’s. Aberdeen does not have the leader ship to become and independent city. As feeless Groper say’s. the answer’s are here. As Lance say’s the Mayor is to Busy smelling the Rose’s.
In the mean time the city sink’s deeper……..
Lance- I agree with your approach to solving the the city’s problems. The remedy has to be a business one. A government attempt at solving the problems will widen the defecit and bring the city closer to ruin. The good news is that even though these often appear to be the worst of times and although we at the city level are not prepared for BRAC, it is coming and we stand to gain in spite of our leadership.
Toss up question; Can anyone say this with a straight face? Aberdeen Director of Planning and Community Development.
I can’t.
Citizens of Aberdeen….My name is Bruce Garner. I have decided to run as a candidate for the Aberdeen City Council in the upcoming election. To those of you who do not know me I look forward to meeting you, and gaining your support. Thank you to those of you that have encouraged me in this endeavor. I look forward to the opportunity of representing the citizens of Aberdeen if elected.
Bruce Garner
Welcome Bruce we the people, look forward to hearing from you’ in the future.
As I told you last week, I support and encourage your candidacy. We’ve known each other for quite a while and I know you to be an honest family man of great integrity. Let me know how I can help.
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