In public comments at a school board meeting Monday, several Havre de Grace parents spoke about Drama Therapy. Support for the students was nearly a universal theme, most parents called for better oversight and no one said the program should be abolished, but opinions varied widely on just about everything else.
Parent Tom Barnes said he had been abused as a child and that a program like Drama Therapy would have made an impact on his life, “I would not have attempted suicide in my later teens. I would have found help.” Parent Glenn Gorleski said the program should be improved and expanded “This program gives a voice to many to be heard. These are real issues and we need to listen.” Student Justine Cerruto, who performed in one of the plays, said that the treatment of students with disabilities improved at Havre de Grace HS as a result of Drama Therapy.
Many speakers, even those who supported Drama Therapy in its current form, said parental notification and an opt-out provision would have been appropriate. But several objected to the content and questioned whether Drama Therapy was necessarily good therapy.
Parent Christina Kane said that topics such as incest and pornography should have prompted a disclaimer for parents. She also said that students who may have been troubled by Drama Therapy couldn’t have gotten counseling from the school right away, since the general assembly took place on a Friday afternoon and students were sent home immediately afterward. Parent Kimie Rankin noted that drama therapy is a clinically licensed field and she suggested that the plays be further developed to show more productive outcomes. She also urged the school system to uphold standards regarding obscenities and sexuality.
Drama teacher Mark Cummins, a founder of Drama Therapy, defended the program saying “We have definitely helped out children.” but he said he agreed with the action plan laid out by his boss, Executive Director of Secondary Education Dave Volrath.
Parent Rachel Tate said she and her family had been the targets of hate speech after speaking out and she laid the blame squarely on the leadership of HCPS for conflict within the community. Pointing to the school officials, Tate said “…you people didn’t do your jobs.”
Speaking later in the meeting, School Board Member Don Osman, representing Havre de Grace, said that he had problems with the use of the term ‘therapy’. He said students need to talk about issues, but he decried the lack of pre- and post-viewing activities for Drama Therapy. Regarding the content, he said “I’m probably the most liberal person in that town, but I do draw the line. This is tearing Havre de Grace apart for something that could have been avoided. Shame on all of us for not objecting. We can’t use those words, discuss those topics in the classroom” and he said any teacher who did, would have been “hauled in”.
In addition to the lack of administrative oversight, Drama Therapy was not presented as curriculum to the General Curriculum Committee or to the school board for their approval. Whether it should have been and whether it will be in the future, remains to be seen.
For now, Osman asked the community to come together and remember the “big t-word, ‘tolerance’.”
After previewing the HCPS meeting I must say that I find somethings very troubling about those parents that are commenting here!
Christine Kane (who has posted on here) stated that she always allows her children including her middle school student to go to high school functions “with out parents breathing down their necks”. So this means she who is a friend of the Tates KNEW before the in school viewing the content as she stated that both her middle school and high school children attended the Dec. 3rd event! If she interacted with her children and they were SO traumatized by the viewing surely as a friend she would have called Rachel before the assembly in school the next day. She said she always allows her children to go to high school events “because they are safe” but “Thursday night it was not safe”. She goes on to state that the school should have sent her notification to not send her 12 year old daughter. Since when does the school become responsible for her decisions as a parent? She made a conscious decision as a parent to allow her 12 year old daughter to attend a function geared towards high school students! And she made that decision because she doesn’t want to breath down their neck! She has had a daughter graduate who has attended the last 3 years, if she had truly interacted with her children, then there was no surprises!
Rachel Tate states that she “has NO problem with what you did” (speaking directly at Mark Cummins). She goes on to state she has a problem with the school board and administration. She then says her children tried to tell her about the Dramatherapy production but she said “it wasn’t clicking with her and she went on to do something else”. Really was it so devastating that she ignored them and went on to do something else??? That had me completely and utterly amazed! She goes on to say it wasn’t until a friend called her to ask if her children were okay that she realized what was going on. She then goes on to say that if her child had been asked to perform in the production that she would have been prepared. She then goes on to say that people are posting on Facebook and Daggerpress hate speech about her family, because of the boards failure to do their job! What she failed to mention is that she and her family are attacking anyone that doesn’t agree with her views.
Justine Cerrutos mother was the most credible person who spoke, as a parent she speaks of how she and her daughter discussed Dramatherapy long before the show. She herself also is the parent of a special needs child. She was present at the production and believes that the content was viable to help raise awareness. She is an involved parent in her childrens education. She doesn’t do Monday night quarterbacking. As a parent if we are involved we don’t have to Monday night quarterbacking!
Justine Cerrutos mother stated clearly that her daughter struggled with how she felt about the skit, and that as a family they discussed the play BEFORE she or her daughter felt comfortable with it. It would have been nice for ALL parents to have that luxury.
this program is very beneficial to student growth…i was a student in Havre de Grace high back around the time this program was first starting and it got soooo many people involved and even inspired me to help raise my grades so that i could participate. regardless of what some parents may believe this program provides an open forum for conversation that otherwise wouldnt be held…it allows for development through creative expression, and i must say if it wasnt for this program along with other insentives, i probably wouldnt be where i am today…a soldier serving in iraq for my country…doing something i never thought i could…and being damn proud of myself
everything has its good and bad, pro’s and con’s, and in my opinion this programs pro’s dominate and more then out weigh the possible cons…it does help raise awareness…and sometimes parents need to step back and allow there child to find stuff out on there own, afterall school is organized to develope the child..not the parent…
Mr. Funny, How is a skit clearly making fun of a person with tourettes syndrome and the whole audience laughing at the actor helping the kid who’s a student of HDG High and suffers from Tourettes Syndrome!?!?! How is a skit in which a boy not wanting to have sex ends up having sex in the end helping anyone?? How is showing any behavior without showing the true consecquence of that behavior helping students? Since the real fight about this particular mandatory play is really about the teacher, pricipal and Harford Co Board of Education breaking the law how, exactly did that play help the students? Unless of cource you think breaking the law is OK as long as its fun or titillating is the message our educators should be sending our kids!!!
The school advertised drama therapy on the HDGHS sign as well as the HCPS website as well as The Sun. Parents had the opportunity to see the show prior to their student seeing it. While HCPS is not perfect, it isn’t at fault when the parents had an obvious chance to review the material prior to the student seeing it. Parents who didn’t do their job cannot blame the school or HCPS. A parent who blew off their childs concern the night prior to the school-day showing cannot blame the school. Perhaps those parents should apologize to their child as much as they want an apology from HCPS. We all know that poor parenting and failure to parent seems to always be blamed on the school. It is what it is and a spade is a spade.
It Is What It Is –
It is disingenuous of you to blame parents for the incompetence of both Havre de Grace High School and HCPS.
It is the duty of Havre de Grace High School and HCPS to adhere to established guidelines and protocol when vetting programs such as Drama Therapy. They were derelict in their duty.
So I guess as you’ve said, “It is what it is and a spade is a spade” except for when “it” is something else and a spade is actually a heart.
Why are you posting as John?…
You lose credibility when you don’t use your own name….
Hah, is Mr. Caruso talking to himself now in addition to keeping open at all times?
John/Joe/Phil/Whatever your name really is,
I am not being disingenuous as I am being extremely candid, very sincere in my belief and I couldn’t be any more straight forward with the fact that the parents didn’t do their job, one even blew her child off which she admitted to and they want to blame the school for the parent failing to do their own job. You can twist the situation as a pitbull of the ‘concerned parents’ all that you wish. The truth is the truth. The parents failed their students by not taking the opportunity to review the materials as other parents did. It was in fact advertised and an opportunity established as an evening showing prior to a school day showing. Anyone who wanted to review the program could have attended the show. The facts are the facts. Go ahead and froth at the mouth. It doesn’t matter because no one can twist the truth. It is what it is.
It Is What It Is –
Your opinion is only an opinion.
Programs and curricula are vetted using HCPS process and procedure. HCPS did not properly vet Drama Therapy and it is disingenuous of you to blame parents for this rogue program.
It is what it is except when it isn’t.
‘This rogue program’ has been around for at least 3 years. Parents who are complaining had an opportunity up to 3 years ago to file a complaint. Many of the pitbulls have children that already have been through the HS or have been there for a number of years. They didn’t bother to see the show the evening before it was shown to the students and were afforded the opportunity to do so. The same with previous years. It is of extreme interest that they haven’t bothered. Again, the truth hurts. Parents had an opportunity, they failed to take the opportunity then blame others for their poor skills at parenting. Note that only ‘about’ 40 people attended this last viewing of the show. Consider that many of those were parental combinations of two parents and that perhaps students were also in attendance. There are how many children at HDGHS? I hardly think many parents are taking your position or accepting your opinion as the only truth. Your opinion is also just an opinion and it seems that not many are agreeing at all.
It Is What It Is –
The pre-existence and longevity of the Drama Therapy program has nothing to do with the content. Content is what is at issue.
It is the duty of HCPS to thoroughly review programs and their content. If HCPS had properly vetted Drama Therapy and changes in content over the three year life of the program then of course there would be a file with documentation. HCPS should disclose the review process that had been performed for parents to see what the standards for review were.
Phil –
It was an error and unintentional, my fault.
So you post under multiple names? You claim we have no credibility because we do not use our full first and last name and there you go just using a first name that is not yours!
Thankfully I no longer live in HDG and I don’t have to worry about my children being around the nazi-esque attitude that is pervading the town from just a few self righteous and arrogant people. The fact that everytime a person seems to confront one of the pitbulls ‘points’ they immediately change the direction of the argument. It is evident in the BoE taping, in the stories in the Aegis, the Record and it is evident on Daggerpress. It is what it is and people in HDG and all of Harford see it for that.
It Is What It Is –
Parents are owed a full explanation and accounting of the vetting, administration and content of Drama Therapy from its inception.
Then we all might have an idea of what it really is and was.
To what end?
It Is What It Is –
The bitter end; where transparency, revelation and responsibility reign supreme.
I don’t believe that any of the pitbulls intentions are that honorable. Not even in the least. It’s evident and crystal clear. And it’s already backfiring.
It Is What It Is –
Well your derisive description of parents as “pit bulls” says more about you than about them.
Furthermore HCPS could clear this matter up by coming clean in disclosing everything they have on the Drama Therapy program to the public. HCPS has no expectation of privacy on any aspect of the Drama Therapy program.
Joe, I know nothing about the drama therapy program since they don’t have it at the schools my kids attend, but HCPS, as I’m sure you know, doesn’t come clean about anything. It’s amazing to me what they are allowed to get away with hiding.
As for the pit bull comment? How insulting that someone would call a parent that for advocating for their child. I wonder what they would call me if they knew the lengths I’ve gone to to fight for what is best for my kids and family members. I do not believe that the school always knows best because they are professionals and that the parents should just go along.
The school is always asking for parent involvement, until they actually get it. What they should say is that they want parents to come in and do their busy work for them, cut and copy,etc. And I have no problem with that, I’ve done it for years. But don’t plead for involvement when that isn’t really what they want.
Sandy –
It is unfortunate that HCPS seems to be stonewalling disclosure about the Drama Therapy matter.
You have to wonder…is Drama Therapy a fully vetted and approved program or is it some kind of experiment created by a renegade teacher? HCPS should come clean to parents on all aspects of this program.
Joe, you really do have to wonder. And I also would like to know the credentials of the person running the program. Is it the school psychologist or is it a well meaning teacher who really isn’t qualified to be administering any kind of therapy. My kids don’t have this at their school, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect all of us. In my advocating for the kids I make it a point to make it about all the kids. Not just my kids and not just the schools they attend. There is a small group of us that have spent a lot of time attending meetings, making phone calls, etc., about many school matters. Not so much me lately because of health issues I can’t get out so much anymore, but I am still active through emails and phone calls.
You have to figure that the block schedule, the career pathways, and a lot of other nonsense was an experiment created by a renegade administrator, so who’s to know? It’s a shame when you can’t trust your school system to put the kids before their own career ambitions.
It isn’t advocacy when you are merely barking, changing the reasons for your snarling and hiding behind fake names. If you REALLY want to advocate you are out in the forefront making positive changes NOT being a negative influence. That is advocacy. So far all we have seen is nasty comments directed at individuals on a video tape done at a BoE meeting. So far all we have is a changing debate on the issues. No one even knows what it is about any more because it has changed so many times. There have been stories drummed up about how it has so badly effected people after 6 weeks of the showing. Suspicious? Definitely. And don’t try and say it isn’t. When the pitbulls get their answers they run to another fence and bark at something else. Be incensed or incredulous all you like. Parents should get involved in something that has a real message not a bunch of garbage being drummed up by people who want to simply make themselves appear relevant. It is what it is and you can’t change the truth.
I will describe them exactly as I see them in this particular situation and you can twist whatever you like. They are the pitbulls, the ones who do their leaders dirty work and act as vicious as they can so the leaders hands remain clean. I am positive that I am not the only one who has this view after quite a few conversations with friends still in Harford county. You may call it what you will and I may call it what I will. Your opinion doesnt matter to me since your only goal is to bark and snarl like a rabid dog for your leader. The truth is that the current goal is for nothing more than control.
But you should all be cautioned since you have chosen to play in the adult world that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And if being ostercized and losing your credability in your community is the final outcome then so be it. People already understand this fight is not about protecting anyone or achieving a righteous and worthy goal no matter what you or your leader may say.
You people are what you are and this situation is what it is. Any person without blinders on can see that.
It Is What It Is –
Parents have reasonable and legitimate concerns that must be addressed in a transparent manner. HCPS mus be held accountable to citizens.
I guess I don’t understand your concerns. If there is nothing to hide why does it seem as though HCPS is trying hard to keep the facts about Drama Therapy hidden?
They haven’t kept anything hidden. From what I have read I have come to understand they couldn’t supply information right away. That isn’t hiding anything. I suppose that when you have lapdogs and pitbulls continuously barking nonsense you can make any fallacy into a ‘truth’ for the weakminded.
You should go take a look at the article regarding the Principal’s letter…there’s a lot of evidence that the HCPS BoE/Volrath have been taking every opportunity to attempt to cover their “tracks”. The blog posts add additional information. These aren’t “pitbulls” these are parents who’ve gotten their eyes opened and now they’re attempting to correct what’s gone so terribly wrong. How can fault that? Also, read Megan’s post as to how the production affected her brother…it is a powerful statement.
Weeks and weeks after the facts. Who knows it is the truth or not. I certainly doubt it. But I have been to the facebook site and seen the multitudes of people it has helped. It certainly is easy to forget that when you are frothing at the mouth.
I would agree there are legitimate gripes but complaining about a letter not having a return address????? please..that is just petty. If you do not read your mail shame on you!
Cdev –
I think you are wrong about not having a return address on an important outgoing letter from HDGHS since first of all its sloppy and second if the school addressed the letter incorrectly they would not get the letter marked returned as undeliverable from the US Postal Service.
Additionally, recipients could easily confuse the letter for junk mail.
So, it’s not so petty after all.
Cdev, the entire thing is petty. My daughter asked me on the phone which of these families kids didn’t get a part in drama therapy. I had to laugh. Who knows whether she is onto something or not.
Joe but since the school used labels generated from the sddresses provided to them by the parents of the children on registration there is a reasonable expectation the address is correct. Secondly the letter did say parents of and the students name If a letter comes to my house and says to the parent of xxxxx then I am going to open it.
Cdev –
1) Addresses change do change?
2) Why would you not put a return address?
and if your address changes you are responsible for notifying the school.
Why no return address….because schools can cut back on costs (as mandated by tax payers) by not ordering preprinted stationary and I am willing to bet the stuffing of these envelopes and mailing was done by someone on a weekend since it needed to be done in a hurry so they didn’t have access to a stamp and time to hand write the address. I make the last supposition because most schools have meters and it appeared this was done with actual stamps.
“You did not notify me!”
What you sent a letter?
“Well you did not notify me correctly!”
Perhaps people excpected gold embossed personal invitations with 3 envelopes and a pre-stamped RSVP card, similar to those sent out for weddings.
It Is What It Is –
You are making a leap of faith that HCPS has fully disclosed the prior vetting and ongoing oversight of the Drama Therapy program to citizens. The facts are certainly not in evidence to support your premise.
It seems to me that you have an ax to grind regarding folks that want their concerns addressed and you malign them at every turn. Why do you hold these involved parents with such contempt?
They aren’t ‘involved’ parents. They are troublemakers and malcontents with nothing better to do with their time. You certainly having a blast maligning HCPS and ‘grinding your axe’ against HCPS without any proof at all. That is slander and defamation. You aren’t saying you have proof nor are any of you displaying your ‘proof’. Instead you are demeaning and slandering those that work for HCPS. Perhaps them bringing a law suit against those that would slander and malign them would be a terrific first step in bringing this to a close. I have to repeat that I am so very thankful my children don’t have to deal with the so-called ‘adults’ that are in your teenie tiny little inner circle. You are a very bad representation of a great town like Havre de Grace. I also see you made sure you brought on another one the lapdogs. Woof woof puppies. Chase your tails. That is all you are doing. It is what it is and really? It’s quite pathetic.
Your point of view is imponderable…you don’t live here, you haven’t viewed the production, and you haven’t spoken to the mother who did not know about her son’s reaction to the performance until 6 weeks after the fact. He is intellectually challenged and unable to vocalize exactly what happened that day but others in attendance are. Your point of view and nasty comments serve no purpose, here. If you don’t live in Havre de Grace and are happy about it…you should stay out of it. The parents involved in trying to correct this situation have lots more to do but have undertaken this matter (in spite of the nasty comments from “the other side”) in order to right a wrong. They evidently feel strongly enough to take a stand when others can’t or won’t. There’s too much evidence to the contrary contained right here within the Dagger Press blogs for all of the stories.
I did live and I still have property in Havre de Grace on which I pay taxes. That means that what I say also matters. Two of my children participated in drama therapy 2 years ago. How many of yours did? It’s your point of view that means absolutely nothing as it is coming via the ‘boss’ and a tiny group of disgruntled people who have nothing better to do with their time no matter what spin you like to put on the situation at hand. People are not that stupid or moronic to not see it for what it is.
My point of view serves a huge purpose here. It brings into the forefront that parents obviously FAILED to do THEIR job as parents and want to blame it on the school. It comes back to the same thing each and every time. The parents had an opportunity to see the show prior to their children viewing it, failed to sieze that opportunity and then want HCPS to shoulder the blame for their lackadaisical parenting skills on this particular matter. It isn’t that my postings are imponderable as much as you refuse to ponder the truth and the facts of the matter but instead want to talk in circles. It is also obvious that you aren’t an Interested Observer at all but another lapdog. An observer watches and doesn’t responded or take action. They observe. It definitely and truly is what it is.
It Is What It Is –
It is absurd and nonsensical to blame shortcomings of Drama Therapy on parents.
HCPS/BOE/HDGHS are responsible for following school district policies in this instance. If the program was not properly vetted, administered and managed it is squarely the responsibility of the people in charge.
It is high time for HCPS/BOE/HDGHS to open the books on all aspects of this program.
You are obviously not able to comprehend. I am not blaming the parents for anything to do with Drama Therapy. I am blaming parents for not bothering to do their job, observe and review the material and then blame the school. Parents had ample opportunity and did not use that opportunity. It is high time that the parents accepted their fault in the situation.
It Is What It Is –
You may be taking a great deal of license with the facts. It is the job of HCPS to vet, administer and manage programs. Parents are doing what they are supposed to do in questioning what went wrong with this program from inception and whether HCPS followed its own policies and the law.
Why don’t you explain how Drama Therapy was approved in the first place?
How parents were officially notified of comment opportunities during this approval and vetting period?
How were parents notified of content changes and approvals thereof over the years Drama Therapy has existed?
Why don’t you give a list of the ample opportunities that HDGHS formally gave to parents to become informed about Drama Therapy?
The same can br asked of the music department and how they use religious music. When was that vetted? When was that properly approved? I never in years of dealing with the high school or HCPS saw a single opportunity to do so. How about the chamber choir? Why are you not asking the same questions about every single program at the school? I can tell you why. Wait I already have. You are all like a pack rabid lapdogs and pitbulls with nothing better to do and you DO have an ulterior motive. What you do not realize is that in the demise of drama therapy you are about to bring the demise of a lot of programs. For what purpose? Because parents didn’t bother to attend the performance the night before so they could alert the school that they didn’t want their child to attend?
If I were a teacher I would stop doing anything as an after school activity and if I were the principal I would deny every single request for the use of facilities because you never know what the troublemakers and big mouths will have a sudden epiphany about next.
We’ll see how this plays out. I don’t really need to flip a coin on this one. It will be the students who lose in the long run because up until now they have nothing but gain from the experiences they have had. It is what it is and the vocal minority are the problem not the solution.
It Is What It Is –
Well it seems you can’t answer any of the questions in the previous post about Drama Therapy and the ample times citizens had to get involved in the vetting of this program.
And since this discussion is about Drama Therapy and not the choir or any other school program I say we stay on topic and not be distracted by your specious diversions.
Care to try again to answer the previous post’s reasonable questions? Or are you only capable of insulting people into agreeing with you?
Nor have you answered my questions. You are wrong. This complaint brings about the entire vetting process and expectations. Let us see where the chips fall. Keep barking lapdog. I’m sure you are runnign in circles piddling because you think you ‘got me’ You didn’t. It is what it is and none of you have impressed anyone but yourselves.
It Is What It Is –
You “got” yourself.
The debate has hit a new low when ‘It Is What It Is’ compares amateur therapy by unlicensed individuals to the performance of Christmas songs. Which one has a greater potential to screw up a kid’s life? (Silly me – ‘It Is’ would probably pick the tunes.)
And can I get him to use “pitbulls” for the eighth time or “lapdogs” for the sixth time in one thread? Sounds like someone has a canine fetish.
It is What it is, you must not have a lot of knowledge about the way the school system works and that may be part of the reason you aren’t understanding why some parents are upset. The music dept gets their music approved by the supervisor of music, Mr. James Board. There are supervisors of math, english, curriculum, etc.
Principals do not make the decision on who can use their school. It has to go through central office, there is a long list of hoops to jump through. Lots of rules and red tape.
You seem to have a more simplistic view of how things work in the school system. I wish it were that way, that the principals could run their schools the way they see fit. Unfortunately, HCPS is a giant bureacracy now and nothing is simple. Any program like Drama Therapy would have to go through an approval process and it seems, for better or worse, this one fell through the cracks. And now HCPS is in cover their tracks mode instead of owning up to the mistake and reviewing the program. That seems to be what the parents are asking for, a proper review.
Sandy –
Suffice it to say HCPS should answer citizens requests about everything associated with Drama Therapy…soup-to-nuts.
Interested And Willing Particpant, Please do us all a favor and try not to refer to the Dagger as the end all beat all of information. We all know what the Dagger is and isn’t.
How convenient that suddenly this child after 6 weeks comes forward. As if the shouting and the press coverage couldn’t be seen and heard before hand to prompt whoever to tell this tale. It may be true, it may be false, but I’m not a sucker and I’m not buying it no matter how much you demand, bark, stomp your feet and spit at me that I should. Thankfully it’s a free country and we are all able to discern fallacies and truths on our own. Lets leave it at that because it is what it is and you cannot and will not convince me otherwise.
It Is What It Is –
It is clear that errors were made with Drama Therapy. Citizens have a right to have their concerns addressed. Why you want to silence the parents that have concerns is beyond me?
If Drama Therapy was properly vetted, administered and managed it should be able to withstand sunlight.
It would never withstand anything for those that merely seek power and control. I do not wish to silence anyone. People can certainly bark all you want. I find it amusing as do so many others.
I would still like to know if these parents have apologized to their children that were so badly harmed by Drama Therapy for not parenting in this situation. We will never know will we? Most likely not. It is what it is and they will never take the blame for their own inabilities.
The lapdogs didn’t bark as loudly as I expected overnight. I guess the same person either got tired of changing screen names or there really isn’t an army of parents all up in arms over this issue. With the exception of Sandy who seems to make one or two good points, all hear is the same bark and snarl.
Addressing Sandy directly for just this section. I am aware of the vetting process and I am extremely aware of how approvals for the school are done. It has to be signed off on at the school level. Senora use to be in charge of it for the High School and now it is Powlecki. Pardon that if it is mispelled. The music is not approved yearly as someone is trying to demand that it is (this I know for sure) and music teachers often switch songs (this I also know for sure). Parents are not brought into THAT vetting process any more then they were for Drama Therapy. No one can say that they are as this is another area that I am absolutely sure of. But all of that is beside the point. My point was that nothing is ever 100% vetted and tested and these parents who seem so concerned need to grow up and stop stomping there feet like 2 year olds. There is a proper way of doing things and being a bully and making smartass comments to members of the BOE or snarling at Volrath is not it. They are consistently off message and that message is always changing once they get their answers which they are never satisfied with. The broad opinion is now that the only thing they want is control and someones job. Anyones job will do so that the boss and the minions can feel empowered.
Interestingly it seems that somewhere in my readings on Dagger, either here or on another comment board regarding this mundane nonissue, it seems that someone said that these ‘concerned parents’ are fighting for those who can’t or won’t. You make it sound as if you are fighting for the unborn or someone in a coma. This is a drama program. People aren’t “afraid” to have an opinion, there is no upcoming abortion, no one is being taken off life support and there are no tall buildings to leap in a single bound. Put away your capes and masks. You aren’t heroes of any sort so stop making yourselves out to be such. One can’t demand that adults act like adults when they would rather bark. It’s rather pathetic and assinine but it is what it is.
It Is….., just to clarify, music isn’t approved yearly because it is approved when it is purchased. HCPS has a library of music, all approved by the supervisor of music when purchased, and the schools can choose music from that library. Music is VERY expensive, it isn’t purchasd new every year or for every performance.
Do you know if the Drama Therapy was approved by the school psychologist? Like I said, they don’t have it at our schools so I don’t know much about it. Who writes the actual scripts? To me it seems odd to subject an entire school to any type of therapy. Therapy is an individual thing. At best it seems like a waste of time to most of the school population, time that could be spent on academics. If students are having problems they have the guidance dept and the school psychologist to talk to. I don’t understand the point of giving therapy to all students, especially the SAME therapy. Wouldn’t it have to be individualized since everyone would potentially respond differently? Therapy isn’t a one size fits all thing.
Sandy, ‘It Is’ seems to be stuck on the ‘drama’ part and will not acknowledge the ‘therapy’ aspect. The potential for damaging or dangerous outcomes with amateur drama is a lot less than with amateur therapy.
The program has suffered from being misnamed from the start. This is not therapy.
Go watch the BoE meeting of 1/11/10 and see all the students “testify” as to how “helpful” they thought they were being. The students truly were led to believe that they were “helping” their friends. And still, other than the most muted of apologies for the “trouble this has caused”, the teacher has yet to acknowledge the usurpation of parents’ rights and failure to abide by the rules and policies (HCPS and Federal Law) regarding these materials that are already in place.
I can agree with that Minqua. But I believe that the pitbulls and lapdogs are getting stuck on a definition and not the excellent job the program does for both actors and for starting a broad discussion.
Phil: It seems to me that the pitbulls and lapdogs are stuck on drama in and of itself and really have no point. They get answers then bark and snarl in another direction. This has become a ‘whatever’ situation. It is what it is and it’s crap.
Sandy just to clarify. You are wrong. I have first hand knowledge of how it is suppose to be done and how it is not done. Seems to me that everyon is hung up on the word THERAPY. It isn’t getting any of you anywhere at all. The program was not based on the national model and it was never stated that it was. I am not stuck on anything Phil except the fact that the small group of laughable lapdogs and pitbulls are screaming they weren’t allowed to review the materials when they had ample opportunity like any other parent to see the show the night before. Their failure to do so is their failure and not the schools, not the teachers and not HCPS.
Is what it is –
You say you have first hand knowledge of “how it is suppose to be done and how it is not done” what do you mean?
Where is the evidence as you’ve stated of the “excellent job the program does for both actors and for starting a broad discussion”?
If according to you the Drama Therapy “program was not based on the national model” then what criteria was it based upon?
Do you really think that you can berate, insult and bully people who have reasonable and legitimate concerns about Drama Therapy into agreeing with your empty and specious argument?
Why joe you do…..why can’t others?
“Do you really think that you can berate, insult and bully people who have reasonable and legitimate concerns about Drama Therapy into agreeing with your empty and specious argument?”
It is…I’m sorry, I didn’t understand your post directed at me. What were you referring to me being wrong about? I made a few comments and asked some questions since I’m not familiar with the program. I didn’t understand your response. I’m just trying to understand the program and it isn’t making sense to me. You seem to be familiar with it so I was hoping you could fill in some blanks for me.
I guess I am concerned, or stuck on, the word therapy because I am trying to understand it. And honestly, I just don’t get it. From reading the principal’s letter it doesn’t seem to be intended as a school play, or a collection of skits, just for the sake of a drama group like most schools that put on a school play each year. So the therapy part is supposed to mean something. That’s why I was asking questions, trying to find out about the program. As I said before, my kids don’t have this at their schools.
I didn’t intend to put you on the defensive, I’m just trying to understand.
Cdev –
If you are accusing me articulate, cogent and respectful discourse then I guess I am guilty.
Don’t worry Joe, I doubt anyone will be accusing you of that anytime soon.
No just the opposite or esserntially of being the playground bully!
Cdev –
You are welcome to your opinion and to disagree with my comments, however it is curious that you go after me with great vigor and you say nary a word about posters calling people pit bulls, lapdogs and Tea****ers. So, I ask you what does it say about your character and integrity?
No Joe,
He prefers to go after the posters who call people “boorish guttersnipes” or accuse people of lacking integrity or being disingenuous just because they might disagree with Joe Caruso’s opinions.
Your vast vocabulary does not make your discourse any more respectful when you constantly put down anyone who has a different point of view.
John –
Vocabulary notwithstanding my comments have respectful criticism focused on the content and character of other posters. My posts are absent malicious intent whereas other posters are viciously and cruelly attacking people.
Joe I am simply pointing out the iorny of the situation. First you post under a false name that is not your own after claiming people lack integerity for using abreviated names and you are acting like the playground bully and then have the audaciety to call out someone else who does the same. Well guess what you big hypocrite, the little guy has sat around and taken about as much as they will and we are calling you out! I don’t use those terms so don’t associate them with me. You however call people names and think because you have a fancy lexicon that makes it OK, well it doesn’t.
Cdev –
My computer like yours saves in memory email addresses, names, passwords in fields on web forms through an auto-fill feature. Have you ever gone to a new website form and data is already in the field for you choose from? So you are barking up the wrong tree, you don’t post under your own name and for all I know you are Cdev, DW, Is What It Is and minqua.
I’ve said it was unintentional and apologized. And if it’s insufficient for you it’s too bad.
I’m not sure why this is even an issue. Joe signed his post. Talk about the issues. What does it matter if he posted as 10 different names? Hmm?
It doesn’t, except he makes a big deal about people using their “real names” because it gives them more “credibility.”
Really, I don’t care. Personally, I just think he and Cdev should just get it over with and get married instead arguing on here about stupid stuff.
DW –
You are obviously not Cdev. (:
DW –
I can assure you I won’t worry.
I didn’t think you would, but I just wanted to make sure.