From the campaign of Rovall M. Washington:
Dear Residents of Harford and Cecil Counties,
It is without question that I wish to serve my community. Since my initial beginnings of developing an afterschool program in Edgewood, MD at Anthony’s Barbershop, I have collaborated and donated personal time and financial resources to non-profit organizations like Harford County based Gospel of Life Ministries to help the unfortunate. Over the last year, I have served as a Board Member on the Joppa/ Joppatowne Community Council. During this timeframe I have cultivated a deeper appreciation for the needs of an established community. Concurrently, I was drawn towards the needs of the neighboring community of Edgewood; of which is fighting to change its status among the county. To ensure the success of this conversion, I avidly attend and support the Edgewood Community Council meetings and Servefest functions that better our community. I am a mentor for Harford County’s Kids C.A.N. Project whose mission is to identify and provide opportunities for caring adults to help young people succeed in life. Within my heart bleeds the passion to make a difference.
I began this journey of public service with the belief that a seat in the House of Delegates would allow me to serve my community to the fullest. However, after reading a passage from the late Dr Martin Luther King JR that reads, “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity… “, I felt drawn to allow myself to serve my fellow Harford and Cecil County residents in such a way that my passion for equality and zeal for what is morally just be utilized to benefit my peers. It is because of this that I have decided to withdraw my bid for the House of Delegates and campaign for the Maryland State Senate seat in District 34.
I am the best candidate for this position because I see a severe flaw in our current state senator. I possess the spirit, confidence, and morality to help lead and shape our community for a better tomorrow. As a father, I know what it is like to have to lead by example. As a survivor of divorce, I know what it is like to have to pick up the pieces and start over. In this last recession I learned what it was like to be vulnerable to the economy, while watching our government react slowly and at times uncaringly. I understand these things because I am just like you. It is because of this similar trait that I can and will serve Harford and Cecil County better than anyone else; especially those who choose to deceive and manipulate the system because of his/her economic status. I choose to be a candidate for the Maryland State Senate because I am you. I am and will always be your voice. With the guidance of my campaign manager, Edgewood Community Council Chairman Jansen Robinson, and the support of community leaders like Harford County Councilman Dion Guthrie, I will not only serve my fellow residents to the best of my abilities, but I will be an open resource to those who need me in their time of need and the capabilities the office provides.
As the only Democratic State Senatorial candidate that resides in the district I wish to serve, I promise to listen, promote, and understand your needs collectively and do my all to provide you with the results you desire in the State Senate. I am not a politician. I am a man who is tired of the loss of interest by our elected officials once they are in office. Your interest is my interest. I hope you give me an opportunity to prove my loyalty to my district and my state.
My name is Rovall Washington and I want your vote to be the next State Senator in District 34 this fall.
Rovall M Washington
Candidate, Maryland State Senate 2010
District 34
As a democrat? Since last summer rovall was an Unaffiiated candidate. His website made remarks about how the two party system is broken and how he wouldn’t be subject to pressure to vote with the party.
It is also amusing that he decided to announce his candidacy at the New Harford Democratic club where Art Helton is running for the same senate seat as a democrat (with a lot more support and money, for that matter).
The State Senate is a different beast than the State House especially considering the size of the district. I hope the democrats don’t chew you up and spit you out too quickly.
There’s always the “unaffiliated” ticket. The campaign finance website says you didn’t file a return yet? Did you raise any money?
How sad is it that Dion Guthrie has put poor Mr. Washington up to this… Dion realizes that he has no shot to best Art Helton in the primary, so he will throw a candidate that would otherwise be very electable in another race to the dogs in a case of certain defeat. With friends like Dion Guthrie, Rovall Washington does not need enemies.
Thought Art Helton was out of the race, or was that just another faux thing.Also what does money have to do with it?
Ask the Supreme Court.
I think Rovall Washington will surprise a lot of people running against Art Helton. He has a large amount of supporters in the Joppa/ Edgewood area. And he actually lives in the district!!!!!
I certainly dont’ know who Rovall Washington is, but I am a Democrat who actually RESIDES in district 34. I would vote for damn near anybody before I would vote for “Senator” Art Helton! And if Art was the ONLY person on the ticket for the Democratic primary, I would write in my own name! Art Helton is lower that pond SLIME!
F.Y.I, pond scum is at the top, pond slime is at the bottem)
Art Helton IS A BOTTOM DWELLER and a perpetual loser. (’nuff said for now)
You hit the nail on the Head
Your 100% right
anyone but helton!
I have been to meetings with both Mr Washington and Mr Helton in attendance and all I can say is that Mr Washington is very intelligent and genuine. He debates well and follows through on his commitments. I remember at an Edgewood Community meeting where a women asked the council to help her non-profit that gave furniture and temporary housing for people. No one stepped up except for Mr Washington. And he is not wealthy like Mr Helton, who sat quitely in the back of the room. I say that to point out that Mr Washington has heart and character. He has my vote. PERIOD.
We plan on doing the same, For Mr.Washington he is a great guy, I just didn’t think Mr.Helton was running from all that was on here months ago.
Sounds to me like Mr. Washington was played by Mr. Guthrie. An African-American Independent from Edgewood would only take votes away from Mr. Riley and Ms. James in the General Election. By convincing Mr. Washington to join the Democrat Party and run against Mr.Helton in the senate primary the Democrats have eliminated their problem. However, a battle between Mr. Washington and Mr. Helton will only give an even larger advantage to Ms. Jacobs! Sorry Mr. Washington, but you were played by the Democrats.
Obviously, “Abingdon Resident” is a stooge for slimy Art Helton.
St. Justinn;I’m surprised that you didn’t take Abingdon Resident to task for mixing the delegates and senators so completely. How in the name of all could Mr. Washington take votes away from Mary D. and cousin Dan? Also, please stop calling the has been senator slimy. Slimy people are offended at being associated with Helton!
“slimy Art Helton”
Isn’t that a bit redundant?
Until that nest gets a new queen, there can be no good candidate arise as the spawn of NHDC.
Abingdon Resident: What you’ve said about the “impact” of Mr. Washington’s decision on Delegate(s) James and Riley’s “problem” is correct to some extent. Let’s see if the democrats will return the favor.
I don’t know who Art Helton is…..Ms. James would do better in edgewood and Joppa then any republican. Mr. Washington is a known quantity in Edgewood and would take votes from her. sorry if that’s to complicated for you dave.
Mr. Washington is far from an ideal candidate for this position or any position that requires honesty, consistency or character…..just ask his wife who currently resides in the district. He left her and their newborn child for another woman. My family and friends who live in the county certainly won’t be voting for him and we’re hoping she finally decides to speak out about it.
I read the comment about Mr Washington leaving his wife and baby. I go to church with him and know the situation personally. Their marriage has struggled for a long while. They tried to make it work by going to counseling. But after the baby came, things fell apart. They still get along very well and they are raising their newborn together. Divorce happens. Also, the “other women” is his former wife and mother of his two older daughters who lived down south until about 4 months after their legal separation. He never left anyone for another woman. That is just incorrect. I would suggest you verify your information COMPLETELY and report it COMPLETELY!
Alicia- Mr. Washington was seeing his former wife while he and his current wife and mother of the newborn were still together. He went to FL only a few days after breaking things off with her. They do not get along well, she merely tolerates the situation. The former wife moved here, with him, a little over one month after their split. I did verify my sources, but Mr. Washington is known to be dishonest and disloyal. Ask his co-workers from former jobs and others in the community. He simply joined your church for the campaign, not because of anything else. I know that the newspaper called the current Mrs. Washington but she did not want to comment out of respect for her privacy and the privacy of her child. Either way, he is not someone I would vote for or trust to have the community’s best interest in mind. He changes like the breeze and is unstable.