The heart of Harford County is the battleground for two Bel Air locals, one a former Town Commissioner and one who currently serves on the board, who seek the County Council’s central District C seat.
Incumbent Jim McMahan and challenger Terry Hanley seek leadership of one of the county’s most developed and rapidly-changing districts, a place where business interests and community life collide.
The winner of the two Republican candidates vying for the GOP nomination will advance to face Democrat Jack Feldman in November’s General Election.
The Dagger caught up with the Republican candidates – Terry Hanley and Jim McMahan – and posed to them the same set of questions.
In one paragraph, please give a brief biographical sketch of yourself.
I have been married to Debra Travis Hanley for 20 years. We have three wonderful children. Connor is a 10th grader at Bel Air High School. Gavin is in the 8th grade at Bel Air Middle. And Garrett is in the 4th grade at Bel Air Elementary. All three are active participants in Harford County Parks and Recreation. Debra is the Community Relations Director at Brightview Assisted Living in Bel Air and active as a volunteer for Bel Air Parks and Recreation. We are active members of Emmanuel Episcopal Church. I am employed with Presidential Bank of Bethesda in their residential and commercial lending division. I am the President of the Harford County Public Library Foundation and have been a volunteer board member for over 6 years. I have had the honor of serving two terms as Mayor of Bel Air in my seven years of service as Commissioner.
I am a lifelong resident of Harford County, a retired Harford County business owner and Life Member Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company. I also served as a sworn Police Officer in the Town of Bel Air. A former Bel Air Town Commissioner and current member of the Harford County Council, I believe in small government, low taxes, and growth policies the protect our Harford County families and neighborhoods.
Commissioned a 2d Lt in the US Army on 6 June 1960, I am a veteran of 36 years combined military service, active duty, Army Reserves and the State Guard, retiring with the rank of Colonel.
As owner of Mackk Broadcasting, Inc., I operated WAMD Radio – Aberdeen for 26 years. I am one of the founders, and former President, of the Ripken Museum. After serving on the Bel Air Board of Commissioners, I was elected to the Harford County Council in 2006. During my 4-year term, I have voted to reduce taxes five times.
After being educated in the Harford County School System, I earned a BA Degree from Western Maryland College (Now McDaniel). I attended the University of Baltimore Law School, and fulfilled certification requirements from the University Of Maryland’s Academy Of Excellence for Elected Officials in Public Policy.
What is at stake for District C (Bel Air) in this race?
It is time for a change in leadership. What we need, is one that will cherish Harford’s past but prepare and plan for this county’s future. Uncontrolled growth and lack of infrastructure is a concern. Despite the enormous economic downturn, Harford County is positioned better than most areas for a positive economic comeback. Within the next 24 months there will be one of the largest influxes of people relocating to our area. This will alleviate some of the housing issues, but the downside is that our infrastructure is already stressed. Schools in District C will likely see the impact in their enrollment. Property values have dropped and in the next three years, revenue will drop as well. The county will collect less tax revenue which makes up just over 60% of the operating budget. I will see to it that the county lives within it’s means like families have to do with their own budgets. We need a fiscal conservative in office that will be able to balance the needs of the county without cutting services to its citizens.
The people don’t want more government and more taxes, and neither do I. We have to make sure government delivers critical services – roads, schools and public safety, without growing government spending. We have to fight against the pressure to raise taxes. Harford County will also be pressured by the influx of new residents from BRAC – we have to control growth and protect our neighborhoods.
What is the biggest NON-BUSINESS problem in the district right now, and what would you do to improve the situation?
As in any community, there is more than just one problem. We have a diverse constituency, each having their own concerns and needs. District C is the smallest geographically, but is the most densely populated. We need to get a handle on regulating rental properties that house illegal aliens and half-way houses in some of our residential neighborhoods. I have been successful in shutting down two in the Town of Bel Air both of which were in violation of livability codes. Traffic is another issue that needs to be addressed. We need to explore ways of diverting traffic around the county seat rather than through it.
GROWTH. BRAC is great for our local economy, but with the jobs come new residents, and more pressure on our infrastructure. We must preserve and protect our quality of life, especially our great parks and rec programs, our schools, and our public safety system. On the County Council I have the opportunity to fight for County families, and to make sure the people’s money is targeted to the people’s priorities, and not wasted in the beaurocratic jumble. We don’t need more taxes. We need to listen to citizens.
The economic face of the district continues to change, with several competing forces in play: the revival of the Main Street business district in Bel Air; the continued vacancies in several of the major storefronts in the Route 1/Route 24 shopping centers; and major new development projects such as Wegmann’s and the Box Hill business park. How would you balance the needs of these areas, and approach business and economic development in the district in general?
This is easy. Cut taxes. Harford County is currently ranked as the third highest for business and real property tax rates. By cutting taxes this allows consumers and business owners to have more of their own money to spend and to create jobs. Main Street revitalization was $8.5 million and currently today we have a much more pedestrian friendly Main Street. More of this type of redevelopment is vital to the county. Businesses, entrepreneurs and even the possibility of high end residential projects would be welcomed. As this county continues to grow not only with residential properties but major governmental and private business entities there is no reason why the county would not look for positive redevelopment. There are numerous areas throughout the country that have tried to emulate the feel of the Main Street community. The Avenue at White Marsh is a perfect example. I am very hopeful that Harford County will be fortunate enough to have Harford Community College expand into a 4 year college. This in itself will stimulate our local economy. There is nothing more pressing throughout this entire country than job creation. And I believe that Harford County is a sleeping giant.
Harford County needs to take a serious stance on the lack of adequate roads and look for other means to alleviate the traffic in the greater Bel Air area. We will need to collaborate with our state elected officials as this is an issue that cannot continue to be put on the back burner.
Minimize government intervention. We do not need any more government intervention in the private sector. Stop taxing our businesses to death. Let the market place seek its own level and keep government out of it.
Who do each of you support in the Sheriff’s race? I heard that Captain Jim is a big supporter of Jesse Bane. Considering that morale is down, crime is up, and Jesse has grown the budget by $20 million – THIS CONCERNS ME about Captain Jim. Captain – please reply on your support of Jesse Bane.
Thank you,
All of the council members are showing some support for the Sheriff right now publicly that is. You will see their true colors after the primary. Face it Jesse will win this race. We can tell all the dirt and there is a lot to tell and he will still win. He is so well-liked he could win county executive right now, and you all know it. As for district C, I can’t vote for Hanley. Sorry Terry, were friends but I have known you too long.
Jesse Bane’s huge budget increases, Edgewood crime dsiplacement and lackluster Deputy Morale have already sealed the deal for Jesse? Hey, his signs look nice though.
Like I asked is Captain Jim a Jesse Bane supporter or not?
Why is everyone talking about the Sheriff. He has done a good job. Of course, he is asking for more money, has anyone taken a look at gang activity and crime? Sheriff Bane is a known commodity and a good man. I have been a registered Republican for over 50 years and I wholeheartedly support him. These other candidates are looking for a retirement job.
Hi Dale Neeper
1) Do you know the other candidates – how do you know they are looking for a retirement job? Why would anyone want to “retire” in their Forties at the peak of their career?
2) Have you looked at the increase in the Sheriff’s budget, $20 Million over 4 years. Unacceptable.
Jesse Bane may be a nice guy but he has left the door wide open for real leadership. Time and time again Jesse Bane has proven to be a liberal with a social agenda that caters to the union.
We need a Sheriff that is more than a “nice guy”.
Dear Big Blue,
Is it “Blue” because you have a police background? Are you supporting a candidate for Sheriff in hopes of becoming part of the administration? Show me one candidate for Sheriff who, in your words, is “in the peak of his career.” Hardly, they are individuals who have retired from another police job and going after another income. Who do you think you are kidding. I have lived in the County my entire life, and not since the days of Ray Fulkner and Bill Kunkel has there not been dissent in the Sheriff’s department. As far as the spending of additional money, we had better do something dramatic or we are going to be living in Baltimore City with a diet of nightly shootings and crime. These gangs are a problem and are being seen in the school system. I fully believe you have something to gain from the attack on the Sheriff.
Dale Neeper,
I have no skin in this game – I personally think 2, possibly 3, of the 4 republican candidates would be an upgrade on Jesse Bane. There are clearly front runners.
You haven’t shown any evidence other than you have known Jesse Bane’s on why he should continue to be the Sheriff.
Once the voters learn that he has raised the budget from $44M to $63M without much return on investment, then he will be ousted. Bane is a social liberal that would rather lunch with the criminals then deal with them.
His policing methods are ineffective. The only reason he has any internal support is because he over pays the Agency due to his union favoritism.
Are you really the “Captain”?
Big Blue, what is your name? I signed my name and I don’t know why you call yourself “Big Blue.” You say I haven’t provided any support for my claim that Bane is a good sheriff. Where is your support that any of the “wanna be’s” would be a good sheriff? Do you know any of them? I am a conservative and have been for many years. I was a Republican when all the Republicans in Harford County could have met in a phone booth. You need not tell me about social liberals, I don’t like them. But, to categorize Sheriff Bane this way, and to discuss him when the article was about McMahon and Hanley, seems strange to me. I still believe that your name reveals an interest that you have beyond good government. I am a conservative, not a fool.
As far as the Republican candidates for sheriff be VERY concerned about one of them. At the April 15th Tea Party rally held at the Bel Air Courthouse, candidate Roger Sheets was there in a business suit taking random and numerous photos of the crowd like it was an intelligence operation against an unruly mob. This is the type of behavior that we have grown to fear from the current regime in Washington and Harford County residents should be extremely concerned if this man wins the nomination. The is no logical reason other than the “intelligence operation” to take pictures of a crowd at a rally. Especially one that was as peaceful and orderly as that one.
by the way, Big Blue Bullshitter…Dale Neeper is his real name, and he’s a real pal of mine, play your innuendo game with real cards…Dale is doing just that, and I respect him for saying how he feels.
Todd Holden & Dale Neeper,
Facts are the facts. Whether you are registered republicans is insignificant because you act like typical liberals. You don’t like the facts so you personally attack the messenger.
The facts are the facts:
Jesse Bane has increased the budget from approximately $44 Million to $63 Million.
Jesse Bane has practiced a policy of displacing Edgewood crime to other parts of the County.
Jesse Bane is a social liberal.
Jesse Bane has catered to the Police Union at the Taxpayers expense.
Jesse Bane may be a nice guy but is not the best choice for Sheriff.
The fact that “BigBlue” A.) Has never heard of Todd Holden or Dale Neeper, and B.) Thinks that they “act like typical liberals”, makes me wonder how long he’s been around these parts and just how much he’s been paying attention. These two fine gents would make Bobby Hooper look like Theresa Pierno.
As for BigBlue, I doubt he could hold Sheriff Kunkel’s sidearm. Todd and Dale have been around the block more than a few times. If they give Sheriff Bane the thumbs up that carries a lot of weight with me.
H.Corkins, Todd Holden & Dale Neeper,
All three of you can put your heads in the sand but the facts are the facts;
Jesse Bane has increased the budget from approximately $44 Million to $63 Million.
Jesse Bane has practiced a policy of displacing Edgewood crime to other parts of the County.
Jesse Bane is a social liberal.
Jesse Bane has catered to the Police Union at the Taxpayers expense.
Jesse Bane may be a nice guy but is not the best choice for Sheriff.
I like the way these know-it-alls blindly endorse Bane without ever having seen his private facade. All they see is the “kindhearted compassionate” side (read: liberal, free handouts, etc) he shows to the public. If H. Corkins wants to vote for Bane because Neeper and Holden tell him to, rather than actually reading the comments that the deputies working in the agency have to say about Bane, then he deserves a sheriff who is completely out of touch with reality. And if only he knew how Bane is spending his tax dollars–blackberries for secretaries, vehicles for civilians, creating high-paying positions for his favorites–I could go on and on. But that’s fine–people of his ilk will be boo-hooing as soon as crime becomes more prevalent beyond the Rt. 40 corridor. Wonder what they’ll think of Mr. Nice Guy then?
Why haven’t you responded to my questions?
1. Why don’t you put your real name? Is it because you : a. are a candidate fcr sheriff or are going to become part of a new administration b. are hiding from the law or have been pursued by same c. don’t have the guts to put your name to your beliefs.
I am a Republican conservative and I SIGNED my name-DALE NEEPER. I wish you would stop calling yourself a conservative, because the conservatives that I know deal in fact, not empty meaningless statements. You repeat the same lines every time without providing one scintilla of fact. That is what the social liberals do, not conservatives.
2. You talk about him displacing Edgewood crime. I have news for you, the crime is not just in Edgewood. I would like to know how one displaces crime to other areas of the County. He just arrests them and moves them to Fallston? Your list leaves a lot of wholes to be filled in. Perhaps, you would like to enlighten me, instead of just repeating your vague list over and over.
3. Let me teach you about local government. You say the Sheriff spends too much money- well, the money he receives comes from the County Council, County Executive, state and some feder You need to be upset with them. But the fact is, whether you realize or not, we have some problems that have been around for years and have gotten worse. You may remember that a Deputy who had apprehended a thief, was roughed up with the culprit escaping. This was a crowd that had gathered in Edgewood. Maybe, you have lived somewhere else, but I haven’t and I like it here. I want it to be a safe place as it was years ago.
4. You say I have my head in the sand. If I do, it is so I don’t have to listen to people like you. Send facts and answer my questions
HI, Judy,
This site will make you sick. Thanks for your comments and the lesson. Trust me, you are too knowledgeable and bright to use this strand!
I feel like every single Republican says the same thing over and over again… cut taxes, as if that cures everything. Clearly you all want to cut programs to allow the tax cut. WILL YOU PLEASE TELL US WHAT PROGRAMS WILL GET LESS MONEY WHEN YOU CUT TAXES??? Be specific. Less for schools? Less for police, fire protection, Parks N Rec, public works? The Republican short liner of cut taxes sadly works on WAY too many people, but they never say what programs they will cut and whose jobs they will eliminate with the necessary budgets cuts that must come with a tax cut (unless you want us to deficit-spend, which I am pretty sure is illegal in Harford County). Come on… tell us, PLEASE!
You expect us to assume a premise that current expenditures for county expenses are efficient, productive and in the best interest of taxpayers.
I reject your premise.
I believe there are no “sacred cows” and we deserve greater fiscal responsibility and productivity from Harford County officials and employees at every level.
Fine… tell me what budgets you are going to cut then! Just say it! Why does everybody always say how inefficient things are in government, and then not say what those inefficiencies are? I may be willing to accept your premise if you show me where and specifically what salaries or department budgets will be cut. One thing is for sure, all the money coming in to Harford County is being spent. Therefore any cut in taxes MUST mean a cut in somebody’s salary or some department’s budget. Justified or not, this is true. I want to see the candidates answer this question!
Joseph Caruso never ceases to repeat his list of talking points.
It’s one budget at time, one department at a time, one line item at a time down to each paper clip. And if you think that’s happening now you are dreaming.
I do not think it is happening enough, no. BUT, I do not see where that will save the tens of millions you will need to save to justify a tax cut! Again, it will be next to impossible to cut taxes without cutting salaries or departmental budgets somewhere. I keep hearing and reading conservatives telling how inefficient government is, yet they almost never point to those inefficiencies. I am sure you can always save good amounts of money, and I would bet that you may be able to add up those increases in efficiency to a pretty substantial sum. But are we talking tens of millions of dollars? If so… WHERE????
No in order to make county government more efficient you will need to reduce headcount and cut departmental budgets. However you don’t use a hatchet since this thoughtful management of taxpayer money requires a scalpel.
I agree that if we are going to cut budgets it would have to be with a ‘scalpel’ and not a hatchet. But I still think that candidates who promote tax cuts are not adequately addressing this reality.
No matter what, the truth is that either jobs will be eliminated (people fired), salaries will be reduced, or equipment and floor space will not be purchased. This may very well be a good thing, but the candidates that are out there mentioning their support for tax cuts really need to research WHERE they plan on making these budget cuts before they promise to cut those taxes. If they can find out ahead of time approximately how much money will be saved via the budget scalpel, then they can discuss tax cuts in a more informed manner and not use these issues as an emotional bullet with little or no data to back up what they say; they will be able to say how much tax will be cut and who would those tax cuts. Right now they are talking about the cut first with no reference whatsoever to the resulting budget changes.
I’ll tell you were – salaries and benefits need to be reduced and productivity needs to be increased. Many (not all) Government workers at the federal, state, and local level are simply overpaid. Their salaries, benefits, pensions, vacation, sick leave, etc are simply out of sync with the private sector. Don’t trust me – read up on the subject and you’ll see it to be the truth.
There is absolutely no reason that Government needs to grow at a rate higher than the CPI.
I’ll tell you where – salaries and benefits need to be reduced and productivity needs to be increased. Many (not all) Government workers at the federal, state, and local level are simply overpaid. Their salaries, benefits, pensions, vacation, sick leave, etc are simply out of sync with the private sector. Don’t trust me – read up on the subject and you’ll see it to be the truth.
There is absolutely no reason that Government needs to grow at a rate higher than the CPI.
So you are suggesting that the candidates campaign on a platform of reducing the salaries of public servants? Whose pay should be cut? Teachers? Police Officers? Public Works employees? How do you suggest improving productivity? Put more work on fewer employees (firing others)? Hiring middle-level managers to keep more track of the average worker (this would cost more)?
Department of Education. (Government indoctrination program)
Department of Energy. (Giant waste of money)
Military Empire building Budget.
All entitlement programs.(Government plantation)
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Benjamin Franklin
Last I checked we were discussing local politicians, not a one of which has even the slightest bit of control over any of the institutions you mention Jon…
Capt Jim needs to go! I sent him a very long letter and email about the Blake’s Legacy development and my concerns with the Red Pump Elementary School. His response- “Thanks for the letter. Capt Jim”
Everyone knows that the only reason a school was built at Red Pump was to open up development in that area-nothing to do with overcrowding. The real overcrowding was up at Prospect Mill. Cap’t Jim’s response was basically to ignore his constituent’s concerns and not address them at all.
Red Pump is in the Development Envelope. Campus Hills is not. Would have been an easy call in my book.
I’m upset that they are going to build the Campus Hills school at all however, because it will provide the justification to expand the development envelope and open that whole area up to even more development. You mentioned Blake’s Legacy, well how about Peverly Estates? Might not ring a bell now, but just wait a few years. Also, if folks are concerned with the current overcrowding at Prospect Mill, you can thank Mr. Wagner for that at the polls.
Congratulations, Roadhouse. At least you had the guts to put your name on your beliefs, unlike Big Blue. But, you, like Big Blue, don’t know what you are talking about. Give facts, more than secretaries have blackberries and stop trying to assassinate a good man and a good sheriff. ,,,,and by the way, crime has for years already hit the rest of the county. Where have you been?
Is it Dale Neeper or Dale Sleeper? Wake up! Jesse Bane may be a good man in your eyes but he is a poor leader and average Sheriff at best.
You put some facts on the table other than “hey I know the guy”.
Dale Neeper
If you think David Roadhouse is a real name than you really must be Dale Sleeper…..
Braveheart, why don’t you sign your name? You anti-Bane people have a lot to say but seem to lack the intestinal fortitude to sign it with your name. But, regardless, I do know Jesse Bane, and there is no fake facade. What you see is what you get. He came up through the ranks and did whatever he was assigned. I don’t know where this “the deputies will tell you” nonsense is coming from. Oh, I suppose you could always find someone no matter who the boss is to be a dissenter.
Now, this axe that you want to grind about government employees. How do you compare a policeman’s salary to someone in private industry? Do you really believe that it is like any other job? If you do, and someone is breaking in your house, call someone at Clorox or another company to come to your aid.
Dale Neeper
There are plenty great Sargents that couldn’t effectively cut it at the higher ranks. Jesse had his shot – its time for a change….
Big Blue, You still won’t address my questions, AGAIN. When that happens, I am wasting my time. I just ask one thing- don’t refer to yourself as a conservative. Conservatives are not stupid, and they are certainly not scared to sign their names. I will have no more to do with you. Remaing Stupid,
BigBlue and Braveheart are making good points and all Dale Neeper and Todd Holden can say is:
1. Sign your name
2. Do you know who I am?
Magik Columbine, another anti-Bane person who doesn’t have the guts to sign their name. If you had read my other e-mails to Big Blue, you would have seen that I said a lot more than I know Jesse Bane or “Do you know who I am.” First of all, I am a nobody except a lifelong resident of this County, and I love Harford County. I want the best people representing us. Are all of them the best-No. But Jesse Bane transcends both political parties and is a good sheriff and a good man. Unless you can show me, which Big Blue never attempted to do, that one of the other candidates is going to do as good a job or better, I have no reason not to support Jesse Bane. I have a Republican for over 50 years, but I vote for whom I think is best. To me, that is being a good citizen. I also vote for whom I think is best rather than voting against someone and hoping who I voted for is better, I THINK THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP WITH OBAMA. Go back and read my other e-mails.
What kind of message are you sending with a name like Magik Columbine?
Dale Neeper,
You sound like a confused man. Colin Powell was a republican and he supported Barrack Obama. No one really cares that you are a registered Republican.
Jesse Bane is a proven social liberal.
Jesse Bane gave Fred Visnow and the Union much to much influence.
Jesse Bane mismanaged the County’s resources, overpaid the deputies, and they are still not happy because of Jesse’s micro-management style.
Time for a change? I think so.
I am through with you Big Blue. You don’t answer my questions. So go ahead, have the last word, as uninformed as it may be.
Unlike yourself – I’ve stated facts, I’ve given examples, you’ve stated nothing. Jesse’s nice guy approach got him elected last time. Won’t work this time.
the issue’s that face Edgewood and area’s of high crime are not totaly eliminated by chaging the Sheriff. Bane is doing a great job. The Deputies are amoung the best I have ever seen both as a former police officer and a citizen. The answers are complex and begin with family value’s. The court system needs to take a stronger approach,clearly again not the only answer. The violence, the hate, the down and dirty level of crime all over is more than it has ever been. Lack of respect, parenting,the youth today has little fear. I wish there was a clear cut answer,there is not Move on about Bane. As far as the road deputies I salute them,thay are professional and good cops… I have no answers, so think of one or so and make constuctive comment’s.
I vote for Paterniti! Need some new blood in office. He is a real guy. Change is needed. Plus some eye candy would be good.
Hanley for Sheriff also.
I got the Hanley mailing today. Looks good.
Damn! I’m glad that we’ve finally started talking about the Harford County Council District C race again! Speaking of that, I want to put in a plug for Terry Hanley. Hey, he may be tall and have a big smile (hence, the aforementioned good looking mailer), but he seems genuine to me. Terry may not be the “establishment” candidate, but those of us like minded folks are yearning for an independent politician that legislates based on knowledge and integrity. Commissioner Hanley has demonstrated that independence for 7 years on the Town Board, and I am looking forward to him excercising that same steak on our Harford County Council. Go Hanley!!!! Go Dagger!!!!
sad that “Magic” puts words down, that I never said.
sad that so many say things that many of us don’t see or hear when we’re out and about the county, doing things that keep us in touch. Our friends are not to blame when they make some really absurd statements. Crime has not been ‘displaced to other parts of the county by Sheriff Bane’…crime is all over, and it comes from the metropolitan areas.
gangs will not be stopped by any of the candidates, but it sure makes good fodder to attack the current man in charge.
Honestly, it Bill Kunkel was sheriff today, and I have great love and respedt for him, I doubt he could perform and operate his dept. as he did when he was in office. The world has changed greatly, and good men who will serve to protect us need all the help they can get. And this constant tearing apart, over what? personalities, bitterness? God only knows we need all the help we can muster for the times ahead. Jesse knows this, as well as anyone, and who says he can’t do better? We all can do better, instead of bitching.
Thats why we are holding an election because someone can and will do better than Jesse Bane.
Jesse Bane has increased the budget from approximately $44 Million to $63 Million.
Jesse Bane has practiced a policy of displacing Edgewood crime to other parts of the County.
Jesse Bane is a social liberal.
Jesse Bane has catered to the Police Union at the Taxpayers expense.
And it sounds like Jesse Bane is not such a nice guy after all.
todd Holden,,,, best comment psted thus far.! Crme is all over… We balme one man! When in fact we “all can do better”
We can all do better and vote for one of the qualified Republican candidates.
Bane is in way over his head. He gave it his best shot but it simply wasn’t good enough.
Ah – Sorry Mr. Holden, I stand corrected. That would be H. Corkins Jr. Post 3.1.1
And my name is spelled Magik
can someone define a Social Liberal… Ive heard it used a number of times by the same comentor? Bane a Social Liberal… Now I really need it defined!
Good comments Todd. I worry that someone who calls himself Magik Columbine has some strange quirk, or is some strange quirk. Good old Big Blue is still sending his list, the same one, over and over again. I can hardly wait when the Sheriff’s race is featured. No doubt, Big Blue will still be saying the same thing over and over.
Hey Jeepers/Creepers – Come up with some valid points – other than “I know the guy” and people might actually listen… Boo Hoo.
Go Terry Hanley – Out with Bane/McMahan
Big Blue, what you say generally doesn’t relate to anything. I personally feel that the Sheriff is doing a good job. You haven’t told me anything that would make me believe that any of the other candidates would do as good or better. By people voting against McCain because they believed him to be more of the same as Bush, isn’t that how Obama became President? By accusing me of not giving you facts, I would have to send you Bane’ record, which you can get on your own. You would still disagree with it no matter what. I don’t know how the other candidates did in their jobs. Do YOu? If so, tell me and stop giving the same damn facts over and over.
You refer to excellent sargents. Are you a retired sargeant? W
Is McMahan endorsing Jesse Bane for Sheriff? McMahan was on the Council that allowed Jesse Bane to go “crazy” with the Sheriff’s Office budget increasing it approximately $20 Million in 4 years from $44 Million to $63 Million – overtime is out of control – too much overhead and not enough Deputies on the street.
Time for a change.
We must make certain that we pick the person that has the best chance to beat Bane. Bane has aligned himself with Dion Guthrie (District A councilman), Rovall Washington (State Senate candidate), and Jansen Robinson (District A school board candidate). All are of questionable character based on widely reported issues about their professional and/or personal lives. The fact that Bane would even associate with these people raises serious questions about his judgment, or is he so beholden to these three to try to win the African-American vote that he is willing to look the other way. His pandering and graveling in Edgewood is so obvious and very unbecoming. In either case it does not speak well of the sheriff.
The sheriff’s race kicked off our series of questionnaires. Check it out at
please define Social Liberal Mr. Big Blue…. And you had a uniform on where?
Big Blue and others who are anti-Bane,
Not one of you has stated which candidate you support and give what makes you feel that individual would be as good or better than Bane.
Please inform me by picking the one, not four, of the candidates that you think are better. Don’t talk generalities to me, be specific as to what you think makes him a better choice than Bane. Your thinking that anyone would be better than Bane is exactly how we got an unqualified president. Do you remember the name Obama?
My point to the voters is simply to point out Jesse Bane’s shortcomings by highlighting real deficiancies such as budget mismanagment, micro-managment and poor policing policies. People like the Capt McMahan and Dale Neeper will simply vote for Jesse Bane because he is a nice guy. Nice guy doesn’t get it done.
Please check out the platforms, work experience, and video debate of the Republican candidates and make an educated decision.
The reason Bane increased the budget a few years back is this: Craig promised him large raises for his Deputies IF Bane did not run for County Executive. Thats why Bane was in bed with the Union at that time. I think they received 16% raises across the board and the LEOPS pension system was put into place. Get rid of the hug-a-thug tactics. Get rid of Bane!!
Way too much Bane/anti-Bane on this thread. We don’t need that when there’s enough wrong with both Hanley and McMahan to go around. Let’s hear more about Terry O’Shamrock and Cap’t Yellow Van.
Big Blue, Domo and others who are anti-Bane. Let’s just summarize this whole discussion so that this site can debate Hanley and McMahon. Not one of you has told me who they are going to say is the best candidate of the four. Nor have you told me how you reached that decision. My mind is made up and I am voting for Bane. You vote for whom you want, but you owe to good government to tell us all why you select your candidate. It is easy to be against things, but lets be positive and tell me who you are for. And, by the way, don’t be gutless, let us know who you are, rather than some stupid made up name. For all we know you could be criminals.
Neeper – your decision to vote for Bane based on blind loyalty is foolish.
Big Blue, I would call you by your last name If I knew it. But since you don’t have the guts to give your name, I cannot. Your word doesn’t mean a damn thing to me if you don’t sign your name. You could be the biggest drug dealer in the county as far as anyone knows.
Now, let me answer your feeble statement. I am not supporting Bane because of loyalty. I am supporting him because I think he has done a good job. Criminals aren’t letting up because we want to saave money. Crime doesn’t care what our taxes are, what the CPI is,what GNP is, or what you are paying in taxes. Do you want to stop it now, or live in Baltimore City?
You all have to pick one of the four candidates to run for sheriff. Why don’t any of you tell me who the one candidate to run should be. Can you tell me why? I am interested to know.
Big Blue and the rest of you, have the guts to give credibility to what you say by identifying who you really are.
Neeper – You’ve proven one thing to me – to be old is not analogous to being wise.
Good day sir.
Big Blue, You are nothing but a bag of wind. You like to attack and criticize, and yet, when I ask you who you think is best, you never answer. Anyone who reads our e-mails can clearly see that you refuse to answer my questions, and you with all the information and wisdom. Who and what are you?
From the Captains web page guess, this is his ideal of less Government and lower taxes but after all, he spent his entire life as an active Democrat switching party only for political gain.
Bill 07-13 (the County Budget) was passed by the County Council. It is the largest budget in County history.
Received the Captains mailer and he said he has reduced our taxes 5 times, WOW he truly is a super hero as I can not see any tax relief especially with my property tax bill.
Let’s hope that the people don’t buy this BS from him he is a big bag of wind.
Big Blue, Or Big Yellow as it should be. Tell everyone who is best of the candidates and why. You have never done that. To me that just makes you a bunch of BS.
Hey Creeper
I don’t much care what you think. You’ve really said nothing except “Hey I know Jesse Bane”. Like I said you’ve proven time and time again that “age is not analogous with wisdom”.
Once again, Big Blue/Yellow, you won’t answer my questions. You are nothing but a big BS er who his against everything and won’t say who is best. By the way, don’t let this age thing get over your head. If you want to talk about my age, meet me at the Bel Air Athletic Club. I am there 6 days a week, so I am sure that we can connect. Isn’t amazing that I tell you my name and where I will be, and you are to yellow to do either. Go away or come see me.
I have a better Idea Big Blue tell me your name,,, tell me who would be better I will rely the message. Hey Dale, makes a great point. and he back’s it up! You need to say who you think would do a better job? You need to come up with a solution or keep quiet. You comment about current administartion and give no alternative. Simply said give Dale an answer to the question… Or hey Quiet!
My point to the voters is simply to point out Jesse Bane’s shortcomings by highlighting real deficiancies such as budget mismanagment, micro-managment and poor policing policies. People like the Capt McMahan and Dale Neeper will simply vote for Jesse Bane because he is a nice guy. Nice guy doesn’t get it done.
Please check out the platforms, work experience, and video debate of the Republican candidates and make an educated decision.
they are only asking who you support. It is easily said Bane does not do a Good Job, who is it they you believe would be better?..Simple?
Simple Louie & Hard Head Dale Neeper
I have not picked candidate yet.
Really Big Blue Really?
This county is in for big problems in the future. If the main reason you vote for somebody is that you’ve known them for a long time and you won’t even look at what they stand for as opposed to another point of view, then you’ve closed off avenues to potentially better ideas.
I don’t care who you all vote for. I really don’t know enough about any of the sheriff candidates, or Hanley vs McMahon. All the publications in Harford County do a horrible job of reporting what these people have done/will do – DETAILED (anybody can give sound bites like “I’m against higher taxes”)
I will tell you that it’s obvious that there’s a terrible clique in Harford County. That does not bode well for our county’s future.
magic, if you don’t know about the sheriff’s candidates, why in the hell are you chiming in to this discussion. As far as cliques are concerned, I don’t know what you are talking about. There are people in this County that have lived here for years,and plan to stay here and want the best for it. Then, there are others that moved here and have all of the answers and don’t know anything- you, for example. Are you from such a big metropolitan area that you don’t know any candidates personally. You say that is a problem- no, the problem is when people don’t know the candidates. Get off your ass and read about, and try to learn about people who run for office. You can’t be stupid and live in a democracy- oh, wait a minute, you are and you do.
Looks like people would rather talk about Bane’s race. Shouldn’t be a race. We should have a county police force with a commissioner. How can anybody – any of these guys running for Banes job – all from around here for 20+ years know how to combat gang violence, etc. Harford needs to be able to pick somebody from outside the confines of this lily white community, pretty much still, to get the job done with law enforcement – and if they don’t do the job, fire them. As far as District C – Either guy will walk with Boniface. Captain Jim has already proved that and Hanley wants more than just council seat so he’ll have to play ball to get future help for his bigger ambitions. Not much of a choice either way.
Speed bumps. Just remembered when a new development went up across from our neighborhood about 4 years ago – I think it may have been Hanley who got speed bumps for us. It was either him or Cassilly. As much money is getting thrown around with these elections it would be nice if Harford cable had some debates, maybe they did and I just missed them.
Big Blue, you are a pile of crap. Oh, how you hurt whoever runs against Bane. Thank you and keep posting.