From Patrick McGrady:
The Maryland General Assembly is contemplating a tax increase on the fuel that working families use to get to and from work and to the grocery store.
Currently, the Maryland tax on gasoline is 26.5 cents per gallon of fuel. The proposal that the leading Democrats in Annapolis– Senate Prez Mike Miller and House Speaker Mike Busch — support is a ~38% increase to 36.5 cents per gallon. This tax will suck another $250MM out of our wallets every year.
Do the Delegates that write these bills really think that they can get the economy going again by raising taxes? Maryland working familes already suffer from record unemployment. Any additional costs for conducting business in Maryland will surely result in cost-cutting elsewhere– and that will probably mean more layoffs.
The Politicians say that this tax will be “reserved for transportation projects” (“Trust me, this time for real”). Since last year’s budget alone, more than a quarter of a billion dollars has been hijacked from the transportation fund. Now they want Maryland working families to pay for their incompetence at the pump. Our families shouldn’t have to pay for greedy politicians in Annapolis who can’t balance their budget; they should cut their budget before digging into our pocketbooks.
Patrick McGrady
Aberdeen, MD
Let us act like Democrats and walk out and go to Virginia. These 10 cent taxes hit all Marylanders in the wallet (gas, drink). The Dems have raided the Chesapeake Bay fund and any fund the can get their hands on to spend,spend,and spend. Just how deep do they think our pocket are? You are right on it Patrick.
It is time for the Republican Delegates and Senators to get ahead of this in the media, get the citizens aware and against this tax increase and crush it. Minority party members can have influence but it involves work, earn your pay and defeat this new tax increase Republican Delegates and Senators.
The citizens of MD have spoken and they want higher taxes, more aid to illegals and more waste in government. If O’malley and his buds in Annapolis don’t get their gas tax (or any other tax) they’ll just call another “special session” and tax us more that way. Sometimes you get what you vote for, and we sure got it this time.
Is this the same McGrady who couldn’t even defeat Glenn Glass?
I grabbed this from
Hello Friends,
On November 2, the election results for District 34A did not turn out as we had hoped. The top two vote-getters in our race were Mary-Dulany James (D-incumbent) and Glen Glass (R). Because District 34A is a two-seat district, James and Glass are our Delegates until the next election in 2014. Thanks to Glass, we have one more Republican in the House of Delegates, and we are one step closer to a state with some balance of political parties.
I am writing to thank you for all of the time and prayers that you have committed to our campaign. When I decided to run in August 2009, I was overwhelmed by your support— and I know that we are still united in out efforts to put Maryland on the right track. It was a very exciting time for me and I’m thankful that you stood with me during the campaign.
After the election, I was reflective and, honestly, disappointed in the result. But that state of mind only lasted for half a day before I realized that there was no time for disappointment! We knocked on thousands of doors together, we raised the money, we made the contacts, and we got the signs up! We are not down and out— I’m staying active, and I hope you are too!
In late November, I was sworn in to the Harford County Republican Central Committee where we are working hard to raise money, organize fellow Republicans, and work on legislative issues both in the County and in Annapolis. Like you, I believe that we have the right ideas about government— but to win, we need to work hard to deliver our message of limited government and personal responsibility.
Once more, I thank you for the time, money, prayers, and supplies that you contributed to our campaign. As I said before, I am not going away, and I continuing to advocate for all the things we stand for!
Respectfully Yours,
P.S. The primary election for the 2012 race in Maryland will be held on Valentine’s Day 2012. We will be voting on our Congressmen, a US Senate seat, and the highest profile race, The Presidency. Let’s get ready to roll!
Patrick M. is a complete loser. He is a slave to the Campaign for Liberty Cult and a thorn in the side of the MD GOP. He may be correct about the Gas Tax but his motives are purely political ambition. He is so anxious to get a title. This statement is nothing but i publicity stunt. Disregard him!