From Havre de Grace City Councilman Mitch Shank:
Tonight at our regularly scheduled City Council meeting I announced my plans to run for Mayor of our City of Havre de Grace. Many of us throughout our city have many concerns and issues about the financial well being of our town. I believe that we need to take our city in a new direction. From Bulle Rock to Chesapeake Drive, from The Paddocks to Ontario Street, from Bayview Estates to Market Street and from Grace Harbor to our Main Street Downtown Business District we must emphasize “Taxpayers First – A New Direction for our Havre de Grace.”
I hope you will join me in reducing the size of our government, reduce unnecessary spending and reduce the various tax burdens facing our citizens. I will be officially filing to run for Mayor on Tuesday morning at 8am. Please join me at City Hall as we work together to improve the quality of life in Havre de Grace.
All campaign contributions will be greatly appreciated. You can send your donations to “Committee to elect Mitch Shank” P. O. Box 792, Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Mitch’s Action Plan for Mayor of Havre de Grace
Review all city positions
– Institute an immediate hiring freeze
– Review all city positions = Elevate our Economic Development Manager position to a Department Head
– Define / revise job descriptions
– Pursue new salary and pension plans for new hires, effective July 1, 2011
Building Bridges
– Set up a strategic planning sessions
– At a City / Town Level between Administration and Elected Officials = Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Bel Air, Perryville
– At the County Level with the Elected Officials, Administration, and Board of Education
– At the State Level with the Legislators in Annapolis
– At the Federal Level with the elected officials in Washington DC
– Look at possible shared resources and Cooperative ventures
Institute a policy of an “Open & Transparent” government
– Post information to the website = Resolutions, Ordinances, Budgets, Meeting Minutes; In a timely manner
– Set up a “Creative Think Tank” or “Focus Group” of concerned citizens; To study issues; Garner tax payer input; Brain storm effective solutions
Partner with businesses to create more jobs
– Set up a fast track business policy to encourage new businesses and expansion of our current businesses
– Develop a business friendly atmosphere
– Give the Economic Development Manager the title and Authority to accomplish goals, our Director of Economic Development will sit at the right side of the Mayor on all issues concerning our business community
– Restructure water / sewer fees = Stimulate economy and increase tax base; Reduce by 50% upfront fees; Backload on new home owners
Reduce taxes and fees for taxpayers
– All resolutions and legislation to include a financial impact analysis
– Develop a long plan for the reduction of property taxes
Most importantly, develop a mind set at City Hall where all decisions must put the “citizen first” and be “taxpayer friendly”.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments.
Take Care,
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, (inhale!) Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, (inhale) …..Stop It…..Really……Really! Stop It!
Sorry, I couldn’t contol myself. I truly apologize 🙁
WTF- what did I miss? What’s so funny? I have lived in Havre de Grace the last three years, had a business there for years, and keep my boat at the marina.
I’m not a social friend of Mitch’s and not yet a campaign contributor but I have to say that I like the direction he would take the finances of the city. A hiring freeze and adjusting benefits and retirement for new employees down the road is a good idea. A round table of business folks advising the Mayor and council is invaluable when they listen.
The future of a non resident tax base has to be in economic development and Mitch’s idea to make that position a department head could be the most positive change in the city government structure. Attracting business inside the city is so much more important to the tax base than adding another house. Businesses pay more taxes and dont use a significant amount of the public services.
So WTF, give it another read.
Mitch Shank has better vision for city government. We should support his candidacy.
What does Mitch see in the future that the current Mayor does not?
Well Mitch launched his campaign yesterday with a platform that Wayne seems to have ignored. I suggest you read Mitch’s outline.
I did read it. My question was not what does Mitch see in the future for Havre de Grace, but rather what does he see that the current Mayor does not. I believe that the current Mayor is for almost all of the things that Mitch is for. So where is the better vision?
Maybe progress.
Well………..Not to sound crass, but he CAN’T see!
Well W.T.F.?, Wayne Dougherty may have his sight, but he clearly cannot see.
While Mitch Shank has a clear vision because he listens carefully to taxpayers, digs deeply into the budget and asks penetrating and thoughtful questions that our dear mayor Wayne doesn’t like.
Smitty, your personal contempt for our “dear mayor Wayne” is starting to show. If you want to convince me that your guy Mitch is the better man, you need to do so without getting personal. Just a thought!!
I have no personal animus for Wayne, I simply don’t think he is a good steward of taxpayer money and have witnessed him get enraged by taxpayers’ questions in a public forum. He was curt, abrupt, rude and disingenuous to the audience.
The City of Havre de Grace is a small tight-knit community where we elect our neighbors to take turns being mayor, not dictator.
In closing, I enjoy Wayne’s fellowship in social settings, however I think he should retire or be retired by the voters.
OK Smitty, I understand where you are coming from. It’s Mitch’s turn. Got it. And your right, HDG is a tight knit close community. But I don’t think Wayne is a dictator for heavens sake.
Don’t confuse Wayne’s affability with his passive aggressive tendency to be dictatorial. The dictatorial aspect of Wayne is behind the scenes and not so readily apparent.
Sounds like Wayne has stuck it to you in the past. What makes you think Mitch won’t do the same.
Wayne has not as you say “stuck it” to me personally, however he has “stuck it” it to HDG taxpayers.
Smitty, it would certainly be helpful if you were specific as to how Wayne has stuck it to the taxpayers of Havre de Grace.
I am not against change, but I am also one who thinks that Havre de Grace is doing well. If that is not so then I need to understand the specifics of how Wayne has done us wrong.
WTF- I think we all glad to not be on the side of someone like you. The blind reference doesn’t say a thing about Mitch or Wayne but it says everything about you.
W.T.F. You should be ashamed of your self for typing that.
Are you stupid or something?
Please don’t use Mitch Shank and vision in the same sentence.
Nice touch of IGNORANCE with the sight jokes…
Go Dagger
He doesnt have a vision. He is Blind
What evidence do you have that Wayne Dougherty is an effective mayor of Havre de Grace?
Havre de Grace is a great place to live, work and play. Pretty good evidence that things are going OK in HDG, given the current national economic downturn.
So Smitty, are you going to answer my question, or are you just going to play the game of politics like so many others?
Havre de Grace has an overblown city government that lacks transparency along with new residential/commercial development and redevelopment issues all of which Wayne is ill-equipped and conflicted to address. Not to mention water/sewer costs, pension liabilities, health/dental costs and overall derelict spending.
Wayne has mismanaged the huge increases in HDG tax revenue from the housing boom within the city limits. Those chickens are now coming home to roost and without significant and enlightened changes to HDG government they are unsustainable. Which is why we need Mitch Shank.
while Wayne may be a crafty politician who will say anything he lacks the integrity, will and ability to do right by all taxpayers.
OK. So Mitch will cut city government positions from the overblown government, he will not hire anymore people for awhile, he will let us know up front everything that he is doing, he will cut the pension, health/dental benefits of the city employees, or at least make them pay more for the benefit, thus reducing their disposable income, and Mitch will reduce the fee for water and sewer service.
I admit that I don’t know what the Mayor spent all that tax money on that you say was derelict. So please share that with me. I thought HDG residents were getting a pretty good bang for the buck.
This guy Mitch Shank is sounding pretty good Smitty. Keep the information coming.
RETIREDAWHILE, Put down the kool aid and read what Mr. Shank wrote. He isn’t going after the current employees, he wants a new system for all new hires to work under.
@None. I know that, I’m responding to Smitty in my March 9, post. Read his post above mine.
If you are sincere Retiredawhile I suggest you call Mitch at (410) 939-3460 and ask him about what he will do.
I have known Mitch Shank all my life. Mitch on council is one thing, Mitch for Mayor….NO! I think the current mayor and council is one of the better one’s we have had in this town for over 20 years. The direction HdG is heading in seems fine to me. We have good public safety, friendly city employees and we have had a tax cut for several years now. I have been very pleased with my city government since the Dougherty administration began. Now Mitch is ringing the alarm as if the sky is falling. Check your facts people before you vote. Always remember that politicians will try to scare people to vote for them. Ask yourself this question, if things are so bad with HdG, why didn’t he do anything about it as a councilman? Again, check your facts.
And there are those that would benefit from the status quo being maintained by Wayne Dougherty. Taxpayers should be concerned about the decisions being made by the mayor and council.
Mitch Shank has brought up these concerns numerous times with mayor only to be silenced by Wayne.
We need change in leadership for HDG and Mitch is the man with vision and foresight.
No man who aspires to take the reigns of the city government should allow themselves to be “silenced”. If Dougherty truly does silence him then that’s just sad. Seriously, I have been reading all the threads on this post and it sounds like this is all personal against the mayor. I have not seen any numbers or hard facts that would discredit the current mayor and council. Just a bunch of negative rhetoric. The citizens are tired of negativity. Shank should focus on what is good about the city and how he can make it better. Cause quite frankly, I like the way HdG is right now.
Agree. I like Havre de Grace. I feel the city is doing very well. I am not against change, but change just because it’s somebody else’ turn rings hollow to me. I would need more information why a leadership change is necessary.
Mitch’s plan is not that great. I live in Havre de Grace for all the great services that the city provides. In Havre de Grace crime is low, the Hose company responds quick, and DPW has the city looking good. I don’t think these services will continue to excel under Mitch’s eye.
I thought the Susquehanna Hose Co. is volunteer fire corps?
Don Ho
Why Mitch shouldn’t be mayor:
1. He’s never held a real job in his entire life.
2. He’s “old HdG,” his cronies the same old, same old, crowd.
3. A dismal record as councilman.
He worked in the schools system. If that “real job” was good enough for David Craig, it should be good enough for Mitch Shank!
@LOCAL BUSINESS OWNER exactly what has wayne done that you are so thrilled with
Proably fixed a few parking tickets, besides the current mayor draws all his support from old Havre de Grace.
@Don Ho
Mayor Dougherty hired Chief Walter. She seems to be doing a very good job.
RETIREDAWHILE, I was responding to NONE not you. You are a deflector and bomb thrower.
What kind of bombs Don?
FYI, Chief Walther was hired by David Craig, not Wayne Dougherty.
OK. Good job David Craig! Has her contract been renewed under Mayor Dougherty? I believe it has, so good job Mayor Dougherty!!
The long list of what Shank wants to do is almost entirely being done now. That list seems to be something that was made up with a poison pen and a need of his ‘handlers’ for their personal benefit. As for old timers – Ask them what a marvelous job Shank did on the county council. He, at a time in his life when he was more effective, did not’ cut the mustard.’ He is a great spokesman for activities, but the ability to effectively work on more challenging goals has never seemed to be there.
Nothing on Mr. Shanks list is being done at this time. Thats why yhe made the list. What fantasy world are you living in?
Elizabeth, that’s not true at all.
Not one thing on Mitch’s list is even being though about by Wayne. He’s paid lip service to some of them, but never moved on any of it.
If all these things are being done, why have none of them been accomplished by Wayne Dougherty?
Especially the “transparency”, “citizen first” and be “taxpayer friendly” parts.
So think about it….Shank camp is assuming that Dougherty is only getting support from “old Havre de Grace” voters….but Mitch also campaigns on his life long devotion to preserving Havre de Grace history. There seems to be a disconnect if you want to accomplish that goal but rely heavily on people who are new to Havre de Grace. It’s the “old HdG” people who truly know Havre de Grace’s history. And then again, it’s the “old Havre de Grace” voters who truly know Mitch Shank!
Please….the f’in retreads who keep getting re-elected to HDG political offices are the ones who screwed up the city in the first place. The overwhelming amount of Section 8 and other rental properties has dragged HDG down to low standards. This city s/b a gem! Instead, it is a sad little city that politico’s have sucked dry. The good ole boy network in HDG needs to get out of the way.
I appreciate all the comments concerning this years elections and do belive each of year feel you have the answer and seem to know what has been accomplished and what has not been accomplished. First I would like to welcome the newcomers to the HdG and encorage the particpation in the election. Second take the time to read the City’s Charter that outlines the responsibilites of our government. Third do not take a forum for gospel on the background of our Councilman or Mayor. Take the time to test the current transperancy one seems to feel is not there by going into City and ask those question of the departments you may have concerns with or may want more clarification even if with my following comments.
We have suffered through an economy in this Adminstration that has effected every small towns accross the Country many more overwelmingly than others. Havre de Grace has faired well. I do credit our postioning on the Upper Bay, the Base Realignment, Harford County and direction of County Executive David Craig, and the direction of the Mayor of Havre de Grace.
Mitch Shank has had a record of divide. This has not only happened in Havre de Grace, but also as his time as a County Councilman years ago. Relationships start positive but always turn to division with this particular candidate.
I am encouraged with the current Mayor. He is appoachable and if there is concern he is open hear clear solutions to move the City in positive direction. Take the time to visit City Hal if you have questions on policy and procedure and the accomplishmant of the Administration in the past few years. Then be confident you are making an educated choice May 3rd.
Nice ideas Mitch. Now, the real problem in HdG is the amount of crappy rental properties and the overuse of public services by them. Start a Landlord registration process: charge the landlords for police calls to service at their rental properties; charge landlords an annual fee to have properties inspected; fine landlords who fail to keep their properties aesthetically decent looking and if they are in violation of fire/building codes; make sure that landlords are paying tax on rental income as so many of them are paid in cash when they make 12 apartments in one of those old Victorian homes. You get the picture.
Go get ’em Mitch
I think a lot of these comments tend to define a totally different experience with the current administration, depending on who you are.
If you do take the time to read the City Charter, it won’t be hard to notice that the current Mayor doesn’t pay much attention to it. He routinely does things that he does not have the statutory power to do (like hiring people who are supposed to be confirmed by Council).
As for openness and transparency, many people, not just two city councilmen, have found that the Mayor is only transparent to his cronies and people he’s either intimidated by, or needs to curry favor with. This is a very widely held view in some of the business community. It is also not unusual in Havre de Grace city government.
On the other hand, he has won the devotion of the Hose Company and the Ambulance Corps, both of which do a fine job, and deserve recognition.
He has also picked up the ball on Downtown improvements, something that was neglected entirely during the last two administrations.
Mitch Shank has been a vocal advocate on many issues. That role, often places one in the position of appearing divisive, especially when one is placed in the difficult position of having to speak truth to power.
The Shanks have been instrumental in the development of our city. Decades ago, they were among the first to understand that we had a heritage that we needed to preserve and promote. I doubt that the museums, bed and breakfasts, and the increasingly lively downtown that we have now, would be there without people like Mitch.
Without them, we would have never grown, and we would be in far worse shape economically, than we are now.
Are we in bad shape economically? If so, how bad?
A vocale adovcate??? He causing divide is based on record. Two Councilman having issues with transperency could this be based on ethical practices by those Councilman? Are they operating according to the outline of the Charter? I guess these are some questions I would ask of my City Administration to clarify the retoric being posed on this forum. I keep hearing the term “cronies”. Are you mixing metaphors? Should all supporters of any candidate be considered cronies? This seems again, not to be focusing on issues but directed towards character assaults.
Is it so naive to believe that any elected official would not support their constituents?
The success of our City relies on bridge builders not demolition experts.
Yes the Mitchell’s and the elder Shanks have been instrumental in maintaining our history and heritage and continue to do so; as do so many other families; especially the “new comers” to our town.
Sorry, but my comments were made with the intent of discussing the strengths and weaknesses of both candidates.
Nothing more.
Who thinks HDG is doing well? Wayne and the rest of the F’in retreads have screwed the place up. Look around….how many good families have left b/c they can’t stand it. Walking down So. Washington into town at night can be intimidating….little thugs selling drugs in open, that’s one big problem that Wayne, and his predecessors failed to address. Embarrassing for Wayne b/c he extoles his pathetic experience as a former Deputy. That guy has poor leadership skills.
For years, the weak leadership of HDG allowed too many landlords to become Section 8 participants, and allowed the city to become a giant haven for renters. There was hardly any zoning enforcement in the late 80’s through mid 2000’s. Landlords were able to get away with not taking care of their properties, or making improvements to them.
The truth is, HDG still has many crappy spots downtown. There are some great people living there and some nice sections, but overall, mediocre at best.
New leadership of just about any skill has to be better than the pathetic, arrogant, good ole boy crap we have unfortunatley witnessed for years.
Glad everyone is voicing their opinions so we can improve upon what we already have in terms of elected officials. I’ve heard that Dougherty may be a landlord himself and that he may be partners with other people in the rental property business. Hmmmm, smells like he won’t change anything.
I agree that Havre de Grace needs cleaning up. At least we have good schools, a great location and more. Some of those rental properties really are eyesores. Does anyone know the percentage of renters in the downtown area? My guess is around 40 % – 50%, which is way too high.
I think we are very much on the same page.
Yet, the Mayor owns a number of rental properties. However, unlike some in town, his tenants report that he is good about maintaining them.
I believe that the percentage of rental property in the entire town is over 40%.
We had two spectacular house fires in HdeG since December, one on Green Street and one on Union Ave. Both were in historic buildings. And both were large old houses that had been cut up into cheap rental apartments by prominent owners of lots of rental property.
There were claims that conditions inside both properties were clear violations of even basic building codes. But these claims are only heresay. There hasn’t been a word in the press about whether these properties were safe, or whether any action was taken against the landlords if they weren’t.
Silence. The kind of silence that serves old entrenched interests.
The City has sporadically shown interest in real economic development. The Promenade was developed over the objections of one of the town’s more prominent slumlords. Downtown improvements were even ridiculed by the RECORD. And it took a largely volunteer effort to build the Visitor’s Center.
All of these efforts were great positives for the town. But there is no real strategic plan, and not much vision.
And that is what needs to change.
Mitch has a long way to go to be qualified for mayor, he needs to work for a better HDG and learn that the same old soapbox of ” less taxes, business friendly, cut positions” only goes so far. Of all the localities in Harford county, HDG is the best. There will always be problems, there will always be business owners and developers who want more for themselves at all costs, and there are always people who just flat out complain. HDG has managed to do well and keep it’s personality while growing, as well as keeping up with maintenance and public services to it’s best abilities. As for better managed growth, it wasn’t the current mayor who let Clark Turner turn the second golf course at Bulle Rock and its conference center into more homes needing more roads, more water/sewer, and more maintanence. Let’s see him put forth a plan so that doesnt happen again, a plan to keep the public services at a high level, and keep costs in-line. then he can be considered a good canidate for higher office. And while he’s at it, see if he can do it in a non-negative way.