From the Harford Campaign for Liberty:
Harford Campaign for Liberty calls on you today to make a phone call to your local Congressman and oppose the John Boehner debt ceiling plan which probably will be voted on tonight, Thursday, July 28th.
This paltry “deal” proposes cutting 1.2 trillion annually in federal spending over 10 years. The Congressional Budget office has scored the Boehner plan and in reality has said it cuts only $850 billion dollars annually. With President Obama currently running annual deficits of $1.5 trillion, that leaves us still with an annual shortfall of over $650 billion a year. Over 10 years that leaves the citizens of the United States with almost $7 trillion dollars in new debt. We are not paying down the debt with this plan, we are adding to the debt.
Yesterday Speaker Boehner scolded fiscal GOP conservatives like Andy Harris & Roscoe Bartlett, two Congressmen who represent parts of Harford County to “get you’re a– in line” and support the debt ceiling compromise. Guess what Mr. Boehner? They are our representatives not yours. They work for us, the citizens of Harford who elected them, not you. We elected them to reduce the size of government & restore our republic, not to kick the can down the road and add even more burden on our children and grandchildren.
As stated by Senator Rand Paul the Boehner plan “will not change the course of the coming debt crises, will not reform our government, will add trillions in new debt, it is tokenism.” To get a good understand of the Boehner plan and how it actually adds to the deficit watch this clip of an interview/exchange between Glenn Beck and Senator Rand Paul. The exchange really puts into perspective the debt ceiling compomise and the current economic situation we face in the United States.
America needs to get its government spending under control & reduce the size of government. We need real cuts, not fake marshmallow cuts. Are you not tired of the GOP paving the way for Democrats to grow government & reduce American prosperity.
Call your representative today and say NO to the Boehner Phony Deal. The switchboards in Washington are so heated up it is getting impossible to get a call through, so we suggest you call your Congressman at their local offices.
Congressman Andy Harris – 410-588-5670
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett – Phone: 410-857-1115
Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger – Phone: 410-628-2701
See the United States Debt Clock here:
Proud to be Liberal says
By all means call them and complain that we do not want tax breaks and loopholes for billionaires while the middleclass carries all the weight. NO decrease without REVENUE. We need a balanced approach: cut spending on loopholes and increase revenue. It simple math boys!
fogdog says
You are going to find out soon how stupid the Harford Campaign for Liberty is when the social security checks and government payroll checks stop.
I sold all my stocks and mutual funds last week. Thank you tea party members for giving me a chance to increase my portfolio because I will be able shortly to buy these stocks 30 percent less than they were selling for last week.
The middle class is the goose that lays the golden egg. The tea party is killing it. Without the middle class having money to spend, the rich will not having anyone to purchase what ever they are pedaling.
Anonymous says
Klan for Liberty = Finishing what the terrorists set out to achieve by bringing the US economy to it’s knees. I used to think they were bought and paid for by wall street who is getting rich off commissions as we adjust our portfolio to at least salvage our retirement savings as they work to kill Social Security. Now the fact that they are also being funded by the same Muslims that own Fox News seems to be something that needs further investigation. If you were going to write a how-to book on taking down the US, this is pretty close to textbook.
Our politicians (most of whom have been in office for a long time) have had years to balance the budget and stop borrowing more money. The sad fact is it’s easier to borrow than to make the tough decisions about what and where to cut spending. So now everyone wants to borrow more and put the debt on our kids and grandkids. If and when it happens (which it will) we’ll all be happy til the cycle is repeated over and over again. Eventually the S#*# will hit the fan and it will be a lot worse then if we confront the monster now.
Cdev says
No problem confronting the monster. The problem is that you can not confront it in a month. Back when we passed the last debt ceiling increase we immediatley should have started fixing thee problem then not now!
anonymous says
Nobody wanted to borrow money. Are you forgetting that the budget was balanced back in the 90’s when we all still had money??? We got shafted when Republicans lied to us saying that the stimulus of lower taxes would still allow us to balance the budget because GDP would grow. Now we’re supposed to believe the Klan’s jackass nonsense that we should double-down on these idea turds to starve all consumer protection regulatory agencies and judicial prosecution of funding through some cut cap and balance nonsense. You are basically give the green light for unethical corporations to rape us bareback rather than simply return us back to a balanced level of taxation and services that worked and never needed fixing to begin with. No thank you.
Proud to be Liberal says
Ah yes back to the days when we had a surplus: under CLINTON!
Porter says
The Republicans caused the Clinton era surplus.
decoydude says
Too bad both parties spent it all and many trillion more. Deciding between either “debt reduction plan” is like having to decide between cremation or burial of my remains. At that point what difference would it make to me? I would be dead. Even thinking about the prospects is a Buzzkill.
frankly speaking says
@Porter-That’s like saying that Republicant’s kille Osama Bin Ladden, nice try. Give credit were credit is due, the Clinton Administration left us with a surplus and the republican’t administration of George Bush squandered it in tax breaks for the rich and unfunded wars in the middle east. Its more like borrow and spend republican’t that are the problem here. Over 4 trillion in debt is directly attributed to your party’s previous administration and 1.4 trillion to Obama and part of his debt is paying for wars looking of weapons of mass destruction and mission accomplished fiasco. I don’t know how anyone can really vote for republican’t trickle down economics which don’t trickle but do get the middle class soaked in debt.
Cdev says
Correct Porter both the republican Congress and Clinton worked together to raise taxes and cut spending. Sadly COmpromise is not somehting we can get anyone to do today!
Porter says
The reality is that most of the debt ceiling spending reduction proposals are reducing future spending and not actual government spending. It is illusory.
frankly speaking says
porter, you should know about illusory statements.
frankly speaking says
porter, you should know about illusory statements which you usually use to derive the wrong conclusion for either facts to meet your perceived perceptions of reality which of course is oximoronic as you would have no concept of what reality means, unless of course you watch Fox news in which case they make up their own reality….you know, like looking for weapons of mass destruction.
volunteer mom says
So, lets all bash Boehners plan and shoot him down?? At least he is putting fourth an effort to save our county even though our leader just says “I will Veto everything”!! Someone please tell me what our President, “the leader of this country”, is doing to help solve the problems? Where is his plan?? How can he repeatly get on national TV and state “I will balance the budget”!! and do nothing to do so! Just like Clinton,he can stand in front of the all of us Americans, and just LIE!! Maybe instead of posting his lame tweets on Twitter all day and vacationing all of the world, he can put just a little bit of his time in actually caring for our wonderful country instead of trying to sabatage our our economy! Weaken our countries economy…weaken our security…weaken our defense and what happens?? Ask Clinton what happen six months after he left office and did the same thing!
Proud to be Liberal says
@volunteer mom: You wrote “Where is his plan??” Let me explain my understanding of this process: the legislative branch of government (Congress) writes the laws, the executive branch (the President) signs the laws. This budget is a law, therefore the president cannot write it.
You also wrote “Ask Clinton what happen six months after he left office…” What happen is that Bush began his drive off of the cliff our President is trying to save. You see he is not the lapdog of oil sheiks and big business as are the GOP/tea party who only care about billionaires. You need to do more than just look at Fox.
Another Political Critic says
Well you can’t have it both ways PROUD TO BE A LIBERAL. Earlier you were talking about the Clinton surplus and credited Clinton and now it is the legisature when it comes to the debt ceiling? I think we both know who controls the countries purse strings. The only reason Clinton gets credit for a balenced budget was because the GOP swept into office and sent him one (which the DEMS would have never done).
The October 2009 MONTHLY defecit was $176 billion. The last time we had a GOP president and congress, fiscal YEAR 2007, our YEARLY defecit was $162 billion. I’ll acknowledge that October 09’s defecit was slightly larger than the rest of the year’s average monthly defecits, $112 billion vs $176 billion, and that 2007 was one of GWB’s smaller defecit years, but it is depressing when YEARLY defecits turn into MONTHLY defecits.
Doug says
Campaign for Liberty? what a con! You want to destroy America to save it. And destroy the hard earned savings of the middle class while you are at it.
Repugnantcans rubber stamped seven debt limits for GWB without batting an eye. Now the real mission is to tear down Obama under the guise of “Liberty”. Frauds