In a lawsuit filed in late July, Del. Rick Impallaria alleges that Harford County Sheriff Jesse Bane has “violated his oath of office in his duty to protect and serve the public,” “sullied the good name of the Sheriff’s Department and of his deputies,” and “aided and abetted” in the theft and extortion from “the citizens he is sworn to protect” by failing to protect citizens from “the unscrupulous practices of towing companies.”
Specifically, Impallaria is concerned with the authority of private towing companies, employed by the Sheriff’s Office, to retain possession of contents of a vehicle along with the registration plates until the towing and storage charges on the vehicle have been paid.
What’s more, Impallaria has filed the suit not as a private citizen, but as “Delegate Richard K. Impallaria, Chair of the Harford County Delegation;” a distinction which may imply the suit is in effect, Harford County Delegation v. Bane – despite the Delegation not having been previously informed of the lawsuit.
Some excerpts from the suit include the following:
“The Sheriff of Harford County, duly sworn to uphold the laws of the State of Maryland and of Harford County, has willingly and knowingly, on a continual basis, violated his oath of office in his duty to protect and serve the public;”
“The Sheriff of Harford County, who has legal control over towing companies within the County, has on an ongoing basis aided and abetted these companies in the theft of private and government property and in extortion of money from the citizens he has sworn to protect;”
“The Sheriff of Harford County has made his deputies unwilling and complicit participants in these unlawful acts and, by these acts, has sullied the good name of the Sheriff’s Department and of his deputies;”
“The Harford County Delegation has communicated with the Sheriff numerous times over a period of years, requesting that he comply with the law and cease aiding and abetting the theft of private and government property by police towers, and that he has vehemently refused to comply;”
“The Harford County Delegation has introduced legislation in the 2010 and 2011 legislative sessions to compel the Sheriff to comply with the law and stop aiding and abetting these unlawful acts, and he has actively and successfully lobbied to prevent legislation to compel him to uphold his sworn duty.”
“Every reasonable effort to resolve this issue with the Sheriff of Harford County has been made by the Harford County Delegation and has been rejected by the Sheriff, and the thirty (30) days have passed without a response from the Sheriff or from the Sheriff’s Department;”
“We respectfully request that the Court order the duly elected Sheriff to cease these unlawful practices and to comply with the (attached) Attorney General’s ruling, and to follow the law as set forth in that ruling (citation). We further request that the Sheriff be required to post a legal notice in the newspaper(s) and online informing the public that they may have been victims of the Sheriff’s policy not to enforce (citation), along with contact information on how to report those incidents and receive legal remedies, and to set up a special unit to deal with these matters, and to report to the Court and to the Harford County Delegation within thirty (30) days their compliance, and to give additional progress reports to the Court and to the Delegation every thirty (30) days for the next twelve (12) months, and to remove any tower who has been found in violation of the cited law from the Police Tow List for no less than one (1) year. Also, we request any and all other legal remedies that the Court may deem necessary.”
The full suit, along with Impallaria’s letters to Bane, a written opinion on the towing practices from Assistant Attorney General Kathryn M. Rowe, and the text of two prior bills filed by Impallaria and the Delegation regarding the towing practices, are listed below.
Del. Glen Glass, a Republican representing southeastern Harford and southwestern Cecil Counties in District 34A, said he had not spoken with Impallaria about the lawsuit and didn’t believe it involved the Delegation. Glass also said he and the Delegation support the Sheriff’s Office.
“As far I am concerned this lawsuit is between Delegate Impallaria and the Sheriff’s office, and doesn’t involve the Harford County Delegation. I haven’t been contacted by Delegate Impallaria regarding this matter,” Glass said.
“My feelings are that the Harford County Sheriff’s Office overall does a very good job and I only have good things to say regarding their service to our citizens of Harford County; it is also my belief the rest of the Delegation feels as I do,” he added.
Del. Donna Stifler, a Republican representing the northern District 35A, said, “I am not suing anyone, professionally or personally,” and that she had communicated with Impallaria, who told her the Delegation was not involved at all.
Impallaria and Bane did not return requests for comment.
Patriot says
I feel Mr. Impallaria is filing this law suit as a personal vendetta towards Sheriff Bane. Could it be, because Mr. Impallaria has disgruntled family members employeed with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office? Regardless of the ridiculous accusations that Mr. Impallaria is making, Sheriff Bane continues to perform his duties as an Outstanding and Honest Sheriff for the citizens of Harford County.
Mr. Impallaria should stop wasting time and money in his attemps to perform character assasinations on Sheriff Bane.
“This sounds like another form of dirty politics”.
decoydude says
I agree that this seems way out of line. Talk about being on the wrong side of frivolous lawsuits and tort reform issue. I thought Impallaria was a conservative? I guess he is another CINO. Is their anyone going to run against him in the primary?
Steiner says
A quick Google search shows that the Department of Inspections, Licenses & Permits maintaines regulations for the tow companies.
Fail Imp, just fail, and shame on you…..
Cdev says
What is the point in including legislation which never passed and is therefore not a matter of law? I also think Del. Impallaria should be suing as a private citizen. Who is his lawyer and who is paying for it? Maybe Pat McDonough can be his lawyer!
Watcher says
I’m not sure what’s more of a disgrace. That he’s wasting time on a lawsuit of that he keeps getting reelected.
People better wake up.
We all know says
Bane has a reputation of being a nice guy but anyone who has seen the inside of HCSO the last 6 years knows otherwise! Bane has for years turned over ncic background paper work to certain groups who support him. This is a violation of state and federal regulations. Check it out..
none says
Del. Impallaria should stick to body and fender work and stay out of politics.
Fogdog says
Impallaria frivolous lawsuit shows how he uses his position for personal issues. Why do people vote for him?
Cdev says
To be fair more people vote for McDonough!
Proud to be Liberal says
Impallaria is such a clown! Why not just pay the bill?
Rob in Bel Air says
Yikes, what is this all about? Has he lost it or is he on to something? We’ll see when it makes it through the system. One thing that I do know is that if your car is towed as a result of a police involved incident, it’s going to cost. I believe the tow companies are required to respond within a certain amount of time and if stored, it must be a secured location (to protect the vehicle and its contents). Consequently, it costs and owners must pay the tow bill and storage fees before the vehicle is released. The longer it stays in storage the more it cost.
Before judging, what we need is to hear from Delegate Impallaria to determine the motive(s) for filing the suit. For example, we should know whether some of his constituents complained or been subject to unscrupulous towing practices or whether this is personal. Let’s hear all the facts first.
Individual Rights says
There is no question that people or their insurance company should pay for towing of a disabled car, however tow companies should not hold personal property contained in the car such as your suitcase, laptop, cellphone, cigar box full of money, prescription drugs, licensed handgun, license plates, etc… Tow companies have a lien on the car they’ve towed but not the contents. They can satisfy their lien by selling the car but not by profiting from the car owners personal goods.
If your car is a total loss, the car that hit you is at fault, the other party will be paying directly or indirectly for towing and storage, you may want to retrieve your tags, turn them into MVA and terminate your insurance.
Tow companies are holding personal property hostage in violation of the law and Jesse Bane is not enforcing the law, in fact he is assisting tow companies in breaking the law.
Cdev says
I was with you up until the plates. The plates are NOT property of the individual but the MVA.
amazed. says
Yes.. but you can’t legally drop your insurance until you turn them in.
Patriot says
To Amazed, Once you drop your insurance you have 30 days to return your tags.
reality says
If you drop insurance before you turn in the tags the MVA fines you. While you may have 30 days to turn the tags in everybody knows that unless you want to have the hassle of dealing with the MVA bureaucracy you turn the tags in first.
Cdev says
I didn’t have that problem when I had a car totaled. Car was totaled insurance stopped and I took the tags in.
Cdev says
Since he is Personally victimized it should be filed as a private citizen NOT as a delagate. If this is a class of people then class action status should be involved but NOT the legislature!
Paul says
I am not so sure about that, CDEV. My guess would be that though he has a personal stake in the matter, it appears he is doing on behalf of his constituents. I don’t necessarily agree with this because of his history in this, I don’t think it is an abuse of his powers.
I also don’t think it would be a class action suit. A writ of mandamus is basically used to get a government office/agency to perform a specific duty.
It will be interesting to see if the sheriff wishes to have a jury trial on this, thereby moving this to the circuit court. I am a little surprised the plaintiff didn’t ask for a jury on this. Though, I am not 100% sure regarding these rules. I researched them a bit, but not thuroughly enough state this with complete authority.
Proud to be Liberal says
Hey, we are on to something here. This could be a new reality show: “Dysfunctional Politics in Harford County” starring “The Situation Impallaria”. It would be better than Jersey Shore.
BSizz says
Hey, Proud to be liberal….give your name, I probably disagree with most of your platform, BUT I like the idea of the show. I think it would work. Impallaria is a clown. Here’s to hoping someone steps up to run next go round that can get more votes than him…maybe I will.
Cdev says
If I am still in the district with them after redistricting I will be running!!!
Rob in Bel Air says
Proud to be Liberal,
I see you still have that disease (liberalism). . . still drinking the cool-aid? Get some sense about you and stop acting (or writing) like a goof-ball.
Maybe he has gone off the edge, but let’s see all the facts first. He may be on to something (or not). But before judging, perhaps we should see.
Compucluck says
Stop degrading people ROB! You are becoming a CYBERBULLY!
Rob in Bel Air says
I see that you conveniently leave out of any of your comments the biggest clowns of all – in Annapolis and Washington D.C. (O’Malley and Obama). They provide a much better show in the dysfuncational category.
Proud to be Liberal says
Ouch Rob that was such a witty rejoinder! Getting a little defensive about everyone seeing what your tea bag sacred cows are full of?
Cdev says
This law suit is akin to the TEA party congressman Austin Scott who filed the bill for Legal Services to help a big corporation in his district lay off some common folk!!!
Individual Rights says
Mr. Cdev – its not like what you describe at all. Impallaria v. Bane is about enforcement of the law an personal property rights.
Cdev says
it is in the sense that the congressman abused his power to help a campaign donor by enacting legilation for his benefit despite running on a platform opposing such behavior and The delagate is using his office to strong arm the judicial process.
justamom says
For some more details:,0,7544746.story
Patriot says
Thanks for sharing the link JUSTAMOM. I can’t believe this all stems from Impallaria being involved in an accident in 2010. His car was towed like any other citizens vehicle would have been, but yet he feels because he holds a political position, he’s above us. Impallaria you’re the same as other citizens, get over it! Your “Child like actions” are showing the citizens who you really are. PLEASE someone run against Mr. Impallaria next election!
Rob in Bel Air says
Thanks JustAMom. I just read the article and I’m not sure, based on what I read, that he is suing the correct person (or entity). Again, it remains to be seen, but based on what I read in the article (and I don’t put much faith in anything written in the Sun), I believe the suit is doomed and will be dismissed (only my opinion).
MovedHomeToHarford says
There is a phrase that perfectly describes this suit and those like it: Abuse of process.
anonymous says
I never thought I would find an issue where I would say this, but I find I am in agreement with Del. Impallaria on this one. Tow trucks in Harford County continue to patrol lots and remove vehicles without the apartment complex specifically requesting a vehicle be removed. I have too many employees missing work because they have to get their vehicles back in order to get their tools to do their job. Towing companies are sticking people with hundreds of dollars in towing charges for a vehicle that has a registration sticker 10 days out of date – not because it is legal, but because the sheriff’s office is permitting this extortion.
Alex R says
ANONYMOUS, I am simply gob-smacked that I agree with something you said. But I do. I don’t believe a towing company should be allowed to tow a car unless there is a formal complaint filed by either the property owner if it is private property or by the police if it is public. The issue here – and hardly anyone seems to get it – is that when the car is towed the towing company can rightly keep the car until the bill is paid. I have no problem with that. What they are doing is keeping more than the car which they should not be allowed to do. Actually, from a legal standpoint they can’t do it but the do it anyway. Citizens have requested the assistance of the Sheriff’s Office to get their property in the car and the HCSO, and apparently Sheriff Bane specifically, have flipped them off. I don’t know Imp. either personally or by reputation but his suit seeks to force the HCSO to do what they should have been doing all along. Like I said, I know nothing about him. He may be a real jerk. Or not. But on this one I believe he is right.
Proud to be Liberal says
ALEX R and ANONYMOUS: What we need is for the government to REGULATE towing companies in order to protect the average citizen. It is not the job of the HCSO to do this but the Licensing and permit section of the County. They cannot regulate unless the County passes regulations and that is the job of the County Council. We all know that they follow the wishes of the Tea Party who believe that the best government is no government. In other words, if a business is operating in a manner that takes advantage of an average citizen, you are on your own.
Papandreou says
Justa Dad who must use all caps to make his point –
Patricia Scott says
I believe that man is dangerous….and I do not mean Sheriff Bane.
Will it ever stop says
Robbie in bel air. What does O’malley and Obama have to do with it? The topis is Imp. vs Bane. Put your glasses on, yo umust be like 70 or 80 years old, reared in either Balt or Edgewood or both. You have a one track mind. I have never seen a post from you that didn’t mention Omalley or Obama. Ger over old man, try to keep up with the times.
T. Ray Collingsworth III says
This entire matter is disgraceful. Mr. Impallaria was wrong to include any hint of his position in Annapolis. He has every right to file suit against whomever he feels wronged him, but he does not have the right to offer any reference to his political office. This is an embarrassment to his party, his office and to himself. I voted for this man once, but never again. No wonder nothing gets done in Annapolis.
Leon A. Waldron says
I am concerned about the obvious abuse of power on this Delegate’s behalf. When completing the documents required for the law suit he alerts the court staff to his position. The purpose was to demand preferential treatment, which as a poltical bully and abuser of office he will recieve. He may not win but he’ll have the courts looking over their shoulder.
Meister says
Impy is a complete disgrace to the office he holds. This guy is all too familiar with the court system. Just a shame that voters don’t know the truth behind this character. Everyone should just ignore the guy, seems to work for the other delegates from both sides of the aisle Annapolis. Let’s just hope that re-districting helps rid Harford County of this public pariah.
Cdev says
Out of curiousity is it acceptable to serve an individual by mail???? Does not Impalaria have to have a process server or sherrif’s office do it?
Patriot says
CDEV, Yes Impallaria must have the Sheriff served by one of his deputies or by a process server.
Psul says
The Maryland Rules state, “Service of process may be made by a sheriff or, except as otherwise provided in this Rule, by a competent private person, 18 years of age or older, including an attorney of record, but not by a party to the action.”
Basically, a sheriff, a process server, his wife, or anyone else over 18 that isn’t a party to the case.
Psul says
Also, as the sheriff is a party, “Elisor. When the sheriff is a party to or interested in an action so as to be disqualified from serving or executing process, the court, on application of any interested party, may appoint an elisor to serve or execute the process.”
Cdev says
So mailing the papers is not acceptable service.
Paul says
Actually, I was wrong. I am sorry about that. “service may be made by mailing to the person to be served a copy of the summons, complaint, and all other papers filed with it by certified mail requesting: “Restricted Delivery — show to whom, date, address of delivery.” Service by certified mail under this Rule is complete upon delivery. Service outside of the State may also be made in the manner prescribed by the court or prescribed by the foreign jurisdiction if reasonably calculated to give actual notice.”
Cdev says
Another question. If Impallaria was in a car accident would he propose the car just be left on the side of the road creating a hazard to other motorists?
Paul says
I am not sure what he would propose. I think the towing of vehicles in most instances in an acceptable practice. There may be instances when the towing company abuses its authority, I don’t doubt that at all, however, I think the towing company, not the sheriff, should be the defendant in a suit if that is the case. The delegate keeps syaing the sheriff’s office is aiding and abetting the theft of private and government property and extortion.
As I am not privileged to all the information regarding this case, and discovery is not even started, I really can’t say for sure what the basis of the delegate’s suit really is. If the delegate is basically saying the sheriff can’t ever have a car towed, I think he is wrong. If the delegate is saying the people have a right to get their prsonal possessions and the license plates from the vehicles, I think, based on the letter from the assistant attorney general, I think the delegate may be “correct”, though I am still not sure the sheriff’s office would be in the wrong, perhaps just the towing company. The towing company would be the party in possession of everything, the sheriff’s office is simply removing hazards from the roads.
Individual Rights says
Mr. Cdev – It is clear that Impallaria’s vehicle had to be towed. There is nothing suggesting he did not want it towed. It is the actions of the tow company and the law enforcement inaction of the sheriff’s department subsequent to the towing of the vehicle that are in question.
Cdev says
Once it has been towed it is not the law enforcements job to deal with the vehicle he is claim Jesse Bane himself took his property. I notice he is not going after the tow company.
Individual Rights says
Mr. Cdev,
Mr. Bane is the sheriff who is the top law enforcement officer for Harford County. Mr. Bane is not enforcing the law. The lawsuit is to force Mr. Bane to enforce the law he is sworn to uphold.
People who have had their vehicle towed should be able to call Jess’s Banes sheriff’s department expecting them to file their report and enforce the law. What these tow companies are doing is criminal with Jess Bane’s support.
Cdev says
again if I follow you the TOW company should be compelled to hand over the property. That would be the correct suit not go after the sherrif.
Kenneth Pittman says
Individual Rights:
Who says Mr. Bane’s agency is not taking reports in these matters.
Individual Rights says
Mr. Kenneth Pittman, If you request Jess Bane’s sheriff’s department to enforce the law regarding retrieval of an individual’s personal property contained in their vehicle that has been towed and you are told they will not assist you by enforcing the law are you going to file a report when the result will be inaction by the sheriff?
I suggest people should demand a report be filed even though the sheriff will not act on it, but it’s unlikely people who are being denied justice and frustrated by Sheriff Bane in these situations will do so.
Why doesn’t Sheriff Bane just agree to follow the Attorney General’s Office opinion, enforce the law and honorably settle this lawsuit?
Kenneth Pittman says
Mr./Ms Individual Rights:
I have taken it upon myself to check with several surrounding Harford Co. jurisdictions regarding removal of property from towed or impounded vehicles. Regardless of the circumstance of the tow or impoundment, the owner is not allowed access to the vehicle w/o payment and or release from the impounding agency. Take for instance Baltimore City. That government’s impound facility is on Pulaski Hwy. They deny owners access to their vehicle w/o said payment or release.
The Attorney General’s opinion is just that, an opinion, not law and I am not clear they are standing behind their initial response.
Your quest seems personal much like the Delegate’s. He however has chosen to use his office and position to influence Mr. Bane’s action and that sir or madame is wrong.
Paul says
Hmm, interesting. I just called Baltimore City Transportation, public relations information, at (410) 361-9296, and asked if I was able to get my property from a towed vehicle. She transferred me to “towing” and I asked them the same thing. “Towing” responded by saying Yes, I could get my items from the vehicle provided there was no hold on the vehicle. I asked what a hold was and “towing” said that would be from the police, such as if the vehicle was involved in a crime. I got the number for the public relations at and this site lists both the main impound lot and the fallsway facility.
So, Kenneth, who did you speak to?
As for the Assistant Attorney General’s opinion. Legally, I would take the opinion of the Assistant Attorney General over some rando person I spoke to over the phone at a tow facility, but that is just me. However, in practice, the person at the tow facility is the one with your car and it may take a court order to get the propert out.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Kenneth Pittman says
I spoke with Law Enforcement in surrounding juridictions. If my information was wrong I stand corrected. However, upon reflection my question may have percieved to be related to a criminal matter as opposed to auto accident related.
Patrick says
@Kenneth Pittman – Are we not talking about vehicles that are not impounded or part of a crime scene investigation and are simply towed by a private towing company to their facility?
Seems to me that the owner of the vehicle has the right to their belongings, to discontinue insurance coverage for a totaled vehicle and to remove the plates to return them to MVA.
If the towing company keeps me from my property I expect the sheriff’s department to enforce the law and get my stuff back to me and/or arrest the tow company employee or owner.
Cdev says
That is not the issue as Impallaria was able to get his personal items from the tow yard.
Individual Rights says
Mr. Cdev – The suit is not about the plaintiff getting property returned it is about making Sheriff Jesse Bane enforce the law and stop aiding towing companies in breaking the law.
This is about Sheriff Bane’s incompetence, stupidity or malfeasance, take your pick as to why Bane fails to enforce the law and protect citizens from being preyed upon by tow company operators.
Paul says
Hey there,
“The suit is not about the plaintiff getting property returned it is about making Sheriff Jesse Bane enforce the law and stop aiding towing companies in breaking the law.” -I am really not sure what the suit is about, except for what is in the writ filed, which really doesn’t say alot. I also don’t think he is aiding the tow companies, nor abetting them. Now, he may be turning a blind eye to their actions, but I am not sure if that is criminal, though it could be.
“This is about Sheriff Bane’s incompetence, stupidity or malfeasance, take your pick as to why Bane fails to enforce the law and protect citizens from being preyed upon by tow company operators.” – I don’t think the sheriff is incompetent. He seems to know what he is doing, even if I don’t agree with all his policies. I also don’t think he is stupid. He seems to be fairly intelligent. As for malfeasance, that is definately not be the case. It may be a case of nonfeasance. Malfeasance is when someone does something that is wrong. Nonfeasance is when someone fails to do an act they were supposed to do.
As for the writ, my prediction, in case anyone really cares, is that the judge will deny this particular writ. Mandamus writs are typically only granted for specific performance of an act. An example would be one of the delegates prior lawsuits where he had a writ of mandamus ruled on in his favor to get the MVA issue titles to particula vehicles. The difference between this case and that on is that in that case, the writ was for a specific act, to turn over the title to specific vehicles.
In this case, the writ asks for something much more general, to have the sheriff’s office do its duty to enforce the laws in regards to getting property from towed vehicles.
In this case, if the specific act were to be have the court order a particular towing company to allow a particular person to get their property from a particular vehicle then I would say the court would find for the delegate, however, as the writs does not ask for anything so specific, I, in my completely non-professional opinion, think the court will rule against the delegate.
Also, it should be noted that in the Maryland Rules COmmentary, it states the writ of mandamus should only be used when there are no other alternative means to accomplish what is requested. Whether or not that is possible here is debatable.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Individual Rights says
Paul, This is why we have courts to decide these matters.
Paul says
Really? The courts decide legal questions like this? I would have never guessed that.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Individual Rights says
Really Paul, don’t get pissy!
Paul says
Really, Individual, do you think I really don’t know that the courts will decide the issue? Come on.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Individual Rights says
No Paul, you have a nice day.
Paul says
I usually do.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Cdev says
Then if Inpallaria could get his stuff what is the issue? Does the sherriff need to come to a proprety retrieval even though there where no problems with it?
Paul says
Hey Cdev,
I don’t know what the issue is. I think more information is needed. It looks like there was a problem getting his personal property from the tow company initially, but it does appear he got it. Perhaps the tow company was giving him a hard time and it took the sheriff’s office to get someone over to the tow company to tell them to give the delegate his stuff back in a “reasonable” time? I dunno. I think I would sue the tow company for the amount of time I had to waste waiting on them… x hours at $240.00/hour, perhaps the tow company wouldnt do such things anymore. With this writ, the tow company, the party that appears to be the wrong doer, isn’t getting punished. Why would they change their behavior?
Anyways, have a nice day.
MovedHomeToHarford says
I am not sure I understand why the Delegate is addressing the suit at Sheriff Bane, or why there is a suit at all for that matter! Not every issue needs to see the inside of a courtroom. This reminds me of the story of a judge in DC who sued a dry cleaner for $65 million for losing a pair of pants: a frivolous suit by someone who should know better.
We had one of our cars involved in an accident that was the fault of the other driver. We were permitted to remove our belongings from the car, but until the insurance business was complete, we were instructed to leave the registration and tags in place. This sounds similar to the events reported by the towing company, except in this case, Mr. Impallaria reportedly removed the plates anyway, contrary to the wishes of the insurance company. Again, not sure why this warrants a lawsuit.
From the Baltimore Sun account of the original incident:
“Impallaria said in an interview last week that T&S Towing of Abingdon held his property and his license plates after a two-car accident in January 2010. He told a Maryland Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in April that he felt threatened when he went to retrieve his belongings at the tow yard.
The tow company owner, Anastasios Dernelakis, tells a different version of the story, insisting in an interview that it was Impallaria who was “very abusive and very threatening.”
Dernelakis said the company never asked Impallaria for money and gave him free access to his personal belongings, including his laptop, and the legislator was never threatened. Dernelakis said the insurance company for the other driver involved in the accident told him not to release the license plates until a decision had been made about damages to Impallaria’s truck. Nevertheless, he said Impallaria took the plates off the truck.
Tow operators say the standard practice is to return personal property immediately to the rightful owner. License plates are a different matter, said Joe Neukum, president of the Harford County Towers Association. He said tow companies usually hold onto license plates until their bill is paid or have proof that the owner’s insurance will cover it.
George Feilinger, vice president of the association, told a state Senate hearing in April that the plates are also kept on the car as proof of who owns it.
Feilinger spoke at a hearing on a bill to regulate towing companies in Harford County, the second such measure in two years co-sponsored by Impallaria. Neither one has become law.”
Proud to be Liberal says
This is getting funnier and funnier. Everyone can see that “The Situation Impallaria” is a fool. But the rolling on the floor humor is seeing the Gordian Knots his supporters are tying themselves in as they attempt to defend the indefensible. Who needs TV?
amazed says
Right, that makes perfect sense… keep the plates on it “as proof of who owns it.” We wouldn’t want to rely on the VIN that’s riveted INSIDE the car, that the insurance company uses to cover it, or is on the title of ownership… especially since we know how notoriously difficult it is to remove license plates from the OUTSIDE of the car with those pesky screws… I’m never sure which way to turn… No doubt the nice polite tow company owner was just as cuddly as a kitten and that other nasty man just made this whole thing up for the attention.
Cdev says
To be fair if you totaled a piece of junk you owned outright and I let you take the plates what is to stop you from taking the plates back and saying you junked the car, cancel the insurance and stiffing me the tow truck company for the bill on the towing I already did. If I hold the plates until there is an agreement to pay for the work I did already then that is fair. That is what is happening here. He could have the plates when one insurance company steps up and says we are paying for this!!!
amazed says
Regardless, if you have personal effects in your vehicle, the tow company should not be permitted to keep you from them. The vehicle is the issue – not your belongings. I’ve seen enough COPS episodes where a deputy stands watch while a newly chucked out spouse gathers some personal items. What’s the difference here? I can see it now, some heart patient drops dead at the gate because Billy Ray Jim Bob won’t let him get his pills… fair is fair, I need paid! You can’t fool me with your phony red face gasping and moaning foolery. Get on out of here ‘afore I call the Sheriff.
Cdev says
They didn’t hold the other items hostage…..he was allowed to retrieve them! What he was told not to take, and did anyway was the plates on the car. What I wonder and is never said is did this get paid for.
Beside which he is not suing the tow company who would have been the one who damaged him. He is sueing the Sheriff, Did he even contact the sheriff? The police can only enforce the laws passed not ones he wished got passed!!!
Individual Rights says
Mr. Cdev, Tow companies due hold peoples plates and property hostage. There are laws on the books that protect personal property which Sheriff Bane is not enforcing.
Cdev says
He is so concerned he sues the sherrif but not the tow company. Again did he every file a police report?
Porter says
@Cdev – You’re just being your effing d#ckheaded annoying equivocating self. Courts and judges are available to everyone for redress.
If I thought it would be worth a hoot I’d sue you for being stupid.
Individual Rights says
Mr. Cdev, You are incorrect. The tow company has no right to hold in lien anything other than the vehicle. They get to sell your vehicle at auction or to salvage to recover their actual costs if you or your insurance company does not pay them.
You have the right to remove license plates, discontinue insurance and a parallel MVA obligation to turn in the plates.
Tow companies do not have the right to hold license plates hostage until the responsible party pays them. They have the vehicle for their financial security.
Proud to be Liberal says
What I see as needed here is some Government regulation on tow companies who run roughshod over citizens. The Government is the only entity that can protect the average guy from predatory businesses. However, the County Council must have the political will to pass said regulations.
Patriot says
Wow… Hard to believe the attention Impallaria is getting for doing what he does best “Taking advantage of his position”. He has a history of taking people to court for the smallest issue’s.
Google: Maryland Judiciary Case Search, when you get to the site check the block you’ve read the terms, the next page type in Richard K. Impallaria, go back to 05/15/1995 to the present, look at this man’s history. He loves the courtroom and wasting the tax payers money.
Impallaria is a joke, plain and simple. He made a fool of himself during the HDG High Drama Therapy controversy and has basically been an embarrassment to the county in general. But he’s popular and and he’ll continue to get re-elected as long as he runs, which will be forever. The only way to get that clown out of office is if he’s forced out or croaks.
And if MovedHometoHarford is saying that the plates staying on the car is basically insurance company policy, then why the lawsuit? He’s trying to turn something personal into something political it seems. Just another day at the office I guess.
Individual Rights says
It’s not insurance company policy to require vehicle owner’s plates on a totaled vehicle.
MovedHomeToHarford says
I believe I mentioned that the insurance company requested the plates be left on the vehicle UNTIL the insurance company’s business was complete- meaning until it was determined whether the car would be repaired or totalled. Again, that request was made by the insurance company- not the Sheriff’s office or the towing company.
Individual Rights says
@MovedHometoHarford, The insurance company does not care what happens to license plates they confirm the insured vehicle by the VIN number. You can believe the tow company’s claim that the insurance company wanted the tags left on the vehicle if you want, I don’t.
MovedHomeToHarford says
The request was made by the claims representative from the other driver’s insurance company. We actually had very few dealings directly with the tow company. We spoke to the insurance company after the accident, at which time the request was made that we leave the registration in place until the car could be assessed and a determination about its status made, which we were told would be within 72 hours. (It actually took a bit longer, but that is another story!) We then went to the tow yard and retrieved our stuff from the car. No one at the tow yard told us what we could or could not take. In fact, other than letting us through the gate, we barely spoke at all.
This is just my experience. I cannot speak for others.
Victimized says
Ok, I’m very happy with Mr. Bane and less than proud of the loose cannon partisan politics of Mr. Imp. HOWEVER. Tow truck companies have become sanctioned thieves and extortionists. They are modern day pirates and the “law” or lack there of, or lack of enforcement, (I’m not sure which) turns them into privateers. I’ve had a work truck and 2 private vehicles with proper credentials displayed towed. I had no choice but to pay and pass the bill on to my client. The tow truck driver forcibly entered the vehicles and broke the alarm on one. The driver first said that there was no permit displayed. When we got to the impound area and showed the owner the passes on the dash I was told that it wasn’t what they were used to looking for. When I got back to the lot, every other car was displaying the same pass. The entire time I was treated like a criminal and the tow operator was thugish a-hole that acted like he had spent his entire adult life as a piece a gutter trash. I filed a complaint but was told not to expect much or even get a response.
On a separate occasion I had a driver come onto my driveway and demand the keys to my car that was to be repossessed. I have a beacon 800 credit rating! The driver told me that he had been to my house several times asking my neighbors about my schedule. I explained to him that the make/model car he was looking for was sold several years ago and finally (after blocking his truck) he told me that it was a different model year that he was looking for and the person with the same name lived in Balto City last. He told me that his company “fishes for repos” this way often. When I called the next day to his employer to file a complaint they had “no record” of the truck having been sent to my address.
Does this seem like a rant? It should, because it is! I’m pissed. There is nothing I can do that will accomplish much, other than waisting my time. Like I said, gutter trash.
Proud to be Liberal says
VICTIMIZED: I agree with you 100% and there is a cure for these Tow truck companies have become sanctioned thieves and extortionists. The answer is legislation that would hold these thugs accountable. You should contact you County Councilman and demand that laws be passed to protect the average citizen. It has been done in other jurisdictions such as Baltimore. This would be a good measure as to how sensitive our County Council is to the average guy. Good luck with that.
Alex R says
So the government won’t pass the legislation (check to see how much towing companies contribute to campaigns if you need to understand why) and the Sheriff won’t assist in recovering property being held illegally (according to the Attorney General’s office) and Imp. finally throws up his hands and turns to the courts. For this he gets crucified?
Individual Rights says
Alex R, you got it exactly right.
Most people commenting negatively hate Impallaria generally irrespective of this matter and they don’t care about the issues at all.
Proud to be Liberal says
ALEX R: I think you are on to something. However, did you notice that the County Council is controlled by the Republican/Tea Party? And according to the report, The Situation Imp did get his property but choose to file a bogus, publicity seeking suit. This whole thing stinks to high heaven! You really cannot justify this clown, unless you are considering this as a TV reality show.
ALEX R says
Well, Proud to be a Liberal, there are plenty of clowns on both sides. At least with the Tea Party I know where they stand and they don’t change their mind every time someone makes a contribution. When they get elected they do what they say they were going to do. That makes a lot of people mad. Not so with Democrats and, unfortunately, with a number of Republicans. They change their positions more often than they change their underwear. But they call it patriotism or statesmanship. I call it arrogance coupled with ruling class entitlement.
decoydude says
Yes a circus has clowns, but it also has a side show which might be a more appropriate analogy for some of the current political characters.
Cdev says
I thought impallaria told us that activist judges making up laws where bad. He is in the House of Delgates actually get a bill out of comittee!
Individual Rights says
Mr. Cdev Sheriff Banes needs to enforce existing law and the suit calls for the court to compel Bane to do so.
Cdev says
no the suit actually says a whole lot of nothing as it never says in a single document what law he is not enforcing or specifics. All of which are required in a court filing.
Porter says
@Cdev – If you knew d#ck you’d know court filings do not make the case. The case is made in court.
Rob in Bel Air says
It seems that many here believe that the delegate is acting irrational in this issue and perhaps some other events that have occurred in the past. Many refer to him as a “clown” and an embarrassment to the county and state. I don’t know the man personally and based on what I have read, he may be suing the wrong party. It seems that many here believe that the delegate is acting irrational in this issue and perhaps some other events that have occurred in the past. Many refer to him as a “clown” and an embarrassment to the county and state. I don’t know the man personally and based on what I have read, he may be suing the wrong party.
I hope Mr. Impallaria has taken the time to read the posts on this site and realize how they feel about his behavior. What is being said here is perhaps a small sample of what his constituents are now thinking about him and that reelection may be more difficult. My message to Mr. Impallaria is this: Take a look at your behavior and focus less on unimportant matters and perhaps personal issues and focus more on keeping at bay the libs in Annapolis. In other words, do your best in protecting the “tax-paying” citizens of this county and state from tax and spend liberals. The “sane” tax-paying citizens of this state, and conservatives, are out-numbered and there is always a chance you could lose your office to a liberal democrat or rhino. If the reports and comments are true, you need to get your act together or we need to start looking for another fiscal conservative to fill your spot in Annapolis. Enough said ! ! !
Proud to be Liberal says
Sorry Rob: “The Situation” Impallaria is an example of the tea bag conservatives that care more for their rich millionaire developer friends than for us tax-paying, middle class Marylanders. Those “’sane’ tax-paying citizens of this state, and conservatives” are not what we in Maryland want. The only difference here is Mr. Impallaria clearly shows what the huge majority of Marylanders already know: the GOP/Tea Party is selfish and dysfunctional. We demand a government for the people, and by the people. Wake up Harford and elect a grown-up to this office.
Rob in Bel Air says
Anything (or anone) is better than having a liberal tax and spend democrat. Evidence: Look at your tax bill and look what’s coming in this so-called specal session. They are looking for money and we tax-paying citizens will be paying the price.
Proud to be Liberal says
Rob: Oh yes, borrow and spend Republicans are soo much better. And by all means be certain that billionaires are kept from paying their fair share. They so deserve to pay at a smaller rate than you and I do. And do what you can to support corporate welfare queens while you’re at it. They do such a good job of creating jobs IN CHINA.
Rob in Bel Air says
Proud to be Liberal,
I see that your often refer to the TEA Party in your rants. I also understand why you and people like you hate the TEA Party and TEA Party Candidates . . . that is, the TEA Party have exposed many liberals for what they are and the wasteful spending typical of liberal tax and spend democrats.
I will agree with you that the republicans have not been much better and that is why Washington (and Annapolis) need some house cleaning. The TEA Party candidates seem to be doing just that and I don’t think you are going to see the TEA Party (and partiers) go away anytime soon (regardless of the hate from the liberals and the liberal media). They are are now finally being exposed and you and others like you hate that ! ! !
But “too bad” as it is what it is ! ! !
Proud to be Liberal says
Rob in Bel Air: Spoken by a true FOX Kool-air drinker. I hate the hypocrisy of Tea Baggers. They borrow and spend. They protect the rich and let the middle class pay for it. If you think that this party will last beyond 2012, you are mistaken. It is they who are being exposed for what they are! Every candidate they have fielded is nuttier than a fruit cake. Name one who isn’t nuts!
We’ll just have to wait and see Rob. I am betting we’ll win back the house and have a 60 seat majority in the Senate and a second term for our President. He who laughs last, laughs best Rob.
Rob in Bel Air says
LOL – Anything is possible. Voters were easily scammed last time, I have no doubts they can be easily scammed again (by the way, how is that hope and change working out for you?). The only hope this country has is perhaps the TEA party exposing Obama (doing a great job so far), and the tax payers will wise up.
Apparently you haven’t sought help for that problem you have.
Dave Yensan says
I implore you to stop using the phrase “tea baggers”. Call them anything else, we know what you think at this point. The term used is extremely offensive and no I’m not an active participant in the Taxed Enough Already movement. You use the term party with respect to the TEA movement as though it were in the same league with the Repulsive or Undemocratic party. It is not! The party part of that has to do with the reference to the famous tea party in Boston. Say and do what you will but dropping the teabagger phrase is much the same as dropping a F bomb. You make yourself sound weak minded, are you?
Proud to be Liberal says
Dave Yensan: The term Tea Bag was first used “On January 19, 2009, Graham Makohoniuk, a part-time trader and a member of Ticker Forum, posted a casual invitation on the forums to “Mail a tea bag to congress and to senate.”
The TEA BAG PARTY wrote: “Please tell your friends and neighbors about the Tea Bag Protest Party. Today! This is a grass roots movement that relies on your participation for success. You don’t need to use this website to do your own tea bag protest, but we’re here to help if you need it.”
Michelle Bachmann used the very symbol lately “I brought a tea bag today and wondered if anyone cared for tea,” Bachmann joked at Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC fundraiser in Barrington, while holding a tea bag out in front of the crowd. March 12, 2011.
So you see, it is a term used by the Tea Party. If you do not like the term, complain to them, not to me.
Porter says
@Proud to be Liberal – It is well established that the term “teabagger” is a pejorative used by liberal/progressives and others to insult and diminish people in the Tea Party. You know that the term “teabagger” is a vile sexual act typically performed by male homosexuals where they dunk one party’s testicles in the other party’s mouth.
You are a wretch and less than human evidenced by your posts here. Our President Obama and your god has proclaimed that we should all be civil in our discourse. Just plain shameful on your part.
Phil Dirt says
Proud to Be Liberal knows exactly what a teabagger is, and uses the phrase repeatedly just to be an ass. The recounting of the history of the Tea Bag Party is just a smokescreen, and he knows that the followers of the movement do not use the term ‘teabagger’.
Maybe we should encourage him to continue so others will hesitate before supporting any of his posts, since most reasonable people would not want to be associated with someone like him.
Rob in Bel Air says
Proud to be Liberal,
Can’t you see what that disease is doing to you? You need help.
Proud to be Liberal says
@ PORTER, PHIL DIRT et al.: You said, “Our President Obama and your god has proclaimed that we should all be civil in our discourse.” You also said, “You’re just being your effing d#ckheaded annoying equivocating self.”
You people are such hypocrites! I saw the racist, hateful signs you people carried during your demonstrations. I heard the lies, hate and distortions in your speeches. Don’t you dare talk to me about being civil when your group does not even understand the meaning of the term!
As far as the term of “tea bag” is concerned, it is yours and you must learn to live with it. And Phil, reasonable people are Democrats by definition. I am not concerned about that.
Porter says
@Proud to be Liberal – You are comfortable calling patriotic Americans by a gay sex term. It is amazing you are alright with it.
Cdev says
Porter you have lost all credibility when it comes to matters of what is and is not polite discourse. I have not once used that term. Yet you refer to me as a foul term. You always say only weekminded people do that….Well!!!!
Porter says
@Cdev describing you with terms like effing, friggin, d#ckheaded hardly rise to the level of vile gay sex term. You are an equivocator of the highest order. You are the embodiment of Caspar Milquetoast.
Proud to be Liberal says
@ Porter: ROTFLMHO I am comfortable calling you by the very symbol your group chose to represent yourselves. The very symbol your number one candidate held up to represent you. Yes. Sorry it has a double meaning, but you people often say and do things without thought. Now live with it.
Porter says
@Proud to be Liberal – I’m not in the Tea Party, but I’m sure that matters little to you. Maybe if you didn’t spend so much time teabagging your partner you’d know that?
Proud to be Liberal says
@ PORTER: I see you are reverting to your usual infantile practice of name calling when you are lacking cogent, reasoned answers to my posts.
Patrick says
@PROUD TO BE LIBAGGER – Yeah right all those poor millionaires that get their cars towed are the folks Impallaria is fighting for! In fact go to any tow yard and see all the Bentleys, Lamborghinis and Mercedes in the yard.
Proud to be Liberal says
Patrick: You have a good point there. I do think that towing companies are who need regulation. The suite should be there. Better yet, he should sponsor legislation to control them and protect us. The government should be in the business of protecting the people not towing companies.
Another Fool says
I can’t believe it took this long for a law suit. The HCSO is a rutterless ship.
really??? says
last time i checked the sheriff’s office has nothing to do with the tow companies or the fees and policies they follow. the county implaments there regulations not the sheriff. learn your facts, but hey atleat your name fits.
RetiredCop says
I thought the County determined the tow truck rules and regs. The Sheriff’s Office inspects the trucks, but the county I thought did the legal work. If a complaint we received from a citizen the Sheriff’s Office investigated the complaint and it was results were turned over to the Licensing and permit section of the County for a hearing. Any action was taken buy them. I did a few of these investigations. When the vehicle is towed and stored a vehicle inventory is completed of the vehicle and the tow operator signs it. The vehicle can have a hold put on it for investigation reasons but when it is completed it can be released. I am not following the tags and registration part of this. If the tags are flagged, bad, or switched the police take them for evidence. Once the trail is over the tag is returned to MVA. Vehicles are stored in a secure lot. I read this law suit twice and I am really lost here.
And REALLY you are correct. The towers meet come up with what they think is a fair price and bring it to the County. At least that is the way it was done up until 2002 when I left. I also know the Deputy who is assigned to the tow truck and vehicle storage and he is on top of this. He spends a lot of time on the salvage of vehicles and dealing with the tow compaines and he keeps on top of them. Again I do not understand this law suit.
The only regulation the Sheriff Office has is the agency storage report form.
ohmy!! says
What an amazing COINCIDENCE…. the week the lawsuit goes public, Delegate Impallaria’s brother, a Harford County Sheriff Office employee, is switched from day shift to night shift. This is in addition to being passed over many times for promotion even though he qualified at or near the top!!!! Jesse Bane, a nice guy????? Really? I don’t think vindictiveness is an admirable quality for a man in his position of power!
Rob in Bel Air says
Seriously – do you know for a fact that he is well qualified for promotion? Was there a possibility that others who were promoted were more qualified?
ohmy!! says
Yes!! You can’t take the promotional test to begin with unless you’re qualified. You need to score an 70% or above on the written part to move on to the oral part. Then you are given 1 hour to write about how you would handle a particular situation. Your answer has to include all the required benchmarks to pass. After that you are judged by a panel of your peers. The final ranking takes the scores from all the qualifying components.
SGT Impallaria is more than qualified and gets overlooked every time because of who his brother is. Before Del. Impallaria was elected his brother had no problem advancing in the Harford County Sheriff Office from Deputy to Deputy 1st Class to Corporal to SGT….. and that’s where it stopped!
BTW… Jesse Bane’s arrogant and narcissistic personality shines through when he interviews deputy candidates also. He disqualifies anyone who doesn’t know his full name (Lionel Jesse Bane) and who hasn’t memorized the mission statement he wrote.
All of the above is TRUE, unbelievable, but, sadly true!
ohmy!! says
The “Yes!” is in reference to Rob’s question.. “Do you know for a fact that he is well qualified for promotion?”.
Patriot says
OHMY, That is so untrue about you have to be qualified before you can take the test. “ANY” deputy can take the promotional test, they sign up for the test, turn in their resume’ and any college degrees for extra points towards their final score. After the exam is completed, the scores are posted, then a Review Board is put together and not by HCSO but by other Maryland Law Enforcement Agencies. So how does this have Sheriff Bane disqualifying Tim for a promotion. The deputy with the highest score is chosen for the position with the opening. You mentioned having to know Sherif Bane’s full name, must be something new. HCSO has more satisfied duputies than unsatisfied ones as you’d like the readers to believe. If you are a deputy, please back your agency HCSO, during this economy jobs are so hard to find. BTW: Sheriff Bane is a Democrat, not Republician. Our goevernment is screwed up due to both parties.
Have a blessed weekend 🙂
ohmy!! says
ah, yes… that is exactly how the process is SUPPOSED to go for promotions within the HCSO, however, in reality it does not go that way. last year a new Jesse Bane rule was instituted that says the selection of the promotional candidate can be taken from the top 3, not necessarily the one ranked #1. so, you see it IS the final decision of said Sheriff Lionel Jesse Bane!
Despicable You says
It is curious that Tim Impallaria may be being punished because of the lawsuit by his brother. I think it warrants an investigation of Sheriff Bane’s management practices.
Bane cannot punish any officer under his command for acts of a third party. Seems to me Bane has firm grip on his shovel and keeps on digging his hole. It might be time for Bane to resign.
Grand Vizier says
To Delegate Tim Impallaria :
You are being attacked by members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office on this web site. Members of the Harford County Sheriff’s CyberCrime Team and the Harford County Narcotics Task Force have been ordered by Sheriff Bane to attack you via the internet to counter your lawsuit by giving you the impression that the community is upset with your actions. The first five posts on this blog were done by members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and the comments have been reinforced by the thumbs up button by the aid of VPN networks and proxies to make it look like a public outcry. Other members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office also used computers in their homes to bolster up the stats. Just thought you should know……..
decoydude says
Like to try again.
Cdev says
Try Again…..I was post 3 and do not work for the Sherrif!!!!
Grand Vizier says
To Delegate Rick Impallaria :
You are being attacked by members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office on this web site. Members of the Harford County Sheriff’s CyberCrime Team and the Harford County Narcotics Task Force have been ordered by Sheriff Bane to attack you via the internet to counter your lawsuit by giving you the impression that the community is upset with your actions. The first five posts on this blog were done by members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and the comments have been reinforced by the thumbs up button by the aid of VPN networks and proxies to make it look like a public outcry. Other members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office also used computers in their homes to bolster up the stats. Just thought you should know……..
Please excuse my earlier cut and paste mistake
Grand Vizier says
To Delegate Rick Impallaria :
If you research you will find that the owner’s of these tow truck companies are making donations to Bane’s election campaigns. In return Bane is not supposed to interfere with the unlawful practices of the tow truck companies. It is the Harford County Sheriff’s responsibility to enforce laws when they are broken and not letting an individual recover personal property from a storage yard is breaking the law as it is written. Personal Property is to be recovered by the owner of the car even if its in a storage yard unless it has been seized by law enforcement. Since these vehicles are not forfeitures or seizures the tow truck facilities have no legal right to hold personal property hostage in order to entice payment for tow fees or storage fees. The Sheriff’s Office has conveniently let these tow yards to commit extortion due to the tow companies owners having paid campaign contributions to Mr. Bane and his cronies. Sounds eerily similar to the recent Federal case against Baltimore City Police Officers receiving kick backs from tow truck companies. An investigation is indeed needed to route out the truth that the Sheriff’s Department has been concealing from the public. If you dig hard enough, you’ll probably find the exact same thing that was happening in Baltimore City is also happening here in Harford County!
ohmy!! says
@Patriot… If you are Sheriff Lionel Jesse Banes,back ALL your HCSO employees and the citizens of Harford County who elected you. Many people have mistakenly put their trust and safety in your hands!
Rob in Bel Air says
First, there is a new crazy on the loose on this site . . . the Grand Vizier. Whether you like the current Sheriff or not, what you are reading from this person is just silly. This is just another “Bane hater” trying to spread falsehoods. Take what is written by this kook with a grain of salt.
Second, the personal attacks on “Proud to be Liberal” are uncalled for. Regardless of PTBL’s sexual orientation, there is no reason for the derogatory postings. The term TEA Bagger does not bother me; when used by liberals, to me it’s a sign that the TEA Party is getting under their skin (and liberals typically are thin skinned). It is also a sign that they are scared of this new movement because it exposes liberalism for what it is. We were discussing the TEA Party and it has become common verbiage to call its members and supporters TEA baggers. Who cares. Yes, PTBL was using the term in a derogatory sense, but I’m sure it was not meant to be sexual in nature.
Last, there are some here trying to make a case against the current Sheriff about Delegate Impallaria’s brother passed over for promotion. Again, we are likely reading something from another Bane hater. But let’s say that it’s not a Bane hater but someone who knows Deputy Impallaria and through conversations with the deputy learned he was passed over for promotion (in other words, one side of the story). Perhaps it has not occurred to this individual that maybe Deputy Impallaria was qualified for promotion, but the person promoted was more qualified for the specific position. Instead, all you here is that the deputy has been passed over intentionally because of the Delegate Impallaria’s issues with the Sheriff.
I agree with most here who argue that Delegate Impallaria should have taken this suit as an individual and not as Delegate Impallaria. I am an avid supporter of politicians who are fiscal conservatives and those who stand up to the liberal democratic machine in Annapolis. However, I believe this suit thing, and how it was filed, is over the top. Delegate Impallaria . . . take heed . . . wise up . . . you may lose your job over this silliness.
Cdev says
I agree. Those who stop to name calling make them selves look like a fool.
Cassius says
Cdev and Rob in Bel Air have you all teabagged together with Proud to be Liberal? It’s great that you’ve decided that the pejorative “Teabagger” is a terminology you have accepted as proper…
Cdev says
No I don’t think it is OK….that is why I don’t use it. I also don’t use obsenities like some do. I simply find it ironic that people who take offense so easily through out obsenities and immaturely use the term!!!
Cassius says
Oh really Cdev, you wrote that you agree with Rob in Bel Air that calling Tea Party members “Teabaggers” is common verbiage and is therefore okay.
Cdev says
No you did not read then!
This is what he said:
“The term TEA Bagger does not bother me; when used by liberals, to me it’s a sign that the TEA Party is getting under their skin (and liberals typically are thin skinned). It is also a sign that they are scared of this new movement because it exposes liberalism for what it is. We were discussing the TEA Party and it has become common verbiage to call its members and supporters TEA baggers. Who cares. Yes, PTBL was using the term in a derogatory sense, but I’m sure it was not meant to be sexual in nature.”
You took one phrase of the whole thought!!!!! You did not seem to comprehend the entire paragraph. I know that you seem to be looking for the 5 sec soundbite; but please try to read!
Cdev says
Furthermore Cassius you lose the right to get offended by the statement when you use it in turn!!!! I have enough respect for people I don’t need to call them foul terms, sex acts or anatomical parts. You and Porter however seem to not. Guess I was brought up differently!
Cassius says
Cdev You cannot give or take rights from anyone. Proud to be Liberal knows teabagging is a vile sex act which he uses to insult his political opposition and you have defended him.
Cdev says
True I can’t do so.. I can refuse to take, you seriously or feel sorry for you or place any credence in what you say. Again you did to when you used it!!!!. Furthermore I don’t condone his actions!!!!! I don’t use the term. I know he is doing it to be a snot because he knows it gets to some people. He is correct that at the begining of the movement the term was used. I suspect when it was pointed out the double entandra involved they current term TEA Party was used. Like Rob said I suspect that the use of that term is simply to annoy people and it shows he is just as immature as Porter is when he goes off on his profanity laced tirads or thinks he is intelectually superior by calling me a simpleton by refering to me as early 1900’s cartoon character!
You by doing what you have done above are no better then the two of them. I have choosen to simply ignore POrter and Proud to be liberal when they stoop to being obnoxious and name calling. I know they do it because they run out of their daily talking points they got from whatever Fox, NBC, heratige fondation, move-on, C4L, Huffington Post etc. Since they are out of material they resort to their name calling and demonstrate their lack of capacity for original thought!
Proud to be Liberal says
CDEV: You are so correct when you say I use the term to annoy the hypocrites of the Tea Party. Their foul, disgusting posters and hate filled rants so repulsed me that I can’t help but rub their collective noses into their own ignorant choice of terms. Michelle Bachmann used a tea bag on March 11, 2011! You do know she is their poster child? As soon as they stop their racism and lies, I will stop referring to them by their own symbol. I make no apologies either!
Proud to be Liberal says
et tu, Cassius?
Grand Vizier says
Rob in Bel air –
Its no coincidence that you got on here and tried to discredit my allegations. I even expected you, under your Avatar, to try and cover this stuff up. Rob is a member of the Harford County Narcotics Task Force under the Harford County State’s Attorney Office. Isn’t that right ROB ?
Rob in Bel Air says
You are soooo smart, you got me ! ! !
David A. Porter says
Geez Rob… let’s step up the taking the baby daddies off the street when they pass forged prescriptions. I can’t tell you how much it hurts me that the State’s Attorney keeps going for probation or Nolle Prosequi.
Grand Vizier says
Rob, I think you should inform all the deputies that you represent that the actions on this web site is a breach of professional conduct and if it is proven that they are the ones on here defaming Mr. Impallaria that they are the ones that will lose their jobs. Covering up the crimes is what makes it even worse. Rob, I’ll see you on Monday!
Rob in Bel Air says
Your rants prove my point (you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about). And if you noticed (or not), there was no defamation of anyone.
when will it stop says
@Rob, Grand has his right to his opinion and to call him crazy over that is stupid. No one will know the facts until the case is concluded.
@Grand, Ron is not a member of the any task force, I believe he is way to old to be working and has to wheeled to the computer when the home opens the computer room. Please forgive the rants of this old coot.
Rob in Bel Air says
Grand was making some serious accusations, can he (or she) back them up. As to opinions – since it is OK for Grand to do it – here is mine: NO.
Second, LOL – As far as old . . . yes, I wheeled myself to the computer (took me an hour or so), but I got there. And thanks for the forgiveness.
Rob in Bel Air says
One more thing: Since “When Will It Stop” believes I am old this seems to fit. It didn’t occur to me before I signed off (the old thing) that Grand Vizier and When Will It Stop are one in the same (just posting under different names). Nice try Grand / When.
When will it stop says
1) I am not Grand, and 2) I believe you are old. You moved to Edgewood in the 50’s when you were in your teens. So lets do the math. Even with that fine Edgewood public education you should be able to punch the numbers in a calculator.
Cdev says
“So lets do the math. Even with that fine Edgewood public education you should be able to punch the numbers in a calculator. ”
Of course this is not pretensious!!!
Rob in Bel Air says
First and foremost, you and Grand are one in the same. Second, I never lived in Edgewood but I was schooled there but only in high school. Moreover, I was not a teen when I move to this area. Sorry . . . it just confirms you know little of what you say.
I was watching TV and surfing the DAGGER when I noticed something about Bane’s picture that is just remarkable. If he had a monicle, he would look just like Colonel Klink from Hogan’s Heroes! The similarities are astounding, they both are running a group of armed buffoons and the only thing they care about is the perception that they are perfect! I’m suggesting that Harford County Community Television could easily put on a show called HARFORD’S HEROES and it could highlight the rigorous and hilarious antics of the Guards at HCDC in their fight to disrupt that serious gang activity in HCDC and the rest of Harford COunty! Any way you look at it BANE would be proud to weir die SchuffellStafel eagle with pride.
Proud to be Liberal says
Here is an example of how the tea baggers contribute to the discussion. I do not hear any of you poor, thin skinned people complaining about these racist rants. This is why I think of the whole tea party movement as a bunch of hate-filled hypocrites who cannot contribute an intelligent thought to the discussion.
Rob in Bel Air says
What you wrote here does not make sense.
Phil Dirt says
How is that different from most of his posts?
Rob in Bel Air says
TV Land,
You need to go back to your couch and watch more TV. What you say about the men and women in uniform is a disgrace. Have some respect for those who are willing to risk their lives for people like you.
Sugar Daddy says
If Bane would enforce the law we would not be having this discussion! It would only take a call to tow station by any deputy and advise them that they have to allow the release of personal property. Is that so difficult. Instead Bane wants to prove that he only enforces laws that are at his convenience and that his group of deputies are only required to enforce laws he chooses to. Bane, one phone call would have put this whole issue to rest. I find it amazing that people got on here to justify his pure negligence of duty. Just truly amazed……….
Compucluck says
Why does Bane think its not his job to enforce the laws of the land? He only enforces laws of his choosing. A simple phone call by any of his deputies advising the tow companies that they are required to release personal property of towed vehicles is all that is required. Instead, we have a law suit and allegations of wrong doing on both sides. Avoidance of problems would seem to be the proper stance on this issue instead of the mayhem that is transpiring. Look at the crap that has been written, both sides should increase the doses of their medication so that they are brought back to earth and stay a reasonable course of action.
Rob in Bel Air says
I have yet to hear anything from the TEA Party that is racist. You and others like you tend to use the race card when someone challenges the current administration just because Obama is half Black. Liberals tend to use the race card when things do not go their way. Those who claimed to hear racist remarks from TEA Party members at the event in Washington D.C. lied. There was nothing on tape and the so-called “victims” of racial rants conflicted. Sorry.
In regards to CDEV remarks, I’ve never used profanity in my posts. Again, we have someone making up things because they have nothing substantive to base their arguments.
Cdev says
Rob never claimed you did. Porter however does!!!!
Rob in Bel Air says
I stand corrected.
Anonymous says
Rob – You’re a fool to think there is not a racist thread in the Klan for Liberty movement. Only a fascist racist thinks its a good idea to stop anyone with brown skin on the street and demand to see their papers else be deported. The tea party has assembled at congress and yelled Ni**er and Fa**ot at members of congress assembling to meet the president. Glen Beck’s “restore honor” rally was a rally to put a white person back into the Whitehouse at which Beck again claimed that Obama had a deep seated hatred of white people. The whole Momma Grizzly movement is aimed at easily manipulable poor white women who have no clue how great the income inequality gap with the goal to scare them into resenting the thought of some tax break or benefit given to the unemployed black family may put that family’s children ahead of her own when both groups would benefit equally. The Tea Party in April circulated a fundraising email with a picture of to monkeys holding a baby Obama with the caption “Now you know why no birth certificate.” The Tea Party shows up at rallies with pictures of Obama with a Hitler Moustache, Jungle Savage and Witch Doctor. A Scientific survey by the University of Washington Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race & Sexuality found that members of the Tea Party are 25% more likely of being racially resentful that those who are not Tea Party supporters. In another poll conducted by the New York Times/CBS News survey found that white Tea Party supporters were more likely to believe that “the Obama administration favors blacks over whites” and that “too much has been made of the problems facing black people”. There is a great website out there called that you should go to sometime and see for yourself the full list of overt, visible race based campaigning performed by the Tea Party — when it isn’t being hit by a denial of service attach from conservative hackers who, like you, want to deny and obfuscate the truth.
Proud to be Liberal says
Amen! Rob must live under a rock.
Rob in Bel Air says
OK, I live under a rock just like in the Geico commercial. Still, you know I’m right, you just can’t admit it (because of that disease you carry). Sorry, but it’s true.
Rob in Bel Air says
You know that’s untrue and you remain anonymous because of that fact. Show the proof. If what you say happened, the liberal media would have been all over it. However, let’s say that some of those attending did yell such nasties. That does not mean that all members of the TEA Party prescribe to that behavior. I’m sure there are many liberal groups that have members that are just as vile as some you say exist in the TEA Party. Look at the Obama, Reid and Pelosi group and the things they have said (andsay nearly every day). Liberal democrats have called TEA Party members “Terrorist” (real Americans called terrorist by those who represent them – unbelievable); yet, they refuse to call real terrorist “terrorist” for fear of offending someone of the Islamic faith. Come on Anonymous, stop your lies as you are causing others who are looking for some reason to hate others that disagree with them (like PTBL), to follow you as if you were the Pied Piper.
Proud to be Liberal says
Rob in Bel Air: You should not throw rocks as you live in a glass house. You have nerve saying “You know that’s untrue and you remain anonymous because of that fact.” You are anonymous yourself.
You also claim that “Look at the Obama, Reid and Pelosi group and the things they have said (andsay nearly every day).” You just give us an example of that!
You go on to say: “However, let’s say that some of those attending did yell such nasties. That does not mean that all members of the TEA Party prescribe to that behavior.” However, since I have not seen or heard one tea party member disavow these racist tactics (and they are accurate no matter how much you try to wish them away). That is known as the sin of omission.
No Rob, Anonymous is 100% correct and you and Phil are on the wrong side of this argument. Anyone who can use Google can easily find overwhelming proof – as they can find proof that your group first used, and still use, a tea bag to symbolize your beliefs. Your arguments are weak and pathetic.
ALEX R says
Rob in Bel Air’s arguments are weak and pathetic? Ha ha. If Obama, Reid or Biden say it, then it is true in your mind.
Would that be the Obama, and Reid and Biden who gave impassioned speeches as senators AGAINST raising the debt ceiling or the ones that gave impassioned speeches FOR raising the debt ceiling? Not sure I can tell them apart what with the same names and all.
See, that is what the Tea Party is tired of. Elected officials who say anything and do anything depending on what gets them more power and money and re-elected. And the naive electorate that votes for them over and over and over again.
Phil Dirt says
Blah blah blah Klan blah blah blah
But, who is the actual racist here? It’s Anonymous, who is saying that the black followers of the TEA Party (and there are many) are too stupid to realize that they belong to a white power organization. What a bunch of morons these folks must be who have a strong belief and join up with others who agree with them!
Yep, Anonymous = racist.
Rob in Bel Air says
I don’t know whether Anonymous is racist (or not). However, I seem to think, as many others do, that people who claim racism are they themselves the most racist. It’s like those who want all to be tolerate of them are the most intolerate.
David A. Porter says
I’d simply call it hate. You hate and that’s all we seem to hear out of you. It can be in the form of racism or comments directed at a persons sexual orientation or religious beliefs or their political affiliations. Hate is simply hate and it does nothing for you at all.
ALEX R says
Well, at least we have gotten from Impallaria vs. Bane to something that matters – the Tea Party. Some of you folks crack me up. I know you can’t be serious.
No black people belong to the Tea Party! Oh, wait, they do? Well then no educated black person can belong to the Tea Party. Oh, wait, they do? Well then they have been brainwashed or bribed. I know, let’s throw Oreo cookies at them (like we did other black conservatives)because they aren’t really black, they are masquerading as black.
The real racists here are the progressive/dem/libs who write off the many blacks who have had enough of tax and spend calling them mis-guided, ignorant folk who haven’t been told the real truth. Why won’t they just stay in their assigned place, take the government hand out, shut up and vote for the progressive/dem/libs again like they are supposed to? After all, the progressive/dem/libs know what is best for them.
If any of you had followed the Juan Williams and NPR fiasco you would see who the real racists are. Two white chicks at the ultra liberal NPR fire Juan Williams without so much as a discussion because he said something that wasn’t ultra-lib party line. Where is Juan? Cashing bigger checks and writing more books. Where are they? I believe they are cashing unemployment checks. But, hey, they took one for the team.
Rob in Bel Air says
You should calm down … what you are doing is unhealthy and is not going to help with your problem. OK, let’s look at the latest: one of the most racist politicians, Maxine Watters (California) public statement, “The TEA Party can go to hell” or was it, “The TEA party can go straight to hell.” Keep in mind that the TEA Party are made up of U.S Citizens (Americans); yet you have politicians (liberals) calling Americans terrorist and telling them to go to hell.
Another lib, Charlie Rengel (N.Y.) said disparaging remarks about U.S. Citizens (again, Americans), TEA Party members and those who support the movement, because of their ideology. I can go on, for example, Barney Frank, Weiner (thank God he’s gone), and others but why waste my time.
The fact is, you and people like you are OK with this double-standard but the fact is, the TEA Party is gaining momentum and it is here to stay.
Proud to be Liberal says
ROB: That is your best example of Democratic racism? Tell the tea party to go to hell? Charlie Rangel said “disparaging remarks”, wow that’s terrible! Please give it a rest. Tea Party is the home of “nasty”. Re-read Anonymous’ post, what he reported is what I call Nasty (and all of it is true).
My problem is the hypocrisy of the tea party who are trying to destroy our republic to defend the 400 families that have more wealth that 150,000,000 Americans. Are you OK with that? Are you one of those 400 families?
Phil Dirt says
“the hypocrisy of the tea party who are trying to destroy our republic” – exaggerate much, PTBLib?
And Anonymous’ blather:
– when challenged to provide ANY proof of TEA Partiers yelling racial slurs, nobody could find any.
– nobody threatened to “stop anyone with brown skin on the street and demand to see their papers else be deported”
– there was a handful of hateful signs at TEA Party rallies… right after a campaign by the left to recruit folks to pretend to be TEA Partiers and carry racist posters. Also, the number of BusHitler posters and similar ‘dictator’-themed signs directed at W far outnumbered even these planted ones. And did you forget about the film depicting the assassination of W?
I’d go on but I have more important things to do than argue with morons.
Proud to be Liberal says
Phil Dirt: You can’t have forgotten that the Tea Queen Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed S.B. 1070? “There was a handful of hateful signs at TEA Party rallies… right after a campaign by the left to recruit folks to pretend to be TEA Partiers and carry racist posters.” What have you been smoking Phil? Do you have any proof for that ridiculous statement? What “more important things you have to do”: drink sterno and fantasize that the Tea Party is not the billionaire’s ploy to rob us middle class folks?
Rob in Bel Air says
PTBL . . . again, you have a whole lot of nothing. It seems you are OK with that double-standard thing. If during a news conference a Republican or a TEA Party member told the democratic party “to go to hell”, it would be all over the news, Obama would have his telprompter set up with a speech criticizing the remark, and Chris Matthews would have something crawling up his leg.
Brian Williams would be in tears, MSNBC would have a special program on it, and Katy C. would be brought back to make a comment. Joe Biden would then say something stupid (as usual), and Harry Reid and Chuck “the Smuck” Shumer would call a press conference to condemn it. Nancy Pelosi would try to introduce a bill to ban any TEA Party rallies and want the bill to pass so they could see what’s in it. Barney Frank would be beside himself and remain speechless (busy doing something else). Oh, and let’s not forget the nut, Keith Oberman. He would have plenty to say. NPR would provide week-long coverage.
“Kerosene” Maxine tells the TEA Party to go to hell and hardly a peep from anyone. Yeah, I see your point.
Liberals have the likes of George Soros (a fine gentleman who would like to see this country changed and Obama’s money machine) and many Hollywood types (who hide their money over seas). Give it a rest, leave the democrat talking points in the trash and we can agree to disagree.
As to the TEA Party . . . remember they are hard-working tax-paying “middle-class” Americans (not terrorist) who want to see change (the same thing people who voted for Obama wanted – change) How about that change? My comment to Maxine Watters (and others who criticize the TEA Party), get use to it . . . they are not going away.
Phil Dirt says
You really aren’t stupid enough to believe that the Arizona bill would just allow people to be stopped for no reason, so I don’t know why you have to play this silly game.
And since as a typical liberal you need others to do the work for you, try this: Google “crash the tea party” and “Jason Levin”.
Paul says
“You can’t have forgotten that the Tea Queen Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed S.B. 1070?” – Just so you know, this bill did NOT allow for the stopping of “anyone with brown skin on the street and demand to see their papers else be deported”, it directed the police to, upon a LAWFUL STOP, DETENTION, or ARREST, to check the immigration ststus. This is very different from what you stated.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Proud to be Liberal says
Phil Dirt: You are apparently stupid enough to believe they won’t. Let me explain something to you since you obviously don’t have a good grasp about police work. Since I have two who wear a badge, I am keenly aware of the great mortal danger inherent in police work. Just yesterday a young officer was gunned down in California (El Cajon Police Officer Jarred Slocum Shot in Neck During Shootout Caught on Camera). Since police depend on good relations with the population and it is definitely important that they not be seen as an occupation force, checking immigration papers (a federal responsibility) would do nothing to engender good relations.
We are talking about Arizona, a state so backward that they had stricter gun control laws 150 years ago during the “wild west”. Even gun slingers and cowboys understood that guns should not be allowed in bars. You are probably a member of the NRA (Narcotics Racketeering and Assassinations) and believe everyone, including convicted felons, should be able to carry assault weapons? Those weapons are aimed at my kids! And remember this was a domestic disturbance a type of call made many times a night.
See why-does-the-tea-party-hate-americans-and-their-government since you seem able to use a search engine.
Paul says
Hey Proud,
Though I am not Phil Dirt, I will respond to this.
“You are apparently stupid enough to believe they won’t. Let me explain something to you since you obviously don’t have a good grasp about police work.” – Wow, a little bitter towards Phil Dirt, it seems.
“Since I have two who wear a badge, I am keenly aware of the great mortal danger inherent in police work.” – Most are aware of the danger inherent in police work.
“Just yesterday a young officer was gunned down in California (El Cajon Police Officer Jarred Slocum Shot in Neck During Shootout Caught on Camera).” – Yes, a tragedy.
“Since police depend on good relations with the population” – Yes, and they should. Though, the criminal element of our society will typically never have good relations with the police.
“and it is definitely important that they not be seen as an occupation force,” – True
“checking immigration papers (a federal responsibility) would do nothing to engender good relations.” – Yes, currently that is the case. The 9th circuit, which made the ruling on the Arizona case, is considered to be the most liberal of the circuits. The governer of Arizona is appealing the ruling to the Supreme Court. It will be interesting to see if the S.C. decides to hear this case, and if so, what they ultimately rule.
“We are talking about Arizona, a state so backward that they had stricter gun control laws 150 years ago during the “wild west”.” – Arizona hasn’t been a state for 150 years. Arizona became a state in 1912, less than 100 years ago. It was aterritory in 1861, first part of the New Mexico territory until New Mexico seceded and then part of the confederacy.
However, I was able to locate some gun control laws for Tombstone, but this was a city ordinance, which required guns to be turned into the sheriff when you rode into town and did not permit concealed weapons. I was not able to, in my brief attempt, locate the actual history of gun control laws in Arizona since its inception in 1912.
“Even gun slingers and cowboys understood that guns should not be allowed in bars.” – I believe you are referring to the city ordinance in Tombstone, during the time when Arizona was a territory. If I am wrong, I do apologize.
“You are probably a member of the NRA (Narcotics Racketeering and Assassinations) and believe everyone, including convicted felons, should be able to carry assault weapons?” – I don’t know what Phil is. I, however, am not a member of the NRA, nor the ‘(Narcotics Racketeering and Assassinations)’. My opinion is that felons should not be allowed to carry, unless they obtain court permission to do so.
“Those weapons are aimed at my kids! And remember this was a domestic disturbance a type of call made many times a night.” Typically, the guns used in crimes are illegally obtianed, though there are numerous cases when legally obtained firearms are used in crimes.
“See why-does-the-tea-party-hate-americans-and-their-government since you seem able to use a search engine.” – Ill check this out when I have a bit more free time.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Phil Dirt says
As always, you are wrong. I don’t belong to the NRA and don’t own a gun of any type.
And I’ll pass on reading anything from a website written by “A Central Ohio Social Worker striving to bring justice to the City of Columbus and the State of Ohio”. Oh, THATS fair and balanced!
Rob in Bel Air says
PTBL, is that all you got? Give it a rest my friend as you are losing the battle.
Proud to be Liberal says
Rob: We will see how long the tea party will be around my friend.
Rob in Bel Air says
I think (and this is my own opinion) that as long as Obama is in the White House, the TEA Party will be around. This country needs watchdog groups, liberal and conservative to keep politicians in check. Once these political types get into Washington, it’s all about power and what’s in it for them. They forget who they represent, they tend to seek out the biggest donors, and vote accordingly. In the end, the taxpayers foot the bill.
Rob in Bel Air says
Alex R.
Is that sarcasim or are you confused on who said what. It seem you agree with much of what I wrote. But if you think my arguments are weak and pathetic, please explain why (you left that part out for some reason).
Nick says
A quick Google search shows that the Department of Inspections, Licenses & Permits maintaines regulations for the tow companies.Posted by Steiner
Yes,maybe. However,they would not have the authority to impound cars,that would be the SHERIFF’s Dept,right?
Just as a judge can issue a bench warrant, but he will not be the one to carry it out.
And from personal experience,I would not count on the sheriff dept for my safety.Most of the deputies are a bunch of Barney Fifes.
Rob in Bel Air says
Barney Fife (the character and actor) was a good man. Granted, often his character screwed up (sometimes his fault and sometimes not), but one thing he did have and that was ethics. He (the character) tried his best and felt that everything he did was the right thing to do. He never did anything that was considered unethical (kudos to the writers of the show). Accordingly, by describing some deputies as “Barney Fifes” you are in some way paying them a compliment. As for you, you seem to hold a grudge (likely ticketed by a deputy or perhaps something more serious).
Chris Ullman says
No, I do not have a personal grudge against Harford County Sheriff. However, I still see them as revenue enhancers imposing another tax on citizens. Besides, someone needs to pay for the monstrous new precinct building in Edgewood.
And any reference to Barney Fife conjures images of a dim witted over zealot,not a law enforcer of honesty and integrity. Either way it would seem my point got across to the general reader.
David A. Porter says
If they are enhancing revenue, it’s at the expense of people who are too dull witted to realize they did something wrong and take responsibility for it. MD Case Search is the gift that keeps on giving. Proof that Karma is alive and well.
nick ramsey says
so what you are saying is it is ok to prey on people less intelligent or in a moment of inattention slap them with a fine. who are you,Sheriff Banes himself or one of his henchman
nick ramsey says
Yes,Md Case Info is interested. But I would not divorce myself from it.
Seems to me Rob apparently has no problem calling liberals/progressives stupid, yet fails to see the utter stupidity that makes up the majority of the TEA party.
Apparently he is bothered by the fact that some people believe what Impallaria is doing really doesn’t merit a lawsuit and is more along the lines of playing out an apparent beef with Bane, which is a waste to all citizens, regardless of political party.
Get this Rob: Not everyone in Harford County is a Teapublican and doesn’t buy into the hypocritical politics they practice.
Rob in Bel Air says
HDG Reader,
When did I do that?
Rob in Bel Air says
Don’t waste your time going to the website
It’s a liberal site with many untruths.
Proud to be Liberal says
Rob: And I guess FOX and Beck are the truth?
Rob in Bel Air says
Fair and balanced.
Proud to be Liberal says
ROB: LOL That’s a good one!
Will it ever stop says
If only you had an education
Rob in Bel Air says
Now that’s an “Earth shaking” remark ! ! !
Proud to be Liberal says
Rob: Well at least something finially moved the House of Representatives!
Rob in Bel Air says
Now that’s funny….
Cdev says
Dave Yensan says
It was noted, by more than one wag, that the Nation had a mild recovery yesterday but then the quake ended and they all went back to work.
Dissenter says
This county is run by “the legal gangs w/guns” and bane is the head thug. Everyone knows that harford co makes their own laws and are not subject to superficial things like federal or state law. The things this bum gets away with are sanctioned by harford judges?..the same ones who convict citizens of drunk driveing….The kettles not black’ its just full of cheap wine!
Proud to be Liberal says
Dissenter: Sounds like someone should not drink and drive (or write)
Retired Deputy says
Just because you don’t like it or Bane has some sort of control of this site you should post information no matter how damaging it may be to a political office holder wake up and don’t drink the cool- aid !!
Rob in Bel Air says
What you wrote does not make sense. Instead of making a statement and running, please explain how Bane has control over this site. In other words, what evidence do you have that he has control over this site? You made the statement – give us more. What is your basis of knowledge for this? Do you know it first hand or is it just an assumption?
Compucluck says
Why you are the only proof that Bane has control over this website that I need. You have already been identified as a cop or States Attorney or something. No ordinary person would be on a website like this trying to convince everyone of the contrare. The first 10 posts of this blog were definately inflated by an unusaual amount of clicks on the thumbs up icon. Also, you can see the same pattern on others comments like Grand Vizere where you guys clicked the thumbs down icon to block this guys comments. Are the opinions of others bothering you cops so much that you feel the need to censor the DAGGER? That is what you cops are doing when you thumbs down comments you don’t agree with, pure censorship from the Sheriff Department. Harford County has become a police state run by the thugs from Bane’s camp.
Rob in Bel Air says
Light bulb a little dim? By what you wrote . . . it seems to be. Give it a rest.
Paul says
Hey Compucluck,
I would like to address your post.
“Why you are the only proof that Bane has control over this website that I need.” – I have seen no proof that Bane has any sort of control over this site. In fact, there are numerous threads that are against Bane. This particular thread, however, it seems that many, not all, support Bane.
“You have already been identified as a cop or States Attorney or something.” – This is a public forum in which anyone can post. I don’t know if he is a cop or states attorney, it is irrelevant.
“No ordinary person would be on a website like this trying to convince everyone of the contrare.” – Of course, ordinary people would only be on here supprting your viewpoints.
“The first 10 posts of this blog were definately inflated by an unusaual amount of clicks on the thumbs up icon.” – Damn that public opinion all to hell! How dare they vote how they believe. Seriously, though, I have seen numerous posts with similar or more votes one way or the other.
“Also, you can see the same pattern on others comments like Grand Vizere where you guys clicked the thumbs down icon to block this guys comments.” – His comments aren’t blocked, just hidden/ If you want to read them, click on where it says, ‘Click here to see’. Pretty easy, eh?
“Are the opinions of others bothering you cops so much that you feel the need to censor the DAGGER?” – Censored? I mean, the Dagger may be censored, I haven’t noticed it yet. I would imagine they wouldn’t allow certain curse words or personal attacks on here, but that is about it. The content material on here does not seem censored at all, though it should be to only express MY viewpoint.
“That is what you cops are doing when you thumbs down comments you don’t agree with, pure censorship from the Sheriff Department.” – The HCSD doesn’t control this site. If individuals want to give thumbs downs to a post, so be it. Hell, I have received a few myself (Quite undeserved, I might add).
“Harford County has become a police state run by the thugs from Bane’s camp.” I would think many would consider Bane to be a little too liberal for their liking. He is a Democrat, and in the opinion of some, too soft on the way he handles crime in the county. I don’t think many would call Harford County a police state, far from it.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Dissenter says looks like the votes speak for themselves!…maybe you liberals should keep your blazeing pride to urselves, …and for those who live in glass houses!…theres a storm coming? don’t forget to shut your mouth.
Paul Mc says
The Writ of Mandamus was denied. It appears the Delegate Impallaria attempted to improperly serve the sheriff. As such, the court entered a default judgment, “09/27/11 Denied. No proof of service of process. Mailing is not legally sufficient. per WOC”.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Paul Mc says
Hmm, I was wondering why the court ruled this way and I think I figured it out. Delegate Impallaria attempted service via first class mail, as indicated on the Certificate of Service. Maryland Rule 2-121 allows for service by mail, but it must be ‘(3) by mailing to the person to be served a copy of the summons, complaint, and all other papers filed with it by CERTIFIED MAIL [emphasis added] requesting: “Restricted Delivery — show to whom, date, address of delivery.”
Since the delegate only used first class mail, as opposed to certified mail, as instructed in the rules, it was improper service.
Anyways, have a nice day.