From the office of Sen. J.B. Jennings:
No Outcome is Inevitable
This week we witnessed, right here in Maryland, one of the greatest upsets in baseball history. In toppling the Red Sox, our Orioles reminded us all that no outcome is inevitable. And that’s an important thing tokeep in mind as we approach October’s special legislative session.
This state’s political majority is bent upon using redistricting as an opportunity to further consolidate their power and even knock out one of our conservative congressmen. But as we saw at Camden Yards, a dynasty’s best-laid plans cannot and should not be a foregone conclusion.
Together with residents across District 7, I attended the recent redistricting hearings to voice our concerns in this process. I spoke about the importance of keeping communities intact rather than splitting them up. This is paramount to providing excellent service to constituents when community-wide issues arise.
Citizens deserve to have legislators who are completely in tune with their neighborhood’s unique needs, not to be split up amongst the divided attention of two or even three representatives. This was the biggest concern I heard from constituents who testified at the hearings as well: we must keep communities whole.
Maryland has two of the most gerrymandered congressional districts in the entire country – the 2nd and 3rd Congressional districts, which encompass Baltimore and Harford Counties. If some people in power had it their way, those districts would become even more gerrymandered, with little fingers and tails splitting off to divide communities based upon precincts, politics and percentages.
However, you spoke out, letting the redistricting commission know exactly where you believe one community ends and another begins. Your views have been heard, and now it is up to your legislators to listen and to pass a redistricting plan that is fair and makes common sense.
Congressional districts can only have a difference of one person between them. This means that each of Maryland’s new Congressional district populations must be 721,529. One person truly does make a difference, and I urge you to continue to be vigilant about this issue. Remember, nothing is set in stone.
I will be in touch as the special session begins to update you on the proposed lines. As your representative, I am doing everything possible to keep your Congressional district connected to your family and neighbors, not neighborhoods halfway across the state.
Please don’t hesitate to be in touch personally to share your concerns.
As always, I am proud to represent you.
Senator J.B. Jennings
Senator J.B. Jennings’ complaint sounds hollow and false. I did not hear of any GOP complaints when they gutted Congressional districts in Texas and Ohio. But I guess when Republicans do it, they do it to “keep communities intact”, but when democrats do it, they are “gerrymandering.” BTW this practice was invented by Republicans in 1812 in Massachusetts by Governor Elbridge Gerry.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
“Senator J.B. Jennings’ complaint sounds hollow and false.” – How so? He seems to state many truths and his complaint about gerrymandering is legit. Unless, of course, you favor this practice. I don’t.
“I did not hear of any GOP complaints when they gutted Congressional districts in Texas and Ohio.” – It happens with both parties and is wrong no matter who does it.
“But I guess when Republicans do it, they do it to “keep communities intact”, but when democrats do it, they are “gerrymandering.”” – That’s not true and you know it. It is politics. Each party gets what they can, and screws the other side as much as they can. It is disgraceful. Hell, it even happens here in Harford County, though in favor of the Republicans, and I believe you have complained about that before, though I may be mistaken on that.
“BTW this practice was invented by Republicans in 1812 in Massachusetts by Governor Eldridge Gerry.” – Actually, Governor Gerry was a member of the Democratic-Republican Party or Jeffersonian Republican Party, which was founded by Jefferson and Madison.This party split in 1824, into various factions. In 1832, this party, under Jackson, was known as the Republican Party, but also the Democratic-Republicans, then in 1844, it officially changed its name to the Democratic Party. In 1812, the Democratic-Republican Party was still in existence. The modern Republican party was founded in 1854, 42 years after Governor Gerry’s actions. So, Gerry-mandering is actually more closely tied to and founded by the modern day Democratic Party as opposed to the Republicans.
Also, it seems to be very widely used by both parties, though Maryland and Illinois seem to use it very well, having some of the most ‘gerry-mandered’ districts in the country.
Anyways, have a nice day.
No, I believe Texas is the king of “‘gerry-mandered’ districts in the country.”
“But I guess when Republicans do it, they do it to “keep communities intact”, but when democrats do it, they are “gerrymandering.”” – That’s not true and you know it.” Yes it is true. The GOP/tea party are the biggest hypocrites in the country.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
“No, I believe Texas is the king of “‘gerry-mandered’ districts in the country.”” – Look at the districts in Illinois and Maryland, then look at the districts in Texas. You can believe what you want, the maps are what they are. Now, I am not saying that the Texas districts aren’t gerry-mandered, as they are. However, those in Illinois, the ones that are as wide as a road…yea…ok.
““But I guess when Republicans do it, they do it to “keep communities intact”, but when democrats do it, they are “gerrymandering.”” – That’s not true and you know it.” Yes it is true. The GOP/tea party are the biggest hypocrites in the country.” – It is gerry-mandering for both. Admit that the Democrats do it. I have admitted the Republicans do it. Both do it. I can just as easily say when the Democrats do it, they are keeping communities together and when the Republicans do it, it is gerry-mandering. However, I know I would be dishonest in stating that. I know both sides do it. You do to, but you can’t admit it because you seem to constantly want to put down the Republicans and prop up the Democrats, no matter if it is bias, truth, or whatever. I wish for once, you would admit your argument was wrong.
Anyways, have a nice day.
closer look says
And what do these two states have in common?
Illinois – home of BHO who is very familiar with corrupt strong-arm Chicago style politics.
Maryland – home of MOM who wants to emulate the same type of political corruption as the above.
Demguy says
It sems to me the Republicans in Harford County are doing the same thing.
“The Democratic-Republican Party or Republican Party was an American political party founded in the early 1790s by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Political scientists use the former name, while historians prefer the latter one; contemporaries generally called the party the “Republicans”, along with many other names.”
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
““The Democratic-Republican Party or Republican Party was an American political party founded in the early 1790s by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Political scientists use the former name, while historians prefer the latter one; contemporaries generally called the party the “Republicans”, along with many other names.”” – Come on. You know for a fact that you insinuated that Governor Gerry was a member of the modern day Republican Party, which he was not. As I stated, the Democratic-Republican Party, which Governor Gerry was a member of, split, with eventually becoming the modern day Democratic Party. Look at the history of the party. Your bias and agenda are disgusting.
Anyways, have a nice day.
I believe that historians would say they became the modern day GOP. But nevermind, you are always correct. I keep forgetting that! It does not matter, my point is that Senator J.B. Jennings complaints are hollow and false. This is just another example of the GOP complaining about something they are guilty of. Just as they (the borrow and spend party) are now complaining about the debt.
You have a nice day!
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
“I believe that historians would say they became the modern day GOP.” – Do you have any bit of evidence whatsoever to support this, or is it simply your belief?
“But nevermind, you are always correct.” – Nope, I am not, I have made mistakes, and I have even stated on here before when I was wrong.
“I keep forgetting that!” – Ok.
“It does not matter, my point is that Senator J.B. Jennings complaints are hollow and false.” – The complaints are true. Now, he may be biased as he didn’t state anything about others doing the same thing, but the complaints are true.
“This is just another example of the GOP complaining about something they are guilty of.” – See, here is your bias. They, the Republicans….Dude, seriously, BOTH SIDES DO THIS. He is guilty of something both sides do.
“Just as they (the borrow and spend party) are now complaining about the debt.” – Borrow and spend, tax and spend, steal and spend….both sides do this. Not just the Republicans. Can you admit that?
“You have a nice day!” – I usually do.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Dude: Are trying to say that Democrats are even in the same league as the GOP/Tea Party? Please. When people start with the “they both do it” line it means they are using a Red herring argument or an Association fallacy (guilt by association): arguing that because two things share a property they are the same. Yes they both do it, but it is comparing a mountain with a mole hill.
You have a nice day!
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
“Dude: Are trying to say that Democrats are even in the same league as the GOP/Tea Party?” – Yes, I am saying that.
“Please. When people start with the “they both do it” line it means they are using a Red herring argument or an Association fallacy (guilt by association): arguing that because two things share a property they are the same.” – Oh come on. I was pointing out that both sides do it and how you have continually failed to state this. I was not arguing against your point that the Republicans do this. They do, I admit it. You, however, can’t seem to admit the Democrats do it. Or if you do, it is with the caveat that the Republicans do it so much more.
“Yes they both do it, but it is comparing a mountain with a mole hill.” – No, not in the least. Each side does it about equally. They both constantly and continually complain about the other side. Please, stop being so biased. Look at things from a neutral point of view and you will see it is done nearly equally by each side.
“You have a nice day!” I usually do.
Anyways, have a nice day.
amazed says
@Paul MC, did you really just ask someone with the moniker “Proud to be Liberal” to “please stop being so biased”? You’re funny.
Dude PAUL MC: When was the last time you saw a demonstration where the participants held signs that said:
• “Faces of Fascism” with the president’s face
• “End of Days: President Beelzebub Obama”
• “Obama Lies’ with a swastika
• “The zoo has an african and the whitehouse has a lyin’ African”
• “America: Love it or go back to Kenya”
• “Obamacare” with a Russian sickle and an African Witch Doctor”
• “Obama, Half-breed Muslin (sic)”
You have NEVER seen a Democrat sink to this low gutter snipping. Yes they both do it, but the GOP/Tea Party is many times worst. Have you ever listened to what they say? You are either naïve or a stooge for them.
BTW The Democratic-Republican Party became the Republican Party according to Citizendium, Wikipedia, however Britannica states “Democratic-Republican Party, originally (1792–98) Republican Party, first opposition political party in the United States. Organized in 1792 as the Republican Party, its members held power nationally between 1801 and 1825. It was the direct antecedent of the present Democratic Party.” So I guess we both are correct.
You have a nice day.
Phil Dirt says
It’s good to see that you have recovered from the coma that you apparently were in during the protests directed at the Bush Administration, where the signs and statements were much worse than those you supposedly saw at TEA Party protests.
Did you see that movie about the assassination of Obama? Oh, that’s right, it was made about Bush. What about the claims by Nancy Pelosi and John Lewis of racist taunts yelled at the congresspeople by TEA Partiers that only existed in their imaginations – even an offer of $100,000 for proof from any of the hoard of cellphones and video cameras present turned up zilch, nada, nothing.
Now it all makes sense – your head injury would also explain your warped thinking.
Fill Dirt: “…where the signs and statements were much worse than those you supposedly saw at TEA Party protests” If you have examples of Democratic signs that compare to the tea party, let me see them.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
You want some signs? Ok, check out this link:
Not very nice, are they? Though, I doubt you will ever admit they are as bad as the anti-Obama signs.
Anyways, have a nice day.
PAUL MC: You’re correct
jtownejeff says
and what of all the horrid things that elected dems have said of the tea party and of republicans in general? According to Pelosi, Biden, Jackson-Lee, and Obama, I am a bitter racist old white guy who holds the nation hostage as a terrorist while driving the car off the cliff (from the back seat) and clinging to my guns and my religion. and that’s barely scratching the surface.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
“Dude PAUL MC:” – Cool sounding name, I should be a pop music artist or something.
“When was the last time you saw a demonstration where the participants held signs that said:
• “Faces of Fascism” with the president’s face
• “End of Days: President Beelzebub Obama”
• “Obama Lies’ with a swastika
• “The zoo has an african and the whitehouse has a lyin’ African”
• “America: Love it or go back to Kenya”
• “Obamacare” with a Russian sickle and an African Witch Doctor”
• “Obama, Half-breed Muslin (sic)”” – All the time when W. was in thw White House. All the time with Sarah Palin. All the time with Perry. All the time with Christie. All the time with O’Donnell.
“You have NEVER seen a Democrat sink to this low gutter snipping.” – Yes, I did and I still do.
“Yes they both do it, but the GOP/Tea Party is many times worst.” – No, they are about the same.
“Have you ever listened to what they say?” – Yes, I listen to both sides, and they both disgust me.
“You are either naïve or a stooge for them.” – No, I am neither.
“BTW The Democratic-Republican Party became the Republican Party according to Citizendium, Wikipedia, however Britannica states “Democratic-Republican Party, originally (1792–98) Republican Party, first opposition political party in the United States. Organized in 1792 as the Republican Party, its members held power nationally between 1801 and 1825. It was the direct antecedent of the present Democratic Party.” So I guess we both are correct.” – You may want to re-read that wiki article, under the heading Claims to the Party Heritage. It says there that they have been the Democratic Party since 1844; which is what I believe I said in a prior post. As for citizendium, I read through it and don’t see where they say it became the Republican Party. Do you have a link to that?
“You have a nice day.” – I usually do.
Anyways, have a nice day.
jtownejeff says
Paul and Proud,
As funny as it was to read your bickering here, the point comes down th the simple, indisputable fact that Maryland is home to some the ugliest congressional districts there are, Dist. 2 and 3 in particular. District 2 encompasses Joppatowne here in Harford county, along with peices and slivers of Baltimore city and county, and parts of Howard and AA counties. I ask you both, as a citizen of Joppa, what have in common with folks in southern howard county? Aside from being in the same state, you cannot give a logical answer. It matters not which party butchers the districts, only that it stops. It is a disgrace to the citizens.
pizzle says
Unfortunately, the two-party system is slowly but surely killing our Republic…..not our Democracy…..but our Republic. The only difference between modern-day Democraps and Repukelicans is who they choose to stick it to in order to advance their own agenda. The constituents in both parties are “useful idiots” that believe they have a voice in the matter, and that their vote counts. It’s all a crock. As for the redistricting lines, does it really matter? This state is so far left, it’s one step away from becoming California….call it “Little Cali”. I guess we’ll see how that works out for us.
Let’s not forget that the GOP/Tea Party Harford County Council disenfranchised almost half of the registered voters. Would you care to tell me how many Democrats are on the Council’s redistricting committee?
Phil Dirt says
Wrong as usual, PTBL.
Disenfranchise – To deprive someone of the right to vote. Does not apply to this situation.
The County Council followed the rules established in the Charter to staff the committee. To do otherwise would have been improper. Of course, you probably believe that rules only exist as suggestions, and can be violated whenever you don’t like them.
Doing the right thing is improper? Only in your warped little world. There was a mistake in the Charter that will be corrected.
Phil Dirt says
You’ve confirmed exactly what I said. On Earth, elected officials take an oath to follow the rules. On Planet PTBL, you can break any rules if you want to.
I’m really beginning to think that you aren’t really a liberal, and have been posting more and more crazy stuff to try to make the real liberals look worse. It’s not working. You’ve gone so far off that it only makes you look irrational. I feel sorry for the true liberals who have to put up with watching you destroy their credibility by association.
Phil: I will remember your little witticisms when the State finishes with the redistricting of congressional and legislative districts. No whining Phil if you don’t like them. Remember they are only following the rules!
Paul Mc says
You notice how Proud ignores my question below asking him how many districts in Maryland the Republicans should control. Proud seems to be completely biased.
Anyways, have a nice day.
PAUL MC: I answered your question with Phil. “No whining Phil if you don’t like them. Remember they are only following the rules!
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
“PAUL MC: I answered your question with Phil. “No whining Phil if you don’t like them. Remember they are only following the rules!” – So, doing the right thing is improper? As long as it suits your idea of what is improper, I guess, eh? Nothing biased at all about you, my fine liberal friend. No more complaining from you about Harford County politics.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Dude Paul: You can call me any name you wish using your usual ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM. Not agreeing with you does make me bias. Bias can be for something as well as being against something. I am bias for the middle class who pays the majority of taxes so that the 0.1% does not have to pay their fair share. On the other hand, I am bias against big businesses that poison the environment and destroy the economy by sending good jobs to China. I am bias for government that can protect me against corporate abuse and bias against government that aids and abets corporate abuse.
So I guess this puts us at opposite sides and makes me bias. But of course you’re not bias.
Paul Mc says
“Dude Paul: You can call me any name you wish using your usual ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM.” – Been taking logic classes? Ok, so you are saying that I am is an attempting to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it. right? Nope, that is not what I was doing at all. I pointed out what you did, then called you ‘my fine liberal friend’. Not using the logical fallacy of argumentum ad hominem.
“Not agreeing with you does make me bias.” – No, that does not make you biased. I disagree with people all the time and many people disagree with me, usually in unbiased ways. What makes you biased is your failure to see any other viewpoint besides your own.
“Bias can be for something as well as being against something.” – Yes, that is true.
“I am bias for the middle class who pays the majority of taxes so that the 0.1% does not have to pay their fair share.” – There is a fallacy, appealling to the masses. However, what is ‘fair share’ Proud? How much should they pay? They already pay more than everyone else. Now, I think they should pay their fair share as well. In fact, I think everyone should pay their fair share. That is where we disagree. You don’t want everyone to pay, only some of the people. Everyone should pay the exact same percent.
“On the other hand, I am bias against big businesses that poison the environment and destroy the economy by sending good jobs to China.” – I am against big business that poisons the evironment and big business that sends jobs to anywhere outside of the US. The only tax breaks I would ever be in favor of would be for companies that are solely based in the US.
“I am bias for government that can protect me against corporate abuse and bias against government that aids and abets corporate abuse.” – Me too, though it is not a bias. See, we aren’t that different in many areas.
“So I guess this puts us at opposite sides and makes me bias. But of course you’re not bias.” – Nope, not biased. See, bias is a tendancy or inclination that prevents an unprejudiced view on a certain point. I can look at discussions from different viewpoints, understand and even accept others viewpoints. I may disagree with them, and they with me, but not biased. Your bias comes from you never seeing anything positive with the other side, never seeming to understand where the other side is coming from, and never seeming to be willing to accept an idea that is not your own. Also, I have noticed that you can never admit when you are wrong. But hey, not many people like to do that.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Dude Paul: “what is ‘fair share’ Proud? “ Paying the same percentage of taxes I pay. General Electric not paying ANY taxes is not fair. “They already pay more than everyone else.” Not in proportion to what I pay. Yes they should pay a regressive tax, the more you make, the more you pay: say at Reagan’s rates when he was President. I favor the Buffett Rule. I am part of the 99%.
“I am against big business that poisons the evironment and big business that sends jobs to anywhere outside of the US. The only tax breaks I would ever be in favor of would be for companies that are solely based in the US.” We agree here.
“bias is a tendancy or inclination that prevents an unprejudiced view on a certain point.” Not agreeing with you or the tea party is not from a ‘prejudiced view’ (even using this term is what ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM is about), but disagreement with the basic premises of the tea party today.
“Your bias comes from you never seeing anything positive with the other side” Perhaps, but I feel am positive and the other side is negative. I am FOR people while I see the other side for corporations at the expense of people.
“never seeming to understand where the other side is coming from” I understand where they are coming from and have detailed that.
“, and never seeming to be willing to accept an idea that is not your own.” Really!
“ Also, I have noticed that you can never admit when you are wrong.” In other words, what you say.
Have a cool day.
Dave Yensan says
Unfortunately that “mistake in the Charter” was created by the dems when they had control. It was not a mistake, it was done on purpose back in the days when the dems had a 75% majority in the County. It just happened to bite them in the ass instead of the other way around. What is they say? What goes around comes around.
jtownejeff says
there are zero dems on the redistricting commission, by rule in the county charter. perhaps if dems had been able to get more voters to the polls in 2010, they may have been able to have a member on the commission. their lawsuit was also defeated, and they chose not to appeal. i think the GOP should have appointed a dem anyway, but that’s just me. and don’t forget that dem council members have said that the three republicans did a fair job.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
How many districts in the state should be controlled by the Republicans?
Anyways, have a nice day.
Cdev says
however many elect republicans to congress.
Paul Mc says
So, Cdev, it doesn’t matter how the districts are gerry-mandered? Thats the point I was getting at with Proud. He changes his opinion based on the political make-up. In Harford county he wants one thing, in Maryland, he wants something else.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Cdev says
Personally I do not think they should be gerrymandered at all. Like county lines in this state use roads and bodies of water so should congressional districts. To your point however the GOP would complain no matter what because in a real sense due to the political makeup in this state the most number of seats they could realistically hold at this point is 3. That would assume Harris stays in the 1st if not the only republican or democrat elected in that would be a moderate. Maybe if Harford was all in the first Dutches seat would become competitive but neither would be a garantee and Bartlet would still have a tough but easy road. I think this plan gives them a safe 1st and Bartlet a good leg.
Paul Mc says
Hey Cdev,
I agree that they shouldn’t be gerry mandered. Based on the population of the state, the GOP should have control of 2 or 3 districts. However, the Democrats will try their best to make it so the GOP has 1 or 2.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Cdev says
how do you figure that. Based on the declared parties of the registered voters we should have 4.5 democrats, 2.1 republicans and 1.4 independents!!! since we can not have parts of people 5 dems, 2 GOPers and an Independent.
Now if you are saying distribution works that way, that is another story. Remember that Southern Maryland will not dump Steny when push comes to shove! So you have a ton of republicans packed in Saint Mary’s, Charles and Calvert county who love Steny! The same could be said for Roscoe and also was true for Wayne. Sadly the GOP screwed that up and made the MD-1 competitive again when they felt the need to purge him!
Paul Mc says
Hey Cdev,
“how do you figure that. Based on the declared parties of the registered voters we should have 4.5 democrats, 2.1 republicans and 1.4 independents!!! since we can not have parts of people 5 dems, 2 GOPers and an Independent.” – I stated the GOP should have 2 or 3. You say the GOP should have 2 and Independents 1. I was basing the ‘or 3’ part on the fact that the independents rarely get a district, which is a shame. So, the 3rd would either be Dems or Repubs. That is why I said 2 or 3. Now, if and independent party could get a district, I would be all in favor of that. 5/2/1 would be good for me. I do think, however, it will wind up being 7/1 after the redistricting.
“Now if you are saying distribution works that way, that is another story. Remember that Southern Maryland will not dump Steny when push comes to shove! So you have a ton of republicans packed in Saint Mary’s, Charles and Calvert county who love Steny! The same could be said for Roscoe and also was true for Wayne. Sadly the GOP screwed that up and made the MD-1 competitive again when they felt the need to purge him!” – I am not saying anything about any current politician or district. I am strictly speaking theoretical districts and gerry mandering.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Cdev says
I love how the 1st now includes most of harford county and all the shore but has this little sliver of baltimore county including hunt Valley and Cockeysville. Is that because Andy Harris lives there?
Dave Yensan says
No it’s to carve out a Republican enclave to lessen the chances of any Dem having to face a real election.
Cdev says
I would make sense to me if they wanted to gerrymander md-1 democrat they would move Cockeyesville to a different district and include the route 40 corridor in MD-1
Dave Yensan says
I believe that the State has pretty much tossed the 1st to the Repubs and is doing what it takes to make sure all of the others go dem. The 40 corridor is significantly more dem than repub by the way.
Cdev says
I know that. I think that if Cockeysville was removed from the first and Harris could not run in the first there would actually be a better chance of electing a moderate dem to the seat. It actually shows that really it is being gerrymandered to protect a republican. Why that one over bartlet is beyond me. Bartlett has been good for his district and has started accumulating enough seniority to actually do more. Ousting him would be foolish just like ousting Hoyer!
Monster says
We all disagree with gerrymandering. But, good old “Proud to be Liberal” is so characteristic of some of the dumb asses that respond to the topic at hand. He knows that the Republicans of Gerry’s time are not the Republicans of today. For him to say that is either crass fact mashing, or total ignorance. The Republican Party of today originated in the mid 1850’s. The Republicans that he refers to are not. As a result, the main article has been lost on this debate which is easily confirmed by either knowing history or reading it; something liberals seem to have a tough time doing.
MONSTER: You should know, since you’re quite the historian, that not only were the “Republicans of Gerry’s time…not the Republicans of today´ but the Republicans of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt were 180 degrees apart from what passes as the GOP of today. Moreover, today the tea party has quite destroyed that party and even demolished the Eisenhower, Nelson Rockefeller, Reagan and Bush Sr. GOP of my youth. Too, too sad!
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
“Dude Paul: “what is ‘fair share’ Proud? “ Paying the same percentage of taxes I pay. General Electric not paying ANY taxes is not fair.” – They should pay. I have consistently stated they should.
““They already pay more than everyone else.” Not in proportion to what I pay. Yes they should pay a regressive tax, the more you make, the more you pay: say at Reagan’s rates when he was President. I favor the Buffett Rule. I am part of the 99%.” – I favor everyone paying the same percentage. I respect your opinion on this. I have seen many people state this is a good idea. I have also seen others completely disagree with it. I would not be so opposed to the ‘rich’ paying a slightly higher percentage if everyone actually paid.
“I am against big business that poisons the evironment and big business that sends jobs to anywhere outside of the US. The only tax breaks I would ever be in favor of would be for companies that are solely based in the US.” We agree here.” – Yes, we agree.
““bias is a tendancy or inclination that prevents an unprejudiced view on a certain point.” Not agreeing with you or the tea party is not from a ‘prejudiced view’ (even using this term is what ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM is about), but disagreement with the basic premises of the tea party today.” – I am not a member of the Tea party. They are a fringe of the GOP. I like some of their points, just like I like some points from most parties.
““Your bias comes from you never seeing anything positive with the other side” Perhaps, but I feel am positive and the other side is negative. I am FOR people while I see the other side for corporations at the expense of people.” – I understand your view point here. However, I don’t see the GOP as being against the people. I believe their view point is to be for the people through big business. I am for the people. I think there should be multiple ways to go about being for the people.
““never seeming to understand where the other side is coming from” I understand where they are coming from and have detailed that.” – I haven’t seen your understanding, but will go back and look again.
“, and never seeming to be willing to accept an idea that is not your own.” Really!” – Yes, really. I have not ever seen you do this.
““ Also, I have noticed that you can never admit when you are wrong.” In other words, what you say.” – If someone shows you facts that are opposite of what you say, you argue against them still. If someone did that to me, I would admit I was wrong.
“Have a cool day.” – You too.
Anyways, have a nice day.