If you’ve been happy with the performance of the Aberdeen City Council over the last two years you’re in luck – the four incumbent members face no opposition in the city’s election next month and have a free ride to another four years in office. Mayor Mike Bennett, however, has a tougher path to re-election and faces former state delegate candidate Patrick McGrady.
In Bel Air, all three incumbent town commissioners are seeking re-election, but have opposition from two other candidates.
In Aberdeen…
In September, two-term mayor Bennett told The Dagger, “I’d be totally OK with just the five of us on the ballot” – referring to himself and the four incumbent city councilmember – Ruth Elliott, Bruce Garner, Sandy Landbeck, and Ruth Ann Young. Bennett very nearly got his wish when, at the close of the official candidate filing period on Friday, the only challenger to file for office was mayoral contender McGrady.
McGrady, who lost his bid for the Republican nomination in the Maryland House of Delegates District 34A race two years ago, has been a local Tea Party organizer and “proposes reducing the red-tape at City Hall and getting Aberdeen back to work and creating jobs.”
Bennett is no stranger to staunch opposition. He held off a challenge from longtime city councilman Mike Hiob in 2009.
The Aberdeen Ballott:
FOR MAYOR (pick one)
Michael E. Bennett
Patrick L. McGradyFOR COUNCIL (pick four)
Ruth E. Elliott
Bruce E. Garner
Sandra J. Landbeck
Ruth Ann Young
The Bel Air election should hold more intrigue (five candidates running for three seats), but with three incumbents and two challengers in the race, at least one of the current town commissioners – Terry Hanley, Eddie Hopkins, or Rob Reier – is guaranteed to return to office.
The intrigue in the Bel Air race concerns the fate and future of Hanley, who filed for re-election even though he still faces charges for an alleged theft at a Cecil County used car deal where he previously worked.
The challengers in the Bel Air race are Greg Adolph and Susan Burdette.
Adolph had impressive showing two years ago in the Bel Air election, when he just missed out on a town commissioner’s seat, garnering 410 votes, while Rob Preston finished with 418 votes and David Carey collected 417 votes.
The Bel Air Ballot:
Brian “Gregory” G. Adolph
Susan U. Burdette
Terence O. Hanley
Harry “Eddie” E. Hopkins III
Robert “Rob” J. Reier
Aberdeen election notes:
Aberdeen will elect its mayor and four city council members on November 8, but the term of office will be four years instead of two years, as was previously set.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, with voting from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Aberdeen Senior Center at 7 Franklin Street.
The voter registration deadline is Tuesday, October 18 to the Harford County Board of Elections.
The absentee ballot application deadline by mail is Tuesday, November 1 to the Harford County Board of Elections.
The absentee ballot return deadline is 5 p.m. to City Hall or 8 p.m. to the Aberdeen Senior Center polling place on Election Day.
The official election results will be certified by noon on Friday, November 11 and the swearing in ceremony for the mayor and city council will be Monday, November 14 at 7 p.m. in the city council chambers.
Bel Air election notes:
The Town will hold an Election on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at the Town Hall, 39 N. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD. The polls are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Books close for voter registration at 5 p.m. on October 18, 2011 at the Harford County Board of Elections, 133 Industry Lane, Forest Hill, MD 21050 (410-638-3565). The deadline for receipt of Absentee Voting Applications is November 1, 2011 at 5 p.m. by mail and 11:50 p.m. if faxed at the Harford County Board of Elections. After the deadline, applications must be picked up in person. Ballots must be received and stamped at the Town Hall, 39 N. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, before the close of the polls on Election Day.
The second meeting in November of each year, the Commissioners elect a member to serve as Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Town Commissioners. The Chair has the honorary title of “Mayor
There is no choice here – Patrick McGrady is the only one that Aberdeen needs! Patrick has a plan that will stop the constant increases in water and sewer rates and put more money back in Aberdeen families pockets. He will cut the wasteful spending. He will put families first. No handouts to big companies at taxpayer expense. He wants to make taxes predictable, low and fair for the working families and businesses. Let’s get Aberdeen back to work by reducing the red tape at City Hall. Let’s strengthen our communities without bad laws. Vote for and Elect Patrick McGrady on November 8th for Mayor!!
I am wondering with the election less than a month away, what Mr. McGrady’s “plan” is? If it is the same or similar plan as his family and he has enacted to his properties within the City of Aberdeen, I urge citizens to look at Holly Drive, Holly Circle, and Eastern Court, the deteriorating house and church at the corner of W. Bel Air Avenue and Law Street.
I find it amusing that Mr. McGrady believes he can cut spending where spending has already been cut. The departments within city government have done an outstanding job cutting expenses and asking the employees to do more with less under the current Mayor (and Council). The employees have stepped up to the challenge and have done excellent job.
There is a lot of work to be done within the City to bring Aberdeen up-to-sped and to be competitive. I applaud Mr. Bennett (current Mayor) for taking the risks and issuing the challenge to the department heads and their employees. I believe Mr. Bennett has proven himself, as have all employees within the City.
Patrick’s plan for Aberdeen is consistent with his convictions and principles regarding government’s proper role. Look through the 12 principles for governance listed on Patrick’s website, http://www.mcgradyformayor.com, or ask him directly what his plan for the City is. His cell phone number and email address are listed on his site. I’ve asked him lots of questions, and he’s always been happy to explain what he believes and plans for Aberdeen.
Regarding the church and parsonage on the corner of Law Street and W Bel Air Avenue, it is worth considering that the properties were very recently purchased and have already seen major renovation. Both the church and the house are in much better shape than they were just a few months ago. If you get a chance to go inside, you should. The work is impressive. And it’s work that wouldn’t have been done if the McGrady family hadn’t purchased the property and taken on the project.
It is also worht considering that given the amount of property which Mr. McGrady holds or has interest in within Aberdeen, lowering property taxes would benefit him more than virtually any other citizen.
How much property does Patrick own?
Also I think Art Helton would benefit a lot from lower property taxes.
I agree, Ryan, so just to be safe, you should vote for someone who owns no property in town.
Ryan; That is a real stretch. While I can appreciate the attempt, you have to consider those who stand to gain and lose the most in many areas. Helton owns a lot of property and certainly controls all aspects of the functioning of Aberdeen, but he already has his tax breaks so it only behooves him to maintain the status quo. That is best accomplished by keeping the current crowd in office. Please elaborate on all of the things whic you think have gotten better under the current administration. I may have overlooked something here.
I don’t think that Art Helton is on the ballot.
I don’t think that anyone said that Art Helton is on the ballot.
McGrady’s plan is to layoff city workers, sell our infrastructure and utilities and raise the cost of living for most of Aberdeen, so he can lower his and his wealth friends’ property taxes. Don’t buy into the hype.
Privatization and layoffs is what we need. Taxes are too damn high. I am tired of living in a society in which I have to get permission to do what I want on my own property. I feel as we are slaves to this government and it’s tax and spend agenda. Bring back small government.
So what’s going on in neighboring Aberdeen? Are the citizens so happy with their existing council members that no one feels compelled to run against them? I think this reflects very poorly on Aberdeen (What’s new?) Is it actually possible that all potential candidates realize that the council has given up every bit of its authority and the mayor is the only one who can make anything happen? I think the latter! Why bother having a council at all? All they can do is rubber stamp the mayor’s agenda. If they oppose it, it won’t matter because there is fundamentally nothing they can do about it. I think that the fact that they draw any salary or compensation could be grand larceny.
Now I know why Ruth is on council….so she can just collect free money! A job where you do nothing, serve no purpose, require no intelligence and get paid.
The city makes it difficult to run as well as political pressures from the political machine that controls Aberdeen and owns most of it. I congratulate Patrick on running, but believe that it will be bad for all if he looses. There is substantial evidence that code enforcement has been ordered to ignore code violations until after the election to insure a smooth election of the current five in control of the city. The have worked to already extend there tenure of office once they win this current election cycle. I can only wonder what there or more honestly there political puppet masters plans are once they win again. When this group win look at who benefits.
How does the city make it difficult to run?
They kind of let you know they don’t want you running and pressure you into not running with threats.
Why allow anyone to threaten you out of accomplishing your goals. However, that has not been my experience dealing with the city.
Because I lack the time and money to sue them for using creative ways to get there ways. Look and see who gets harassed by code enforcement.
Seriously? Can you be a little more specific? I’m curious to know what “threats” were made. It’s the Aberdeen Council, not the Russian Mob.
“Pissed With The Government”, an appropriate name HOWEVER “Government” starts at the top meaning our Federal, State, and local. Layoff’s and cuts to services is an irrational will have a tremendous negative impact.
What you are telling me is that you want Aberdeen to go back to the crime ridden, water main breaking, sewer failure, trashy town it once was?
Gotta say it but when the Mayor was Simmons and former council, this town was clean!!! No prostitutes, crack dealers, or trash! So to the former days, I remember.
Sorry but that is just not true. Aberdeen has improved dramatically in Mayor Bennett’s tenure over its state during Mayor Simmons.
How so?
For one, we have had limited smart development, not giant subdivisions which are doomed to failure. Several new businesses, including Panera Bread have come to Aberdeen. The city has a AA bond rating. I see improvements in all city services.
This city needs more then fast food jobs, we need industry that can support families.
We need to stop squandering tax dollars and getting loans on future tax revenue. We are leaving a huge debt in the hands of our posterity.
I agree that for the most part the development is decently managed to a point in Aberdeen. Though look at the tax breaks, Art got after the last election… or the tax breaks for the new office complex next to target…
While I dislike taxes, I am a realist and realize that some level of taxation is necessary, I just believe that all entities whether individual, or business should pay equal fair taxes a like.
Chris…you are right. I suggest to you Ryan that you take a walk this evening on the east side. Maybe park in front of the Boys and Girls Club and just stroll the neighborhood.
People say many different things about Simmons but most citizens agree (especially those in troubled areas) that Simmons provided public safety to all of Aberdeen.
I suggest to you all that the apathy that is being shown for this election has everything to do with the charter changes that placed all the power and authority in the seat of the city manager. He’s an affable guy but his real job is to keep his job and the forces that keep him there aren’t the Aberdeen voters. Two carpetbaggers; one an east side low income rental owner; the other an out of town unelectible washed up, but wealthy politician.
I am not upset about this situation because I always say that the citizens generally get the governments they deserve. What I don’t understand is why the folks with the power don’t do something with it. Is it enough to just hold the power? If I had that kind of power and a council like ours I’d make them dress funny and dance around for the camera on meeting nights. Maybe throw pies at each other. But have them do something.
I don’t know McGrady and I don’t know Bennett….but I do know that it doesn’t matter.
Guess what I live on the East side and walk by the Bots and Girls club frequently. I think it is fine. Do I think it is possible there are people out and about who are up to no good, yes but should we prevent people from gathering or walking about our city, no. However, I have also witnessed the police making arrests and believe that it is better now than it was before Mayor Bennett took over. I often walk through my neighborhood and have always felt safe an secure.
If I am correct there are 3 water main breaks today in the current “trashy” Aberdeen…just saying.
“Chris”, I wouldn’t say Aberdeen is “trashy” however you just proved my point. The infrastructural is in need to major overhauling. Pipes need replaced. All that cost money. These things should have been done long ago (under previous administrations, mainly Wilson and Elliott era) however it was not. Now the citizens of Aberdeen are paying the price. It is a shame.
Right on point. You don’t cut taxes and services when your city is in need of repair and renewal.
No, but you can eliminate government waste and start making certain companies like say Ripken Baseball pay there own way instead of you know financing them out of the coffers of tax payers… How about that, maybe not wasting damn near a half a million dollars a year or so to support Ripken Baseball? I think we can agree that we need to utilize tax dollars on necessary municipal services. How about we audit the Ripken Baseball organization and the city when we are at this?
No, but the city can make cuts to unnecessary money drains, like funding Ripken stadium. Privatize garbage pickup, privatize or form a consolidated water and sewer department with near by Havre de Grace, APG, and the county. The baseball stadium is an immense tax burden to the people of Aberdeen, myself included and we shouldn’t be paying damn near half a million dollars a year to make up for budget short falls on the stadium. It would better serve the city to sell it off even at a loss and start billing them for water and sewer. They have a 12 inch main for water, imagine how much that costs. The Ripken management organization constantly double books groups to rent the stadium and parking lot, this leads to a lot of problems.
I am tired of having my tax dollars squandered. And running for city council is meaningless as the mayor has total control and decides the course of the city.
Privatized means for profit. How do you think that water for profit will be cheaper?
Create a consortium of water providers in the eastern county, and allow them to use volume to decrease the cost of water. APG, HdG, Aberdeen, and the county all have mostly independent water and sewer systems with in 10 miles of each other. By divesting these interests into a private entity with government oversight we can decrease customer cost, and offer better level of services.
How exactly does that work with a fixed price commodity?
I understand the Ripken’s got an amazing deal that probably should never have been signed and was only granted because of who they are, BUT, are you suggesting the City break it’s agreement? One of the worst things for businesses is the unknown. A business needs to be able to make it’s plans based on stability and the rules not changing after the fact. They got their sweetheart deal with certain guarentees in it, so the built the stadium. To go back and break the agreement after the fact is a violation of the Constitutional principle of Ex Post Facto.
Lauren: thank you for the information. “Pissed With The Government”: thank you too for your insight. Good ideas and makes sense. I was going to touch on the stadium in my warier post. I can’t agree more with the stadium comment. Good conversation!
I live in the Holly Circle community and I am pleased with what the McGrady’s have done with the community. Please do come take a look at this area. There is no section 8 housing in the community anymore and Ms Pat keeps a tight eye on those that dont “live” or “belong” in the neighborhood. No, we arent the middle class that can look at us and say what a shame, but we are hard working individules that appreciate our neighborhood and changes that have been occuring here.
This is not why I am voting for Patrick. I am voting for Patrick, not because I like him as a person or he would be a benifit to Aberdeen, or even the fact that I see him working hard for Aberdeen, but simply because he is going against Bennett!!!! Ive never even seen the current mayor! If it wasnt for a picture I wouldnt even know what he looks like!
No one in Aberdeen even cares whats best for this town. Example: Ruth Elliot signs all over Edmond St. (I know she lives there). What has this woman ever done for this city????? Is Aberdeen gona vote for this bag of nothing again? Oh yea, no one even cares to run!
The fact is. Aberdeen has a very poor voter turn out.so it’s very unlikely any thing is going to change.
This may benefit Patrick as he won’t need that many votes to win, people are tired of the same old same old and want change.
Vietnam Vet is right. It seems the majority of Aberdeen voters who do get out and vote are satisfied with the status quo and despite what we keep hearing on the news and in the streets about wanting change, I don’t think that’s the case with a lot of people.
“Aberdeen Bonds Rank as a Safe Investment!” Standard & Poor’s has given Aberdeen’s bonds a Double-A rating. It’s the company second highest rating. According to the Standard & Poor’s website, an AA rating means Aberdeen has a “very strong capacity to meet financial commitments.” The city is awaiting its results from Moody’s and Fitch, the other two agencies rate the ability of governments and companies to repay the bonds they issue to investors to finance capital improvements to roads and infrastructure.
Sounds like the City is doing well.
Sounds to me like a particular Councilwoman is commenting anonymously to make herself sound like she’s doing a good job.
Wanna guess what will happen to that bond rating if Mr. McGrady gets elected an imposes his austerity plan?
I would believe it would remain the same or get higher, as Mr. McGrady is a stout fiscal conservative. I imagine he would have the city borrow less money and pay back as much debt as possible as soon as possible.
I believe he even stated he would eliminate the salary for his office if elected.
Well, that flies in the face of basic economics. Bond ratings are highly dependent on revenue. Decreasing revenue = Decreasing bond rating.
@Ryan Burbey – Decrease spending and borrowing less makes more economic/fiscal sense, but of course you think government is highly efficient and delivers great value.
“Taxes” I am not a Councilwomanor a Councilman, nor a woman at all. Simply, I am an INDEPENDANT thinker and voter. Your apology is accepted.
I was simply pointing out what “another” media outlet reported.
Surprised that there haven’t been any comments regarding Public Comment at the last council meeting.
From what I hear some 1st ammendment rights were violated at the last council meeting???? Word has it the Mayor just throws you out and threatens arreast if he doesnt like what someone has to say.
RWINGER: just points out the fact there is little or no interest what the Mayor & council have to say. nothing is very likely to change.
Question, where is the “Authority of” name on Mr. McGrady’s campaign material?
it is printed on it just rather small
Nope, looked hard at 10 signs, don’t see it. Oh well. Just an observation. 🙂
It’s there. The law says it has to be on there, but not how large. Since the candidate has to pay for it they have the printer use the smallest font possible.