UPDATE 2: The following email was sent to Harford County Education Association members Friday night from President Randy Cerveny regarding County Executive David Craig’s line item veto of bonus payment to Harford County Public Schools:
This morning, the Labor Board heard arguments regarding what funds should be subject to renegotiations. During the hearing, we were blindsided by the County Executive’s announced threat to veto legislation overwhelmingly approved by the County Council to provide additional funding for Harford County educators. This is a bill that HCEA worked with the County Council to amend so that the money could be moved to the Board of Education (BOE) to be properly negotiated. This money was given to the BOE by the decisivevote of the County Council. Craig has chosen not to support the consensus between the County Council and the unions and is single handedly holding your money hostage. Please contact County Executive Craig 410.638.3350, CountyExecutive@harfordcountymd.gov and ask him to support the amended bill as proposed by the Council so that teachers can get the money they deserve.
In response, HCEA has released the following press release:
Harford County Educators Condemn David Craig’s “Illegal Power Grab” and “Race to Take Harford County Public Schools to the Bottom”
December 16, 2011, Bel Air, MD…Harford County Executive David Craig’s threat to veto legislation overwhelmingly approved by the County Council to provide additional funding for Harford County educators is one more example of Craig’s reckless race to take Harford County Public Schools to the bottom, the Harford County Education Association announced today.
“The County Executive is attempting an illegal power grab, usurping the Board of Education’s authority and violating state law and the rights of school system employees and state and local agencies. Our public schools, hardworking educators, and state law are all being victimized by his stunning display of overreach,” said HCEA President Randy Cerveny.
“An extremely dangerous precedent could be set if the County Executive is permitted to begin enacting line item vetoes on items in the public school budget. What’s next? Will David Craig eliminate funding for high school sports that he doesn’t enjoy? Or for after school programs that he doesn’t deem important? Will he begin eliminating books from the English curriculum? What one man could withhold from our students and classrooms is incredibly troubling,” said Cerveny.
HCEA’s continued opposition to Craig’s power grab is rooted in his blatant attempt to circumvent the rights of educators, county residents, the school board, and the county council. “HCEA is committed to securing money for our teachers and defending their rights,” said Cerveny. “We want to make sure that our teachers receive every cent of the money, especially as the instructional salaries category in our budget continues to drop, decreasing by nearly 4% this year. But, we cannot allow the County Executive to get away with an illegal end run around state law that would set a precedent for the County Executive not funding our collective bargaining agreements and instead funding items in our public school budget purely at the County Executive’s discretion. It’s wrong, it’s not how the law works, and our schools will suffer if David Craig continues down this ill-conceived, self-serving path,” continued Cerveny.
“We’re taking a stand to defend all employees’ collective bargaining rights,” said Cerveny. “If we allow David Craig to get away with his illegal power grab this year and in this county, then it could happen every year and in every county. And if that happens, it will be to the detriment of educators, school systems, and students throughout the state.”
Randy Cerveny
HCEA President
UPDATE 1: Harford County Public Schools sent the following message to employees today indicating that a one-time payment for all employees, except for those represented by the Harford County Education Association, had already been processed before County Executive David Craig announced a veto of the necessary funding.
“Below you will find a press release distributed this morning by County Executive David R. Craig. The release states that the County Executive has exercised his right to veto the legislation approved by the County Council that would have funded the school system’s appropriation for the one-time stipend of $625. However, as previously agreed, the payroll for the stipend had already been processed through direct deposit or a physical check for your use prior to the County Executive’s announcement. Those employees represented by APSASHC, HCESC, AFSCME, and AHCATSP, as well as *excluded employees, are receiving the stipend at this time.
*Excluded employees are those employees who are excluded from a bargaining unit due to the nature of their job function within the school system.”
Asked where the bonus money will come from now and who authorized payments of county funds that had not yet been recevied, Teri Kranefeld, manager of communications for HCPS provided the following response:
“The payment was authorized by the County Council approving the legislation for the stipend. Typically, we disburse funds and the county reimburses the school system after the fact. Payroll processes the disbursement two days in advance for those employees who receive direct deposit as it takes time to hit all accounts. As we have just received this information, we will have to work out the details of funding.”
From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive Craig Issues Line Item Veto; Removes One-Time Pay Bonus for Board of Education Employees
Harford County Executive David R. Craig has issued the following statement regarding his use of a line item veto on fund appropriations legislative bill 11-54, As Amended, which was passed by the Harford County Council on December 13.
“In light of recent statements issued by the Harford County Education Association (HCEA), and its intent to subvert actions of this administration and the County Council to issue a one-time bonus to Harford County Government and Board of Education employees, I will be exercising power granted to me by Section 311 of the Harford County Charter to issue a line item veto on Bill 11-54 As Amended to strike the fund appropriation to the Board of Education.
“HCEA’s attempt to hijack this fund appropriation to support its case before the Maryland Public School Labor Relations Board in an effort to secure the unfunded recurring salary increase previously negotiated with the Board of Education places the county in a financially unsustainable position that I cannot support at this time.
“Upon resolution of the matter before the Maryland Public School Labor Relations Board, I will decide with the County Council whether to re-introduce legislation to restore funding for a true one-time bonus to Board of Education employees. It was my intention during the outset of this proposal that this be a one-time non-recurring expense, and that all employees be treated equally.
“As a 34 year educator and a former member of HCEA, I am deeply disappointed in its leadership and their efforts to co-opt this legislation. I applaud the other Harford County Government and Board of Education unions on their leadership, collaboration, and cooperation in recognizing the true intent of this bonus proposal. I am dismayed that a simple act of providing employees with a holiday bonus has been perverted for political gain at the expense of Harford County taxpayers and Board of Education employees.
“I look forward to being able to pass a bill for the Board of Education which will not become a union exhibit in a Maryland Public School Labor Relations Board case, and hope that this issue can be put behind us so that bonuses can be issued to Board of Education employees as was intended.”
The Line Item Veto does not affect bonus payments to Harford County Government Employees, Sheriff’s Office employees, or employees of the Harford County Public Libraries.
Randy Cerveny… This is on you. Thank you for ruining Christmas, not only for teachers, but for all support staff.
I am not surprised the HCEA ruined this. Craig did the right thing here. He had to protect the taxpayer from the union and unruly collective bargining.
No he had to protect himself from the flat out lies and the fact that the county lied to teachers. This actually helps HCEA infront of the labor board since now the county is sitting on a big lump of money!!!! The money that supposedly they didn’t have! It also helps out other employees since the other 4 bargining units have escalation clauses to get a match of any HCEA negotiated steps!
The County doesn’t negotiate with the teachers’ union. How could they lie to them.
Okay then, As I taxpayer, I think I should get the money and not the union members.
Today was the date that the labor board was meeting to determine what monies the HCEA could negotiate for since the Board was found guilty of negotiating in bad faith. Something tells me that a little birdie told Mr. Craig that he should keep the money because he is going to need it. The joys of binding arbitration!
I doubt Craig will need the money. His fiscal management is going to have the tax rate under a $1 by the time he leaves office.
Craig did the right thing here. The HCEA is being greedy AGAIN. suprise suprise. They are not they only one’s that haven’t had raises in YEARS. Get off your high horse. If someone offers you a present on Christmas morning that was nice but wasn’t EXACTLY what you wanted, would you take it anyway and say ‘thank you’ or would you snub your nose at it? Lesson learned here HCEA, take the gift or get nothing. hmmm… I wonder how your membership rate will fall next year?
Not when they offered you a birthday present that year and had you un wrap it and then took it back and said they couldn’t afford to buy it for you!
Craig did do the right thing.
HCEA not only messed up these bonuses, but they have also managed to frustrate Craig and the Council.
Great work burning bridges HCEA…your doing a fantastic job.
If someone offers you a thousand dollars you accept and say THANKS! you do not say, “That sounds ok but I’d really like 5000” What a joke the union is and now we all are screwed on their behalf.
Pathetic… Randy should lose his job (union supporters take not that his salary has gone up by thousands over the last 5 years while yours was frozen…)
Randy aka Cerveny is the new Grinch who stole Christmas (your Christmas bonuses)
What is the % in the Union now 60%? – and dropping fast — it will fold if it goes below 50% – oh my then we would need a new one with a new leader
Thanks loads Randy! Our union was for this bonus, what is your problem!!!!
Divided, villianized, struggling, disrepected. If teaching was like this 15 years ago, I never would have come to Harford County. It is a sad day when everyone is so lost in politics and fighting that those who have the best intention for your children are made to feel worthless- just in time for the holidays, too. This county does not prioritize education at all. By blaming the union for fighting for contracted steps and the debacle of this political game, we only weaken ourselves furthur. We have the best schools. I see it firsthand myself everyday, but unless we make education a priority compete with other counties and nearby states- the STUDENTS- who are lost in all of this- will be the ones who suffer. I loove my school. I work with excellent teacher, but I am glad my kids go to PUBLIC school in PA where teacher salary and benefits ensure that highly qualified candidates will compete to try to teach there.
You are so misinformed. Teachers are not demanding a pay raise or cost of living raise. We have not been paid our contracted salary for three years. If you look at the online pay scale, it is a misrepresentaion of our actually salary. We do not get paid according to those steps. A 14 year teacher is getting the salary of an 11 year teacher. This is blatant fraud. If I signed a contract agreeing to pay someone a certain amount and then, after they finished the job, I chose to pay them less they would sue me. Before you start yelling about how we are over paid and demanding raises, maybe you should find out the facts.
Don’t be silly…if they found out the facts they would not be able to give you a thumbs down when you present a rational argument based on facts!
Steps are always subject to funding being available. The scale system was never meant to be a contract by itself, but of a person is in good standing and everything else is as predicted, then a that step would be the correct salary level. I’ve worked in govt and the step system ensures that new hires won’t be paid more than a senior staff for the same job. That is really all is meant to do. Subject to funding availability is the key component here.
Having said that, a step raise was deserved to be given retroactive since the county has more funds than anticipated and the tax payer has paid property taxes at a lower rate the last 3 years. Once can’t say that the raise would have been a greater cost to the tax payer either for the same reason. The county has found the money to build roundabouts galore in places that are not heavyly trafficked and bought land and paid for other things and these tax $$$$ could have been devoted to well deserved raises. The teachers need to stand strong and don’t short change or trade your rights to bargain in good faith for a $625 payment that after taxes is only $380.00
Note re: roundabouts: most are on state roads, placed there by highway traffic formulas that conclude they are warranted. Please don’t confuse education funding with state and county road construction. The education funding is definitely a big enough topic by itself!
Using surplus funds for one-time payments is quite appropriate in volatile economic times. You can’t use your tax refund as a source to fund a larger long-term mortgage payment.
This is by far the BEST comment yet (Another Teacher above.) It says it all. ********We (teachers) are not asking for a raise in our salary, we are asking FOR our salary! What the PUBLIC FAILS TO REALIZE is that WE (teachers UNDER 10 years of service) are obligated to meet certain demands ie: earn a master’s degree within our first 10 years in order to keep our jobs… yeah, there is tuition reimbursement for 75% BUT 25% on top of the students loans we are already paying on from our undergrad, adds up! WE signed on with HCPS and have fullfilled our obligation to the contract, earned our Master’s degree to be highly qualified and provide the students of this county with the best education money can by… BUT HCPS has N O T fullfilled their end of the contract in the past 4 years! I now have a MA degree, student loan payment of $460.00 per month as a single parent, and am still making the same salary as I was as a step 7…a blatant violation of my contract – but I would have lost my job if I had not fullfilled my end of the contract! However, I continue to put on a smile and teach your children about the goodness in the world, fairness and that lieing, cheating, stealing and bullying is wrong. It is paat time that the public and HCPS start showing some respect to the TEACHERS WHO WANT TO BE IN THIS COUNTY, BELIEVE IN THESE STUDENTS, AND ARE WORKING HARD FOR ACHIEVEMENT!
I am a civil lawyer, but my wife and sister are both teachers for HCPS. It baffles me how the Union screwed this up. No convincing argument could be made to me that would justify the fear that acceptance of this money would jeopardize the renegotiations of employee salaries. That is why you have lawyers….to protect party entities from mistakes. All was needed was proper language of assurance. I’m just baffled!
Hey…Thomas Paine & Randy…How are we supposed to get the bonus money now that it is no longer available due to Craig’s line item veto…you clowns really screwed this up….and don’t argue that we will get the money as a step, because we were going to get that anyway due to the forced renegotiations…we could of had both if you would have handled it properly. Damn shame. Next time use the dues you get to get real legal advice from competent people.
Famous last words of Randy…”either way you will get your money.”….bahhahhh. What a joke.
Hey Earl,
“I am a civil lawyer, but my wife and sister are both teachers for HCPS.” – Where do you practice and what sort of civil law do you handle?
“It baffles me how the Union screwed this up.” – Time will tell on this.
“No convincing argument could be made to me that would justify the fear that acceptance of this money would jeopardize the renegotiations of employee salaries.” – I think there are arguments against taking the money. If the county can show a history of acquiescence in dealings with the union, then wouldn’t they be able to make an argument that the prior negotiated raises didn’t really need to be enforced? Or perhaps the step increases could be substituted with bonuses? I can see a number of reason why the acceptance of the money could interfere with bargaining.
“That is why you have lawyers….to protect party entities from mistakes.” – And to administer justice and to protect parties from themselves, and to counsel, and for a variety of other reasons.
“All was needed was proper language of assurance. I’m just baffled!” – I would disagree, but, you are the ‘lawyer’.
Anyways, have a nice day.
For a lawyer, you’re not very smart. Would you rather have a one time bonus, or would you rather have a pay raise? Which do you think would net you more money towards your salary, retirement, pension? By holding up this bonus, the union is forcing the money to be saved for salary negotiations. I don’t understand how all the teachers can be so shortsighted. Why do you all want a bonus, when your union is fighting and winning so far to get you salary increases? I just don’t understand how anyone can simply read a statement released by a career politician like david Craig and take it at face value? Why do you think this statement was released, while the head of your union was engaged in a meeting with the Maryland Public School Labor Relations Board discussing bad faith bargaining by the county exec? Maybe so an immediate response by the union couldn’t happen, maybe so people will jump to conclusions and not seek out facts. Facts like either David Craig lied or is incompetent. Negotiations took place last year for step increases for Harford County Teachers, an agreement was made and money was requested by the Board of Ed to the County Council for the necessary budget funds. Guess what, David Craig said no money was available. So where did 32 million dollars come from and why all of a sudden does he have money for. The Maryland Public School Labor Relations Board has already ruled that bad faith bargaining took place in negotiations, mainly that the county had money, when they said they did not. How can teachers put their faith in a politician is obviously playing politics to support his unsustainable position that he actually supports teachers. Please at the very least, before you make an decisions on who you support, seek out more information.
Mine is in my bank account, but I am sure that it will be taken back out of my next paycheck.
Thank you Mr. Grinch. Give someone an inch and they take a mile. One person has ruined Christmas for over 5,000 people. It’s embarrassing that the unions have done this. And people ask why I don’t belong to the union. This is one of the main reasons. They fight everything … even a gift horse.
They won’t take it back…it just means that going forward, the nobody will be eligible for anymore money including, not only teachers, but all HCPS staff. Teachers lose the entire $1,250, and everyone else now loses the possibility of getting the other $625
The HCEA will argue that teachers will see that in the form of a pay raise, however, as stated before, we were most likely going to get that anyway due to the Labor Board decision. It truly is baffling that HCEA failed so badly in dealing with this issue.
“We were going to get that anyway”
Really? How do you know that? I’m thinking you must be relatively new to teaching if you actually believe that. I just finished my 19th year of teaching. I was to get a 2k longevity increase. I didn’t get it. My wife just finished her 24th year. She was to get a 2k longevity increase. She didn’t get it. About 21 years ago they took away step increases and never put them back. Do you know what that cost my wife over her career? Think: about $1800 annually for 21 years, compounded by percentage increases.
Don’t ever think you are going to get what you are told up front you are going to get. You are not getting anything until it’s in your bank account. And if this is the way it is WITH bargaining representation, imagine what it would be like WITHOUT it.
WTF.. lol..You can’t even quote someone properly dumb ass….
Look at what I wrote and what you quoted…enough said..left out a word huh…see how that changes the sentence…and it is true that we will “most” likely get the lost wages due to the Labor Boards forced renegotiations…which again, has NOTHING to do with the bonus. lol
If they put it in your account, they can take it right back out. Been there, done that. One of the pitfalls of direct deposit, it works both ways!!!
This is nothing but a game to Randy Cerveny. In his attempt to stick it to David Craig he forgot about the teachers who are going to suffer. This entire situation makes me sick to the stomach. There goes my daughter’s Nook. Mr Cerveny maybe you could buy it for her with you $100,000+ salary.
I agree this whole situation is messed up….. But to the people who are saying they can no longer afford presents or paying credit card bills…….this money was extra anyway!!!! Three months ago, you had no idea you were getting it ! So if you spent the money before you had it, shame on you. I personally thought the whole situation was too good to be true and was not going to believe it or bank on it til it actually happened. I think the day teachers get a bonus or their step will be the day pigs fly!
Do teachers who arent stupid enough to belong to this union still get the bonus? No? Thanks HCEA – you suck!
ARE YOU TELLING me that the Pending bonus sitting in my checking account at this moment is being removed? Thats the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Do you know what support staff make yearly?What we do to earn our pay? DO YOU KNOW PEOPLE are trying to pay their bills with this-before Xmas? How dare you put it in and take it back out……that decision should have been made before you said we were getting it. This is what we teach children-not to take back their things out of spite.TOTALLY DISGUSTED!
I thought the bonuses got paid on monday. Today was your pay day!
Its a pending payment-which they can choose to not release funds-which is what they are doing. How mean is that? People saw that money in account early this morning awaiting Monday. So hurt and disappointed.
Hey Lisa,
“Its a pending payment-which they can choose to not release funds-which is what they are doing. How mean is that? People saw that money in account early this morning awaiting Monday. So hurt and disappointed.” – My guess is that waiting until the payments were pending before making the decision not give the bonus was the plan. Were I in Craig’s position, that is what I would have done. Let the people see what they could have had, so they can blame the union leaders. I think it is a good tactic.
However, I think if the teachers look, they will see that was Craig’s plan; to make the union look bad. This way they won’t focus on the contract not being adhered to, which makes Craig, and the rest of the government, look bad. This is, of course, just my opinion on things.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Don’t worry… it’s already been paid and will not be taken back. Our wonderful support staff deserve it. I am grateful for my support staff everyday. They said they won’t take away what was already funded. The teachers are the ones who get nothing. I love the fact that I now have to figure out how the hell I am going to pay for my graduate class that they are making me take. Awesome.
David Craigs office called me back this morning-saying we should not have received the bonus at all and to call Board of Ed. The money is now active in my account. Can they dock our paycheck and take the money back? I think that people, politicians, have lost sight of who they are hurting right now. I have called every office and they are all “passing the buck” on who is to blame. It is 6 days before Xmas and you have some staff wondering about if their pay checks will be docked or not. PITIFUL! Even if you do not think we derserve a bonus-its mean to play “keep away” with it. I am very disappointed in the humanity of all of this.
Lisa my mom once got a large payment when her school system switched over to a new pay system. She recieved an emollument check for 29,200 instead of 292. They school system offered her the option of paying the excess back or having her pay docked. For her the choice was easy as her pay would have been docked for a while. You need to call payroll.
Unions and Politicians fall into the same pathetic category. We should fire them all and start fresh – but we would probably get more of the miserable, self-serving, self-important same. MERRY CHRISTMAS
KUDOS to Mr. Craig!!!
Rather than go through a process to assure teachers that an occasional bonus in lieu of permanent pay increases does not become legal precedent, Mr. Craig has instead decided to veto the whole thing! And the best part? He managed to come out looking like HE’s the good guy, while convincing teachers that the only agent looking out for their LONG TERM interests is the bad guy!
It gets even better!!!
This controversy may have just busted the teachers union! I’m sure a lot of teachers who are members are going to quit HCEA over this which will decimate HCEA’s ability to negotiate future pay increases and benefits. And the best part? It won’t cost the taxpayers a dime! Teachers won’t get a bonus of $1250 or even $625, and now, because they are angry, they’ll surrender their bargaining power because of it! It’s a perfect win/win/win situation for the county, the school board, and the taxpayers!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautifully crafted power play. Brilliant!
We don’t have a union…we have a weak association that cannot strike and has never in my 16 years ever reccomended or “lead” a true movement against management…I’m talking work to contract..stop coaching..stop after school activities…get some guts and stick it to the management…Teachers are ready to do it damn it…and don’t give me the crap “wahhhh, it will just hurt the students” SHOW SOME LEADERSHIP AND LEAD US TO A WORK TO RULE effort and your membership will grow tremendously.
I got to tell you TEACH2000, I finally agree with you. Now we’ll see if renegotiations fail if the HCEA calls for that. Maybe you’re not such a little girl. The problem is, there are so many who teach because they love the kids, and I’m convinced they would teach for nothing. What’s it going to take to make people take a stand? Is this it, or will the bonus satisfy them? We’ll see.
UNION MEMBERS / NON-UNION MEMBERS – IT DOESNT MATTER! We ALL want our correct salary & retirement!
I, too, am a disheartened and discouraged Harford teacher. Like many, I have poured my energy, creativity, and yes, personal resources into my profession. I have always been one of those who have said that I would probably not “work to rule” because it only hurts the students. However, after reading some of the comments from people who obviously have no idea what is involved in planning and implementing even ONE lesson, I have come to a change of heart. I have never felt as little valued and respected as now. And it is not just because of the money. It seems now, more than ever, teachers are almost in a combat situation. Parents, issue-laden students, and increased demands on time have teachers rapidly approaching burn-out. I know I am. Teachers MUST come together and make a stand. Work to rule. Whatever gets done, gets done. Didn’t get to that stack of papers to grade? Oh well. Time to plan only a crappy lesson? It is what it is. This would of course also mean no after school clubs, talent shows, science fairs, dances and other activities that make school meaningful and enjoyable for the students. Even if it doesn’t help our pocketbooks, at least we will be making a statement together.
Teachers through their unions have created an public education system that has institutionalized mediocrity and poor educational outcomes.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
If you think it’s the unions making public education a problem, you really need to do your research. The problem goes much deeper than that. Society is failing our children and the public schools cannot fix that.
Teachers and unions block educational reform.
Teachers and unions are an entrenched special interest.
Stillwell, you are pretty uninformed. You’re all for educational reform, huh? What do you think was the biggest educational reform bill in the last number of years? It was No Child Left Behind. How many teachers do you think agree with what that act has caused? Teaching to a test…dummying down of the curriculum…less funding. Not many. If you’re not informed on a topic, you should really do some research before just shooting off at the mouth.
Teachers and unions block educational reform.
Teachers and unions are an entrenched special interest.
The Department of Education and Federal intervention in states regarding education are almost as big a problem as teachers and unions.
Stillwell, I don’t think most teachers would be against reform if they trusted the enterprise conducting the reform. Having someone that has never stepped foot in front of 30 kids, nor has never tried to follow an IEP or 504, nor has never tried to differentiate a lesson attempt to design educational reform is ludicrous at best. Just because people went to school doesn’t mean they know how to best change educational policy.
Heck, I took my car to Jiffy Lube last week. Am I qualified to offer automotive maintenance reform advice? I was in the emergency room once. Am I qualified to offer advice to meaningful health care reform?
What crack you smokin’ stillwell? As Joe Clark says just jump!
@Reggie, We don’t trust teachers, unions or the administration to reform education. You’ve proven yourselves untrustworthy, unreliable and unsuccessful based on the last 30 years.
Education reform over the past 30 years has been by poloticians, most of which have never spent time in a classroom!
I wonder if the teachers will be able to understand this: very good explanation.
dmichaels76, do you write fairy tales. I think you just wrote another. David Craig could care less about the HCEA and busting it. He will be leaving office soon and that becomes Barry Glassman or someone else’s problem. You need to blame your liberal Democrat such as Randy Cerveny and his cronies. Mr. Craig was more concerned about the teachers than the HCEA and Cerveny have been. Deal with it.
If Mr. Craig was concerned about teachers and other county employees he would not say “It was my intention during the outset of this proposal that this be a ONE-TIME non-recurring expense, and that all employees be treated equally.”
The key word there is ONE-TIME. He has no intention of ever funding permanent salary steps, even when he has the money and he knows it…that is why he had to veto and take back the money that he promised…because he knows the Labor Board will see it. Oops…they saw it anyways. Silly. And now taxpayers have to pay more for it. Keep on blaming the HCEA. I don’t know how Mr. Craig didn’t see this coming.
“what fools these mortal be”….Wow, Craig has just delivered the best union busting tactic seen in ages! Teachers….please….your union is your only support! Please…look past this $600.00 pittance and see it for what it really is!! The county and BOE is trying to take away your rights! Don’t fall for it! Stand strong and support Randy. It is in your best interests!
Teachers are the perpetual statues to everybody else’s pigeons. It’s a basic reality of life. I’m just sorry that our (HCPS’s) hardworking support staff got screwed over this time too.
BTW-I think I need a “don’t blame me, I’m not in the HCEA” bumpersticker.
The Harford County teachers and union will continually be walked over with no backbone existing in the union.
You want to make your displeasure known? Leaving comments won’t do a thing for your cause…
Want changes? Make changes happen…
They won’t do a thing to bonuses or step increases because all that’s going to happen is talk…
Ya’ll want changes? Make it happen…
Quit the union. Let the membership get below 50% (it’s almost there anyway)so the union is decertified. Then we can get a new education association to represent us. HCEA has produced no results.
This is just another example of David Craig playing games with HCPS employees pocket books. HCEA is not to blame for this, if only some of you would take the time to get the FACTS you would know that. I find it pretty ironic that Craig made this decision just hours before the Labor Board Hearing. Bah Humbug!
HCPS has yet to notify the support staff and anyone else who was to get this money.
@BobEvans: Unfortunately, a state law prevents us from striking or at least that is what I have been told by veteran teachers. I agree that the HCEA has not been forceful enough over the last few years. While other counties were able to maintain steps and even give teachers cost of living raises, Harford Co. has continued to treat us as if we are volunteers who are undeserving of a paycheck. What needs to happen is the “association” needs to be replaced by a real union who knows how to get things done.
What does the average teacher make in this county and how does that compare to the median income?
Hey Taxpayer,
“What does the average teacher make in this county and how does that compare to the median income?” – The median household income for Harford County in 2009, according to the US Census Bureau was $75,364, with a per capita income of $33,399. According to teachersalaryinfo dot com, the average teacher salary in Harford County is $49,088.
Hey PaulMC
Household income is the cumulative income of all wage earners in a household and you compared it to the average individual teacher’s salary.
Additionally, the statistics you cited do not include total compensation inclusive of benefits and do not adjust for teachers only contracted to work for 10 months out of the year.
Hey Papandreou,
“Household income is the cumulative income of all wage earners in a household” – Yes, that is why it is called household income.
“and you compared it to the average individual teacher’s salary.” – I simply posted the statistics that were listed on the sites. If you notice, I also listed the per capita income. I am sure if I spent more time, i could have actually found the average income per person in Harford County of working age, and compared, but really, that would be too much work for me to do today.
“Additionally, the statistics you cited do not include total compensation inclusive of benefits and do not adjust for teachers only contracted to work for 10 months out of the year.” – The statistics also don’t reflect the average benefits of anyone in the county, nor the amount of vacation/sick/personal days everyone in any profession gets gets. Nor does it take into account the number of hours people are required to work in any profession. Nor does it take into account the amount of education required. Nor does it take into account the ease or difficulty of the job. Nor does it…oh hell, you get the picture.
Taxpayer asked a basic question to which I gave a basic answer. if you want to further debate the pay, benefits, work hours, conditions, and requirements, I will gladly do so.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Hey PaulMc
If you weren’t misleading, sloppy, fast and loose with your post I wouldn’t have needed to clarify it.
You should consider being more careful in the future.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Hey Papandreou,
“If you weren’t misleading,” – It wasn’t misleading at all. I think perhaps you misinterpreted it. I simply stated the facts. Not my fault you couldn’t read them.
“sloppy,” – It was actually posted rather neatly.
“fast” – Thanks.
“and loose with your post” – Wasn’t loose. Again, your interpretation is on you. Again, I responded to a basic question with basic information that clearly stated what it was.
“I wouldn’t have needed to clarify it.” – You clarified nothing. In my opinion, you simply posted to be intentionally obtuse. You may not have, but that is my perception.
“You should consider being more careful in the future.” – Careful of what? Posting facts that people seem to have trouble understanding? Nah, I think I will continue to post facts. If you can’t, or choose not to understand them, that is on you.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Hey Paul Mc
I looked up obtuse in the dictionary and a funny thing happened I found your picture!
Anyways, have a nice day,
Hey Papandreou,
“I looked up obtuse in the dictionary and a funny thing happened I found your picture!” – Thanks for being mature.
Anyways, have a nice day.
So the average teacher is making 150% of per capita income, not including the benefits package. Please keep in mind those per capita folks are the taxpayers provding the funds.
Hey Taxpayer,
“So the average teacher is making 150% of per capita income, not including the benefits package. Please keep in mind those per capita folks are the taxpayers provding the funds.” – The per capita income also includes children, disabled, and retired. So, not all are taxpayers providing funds. I did not do a search for the average salary of the average person in Harford County that is of working age and not disabled nor otherwise not working. Hell, I don’t even know if I could find that.
I would actually like to know what the average salary of a full time employed person in Harford County is, and also what the average education level is in Harford County of these people, perhaps someone can do a little chart and compare the education level with the salary level? Then maybe compare it to the profession? And maybe include age and heck, while we are at it, include race/sex/ethnicity/sexual preference. Lets get all inclusive in this.
As you can see, it isn’t so black and why, there are so many shades of grey when looking at the numbers.
Anyways, have a nice day.
“Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable”. ~Author Unknown.” He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lampposts – for support rather than for illumination”. ~Andrew Lang “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” ~Mark Twain,
First the poor, the retired on SS and children don’t pay taxes. Second Teachers pay taxes too, actually they pay more because 2% of their salary is taken and placed in the states general fund even though it is part of their pension money. The numbers that have been cited do not include any benefits. Should teacher benefits be included but let’s say the neefits of a Lockhed Martin employee not be included?
Baltimore County Teachers worked to contract and got their raise almost immediately- HC teachers need to do the same- don’t be bought or bullied-
Of course – you sold your health insurance for a raise.
Oh Mr. Craig…you are a scared little girl (oh I mean scared little boy for those of you like scared little boys), just like so many of the teachers that are posting here. You’re afraid of the big bad labor board….that they might side with the teachers. And you should be. Afterall, you do have the funds for salary steps AND BONUSES. However, you should have seen this coming. You should have realized that the HCEA was going to try to use this bonus money in renegotiations. You should have realized that before this money was approved. Talk about short-sighted. Now you have support staff within schools thinking that they were going to get a bonus, in fact, some of them even saw it in their bank accounts. Now that is being taken away and now they want to blame the teachers. It’s great to have brother fighting brother. That is what we want. Great job.
And I can’t believe Mr. Craig would say “I am dismayed that a simple act of providing employees with a holiday bonus has been perverted for political gain …” . Really? Didn’t he introduce it? This wasn’t the HCEA’s idea. This is the most political thing he has probably ever done.
What will be great to see is teachers get salary steps through the renegotiation and to hear Mr. Craig tell teachers that they can’t have their bonus. Oh, but wait, I thought the salary steps and bonuses were two separate issues? Haven’t all you cry babies been saying that for days now?
To quote Mr. Craig, “Upon resolution of the matter before the Maryland Public School Labor Relations Board, I will decide with the County Council whether to re-introduce legislation to restore funding for a true one-time bonus to Board of Education employees.” I quess we’ll see.
Now all you teachers stop whining about these bonuses. Get involved in the HCEA and put a stop to these illegal maneuvers to circumvent negotiations. Or give up on the HCEA. I’m sure we’ll get are steps then.
Oh wait, Mr. Craig and HCPS, just really f’ed up. Their going ahead and giving HCPS employees their agreed bonus, at least those whose unions agreed to it:
From Teri Kranefeld:
“Below you will find a press release distributed this morning by County Executive David R. Craig. The release states that the County Executive has exercised his right to veto the legislation approved by the County Council that would have funded the school system’s appropriation for the one-time stipend of $625. However, as previously agreed, the payroll for the stipend had already been processed through direct deposit or a physical check for your use prior to the County Executive’s announcement. Those employees represented by APSASHC, HCESC, AFSCME, and AHCATSP, as well as *excluded employees, are receiving the stipend at this time.”
Now not only will these groups get this bonus, but that money can be used as evidence with the labor board to show that not only does HCPS have 11 million excess, but the county has excess funds to.
At least the support personnel doesn’t have to be pissed at the teachers. Now just the teachers are going to be pissed at teachers, oh wait, the HCEA. Stop being divided. Stand together. Maybe I should stop calling you scared little girls. Nah, that’s not going to happen.
Thomas Paine,
I hoped that you weren’t an educator, but You seem to indicate that you are. Your discussion techniques are deplorable. Would you really want your students to see what you write? You misrepresent your profession and make teachers look dumb. I know that you think everyone else is dumb and that you are so superior to normal mortals, but you kid yourself. Why don’t you take a job in another county. We would all be better for it.
Go on…elaborate.
Or, you could let your own individual performance and capabilities stand on their own merit? This way, you only need to be concerned with your own professional career and not be subject to stupid political games like this.
If Harford County wants to treat teachers like crap, then it won’t take long for word to spread around, and this will cause teachers to look elsewhere for employment. After that, residents of Harford County will look to move into other counties where schools are better…due to the attraction of teachers to those better paying counties/districts. I don’t like to think about that, since I’ve got kids in HCPS, but that’s life. I can choose to take my kids out of HCPS if I really needed/wanted to make the change. It would certainly suck, but I could do it. I understand that this cold way of looking at things will undoubtedly leave some kids with the short end of the stick, but let’s face it….they’re already getting the short end when it comes keeping teachers around that are long past their teaching prime, but remain in the classroom because of the precious “tenure” they’ve got.
That’s the great thing about NOT belonging to a union. If I don’t like my employment situation, I can take my own action to rectify the situation. In the same regard, if my employer thinks I’m doing a crappy job, they can let me go.
With a union you get the illusion that they’re “looking out for you”, when in reality all they care about is ensuring their own preservation ON THE BACKS OF THE VERY MEMBERS they’re “looking out for”. It’s great big pyramid scheme.
Lest we forget that Mr. Craig knows that all of the other unions have the ME TOO clause that is bound to the teachers contract, but not vice versa, ahem admin & supervisors…
Playing games again and jerking the teachers around…
This whole situation makes me sick. If you work in Education you always get the short end of the stick with our society. We have basketball players who make millions and they contribute nothing to our society that is meaningful. There is not one person on this earth who hasn’t used Education to accomplish their goals in life.
I worked for HCPS for four years and they do not value their employees and that’s why I left. I am now happier, making more money and working less. This county should be fighting to keep their teachers as well as those who work in other positions with HCPS with pay increases and more. They deal with alot of stuff on a daily basis. Ask any teacher,IH, IA, secretary,cafetaria worker, and custodian especially those who work on the southside of Harford County. I have several friends who work and get paid nothing. I want to see David Craig and those HCEA Union reps bring home 500.00 every two weeks and survive like some of my friends who are IH’s and Cafeteria Workers have to.
If we don’t all come together as a collective voice and stand up with the HCEA right NOW- as they go before the Labor Board and fight for what was promised us in our contract and denied the last 3 years (in order to help fund this surplus??), (and apparently which still reads as our salary on the website???!!!) versus $1,200.00, one time- that would be gone by the weekend on backed up bills, we are jeopardizing the quality of education in this county.
I have never in all my years at HCPS seen a more dangerous political climate where teachers are so frustrated and angry and there is so much vitriol. Teachers- please, respectfully, realize who really is honest and on your side and who is doing the union busting, political maneuvering, and then decide that you need bargaining rights and a person of strong enough character – Randall Cerveny- who is willing to fight a good fight for you. You may be thanking him if justice prevails tonight. Let’s hope you are. I support Randall Cerveny and HCEA.
I don’t argue that you should fight for your contracts however; the HCEA wasn’t the only union to agree to increases in pay. NO ONE is getting them. Why should Teachers be any different than any other Government employee? I’m sorry to be harsh but in this specific situation and in these financial concerns (i.e. bonuses and raises), you’re just not that special. Your union is greedy and would see any other funding, county employee, and even our police take pay cuts and go without raises AGAIN to fund YOUR raises. I for one am glad someone is finally standing up to the HCEA. Although, I am sorry for the teachers that are being shorted any bonus before Christmas. Everyone was denied increases to help with the surplus. Let’s not forget the added money the County got from the state from the lottery winnings kick back that they get. (The couple of larger winners we had this year paid taxes on their winnings, some of that comes back to the county) That was kind of “found money” (not reoccurring to budget annual raises) “Teachers are so frustrated and angry and there is so much vitriol”? Welcome to the club honey.
Personally, long term I think Randall Cerveny AND David Craig need to go. However in the here and now, I think the HCEA needs to stop being greedy, get off their pedestal and realize that they’re not the only ones not getting any money. No matter how much you squeeze that rock, blood will not come from it.
The other four bargining units have matching clauses. If HCEA gets a better deal they get it too! So HCEA achieving a labor board victory actually benefits them too!
UPDATED: Harford County Public Schools Pays Out Employee Bonus Funds Vetoed by County Executive Craig (see top of this story for updates)
You asked for it compared to the median, then use the per capita because it is lower and fits your argument better since it is 1/3 less. Per capita is based on the entire population including those who generate no income. Plus, I must have missed where teachers were made tax exempt.
Pappy, let’s not forget that the be idiots package was changed illegally which is part of the reason the county was found to have negotiated in bad faith and had to reimburse teacher part of their Heathcare premiums (one time only but the increased premiums remained). Al’s these are scewed because the published scales are presented as if salary steps were given over the last 3 years, per the contract, and have not been given-ignoring the binding contract.
The county exec has realized he has been part of the bad faith negotiations and trying to cover hself by trying to put the blame on HCEA and the teachers. Simple divide and conqour. Whatever increases are given to HCEA will be given to the other associations due to the ME TOO clause that they have in their contracts. It is amazing that this gains so much attention, but people wish to ignore the fact that this could have been avoided. People wish to ignore the fact that two years ago the county council provided funds for step increases, but Tombeck & the BOE diverted to else where-salaries for his new admin positions filled by Balt Co people & flat screen tvs. Or the negotiation in bad faith this past year.
If the teachers are so bad and selfish, let’s try this. Dissolve the current HCPS. reconstitute it and hire new teacher independent of the current HCEA. Negotiate with each individual on market rates. Current HCPS teacher has at least 1 masters degree and working towards a second. Salary will be based on surrounding areas: Balt. Co-higher, Ciecil Co.-higher, SE PA-higher. Then the opportunity for a REAL union, such as the AFT to come in. Plus we can get a bunch of inexperienced teachers with no connection to the area to come in instead of people who have lived here and have a vested interest in the area. Which has been going on, regardless of the figures that HCPS has put out. Look into how many teachers have been hired from PA, NY, and NJ, stayed for 2-3 years then returned to their higher paying areas.
Sounds like a winner to me!
It is obvious that most of the teachers (if not all) feel cheated out of this because of Randy Cerveny had to push the envelope. The bottom line is Craig never said that this was a solution, but a gesture to help those of us in a bind and a way to say I haven’t forgotten you all. The other part of his statement in the paper (roughly paraphrasing) is that he would like to later down the line and give us all raises. If you do the math the bonus is more beneficial then raises, it figures out to maybe twenty bucks a pay.
The thing that upsets me the most is that this guy doesn’t consider anyone else, teachers work long hours, they get at school very early and stay very late. How do I know this? Easy I work at one of our schools and see the hard work and dedication that they put in. I also think that it is rotten to lump us all into what the president of the HCEA is doing. I hope that Craig will have a cool head and re-think what he is doing.
Do not let one person ruin a good thing. I do believe that Craig has good intentions of giving us raises, but what he was doing was trying to help and now somebody comes along and throws a wrench in the whole thing.
I beg you Mr. Craig rethink this, don’t let one person hurt those that need this money the most. That is something that is not worth it.
Then why was Mr. Craig so reluctant to talk to HCEA and legally assure them that this was not in any way a precedent? Seems to me that Mr. Craig could have easily given the teachers this reassurance AS WELL as a few bonus bucks. What would that have hurt?
They did a salary comparison before the recession hit hard. In 05 I believe (I could be a year off) the teachers got a 6% increase with a 3% COLA, which both County Employees and the Sheriff’s Office supported. The year after that, Sheriff’s Office got their 9% (without the support of the teachers btw.) They cried for more funding. The year after that the rest of the county employees got their 9% (again without teacher support) since then, no one has gotten anything. Well, upper management being the exception of course.
This is an awful and disturbing situation we HCPS teachers are in. I am maddened by the comments that some of our “taxpayers” have to say as well. So much disrespect for teachers out there. Apparently most of you that disrespect us are not teachers, related to teachers, married to teachers, or have a child who goes to public school. The Harford County Sherriff’s office deserves their bonus and I support that. They willingly support our schools. Harford Co. Government deserves theirs too. However, I am fairly certain that we as teachers deserve ours as well. We’re just asking for some consideration. We get the bad wrap because of our Union but not all of us support their fight. 90% of the teachers in my building plan on dropping the Union. We realize they don’t support our cause, we are just too afraid to not have legal representation should we need it.
I seriously doubt 90% of any building is going to drop. You must be active to make the union work.
I am active. I was an Building Rep for three years for HCEA… I just got fed up with not seeing results. My building has stated they all want to withdrawl from the Union because of this. I can’t control if they do, and I don’t encourage nor discourage their choice. I think this whole thing is one ridiculous power struggle.
Same here. I can only do so much to calm the fears of the other teachers in my building. I have gone as far as to reword Randy’s emails for my members because they seem so convoluted and filled with legal mumbo-jumbo that the teachers are left with more questions than answers. After my explanations, many seemed understanding of the situation, but now given recent events, they are furious. Quite a few teachers have approached me about threatening to leave the association or mentioning the need for Randy to resign.
“An extremely dangerous precedent could be set if the County Executive is permitted to begin enacting line item vetoes on items in the public school budget. What’s next? Will David Craig eliminate funding for high school sports that he doesn’t enjoy? Or for after school programs that he doesn’t deem important? Will he begin eliminating books from the English curriculum? What one man could withhold from our students and classrooms is incredibly troubling,” said Cerveny.
As you know, I am extremely active. We have to fight. This is a Trojan Horse. It’s doing what it’s designed to do, divide us. Keep fighting.
I have been watching this debacle develop over the last several days and am sickened by the entire thing. the teachers and their union are so infantile and uninformed about the real world that it would be laughable if it weren’t for the fact that they take our mush headed kids and fill them full of the same BS they are spewing here. There is no hope for the future if these are suppose to be our educators.
Mr. Yansen,
Maybe you have mush head kids but I do not. Your comments are offensive.
Mr. Berbuy my comment was intended to be offensive. The comments from the union folks about how things work in their small minded world is excessively offensive. I’m very glad that I don’t have any children in the HCPS system because it appears that turning out a quality product is the last thing any of you consider.
You are patently wrong. Most union folk work ridiculous hours and bust their asses to the best they can for their kids. My kids are not a product. Their education and future is not a product. Maybe it HCPS were funded commensurate with the better school system in the state it would excel and flourish rather than just being above average. Do some research before you start bad mouthing our schools, teachers and unions.
@Ryan Burbrey
Public education in the US is broken. You are the problem.
What teachers are upset about is that the contractual agreements in place have now been lived up to, that we have been repeatedly lied to by the Tombeck and the BOE, that we are constantly vilified, belittled, and disrespected by the powers that be. Now, we are bastardized for not taking a couple of sheckles when the state has said we were screwed over and the Co Exec waits till the last minute to deflect the ruling of the labor board.
How ungrateful can teachers be…
Harford County Educators Condemn David Craig’s “Illegal Power Grab” and “Race to Take Harford County Public Schools to the Bottom”
December 16, 2011, Bel Air, MD…Harford County Executive David Craig’s threat to veto legislation overwhelmingly approved by the County Council to provide additional funding for Harford County educators is one more example of Craig’s reckless race to take Harford County Public Schools to the bottom, the Harford County Education Association announced today.
“The County Executive is attempting an illegal power grab, usurping the Board of Education’s authority and violating state law and the rights of school system employees and state and local agencies. Our public schools, hardworking educators, and state law are all being victimized by his stunning display of overreach,” said HCEA President Randy Cerveny.
“An extremely dangerous precedent could be set if the County Executive is permitted to begin enacting line item vetoes on items in the public school budget. What’s next? Will David Craig eliminate funding for high school sports that he doesn’t enjoy? Or for after school programs that he doesn’t deem important? Will he begin eliminating books from the English curriculum? What one man could withhold from our students and classrooms is incredibly troubling,” said Cerveny.
HCEA’s continued opposition to Craig’s power grab is rooted in his blatant attempt to circumvent the rights of educators, county residents, the school board, and the county council. “HCEA is committed to securing money for our teachers and defending their rights,” said Cerveny. “We want to make sure that our teachers receive every cent of the money, especially as the instructional salaries category in our budget continues to drop, decreasing by nearly 4% this year. But, we cannot allow the County Executive to get away with an illegal end run around state law that would set a precedent for the County Executive not funding our collective bargaining agreements and instead funding items in our public school budget purely at the County Executive’s discretion. It’s wrong, it’s not how the law works, and our schools will suffer if David Craig continues down this ill-conceived, self-serving path,” continued Cerveny.
“We’re taking a stand to defend all employees’ collective bargaining rights,” said Cerveny. “If we allow David Craig to get away with his illegal power grab this year and in this county, then it could happen every year and in every county. And if that happens, it will be to the detriment of educators, school systems, and students throughout the state.”
Randy Cerveny
HCEA President
I am a teacher. I don’t feel robbed of a bonus that would be taxed at a high rate (I think approx 30%). I won’t be quitting the association. I would like the agreed upon step increase, not a bonus. I’m willing to wait for arbitration to run its course before worrying about this payment. I think a long view is better. There are others out there like me.
Good for you. There are many teachers like you. We all need to stand together.
I’m also teacher and I agree with you. Many of us are just thinking in the short term a step or COLA would increase our salary for the long run and not be a short term fix. I would rather wait and get a step or COLA. I think people need to think of the big picture. I think things were not handled well on both sides. There is blame to go around, but the end of the day I would rather see a long term solution to the problem. A band aid is not going to fix a large gash.
I am also a teacher. Here is a novel concept. Fund the agreed to contract, period. That has not been done for two years running, this will make the third. In what other business can a contract be ignored without legal ramifications? While I would have liked the bonus, it is crap compared to the steps that I and every other teacher are ENTITLED to. Yes, Dave and all you other blow hards, ENTITLED to. Why do I say entitled? Because it was a signed contract, therefore I am rightfully owed that money. Keep on keeping on Randy, fight the good fight.
You might get your cola and steps…when the money is eventually there…but so will everyone whether they take this bonus or not OR you may be one of the ones they lay off in order to have the funds to give steps, cola, etc. Quite possibly, class ratios could go up, and teachers could be cut. So if you’re so unhappy or “frustrated” take your disgruntled attitude to another county since you may be one of the ones who thinks you’d have it better there.
Or we could just stay here and keep fighting for colas, salary steps, etc. and you can take you scared attitude to another county where you will be safe and the county executive takes care of you like a baby with a dirty diaper. Oh wait, that’s what Harford County does. “Quite possibly” means there could be a lot of things that happen…let’s work together to get the most we can. I think we can do better than a $1250 bonus. I guess that is all it takes to make you happy.
I’m not scared. I actually love his county. Love the school system. And here is a shocker…. I actually like Tomback and David Craig. Why should I “fight” for a cola when I know the money isn’t there? I’ll gladly go without colas, steps, etc. so people can keep their jobs. However, keep in mind, some of the very people who are complaining and wanting these increases, could be the same people who could be laid off next year in order to make these increases happen. Kudos to Tomback and Craig. Our society is flawed….mainly because people have a sick sense of “entitlement”.
Teachers like you are why teachers in this county do not get salary steps. It has nothing to do with money. The money is there. The problem is the politicians and HCPS know teachers like you will “gladly go without colas, steps, etc. so people can keep their jobs “. That’s great selfs-sacrifice, except when too many people kill themselves. Instead, we need to say to them that we will no longer stand by and not get the competitive compensation. You can argue what’s competitive all day, but I prefer to fight for as much as I can. Isn’t that what the taxpayers are doing by not supporting salary steps for teachers?
You’re scared because of the could be’s. If you never stand up and fight, you will never get anything in this world. I’m not entitled to anything except to have the freedom to organize with my fellow employees and allow our voices to heard. It’s just too bad we are not all on the same page.
However, If we happen to get salary steps because teachers whinned and cried and fought and pissed and moaned, it’s not because of the big bad powerful HCEA, it’s because all parties agreed to them in negotiations.
Lisa,the money is there. Look at the budgets.
The money is there.
You’re actually not “rightfully owed” that money. Read your negotiated agreement.
You are correct…but you fail to mention that the salary schedule is used as a recruiting too to hire new teachers…those suckers. I can’t believe they actually thought that they would get a salary step each year. Idiots.
Are the new hires capable of reading a negotiated agreement? Can they watch the news and recognize what the economy is like? I hope so. Nothing in life is guaranteed….I would hope new hires and HCEA would at least realize that.
Tell me, did you a 40 some page negotiated agreement, line by line, letter by letter before you got a job when you were 21? Agreed, not an excuse that holds water in court, but seriously? I didn’t think so.
They’re adults, who are supposed to teach and educate children. They should be responsible enough to read it…and ummm…the statement about not being guaranteed additional money is on Page 2. If they don’t read it, shame on them. If they are unhappy… Go to another county. I like teaching beside positive, upbeat teachers….not is disgruntled ones who think they could make more money elsewhere and keeping complaining about it. What a bunch of whiners. Imagine what would happen if there was no union…welcome to a good portion of the real world. This entire situation gives unions a bad name.
Aren’t you whining about the whiners?
And there is an association, not a union, so I think I’ll use it.
This whole situation gives Mr. Craig a bad name. He is a cheat who has relentlessly bargained in bad faith. He couldn’t even keep his word for three days. And now you self-advocating taxpayers are going to have to pay for that.
HCPS has the lowest turnover rate in the Baltimoe metro area. HCPS doesn’t have a problem recruiting teachers.
Damn it. You finally convinced me. HCPS is awesome. There is nothing more I need. Quick, everybody, stop. We’re good. HCPS is going to take care of us.
Sorry, I think I’ll keep on pushing.
Not true.
If this is true, then why does HCPS spend a week recruiting in Michigan (and not to mention the other states) if we have no problem with turnover or recruiting?
Sorry Ryan it is true. Do a little research and you will find the facts. (Hint- you can find this info in yearly report)
You would be shocked to find that teachers love to work in great schools and are willing to be paid a little less to do so.
Read the report more carefully. The retention statistics a stilted.
I often read these forums when “breaking news” happens to bring some levity to life. It always amazes me how many people will hop on, vent frustration with no real support to their argument and attack each other like little school kids. I’ve heard several main complaints repeatedly:
Statement: HCPS teachers are not paid like surrounding counties
Fact: While HCPS teachers start off at a lower salary than surrounding counties for both BS & MS degrees (BS HA $41,177 BC $43,000 Cecil $42,890/MS $43,077 BC $44,014 Cecil $44,665) by year 4 teachers in HC are paid more (HA $44,987 BC $44,755 Cecil $45,180/MS HA $47,728 BC $46,251 Cecil $46,955) and the amounts increase more by year 10. Most of those complaining have stated that they have worked for many years and just have not received anything over the past 3 years; therefore you are most likely paid better then surrounding counties. Also keep in mind you have the option to apply in the “better paying, more appreciated counties” although if you factor in gas and time, I’d imagine it’s more cost effective to work closer to home.
Statement: Teachers haven’t been given the negotiated raises/steps in years
Fact: Although all raises/steps were negotiated, they have not been able to be funded and therefore not approved by the fiscal authorities. In case some haven’t noticed the world is in a financial crisis, not just America, and so on. Some states have had to file bankruptcy because of spending issues and Maryland is not one of them. Most places have frozen salaries (ie Federal Employees frozen @ 2010 levels until 2013 and congress is working to freeze until 2015), furloughed (ie county/state of MD), laid off or closed/were bailed out because of poor fiscal management (See GM, Solyndra, etc). The unemployment rate is around 9% with true under/unemployment almost double. To complain that there is currently a surplus in an account that could fund the steps when the HC has been asking for money to be returned the past several years is irresponsible. Possibly a “Thank You” for having a job and not being furloughed would be a start. Although if everyone really wants those steps/raises, I’m sure they could reduce the workforce and distribute the money accordingly making many happy, unless you are one of those let go. Finally, read the agreement signed by the HCEA that clearly states, “NOTE: All items in this Negotiated Agreement requiring fiscal support will be subject to the decisions of the Fiscal Authorities and the Board of Education’s final actions on the operating budget for the school system. Errors in the publication of this agreement do not supersede the contents of the Negotiated Agreement between the Board of Education of Harford County and the Harford County Education Association.” Even if the state or county gives a billion dollars for teacher salaries, the super and fiscal authority can spend it how they please.
Statement: The other unions have the “Me Too” clause
Fact: Cerveny could have negotiated for this too. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
Let’s just call what the County Executive did a grand gesture in an attempt to recognize the hard work put in that has unfortunately not been monetarily recognized as of late. Pointing fingers and throwing the political card out there is unfounded and again irresponsible. State funding has not increased at pre FY10 levels and at times has decreased. Sometimes gestures are spun in an attempt for one to gain and one to lose and in this case the only losers were those who did not receive the extra $500 because their union president put himself ahead of his constituent’s best interest. As for Cerveny, who has taken raises, he has some drinking his cool aid as he has found his best interest (his wallet) and worked hard for that. It may be time for the HCEA to ban together and let their voices be heard by calling and e-mailing Cerveny and possibly shopping around for a new union. Be careful, renegotiations could lead to those raises/steps and some farewell parties too. Happy Holidays!
Good points
Add: Harford teachers are reimbursed for coursework at the highest rate in the state.
HCPS is one of only 3 counties in the state that stills pays 90 percent for employees and dependent healthcare premiums
Not accurate.
what is not accurate?
I love how Thomas Paine responds to every post but this one…the one with the facts. Well written. Great points.
Can’t really argue facts…assuming they’re accurate. You are just not going to convince me that teachers shouldn’t fight for as much as they can. Isn’t that what you are doing as a taxpayer?
Not accurate.
There are no teachers in HC on step 4 unless they were there three years ago. 4th year teachers are making 1st year pay.
Like myself. I am a seventh year teacher with my Master’s degree, but I am making the salary of a fourth year teacher.
I can’t even imagine being a fourth year teacher on the salary scale of a first year teacher. Talk about feeling under-valued.
You could always leave the relative safety, security, pension, health care and attractive schedule/hours of being a public school teacher and put your skills to the test in the less certain private sector?
Or she and I could stay and fight for even more. I think I’ll try that.
Not accurate.
Randy has not gotten a raise.
Please clarify then if he hasn’t.
Help explain how these tax figures are wrong… seriously?
Figures are correct…unless HCEA lies on their taxes
check out their tax returns here. I’m sure your smart enough to read them.
FY 2007-2008…dues=$229,830…HCEA Pres. Comp=$86,869 Negot.=$3,010
FY 2008-2009…dues=$266,666…HCEA Pres. Comp=$89,244 Negot.=$3,915
FY 2009-2010…dues=$260,314…HCEA Pres. Comp=$105,206 Negot.=$3,332
So, Explain how my numbers are wrong???? This year his salary is probably about the same…if the jump in compensation is due to the switching of reporting to include his benefits the IRS is not going to like that very much because Non-profits are required to consistently report income/compensation the same way from year to year. Either way, even if you throw in the HCEA’s expenses for “outside contractors” the reality is that they spend little of our dues on what they should be spent on…hiring properly educated advisors & lawyers.
This issue was handled poorly. Again, where am I wrong in the numbers Ryan or Randy or anyone?????? Seriously, help us understand.
Not accurate.
Me too. Would not help HCEA. The unions with this don’t do much negotiating. They take what we fight for.
Your first comment makes no sense. First you say there are no step 4 teachers then you say unless they were here years ago, so clearly there are some step 4 teachers. I think his point was that we are fairly paid in HC. So you know Randy hasnt taken a raise since 2008 or 09 when we got our last COLA/steps? Apparently those other unions must have done some neg since they got the “Me Too.” All you have said is not accurate, but where are your facts to dispute? Let’s hear the real truth about Randys salary and whos bargining for what. Dont they post all of the salaries in The Aegis once a year? I think its time we come up with another option and put it to a vote the union way.
What matters is that a 15 year teacher in Cecil county makes a salary at the year 15 step. In harford county that teacher makes a salary at the 12 year step, at least a $6,000 difference. However that is not what hcps reports to the state. They report the published salary scale.
This morning, the Labor Board heard arguments regarding what funds should be subject to renegotiations. During the hearing, we were blindsided by the County Executive’s announced threat to veto legislation overwhelmingly approved by the County Council to provide additional funding for Harford County educators. This is a bill that HCEA worked with the County Council to amend so that the money could be moved to the Board of Education (BOE) to be properly negotiated. This money was given to the BOE by the decisivevote of the County Council. Craig has chosen not to support the consensus between the County Council and the unions and is single handedly holding your money hostage. Please contact County Executive Craig 410.638.3350, CountyExecutive@harfordcountymd.gov and ask him to support the amended bill as proposed by the Council so that teachers can get the money they deserve.
In response, HCEA has released the following press release:
Harford County Educators Condemn David Craig’s “Illegal Power Grab” and “Race to Take Harford County Public Schools to the Bottom”
December 16, 2011, Bel Air, MD…Harford County Executive David Craig’s threat to veto legislation overwhelmingly approved by the County Council to provide additional funding for Harford County educators is one more example of Craig’s reckless race to take Harford County Public Schools to the bottom, the Harford County Education Association announced today.
“The County Executive is attempting an illegal power grab, usurping the Board of Education’s authority and violating state law and the rights of school system employees and state and local agencies. Our public schools, hardworking educators, and state law are all being victimized by his stunning display of overreach,” said HCEA President Randy Cerveny.
“An extremely dangerous precedent could be set if the County Executive is permitted to begin enacting line item vetoes on items in the public school budget. What’s next? Will David Craig eliminate funding for high school sports that he doesn’t enjoy? Or for after school programs that he doesn’t deem important? Will he begin eliminating books from the English curriculum? What one man could withhold from our students and classrooms is incredibly troubling,” said Cerveny.
HCEA’s continued opposition to Craig’s power grab is rooted in his blatant attempt to circumvent the rights of educators, county residents, the school board, and the county council. “HCEA is committed to securing money for our teachers and defending their rights,” said Cerveny. “We want to make sure that our teachers receive every cent of the money, especially as the instructional salaries category in our budget continues to drop, decreasing by nearly 4% this year. But, we cannot allow the County Executive to get away with an illegal end run around state law that would set a precedent for the County Executive not funding our collective bargaining agreements and instead funding items in our public school budget purely at the County Executive’s discretion. It’s wrong, it’s not how the law works, and our schools will suffer if David Craig continues down this ill-conceived, self-serving path,” continued Cerveny.
“We’re taking a stand to defend all employees’ collective bargaining rights,” said Cerveny. “If we allow David Craig to get away with his illegal power grab this year and in this county, then it could happen every year and in every county. And if that happens, it will be to the detriment of educators, school systems, and students throughout the state.”
Randy Cerveny
HCEA President
Now there is a press release straight from MSEA headquarters.
Would you expect anything less?
Craig didn’t break any laws. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.
Mr. Craig did not break any laws, he tried to circumvent them. And yes, the dumbest thing you have ever read is Mr. Craig trying to blame his mistake that he should have known was coming on the HCEA.
I would have pulled the money from them too. If they are acting like children, then treat them like children. If you are going to whine, complain, and be ungrateful…then take it away. What a bunch of whiners.
And we are not going to stop
Cerveny is a joke. Craig’s line item veto is not only legal and within his power as County Executive, but it’s the right thing to do. All seven County Council members are on record today as supporting the County Executive’s action, as Randy has renegged on his verbal agreement to the council that he would sign on for the one-time bonus.
Cerveny’s statement is as desperate as it is pathetic. He’s not long for the presidency of HCEA.
You mean he would “sign AFTER renegotiations.” Very important word you left out there.
we have seen this already. Is this all you have?
the pissing match continues. I am so glad 3 people (Cerveny, Tomback, and Craig)all making way more than most educators could hope for get to play with the money. Those 3 are probably sitting in the corner of a bar having a good laugh right now.
The only person in the pissing match is Cerveny. Tomack didn’t stand in the way of this. Cerveny did. Craig didn’t want it to end like this. Cerveny did. I serious doubt Tomback and Craig are laughing at any of this. What a mess this is, when it could have been a nice gesture for HCPS employees.
If Mr. Craig didn’t want it to end like this he should have at least known it was going to end like this. It shows a complete lack of foresight and leadership and now he is backpeddling from a commitment that he made. What’s even better is that now taxpayers are going to have to make up the difference of the money that he vetoed. Silly.
“We’re taking a stand to defend all employees’ collective bargaining rights,” said Cerveny. “If we allow David Craig to get away with his illegal power grab this year and in this county, then it could happen every year and in every county. And if that happens, it will be to the detriment of educators, school systems, and students throughout the state.”
If HCEA would have signed, it wouldn’t have ended like this. I don’t blame David Craig for that, I blame HCEA. I’m so tired of hearing about how teachers deserve more. Most of them work 180 days, make a decent living, have tuition reimbursement, good benefits…yet they still cry the blues right now. There is no money for steps and cola right now people! Figure it out!!!!!!
Mr. Craig should have known HCEA was not going to sign it. I’m pretty sure they told him that for weeks. He also knew he was going to veto the money. He is just so disconnected from how his agencies function that the people that he wanted to prevent from getting the money still got the money. Incompetence. And taxpayers are now going to have to pay for that.
Maybe teachers complain so much because they actually are underpaid. Come step into a classroom for 180 days. See what’s that like.
And actually there is money for steps and colas. Where have you been? I guess you don’t beleive the Labor Board.
I’m actually in a classroom for 180 days, plus ESY. So I know what it s like. I’m a teacher who sn’t crying the blues. I simply think our union is flawed, and I tend on getting the word out about that. Believe it or not, I don’t feel underpaid.
I used to feel the way you do. I will just never stop pushing for more, not out of entitlement, but because I can.
How’d that turn out for you?
Oh I’m not done. And you don’t have to thank me when you get the same things I get. It’s great to be a scab.
@Roxi…Hilarious! Exactly…how’d that work out for you HCEA? Great idea HCEA…let’s keep being bitches just “because we can”. Great motto. Keep up the great work.
Under paid compared to who or what? HCPS employees are compensated fairly and review the entire compensation package including health benefits, retirement, tuition reimbursement, etc. Keep in mind most people who have had frozen wages are not required to work 10 months, 7.5 hours a day while getting 30 mins for lunch and 45 for planning. Most places you work 12 months, 8.5-9 hours a day depending on lunch and zero admin time. Someone voted for this Randy clown, not me. TP are you Randys right hand man?
Actually his left. Underpaid is all relative. Do you suggest that all employees stop fighting more compesation? How about I suggest that all taxpayers should stop fighting for lower taxes?
I expect them to be reasonable…which they aren’t right now.
Yes…reasonable…that is how you succeed in negotiations. Never ask for more than what you want or need. Just come out and ask for what’s available. You should be an agent. You missed your calling.
Wow smart ass, if you can’t take the heat,get out of the kitchen. I found my calling. I’m a teacher, a happy one.
I want to teach at the school you are talking about. A full 30 minutes for lunch and 45 minutes of personal planning. Wow. I get 25 minutes for lunch. After I walk my students to the cafeteria and use the restroom, I have 20 minutes. Then, I have to leave 5 minutes early to pick them up from the cafeteria. All said and done, I receive 15 minutes of “eat” time.
On paper, I receive 50 minutes of planning per day. The key words are “on paper.” Team meetings, committee meetings, administrative meetings, parent conferences, 504s, IEP meetings, all come from that 50 minutes on paper.
So please, tell me which school you are referring to so that I may put in for a transfer.
you are replying too much, your responses are going downhill fast
At the end of the day, this bonus is getting taxed to death and each person will receive a very modest $374. All of the huffing and puffing in the world may make you feel better or sleep well at night but in the long run you are going to do exactly as I have, report to your county job on monday and be thankful to be employed. We at the Sheriff’s Office were shown a similar chart with yearly steps we thought we would receive throughout our career and have accepted that they aren’t coming. We also have seen through our work what the economy has done to others, so we get out there and work for what we can get. I suggest everyone else do the same, don’t make any rash decisions over $374. If this means your kid doesn’t get a nook, you’ll get no sympathy from me but if any HCEA member can’t eat without the bonus then they can have mine.
Do the math. It’s approximately $500…probably $515. To some employees…custodians, food service workers, county bus drivers, that’s a whole weeks pay.
It is unfortunate that the other association got lumped in with us, but they got their bonus due to Mr. Craig’s silly mistake.
However, it is not HCEA’s responsibility to look out for the other unions. So don’t blame them.
We received an email from payroll detailing exactly what we will receive post taxes, $374 for Maryland residents and $414 for PA residents. No need to do any mystery math.
No, actually it is about $379 after federal, state, and local taxes are pulled out. PA residents get something like $414.
Straight from the email sent out today about the bonuses:
“5. The payment, due to its nature, is fully taxable at the supplemental rates for both Maryland and IRS. Per their tax rules, a one-time payment that is not based on actual work hours will be subjected to the supplemental rates. The Federal supplemental rate is 25% and Harford County is 8.56% (varies by county) plus social security and Medicare taxes. If you live in Pennsylvania, you will have the 3.07% deducted rather than Maryland taxes. Due to this, if you live in Harford County and have Harford County taxes deducted, your net pay will be $379.94. If you live in Pennsylvania, your net pay will be $414.25. It does not matter what tax situation you currently claim. All employees must be taxed in this fashion.”
@REALLY? COME ON MAN: Clearly YOU have no idea how the world actually works. Have you ever entered into a contract for services before? If you have, you will realize that you are obligated to pay the full amount you agreed to pay regardless of your current economic situation. The Board of Ed. and Harford Co. agreed to a contract with the teachers that specified certain pay rates based on years worked. This contract has not been honored for 3 years and the published pay scale has not been adjusted to reflect true yearly salaries. Quite frankly, I don’t care what their economic situation may be. A legally binding contract must be paid in full. If you don’t like the terms, change them during negotiations, don’t whine about it after the fact. I pay all of my bills on time, regardless of my economic situation. Harford Co. tax payers need to do the same.
You’re not guaranteed the cola and steps. You’re negotiated agreement clearly states that.
Only if the money is not available. It clearly is available. Otherwise there would be no bonuses. Lost in this argument is that less than half of the mystery $30 million has been allocated to employees. The rest is going to “one time” projects.
Roxi- whose side are you on? I don’t understand why if you are a teacher you would fight against someone who was trying to help you unless money isn’t a problem for you as it is for many HCPS teachers. I guess you don’t have backed up bills or daycare to pay for? I guess when you signed up to teach in this county it was okay for them to take away what was promised in your contract?
It’s hard to keep working hard and come home and not know how you are going to pay the bills when you can clearly see that elsewhere you would be better compendated- call that selfish if you want- I call it survival. HCPS hasnt reflected the truth on the website apparently, so they must realize that good teachers won’t come here if they hear about this. I prefer myself to work with good teachers. 15 years of perfect evalautions, lots of thank you letters from students and parents and administrators make me feel like I am pretty good at what I do. I don’t want to leave my school, but I am certain I could get a job elsewhere. It would be nice to be compensated for my job the way I would be elsewhere. I love my school- I love my students. I have a masters degree and am highly qualified and apparently pretty good at this- I work extremely hard and do a lot for free for the love of my job and my students, but my doing it for love is hard when I have to think of providing the basics for my own children. No one got into this expecting to be rich, but we did expect to be able to live a secure life and provide for our families- pay for daycare, send our kids to school…
The money is THERE to fulfill our contracts, so why aren’t HCPS and Craig making it a priority to retain and recruit teachers and ensure that our EXCELLENT schools serve our students well? Harford County wasnt exactly competitive before the salary freeze- and now it’s not even reflected accurately on the website? They are banking on teachers like you who must not share the financial concerns the majority of us do, who will continue to work for nothing because it’s a nice place to live, who are easily duped by a one-time bonus versus standing up and supporting the one voice you have. I am a 15 year teacher on step 12 – I feel very sorry for a 2-3rd year teacher on step one- and I would be willing to bet that since they don’t have the years invested that I do the good ones will look elsewhere- I myself am seriously considering it as hard as it would be to leave the school and students I love. I have seen excellent teachers in my building walk away and throw in the towel already and there is a lot of talk of it from many good ones– it’s a sad day for education. Everyone says that they want the BEST for the kids, but apparently the reality is somewhat different.
I’ll just refer you to this portion of my post
Finally, read the agreement signed by the HCEA that clearly states, “NOTE: All items in this Negotiated Agreement requiring fiscal support will be subject to the decisions of the Fiscal Authorities and the Board of Education’s final actions on the operating budget for the school system. Errors in the publication of this agreement do not supersede the contents of the Negotiated Agreement between the Board of Education of Harford County and the Harford County Education Association.” Even if the state or county gives a billion dollars for teacher salaries, the super and fiscal authority can spend it how they please.
Basically someone failed to read the “fine print” as they are only “required” to pay that if approved by the fiscal authority. It may be you who does not know how the world works. As to your train of thought is flawed in stating that no matter the economic situation they need to pay the agreement. I’ll again lead you to see GM, Enron, Beth Steel, etc. Bankruptcy gets you out of many things, negotiated or not.
On a side note, I’m not sure what the HC taxpayers have to do with not paying the bill?
That passage is from state law. It is designed to protect the counties in event of an emergency not to allow a rogue county executive to recall the money given to the board of ed which could have funded employee contracts. It is not intended for union busting.
Randy busted the union when he stopped serving the people and put his political agenda first. We need a better leader who will fight when the money is available and understand when its not. I checked the budget several times and Tomback put in for $15.3M to cover the cost of COLA and steps but the money wasnt there and that is just for HCPS not including the rest of the county employees. If there is that sum of money just laying around, someone please show me where. Really we need to march to Randys office and demand that if he is going to rep us, he stops being one of the fat cats we are fighting. We need to find a better leader or a new union as this one is an epic failure!
I’d just like to make one minor point. Do the rabid HCEA supporters realize that a very small minority of people working in the real, non-union world ever received cost of living adjustments? The deal is as follows: raises when times are good; salary freezes, additional hours with no increase in salary, and layoffs when times are bad. Take it or leave it.
I took it and am happy to be paying no dues, no fear of strikes, and the knowledge that those who work the hardest are usually the ones who are rewarded the most.
Yes, but does that mean that is what it should be for teachers? Not if teachers can help it.
I guess TP is the voice for Cerveny…what else do you do for him? You both are a couple of idiots. I am embarrassed for you both. Must be some real miserable lives you lead. i doubt HCEA will be around next year. Lot’s of folks don’t need the stress you impart.
Get used to it.
LOL…TP! What a class act, I must say. think the joke’s on you for this one. You and your idiot sidekick must live in a dream world! LOL!
We’ll see. Idiot, huh? Class act, but hey, I’ve said much worse.
Your boy David Craig is the one who made the mistake and now taxpayers are going to have to foot the bill.
“Blindsided…?” Proving that whoever is advising you, if you even have someone legally doing so is not very smart….why would this not be seen as a possible move….oh yeah, I remember your famous words. “Worst case scenerio…blah blah” actually you failed to identify this possibility. Hire someone competent to help you, please for all of our sakes…You are in over your head.
Personally I think Craig needs to reconsider what he has announced. I hope that he reads all these comments and realizes that Cerveny is pretty much alone in what he wants to do. I have a feeling that his president seat will be up for grabs next round.
I know the teachers at my school are very disgusted with what he has done. And I hope that everything works out for the greater good. Not to mention that when it does come time to negotiate pay raises will it be harder on the HCEA because of what Cerveny has done?
So glad the Harford county residents and taxpayers were asked what to do with all this money. I’m so confused now with this follow the money I’m cross-eyed. Are they saying that teachers not in the union got a bonus and those represented by HCEA were the one veto’d? Just wondering.
Here’s an idea if you’re trying to negotiate for something…don’t come to The Dagger or any other public forum and spout off, deliver ultimatums, act childish, and call anyone who happens to disagree with you “an idiot” or some other childish name. That just seems like Common Sense to me…
Had all this garbage not been plastered all over The Dagger for the past several days you may have had a chance to get something better. Instead you pissed off a sizable percentage of teachers and alienated anyone who may have been willing to work with you or at least give you some support. Good luck getting Mr. Craig or the County Council to support you after this and you won’t be getting any COLA’s or steps without their support which sucks for my family since my wife is a teacher.
I work for the county. I’m appreciative that we are being given this “payment” not bonus. It seems that $374 or $379 is a drop in the bucket for some of you, but for me it is substantial. I’m glad that the County Exec and County Council didn’t let this BOE fiasco ruin it for the rest of us. Of course everyone wants their steps and colas. There may be money for it this year, but what about the years to follow? Teachers need to open up their eyes and realize that their negotiated contract means nothing when there is no money. And Lisa and Roxi are the only ones posting here who realize that fact. And please don’t offer up any scenarios. I just cringe every time I read a post that states teachers are “entitled” due to their negotiated contract. Entitlement is not a pretty word.
How would you feel if your contract was ignored. If you lost money year after year and were lied to year after year. How would you feel if you were demonized in the press while working ridiculous hours for less and less pay? Teachers have been walked on badly. We have suffered incredible losses in $$$. Our steps are not raises.
R Burbey: I asked for no scenarios. Are the teachers furloughed like we are? There’s a scenario for you.
How can you furlough teachers? If you furlough the teachers, you essentially furlough the students.
Did you lose over $12,000 during the salary freeze? Is your check being taxed an extra 2% for the general fund? Have your benefits been cut every year for five straight years. Do you work an average of 5 unpaid hours per day? I could go on but I think you get the point. Oh and yes I am staying. I value my school kids and my school and intend to continue to strive to make education in Harford County better.
As was stated above, he works for the county. This means they have dealt with all your scenarios and worse. For the past three years we have dealt with furloughs, lay-offs and forced retirement( due to a dramatic alteration of retirement benefits). All told the actions have led to a significant reduction in the workforce( I have been told it is about 8%). The majority of these positions have not been filled thus increasing the workload on us, for the same and in al reality, less pay. While you read many comments from teachers stating that there pension contributions have gone up, so have ours. The health care costs for teachers have gone up, so have ours, two years before yours did. Our pay was actually reduced by furlough days. Teachers have not had a COLA increase for 3 years but for the non HCPS employees it has been 4. I do not want to turn this into a battle between the teachers, and everyone else, all I am asking for here is a little bit of perspective. When I was hired I to was shown a step chart. The moneys not there, and I would not want a raise that could cost me my job or more furlough days down the road. For others to not understand these realities and demand blood from a stone is irresponsible.
Sorry, I went on a bit of a rant.
Everyone who is so opposed to teacher’s just compensation should remember that the value of your house is directly correlated to the excellence of the schools as is the viability of the economic prosperity of the county. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.
You should take your own adevice.
Oh no, I should want to pay higher taxes to give teachers more money so my house is more valuable. What an effing stupid argument.
Stillwell- actually, you should support the honoring of teacher contracts to ensure the high quality of education students receive in this county is maintained- unless you feel that the students aren’t “entitled” to such a great education here. Competitive teacher salaries and honored contracts means good teachers who actually have a shot at making a difference. It means you live in a county or a country that values education and democracy. It also means that teachers don’t have to make the difficult choice of work to rule- which I fear is the next step- sacrificing all the extras that make education meaningful for a lot of kids.
The problem with education in this country- no one values it. Those you should respect for pursuing a noble profession are disrespected and villianized left and right (and all over this blog). Don’t you have a teacher who changed your life or helped you get where you are? I do. What ever happened to all of us being on the same side with the best interest of our kids at heart? Do you know there are Tibetan families who travel 100 treacherous miles in the ice to get to school? Do you know in countries where test scores are highest teaching is a valued, respected profession? In Finland (4th on test scores in math or science) becoming a teacher is on par with becoming a doctor?
Do you want kids to have the best opportunities and get the best educations possible? Then support teachers instead of continuing to shred them.
Teachers have become the problem in education. This romantic notion that teachers are these benevolent folks who out if the goodness of their heart and supreme sacrifice have entered into education.
Let’s face it most do it for the attractive schedule, pay, rich benefits and fear they can compete in the private sector.
Yes, Out with the teachers! Those bastards! We don’t need them. We’ll replace them with…uh…oh…wait. Who’s going to babysit my kids?
If only we could throw the crappy teachers out. The problem is they won’t go. Maybe you could ask them nicely to go away?
Please provide a list and I will make them go away. Really? There are administrators whose job it is to evaluate teachers. If a crappy teacher is deemed effective, the administrators are not doing their job.
Oh wait, the HCEA is protecting crappy teachers. Down with the HCEA! Seriously? How many teachers do you think are not doing their jobs? HCPS does a great job of educating the students of Harford County.
STILLWELL: Oh yes, I forget the value your trailer will not be improved by good schools.
I’m a bus driver. I’ve been driving for 30yrs. I make way below a teachers salary. Have not seen a raise in 5yrs. I wonder what would happen if no buses ran for a day!! How would that affect the schools!!!
I am glad that you got your $$$. However, you must realize that our steps are not raises. The salary freeze has been an enormous loss to teachers, one which we will probably never recover.
The step freeze about 21 years ago cost my wife approximately $50,000 over the course of her career (appx. $1800/year for each of the years following, compounded by % increases). So you are right: you will never recover a step freeze and frankly, I don’t think most teachers have any idea how much money they actually lose when there is a step freeze. Worse, I can’t believe there are teachers out there who actually believe the county will give it back. I used to think that when I was a young teacher, too. I learned.
Teachers, I will repeat myself: if this is the way it is when you DO have someone representing you during negotiations, arbitration, and at the labor board, imagine what it would be like if you DIDN’T have that.
None of the other county employees and Sheriff’s Office employees received their steps either. Why do you feel like your suffering is so much more than everyone else?
Steps are the only promotion that teachers ever really get. We don’t get changes in rank or position, etc.
I didn’t say that I was suffering, and I didn’t say that my suffering was worse than anyone else’s suffering. I presented accurate personal financial facts. Why are you putting words in my mouth?
UPDATE (2): Harford County Public Schools Pays Out Employee Bonus Funds Vetoed by County Executive Craig; Cerveny Condemns “Illegal Power Grab” (Please see the top of this story for an update)
Now I could be wrong so don’t go nuts over this. I went to the hcps website and got the total number of employees. The number listed is 5350 (I rounded the .85 up) and then I multiplied that times 1250 and my total: 6,687,500. Now to me that doesn’t equal the 15 million that Tomback requested for raises and colas. I don’t understand how hcea is saying the money is there. Please explain and don’t tell me to read the budget. I believe hcea may have screwed up on this one.
Look at the actual budget. Also, consider that HCPS has given money back to the county every year. The money is there. It is all about priorities.
16 million funded 2 step increases and a cola of 2% I believe. The other 4 bargining units who signed on to the MOU have what is called a me to clause. That means if any other unit bragins a higher COLA or a step etc. then they get that too. 16 million included the me to clauses as well. This bargin was signed off on by the BOE, and all then the county removed exactly that from the budget request. In the first round of labor board hearings the county was forced to open the books. they found 11 million in the school budget alone that could have been directed to the pay increases that they claimed they could not afford. pluse this 6 million already gets to the 16 million number. Further to that the money the BOE voluntarily gave back to the county yeqar after year the money has been there. the BOE and county are afraid to spend it. This will lead to a problem with teacher retention. My wife can leave and get a job in BCPS next year if there is no step and get a raise of about 5K this in addition to the fact the BCPS pay scale is beter on the back half then the HCPS pay scale. Cecil would be a 3K raise. You will start losing the 10 year teacher crowd if something is not done!
All teachers who think working in BCPS is better than HCPS please send your CV and applications ASAP to bcps.org.
Not saying it is better in all respects but the compensation seems better!!!! They have also gotten steps for the last 3 years and COLAS!!!!
Please have your wife teach in BCPS.
My wife does what she wants, I don’t make her do anything! That said she could wait until July 15 to resign after the few quality Middle School Science teaching candidates are gone to higher paying counties and HCPS will be left scrambling.
We’ll get by without your wife.
What if teachers don’t leave and instead they decide to stay and say “you know what, I think I’ll stop coaching, helping kids aferschool, doing school plays, etc. I’ll just work my duty hours.” I think that might change things a bit. Let’s see how you fell about that.
The ones that do the bare minimum don’t get ahead. The ones that go the extra mile make more and get promoted. The loud mouths and discontented get fired. Its how the real world works.
Promoted? Really? Please ask a Harford County teacher the last time they got a promotion and got paid more for doing more and working hard. It was in 2007. It’s almost time we stood together and began to do the bare minimum. I say almost because there are some things got stop that. Renegotiations. We’ll see.
Hey B,
Promoted to what “Super Teacher?” “Favorite Teacher?” Teachers don’t get promotions. If we get additional degrees and certificates we can APPLY for administration jobs, but there are no promotions.
I have read every comment posted here and I am surprised that so many people who state that they are educated or educators cannot express their thoughts without resorting to vulgarities or insults. If the leadership is using the same tactics, is it any wonder that there have been negative outcomes? I am a former teacher. Times were bad twenty some years ago when teachers were being laid-off and shifted from school to schoolbumping newer hires. I moved on, but it was a time when that was an alternative. The economy is not good and people with doctorates are pounding the pavement or asking if you would like fries with your order or foam on your latte. Threatening to leave the system because of a freeze on raises,etc. is unrealistic and you cannot survive survive on unemployment benefits. Every budget cycle, some HCEA leaders decide to pit employee against employee and to present an argument of we teach so we deserve more… social workers and public health workers salvage and save people, sanitation workers protect us from diseases and vermin, etc. We all work together because we are a society and no one is expendable. The gas tank doesn’t know your profession so we all pay the same price per gallon. If you want fiscal equity, than you must be equitable in your thinking. The economy is not about us and them, it is about a collective us working together to best benefit the common good,I am blessed, I had good teachers, great parents and opportunities. I made choices and I could have made more working in another county, but I loved and still love Harford County and my decision to stay here was not a mistaake.
I agree that it is about working together but that has not been happening. The money for steps for all employees has been and is there. It is about priorities. David Craig would rather build and addition to the jail than fund teachers’ steps.
Seriously???? Maybe we should all get together and have a group hug? Who wants fiscal equity??? Show me a person with a Doctorate degree asking if you want fries with that and I’ll show you a moron. Nobody with a Doctorate is working at McDonald’s…you are a bit meladramatic, don’t you think? “The common good?” What are you a communist? I, and other teachers have Masters on Masters or Doctorates and the compensatory salary sucks compared to other comparable degree earners. I don’t get the salary of a social worker or trash worker or hundreds of other jobs because I busted my ass for YEARS sacrificing to get my degrees and paid for it myself…so screw the “collective” good idea. This is America, you want to make more than the dude at Starbucks then earn a degree. We don’t live in a collective, it’s called capitalism, and it involves competition. Position yourself properly and prosper, don’t and suffer.
So the County Council voted on and approved HCEA’s request that the money be given to the board of ed to be disbursed, THEN Mr. Craig decided to veto the money? Why would he do that? Now Mr. Craig is not only going against the wishes of HCEA, but the blessing of the County Council as well. And a lot of you think this doesn’t go just a bit deeper than Cerveny versus Craig???
Stay tuned! There’s a lot more to come!!!
Craig used his line item veto because of Cerveny’s statements after the Council meeting that he would now seek to use that money for raises, thereby renegging on his verbal agreement to the County Council (see the story on the Aegis’s website and Boniface’s quotes for more on that).
All seven members of the Council agree with Mr. Craig and support the veto. Cerveny’s incompetance has screwed all teachers yet again.
If Craig did not realize that was HCEA’s plan back in October. He is STUPID!!! I also never saw anywhere that HCEA made any agreement with the county council!
Is this what the teachers of Harford County want, no recourse to management’s bad faith negotiations? “UNLESS something changes in Washington, American workers will, on New Year’s Day, effectively lose their right to be represented by a union. Two of the five seats on the National Labor Relations Board, which protects collective bargaining, are vacant, and on Dec. 31, the term of Craig Becker, a labor lawyer whom President Obama named to the board last year through a recess appointment, will expire. Without a quorum, the Supreme Court ruled last year, the board cannot decide cases.
What would this mean?
Workers illegally fired for union organizing won’t be reinstated with back pay. Employers will be able to get away with interfering with union elections. Perhaps most important, employers won’t have to recognize unions despite a majority vote by workers. Without the board to enforce labor law, most companies will not voluntarily deal with unions. “ NYT, 12/17/11
Be careful for what you wish: you may get it.
And if you believe that the NLRB isn’t just a puppet for the unions (search for ‘Boeing’ and ‘South Carolina’), there’s no use trying to have a rational discussion about this.
Maybe the addition to the detention center wouldn’t be needed if parents, teachers, the union and politicians did their job- putting kids first. Shame to us all :(. Together we have failed our children.
LMAO!!!!Are your freaking kidding me!!! Maybe the addition to the detention center would not have to be built if PARENTS!!!!!!!! and PARENTS ALONE!!!!!! did their job. Maybe if I did not have to constantly change report card grades after they have been sent home because parents call the school pissed after they were too lazy to parent their kid throughout the quarter, students would actually learn that they are held responsible for their actions and actually EARN THE GRADE THEY DESERVE. Then, because pissed parents call and complain and threaten the weak administration, I now as a “teacher” look like a complete dumbass in front of the student the rest of the year as they sit in my classroom with their smirks knowing full well that they can do whatever the hell they want to because “Mommy and Daddy” will take care of it and make it all better and go away. Then little Johnny’s parents stand on the soccer field and complain to the other parents about how “said teacher” actually had the nerve to not give their child a grade they rightfully DID NOT EARN and how all they had to do was make one phone call and it all went away. SO now what happens next, these parents call the school and the school board every time they don’t like something and it is MAGICALLY FIXED!!!! WHo looks bad now may you ask…THE TEACHERS DO!!!!!!
Also, maybe we would not need an extension to the detention center if PARENTS ACTUALLY PARENTED THEIR KIDS. Maybe if I was able to actually sit a child at the homework table at lunch for not having his homework for 2 straight weeks withought parents calling in saying how it “Embarrasses their KID” then said kids would actually learn that their are consequences to their actions. Now every time those students forget homework they have no consequences and they know that because MOMMY AND DADDY FIXED IT!!!! Never mind the fact that notes went home from the teacher and were ignored and phone calls were made.
Never mind the fact that when parents call pissed because little Suzy was given a zero for not turning in an assignment due A FREAKING MONTH AGO because she had sport activities to do after school that they demand that you except and fully grade that assignment.But Heck, it is only a month past due. Heck with the other responsible students who actually turn their assignment in on time. Maybe when I don’t feel like paying my taxes and my house gets auctioned off I can make excuses and the Harford County will just let it all slide!!!!!
Next,let us all not forget the time that high school children were throwing a football around in the staff parking lot at the elementary school I work at and busted out a few windows with the ball after the principal came out several times and told them to play in the field next door. When said principal finally called the cops on them one day do you know what the PARENTS SAID???? Shame on the school system…they could be out doing drugs but they are just out throwing a football even though there is a huge football field 100 yards from the parking lot. Now who looks like an asshole????? The school system does….Who fixed that ???? MOMMY AND DADDY fixed that. What did that teach the kids might you ask???? Well I can do whatever the hell I want becasue MOMMY AND DADDY will fix it and never mind the fact that they damaged someones hard earned property.
Oh I really like this one…..Little Bobby decided to not pay attention in class and decided to take his scissors to his pants and cut holes in them while sitting at his desk. (A 5th grader not in my own class by the way) goes home and his parents get upset BECAUSE THE TEACHER actually had the nerve to tell him to put his scissors away and stop cutting his pants “which embarrassed him.” Now said teacher has to stop the class and take him outside the classroom to talk with him for now on so he does not get “embarrassed.”
Let us not forget how many students go home and tell stories to their parents because they don’t like something that happened or they think something is unfair and what happens??? MOMMY AND DADDY CALL THE SCHOOL AND FIX IT!!!! Now we have a school system with students who have no concept of consequences becasue they SURE AS HELL DO NOT GET IT AT HOME and when the school system tries then MOMMY AND DADDY CALL AND FIX IT!!!!!!!!!
I can go on and on and on with stories that would blow your mind away all because MOMMY AND DADDY FIXED THINGS!!! There are students who are making honor roll and honors certificates all over this county that DO NOT DESERVE THEM!!! It was not the teacher’s fault they have these things. IT IS THE PARENTS!!!
So please before you go blaming a teacher for additions to the detention center, rememeber that if teachers were actually allowed to do their jobs, and parents supported the teachers, then there would be no need for an addition to the detention center. DO not blame teachers, polititions, and other groups for the demise of the future of this county and this country. If it were up to me and the hard working teachers we would not be in this mess. Maybe I should look on the bright side of this. An addition to the detention center would bring more jobs to the county for our hard working police officers. After all, one day they will all be over 18 and MOMMY AND DADDY WON’T BE ABLE TO FIX IT!!!!
HCPSTEACHERTIREDOFSTUDENTFOOLS!!! – What a wimp you are! Student earns a poor grade and you upgrade it because a parent complained.
Please quit teaching today you bring shame to good teachers.
Stillwell, I did not change the grade because “a parent called.” parents call the school principal and the school board you idiot.
Parents have no business calling and demanding unecessary grade changes and if that is what you took out of my comment and that is the only point you got out of it then shame on you. I am told by higher ups to change those grades. And before you go blaming the board for telling me to change the grades, please blame the parents who have the nerve to call in the first place. You must be one of those kind of parents Jimmy Stillwell.
You’re a wimp who should not teach.
Stillwell, you bring shame to taxpayers as you clearly don’t understand the reality of the school environment in Harford County. Administrators regularly either change student grades themselves, or put tremendous pressure on teachers to give parents what they want so the administrator does not have to deal with it. This happens everyday in every school. You should quit speaking about things you know nothing about.
Thomas Paine you’re a hypocrite!
You demand “work to rule” but make excuses about doing your duty, doing your job…a student earns a poor grade and you make excuses for teachers upgrading it. For shame!
I upgrade no one’s grade. The administrators do it. Some teachers, especially non-tenured teachers, are bullied by their administrators. I’m sure you always stand up to your bosses when you think you’re right. You don’t even stand up to your mother while you are living in her basement.
Undersand the issue or at least try to make an effort to. Or not, either way you will get the education system that you pay for.
Paine we already pay too much for our education system and we get poor results for our money.
So your suggestion to make it better is to what…cut spending? That makes perfect sense. Under the circumstances, I don’t know how much better HCPS teachers can perform. MD is ranked #1 in the country and Harford County is ranked in the top third in the state.
I guess you have given up on HPCS teachers and don’t care if the system gets better. I have not and neither has the HCEA. That is why we are fighting as hard as we are.
Giving you more money doesn’t improve education in HCPS one bit. If it did we would have reached the pinnacle educational excellence long ago.
When was that exactly, when Harford Conty teachers were paid more than teachers in every county in MD? Oh that’s right…never.
I guess we’ll find out won’t we when teachers are finally paid more. I’ll be sure to give you some tissues when I’m done with mine and you start crying about it
Again Paine what improvement do parents, students and taxpayers get by rewarding teachers with more pay?
Will it make teachers work harder and be accountable or do we get the status quo?
First, you are getting a pretty high output from teachers already for less than competitive compensation.
Second, you gaing the ability to attract, hire, and retain better qualified teachers instead of other jurisdictions taking them. Which, if the compensation is not improved you will begin to see a drop in what you call the “status quao”.
Do you think HCPS operates in a bubble?
Also, Stillwell, because of these parents “who fix everything,” is the very reason why I belong to the HCEA. Not becasue I totally agree with Randy and his views on things, but because part of my dues is paid to a lawyer who I know will protect me from said idiot parents. And from what I have seen her do in the past for teachers in this county, Mrs. Anderson is Top-Notch.
And yet you admittedly change poor grades to better grades while you have a union and union lawyer to protect you.
Why hasn’t the great unimpeachable HCEA protected teachers and all parents from the practice of grade upgrading? I’ll tell you why…the union is not about education it’s about more money and less accountability for teachers.
Do you think teachers are behind “grade upgrading?” If Billy gets an “E,” Billy’s mom calls the teacher. When the “E” stands, Billy’s mom calls the principal. The principal will either back the teacher or order the teacher to make accomodations so Billy can hand in work from last month but didn’t, re-take assessments that he already failed, etc. And if the principal does back the teacher, Mom calls the superintendent and so on and so on and so on.
If you ask the teacher in the trenches, we are firmly against grade inflation. We are firmly against allowing “C” students take honors and AP courses. Our hands our tied. We get no backing from anyone higher up to enforce these issues.
After the word “month,” the following words are missing: “that he should have done.” My apologies for the proof-readers of the forum.
Why should we pay teachers any more than the rich compensation packages the currently receive if they can’t stand behind the grades they issue?
Heck seems as though teachers can’t make any decisions without asking the administration or the HCEA.
Yes, teachers have rich compensation packages. Come on in and join us.
We obviously disagree about what is competitive compensation. I guess that will all have to be worked out in negotitations. Oh wait, that’s right, you don’t want that. You instead want to dictate to teachers and other county employees what you think is reasonable compensation. Well, unfortunately that ain’t how it works.
And, in many instances, teachers hands are tied by the administration, which is why the HCEA is so important.
Well said. I can’t fix the parent situation and the schol system administration doesn’t have the chutzpah to fix it. Or they are on the side of the parents. Either option will end up in a place even worse than we are today. Your passionate posting is why we have more private schools than ever and will have even more in the future. If we had the voucher system in Maryland (and may God allow me to live long enough to see it happen) then some of this would be fixed. One exception I take with you. It’s not students who are the fools. It is the parents who are the fools. The students and the parents will both pay the price in the end.
As far as vouchers being a magic bullet for urban education’s ills I would stress that they are, in fact, a contributing cause to the problems. All schools that receive public funds should provide equal services to all students and they do not. This includes the following:
1. Accept every child who applies and keep this child for as long as his or her parent(s) wish.
2. Provide every service mandated by law to every child enrolled, including all special-needs students up to the age of 21 in some cases.
3. Be held accountable for all student performance using state-mandated tests such as the HSA tests.
4. Require all teachers and administrators working in voucher school to hold every license and degree required of public educators.
Until voucher schools are discouraged from cherry picking students, providing limited services to students, and not being accountable with MSDE standards and assessments, they weaken public schools that must have increased resources. Public education is the only way our nation can hope to return to the pre-eminence we once enjoyed in the world. All citizens must be given the tools to become productive, responsible and informed citizens and that is accomplished in public schools for all students.
@Diogenes – Public schools, public school teachers and unions fear competition from private and charter schools. You are failing and you know it.
Stillwell, let’s be realistic. You cannot compare public schools with private. Public schools are charged with educating all students. Private schools can pick and choose, based solely upon the ability to pay. Parents who can pay private school prices are likely two-parent professional households. Children from those environments tend to take school more seriously. I think if you compared apples to apples, and took out special education students, poverty-stricken students, etc. and just compared similar demographics, I think you would find that public schools are doing just fine.
Just so you know, I do not support the HCEA position on this topic. They should have taken the money and ran! If my boss offered a bonus, I wouldn’t care what it meant…I would take it! But to badmouth public schools, without thinking your comment through, is ridiculous.
If public schools are competitive let people have vouchers and choose what’s best for them. Vouchers will just raise the bar for all schools and the students, parents and taxpayers win.
Yes Stillwell, Public schools fear charter schools. Afterall lots of people where flaocking to fill RACS up.
I am not against vouchers but I don’t think you understand that a voucher should be for how much it costs to educate the “normal” kids which would be around 3-4 K at the secondary level not the 9K number you think. How much private school do you have left to pay for?
I never said how much I think a voucher’s value should be.
This voucher question is interesting and I must admit, I know little about it. What I worry about with the voucher idea is the following:
If everyone can now leave a “bad” school because they have a voucher, they will obviously flock to the “good” schools. So if everyone is now at the good school, wouldn’t the issues from the old “bad” schools follow, making the “good” school a “mediocre” school? And now that it is “mediocre”, wouldn’t the parents who were at the school when it was “good” be looking for greener pastures? Then, they take their voucher and send their kid somewhere else. Now, the “good” kids are gone, making the one-time “good” school a current “bad” school. Once this happens, won’t the cycle continue again?
I am afraid vouchers will just lead to a massive chess game. Again, I could be wrong because I am not sure about the ins and outs of such a process. Feel free to enlighten me if I have something wrong here.
Mike you correctly illustrate a second problem with vouchers. The first being that everyone thinks they cover the tutition at a private school in full. The reality being that it covers a tiny fraction of the cost of most private schools.
REALLY: The kids bear no blame for getting locked up?
You know, as a professional who worked for years in the real world (outside government for you lay persons)I am grateful for what Harford County Public Schools offers me. I am embarrassed, as should everyone who criticizes a company they work, hearing teachers and non appreciative staff members write in on this issue. WAAAAAAAA! We all live in the USA not cold war USSR. If you don’t like where you work LEAVE! Nobody is holding gun to you to work here. If you think for a minute you would have the pay, benefits and holidays you receive here in harford county somewhere else you’re nuts. HCPS pays 90% of health benefits (about $50 bi weekly for a family) STOP COMPLAINING. Try looking for another job somewhere else working 190 days per year with the same salary you get.
Lets say average teachers salary is low-balled at $45,000. That’s $210 a day! I certainly would love to make that kind of money and we know most teachers are alot high than that!
I challenge all of you to hold a job elsewhere, complain as much as you all do about being underpaid and demand the same benefits! You’d last about a week.
Not to rant about entitlements however….you are not owed a thing in life!
Thank you Dan. As I stated earlier, these people who feel they are “entitled” to a pay raise, step increase, cola, etc. are probably the first ones to cry foul when another group (welfare recipients, etc.) are given what they feel as though they are “entitled” to. SHut up and work people!
Amen to Dan!
Shame on you self-centered academic elitists.
If you look in the mirror you will see the problem.
Pay facts
Rookie with BS
Company 1-$41,171
Company 2-$43,000
Company 3-$42,890
10 years with Masters
Company 1-$52,153 (only paid on step 7 since they had a three year pay freeze)
Company 2-$55,033
Company 3-$56,550
17 years with Masters plus 30
Company 1-$69,569 (again three year pay freeze so you get paid on step 14)
Company 2-$69,166
Company 3-$71,466
25 years with Masters plus 60
Company 1-$73,688 (you got denied a $2,000 longevity increment last year because of a pay freeze and you are not rewarded for credits over 30)
Company 2-$80,528
Company 3-$76,416
So given that info which one do you think is least competitive and should get in touch with the market.
Company 1 is HCPS, Company 2 is BCPS and COmpany 3 is CCPS!
ok….now fill in the benefit packages and HCPS comes out way far ahead of these others.
Remember, every teacher out there chose their profession as i did. Stop whining! If you dont like what you have LEAVE and find another profession or start your own private school.
Or Harford County teachers can stay put and fight for more. Just like Harford County tax payers fight for lowering taxes.
You sir have the exact mind set as others destroying this great country. just saying….
Who are the others…the taxpayers? I agree with you, the taxpayers in Harford County who want to pay little for excellent public services are destroying this county and those like them all over the US are doing the same to this country.
Mr Paine….I am talking about anyone not happy where they work….my original comment simply stated that we live in free country and if you think you can have it better elsewhere go! The posting above says nothing about the the other compensation packages the other counties offer. look into it more closely and you will find if you combine your current total value of your benefits with your annual compensation HCPS remains very competitive. as in any competitive work force employees have the right to leave and go somewhere else to work if they feel their talents are worth more. i am sick and tired of hearing how low our pay is. With all the continued job losses everywhere other that the government sector, I personally do not believe HCPS employee these days should bitch about anything…there are plenty of others who would love to have a job what ever the pay or benefits. Remember you are 10 month employee getting compensation many who work 12 months would die for! give thanks for what we have. Merry Christmas to all!
Like I have said we can disagree about how competitive teacher compensation is in Harford County. You see it differently than I do. You are correct that teachers in Harford County can leave and go to another district or find something else to do. We can also stay and try to get what we feel is competitive compensation. Just as you are tired of hearing from teachers that their compensation is so poor, I am tired of hearing from taxpayers how they want to pay less for the same public services while the cost of those services, regardless of the cost of employee compensation, is increasing. You want what you want and I want what I want. Hopefully we can find a compromise without sacrificing the services that the citizens of this county have come to depend on.
Dan how do you figure? HCPS and BCPS have the same pension system, as does the whole state. The BCPS health benefits cost less and they offer vision. HCPS does not. The dental plan is better but costs more. 403b HCPS has one option which offers very little assistance in planning and BCPS offers several choices.
Paine your opinion assumes HCPS and county government are efficient. You also wanted to ignore health, pension and time-off benefits which makes you dishonest.
Taxpayers want value and efficiency not bloated salaries and a growing bureaucracy.
Stillwell, I don’t remembering arguing any facts about the exact salaries, benefits or any compensation figures that have been posted here. I simply feel that they are not competitive, or at least not what I feel they should be. You can certainly disagree with me and tell me again exactly what those figures are, but you are not going to change the way I feel. I don’t see how that is dishonest.
There are certainly places where things can be more efficient, but regardless, the cost of services are increasing regardless of employee compensation. Either pay for it or don’t, but you will get the services that you pay for. I just hope we can come to a compromise so services do not deteriorate.
Just not accurate. Health Benefits for individual Teachers minus their contribution is $4,925 the premium only get paid if the money is used in health care. So that crap about how much our benefits cost is just that crap. Our pension, we pay into + 2% to the general fund. Do some research and talk in true numbers and facts.
There is no free market in public education and these examples are not companies they are government run school districts.
So many want them to operate like a company I fealt saying it was appropriate. That said given that info which school system is losing the ability to attract the best teachers?
You are more like an apparatchik and not like a private sector participant.
I find it amusing that so many of you are bringing Randy Cervany’s salary. That published compensation INCLUDES his benefits. HCEA reimburses HCPS for those things, which is why the line item for compensation is higher and appears to have increased. His take home pay did not increase only the cost of the benefits. If all HCPS Employee compensation packages were written that way it would appear we all got raises….which is not accurate.
I also wanted to add that there are many teachers who are supportive of HCEAs fight. The scabs who benefit from our dues and negotiations are the ones that seem to be posting here.
Also stop throwing Randy under the bus here. HCEA is not a one man operation. If any of you have ever taken a second to get to know Randy you would know he is an honorable man who works very hard for teachers (and that includes the scabs who are bashing him).
I take great and considerable offense to your use of the word “scab” in describing people opposed to Our Fearless Leader’s fight. A scab is term reserved for those who would cross a picket line during a strike to work jobs vacated by those on strike. How dare you use that term to describe someone who is guilty only of sharing their different opinion of the position of the union leadership?
I am a union member and I understand the union’s position, but I reserve the right to be angry at not receiving money that was offered to me. It has not been adequately explained to me why this money needs to be included in the pool of money currently associated with HCEA’s unfair labor complaint with BOE. It has not adequately been explained to me how the County Council is responsible for BOE not negotiating in good faith, nor has it been adequately explained to me how the County Council is responsible for the Superintendent taking money out of the budget that the Council and the County Executive put there two years ago for the specific and stated purpose of funding salary increases and spending it on other budget items.
I am totally underwhelmed by the whole financial process where the union negotiates with the Board, the Board goes and begs for money from the County, the County funds the Board’s proposed budget in part or in its entirety, and the Board chooses whether or not to fund the teacher salary line item in the budget at its pleasure.
I think some of the comments on this site are sending a mixed message. As conservatives we can’t argue about the sanctity of the will of the people as represented by the elected county council and then turn around and applaud when someone subverts that. This is the sort of inconsistency that liberals love to point out. You either respect the will of the elected body or you don’t. What Craig did subverts the county council whether you agree with his stance or not. It is a dangerous precedent to allow one man this sort of power. We can’t simultaneously applaud this while complaining about how democracy is being eroded. We need to take a stand for something and stop changing our position when it suits us. Either we are the people’s party or we’re the party that changes our attitude toward the law whenever the mood strikes us. We can’t have it both ways.
RonPaul2012 Welcome to the Tea Party.
Thank you for siding with justice…
The Bel Air Town Commissioners will introduce a budget amendment Monday night to transfer funds from the town’s contingency account into various departments to fund a 2% cost of living adjustment for employees.
Hmmm…I wonder how much the county is sitting on?
Ryan please stand up and stop sitting on your brain. My family lost its bonuses because of the thinking of guys like you and Randy. Thanks Ryan and Randy for thinking of all of us.
No one lost anything. Support staff got paid. Teachers will get theirs soon.
Yeah, ok, when? At this point, I will believe it when I see it. There have been so many lies told at this point, I do not trust or believe anyone sitting up there in Bel Air. This type of activity gives Harford County a really bad reputation. I was just telling teachers in Baltimore County what both parties did in this situation and they were appalled. If this is how Harford County wants to conduct business, then I will take my skills elsewhere. I would never send my student to a school here in Harford County where the moral in the school buildings is the worst I have ever seen. There are far better schools in the city than there are here.
How is a veto subversive? It’s part of the legislative process. It’s part of checks and balances. If you are a social studies teacher and you think a veto is subversive, then you shouldnt be allowed to teach government!
Ryan Burbey- I wouldn’t go around promising teachers will get theirs soon. No money now thanks to veto. What if HCPS does a correction to account for the unfunded bonuses that were paid in support staff’s next checks?
That is no longer up to HCPS or Harford County Govt. It is up to the labor board! Thank you Sen Glassman!
I have confidence that HCEA and HCPS will negotiate a solution to the pending labor board claim.
So it looks like no bonuses for the teachers. Way to go HCEA. You managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.