From the 21034 Community E-News Editors:
Grace Episcopal Church announces Wednesday Night at the Movies:
“Out of Error into Truth, out of sin into righteousness, out of death into life: Exploring Themes of Resurrection”
6:00 p.m. Healing Eucharist
6:30 p.m. Simple Supper
7:00 p.m. Movie and Discussion
February 29, 2012 : “Up”
March 7, 2012: “Chocolat”
March 14, 2012: “The Spitfire Grill”
March 21, 2012: “As Good as it Gets
March 28, 2012: “Kinky Boots”
All are welcome! Come for all or part of each evening. Come for any or all of the series. 1022 Main St., Darlington, MD 21034. 410-836-3587 or for more information.
The Gadabouts, 21034’s seniors group will have lunch at Mt. Nebo Church on March 14, 2012. To register or for a ride please call Mary Ella Kelly 410-457-4665
Youth Dance – March 9th
The Wilson Center is sponsoring a dance for kids ages 11 to 15 years on Friday, March 9th, 6:30pm to 9:30pm. The dance will be held in the Grace Episcopal Church Parish Hall located at 1022 Main Street in Darlington. Mike the DJ will be on hand to keep the music flowing and everyone in a party mood. All students must be signed in and out by a parent or authorized adult. To make sure we have enough refreshments on hand, please call the Center at 410-836-3555 to let us know you’re coming. All are welcome! There is no admission charge to attend. Light snacks and sodas will also be available at no cost. So, bring a friend, put on your dancing shoes and come join the fun!
Get Acquainted Night at the Wilson Center!
A special gathering of local community leaders and involved residents will be held in the Grace Episcopal Church Parish Hall on Tuesday, March 6, at 6:30pm. The church is located at 1022 Main St., Darlington, MD 21034. This “Get Acquainted” event will be an opportunity to learn more about the Wilson Center’s Getting There Ride Share (GTRS) program for seniors and other activities going on at the Center. A part of the evening
will focus on getting “reacquainted” with the Wilson Center. We’ll share stories from the past and reflect on the programs and services the Center has provided over the (almost) 20 years that the Center has been serving area residents. We’ll also brainstorm about new ways the Center can better serve area residents now. The mission of the Wilson Center is to be your community organization! There will be time for those attending to share updates on their own church or community organization activities. Refreshments will be served so please R.S.V.P. to Marthea by calling 410-836-3555 or email at All are welcome to attend and find out more about our supplemental transportation program for seniors and, “What’s happening in Darlington!”
Summer is Coming!
It’s not too early to start thinking about summer! The Wilson Ministry Center will once again hold a Summer Fun Camp for area children entering Kindergarten through 8th grade. The camp will operate Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 5:30pm and will run for 9 weeks. Tentative start date is June 18, depending on snow days. For more information or to obtain a registration form, please contact the Center at 410-836-3555 or email at
MARCH 24, 2012
4:30 to 7:00 pm
410 459 7602 or 443 243 3994
Steve or Bob
DDCC (Dublin Darlington Community Council) MEETINGS
The March 21st meeting will feature guest speaker, Janet Gleisner, Chief of Transportation and Land Use Planning for Harford County. She will present information on the newly formed Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee. The meeting will be held at the Conowingo Visitor Center on Route 1 at 7pm. Mark your calendar for the Spring Town Meeting, Wednesday, April 25, 7pm at the Darlington Volunteer Fire Company on Castleton Road. Our elected officials have been invited to give a debriefing on the 2012 Legislative Session in Annapolis. There will also be a presentation on the proposed Center for the Arts.
Did you ever wonder what happened to the holiday wreaths that used to go up on the telephone poles along Main Street in Darlington? Well, after years of wear and tear, they got pretty shabby. But they have found a new purpose as lighted peace signs. All the fake foliage has been removed and the steel rims refurbished and custom outfitted with LED rope lighting to form electric symbols of peace. Each sign is 33 inches in diameter
and is meant to be used outdoors. A sample will be available for viewing at the library book sale on Saturday, March 10. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be donated to the Darlington Friends of the Library. If you are interested in purchasing one of these unique signs, stop by and place an order.
9th Annual Janet Hardy Memorial
Soccer Games and Tournament
600 Ohio Street
Dine-in & Carryout
Time: 5 PM – 9 PM
Date: Monday March 26, 2012
That’s right, no matter if you’re craving Pizza Hut Pizza, Pasta or Wings you can show your support if you Dinein or Carryout! Just present this flyer when you pay and our group will earn up to 20% of the net sales of your transaction. Janet died in a car accident on Route 1 at Dublin Road in 2003. She was almost 14 years old. Funds will be used for the Janet Hardy Memorial Scholarship.
Lenten Series at Deer Creek Harmony Presbyterian Church
Route 161 at Harmony Church RD
A RETREAT WITH BLACK ELK: Living in the Sacred Hoop – a different kind of Lenten study. Nicholas Black Elk (1863-1950), was a visionary, Lakota holy man, and convert to Christianity. Throughout his adult life, he struggled to reconcile the faith of his people with his newfound faith in Jesus Christ. In so doing, he found solutions to many of the same faith-questions that confront people today as they try to discover underlying
unity in the diverse streams of their lives. Freedom from bondage, serving others, the relatedness of all things, facing into the beyond – these are some of the great themes with which he wrestled. This Lent we will walk beside him towards Holy Week and Easter. We will use a volume of the popular “Retreat with” series as our guide, but mainly, we will learn from one another, sharing our own faith journeys and our questions along the way. For more information, see Pastor Barbara, or call 410-734-6087.
March 4 – Session #1, The North: “The Great Purifier” – Humility
March 11 – Session #2, The East: “The Morning Star” – Wisdom
March 18 – Session #3, The South: “The Blooming Tree” – Generosity
April 1 (Palm/Passion Sunday) – Session #4, The West: “The Crucifixion” – Courage
Darlington United Methodist Church
Pastor Gary reports that due to some recent doctor appointments, the schedule start of the Wednesday, mid week Lenten Bible Study, scheduled for February 29th will now begin March 7 and continue the 14th, 21st, and 28th. The format will remain the same, a study of various words and themes of the Lenten season, followed by a brown bag lunch. The time will remain the same 11:00 am -12 noon
Now Accepting District 35 State Senatorial Scholarship Applications
Annapolis, MD – Harford County Senator Barry Glassman would like to announce that he is accepting State Senatorial Scholarship applications now until April 15, 2012.
The State Senatorial Scholarship targets current high school seniors, full-time and part time undergraduate and graduate degree seeking individuals. The scholarship is open to individuals who are attending public or private institutions in the State of Maryland.
In order to qualify for the State Senatorial Scholarship you must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 1, 2012.* The application for the Senatorial Scholarship can be found on Please return the completed application to: Senator Barry Glassman, 320 James Senate Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401. If you would like any additional information on the Maryland State Senatorial Scholarship, please feel free to contact Senator Glassman at 410-841-3603 or
*Note from the Editors – Even though the March 1 deadline is today, we are including this information since many families have already filed the FAFSA application.
Free Family Movie Night at Deer Creek Friends Meeting
1212 Main Street, Darlington, MD
Join us to view the classic movie
Friendly Persuasion
The story of a family of Quakers in Indiana in 1862. Their religious beliefs are strongly opposed to violence and war.
It’s not easy for them to follow their Quaker beliefs in everyday life but when Southern troops pass the area they are
in real trouble. Should they fight, despite their peaceful attitude? What would YOU do??
Friday March 30, 2012
7-9 pm (Doors open at 6:30)
Popcorn and beverages served!
Bring a dessert to share if you wish!
The Darlington Volunteer Fire Company has its monthly breakfast on Sunday, March 11, 7:30am to 11:30am.
Thursday, March 15, is the monthly bingo. Doors open at 6:00pm, games begin at 7:00pm. The big
prize is $1,000.00!
It’s spring time! Have you done a spring home safety check? Be sure your smoke alarm and CO alarm have fresh batteries? All leaves are away from the house and garage?
Have you practiced your family escape plan?
Call us for additional information or help. We are here for you.
Did you know?
-many training courses have college credit available.
-there is a state tax credit for serving as a volunteer in the emergency services.
-there is a length of service pension program for volunteering in the emergency services of Harford County.
-there are many discounts from local vendors for being a member of the DVFC.
-we have many functions for our members and families during the year.
-there is no greater feeling than helping someone that really is in need.
Neighbors helping Neighbors since 1949. We are THE Darlington Volunteer Fire Company. Stop by and see us. or 410-638-3760
The 21034 Community E-News editors are volunteers who would be glad to have you join the team! The current editors are: Sarah Buchanan-Wollaston (Deer Creek Friends Meeting), Nancy Dilliplane (Grace Memorial Episcopal Church), Jane Howe (community member), Bernadette Low (Grace Memorial Episcopal Church) Velta Mahon (Deer Creek Harmony Presbyterian Church), Sarah Standiford (Grace Memorial Episcopal Church). E-mail us at if you’d like to help
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