From Frank Dupree:
Maryland revenues have steadily increased over the last four years yet Governor O’Malley’s administration continues to bemoan budget shortfalls. Maryland doesn’t have a revenue problem; this administration has a spending problem. A spending problem that Governor O’Malley intends to solve by raising taxes (12% on MD families). He’s also proposing a 6% sales tax on gas while prices at the pump are topping $3.75 a gallon. In addition, he is proposing all MD vehicle owners must purchase an easy pass transponder – for each vehicle owned! Governor O’Malley, please stop trying to solve Maryland’s budget shortfalls by loading the burden onto the backs of Maryland taxpayers. We already pay too much!!
Frank Dupree
Aberdeen, Maryland
And in other news playing with fire can burn your skin.
Joking aside, you nailed it Mr. Dupree! Good job, sir.
Damn silly.
Yes, most of the ideas pushed my O’Malley are damn silly, as are those who blindly support him and his cohorts.
Oh, if it was just simple enough for simpletons to understand.
The governor has had his name changed. The way he is, and had, hammered the citizens of Maryland, his name is now Gov. Martin O’Mallet
In Maryland we believe in freedom of conscience that’s why I felt it important to push for Gay Marriage. And we won a victory for all Marylanders. In Maryland we believe in having the best education and transportation systems in the county. That’s why we made the difficult but necessary choice to raise new revenues even in a time of fragile recovery. In Maryland we believe in protecting our environment while we strive for new economic growth, that’s why I said no to natural gas exploration and yes to wind and solar. What we were able to accomplish in Maryland I believe we can do for the country, continuing the forward thinking actions of my great predecessor President Barak Obama. Can’t you just hear it now – dear Martin, precious Martin, God’s gift to Maryland and now the US Martin. The O’Malley free ride gravy train continues all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. In Maryland, we believe Martin is a self righteous, arrogant, power hungry nut pushing agendas to give him a platform to run for 2016 President. I propose a bill to form the new state of Mid Maryland, to include Balto City, PG, Montgomery, howard and Anne Arundel. Leave the rest of us in Maryland of the sane.
Amen. Where do I sign?
Ditto, you nailed it, awesome job.
The Gov. is a tax and spend democrat. Always was and always will be. Just wait until he becomes a senator or Pres. God help us.I could see a small tax increase if we were really broke but with tens of millions going to the horse racing industry,illegals and the ICC, etc. I see it as a spending problem not a revenue problem.I guess the majority of Marylanders are delighted though. They put him into office. TWICE!!!
Sure, why not make people buy ez pass transponders. The flood gates are already opened. I mean if you can make people buy insurance, why cant you make them buy everything else for “the common welfare of the people” to make it easy for the politicians? Funny…..sounds a lot like communism.
Release the morons.
Nut job conservatives…..
We at the Delaware department of Economic growth and Tourism would like to announce that Maryland governor Martin Omalley has just been named “Delawares man of the Year” We thank you for sending all of your businesses, citizens and tourist to our state for the last 4 years. We applaud you for your vigorous deficit spending. We support you on your proposed gas tax. You have been the best thing for Delawares economy since the Duponts.
Maryland Doesn’t Have a Spending Problem; It has an idiotic conservative problem.
We have a cultural divide right now, between those that feel they should contribute to society and those that feel society owes them a contribution. We are close to a 50/50 split and, once the majority realizes they can vote themselves benefits from other citizens, the next revolution will begin. It will not be pretty as people decide to go off the grid and take care of their families only. Those who have grown dependent on government will have nothing to hold onto.
Look at Greece, we are not far away.
Wine Fan, Go drink some more wine.
WF, keep on drinking.
Boy the idiots are out.
WF, Yeah, you are proof of that.