From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Rep. Andy Harris released the following statement on the passage of the House budget:
“Today, House Republicans passed a budget that takes the first step in restoring the American dream by placing America on a path to prosperity and opportunity. The House budget will put America on a sustainable trajectory to end trillion-dollar deficits and help secure the retirement and health care programs, like Medicare, for our nation’s future. Last night, President Obama’s budget was unanimously rejected 414-0. It’s clear that even House Democrats agree that the President’s plan only leads us on a path to bankruptcy by adding another $11 trillion in additional debt and by imposing $1.9 trillion in new taxes on hard-working families. I hope that the Senate will finally take action on a budget after not passing one in over 1,000 days. It’s time for the Senate and the President to work with the House to place America on a path to fiscal stability.”
According to it was 228 R for and 181 D against. Wonder if he knows how to count??!!
The President’s plan was rejected unanimously. The Republican plan was accepted on a party-line vote. Both have deficits – I’d vote against either one and send them back to the design table. Perhaps that’s why there are no real unaffiliated members of Congress.
It’s sad really. This year we have the chance to really bring change to DC, but like we do every election year – we won’t.
Best not to throw stones if you don’t know what you’re talking about.
The New Messiah offered a budget that flopped whether 414-0 or 409-0.
“The President’s Plan” An OXYMORON if I ever heard one. This President’s plan is to euro-socialize America. More like Denmark. More like Sweden. More like France. More like Greece. This President’s plan is to destroy the military. He just said, “tell Vladimir that I can be MORE FLEXIBLE when I’m elected. More flexible? He’s done everything but give the communists around the world the nuclear football code. At least, we hope he hasn’t shared it with them for safekeeping. Really. I’m ashamed of Marylanders right now. So many good people yet the state is controlled by the “welfare mentality” that comprises major population centers. I guess if you can stand O’Malley as Governor, Obama doesn’t really seem that bad. O’Malley will wanat a piggy back tax on the piggy back tax on the piggy back tax before it’s over with. All in the name of “economic justice”!
The Washington Times reported yesterday that the House passed the budget, but that that goof ball form Nevada who runs the Senate stated that the Senate would not be producing a budget. This is the fourth year in a row that they have failed to perform the one duty that the Constitution directs them to do. We have a Senator who is running for re election this year. Let’s send him and the Senate a clear message and vote him out.
Wait, so this means the President isn’t solely responsible for our Federal budget every year? Wow I think we all learned something today.
For your sarcasm files.
It would certainly help the matter if the leader of the country proposed a budget that wasn’t shot down by every member of both parties. I would say he has some blame there, not to mention another failure to lead when he has the chance.