From Sen. Nancy Jacobs:
Thank you to the Republican voters of Maryland’s 2nd District for selecting me as your choice to represent our communities on the November General Election ballot.
I also owe deep gratitude to my many friends, family and volunteers who stood by me and by our message every step of the way. Yesterday evening was wonderful, but today we’re back at work.
Our victory was a step toward a shared goal of fixing a deeply divided and broken Washington. As many know, a large part of why I am running is because the incumbent has become an entrenched fixture in the partisan arena — a real go-to man for Nancy Pelosi. He wholeheartedly supports policies like Obamacare that we know destroy jobs and seriously jeopardize senior’s access to Medicare.
Voters deserve better, the broken Washington status quo must go. I pledge to work toward finding solutions to the vexing problems confronting Maryland’s working families and small businesses:
– I’m committed to pursuing pro-job growth policies that reduce the regulatory red tape and simplify the tax structure. America has the largest corporate tax rate in the world and some in Washington only want to increase it.
– I’m committed to repealing Obamacare because no one should be compelled by their government to buy a product, or be restricted by their government from whatever sort of medical care they seek. They shouldn’t have their access to quality care jeopardized by the whims of bureaucrats.
– I’m committed to working to reduce America’s debt because it’s irresponsible and dangerous to saddle our children and grandchildren with insurmountable bills to fund the current government’s poor spending habits. We need a balanced budget amendment.
In the past I have succeeded in working with members of both parties pushing bipartisan legislation to combat gang violence, stop child sexual predators and fight onerous tax hikes. With an eye to the future, I invite you to join me in breaking down the entrenched walls of Washington to deliver the solutions we need.
Over the next several months, I will continue to extensively travel the district. If you see me, please don’t be shy! I also encourage every voter to learn more about me and about our solutions by visiting my website at
I humbly ask for your vote in the general election.
Yours in service,
Nancy Jacobs
I’ve heard the senator speak a few times to different groups, different age levels. she has been burned a lot in the state legislature as her talks would indicate. she also has been able to get a few things done. At this point in her life I get the feeling she would not like to be a “junior” anything anymore. That’s why I still get the feeling this Congressional race is a tune up for something else. I still think, if she still has a residence in Harford, she’ll be running for county executive.
I can tell you she will not respond to an email if it does not help her with her agenda. She may say she works for all of us but only if it helps or makes her look good. Typical politician. She did not get my vote.
I hear what you are saying. I don’t know from personal experience about replying to emails, etc, but I do get the feeling she’s somewhat self absorbed. She came to speak to my son’s scout troop as part of a government merit badge requirement – so I’ll give it to her that she was willing to spend 3 hours with them at summer camp. While there however, she spent the bulk of her time listing her accomplishments, giving details of conflicts in the legislature she experienced, details of how she was being gerrymandered out of a district, and spoke a great deal “over the heads” of the young kids there. She was supposed to be there to help the kids understand how their state government and government in general in supposed to work and the part they could play in it and in helping in their communities. It was like she was used to giving the same talk over and over no matter who was there. Again I appreciated she took the time to be there but it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe just a hazzard of encountering a typical politician. Maybe she’s better speaking to adults.
You hit the nail on the head. She is self serving. If she is such a staunch Republican why did she support the Democrat over the Republican in the school board race in Edgewood? By the way her guy lost by a wide margin. Yes the school board race was listed as non-partisan but everybody knew the party affiliations of the guys running.
She never supported Robinson over Frisch. Why would she? Robinson said he had no idea about the school board, but could learn. Frisch is a teacher!
I’ve never had a problem receiving a response from Nancy Jacobs and I have even worked with her on different problems with in the community. Sen. Jacobs has no desire to be county executive either!
Sooy but she did. Why would she? Good question, why don’t you ask her? Jacobs was at Robinson’s fundraiser, got up in front of everyone there and publicly endorsed him. She was also pictured with Robinson in one of his campaign flyers. Robinson used her endorsement extensively.
She is not committed. Only should be committed.
I agree with most of what she stands for, more so than Dutch. I will campaign for her, donate to her fund and vote for her. Likewise if she runs for County Exec. I am more than tired of the Dem/Libs and their tax and spend and tax and spend and tax and spend ad nauseum.
I thought Nancy Jacobs would win and I offer her congratulations. I hope she can offer an effective and meaningful dialog to the 2nd District Congressional race. I agree with her that Ruppersberger has become part of the problem in Washington as one of the biggest earmarkers (that should be an issue for you, Nancy!) and as an unapologetic spender, but not a lieutenant for Nancy Pelosi.
Here are a couple of factual points I differ with Nancy on:
The mandate to buy health insurance, if it survives the court test, WILL SAVE EXISTING HEALTH INSURANCE POLICYHOLDERS $1000 PER YEAR IN PREMIUMS. No one likes to be told by the government what to do, buy a policy, but uninsured patients cost everyone else money because they drive up the cost of health insurance for everyone else. Talk about involuntary, what about paying more for health insurance because others don’t have it?! Another aspect of the Health Care Affordability Act (“Obamacare” as Nancy likes to call it) is that insurers can’t deny coverage because of pre-existing conditions. That includes women who are pregnant and are going to have babies. Nancy, now who do you stand with, the women and people in need of medical care, or the insurance companies? It’s easier to be against “Obamacare” like the simple-minded Michele Bachmann is and use the term “Obamacare” as a racist slur, than to deal with the actual issues in the Health Care Affordability Act. That kind of sloganeering is what makes normal citizens disgusted with politics and politicians.
The second point I would like to differ with Ms. Jacobs on is this: want to reduce the deficit? Cut defense spending. There is hardly anything left in the domestic budget to cut that would not cut into the long-term well-being of the U.S., but the defense budget and the unfunded wars are what is truly making us bankrupt. Why don’t you stand up and do the right thing, Nancy, and press for defense cuts? Or are you going to be strangely silent as Dutch Ruppersberger is and vote for every damn thing demanded by the Pentagon?
While you’re at it, you didn’t mention this in your statement, but how about letting the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy expire? Even the conservatives’ icon Ronald Reagan, taxed the rich at a much higher rate than they are being taxed now. That is another measure that would help cut the deficit, Nancy. What is your position on that?