From the Harford County Board of Education:
The Board of Education of Harford County met for a special business meeting on Thursday, May 31, 2012, in the Board Room of the HCPS/A.A. Roberty Building and took the following actions or received the following presentations:
Approved the following promotions:
– Angela S. Morton, current Principal of Youth’s Benefit Elementary School to Executive Director of Elementary School Performance
– Kristine Scarry, current Coordinator of Reading to Supervisor of Reading, English & Language Arts
– Kimberly Banks, current foreign language teacher at Fallston High School to Supervisor of World Language/ESOL
Received a presentation on the Board of Education’s FY13 Proposed Operating Budget with respect to the revenues that were approved by the County Council this past Tuesday. This presentation will be posted to the school system website ( tomorrow, Friday, June 1.
Looking forward to seeing how much money the BOE has budgeted for salary increases for HCPS staff. With all of the hoopla going on with regard to staff pay perhaps the BOE should list, by name, every employee who will receive an increase. I mean, I would just like to know who are the favored, especially if nothing for teachers is proposed. Ryan Burbey and Randy Cerveny ought to be able to support that.
The only person who may get an increase is the superintendent. Part of his pay is based on performance. You won’t see building or central administrators getting a raise, they are tied in with what the teachers get, so it is beneficial for administrators to support teacher raises. You won’t see the facilities workers or anyone else getting a raise unless it is across the board.
They always talk about getting rid of the dead wood in administration, how about showing a little integrity and saving money by getting rid of the two administrators (JA,& PM) that can’t do their job anymore. Cutting the strings on those two lets you hire four teachers.
Good. If what you say is true it should be a very short list therefore very easy to create and publish. I still want to see it. I want to see a list of every school employee who is on salary and their salary for next school year will be more than for the current one. I don’t believe it is just the Superintendent because of title changes and promotions like Angela Morton but if it is then that should be really easy for the BOE.