From the State Highway Administration:
Public Encouraged to Attend June 27 to Provide Feedback as Design Phase Nears Completion
The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) is hosting an informational meeting/open house on Wednesday, June 27 about possible improvements to the following three intersections along MD 22 (Aberdeen Thruway) in Aberdeen, Harford County:
• MD 22/Beards Hill Road
• MD 22/MD 462 (Paradise Road)
• MD 22/Old Post Road
The intersection improvement projects are related to Maryland’s BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) improvements at Aberdeen Proving Ground.
Wednesday, June 27 between 6 and 8 p.m.
There is no formal presentation – arrive at any time. Attendees may walk through project displays at their own pace and speak with project team members.
Aberdeen High School – Cafeteria
251 Paradise Road, Aberdeen, Md. 21001
Citizens have the opportunity to provide feedback about SHA’s proposed improvements that include widening MD 22 at the three intersections to provide additional turning lanes and/or through lanes; widening to accommodate bicycles and constructing new sidewalks; pavement repair and resurfacing; curbs and gutters; and upgrading traffic signal systems. The State recently allocated funding for right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation to these MD 22 projects. SHA expects to finish design for the Old Post Road intersection later this year, in early 2013 for Beards Hill Road, and in fall 2014 for Paradise Road.
More information is available by contacting Ms. Lindsay Bobian, SHA Project Manager, by phone at 410-545-8765, toll-free at 1-888-228-5003 by or e-mail at Please contact her for any special accommodations or needed translations for the meeting. TTY (Text Telephone) service is available through the Maryland Relay
Service at 7-1-1.
So it seems like there is an incessant amount of b****** and complaining on this website about traffic around APG and all the promised BRAC road projects that never developed, and now that SHA announces an open house to talk about exactly that… crickets.
In my experience of going to these SHA events there are very few people there. People need to get more involved than just complaining.
Ugh, couldn’t they wait until 40/715 is done? That intersection is going to be a disaster so I bet a large number of employees will switch their driving patterns to use 22.
“SHA expects to finish design for the Old Post Road intersection later this year, in early 2013 for Beards Hill Road, and in fall 2014 for Paradise Road.”
This timeline is for the DESIGN phase, not the construction phase. The new 715 is supposed to open to traffic one year from now, or about 6 months from the first design phase completion.
I doubt there’s much overlap in construction phases, but I’m betting you could find out at the meeting.