The following letter regarding the proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter in Bel Air was drafted by the Abingdon Community Council and addressed to the director of community affairs for Wal-Mart and officials in Harford County Government. The letter dated August 27, 2012 was also addressed to community members in Abingdon, Emmorton and Bel Air South. A copy was provided to The Dagger for publication:
The “Abingdon” Community Council, which is also sometimes referred to by Harford County Government as the “Abingdon/Emmorton” Community Council was reconstituted in February 2011. Since that time, this council has closely followed rumors of the relocation of Walmart from Constant Friendship. The proposed site at Plumtree Road and Emmorton Road falls within the Abingdon/Emmorton area boundary as defined by Harford County. Members have watched this process unfold over the last year, attended the community input meeting July 19, 2012, thoroughly reviewed the site plan and information provided by Walmart, and actively sought community input. As members of the community appointed by the county executive to this council to represent and advocate for the views of this community, we unanimously oppose the relocation of Walmart from Constant Friendship to Plumtree Road. While we recognize the market demands on Walmart’s business and their legal right to pursue business as they see fit, we also hope that they recognize the value of their standing in this community for many years and the responsibility with which that comes.
The council recommends the following:
• That Walmart, if it deems necessary to expand their business, work with the community, county and state government, and the Constant Friendship shopping center to propose a site plan at the current location that utilizes the already improved infrastructure in that area.
• That Walmart consider its responsibility as a longstanding member of this community and act accordingly in all facets of its operations.
• That Walmart enter into a Community Benefit Agreement which identifies specific initiatives and partnerships they will undertake in our community that signify their intent to participate in and enhance life for all members of this community.
• That county government, by way of the Planning and Zoning office, the Development Advisory Committee, and other relevant departments and offices thoroughly review plans submitted by Walmart and reject any plans that do not adequately address the current and future infrastructure, quality of life, environmental standards, and economic development needs of the Abingdon-Emmorton-Bel Air South community.
• That various community groups, organizations, and businesses work together for a unified purpose, which shall be the improvement of all aspects of the entire community both in this process as well as future developments.
• That this unified effort closely monitor the proposals from Walmart and the reviewing actions of county government throughout this process to ensure the thorough and proper review of any development proposal.
• That those individual members of the community who are interested in assisting in this unified effort contact this council, their local Home Owner’s Association, other community organizations, and local elected officials, as well as attend all public meetings held as desired.
This council was created for the benefit of the residents and businesses in this community and to act as a liaison between members of the community and Harford County Government. We are resolved that the site plan design currently made public for a Walmart Supercenter at Plumtree Road and Emmorton Road inadequately addresses major concerns regarding traffic, public safety, environmental standards, and generally does not conform to the predominant nature of the immediate vicinity. We request that this plan is withdrawn and replaced by a proposal to stay at the current location in Constant Friendship in whatever capacity deemed necessary by Walmart.
Cynthia Hergenhahn, Chair
C. David Copenhaver
Carlin Cook
Gregory Beaty
Earl Grey
I would imagine one of the reasons Wal-Mart wants out of Abingdon is because of the difficulty of getting to that store. That entire Constant Friendship development has got to be one of the biggest gaffes in the history of planning and zoning. There’s got to be close to a million square feet of retail space back there (not to mention all of the other businesses)… and it was all built on a dead-end road that could never easily be made a through street.
In the end I’m sure Wal-Mart will get their Plumtree store, and the Constant Friendship building will sit empty for a long time. A little more foresight by the Department of Planning and Zoning in regard to both sites could have made this point moot long ago.
If you think it’s bad getting in and out of that store and think it will be better on 924 you are sadly mistaken. Traffic in that area is already over burdened and during rush hours and weekends can come to a standstill. Imagine pulling traffic from two directions on to that already existing traffic problem. A few lanes widening at the site will not alleviate the backlog of traffic, it will increase it. With no exit off of 24 and only entrances from two small access roads and 924 it’s going to be a nightmare to get to the store or to try to get into Bel Air. Fire department traffic may be forced to go to Ring Factory Road to be able to get out during rush/holiday traffic. Residents in Bright Oaks will be forced into a right turn only option coming out of their neighborhoods to avoid accidents. The proposal includes several new traffic lights but if traffic isn’t moving to begin with a few lights are not going to help, but will probably make things worse as only a few cars can get through the light before it’s red again. This is a bad location for a superstore of any kind but one that is open 24 hours a day with grocery, auto, pharmacy and retail is just too dense for the area.
Too bad the Dept of Planning and Zoning was unable (or unwilling) to see what everyone else saw when that whole Walmart, Lowe’s, BJ’s mess was created. It never should have happened and people should have lost their jobs who approved it. That’s why Walmart wants out. And they will get out because the current zoning will permit them to build at Plumtree. When will the whining stop?
The whining will stop about 3-6 months after the store opens, once everyone has put their house on the market or moves on to the next thing to whine about– probably the apartments.
There appears to be enough room behind the businesses on the right hand side (entering) of Constant Friendship to build another road back to BJ’s, and to create a one-way loop that could be redirected to get people out in case of a major blockage. Not sure why the developer hasn’t done it. Probably because it doesn’t make any money.
Also I’ve noticed a for-lease sign posted in the circle at the back of the center– about to add another store? That would make it harder to build the loop.
Putting a house on the market 3-6 months after it opens is too late. Actually, it is probably already too late.
Somebody really needs to do something about Constant Friendship – what a miserable place to navigate – and the loop may be the best available answer, but I suppose that no one can mandate it.
That for lease sign has been there for years just like the for sale sign by the storage place behind walmart.
$20 million dollars. That is how much of our tax money has been spent to improve the tollgate area intersections because Walmart “whined all the time” according to David Craig’s office about getting it improved for them. How nice of Walmart to not reveal their hand until after the commitment of my hard earned tax money. How much federal, state, and local tax money will this potential move cost us all. Whatever Walmart pays for to mitigate their impact will never be enough because of how systemically it will effect the traffic flow.
This may be known as David Craig’s last stand in Harford County before he runs for Governor. How can we give him the key to the state lock box if we see our own community pillaged. Okay Mr. Craig, what will it be?