From the office of Del. Glen Glass:
Maryland State Delegate Glen Glass (R – Harford, District 34A), announced today that he recently read the news story in the Baltimore Sun about a speed camera giving someone a ticket that wasn’t even moving. Delegate Glass expressed outrage over these speed cameras.
“These things are an abuse of power and I will support Delegate Smigiel and Delegate Cardin in their attempts to rein the use of speed cameras,” Delegate Glass said. “I am currently working on legislation to fix this problem, and look forward to your feedback regarding this issue,” Delegate Glass concluded.
Joseph White says
I really feel sorry for the public employees and police officials that are forced to constantly go on TV to tell us “it’s all about safety, not revenue”. Right.
Citizen says
Tell me how it is not about safety. Speeding is about safety, running red lights is about safety, using a cell phone while driving is about safety. If people would drive with safety in mind, the need for revenue to enforce laws would go down. Am I in Texas?
Ron Jeremy's Big Tool says
because “its for the children” is an overplayed coined term. there is a permanent solutiion instead of speed cameras that’s been used since the first asphalt has been poured, its called a speed bump.
Fed up says
Show us the evidence that they actually reduce incidents of “running red lights” – if they were so darn effective they would issue tickets for a month or so, then nobody would be summoned. This isn’t the case at all – they are just huge revenue hogs and we’re only now hearing about their inaccuracies. Inaccuracies in this case means that thousands of people have been issued tickets in error – they paid the fines and now it is evident that the police were well aware that the systems were flawed. This is a case of collusion between the police, policy makers and the camera manufacturers – they are the only ones who benefit from this intrusive and inaccurate bologna!
FightinBluHen51 says
When the state gets caught red handed with serious issues of accuracy in the technology…as well as the counties and city break the law that fees for the cam management companies are based “per ticket” which is against said law…it is about money and control, NOT safety.
We should be more like Texas citizen; at least they have more freedom down there. Time to get one of these…
Hates this state says
If it was truly about safety, the fine would be $1000. Instead the fine is just below the threshold where people think it is worthwhile to take off work to fight it in court. They did studies to find that threshold, because they want you to fork over the money, even if you are not guilty. Cheaper than losing a day of work. It’s all about the $$$.
Bel Air Mom says
Here, here. When you get a traffic ticket from an officer, you have the ability to go to court and refute his or her claim. I don’t know how you’d do that with a camera. Most people would pay the $40, even if they weren’t in the wrong.
AndyRooney'sFerociousEyebrows says
If you think that Law Enforcement supports these cameras you are sadly mistaken. First they are a step towards replacing patrol officers with cameras, knowing that many major criminals are caught during routine traffic stops. Second, our cruisers are photographed responding to emergencies with lights going (siren going but obviously not in the photo) and we are forced to write a written request to have these tickets waived despite the fact that they are supposed to be reviewed by an officer in the first place. The fine for having one of those nophoto plate frames will be much worse than if you had just paid some speeding camera tickets by the way. Lastly, red light cameras and speed cameras are a source of revenue first and as a fortunate side effect may add to public safety. There is a reason they are hidden, our command staff and the politicians want you to get the tickets because $40/ticket several hundred times a day is serious money over the course of a year.
AndyRooney'sFerociousEyebrows says
I know that someone will challenge me thinking that they know better so I’ll put it out ahead of time:
Maryland Code > Transportation > 13-411.1
(a) In this section, “registration plate cover” means any tinted, colored, painted, marked, clear, or illuminated object that is designed to:
(1) Cover any of the characters of a vehicle’s registration plate; or
(2) Distort a recorded image of any of the characters of a vehicle’s registration plate recorded by a traffic control signal monitoring system under § 21-202.1 of this article.
(b) A person may not sell or offer for sale a registration plate cover.
(c) A person may not advertise for the purpose of promoting the sale of registration plate covers.
Common $ense! says
Having Glen Glass as my delegate is “An Abuse of Power”!
FightinBluHen51 says
Yeah…might have to pay a fine hire than the ticket…but it ain’t illegal yet, and then ya have to catch me.
Free market fixing a .gov screw up. Which is more corrupt? Answer that one.
FightinBluHen51 says
BTW, AndyRooney’sFerociousEyebrows. It does not “a) In this section, “registration plate cover” means any tinted, colored, painted, marked, clear, or illuminated object that is designed to:
(1) Cover any of the characters of a vehicle’s registration plate; or”
It “may”
(2) Distort a recorded image of any of the characters of a vehicle’s registration plate recorded by a traffic control signal monitoring system under § 21-202.1 of this article.
Over exposures happen in natural light too. So, maybe they have just a little “help.”
Reed Kiefer says
In Montgomery County MD, speed cameras and red light cameras are not about safety. They are about insuring that the wasteful, bloated, semi-criminal Montgomery County BUROCRACY can continue to rip off the citizens and ensure that they get thier excessively large pay checks every month. Someone recently suggested speed bumps for slowing people down. This is a reasonable solution to the problem of speeding. However, if this were done, the Burocrats would have to wait to buy their next luxury auto, or 90 inch flat screen TV.
IN THE 1930s AND 1940s people did not stand up to this kind of abuse. As a result, the Nazis became more and more bold. And we all know how that turned into the biggest frenzi of killing the world has ever seen.