From Harford County Education Association President Ryan Burbey:
Recently the surplus of capacity within HCPS has become an issue of public debate. This space could be used to address a plethora of needs within the system, including alternative education classrooms, fine arts electives, increased AP and honors classes, more foreign language options, bilingual classrooms for ELL students, increased technical and career education, adult education opportunities, parenting classes, early childhood lab schools, public pre-schools, as well as, greater access to STEM and G/T programing. I don’t think there is there is a single student, parent, administrator or teacher who would object to this. I would also be willing to bet that many of these changes would fly through the Board of Education and be implemented quickly. Unfortunately, there is a giant wall obstructing innovations which would bring more use to available space within HCPS, adequate funding.
Despite being one of the wealthiest counties in the entire country, Harford County Government has never committed itself to funding a first-class education for its students. As of 2011, Harford was the 42nd richest county in the country. That’s right little ole’ Harford County has the 42nd highest income in the entire country.
Local leaders, most namely, County Executive Craig, have bemoaned the lack of state funding. However, in seven out of the last ten years the State of Maryland has contributed more to educating the children of Harford County than Harford County Government.
In order to take advantage of the excess space available for instruction, Harford County Public Schools must hire more teachers, not cut staff positions due to funding deficits. More programing requires more teachers. Hiring more teachers means increasing funding. About 80% of HCPS’s budget goes to instructional staff. Last year, Harford County Public Schools was forced to cut 60 positions due to a lack of necessary funds. This year, HCPS faces an over $20,000,000 budget hole. If Harford County Public Schools is ever to fully utilize its facilities, or provide equitable opportunities for a first-rate education to all students in Harford County; it will need to become a priority for Harford County leadership. Our schools should receive the funds necessary to expand programing, creating a first-rate school system which prepares students for success in the 21st century; rather than being relegated to begging for the funds necessary to merely survive.
You are the poster-child for
what’s wrong with HCPS
and our MD system.
Its because of people like Burbey that the education systems is failing. Marxism doesnt work. Go away
One of the weathiest counties in the US? Are you serious? Then why are they crying poor all the time!? Rain tax, gas tax, this tax, that tax. Has anyone been on our major roads lately? Rt 24 and 152 are a mess. We have several public schools that are very old, outdated and in some cases physically deteriorating. Our major arteries are deteriorating and/or jammed like metro LA (Rt 22 in Churchville). I’m all over the US every month of the year – rural and metro. HarCo is no standout in terms of its living conditions. Seems to me that vouchers would solve the school problem here just like everywhere else – people’s choice has a way of focus what people want and expect.
How would vouchers solve the problem?
Many would pull their kids from the public system and take them private. It would highlight what the people want and do not want. Then the County could re-shuffle their resources to meet the needs of those who wish to remain. It would also put a spotlight on unwanted, unnecessary public expenses. You may not like it, but many taxpayers would – today there’s no option.
Many? How many people can afford to mke up the difference between a voucher and the much higher cost of the private school?
If you eliminate special ed from the equation you are left with a much smaller amount like 4,000. Do you think people could afford to pay the remaining 10,000 at John Carroll and transport their own kid ? Also what accountability measure would you put in place to make sure they are being used at reputable institutions? We have not even mentioned the fact that their would have to be spaces for these many people. I also do not see how it solves the funding problem?
It would still be more than those that do it today, and those that already pay the tuition would be able to save the other funds for their child’s college fund.
Again how does this solve the budget problem with the school systems?
Didn’t someone just say this is one of the “wealthiest counties” in America? I think you’d be surprised how many would opt for a private education. I used to be a huge proponent of the public education system but now that my kids have gone through it, I’m not impressed in the least. Give me my money and I would have sent my kids to private schools – I didn’t have cash to spare on it, but with a refund of the amount I pay in taxes, I certainly could have done it.
It is not opt for private Ed it is 4000 less and you still have to get in!
And? That $4k can make the difference for any number of families. Most private schools also have scholarships, financial assistance, etc, for those that need it, but extremely few have enough to make it free for every needy student.
Just because a voucher would not be a free ride to Boy’s Latin should not be justification to ignore the benefits it would provide.
Not that much John Carroll leaves a family paying 10K a year and their own transportation. Do you think these private schools have tons of empty spots to be filled with voucher children? Additionally if one assumes all the kids their request vouchers they didn’t used to get that would either shrink the amount of the vouchers or increase the cost of public education. Finally does the private school want to start playing by rules required of an institution getting public funding?
$10k is more affordable than $14k, and parents that want the best for their children will do whatever it takes to make it happen, even if that is set up a carpool to school, or a before/after-care program with transportation, etc. I’d suggest you look into voucher programs in the real world (such as Milwaukee Public Schools), private schools flock towards them and work closely with the administrators to get their programs approved.
What about in cases like Arizona where 76% of the money went to kids already in private schools and simply lead to increases in taxes to fund the public schools ?
Not to mention you have schools like Wisconson Lutheren High School which states in it’s Biology Syllabus
“evolutionists are ‘stuck’ because they have no god, therefore they must believe in evolution”
This school get’s your public money to do this and take a field trip to the creationist museum!
Unit VI seems to omit half of the Evolutionary standards from the Wisconson Curriculum!
Where is Wisconson? Guess they don’t tech geography mush no more.
I think that is where Milwaukee is, which is apparently where the best school voucher programs are.
No More a Typo for Wisconsin Which beats the two others you had; and bad grammar to boot!
Sure Cdev – not a typo when you have the identical misspelling twice in the same blurb. It just seems so ironic – if you’re going to ridicule the inclusion of faith into curricula and not be aware of some basic spelling or geography. You are a teacher aren’t you?
I wouldn’t get upset about typos…
I would be more upset about the total lack of knowledge regarding creation science. I’ve been to the museum in KY and can say you do need an open mind.
All science is based upon presuppositions. Mathematics are based on presuppositions. Mechanical sciences are based on them, too.
The problem with evolutionists is that they close their minds to overwhelming evidence that flaws in their ‘family tree’ are being discovered routinely through genetic research. Such research on fossilized dinosaur bones alone have the open minded researchers re-thinking the classic understandings of millions-of-years based presuppositions. The close minded evolutionists reject this secular research as being flawed, etc…, because it does not fit with the prevailing theories. Creationists do not accept it on face value to earn their presuppositions validity, but merely to point out mounting evidence of consistency with their view.
In other words, creationists are not wild-eyed whack-jobs the extremists on the left would like to paint them as, but rather people who very methodically arrived at conclusions based upon reproducable experiments using observations and logical conclusions. Oh wait, that sounds like science… sorry.
Creation science is simply a way to insert teaching religion in the public school. The Museum is a joke and an offense to put the word science with it at all! I am more concerned that you did not learn what a scientific theory was and was not!
I agree and yes it was a cheap shot for which I should probably apologize. However another good example of just who is teaching kids today. Obviously has a hostility towards and propensity for mocking religious belief. I would wish at least teachers remain objective because this is one area that’s extremely personal and important to many families.
Is that assessment of the Museum based upon a personal visit whereby you challenged the staff (full of PhD from secular institutions I might add) to reach a conclusion, or based on your presupposition of the museum itself?
Also, could you please provide a link or document to back up your assertion about the creation science ‘movement’. I discussed this once before with a fellow who used this exact same line of reasoning and accusations… When I challenged him to provide such evidence none was given. Since you echo the same empty accusation, please provide the solid evidence upon which you base this assumption.
I’ll check in later to see what you came up with… Tell you what, I’ll make it easy. Check out the AiG, ICR and perhaps two other creation websites… then post the part in their mission statements about trying to filter religion into schools. Do just that. Provide the link.
BTW, I do understand scientific theory. Let’s have fun. Since I’m so empty of knowledge and creation science is nothing but a joke to you… explain how the inconsistencies in K-Ar40 dating make it an accurate measure for the age of rocks. It ought to be easy with a half-wit like me.
An incomplete understanding of something that occurs as slowly (usually) as evolution does should be expected. However, its ability to explain an incredible number of observations and make an even greater number of testable predictions makes it one of the most powerful processes ever discovered. There are certainly areas of evolutionary biology that require more research to develop a better understanding, but to say that creation science is a well-established scientific alternative is not just silly, it is a complete lie. Don’t pretend that it is. Do I have a PhD in evolutionary biology…no. But pick up any issue of Science Magazine or Nature and you’ll be shocked to learn that creation scientists aren’t publishing too many reports that are related to creation science. Evolutionary biologists seem to be making most of the discoveries related to the history of life. Now maybe the scientific community is just one big conspiracy, I mean REALLY BIG, but I’d say the chances of that are about as good as creation science actually adding something intelligent to the conversation about the history and future of life on Earth.
Fair enough, if you were not paying attention it is exactly the time frame that is in question. Micro-evolutionary changes and speciation is observable, however, not one species has ever been observed to evolve into another species. The explanation for that macro leap just flat out does not exist. You don’t need a PhD in geology to understand the problems dating rocks… and that is the foundation for the belief in millions of years for geologic record.
It is true creationists are not published in those magazines… It does not mean they are not published, though, at all. What is the title of the last creation scientist authored article you read? What was the publication? Clearly to dismiss the work you had to have studied it. So please share just one.
I’m not into conspiracy theories… CDEV offered one for which I am waiting upon the evidence to prove.
I don’t think evolutionists are part of any conspiracy. I believe the majority of scientists are deluded into thinking and believing the millions of years paradigm to maintain support for evolution. I believe this based upon flat out lies in my high school biology textbook and an incomplete questioning of data results that slap in the face of the accepted doctrines. One good for instance on this… the myth about the industrial revolution in Britain causing mutations in moths and thereby evolving a new species of moths… total lie. And spend some time reading about the discoveries using mtDNA and the inconsistencies those studies have revealed about accepted theories; and then read WHY the observations are rejected.
So, to tie this to the topic at hand… I’m fine funding schools as long as the truth is taught. Get the lies out of it. You don’t have to teach creation or religion to accomplish that task. So, if public money funnels to a child who obtains an education which causes them to question the dogma taught by the biology teacher – I’m good with it.
You need to stop with the internet talking points from websites like or jesusdidn’ or you’
Never seen a species evolve into another? Really? Why do you think one of the 3 types of patents you can apply for is for the creation of new plant species? Plant species can be produced in one generation through an error during meiosis leading to polyploidy. This prevents them from reproducing with their original plant species butn they can still reproduce via self-fertilization. There are also countless species of insects that did not exist until we brought domesticated plants via agriculture to new environments. The native species evolved into new species that can utilize the new plants.
The problem with creation science is that it attempts use our incomplete understanding of the history of life on Earth as well as the history of the universe to say that if we can’t understand something completely, then whatever that idea is that we don’t fully understand must be false and therefore the universe and everything in it has been created by God. That sounds a lot like science to me.
And published, really? Talk to me when Science or Nature have something to say regarding creation science other than it is simply a fairy tale that has nothing to do with science.
Anyways, students can always question their teachers about any concepts that they are learning, as long as it does not disrupt instruction to the point where the discussion detracts from learning. However, there are particular standards that students are expected to be able apply. Evolutionary theory is one of them. Students do not have to be believe in evolutionary theory, but they better be able to explain it, apply it and describe the evidence that we have accumulated to understand if they want to pass a public high school biology course in the state of Maryland.
I’m not sure why I’m wasting my time with this other than the fact I am trying to forget why I have to start my SECOND JOB in 1 hour! Which brings us to the whole point of this particular article. DAVID CRAIG, PLEASE FULLY FUND THE HCPS BUDGET SO I CAN GO HOME AND SPEND SOME TIME WITH MY KIDS FOR ONCE THIS WEEK!
It’s unfortunate that you need to work two jobs. I sincerely hope your situation improves.
I studied evolution and kept learning. I asked questions and when the answers were too difficult I was told to use my imgination. I would apologize for demanding better, but I won’t and didn’t.
I am aware of what you cited, I also readily expressed that micro evolutionary changes have been observed. The problem is that plants are still plants and insects are still insects. Now, if patents covered processes to turn plants into insects, well, that would be a game changer.
Sorry for wasting your time. I’m not aware of those websites. I’d like to say they are simply internet speaking points, but they do reflect reading I’ve done. I’d have to say your description of creation science is not very accurate at all. If that is your understanding then I do suggest you open your mind a little and discover for yourself.
I’m done here.
Where to begin!
1) Yes I have been to the museum in Kentucky. I had read about the existence of it and refused to believe something as ignorant, as the article I read portrayed it, could exsist. I went with the mind set that this article went and found the worst things and omitted some balancing items out. After viewing a film there, which was not in the article I read; but have sense seen mention of in press about it, I felt in no way comfortable challenging the staff there about their views or engaging in a dialouge. In this film it basically showed a how to on how to tell your biology teacher they are wrong and portrayed kids doing so in the most disrespectful manners. To make it worse I was viewing this film in a theater there with school children visiting the theater. What I saw was not science!
2) The syllubas I linked to is very mild compared to others I have seen however this one was relevat to the topic because it is used in an actual school in Milwaukee recieving vouchers. My main issue with it is it omits certian Wisconsin curriculum standards that it has no religious counter for. If it included them I would say it is fine.
3) As has been pointed out to you Micro-evolution has been observed. It is most observable in Bacterium, Plants and other similar organisms which reporduce quickly and abundentently. In no way is an evolution a plant becoming an insect! That is purely rediculous and ignorant of what evolution is. Evolution also does not suggest that an ape became a man like others suggest. Speciation occured when the Eastern Continental divide formed seperating the Oriole into two different breeding groups resulting in two distinct species of Oriole the Western Oriole and the Baltimore (Eastern) Oriole.
4) As was pointed out to you also the flaw with creationism is that it simply looks for things not able to be explained ….yet… Evolutionary Biology and says see it is incomplete so that must mean a third hand account in Genisis is correct since Moses (a man who was not born until a Thousand years later (using the creationist timeline) wrote it. This is not how Science works. Genisis is not a Null Hypothesis for the Evilutionary Hypothesis which is the Theory of Evolution. Darwin is the father of Evolutionary Theory but our understanding of it has changed alot since than in ways Darwin could not have fathomed, just like Columbus did not ever realize he found a new continent and died thinking he discovered a short cut to India!
5) A Christian view and Evolution are not totally exclusive of each other. It is possiblee to believe that God utilized some evolutionary mechanism to create the Universe and Populate the world with life. According to the Bible itself God’s concept of time is not something Man can understand who is to say thay 7 days does not mean 7 long periods of time! I never shared my personal belief on the subject with students when I taught High School Biology or AP Biology. We discussed what evolution is and was, Population Gentecis, Hardy-Weinberg etc. When asked for answers of a religious nature and how to reconcile it with religion I would refer them to their cleric or Brother Paul down the hall who taught Early World History (yes this was a public school). So NO I did not force “dogma” on students. That does not change the fact that I believe religion has NO place being presented as a science and being taught in a science class. Teach religious studies where it belongs in a social studies or philosphy class.
6) The idea that creation science or whatever you repackage it as deserves equal time or even a mention in a Biology book is criminal and a gross malpractice of education. Money Tree rest assured I would never mock someones religious belief but it never had a place in a science classroom. I grew up Methodist and converted to Catholicism upon marriage. Religion should be taught at home and at church!
7) As far as my suggested theory that Creation Science is simply an attempt to repackage religion and teach it in school. I point to the following cases, McClean v Arkansas and Edwards v Aquillard. In both cases the court found that the sole purpose of creation science was to advance a specific religious point of view on students and that it in no way was science! Consequentlly teaching it in a public school science classroom is unconstitutional. This will come as much chagrin to Collins-Bailey who hopes to be the next MDGOP chair. Thus it reasons to me if it is not acceptable for a public school classroom it should not be advanced at a school recieving a public voucher. The Syllabus I shared would be palateble from it’s cynical pedegogy if it did not omit standards from the evolution unit that it was attempting to refute.
I hope this answers your questions.
Ryan, First fix the issues of waste and leadership then talk to us. Do the names John Hickey and Susan Darden ring a bell? John Archer School? A new logo? The outgoing Superintendent and his mob? Those are some of the very many examples of leadership issues. Waste? It is rampant and you know it. When the taxpayers are convinced they are getting their money’s worth out of a school system that is efficiently and effectively operated and actually turns out kids that are truly educated then we can talk about funding. Until then those who don’t care will send their kids to HCPS. And also those who can’t afford an alternative. Others go elsewhere unless they live in a few elite areas such as Fallston. While I have a few issues with the Fallston community you won’t find HCPS crossing them.
They won’t cross them because that’s where a large chunk of their funding comes from. You’re right, cut the waste – cut, cut, cut – then they may earn the right to have a discussion. All the taxpayers hear is spend, spend, spend – new programs here and there. Hello….there’s no money in the cash register!!! It isn’t run as a business and it isn’t run with good stewardship of OUR money. That’s why we’re dissatisfied. Some of us pay excruciating taxes yet we cannot get renovations in our schools. All we hear is excuses and more increases….to OUR taxes once again.
Please identify with some specificity where the waste is in the school system? What specific programs do you suggest be eliminated? What renovations and at what schools do you want structural improvements to take place? Making generalized statements is easy do the hard work and say exactly where and how you would implement your solutions.
You didn’t ask me but I’ll give you a few just for the yucks of it. I know it is rude to answer a question with a question but I just have one; what is the primary mission of HCPS? I would think that if they were forced to answer that in one unambiguous sentence it should be something like; “To ensure that every child in Harford County receive the information needed to succeed in a world economy.” My simple mind translates that to learn to read, write, do math, and having a working knowledge of science. Now any program that doesn’t fill that bill is expendable. Start cutting anywhere you want except in the language/English, math and science departments. Art, gym, sports, theater, and so forth fall into the nice to have not essential categories. While at it take a look at the “assistant” overhead. Assistant principles, assistant teachers and so forth. Do you get the idea? Of course the response will be; “no don’t gore my ox!”
To be fair PE and Art are required although not to extent currently being used. Although I take you back to Mr. Holland’s Opus. Keep cutting the arts all you want…..soon these kids will have nothing to read and write about!
Would you support increasing the walking distance to schools, and reducing the number of bus stops where students are picked up? Will you support the complete elimination of high school athletic teams and the closure of all school buildings to outside community groups? Do you support increasing class sizes to 30+ for each grade or subject? Which subjects within the spectrum of language/English, math, science do you suggest we eliminate? You did not even mention the social sciences, does this mean that you do not think history and American government are worthy enough to be taught? Can you get to the level of specificity I was talking about – your recommendations are still remain too broad.
I really like the idea of letting the County Exec pick the school superintendent. Hopefully the legislature will vote to allow PG County Exec Rushern Baker to pick the head of schools and eventually we will get the same thing here.
Mr Burbey,
I love that you bemoan the loss of 60 positions last year, but gloss over that those cuts were in response to HCEA’s demand for raises even when sufficient funds were not available. If HCEA really cared about all HCPS employees, they should have agreed to waive the raises for the year so those 60 positions could have been retained.
You cannot get blood from a stone, and our taxes are already high enough. Next year our taxes will be even higher, in support of O’Malley’s political ambitions towards higher office, so I do not predict an increase in public sentiment supporting changes to Harford County’s taxes then either.
I was really intrigued by the top 100 counties, here are all the MD counties on the list:
5 – Howard
10 – Montgomery
11 – Charles
16 – Calvert
21 – Anne Arundel
22 – Carroll
33 – St Mary’s
42 – Harford
43 – Frederick
69 – PG
So except for Baltimore City & County, anything within reasonable commuting distance of DC, Baltimore, Pax River and APG (except for Cecil, but that’s not surprising for a number of reasons) have extremely high incomes. Cross-checking with US News’s high school rankings, none of the schools in Harford make the top 54 (as high as the rankings go, we fall into the alphabetical listing), yet Frederick has two ranked schools, and even Cecil gets on the list with two (I would consider Frederick and Cecil our two best comparisons, Calvert would be another good one due to the influences of Pax River and rapid modernization they underwent in the late 1990s to today with the 1996 BRAC as a good indicator of our future, Calvert also has two ranked schools). Per the “Factbook” you posted, Harford spends $12,504 per student, while Frederick spends $11,888 and Cecil spends $11,939 (Calvert spends $12,697).
So if we’re spending per-pupil more (or comparable) to other school districts, yet those districts each have two ranked high schools, why doesn’t Harford? It doesn’t sound like a spending problem. Maybe it is the influences of the Rt 40 corridor and the subculture where education is not cool commonly found in that area? Or that we game the test scores for Aberdeen and Edgewood with magnet programs, drawing the best students away from the upper county schools, to hide the fact that without those students, AHS and EHS would be in considerable trouble?
How about you propose solutions for the real problems facing our schools, such as the drop-out rate, remedial courses at the community college, social promotion, drug/alcohol abuse and sex crimes, not the emptiness in your coffers that would be corrected by increasing HCPS’s payroll?
Harford County Government contributes less than half of the total contribution for our students. It is not about raising taxes, it is about making education our #1 priority.
@Ryan Burbey,
Once again, you prove that you really don’t have a clue as to what you are doing.
You say that Harford County needs more funding for schools, then turn around and ignore the fact that our spend is comparable (actually favorable) to other counties in the area (that are just as wealthy).
You are a typical lobbyist – concerned about yourself and only yourself. It shows far too easily in your writings.
If you really wanted to exact change, you’d offer SOLUTIONS. “Making education our #1 priority” is not a solution. It’s a restatement of your solution.
Until you can turn to providing solutions, the vast majority of people in Harford County will see you for what you actually are – a typical lobbyist.
Correction – Harford County Gov’t funds nothing. Harford County Gov’t has no money unless Harford County citizens provide it to them.
You have an astute sense of the obvious.
Mr Burbey:
And exactly how would increasing the county’s contribution solve any of the problems I listed?
You assume that the problems you identified are real. Define them.
You identified “drop-out rate, remedial courses at the community college, social promotion, drug/alcohol abuse and sex crimes.” What are the current statistics surrounding those “problems”? What is currently being done to address them and are those strategies working?
Don’t assume that your opinion about how successful HCPS is at addressing these issues is true unless you have evidence to support it.
Why did you omit Howard County from your comparrison? What about other similar sized counties? Charles, Anne Arundel St. Mary’s?
Let’s give @KHarn a break. I suspect his post took a lot of time. He provided much more compelling research than anything @Ryan Burbey provided.
If you want more information, feel free to look it up and post it. I’d love to see the comparison myself.
I read the post. I have a follow-up question and part of a free and open dialouge is addressing questions. The data is on the same charts Kharn went through in the links Ryan used.
However for Informational purposes
Per Pupil
Anne Arundel- 12,635
Charles- 12,088
St. Mary’s 11,774
Note that most of the counties identified by Kharn and Myself provide much more local funds to comprise their budget.
Average Salary for a Teacher in order from Greatest to least
Calvert- 74K
Howard- 67 K
Anne Arundel- 65 K
St. Mary’s- 63K
Frederick- 62 K
Charles-60 K
Cecil- 59 K
Harford- 56K
Seems like on average our teachers are the lowest paid!!!!!
Starting pay for a rookie
St. Mary’s-44,000
Anne Arundel- 43,900
Charles- 43,700
Cecil- 42,800
Harford- 41,100
Frederick- 40,700
Near the bottom there too!!!!!!
Hard to attract the best rookies if we are not honoring contracts for multiple years and paying one of the lowest starting to boot.
Even though HCPS pay is low, do we have problems filling vacancies?
depends on the subject.
Unlike Baltimore City, Harford County vacancies to not remain unfilled for long.
Correct we are not as bad off as Baltimore City but do we want to use that as the bar? Look at the quality we are getting and what we are losing. The best graduates are not coming here. Slowly you are going to start seeing the effects of this low salary and unhonored steps. I agree a good deal of savings can be realized by cutting some unneccesary administrative positions. If you looked at the data our administrators are some of the best paid.
Howard County does not share our geographic or demographic situation, it is much closer to DC and with a median income of $98k, it is nearly 25% higher than our $78k median income and able to afford the $14,692/pupil (19% more than us, so an expected increase in expenditures given their higher median income)
Anne Arundel was not included because it has double our population, that easily leads to situations of haves vs have-nots in education when drawing boundary lines. Their median salary is 7.6% higher than ours, while spending only 1% more than us at $12,635 per pupil.
Charles spends less per pupil than HCPS, at $12,088 per student, with a median income 17% higher than HarCo’s.
St Marys would be a valid comparison for salary and geographic location, they spend $11,774 per student, with a median income 4% higher than ours, but with only 3 high schools it has less chances for awards. (105k people, 3 high schools, vs Calvert’s 88k people, 4 high schools and one vo-tech, which I felt is a more comparable situation to HCPS)
Frederick and Howard are about equal distance from DC!!!! Calvert is even closer to DC!
Lets compare population densities:
Anne Arundel: 1293/sqmi
Howard: 1139/sqmi
Harford: 556/sqmi
Calvert: 413/sqmi
Carroll: 372/sqmi
Frederick: 352/sqmi
Charles: 318/sqmi
St Mary’s: 291/sqmi
Cecil: 290/sqmi
I think that shows a significant difference between the counties, and an easy summary of their urban/suburban/rural split.
Don’t forget housing and the cost of living – they are the main driver in any of these salaries. I’m guessing the average home in Howard might be just a little more than here in Shangri-La. Don’t let these guys (CDEV, et al) put oranges in your apple cart! If you’re going to throw around numbers, compare them completely, not just conveniently! Maybe we should also take a look at the overall adminstrative cost of these school systems…you want to know where the money is to pay teachers? This would be a great place to start looking – right under the driftwood in admin positions!
Fed up I agree most have less administrators! That said we pay a lower percentage locally of the per pupil cost than most counties.
In a post regarding BGE returning money to HCPS you made the comment, “The easy way to convince a group to do something? Money.” This is in reference to HCPS paying to upgrade their infrastructure to reduce energy costs, but at the same receiving the monetary benefit from BGE.
It’s funny that you see the importance of how money is a motivation, but you don’t think the HCPS budget should be increased so teachers can receive their salary steps. I wonder if teachers will feel motivated next year to educate their students when they don’t receive a salary step for 4 of the last 5 years.
I think the better performing teachers should receive their step increases out of savings realized by eliminating the mountain of waste in HCPS. That requires two things. We have to identify the teachers with acceptable and better performance. And we have to eliminate the waste.
Let’s also identify the better performing parents/guardians. Remember, in order for a child to be successful in school, it take a collaboration between parent/guardian and teacher. I agree all teachers should be performing at a high level but so too should parents/guardians.
Keesha in a perfect place this would be done, but this is Harford County.
diligaf , of course parent’s attitudes matter, you like The Money Tree are prone to stating the obvious for the oblivious.
I agree with Keesha:
Eliminate or reduce the influence of the step system and institute a merit-based pay system.
For example, one easy system would be to let principals (with department chair recommendation and HCPS review/approval) promote or demote teachers between the different salary scales. An exceptionally high performing teacher with an MS could be moved to the MS+30 scale, or a poorly performing MS+30 teacher could be demoted to the MS scale and if performance continues to be below acceptable levels, they could be moved to the BS scale in a year or two.
That would provide the positive and negative rewards required to properly motivate HCPS staff. Simply paying people more money for fogging a mirror year after year is not a good way to maintain acceptable levels of performance.
That would be in place if it were possible. But it’s not. There are too many variables to account for teacher effectiveness that are out of teacher control. You cannot just arbitrarily decide who is effective and who is not. Testing students is insufficient and costly.
THE Teacher:
Peer review is an effective solution in such a situation, and commonly used in private industry.
Each teacher could prepare an evaluation packet trumpeting their accomplishments and hurdles overcome from that year, three randomly-selected, anonymous, similarly-situated (same grade & department) teachers from throughout HCPS would score the packet, while the department chair and an assistant principal from that school would independently review the scores (plus consider observations, professional conduct, etc not captured in the packet) and make recommendations to the principal, who would decide promote, stay or demote and send promote/demote decisions to HCPS for review.
Again, your idea would be in place if it were possible. You are not the first to propose it. It is not going to happen, so the salary step system is what will be here for as long as you are alive. So other solutions to the budget problem need to be developed and examined.
Whenever you type “if it were possible”, I read “if teachers weren’t unionized”
Regardless of whether teachers being unionized is the cause of there being no merit-pay system, the fact is teachers are unionized and that is not going to change. So…other solutions to the budget problem need to be explored. Stop beating your head against the wall.
I don’t want to beat my head against the wall. I want to beat some administrator’s heads against the wall.
Kharn what duties would be subtracted or how would you compensate the teachers to make time for the reviews? I like your portfolio idea in theory, the evaluation model is moving in that direction but the logistics would be difficult and possibly more costly. Not to mention how do you budget for this? are their a finite number of good preforming teachers in your model?
That is the wonder of salaried positions, they are to accomplish the assigned tasks regardless of the time required to complete them. For the budget, I would be willing to try one-for-one demotion/promotion.
So let us say this worked and we started getting better quality teachers you would demote someone to promote someone else? This would lead to a work atmosphere where teachers stopped working together. Sorry Johnny you can’t go on a field trip because Mr. Smith set it up to fail so Mrs. Jones would get demoted and you are in Mrs. Jones’ class.
I like the idea but it has a lot of drawbacks. It is time consuming and if you expect a peer review board to do it after school in a few days you are nuts. If you think they should do it in June than you would have to pay them more since they are only contracted for 190 days.
Those 190 days do not include the usual and customary work outside the school day such as grading papers, lesson planning or completing other tasks as required (classroom prep, clean-up, etc), so a few hours for evaluation could be added to those duties without any additional compensation.
If you try to sabotage another employee’s work in private industry, you’re shown the door on the spot. Why shouldn’t that apply here?
You think it would only take a few hours to fairly assess that?
I agree with the sabotage but do you think it would leave people open to sharing material if they are competing for a defined number of raises or demotions? Am I going to help a rookie teacher grow if I can not have to compete with them by letting them fail?
Yes, teachers will continue to do the job. It is in their nature, and unfortunately, that is why they become pawns between the HCEA and the government.
Teachers are already leaving. So are administrators. HCPS is already only able to hire the scraps from the table. If you think HCPS is ineffective now, wait about 10 years and see where HCPS ranks among school systems in the state.
Are you leaving?
Many of the administrators should leave, involuntarily.
I am not an administrator. I also try not to make blanket immature comments, like all administrators in the HCPS should go. How shortsighted you are.
Most likely I will be leaving.
How many administrators should be terminated? 2? 5? 10? all of them? Why?
Because they’ve managed to separate the wheat from the chaff so well…
And what makes you think that they haven’t? They simply hire the best candidates available. Sounds like how the Ravens choose their draft picks. Unfortunately, unlike football, the losers don’t get to pick first.
Also note that HCEA did compromise and settle for less when they had pending arbitration cases which they dropped in return for a lower settlement!
If I recall correctly, Mr Burbey has made rumblings about those “missing” steps being pursued in the future.
The bad faith negotiating cases where dropped in return for one step. The negotiation which promised 2 of the 3 missing steps and a COLA. The problem is Craig intentionally did not fund the added cost of that specific item. If it was less he would of simply not funded that. I do not blame the BOE they thought the County Exec would fund it. The funding authority didn’t so they could build their costly emergency operations bunker. To them schools are not a priority.
Interesting commentary coming from an individual who was barely a second class educator himself and wouldn’t know a first class one if it bit him in the rump.
I don’t usually respond to this kind of tripe but I was and am a first-class educator. Your personal attacks hint that you lack the intellect necessary to formulate a cogent argument. Grow up. None of my students would consider that an appropriate response. They might not agree with me but I sleep soundly at night knowing that they would create a literate response grounded in facts not rely on nonsensical assertions.
Slum-lord Educator…has a ring to it.
Union thug
Dresses like a Rt 40 used car dealer
AND a slumlord?
No wonder I don’t like Mr Burbey.
I don’t like Mr. Burbey’s political beliefs, but these personal attacks are sad.
Ryan, you should be above all of this. You represent a lot of good people and are doing them a disservice getting tangled up in this forum. Send in your articles, and let your supporters defend them.
I don’t believe that I am doing anyone a disservice. I don’t often respond to attackers these days but I like most other teachers get a little sensitive when my practice and professional ethics are attacked. I also believe in leading by example. If I ask teachers to engage the public and to get the facts out, I must do the same. The community at large should be engaged in the discussion of funding for schools. However, to entertain the discussion they must have the facts. Harford County took in more revenue last year than ever before. Funding our schools properly does not require raising taxes. It only requires making them a priority.
Mr Burbey,
And exactly which specific services or projects in the county budget would you propose to reduce or eliminate to fund education to the level you feel appropriate?
8:55 for both
Come on Burbey let us have an answer.
The money went somewhere . So, where did it go that you think it was not needed?
I want the schools to have more money but it needs to come from somewhere.
What other project/priority/service do you want to receive less next year so that the schools receive more?
I am asking a serious question and am giving you the chance to elaborate where the school funding will come from if not from increaed taxes.
Nothing needs to be cut. It is a false choice, unsubstantiated by facts. In 2012, revenue exceeded expenditures. In all likelihood, the June 2013 fiscal statement will reflect the same. See pg. 1 of Harford County Comprehensive Financial Report for fiscal year ended June 30, 2012.
Instead of just looking at net numbers try reading the whole statement. The funds have been allocated as essentially unspendable.
Which funds do you wish to move?
I would support a move but you are being disingenuous by implying there is free cash just sitting somewhere.
Not to confuse you with more numbers…pg. 1, 5,6 &8.
$565, 690, 655 Revenue
$552, 398, 546 Expenditures
$13, 292, 109 Surplus
Available fund balance for the General Fund was $95.3 million.
83.5% of $243 million Combined Fund Balance or $202.9 million is available for spending at the government’s discretion.
The County recorded an increase in income tax revenue of 15.3% or $24.2 million. Property tax revenues increased by over $5 million (without a tax rate increase)
How about we send some of the increased revenue to schools?
The money went to the ever increasing rainy day fund. We never touched it when it was raining instead we didn’t provide any form of negotiated steps or increases to any employees and added to the coffers.
Burbey your answer is just a reiteration of the numbers, not an actual answer.
Cdev at least has hit upon what I also saw.
Yes the rainy day fund has been funded. Everything beyond that has been allocated.
You have to raid the rainy day fund or you have to move some money around. There is no coffer of cash just sitting in the county executive’s office.
To be clear I am not a political sycophant of the executive or the union. Both are to blame for the problems with lack of money.
People will not stomach a tax increase so you have to defund something to fund the schools above what has been allocated.
I think he is saying the same thing. The Rainy day fund has continued to grow every year. It is essentially just sitting there. Perhaps we need to ask if we need that much money just sitting around. As a citizen If we are not going to use some (not all) of this left over money I want a rebate!
A rainy day fund in a $500mil/yr budget is not unexpected. Bond sales are not immediate, and offering too many for inconsequential projects would lower our rating, so having the flexibility for internal funding of short notice, critical projects is a good idea.
On an aside (as I do not agree with using the rainy day fund for HCPS raises, a rebate, bond payments, etc), a better plan instead of a rebate would be to pay down the principle on the bonds currently in circulation to reduce future interest payments.
Kharn not sure if Municipal bonds work that way. I think the bond holde rhas to present it for payment. This is why the US debt will never be 0. Some people still have unclaimed War bonds from the 40’s!
Even though Harford’s bonds do not have a call date, the County is able to purchase their own bonds from the private market to remove them from circulation.
Get your facts right and stop blaming teachers for expecting to have the contracts they signed, honored. IF you want students in this county to have a quality education, then it will cost money. The 60 positions that were cut last year were due to the fact that the school system, even though it had plenty of money to fund those positions, cut them to embarass teachers and try and win a PR war to make teachers look greedy because we excepted a whopping 1% raise and a step increase. You say that teachers should have waived their right to a raise. I would have been happy to do that as long as HCPS agreed to honor the contract that every teacher signed and pay us the step increases stipulated in our contract. To this point, 3 step increases have been stolen from us with a fourth one to be taken away for the next upcoming school year. Those step increases average around $1500 – $2000 / year. Take my pay raise and stick it any where you like but don’t blame me for holding HCPS accountable to honor the contract I signed 15 years ago when I began teaching. I have fulfilled my end of the bargain. HCPS and David Craig have not.
HCEA does not have a gun held to their head when they sign a contract with a stipulation for steps only when funds are available.
Neither does the county!!!!!! That would have been the third contract in 4 years they did not honor!!!!!
Using a stipulation or contingency in a contract is not failing to honor that contract.
It is when it was not bargined in good faith which is what was found and than money was spent avaoiding going back to the table. After exhausting the legal process and more money they went back to the table and that lead to the deal for last year.
The union sold you out.
Ask the bondholders in Stockton, CA about how far honoring contracts regardless of budget realities will take you.
Stockton, CA did not take in more revenue than ever before last year.
You do a disservice to teacher when you continue to publically tweak people on these blogs. You ought to try to build up alliances with county government and business leaders rather than posting this claptrap. It does nothing other than set people against each other and solidify already held beliefs. It might take you a year or more to create the right situation…you waste your time here.
Are facts “clap trap”? I have and will continue to build alliances but I will also use all means at my disposal to inform and educate the public. The facts are compelling.
You aren’t educating anyone here. It’s like publically arguing with everyone. You say give us more money and all the teachers stand up and clap and all the taxpayers give you reasons why they expect more for their money. It’s all predictable and serves nothing; therefore becomes just public claptrap.
As taxpayers we elect the BOE and County Council and County Exec. We should elect people who will manage the funds better?
You said it CDEV!! But should and do are two different things. Most citizens are simply lemmings that are more concerned about the microcosm that is in the immediate 6 foot perimeter that surrounds them; either that or they are more concerned with posting pics of their vacation/kids/pets and recipes on FB. Probably both.
MoneyTree, I agree. Burbey and the HCEA do everything they can to alienate political leaders. At this year’s Teacher of the Year Dinner, Burbey did not present a speech honoring the hard work of teachers. Just keep typing your garbage, Ryan, you will chase all of the friends of education away.
Your commentary does the same thing you accuse Mr. Burbey of doing – “It does nothing other than set people against each other and solidify already held beliefs.”
I am very happy with the experience my kids have been getting in HCPS. Of course they are only in elementary school so my scope is limited. Add to that I am one of those “crazy” parents who spends a good bit of time with his kids doing homework, reading books and trying to increase the academic experience my kids get. I am very happy to do this and avoid yet another jacking up of my taxes, but I guess this is beyond the comprehension of Mr. Burbey and the rest of the gov’t first folks. Of course not being a Marxist makes it hard for me to comprehend the constant need to stick your hand in my wallet and take my money.
You may be happy know but the pool of quality teachers your children have now will disappear in the near future as the best experienced and newly graduated teachers will seek employment in other jurisdictions. Pay attention to figures released by HCPS and you will see an increase in the most experienced and best teachers leaving HCPS. This also translates into a poor competitive position when attempting to recruit. The loss of 60+ teacher positions this past year is just the beginning. Wait until you see the result of this years underfunded budget for HCPS when the school board is forced to slash and burn many of the pet programs that people have come to expect from a first class school system. I don’t agree with a lot of what Burbey says but people need to seriously think about the implications of what he is saying. HCPS has steadily slipped in the ranking of school systems in MD. A school system that was routinely in the very top tier now finds itself in the middle third and it could very quickly fall into the bottom third if the resources needed just to maintain the current status are not provided. Howard and Montgomery Counties are lauded as the best school systems in MD and as some of the best in the country. They didn’t get there on the cheap.
Well said. If HCPS and David Craig continue to underfund the school system and break teacher contracts by not funding the steps stipulated in teacher contracts, then more veteran teaches will leave and education in this county will continue to erode. Don’t blame teachers for being greedy and expecting their contracts to be honored. Blame politicians and HCPS for being cheap. And parents, get used to the idea of picking up the slack that will occur when teachers discontinue the services you have all come to expect (most of which are uncompensated): after school study halls, mentoring, tutoring, coaching, sponsoring of clubs, supervision of after school activities… Teachers in this county are not the problem; the mentality of HCPS and David Craig are. Parents you hold the key. Choose sides and take action but remember that the future of your child’s education is on the line. Make a good choice.
The student population is expected to drop which means there will be more teachers than needed positions. The idea that teachers will have all these choices to move about flies in the face of that reality.
Many counties are hiring and expanding their programs. What you fail to realize is that the best teachers will always be able to find work elsewhere. If HCPS cannot provide competitive compensation to its teachers, it will lose many of its best teachers as they move on to greener pastures. Likewise, if each year teachers in Harford County must beg and plead for the steps guaranteed in their contract, teachers will leave and the best candidates will take positions in other counties where they feel valued and appreciated.
I’ve already got my applications in after 14 years in HCPS. If no step next year, I’ll be out. If not teaching elsewhere, I’ll be flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s or working a register at 7/11.
Money tree,
By your post, are you suggesting that if veteran teachers left HCPS there would not be real consequences to the education that students receive?
Who would write curriculum? Who would mentor and assist new teachers? Who would serve on School Improvement Teams and other organizations that make schools effective. Every student would be at the mercy of a new teacher who really has no clue about the connections that tie their curriculums together. Would it save taxpayers money? NO!!!!!!!!! Because the long term effects on student learning would affect them for the rest of their lives.
We need effective veteran teachers. Notice I said effective. Obviously not all are as effective as they can be. However, it won’t be the ineffective veteran teachers that will be leaving HCPS if the budget is not increased!!!
I respect the fact you teach and even more respect that if you’re the fabulous and dedicated teacher you suggest. However, everyone is replaceable…the world will not end if a few veteran teachers leave – in fact often it’s the younger employees (teachers) with new energy and ideas that end up being more effective. So much doom and suggested dire consequence sounds a lot like a sales job rather than fact.
You are correct…the world will not end if veteran teachers leave HCPS. However, the concern should be that education in Harford County will suffer on some level as a result. As a citizen, possibly a parent, you probably do not want that. I would hope you want the best possible education for our students. That comes at a price.
Also, you noted that, “it’s the younger employees (teachers) with new energy and ideas that end up being more effective.” You are correct that new teachers often have more energy, but you also correctly noted that they “end up being more effective”. It takes several years for new teachers to truly become effective, all while under the mentoring of veteran teachers. Without veterans it will take them longer, all while at the expense of their current students’ educations.
Except those already locked into Harford due to owning a home, spouse’s job, etc, aren’t able to just pick up and relocate for a job. Baltimore County, Cecil and PA are pretty much the only options within reasonable commuting distance, but the first and last are considerably harder to get jobs in and Cecil’s about the same for salary purposes.
Teaching isn’t like most private industries, your options are limited to a few geographically separated, large near-monopolies and a limited number of small private schools you may or may not be willing to be employed by (a Southern Baptist getting a job at John Carroll would be hilarious). That puts the advantage towards the employer when negotiating salary and benefits, since you have a captive audience.
@ THE Teacher
I smell what you just stepped in.
Flipping hamburgers, yeah ok.
Giving up a $57+k/yr job to flip burgers or work a register? Yeah, right.
I tend to be a bit pretentious. I’m sure I could find something a bit more lucrative.
never would have guessed
Kharn when you factor in an increase of three steps (because Cecil and Baltimore county will give you those) Cecil pays more. Also Cecil’s pay scale tops out later and they have a history of providing their steps. Deleware, Carroll and Baltimore City are options depending on where you live and some people will relocate and comute. You are correct some will just sit and retire but the bigger issue is attracting the better candidates. If you have a choice between 2 counties with higher pay and who honor their steps even when times are tough and one who pays less and a history of not doing so…..who do you pick if you are the brightest?
The law of diminishing returns comes into play when you talk about recruiting “the brightest.” What is it worth to have that Top 1% graduate vs a top 3%? Or, can we survive with a top 25%, or even 50%? Each of those levels have a price, and a recruiter doesn’t want to waste their time going for the unobtainable. The better philosophy is to recruit based upon personality, because you can always mentor someone into better performance, but its really hard to make someone stop being a jerk, slacker or entitled princess.
True but it will be harder to mentor them when you lose your best and brightest due to retirement and leaving for better pay. PA scalps a good deal from Maryland anyway since most of the border smaller ISD’s pay far better. Teacher works in MD for 5 years and splits. The reason Craig wants the 2+2 Towson program is he is hoping to build a teacher pipeline.
How many times has Mr Burbey driven to Annapolis to pound his fist on O’Malley’s desk to get funding for 2+2 approved? I would think he would want such a program so close to home. Having a teacher for the first five years sounds like you’re getting their most motivated time, and then they leave before they burn out or get stuck in a rut.
Another reason PA attracts so many teachers is that they exempt pensions from the state income tax. PA also has lower overall taxes, they recognize individual rights to arms, land is cheaper, etc.
Probably none but 2+2 funding issues seem to be the fault of the current President of Towson who owes some answers to O’Malley and Franchot. She seems to have provided some now and 2+2 is being funded. Also seems her private answers did not match her original reasons!
How much money has HCPS and the County Government already saved taxpayers by not giving teachers salary steps for 3 of the last 4 year, and most likely next year as well? How much longer should taxpayers expect that savings to continue without a significant deterioration of the services that HCPS provides?
Opinions will vary as to the current value of services HCPS provides, but I don’t think anyone will argue that those services will deteriorate if the HCPS budget is not increased. If making HCPS “more efficient” by “cutting waste” is your solution to the budget problem, itemize the cuts that should occur and identify how much money that will save. In the end, the programs/positions to be cut will amount to either a significant loss of services for students or little savings in the budget.
Ultimately, the taxpayers of Harford County have a decision to make. Either increase funding for HCPS or watch the public education system deteriorate. There will be no voucher system in Harford County. Get over it. Send your kids to private school if you want to and can afford it, but while you do, be prepared to live in a county with students that are less prepared for college or the workforce than they already are if we do not increase the HCPS budget and make education more of a priority than it has been for the last 5 years.
Very well-said.
Teacher, You guys know what you have to do. So do it. Stop shielding poorly performing teachers. Stop promoting students that haven’t achieved the academic credentials required for promotion. Stop wasting money on a long laundry list of items. Start showing leadership at the executive level including the top people in individual schools. Get a Superintendent that has his head screwed on right. Get a BOE that demands an excellent education for every student and doesn’t wilt in the face of parents, administrators and the public. Fix your terrible public image. Elect a president of HCEA that has some credibility.
That is a pretty big net you just threw their, Judy. Most of what you identified is out of the hands of teachers and the HCEA (executive leadership at schools, superintendent, BOE).
The HCEA does not shield poor performing teachers. There are few anyways, and those that remain are on plans of assistance (2% of teachers!!!) and on their way out.
I cannot speak intelligently about social promotion, as I do not know the statistics regarding how many HCPS students graduate without specific skills.
Please elaborate on your “laundry list of items” that are wasteful. It is likely that most of them have nothing to do with teachers or the HCEA, so there is little we can do about them.
What about Mr. Burbey shows a lack of credibility? He works hard, has a clear message, and wants what is best for HCPS.
I believe we can all work together towards improving HCPS, but without an increase in the budget, services are going to be cut significantly.
Mr. Burbey works hard, has a clear message and wants more money for his members.
If he wanted what is best for HCPS and the students he would be pushing for less waste and less stupidity at the administrator level. Most of what you want is out of the hands of teachers? Easy to wash your hands of the really important stuff and just concentrate on your own wallet. Services might be cut but if they are cut then it is the fault of people in the system who refuse to redeploy the money that is already there from wasteful garbage to where it needs to be spent. The taxpayers have been presented an ultimatum by HCPS. HCPS has said “We aren’t going to cut waste and if you don’t give us the additional money we are demanding then dire things will happen!”
The taxpayers are saying we don’t respond to ultimatums. Fix what is broken. If you need to work elsewhere we will miss you if you were a good teacher. Goodbye.
That’s a fantastic attitude. I’ll remember to have the same attitude when I teach my students next year. I’ll tell them, “your mommy and daddy couldn’t afford to send you to private school or support increasing the HCPS budget, so unfortunately I can’t meet with you before or after school to help you with anything. I have to work my second job after school until 10:30 pm. Good luck if you need anything. I’m sure your parents will help you.”
Again, itemize the cuts you are talking about and see how much that cuts from the budget. You will be sadly disappointed. Or not…maybe you live in a world where the cost of doing business doesn’t increase over time so an increase in the HCPS budget is unnecessary.
Teachers aren’t demanding anything. We are just trying to help you see reality which is… Pay for the services you want or you are going to lose them.
My concerns are for both students and teachers. I will continue to fight for both.
Mr Burbey,
But to which do you give the higher priority?
The same applies to you. Broad statements about waste with no specifics. Broad statements about poor administrators and their decisions. Where are the specifics?
Again you resort to saying
‘it’s out of your hands’
‘it’s not my job’
‘I’m not responsible’
The buck apparently stops no where.
The buck stops with the leaders that have been appointed to their positions in HCPS by the elected officials we put in office. The citizens put them there. It is obviously wise to question the decisions that they make and hold them responsible, but ultimately they have the expertise to make those decisions, otherwise they wouldn’t be in their positions. If you disapprove, vote for candidates that will bring about the change you want. If your candidates don’t win, I hate to burst your bubble, but that means most people don’t agree with you. Get over it. Public education is expensive. Massively expensive. If the system is as poor as you say it is, it is the citizens who are responsible. Why would you think that providing less funding would improve it, let alone maintain the current level of service it provides?
The first paragraph surprises me! Expand programs and hire more teachers? I’m thinking the HCEA better focus its efforts on preserving what this county school system currently has. A $22 million shortfall will be made up through personnel cuts. No way around that.
HCPS cannot be run the same way you run your inner city rentals.
or perhaps it can…
You throw out non-performing tenants, how about throwing out non-performing teachers?
You reward good tenants by letting them sign long term leases, how about rewarding good teachers with solid long term contracts on an individual basis?
Stop protecting the bad, non-performing teachers at the expense of the good. The disparity of talent within even a single school is staggering. There are teachers that put in 60 hour weeks and teachers who are barely there minutes before or after the students are gone. How do you justify equal pay for theses differences in committment?
One size fits all compensation packages encourage mediocrity and disincentive. Look no further than the federal and state employees for proof of this.
It is time to reward people based on their individual accomplishments and not just by virtue of their membership in a voting block.
What percentage of teachers do you deem “non-performing” that the HCEA protects? 1%? 5%? 10%?
It is the administration’s job to remove these teachers, not the HCEA’s job!
That’s ‘not my job’ is the clarion call of individualists slackers around the nation.
These people reflect poorly on you by association.
As you said yourself the HCEA’s job is not to trim the bad apples but to protect them.
Which are you?
I don’t believe I said anything remotely close to “the HCEA’s job is to protect them (the non-performing teachers).” HCEA does not and never has done that. What the HCEA demands is due process for teachers that have been judged to be non-performing. It is the job of the administration to build a case that meets the standard of non-performing. And that job is done every year. Teachers are terminated every year for poor performance, however, those numbers are low due to the fact that most teachers, contrary to what you believe are not non-performing. Most teachers are effective as judged by their administration, which is why they are able to continue to work at their schools. Your problem appears to be with the due process that is provided to labor organizations. Get over it. Unions aren’t going away, and if they did, I don’t think you would like the result. You benefit from unions without even being a part of one, as most teachers in HCPS do.
As for me, I am not a slacker and am not concerned about protecting those that are because there are so few and their numbers are declining. However I am concerned that we are losing the highly effective teachers to other systems, which is where I will be going if we are not given a salary step next year. Otherwise I’ll get a job doing something else that will require half the work I currently do while making twice as much.
When you find that job making twice as much for half as much work, let me know, so I can send my teacher wife there as well.
you are not going to leave teaching or the county
Pretty much any job in the private sector.
I’ll let you know when I do.
complete BS
Short of obtaining a State or Federal position you will not be equalling your 15 year teacher’s salary.
I am intimately familiar with HarCo teacher working conditions, administration and salaries as well as being immersed in the Federal and State employment arena.
The private sector aside from high level managerial positions hardly scratches what a mediocre mid level State or Federal employee makes.
good luck
Thanks. I’ll keep you posted.
Cost of living. Cost of living. Cost of living. Just like on paper Joe Flacco – richest QB on salary alone – but factor in cost of living and taxes – Drew Breeze comes out on top. Tired of this left wing bull – let’s help the working man get ahead with first class education by taking all his money in taxes and cost of living. So when most of us will be walking – Obama, Oprah, O’Malley and all the other do good (for themselves) O-ppressors will be waving to us from their fast moving, gas hog Escalades. Go take your “it’s for our children” whining someplace else. Furloughs, health care cost spikes, Gas tax hikes, Wind Tax hikes – You want more money for Education – take it out of O’Malley’s hide.
And how’s the education system doing down there in good ol’ Louisianna? I bet you would love to send your kids to school down there.
or Mississippi or Texas or South Carolina.
Step increases, pay increases, longevity increases – in the private sector you get one bite at the apple, once a year and it’s always based upon merit. I say remove the steps and convert that increase to one based upon merit. Teachers shouldn’t be getting 3 potential bites at the apple each year – that’s ridiculous.
Your understanding of the HCPS salary schedule is ridiculous. There is only a step increase for teachers between years 1-14. There are longevity increments for teachers at years 19, 24, 29 and 34. There are cost of living adjustments that are provided depending on the funding availability.
Please explain how can get 3 raises in a single year as a 14 year teacher on step 11. I would like to know so I can get paid more!
The Money Tree was close, but not quite:
1. Step
2. Cost of living
3. Education scale change
3 ways for your pay to go up in a year.
Steps and COLA are always tied together. They are not two separate entities. I agree, if you change pay scales do to an increase in education, then you can get 2 adjustments. However, why does this even matter? The salary scales that HCPS uses are not going to change anytime soon, so other solutions to the budget problem need to be explored.
And apparently sticking around every five years gets you another increase outside the list.
THE Teacher:
If I recall correctly, there have been years with steps but not a COLA. I wouldn’t say they’re tied together, just a COLA has not been awarded in a year without a step.
That is what I said…”There are cost of living adjustments that are provided depending on the funding availability.” So they are tied together, WHEN THE FUNDING IS AVAILABLE. If the funding is available, steps + cola. If less funding, steps and no cola. If even less funding, nothing!!! But there has never been, to my knowledge, cola without a step, as you said.
You don’t get a COLA just because funds are available, you receive a COLA so that your salary maintains the same purchasing power.
Oh, so that’s why I haven’t gotten a cola for the 5 of the last 6 years, because my salary maintained the same purchasing power. What country have you been living in? I haven’t received a cola for 5 of the last 6 years (I actually think it has been longer) because the funding was not available.
you ‘think’ it has been longer????
pay attention much?
And we’ve been in a global recession since 2007.
More money for teachers = more money for Obama on the MD Demtards.
You wanted Obama & Owe’ Malley and you got them, now deal with it.
leave your talking points at the door
I’m tired of party line BS from the likes of you, The Money Tree, and THE Teacher
Money Tree does take some heat from the GOP sheep for her environmental positions, but she seems to like to pile on the teachers.
It’s the union; not the teachers.
There’s no need to be nasty about it.
The State government actually pays more of the money in the HCPS budget than Harford County Government does!
It’s a shame that a bunch of good and hard working teachers are caught in the middle of all of the issues at HCPS. But they are, and there is nothing the taxpayers are going to do about it. Or should. What are the issues? Not in any specific sequence: HCEA leadership that focuses all of its time and public exposure on ‘teachers have to get paid more’ to the exclusion of all else making them appear to be selfish hypocrites. A leadership vacuum at multiple levels at HCPS that makes HCPS look like a bunch of morons. A BOE that looks to be as inept as it could ever be because it can’t seem to fix the issues and, truth be told, it appears that they don’t even realize that there are issues. Rampant waste that chews up gobs of money that could be spent on better things including, but not just, teacher raises. One public relations disaster after another.
Meanwhile a lot of good employees suffer and the only way the taxpayers can find to express their displeasure is by not being willing to pay another dime. It’s a shame that cutting off the supply of money is the only way but it is the only way.
Rampant waste? How much money are we talking about here? Itemize the cuts you think should be made and add up the money saved. If the cuts were there and were meaningful they would have already been made.
Also, didn’t HCPS cut 60 teacher positions this year? How much money did that save? Oh wait, that’s right…you’ll see it as saving no money because it went to teacher salaries.
The argument that taxpayers can’t pay more money, that there is this huge amount of waste in HCPS, the education system is ineffective, and poor teachers are protected from being terminated is a bunch of b.s. The financial crisis in 2008 that we are still recovering from, although Harford County signficantly less so than almost everywhere else in the world, has simply allowed the republicans in this county to have an excuse that things are so bad that government spending must be slashed. In reality all republicans want is to keep their money and get rid of public education. Republicans hate the secularization of public schools as well as the idea that everyone, regardless of ability, race, or disability gets to go to school at the expense of the taxpayers. This ain’t the 1950’s anymore. We live in a diverse world with huge challenges. Stop making excuses and support public education, which is the only way this country will solve those challenges. If you want new leaders in HCPS, get involved, go to board meetings and voice your concerns. It doesn’t make sense when you say that HCPS is such a terrible school system and then don’t want to provide the funding that it desperately needs to be more successful.
Public education at the expense of taxpayers is a wonderful thing. Too bad they aren’t actually educated when they graduate. The message to HCPS is spend the money you have more wisely because that is all there is going to be. If you don’t like that then I’m sorry that you don’t. And HCPS doesn’t DESPERATELY need more money. It does DESPERATELY need to get its act together. As I think about it, the governments at all levels have privatized so many functions, and done so successfully, maybe it is time to just outsource the whole education thing.
How can you say students aren’t actually educated when they graduate? What statistics are you using to base that statement on? Your statement that “…that (money) is all there is going to be” is silly. The cost of doing business does not remain stagnant. To provide a twenty-first century education to all students without increasing the budget is simply not possible. Education is not going to be outsourced or privatized. That will require constitutional amendments which ain’t going to happen. Get over it. Support education. If you think it is the leadership of HCPS that is the problem, did you ever think that maybe that is also due to lack of funding? Consider the responsibilities a Superintendent or a principal have for the amount of money they are paid. It is a mere pittance that a highly motivated and skilled leader can make in the private sector.
Keep dreaming about destroying public schools…unfortunately if you don’t support them, you will continue to “waste” (your word) even more of your tax dollars.
While you continue to throw tantrums because you aren’t going to get what you want, the taxpayers become more and more deaf to your views. HCPS has the funds that it has and if it doesn’t use them more wisely then those who can move on will do so and those that can’t will be left to clean up the mess. Unfortunately it will get worse before the tantrum is over and the improvement begins. Since you have all of those ‘crushing’ attributes I guess you will be moving on and others will be left to fix the mess.
“How can you say students aren’t actually educated when they graduate?”
Ask me how I know you are not a high school teacher.
And there is more to supporting education than opening our wallets. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, show us an improvement with current resources and we’ll be willing to consider additional funding.
It’s easy for me to say they aren’t educated because I have had to stop hiring them. Why? They are clueless.
That would be awefully expensive to outsource or privatize it all. Not to mention their are not enough seats in private schools to handle it and we haven’t touched on curriculum and following the rules for public funds. The State and Federal Government are not going to provide funds for vouchers. So that leaves us picking up the difference!
That is the wonder of the free market: Private schools would see a greater number of eligible/interested students and they would expand their programs to meet the demand, in return for the additional funding their tuition would provide.
My point is to meet our Constitutional duties in this state we would spend more money!
Why does a conversation about “providing quality education for our children” always spiral into a sob story regarding teacher pay?
Because the most important factor in the quality of education a student receives is the teacher that they receive it from. The quality of the teachers, as well as their ability to provide non-compensated services, in HCPS is declining as a result of the lack of salary steps for 3 of the last 4 years.
Don’t the parents fit in there somwhere.
oh that’s right
success = teachers
failure = parents
often true BUT not always
I didn’t say teachers are the ONLY factor, simply the MOST important factor in the QUALITY OF EDUCATION that students receive…not how well they are able to apply that education.
You must not follow sports.
Because in union speak “it’s for the kids” really means we want our money. The kids are a convenient and overused smokescreen.
I really wish that my wife and I made $78,000 annually as the Washington Post said , then maybe I wouldn’t mind giving a little more for education, but with O’TaxMe ( Democrat) raping us over and over again there’s little left in the pot.
If you and your wife aren’t making $78,000 combined, then any increase in taxes would be absolutely minuscule for you. The increase would be irrelevant. You just don’t like the sound of paying “more” taxes.
The only real tax that matters in Harford County is real estate tax. If real estate taxes were increased by 0.1%, it would amount to an average of about $25 per month more per homeowner, but raise approximately $10 million in revenue. The county government has failed to do this, unlike almost every county in the state during the last 5 years, and as a result, county budgets have remained stagnant while the cost of doing business has increased.
The 0.22% hike required to raise the missing $22mil for next year would increase the tax bill on a $300k home by $660 a year, and represent a 20% increase over the current tax rate. No thanks, cut services instead.
$660/12 = $55 per month….wow! That will definitely break my bank.
What services do you recommend should be cut?
$25 more a month on top of more for utilities, more for health care, more for putting gas in the car to get to work, more for tolls through tunnels, bridges and private roads, more, more, more ……………sorry – no more!
If $55 a month will not break your bank then $55 a week not added to your check should be ok right?
You just don’t get it.
I want teachers to get paid well, very well, but being a whiny piece of dried dung will not get it for you.
Instead of I want, I deserve, I need
how about I did, I accomplished, I earned
my wife and relatives who are teachers would put thier accomplishments up for review in a heartbeat for proper compensation but most teachers will not because they are hiding behind the HCEA
$55 a month and $55 a week are entirely 2 different things. And I have not earned a whole lot more than $55 a month as a result of not receiving a salary step for 3 of the last 4 years. You are the one that doesn’t get it. If you add it up, I have not earned more than $15,000 as a result of the salary freeze. That’s $312 a month for the last 4 years. I don’t want that, I don’t deserve that….I EARNED THAT. My credentials crush anyone’s in HCPS. If teachers like me could negotiate our own contracts, you couldn’t afford the school system that would result. On top of that, communities that couldn’t afford the best teachers would have significantly underperforming schools. The socioeconomic divide would widen. The problem is not teacher quality or their salaries. The problem is not the effectiveness of our school leaders or the “waste” in the system. The problem is that you and others like you don’t want to pay for public education, or really any public services for that matter. You want everything to be privatized so you can get exactly what you want. That is not what public education is. It is for everyone. It is not perfect. But without everyone’s support, it will not improve. If you want to do away with public education, you better start amending the constitution.
What part of my wife is a HarCo teacher did you not understand?
I appreciate teachers but being a pouty whiny prattling will not get you that step.
I would happily see a system where teachers are paid what they deserve as opposed to what their pretentiousness dictates they think they should receive.
What you fail to understand is that regardless of your feelings about this entire conversation, teachers should be given their steps as is stipulated in the negotiated agreement. There shouldn’t be negotiations, argument or discussion. If teachers have been deemed by their administrators as successful, isn’t that enough to say they are successful? What more do you want? Salary steps for the first 15 years of employment are the only increase in compensation teachers can receive. There is not merit-pay and there won’t be probably for as long as your wife and I teach. Get over it. This is the system that we have. If you expect teachers to do their jobs effectively you have to provide them with at least the minimal incentives that exist. That has not happened. The result is teachers no longer providing the services that they have in the past or moving on. What I think I’m worth and what I am suggesting I be paid are entirely two different things. To think that teachers should not at least be paid according to the current salary scale is ludicrous.
You said ‘If teachers have been deemed by their administrators . . . . ”
If I were you I might have a little chat with Susan Darden – a very highly regarded teacher – about administrators and what their opinion can do to you. Or maybe you might want to talk to John Hickey about the administration and how their opinion without any evidence can really screw up your life. You might want to think a little before you insert your foot.
Do you not see the inconsistency in your comments? On one hand you say poor performing teachers are not held accountable, and then on the other hand you say that teachers that have been held accountable and poorly evaluated were wrongfully judged? I thought it was the HCEA’s job to sheild the poor performing teachers, not your’s.
The evidence, other than anecdotal comments, has not been shared with the public regarding the performance evaluations of the 2 teachers you identified. But that’s right, we should all just take the testimonies of those that aren’t administrators instead of the actual administrators. And you are opposed to what the HCEA does?
Actually the evidence on John Hickey was publicly aired and the finding was that THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE. Sorry to shout but I’m not sure how else to get your attention. It was so one-sided that the BOE was compelled to overturn HCPS and that numbskull Superintendent based on the lack of any evidence and in light of testimony given by HCPS employees themselves. Maybe you don’t recall the John Hickey case.
On Susan Darden the chorus of support from fellow teachers, parents and former students sounded like Niagara Falls and the people who stood up and said she wasn’t very good added up to a grand total of ZERO. There I go shouting again. And the HCEA? Where was the HCEA? That would be a question for you to ask Mr. Burbey.
How long have you been an administrator with a crushing resume?
Forgot about Mr. Hickey, but what his case shows you is how evidence is a powerful thing. Without it, opinions are irrelevent. For Ms. Darden, the administrators are not permitted to stand up and release the evidence that led to her poor evaluations. However, she can release her evaluations to the public for all to see. Has she done that? When the HCEA does their job and results in teachers being protected, you complain. When the HCEA does their job, but teachers are still terminated, you complain. You just don’t think organized labor is necessary. Get over it.
I am not an administrator. I am an outstanding high school teacher who will likely be moving on.
Did the HCEA do their job in the case of either John Hickey or Susan Darden? In both cases there was a deafening silence. It is true that I believe that labor unions by and large have outlived their usefulness but I do believe that they should be compelled to deliver the services that their members pay for. In the case of HCEA we have one of 2 situations. First, either they did not tell their members that raises were not mandated but there was a contingency. Or, second, their members have collective amnesia and were actually told by HCEA but were unable to understand it. Given that they have a reasonable level of education I choose to believe they would have been able to understand an explanation had it been offered.
While you may have forgotten about John Hickey, many of the parents that knew him haven’t forgotten. And I’m sure he hasn’t either. Probably best that you are moving on because remember this – if it can happen to John Hickey it can happen to you.
And when it does you will have only the words of Martin Niemoller to ponder.
Alex R, Interesting that you say in a prior post that the BOE is inept then commend them for doing the right thing in this instance. Do you attend or watch any of the BOE meetings? There are some pretty sharp people serving on the BOE and from listening to their discussions it would seem that they are trying to address many of the issues you often raise. It is not the job of the BOE to run the day to day operations of the school system but I would agree with you that they should be generally aware of what is happening, though some more than others do seem to be more engaged with what may be considered the real issues facing the school system. That being said, to know what is going on everyday with 5,000 employees and 38,000 student is not realistic or possible.
Agreed that they did the right thing in the case of Mr. Hickey. And the BOE does seem to be making a very slow turn for the better. I believe they knew in the case of John Hickey that a lawsuit was ready to be filed if they didn’t do something quick. The point is, and I suspect we agree on this, if HCPS had top leadership that was worth a darn it would never have gotten that far. It boggles my mind how it ever did given the preponderance of the evidence supporting Mr. Hickey and no evidence against him save the unsubstantiated allegation of a ditzy girl. I do know it had to be investigated but the Superintendent fired him or upheld his firing. Fortunately for all the guy is on his way out. It must make teachers crazy to know that any student at any time can make an allegation, no matter how outrageous, and the world will stop and their job is on the line.
And yes, I am familiar with the BOE. The sooner we get more people on there with their heads screwed on straight the better. I am in favor of electing all of them.
“My credentials crush anyone’s in HCPS.”
Doubtful. If they did you probably wouldn’t have so much time to spend ranting on here.
No one said we need “the best” or those with “crushing” resumes. Teachers should be paid based not on their CV, but on their results.
Oh, no! Based on results? Horrors!
Kharn, I actually agree with you but I wonder if anyone in HCPS administration actually has the ability to evaluate a teacher to determine their competence. I hope so. But would HCEA and Mr. Burbey ever allow it. Never. Never. Never. That would be to, uh, what is the word I’m searching for? That would be too ‘fair’. Yes, that’s the word. Fair.
And here is the other point. Individual evaluations require some actual work. Across the board is the lazy way to do it.
What you fail to understand is the contract was contingent upon the availability of funds and thus HCEA has failed every teacher by agreeing to such terms.
Your mistake is not in wanting to be well paid for being a teacher but in thinking HCEA and Burbey or his predecessor could secure that for you.
HCEA is as accountable for the lack of steps as the county is.
Actually I would say that HCEA probably failed its membership by not making it very, very clear that they may not get the steps if funding was not approved. I may be wrong since I wasn’t at the meeting where HCEA explained in detail the terms of the proposed contract. If HCEA did make it very clear then the members who ratified the proposed contract got what they voted for and have no one to blame but themselves. Perhaps the message to teachers should be “You didn’t get your steps because the contract does not MANDATE that you get your steps. There are conditions to be met.
Would someone who was actually present at that meeting tell us if the stipulation regarding funding was made clear? Of course these are all trained and educated professionals with advanced degrees who presumably have the ability to read and understand a written document for themselves.
Look- I’m a Senior in HS in HCPS. I don’t want to say that either side is right or wrong. I personally have seen a number of ineffective teachers and waste in my high school. At the same time I have truly been influenced by great teachers who I know are struggling under because of their lack of pay raises. I have also seen how “cutting the waste” has left some programs decimated. It’s a complex and very controversial issue.
It is the way it is now. Clearly all of us on these boards want to make our educational system better. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be here. We can make a difference in out schools.
However, name calling, fallacies, cherry-picking evidence, slander, and a whole host of other insulting, demeaning, and downright rude discord will get us nowhere. Drop the childish and not-even-high-school-like behavior and please work together to make it better.
The children of this generation will not remember the petty differences that divided the adults 50 years from now. What they will remember is the quality and rigor of the education that the received.
I do not recall any of my HS teachers ever discussing their personal financial issues with their students, and I’d complain to the principal and the superintendent if I found out a teacher was whining to my kids about his or her salary.
Happens when a High School kid asks if you can stay after to tutor them and you have to say No and they ask why and you say I have to go work my second job. Sometimes you don’t have to say anything you can tell by how they dress, what they drive etc.
“Its personal, I’m sorry, maybe Mr ____ could assist you?” is a much better answer.
Sadly that answer does not build a positive report with students when they get older. It is true that sometimes they ask to much and you don’t answer it and any teacher who uses the classroom as a place to pontificate on the ills of their compensation should be flogged in my opinion.
A few teacher have briefly discussed personal finances in terms of their salary and the lack of raises but, needless to say our class periods are not full of talk over how to fix the budget or how much exactly they get paid. While I realize that talking about a person’s salary is, in the eyes of some, inappropriate, I do no think that it warrants a trip to the Principal’s office or a phone call to the school from my parents.
These conversations are few and far.
Also, I find it interesting that you assume that my teachers who discuss personal finances would be “whining.” In one of the conversations with my teacher, while he stated he would like more money (and who wouldn’t) however, he was content with his salary because it was enough for him to live on and still have some money left over.
Kharn, How many time has Burbey been to Annapolis to pound on O’Malley’s desk? Many times, but see, MOM wasn’t actually there when he did it. MOM was out campaigning for Mr. Obama and himself? Mr. Burbey has a much chance of getting an audience with MOM as . . . . . . well, you fill in the blank. But be kind.
How about we take a serious look at the amount of children that have IA’s to see how many of these are really beneficial or what the real justification behind this huge expense is. Let’s lok at how much we spend on sports and HS coaches. Next, Let’s look at the schools that are chronically under attended and predicted to stay at the same level of occupancy for well beyond the next decade. Close and consolidate! Give the teachers the contractually agreed compensation and release those that are dragging down the majority of motivated, talented teachers. Let the CE know that playing politics with the school system budget is not going to be forgotten. Finally, look forward, and get on with moving ahead instead of scratching to just keep from falling behind.
The HCPS does a good job. People talk about kids not being educated, they are using their empirical information. Perhaps, they haven’t met a lot of good and educated young people that come out of the HCPS. Take whatever you consider the worst high school in Harford County, and there will many many successful alumni. Kids are raised differently today, and that could be causing some of them to not have the work ethic they should. Teachers complain about this also. Hopefully, they will mature, but let’s not confuse work ethic and maturity for education. I agree with those who feel that the teacher is being forgotten in the importance of student education. The HCPS needs to make teachers a priority and this includes pay and benefits. I do take exception with any teacher who talks about turning down a current teacher’s salary to work at MacDonalds or anywhere else. That is bunk. I also don’t want teachers portraying themselves as poor-they are not. If they have large families or big expenses, then that is a decision they made. They destroy credibility when they do this. Most teachers are hard working people who truly work on behalf of the students. One poster mentioned how much coaches are paid. They obviously aren’t from this area. Coaches’ pay is an insult and adds many extra hours to a teacher’s workload. The same is true for club and activity sponsors. Before anyone accuses me of being a teacher or administrator, I am not. My hope is that the teachers will make the HCEA, or someone, assist in removing lazy and ineffective teachers from the school system. They need to be involved, not politicians. Every teacher knows who is effective and who isn’t, and, no, it is not just the job of administrators to remove them. Teachers can help by suggesting procedures and criteria and not letting inferior teachers hide. Maybe, just maybe, teachers would portray a better public image. Stop poor-mouthing and get rid of leaders like Ryan Burbey.
Has anyone ever noticed that the BOE members, Superintendent, County Executive and County Council members never make an effort to sit down altogether and talk about the real needs of the county and the real financial situation of the county? It is my firm belief that open communication among these important political figures would help our county find a reasonable and well balanced approach for governing. I truly believe at this particular point in time that politics is playing too big a role in our county. Compromise is necessary if we want what is best for our citizens. As everyone knows we have people from very different view points. We cannot have everyone receive 100% of what they want as someone else would never receive anything they wanted. It is good to fight for what you believe in, but when do we finally accept that there are differences among our citizens and begin the conversations needed to make a difference for the better? I want to pay zero taxes, but I also want a good school system for my children. What do I do? I pay my taxes and also fight for greater efficiency so I can give my children a good education but limit my taxes spent. When all of our leaders begin to have a common vision and work together we will see Harford County move forward in a positive manner.
That is not true. These people meet with each other regularly, individually and in small groups. They must be careful that not enough of them are together at any one time so as to have a quorum present which would violate open meeting laws. Not all of these people agree on what is the best way to approach a given situation as the individuals and their respective groups may have competing interests and valid perspectives.
For example the County Executives insistence (strong arming the school board) on putting a new high school in Harve de Grace at the top of the school construction list or Mr. Craig’s desire to pay a $1,200 lump sum bonus to all county and school system employees were both rejected by the County Council.
There are many legitimate reasons that people cannot reach consensus and not all of it centers around politics. Unfortunately “politics” is a term used far too often to describe the inability of individuals or groups to come to together when in reality the driving force is nothing more than personal ego.
So I guess the question really should be who or what group is playing “politics” with decisions affecting the school system, for what purpose, and to whose benefit?
HCPS+HCSO=two big county entities with serious issues