From David Fang:
Dear Editor:
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”– Juliet
Shakespeare’s heroine would tell you that names have no meaning – yet Diane Tobin clearly disagreed earlier this year, adding “Adkins” to her professional sobriquet just in time to be first on the ballot for the election. Why would someone known in the community under one name for 18 years attempt such a craven, transparent maneuver? Simple…numerous studies have shown that being listed first helps a candidate attract more votes, especially in lower-tier races where voters are less likely to know the candidates. Trying to pull a fast one like this in the #metoo era is the worst kind of gender cynicism, and Tobin should not be rewarded for such behavior. According to the Court of Appeals, the highest Court in Maryland and the authority that regulates Aaron & Partners Chester solicitors and all Maryland lawyers, “Diane Adkins-Tobin” does not exist, and only “Diane Tobin” is a licensed lawyer.
In a recent Aegis article Tobin states “she wasn’t surprised to be carrying the Democrats, as both Ishak and Kreis were appointed by the Republican Hogan.” The Aegis, of course, omitted her cowardly attempts at influencing the result over the years whereby Tobin frequently switched party affiliation, presumably with the goal of achieving one specific judicial appointment – her own. In 2006, 2008, and 2012 Tobin voted in the Democratic primary (indicating she was a registered Democrat), while in 2010, 2014, and 2016 she voted in the Republican primary (as a registered Republican). I laughed to myself as I drove past what appeared to be a Democratic Party HQ building in Aberdeen and saw her campaign sign, thinking “if this election was two years ago that sign would be in front of the Republican Party HQ.”
Since 2000 there have been nine local judicial appointments, five women and four men – one by Gov. Glendening, one by Gov. Ehrlich, four by Gov. O’Malley, and three by Gov. Hogan. Tobin heard the Judicial Selection Committee say “NO” in 2000, 2007 and 2008, and “NOs” from the Governors in 2011, 2013 (twice), 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Name games, party switching…passed over 9 times…they all said “NO.” Harford County voters should not be duped into saying “yes.” I heartily endorse the sitting judges, Larry Kreis and Paul Ishak, for re-election and urge you to vote for them.
David Fang
Sounds somewhat similar to the tactics currently being used by Art Kaff in the Board of Education race in District E. Kaff, a life long Democrat switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican shortly before the primary election in June. Kaff was an incumbent school board member four years ago when he was overwhelmingly rejected by the voters (67% to 23%) in the last election. Since June Kaff has suddenly shown up at numerous Republican events and contributed to Republican campaigns. Prior to this election he was associated with various Democrat Party organizations. Kaff now professes to be a conservative which is simply not true. What a shame he can’t run on the merits of his own ideas but instead is attempting to fool the electorate and ride the coattails of other Republicans into office. I would think Democrats would be upset that he was so easily willing to abandon their core values. Republicans should be upset that he thinks you are foolish enough to not see through his deception. Unfortunately few voters know the truth. Please do not vote for this person. Please vote Rachel Gauthier for Board of Education. She is smart, independent, dedicated, cares about her community and the county – and won’t try to deceive you just to win an election. Rachel currently works in the Baltimore County school system and truly understands the many issues facing public education because she lives it everyday. Voters need to keep Rachel on the school board. She is by far the superior candidate!
LOL. Anybody who thinks Akin’s-Tobin is cowardly clearly doesn’t know the woman!
Diane used the name Adkins Tobin since she started with the office. I know because I worked with her there for 18 years. There was no name change, period. You Kreis supporters are willing to say anything because you know he is in trouble.
Beth, no one cares any more what you say. Your whole existence seems as if it is built on lies and innuendo. The whole affair last summer with the cruise was really the last straw. Please, go away.
Diane Adkins Tobin had used her maiden name for almost all of her professional career as a lawyer and prosecuted. Do a search in the Baltimore Sun and The Aegis archives. And exactly WHAT does her legal name have to do with her stellar job prosecuting criminals and keeping the citizens of Harford County safe?
The Baltimore Sun and The Aegis don’t maintain official records of licensed attorneys, the Court of Appeals does. Whatever you call yourself should match that record so the public can be assured that they are dealing with a LICENSED Maryland attorney and not someone posing as such. If the Court record does not match, you don’t exist. Guess the ethical standards for lawyers practicing at the State’s Attorneys’ Office don’t apply as they do to private practioners. Let a complaint to the AGC come in and see how fast they care. If they have to ask “who are you?” You have a problem. Prospective judges should be beyond such reproach. Let us forget the multiple passovers that multiple governors made. The devil is in the details.
In my 10 years or more of having her as a prosecutor in many cases, she has never used her Adkins-Tobin name while introducing herself to the court for the record in which is required. That is until recently when she was passed over for the ninth time for a judges selection and chose to run for this position. I have seen her conduct herself as a less than an efficient prosecutor, toss cases that should have been pursued, demean victims and witnesses while dismissing cases over the years only to have the defendant return for the same crime or in some cases even more violent crimes.
Yes it’s true nobody can predict the future or what a defendant might do after being let off, but this is a prevalent issue with her and some others in the office. In all fairness to her she has performed in a stellar manner at other times on a few select high profile cases. So our thanks for a job well done in those cases, but let’s all look at the entire picture. While people, myself included like to brag about their accomplishments, lets all face up to our shortcomings. Her temperament is unpredictable. Just look at her record of switching political parties for her gain only?
My point being, seeing how she has claimed to have been selected by the nominating committees for the 9 times she was passed over, coupled with the unpredictable behavior and temperament she has displayed over the years, it is just not a fit for a trier of facts, nor putting someone’s future and freedom in her hands.
Both of the sitting Judges are persons (gender intentionally left out, check her comments on her facebook page about the nominees for Judge Butanis’s vacancy, #metoo) of the utmost integrity, and treat both the defendants and prosecutors with respect and dignity while remaining consistent on how they address the cases and make their rulings. Keep the two outstanding Judges where they belong.
The SAO is full of problem children as a result of poor leadership by the SA and the Deputy SAs. Hopefully new leadership will bring much needed reform.
That’s because your County’s current State’s Attorney is a traitor against the United States. That’s just the way it is.
So your one of the guilty until proven innocent crowd so prevalent in Harford County? “what a defendant might do after being let off”. Cases without evidence should not even be heard. Diane is the only one in that office that understands that concept. The burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt. The SAO should know well before court date whether or not they have proof beyond a reasonable doubt. If they don’t then cut the case loose as your wasting court resources trying cases you should not be successful on.
You do know that she’s a Deputy and thus supervises other lawyers, right? If the case shouldn’t go to trial and it’s in her division, she’s ultimately responsible.
Keep sitting Paul W Ishak and vote for Public defender Thomas Ashwell! Both display fairness common sense and human compassion
In addition to that, who would want anybody for the position of Judge when that candidate cannot, or refuses, to follow the law pertaining to political sign placement along State, County and Municipal roadways. It is obvious that the person running for Judge that has the red and white signs just ignores the laws pertaining to placement of those signs. I will be voting for the two tried and true Judges that are currently on the bench and hope to see them both continue in their current position.
No judge in Harford County ever had to ask Diane who she was, what a ridiculous comment. You are just irked because she appears first on the ballot, using a name she has used for over 20 years , since she got married. You guys are really worried, and you should be.
And, yes, the world revolves only around Harford County. The ethical rules apply to ALL lawyers, regardless of gender or where one practices. If you want to change your name, there is entire CIVIL legal process for that. Hmm, I would have thought she’d know that if she’s gonna be a judge. Oh, my bad!
There isn’t any ethical rules involving those who practice law. They are all governed by the BAR Association and the BAR Association isn’t interested in ethics. The Bar Association is interested in Attornment thru the use of unconstitutional law and treason. If you think otherwise you are mistaken. You must remember that ALL law is beholden to the Constitution of the United States and of the State the law was enacted. The masses seem to believe this is a Democracy and that ANY law can be made to rule the masses thru Attornment, Terrorism and TREASON. This is FALSE. This country is a Constitutional Republic and that’s just the way it is. When we utter the “Pledge of Allegiance” we don’t say “and to the Democracy for which it stands”. We say “and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands”. That’s all the proof anyone needs to understand that we are living in a Democratic Fascist State that has forsaken our Constitution for the wishes of a Democratic legislature that has betrayed the United States and WE THE PEOPLE of these United States. We have Democratic elections. That’s all, nothing else. This isn’t a Democracy, this is a Constitutional Republic. Never forget it. Until the BAR Association starts adhering to the Supreme Law of the Land there is no such thing as ethics….
You think the Bar Associations governs lawyers’ conduct? Lol!!!
Yup, I do think the BAR governs the conduct of lawyers. This is not a laughing matter. The BAR is an act of treason against the United States and it requires ALL those who are registered with it to commit illegal and unconstitutional acts of ATTORNMENT against the American people. Anyone whom has the title of “Esquire” is actually a form of squire for the government and they are only legally able to practice “attornment” on behalf of the State. ALL those whom have “Esquire” attached to their name are illegally practicing both criminal and civil law unless it involves “attornment”. Do your own research and you will find that only a BARRISTER can legally practice law. There are no BARRISTERs in the current legal profession and people must act as their own OUTER BARRISTER in order to fight the system of treason that antagonizes the American public.
Oh, it’s definitely funny…SoulCrusher’s “alternate” universe from a window in Clifton T.
The only funny thing is a stinking traitor against the United States preaching untrue claims about the legal profession. ALL LAWYERS are traitors. All LAWYERS are illegally practicing law as a squire or esquire is only legally viable for acts of attornment. Please state where you think an ATTORNEY has the right to practice law. We are guaranteed the English common law of 1789 and in 1789 an attorney could only practice attornment in the reassessment of rights and property to the King or in our case, the State. An ATTORNEY can NOT legally plead ANY case and every case an ATTORNEY has made a plea for his client is an illegal act as they must be a BARRISTER to plead at the BAR. You can keep lying to the people but you will never be anything more than a traitor. This isn’t an alternate universe. It’s a completely fraudulent court system that has no right to exist on American shores.
These are the proper titles for the legal profession of 1789 :
Solicitor – one who petitions (initiates)for another in a court
Counselor – one who advises another concerning a court matter
Lawyer – [see counselor] learned in the law to advise in a court
Barrister – one who is privileged to plead at the bar
Advocate – one who pleads within the bar for a defendant
Attorney – one who transfers or assigns, within the bar, another’s rights & property acting on behalf of the ruling crown (government)
As anyone can see, you need a BARRISTER to act as an ADVOCATE and there isn’t any barristers in this Country. A person must act as an OUTER BARRISTER from outside the BAR to properly defend themselves and ALL ATTORNEYS are a defendant’s enemy.
Fire your BAR Attorney. Refuse to acknowledge their corrupt inner-bar courts of thievery. Formally charge them with the illegal act of practicing law without lawful authority. Why? A BAR Attorney is not a lawyer by lawful definition. An Esquire is an officer of the State with the duty to carry out State activities, including “attornment.” State officers have no constitutional authority to practice law as lawyers, barristers, advocates, or solicitors. Americans should begin formally charging these false lawyers with unlawfully practicing the profession of law since their BAR licenses only give them the privilege to be Attorneys and Squires over land transfers.
Yes, comrades, death to all traitorous lawyers! This aggression will not stand, maaaaaaan!
Make fun all you want. I gave the people the truth once again.
aaaaaargh Matie, take note the Soulman has spoken…..take a knee to him..
You shouldn’t take a knee. It just means I’d be able to kick you in the face harder….
Not when you’ve spent all that time lying naked on the floor all crunched up in a ball….pleading for mercy….tough guy
And you say such things about her, a member of that treasonous Harford County SOA, who did all those nasty and illegal things to you? Wow what a swell thing to do. You make me proud.
Obviously, you weren’t there. There was no pleading for mercy. Just expletives, many of them. I was curled up in a ball to prevent them from videoing my junk. As for your second comment, I don’t know WTF you’re talking about. I don’t recall Adkins-Tobin having anything to do with my case. Elizabeth Bowen did, yet she stated in the record of her own court that she didn’t. Just another lying Harford County Judge that is a traitor against the United States.
By the way, you should use the screen name “One Eyed Snake” because you’re definitely a dick.
It’s funny that people are making an issue of this name now. First, she has always gone by this name. Go to the courthouse and see under what name she was the local bar president, or how she has announced herself to the court. It’s a shame. I know all of the candidates for this race personally and each is a person of integrity. This smear is not brought about by one of them. There is not a person involved either the courts who doesn’t know Diane as a fierce prosecutor. She has done as much for the citizens of this county as anyone else. Diane’s message is that the citizens have a choice in who sits on that bench. Make that choice intelligently. They are all good candidates. Don’t make it based upon rumor and innuendo.
Why don’t we all put the name game issue aside for a moment. Let’s look at the facts. All the supporters of this candidate are focused on the name thing. Why not explain to us why we should chose someone who has been pretty much told 9 times you wouldn’t make a good judge. And their claims about what a fierce prosecutor she is, then like the woman said on here, why not go for Cassilly’s Job?
Here are some more facts. Many of her signs are on state right of ways, or county easements, abandoned properties and so forth. And yes plenty of the other candidates have done the same thing, but it’s strange that I don’t see the sitting Judges or Mr Ashwell’s signs improperly placed. When asked on her facebook page about this, she was nasty and refused to answer, claiming posters were fake people put up to denounce her. Then she deletes your posts and blocks you from her page.
And her comments about the 4 males that were nominated for the open District Court position and how woman need to be on the bench. Hello? There are the same amount of woman as men on the benches of both courts here in Harford County. She even questioned the decision making of the sitting Judges and a Judge’s decision on a reversal from the higher courts. Then boom, the posts are gone from her page.
Sorry the two sitting Judges are the ticket to go. Keep the integrity intact. Mr Ashwell, although we don’t know too much about you, you seem pretty fair and level headed, so please go after the next Judges opening.
Whomever you want to refer to her by whichever name, she is not what a Judge should be and especially not here in Harford County.
Public Defender Thomas Ashwell and sitting judge Paul Ishak are the best choices for Circuit Court Judge!
Fairness, Common Sense and Compassion!
Property ownership rights, State right of ways and County easements?? Oh, what are these things you speak of, sir? How could Madam Tobin not understand such rights and responsibilities? Oh…wait… yeah, my bad… those are civil matters.
Kudos to the very few willing to put their names to their comments. Here’s the thing that I see over and over, those attacking Diane Adkins-Tobin literally have zero to say about her professional career where she’s spent 18 years putting gang members, child molesters, rapists and murderers away. Or should I say, nothing about the experience of the Candidates they are supporting. Judicial races are Non-partisan, but the Judicial Appointment process is highly political. So she’s fought for the citizens of Harford County for 18 years and she doesn’t have the political juice to get appointed, sounds like EXACTLY who we want to be on the bench. You can try to make this partisan, but the reality is she’s represented this County and its victims of crimes, without thought or consideration to what party they are affiliated with. She is literally THE MOST QUALIFIED, but no one wants to talk about that because they know they can’t compete. And you have people from the legal community directly refuting the claims she didn’t use her hyphenated name. Just research the Candidates yourselves and it will be clear.
Yes we have done our research. Passed over 9 times by both Governors and nominating committees of both political parties should send everyone a loud and clear message, she is not Judge material. She may be the most wonderful person in the world, and yet the fact remains she has been passed over 9 times. As far as her glowing career as a prosecutor, just remember a broken clock is right twice a day. If she is so terrific as a prosecutor, why on earth didn’t she run for Cassilly’s spot? Part of that little inner circle up there. The two sitting Judges were chosen on their records and morals, and we don’t have enough time and space here to spell it out for you. Just remember this, 9 times, passed over. We don’t see any of the other candidates who were passed over out playing these name and party affiliation games, do we?
In her defense on the allegation of why she didn’t run for prosecutor is because Cassilly had stars in his eyes when looked at Dave Ryden. Cassilly would have never supported Diane over Dave and, giving her credit where credit is due, she could see that. Dave’s the reason that office is such a disaster. Having said that, let us all remember that it wasn’t Diane or Dave who was chosen by the Circuit Court judges (before Kreis and Ishak were appointed), it was somebody else who used to work there. And let’s ask ourselves why would Diane throw her name in the ring for that appointment when it is clear that Cassilly would only support Ryden during the election? Oh, could it be because Diane had WAY more experience than Ryden and was the theoretical shoo-in? Oh and what would happen if Diane got the appointment and respectfully declined in favor of Ryden? Their clear attempt to manipulate a constitutionally mandated process is shameful and not the attributes of fairness and respect. Thankfully, our Circuit Court bench was not deceived and sent both of them packing.
People who respect our judges and constitution breathed as collective sigh of relief when Peisinger destroyed Ryden. Diane is smarter than to do the stupid things that Ryden had done (jam up criminal defendants to Garner favorites) but that doesn’t mean she’s innocent. If she’s elected as judge, everyone who cares about fairness and protection of rights in the courtroom will be disappointed.
Spot On! Joe Cassilly’s games in that office have done nobody any favors. An investigation into his conduct would be very appropriate, but that will likely not happen. He will retire and collect a fat retirements check with no consequences for the terror he has sowed the last few years of his office. That is the truly sad piece of this story.
Public officials can become untouchable. It should not be that way. Abuse of power is prevalent at the top of the SAO and nobody seems interested in doing something about it. We can only hope the new SA will clean house and restore respect and integrity to the Harford County SAO.
Diane is stuck in that mess of bad leadership with bad policies and bad strategy. She doesn’t deserve it as she is a fair prosecutor who will bring integrity to the bench. Its a shame that her reputation has to be soiled by her bosses actions.
The Cassilly political empire should give everyone pause.
You have NO CLUE what you’re talking about. SHE was right in the middle of it all.
Chad Shrodes was a registered Democrat AND on the Harford County Democratic Central Committee just before he decided to switch parties, then run for (and win) his first race for Harford County Council in his very Republican district! As per an earlier comment, are the Republicans in district D stupid?
No they were not stupid. It was pretty obvious to those who knew Chad that his previous party affiliation didn’t reflect his conservative values. He like many former Democrats saw that political party move far to the left and no longer spoke to the values formerly represented by the Democratic Party. It wasn’t that long ago that Harford County was a majority Democrat county and it was hard to win political office as a Republican. The same is not true with Kaff. He was strongly associated with the Art Helton Democratic Club and his politics are still very liberal. Having spent four years with Kaff on the school board I know what he is. I have spoken to many Democrats who are both shocked that he switched political parties and know that he is no conservative. Here is a quote from a prominent Democrat when I told them the news, “I would love to hear his conversion story. Translation – I have no conviction other than I want to get elected and I have come to the revelation that R’s dominate Harford County politics.” Aside from this issue Kaff was not a good school board member and shouldn’t be seated again. He could always be counted on to vote for whatever the superintendent wanted, ie. the rubber stamp the citizens wanted to get away from by passing the elected school board legislation, and in four years he never saw a bloated school system budget he wouldn’t support even as county revenue was shrinking or stagnant following the recession. The voters had four years to watch Kaff while he was on the school board and found his performance severely lacking and so he was turned away by an overwhelming majority of voters during the last election in favor of Mrs. Gauthier. The voters of District E should do so again this election and keep Mrs. Gauthier on the school board.
Thursaday in early voting there were 2 choices out of a possible 4. for judges.
At first I was doing my one and done thing for Diane. When the ballot was run thru the machine it showed 2 names. Diane and Tom. There was one thing I knew. I was not voting for any Hogan appointees.
Hogan is a Trump supporter. Anyone in ploitics today who would vote for anyone who endorses Trump is not worthy of my vote.
Since in office Trump is about to cross the 5000 mark of out right lies along with many distortions. Ever since Hogan’s first vetoes he came to the conclusion he would act like a democrat so he would get reelected. Either a candidate is proud of their party or they are what is known as back stabbers.
Waiting for the spell checkers. Come on write more than 4 words.
Now how stupid is that? You chose your candidates for a local judge position because you dislike Trump and Hogan? Talk about the blind leading the blind. I am not a Trump fan, and despite which party I am affiliated with, any person with common sense and half a brain would vote for the most qualified person(s) for the position(s). This obviously leaves you out in the cold. Need a blanket?
How about this one.
Two sitting judges run as a team for reelection.
They put their signs right with the Sheriffs signs for reelection.
Then they only put their signs with other republicans signs. Have not seen any of their signs with democrat signs.
Judges are suppose to be non partision, yet they are right in bed with the republican party. They are right in bed with the sheriff.
Now take the other 2 candidates, Diane and Tom. Their signs are with any party that will accept their signs next to theirs. Especially Diane.
Diane is not worried about party, but the other 2 seem to be.
Yes, Flash Gordon. when it comes to separation of power I will not accept any judge that is in bed with Trump, Hogan, Jealous, Obama. You name the party and I am against a judge being in bed with that party. That is what is wrong in this country right now. We have a Supreme Court that is in bed with the Republican Party. All bought and enslaved by the Republican Party. It totally stinks and is totally against what the founding fathers envisioned.
Yes very mind numbing again. Now you’re talking about sign placement? For one, all the Judges and Sheriff are placed legally and with the rules. Empty lots, abandoned property, state right of ways,yeah that’s where her signs are. Mr. Ashwell signs seem to follow the rules a well. Not your Wonder Woman who is supposed to know the laws, all laws, criminal and civil. Once again how mindless you must be to not vote for someone based on their qualifications. And someone that’s been told 9 times you’re not cut out to be a judge. Still have a blanket for you.
That’s the most mindnumbing post I’ve seen yet. Please be sure to keep your voting strategy in mind if you are ever sued for a debt, get a divorce, are in a car accident that happened less that 18 years ago, need to modify your child custody or support or have someone who dies and your a beneficiary under their will or suffer a foreclosure. You just voted for the two candidates that have NEVER done one of these cases…ya know, 85% of the cases in Circuit Court.
Poh Poh, you need to check the records. Sorry to hear you deal with people who don’t pay their debts or you can’t end a divorce and still not love the other person.
Will end with hope you can stop lioving in fear.
Checked the records, sunshine. Tobin is still a prosecutor, not a civil Lawyer. Next!?!
Hey Stupid, once a person passes the bar, they can practice any type pf law. Go stay at the Hilton, the Harford Hilton where you belong.
* of
Yes, I know, stupid. I passed the bar and she still doesn’t practice civil law.
That’s all…
By being admitted to the BAR, you are granted the title of Esquire or a squire. This only gives you the ability to acts as an attorney in a system of attornment for the State. An attorney can only reassign rights and property on behalf of the State. An attorney can NOT even legally present a plea to the court. They simply are not authorized to do such a thing. There is no authorization for an attorney to act as an advocate, nor is there any constitutional authority that gives a State officer the power to practice law as lawyers, barristers, advocates, or solicitors.
Diane Adkins-Tobin’s name change is completely legal and those who think she shouldn’t have done it are out of their beloved minds. As for the whole Court of Appeals being the highest court in Maryland, well, that is a lie. The Court of Appeals gave up its status as a competent and trustworthy court of law in 2004 when they made the Fitzgerald vs. Maryland ruling, which was an act of treason against the US and Maryland Constitutions as they made a decision of law which was beyond their jurisdiction to make. This is treason and the Court of Appeals powers and authority is forfeit as far as I am concerned. Furthermore, her former name being the name that holds a law license is moot. That law license is governed by the BAR Association and the BAR Association is a vessel of treason on American shores. I applaud her name change and believe that no REAL Judge of Court Administrator should be beholden to the BAR Association on the grounds of treason against the United States, the US Constitution, the Maryland Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE of these United States. The BAR Association should be reformed or destroyed. Her changing her name just made her a REAL Court Administrator and now she can act as a trustworthy interpreter of law instead of being confined to the treason of the Maryland Court of Appeals. Chief Judge Bell should be put on trial for allowing the Fitzgerald v. Maryland ruling to stand and be used as case law by the TREASONOUS Maryland Judicial Department in all its branches and tributaries…..
Take this information as Gospel from Soulchrusher, ESQ. Constitutional Scholar.
Please, don’t put the ESQ. after my screen name. An Esquire or Squire is a traitor and I am not a traitor.
She wasn`t passed over 9 times, your research is bogus. And the judicial nominating commissions made up of lawyers and citizens appointed by the current governor, Hogan’s included ,never passed her over, in fact, they always recommended her. Additionally, she was recommended by the Maryland State Bar Association as well, every time. The appointments at the governor’s level are and always have been political. All Hogan’s appointments to this county have been white males, who worked for law firms that represented businesses and developers, which is what he did before becoming governor and who still owns a real estate company. That is, sadly, the reality of the judicial selection process, which is why the voters get the final say.The voters should decide their judges, not a politician.
Fact: Judicial Selection Committee said “NO” in 2000, 2007 and 2008
Fact: “NOs” from the Governors in 2011, 2013 (twice), 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Fact: 3 Subordinates of hers have been designated ALJ during this time.
Result: 9 by passes plus the ALJ appointments.
Political appointments at the Governor level? That must be why she has changed political party affiliation several times and her name?
YOU need to get your facts straight.
Wake up Maggie, We got something to say to you:
This information is FALSE. Pure conjecture and drivel. I will be voting for Mr. Cassily as I believe he has done an OUTSTANDING job as our judge.
Wasn’t Mr. Cassilly also passed over for judge? Then he demonstrated complete ineptness by announcing retirement and then changing his mind? Anyone else see patterns?
Yes. Sept 2011. Three of his “core four” are not trustworthy. The only one retired recently with her head up and is moving on.
And ironically Diane Adkins Tobin, non hyphenated at that time too was also passed over. She made the list, but not the cut.
Can you imagine inheriting this as the new SA? Its no wonder staff were/are bailing from the SAO.
Fact: Judicial Selection Committee said “NO” in 2000, 2007 and 2008
Fact: “NOs” from the Governors in 2011, 2013 (twice), 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Fact: 3 Subordinates of hers have been designated ALJ during this time.
Result: 9 by passes plus the ALJ appointments.
Political appointments at the Governor level? That must be why she has changed political party affiliation several times and her name?
YOU need to get your facts straight.
Ms. Tobin may very well have used her middle name throughout her career (she didn’t); however, her last name has only recently included a hyphen. Why is a punctuation mark so important? Because it moves her placement on the ballot from last to first. Her last name is TOBIN. She has not legally changed her last name from Tobin to Adkins-Tobin. You would expect a candidate for judicial office to understand this distinction. And despite what others have written, a simple google news search reveals that there were only two articles prior to her candidacy that used the hyphen between her middle and last name. In all of the other articles, her last name is Tobin.
Seemingly responding to this issue, this morning Tobin posted a non-sequitur on her Facebook page (which itself doesn’t have a hyphen) citing a letter she received from the Governor in 2015 that is addressed to Ms. Tobin, which happens to use her middle and last name:
“This is the letter that I received three years ago from Governor Hogan’s Judicial Nominating Commission finding me “most fully qualified” to serve as a Judge on the Circuit Court. Please note my name…DIANE ADKINS TOBIN. Please review all of our qualifications and you will see that the reasons for this recommendation remain in place today.”
Without a doubt, this letter uses her middle name. There can be no dispute there. BUT………the letter clearly does not use a hyphen between her middle and last name. Nor did it use a hyphen between the middle and last names of the other judicial candidates identified in the letter. How many citizens have received a formal letter using both their middle and last name? Any formal/official letter like your paycheck, a wedding invitation, or even a letter from the Governor uses your middle name. That does not mean that your last name is your middle name too! Tobin’s last name in the letter sent from Hogan was Tobin, not Adkins-Tobin! Her last name is Tobin in the same way David Lee Roth’s last name is Roth (not Lee-Roth), Joyce Carol Oates last name is Oates (not Carol-Oates), or Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s last name is Ginsburg (not Bader-Ginsburg).
During this campaign Tobin has shown outright disdain for the informed citizens of Harford County while purporting to give the voters a choice. Let’s count some of the ways:
1. She is a FLIP-FLOPPER opportunist who has changed political party whenever she feels it may be advantageous to her OWN career goals. Nine times, Maryland’s Democratic and Republican Governors saw right through this hypocrisy.
2. She has recently distributed misleading campaign literature (only to women) that implies she is currently a sitting judge: “…I ask you to allow me to continue to serving you as your Judge.” These word games are beneath the dignity of the bench, which requires HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Say what you mean Ms. Tobin! Are you already a Judge or are you really a bitter lawyer who has been picked over nine times for Judge (5 women, 4 men) by Democratic and Republican Governors alike?
3. To get listed first on the ballot, she has used a name that is not hers. She never legally changed her name or changed her registration with the authority that licenses lawyers in Maryland. She filed her application to run in this judicial election without a hyphen, because her last name does not have one. Her Facebook page (personal and campaign) does not have a hyphen. Her campaign webpage does not have a hyphen. Her official campaign committee does not even have a hyphen. The only place she has a hyphen in her last name is on her campaign signs, her misleading mailers, and the ballot.
Harford County deserves better than a FLIP-FLOPPING opportunist who has virtually NO EXPERIENCE with important civil matters (like divorce and custody issues) that directly impact the daily lives of the County citizens. Harford County deserves, and should demand, judges who are experienced in both the private and public sector and who are imbued with TEMPERAMENT, HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Ms. Tobin’s dishonest behavior has demonstrated she is NOT that choice.
AMEN !!!
Thank you, Stephen!! Details matter. They show the true idealogy of the person. Are we running for judge to serve the public’s interest and dispense justice and decisions in a fair and equitable way or are we doing so to save ourselves from a clearly sinking ship? Despite prosecutor’s perceptions, judicial duties do not revolve solely around criminal cases. The bulk of cases are civil cases. Cases that are important to every day people, as you pointed out, divorce and child custody are big ones. Diane has absolutely NO experience dealing with these types of cases and, in all honesty, I don’t think she has the temperament to do so. Her civil experience lies as an attorney for an insurance company handling personal injury claims and alot has changed in that area of law in 18 years.
I agree, and they have lawyers in Harford County claiming to be family lawyers, that have no idea what they are doing. The courts also pushing big money making scams on people like court evaluation, court classes, to benefit the lawyers and judges, does not benefit the people, its all a racket.
Big Racket….supported by SAO
Hire an attorney to fight for your children, and the only thing they are concerned about is themselves, and what your financial status is, They don’t want to ruffle the feathers of the courts and go against any thing that might make them look like they are fighting for their client, lets sell another program , court evaluators have their own business and recommend people from the courts to their business , or mandate it . TO benefit them and only them. What about the Children? Maybe this program and this one after we go to a hearing 3 or 4 times and we cant accomplish anything, pure incompetence lets send an email $500 , oh no Im going to ask the magistrate about that and do nothing.
She needs to add one more name in there, hyphenated or not and that is Diane Lays-Adkins-Tobin, as the the well informed voters and ones that really know her true side, would love to see that Chip knocked off her shoulder.
I invite those interested in FACTS to check out the following link, which is a Dec. 2013 newsletter published by the Harford County Bar Association when Tobin was President of the organization:
On page 1, she signs her letter “Diane Tobin, President” without her middle name or a hyphen.
On page 2, the masthead lists her last name as “Tobin” without a hyphen.
On page 8, two photo captions identify her as “HCBA President Diane Tobin” without her middle name or a hyphen.
On page 10, there is a letter from the Sheriff’s Office addressed to “Diane Tobin, Esq.”
To suggest that Ms. Tobin has always used her middle name as her last name is simply FALSE.
Wake up Maggie, and others, I think something was just told to you….
Direct, hard stone cold facts.
I will not vote for any LIBERAL/COMMUNIST with a hyphenated name.
What is a LIBERAL/COMMUNIST? Interesting choice of words
Diane Tobin to be factual and fair is a Democrat/Republican.
Tobin was a registered Democrat in 2006, 2008,and 2012!
Tobin was a registered Republican in 2010, 208. and 22016!
If you thought Tobin was a Democrat, your right!
If you thought Tobin was a Republican, your also right!
Diane Tobin or Diane Atkins Tobin is a political con artist.
“The confidence game starts with basic human psychology. From the artist’s perspective , it’s a question of identifying the victim (the put-up): who he is, what does he want, and how can I play on that desire to achieve what I want?
It requires the creation of empathy and rapport (the play):an emotional foundation must be laid before any scheme is proposed, any game set in motion.
Only then does it move to logic and persuasion (the rope): the scheme (the tale), the evidence and the way it will work to your benefit (the convincer) , the show of actual profits.
” The Confidence Game by Maria Konnikova, pages 11-12
CORRECTION: Diane Tobin was a Republican in 2010,2014, and 2016
She is now a judge….. Choke on it David Fang, Stephen, and all the rest of you.
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