From Del. Mary Ann Lisanti:
Many of you have reached out to me personally through visits, phone calls, text and email messages.
Thank you for your love, concern, questions and guidance. I’m sure you know this has been the most difficult week in my professional career but I have dedicated my life to public service….in good times and in bad.
I wanted to share with you the statement I made concerning censure which include my plans to move forward.
I will continue to serve you both in Annapolis and in district by participating in legislative, briefing and voting sessions. As always, I will continue serving your constituent needs, help solve problems, advocate for causes and attend events.
In the coming days I will need your help to repair all that has been damaged.
My spirit is in tact. My love for this community, for public service and for helping people is stronger than ever. As a community we will overcome this situation and be stronger in our resolve to pursue justice for all.
Mary Ann
Statement to the House
Ladies and Gentleman of the House:
While the proceedings of this evening are necessary in the eyes of some, it is most unfortunate the we are even here.
The end of a regular 17 hour work day concluded by accepting a ride from a committee dinner to a local cigar smoking lounge. A place I do not frequent, as I am not a smoker but choose freely to visit for some evening conversation and wrap-up of the day with other Members of this body.
It is apparent, that someone in attendance heard or thought they over- heard an inappropriate word and attributed it to me. In- lieu of reporting the incident in accordance with our newly adopted harassment policy, that unknown individual choose to contact a member of the media for a purpose only known to them….. thus igniting an expected fire storm response.
With the lack of independent verification and counsel of trusted friends, I saw no other appropriate action then to take responsibility for the said action. Weeks passed and rumors spread. I was encouraged to meet with members of the Legislative Black Caucus to explain and put the matter to rest.
I would like to thank Delegate Darryl Barnes (D) Prince George’s County, President of the Legislative Black Caucus (LBC) and its leadership team for allowing me time to meet this past Monday evening. It was a productive exchange. The LBC asked me to make a formal apology, seek diversity training and relinquish my leadership position. I did so immediately.
Thereafter, I met with Speaker Busch and he concurred with this recommended form of appropriate discipline. He issued a statement acknowledging my mistake and set forth a path of eventual redemption. I accepted my punishment and began the road to reconciliation. I am grateful to the Speaker for his leadership and understanding.
Later that day, I was also asked by the LBC to make a formal in person apology to the entire Democratic Caucus, which I did as well as a written apology to all Members of the Maryland General Assembly, people of Maryland and anyone I may have offended.
Now here we are this evening; you my colleagues are considering what the appropriate sanction is for alleged use of a despicable word. While ever so vial and hurtful, a word. Not an action, behavior or course of conduct.
Words matter, they can inflict pain. In this case and this word represents the most deplorable and for that I accept your action. I too denounce the use of this word. It is not in my vocabulary, and it does not represent my belief system, my life’s work or what’s in my heart.
This week, In the midst of a media frenzy, some have expressed concern over my voting record as it pertains to the minority community in Harford County and the State of Maryland. I welcome such an examination as it will reveal more about the strength of my character and dedication to fairness.
Some have expressed concern over my moral compass. I suggest that you look to my life of public service and record of inclusion. Your answers will be found there.
Some members of this body have expressed concern about my home life and my upbringing. I suggest that you get to know my friends, family and the people I grew up with. They are welcoming to all races, colors and creeds. I come from and represent a small, multi-racial town where we love and support each other.
Some have expressed concern about my education and proffered theories that as a white woman from Harford County I couldn’t’t possibility understand diversity and the pain of oppression. If that is the case… to them I say, teach me.
I recognize that some have rushed to judgment without information and freely jumped on the bandwagon of condemnation, likely for political expediency. I have no ill will towards them but understand the desperation of their situation.
To those who have called for my resignation, I say quitting is easy but not the road to redemption. Quitting this body would be the easy way out. I could walk out of this Chamber back into my private life lifted by the burden of society’s woes, but that is not the right thing to do.
Staying and accepting responsibility is the hard work. Rolling up your sleeves and attacking political and racial divisiveness that is tearing at the fiber of our nation and our State is the hard work. I am up for the challenge.
Healing begins tomorrow. I am immediately reorganizing my office and looking to hire an individual that will help me reach out to diverse communities in my County so that we may lead the way for understanding and opportunity. We will be a model for Maryland.
I will focus the rest of this Session on my bills that provide funding for an extension of Harford Community College in Edgewood. Providing educational opportunities on the Route 40 corridor to people in need with limited transportation will change lives. My other priority is funding for phase II of development of our Historic Colored School complex in Havre de Grace. (
I have been involved in this project for many years, and received state funding in the last legislative session. Together with the Board of Directors we will make this historic site the epi-center of multi-cultural education, opportunity and economic development.
After session I plan to accept the Prince Georges County Executive’s invitation to visit her County and begin the healing process with her and the people of that great county. She is truly a role model that I want to get to know.
Hopefully members of the Prince George’s County Delegation will join me so we can exchange ideas and learn more about what we have in common versus what divides us.
Lastly, but most importantly, I am grateful for everyone in Harford County that has reached out to me to offer input, guidance, and encouraged me to stay here to take on this enormous challenge. With their help, together we will mend our woes and build a stronger foundation for our community. That is our tradition and that is our spirit.
Thank you for the opportunity to address this body. May God bless each one of you. It is to him I give honor and ask for his mercy and final judgment.
Mary Ann Lisanti
Delegate, District 34A
Hdgresident1 says
I think Mrs.Lisanti has been punished enough. My husband is African American and we have discussed this over many times over the last week. We feel like everyone has some agenda in this case whether it be personal or political. Mrs Lisanti has been a very good leader in our community and treated us w the upmost respect. Are we disappointed that she used that word …yes we are. However, we have decided that kindness and forgiveness should be our first resort. We think MrsLisanti learned a huge lesson and maybe this will guide her more in her future leadership roles. For all of us that judge first w minds…maybe let your heart lead the way this time. I myself Know that I have Said things in anger or jest that are not always in the best taste. Mistakes have been made let’s move on and leave Mrs Lisanti alone. Enough is enough.
Al Franklin says
Thanks Mary Ann but please go
Hunter says
I agree with you….Mary Ann has been punished enough. The political expediency of a few should not impinge upon the resounding support she has shown to the community as a whole. Ms. Lisanti is an honorable person and needs the support of her local base in the face of Annapolis politics. It is a shame that her trusted group of friends that she wanted to be at ease with and socialize with after a hard day of work had a single person who felt the need to attempt the destruction of a good persons character. Let Ms. Lisanti prove herself once again….to all the people…to all of Maryland and especially to Harford County.
Sam Adams says
Resounding support? She received 28.52% of the vote in the last election. And that was before her racism was made public. Hardly resounding.
Not sure what ‘political expediency’ exists when democrat and republican delegates came together in one unanimous voice to censure her and both the Harford Democratic and Republican Central Committees agree she should resign. When divergent political parties agree on something, there is no ‘political expediency’ just people doing the right thing.
Ghost of Spartcus says
If Lisanti had a real job, instead of clutching the gummint teet i.e. a job in the private sector where people have to be accountable for what they say and do, she would have been fired after she said it not a month later. The same die hard trolls defending here here would be noisily boycotting said private sector business if she was not terminated.
Moreover, if Lisanti had an R next to her name the same crew would be demanding her resignation and as a typical spineless R she would have dutifully complied and run for the hills..
Clearly, there is a double standard when it comes to racist remarks, one for members of the socialist Democrat party and their supporters and one for everyone else.
Hey Mary Ann, do the county and the constituents of 34A a favor and GTFO. You can go back to “managing” your do nothing Lower Susquehanna Greenway slush funds and continue your virtue signaling to feather your nest that way. Good riddance.
Bob says
Dear Delegate Lisanti,
Your latest iteration of an apology/explanation includes the following:
“With the lack of independent verification and counsel of trusted friends, I saw no other appropriate action then to take responsibility for the said action.”
My advice to you, please “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging”
Aberdeen Resident says
Look this is a woman that walked around for years acting like she was better than everyone. This should be a wake up call for her, any other job she would have been fired. She needs to leave with what little dignity she has left, or she can stay and have to walk around with everyone talking bad about her and completely looking down to her. She needs to go, she doesn’t have the respect of her constituents, her colleagues, or anyone for that matter.
Ghost of Spartcus says
Lisanti can find redemption on her own time. In the meantime GTFO.
Now know she’s only in it for the money. She doesn’t want to give up her $40K part time job.
Hunter says
Are you kidding me?? Get real.
DJT says
She has the right to know who her accuser is. Let the worm come forward and make the claim.
MAGA says
Which right is that? I know one has the right to face their accuser if charged with a crime, but not familiar with the right to face someone who hears you make racists remarks? Is this in the Dems imaginary Constitution?
DJT says
What crime was Kavanaugh charged with? I’ll wait…..
SoulCrusher says
Precisely accurate. There is no crime. He was confronted with his accuser and she had ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE that her story was real. The Democrats want to persecute people thru popular opinion and NOT from fact or evidence. The Democratic party has lost it’s minds and only those whom are weak minded can actually believe the crap they dream up. There is about as much evidence of the Lisanti issue as there is the Kavanaugh issue. It is going to come down to he said she said evidence of a non crime. That is why I say she shouldn’t resign. If the electorate doesn’t want her to represent them next time, don’t vote her back into office. Now, my message to Lisanti is this, you shouldn’t have followed the Democratic policy of idiocy that prescribes an apology for every damn thing everyone accuses you of, even when you’re not sure of whether or not you’ve done what they actually are accusing you of. If Lisanti really wants to screw herself by adopting the idiocy of the Democratic morons, all she needs to do is buy some shoe polish, black her face all up and then moonwalk in front of the camera….maybe Lisanti’s significant other will then offer black children some raw cotton when they come and visit her house….
Mike Callahan says
How can a known white racist be taken seriously on this matter? She apologized. She is being punished. That is democracy.
SoulCrusher says
Please. If you had a clue you wouldn’t be on here with your stupid videos and pushing the agenda of the DemoCRAP party. Quite frankly, if you had any sense you wouldn’t belong to any of these parties because as soon as you register you have given your consent to the corporate government and they then OWN you. However, someone like you needs to be owned because you are nothing without the mob. – Now, she DID apologize, but for what? You can’t even substantiate that any of this occurred because you need an accuser and a witness in order for anything to have happened, criminal or not. She is being punished, unjustly mind you, by a group of traitors you call politicians and I call a mafia. The only Democracy you have actually seen was when a person wins an election. That is Democracy in America. Your Democracy is constrained by my Constitution and your Democracy has nothing to do with that mob you belong to. She should appeal her censure. She should finish her term. If you don’t like her then don’t vote for her next time. Mike, I’m not a racist because I hate all of you the same. You’re nothing but a piece of garbage until you do something that makes me think differently. I hate more white people on this earth than I do blacks and my hate is personal. It has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with personal interactions with individuals who have earned my hatred. Just for the record, I have more respect for my cat than you and if you ever hurt my cat I would probably hurt you. Probably real bad. That’s who I am. If you think I’m a racist I really don’t care….
Ghost of Spartcus says
SoulCrusher says
So did the Governor of Virginia. He back stepped his apology as well.
Michael says
You represent me and you must resign immediately. What an embarassment. If not, you must be expelled.
The end.
JustUs says
I don’t think it is too much to ask that our elected leaders respect and value ALL of us. Since Delegate Lisante is dividing our State, I would like her to please identify which districts in Harford Co. match her previous description. I would never step down or be censured for something I did not do or say and her ridiculous attempt to make it appear that someone overheard the conversation incorrectly is directly refuted by her initial statements.
For the record I do not use the word and it is not spoken in my home. The utterance of the word from anyone invokes images of strange fruit, scents of magnolia and poplar trees.
Delegate Lisante’s absence at the HCDCC meeting speaks volumes. How will she represent EVERYONE is she was unable or unwilling to address her constituents at this critical meeting in the County she is suppossed to represent?
Delegate Lisante, how can we hold others accountable if we give the racists in our midst a pass. How can we hold those occupying the highest offices in our country accountable?
Please resign.
Sam Adams says
“While the proceedings of this evening are necessary in the eyes of some, it is most unfortunate the we are even here.”
Mary Ann, we are here solely because of you and your racist remark. The unfortunateness is all your making.
“The end of a regular 17 hour work day concluded by accepting a ride from a committee dinner to a local cigar smoking lounge. A place I do not frequent, as I am not a smoker but choose freely to visit for some evening conversation and wrap-up of the day with other Members of this body.”
Mary Ann, oh you are such a hard worker…17 hours of sitting around yakking is your regular work day huh? And you so innocently ended up in a place that you do not frequent. It must have been horrifying for you to be taken to such an establishment when all you really want to do is work so long and hard for the citizens of this state. You poor little dear.
“It is apparent, that someone in attendance heard or thought they over- heard an inappropriate word and attributed it to me. In- lieu of reporting the incident in accordance with our newly adopted harassment policy, that unknown individual choose to contact a member of the media for a purpose only known to them….. thus igniting an expected fire storm response.”
Mary Ann, after much digging you must have determined that there is no video or audio recording of the event. Aha, now after admitting you said it you can now start to claim that others are mistaken and that you did not make your racist remark. And further, the person that heard you say it (or rather thought they overheard that maybe you said it) is the real villain because they don’t follow your silly house rules designed to protect your racism from becoming public knowledge. How dare they attack such an innocent, hard working woman who must have been under extreme stress for being taken to a place where you must have been so uncomfortable.
“With the lack of independent verification and counsel of trusted friends, I saw no other appropriate action then to take responsibility for the said action. Weeks passed and rumors spread. I was encouraged to meet with members of the Legislative Black Caucus to explain and put the matter to rest.”
Mary Ann, let me try and understand you here because it is incredibly confusing. You admitted to slinging the most heinous racial slur imaginable not because you said it but because your friends told you to admit to saying it. You take responsibility for things you do not do, but then take no responsibility for the things you do? You are a true martyr for sure.
“Now here we are this evening; you my colleagues are considering what the appropriate sanction is for alleged use of a despicable word. While ever so vial and hurtful, a word. Not an action, behavior or course of conduct.”
Mary Ann, you are so strong for now claiming your racist utterances are just “alleged”. If there is no video/audio then it did not happen…it can only be alleged to have happened. A direct witness (or witnesses) can only allegedly hear things you say. And after all, its just a word. Words don’t really matter that much do they? Of course, in an interview you had to remind the world that you are a Christian. Maybe you should reread Matthew 15:18 where Jesus states, “But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.” Do you believe Jesus, or do only profess to believe him when the camera is rolling?
“This week, In the midst of a media frenzy, some have expressed concern over my voting record as it pertains to the minority community in Harford County and the State of Maryland. I welcome such an examination as it will reveal more about the strength of my character and dedication to fairness.”
Mary Ann, you are so courageous taking on such punishment for something you only allegedly did. You are willing to be treated so unfairly while you are the paragon of fairness and decency, while harboring ill thoughts of so many of your constituents.
“I recognize that some have rushed to judgment without information and freely jumped on the bandwagon of condemnation, likely for political expediency. I have no ill will towards them but understand the desperation of their situation.”
Mary Ann, oh those darn desperate political hacks that have so unwillingly jumped on the bandwagon. I am so glad that you are not one of them. How you work side by side with them for 17 hours a day and then have to socialize with them in seedy smoking lounges at night is beyond me. I could never do it, but I know you are better than me and you do this out of the pureness of your heart to make Harford County and the State of Maryland a place where everyone is proud to live, where diversity is cherished and we treat each other with warm words of affection. Thank you Mary Ann for standing up to these vile political animals, for admitting (or not admitting) to doing something you did (or did not do) and being the guiding light for positive racial discourse.
“To those who have called for my resignation, I say quitting is easy but not the road to redemption. Quitting this body would be the easy way out. I could walk out of this Chamber back into my private life lifted by the burden of society’s woes, but that is not the right thing to do. Staying and accepting responsibility is the hard work. Rolling up your sleeves and attacking political and racial divisiveness that is tearing at the fiber of our nation and our State is the hard work. I am up for the challenge.”
Mary Ann, I know it would be hard to replace your $50K three month job in Annapolis but maybe you should consider it. There is so much more money to be made as a diversity official at some college now that you have legitimate bona fides as a champion of people of color. Maybe Prince George’s Community College would be a perfect fit. There you can surely be “lifted by the burden of society’s woes” (whatever than means).
“Healing begins tomorrow. I am immediately reorganizing my office and looking to hire an individual that will help me reach out to diverse communities in my County so that we may lead the way for understanding and opportunity. We will be a model for Maryland.”
Mary Ann, thank you for spending taxpayer dollars to help you become a model for the state. You are truly enlightened and, as you have said, diverse communities such as PG county are where your heart truly lies. I just know you have always wanted to have such a position in your office, but for years you couldn’t find the right person. Now is such an opportune time. In your brilliance could you have planned this all along to bring much needed attention to diversity…. throwing out racist words to force others to join your crusade?
“After session I plan to accept the Prince Georges County Executive’s invitation to visit her County and begin the healing process with her and the people of that great county. She is truly a role model that I want to get to know. Hopefully members of the Prince George’s County Delegation will join me so we can exchange ideas and learn more about what we have in common versus what divides us.”
Mary Ann, what an excellent opportunity for you to bring healing to so many others who have castigated you for a mere word that you may not have said. Healing that you and only you can provide.
Forever Amber says
There is no evidence she said it. Hearsay is not legally admissible and the person making a hearsay accusation can be held libel for saying it. Every accused has the right to confront their accuser. To >>assume<<, just because she is a white woman that she freely uses racial slurs in public places, is an egregious example of reverse racism at its worse.
Had I been in her position and some one accused me of making a racial slur, I would have been so dumbfounded that I, too, would have been unable to answer the charge, and turned to my "friends" for guidance..
I can't believe that a person can be censured by the Maryland State Assembly on the bases of hearsay evidence. Before any action was taken against Ms. Lisanti, a formal investigation should have been made into this alleged incident. As an American citizen, she is entitled to this consideration. What ever happened to "Innocent until PROVEN guilty …." Any number of her Constitutional Rights have been violated as a result of this public media circus.
Ms. Lisanti's entire public and private life has been in a turmoil since this alleged incident. If there is no incontrovertible proof that the alleged incident happened, then my advice to here is to sue the bastard(s) who made allegation (that is if the media hound who is covering for this sick individual 'fesses up and identifies his "source") .
Bel Air mom says
I doubt that one person heard her say it. There were multiple people named to have been there.
Mike Callahan says
Boy you are full of hate for a progressive Democrat who made a mistake and is paying a price.
You wouldnt happen to be a White Nationalist would you?
34A voter says
I still don’t know whether she is saying she said it or did not say it. She claims one day she said it and the next she didn’t. Then claims she accepts responsibility and will attend sensitivity training and the rest but again says she did not say anything…heads are spinning! The story has changed so many times I can’t believe anything she says at this point. 17 hour day? If she started at 8AM that would mean her day ended at 1 AM the next morning – BS – and if the day did last that long and was that rigorous why not go get some sleep to be ready for the next days 17 hour grind. Pleeeeeeeeeeez. America is a forgiving place if you just fess up and tell the truth…but if there was truth to be found it never will now because she has muddied the waters so much. Stay or leave – doesn’t matter much to anyone…she said Thursday night that healing begins tomorrow and that she did not want to quit because her constituents would have no voice or vote. What does she do the next day on the $15 an hour bill? Not vote. We deserve better – 2022 will be redemption day. Maybe she should have read Martin Luther King’s quote before going around fabricating stories after her late night character reveal. He said “the time is always right to do the right thing”. Unfortunately that time may have passed for her.
A Reformed Republican says
She’s just taking a queue from the Trump playbook.
Bert says
Please stop picking on her.
Bob says
Bert, The predicament she finds herself in is of her own making. Her evolving apology/explanation is too clever by half. .It’s time for her to go!
Git r done says
HELLOOOOO…..!!!! “Democrats/Liberals/Socialists” can do NO Wrong and get away with anything & everything…come on wake up trying in reforming after they have fallen off the cliff. They will continue down their own road of destruction. Just hearing the diarrhea that comes out of their mouth is cringe worthy…they are embarrassing to be associated with…shameful!
Bob says
Much like many ‘Republicans/Conservative/Capitalists’ that “can do NO wrong and get away with anything & everything”
Git r Done says
No apology/firing/reforming of a Democrat-Liberal-Socialist required – they are free from punishment of any kind. May be a little slap on the wrist not even the mouth…shameful, disgraceful and definitely an embarrassment to the country as a whole.
veritas says
When one has broken the public trust, redemption should come, but it should come on their own dime.
Many years ago, I knew a pastor who had a moral failing.
The attitude of the church leadership was that his number one job was repairing his family. But, at the same time, his actions prevented him from continuing in his ministry.
It’s the same with Del. Lisanti. This isn’t hearsay from 30 years ago and a youthful indiscretion, this was last week.
She also said she doesn’t remember the evening, suggesting that she had ingested an unhealthy amount of adult beverages, hardly good behavior for a Legislator during the session.
I hope that she is able to grow past this, but since she has squandered her legacy, it’s time to resign and do so today.
Dave says
Well now. I smell a setup. She must have pissed off somebody.
Dave says
Love reading the remarks of perfect people. They know so much. Wonder why their names never appear on an election ballot.
MissingReagan says
I think you should stay. Enough is enough.
Noel says
Stop attacking this poor lady
Harford County Lifer says
Did she say it or not. Just like the governor of VA – first it’s “I did it” then it’s “if I did it” If she owned up to something she did in a stupid moment – then maybe she should still be around. Maybe she should lay off the booze. But now she’s flip flopping – making it sound like she was set up and now ready to fight hard against the evils that abound. Me thinks she speaks too much. Maybe it’s time to go back to local government for a while and let somebody else who can fully function in the state legislature fill out the remainder of the long term left.
Ziprecruiter Website says
She has a good heart. Stop the attacks.
Tina Ruth says
I agree. Fundamentally a good person who cares.
Nogoodwood says
What a bunch of retards……
Mitxh Groverson says
Lord Jesus god help if she was a republican. You idiots would be calling for her resignation and for her to be considered a racist. So ask yourself this is she a racist?
Did you have a point? says
You mean just like the republicans are doing to her?
SoulCrusher says
Obviously you haven’t read the list of those whom are calling for her resignation. Let me refresh your partisan memory:
– Dr. Maya Rockeymoore-Cummings, Chairwoman of the Maryland Democratic Party
– Howard County Register of Wills Byron McFarlane
– Howard County Councilwoman Liz Walsh
– Howard County Councilman Opel Jones
– Baltimore City Council candidate Christopher Ervin
– Delegate Stephanie Smith
– Delegate Melissa Wells
– Delegate Alice Cain
– Delegate Gabriel Acevero
– Delegate Vaughn Stewart
– Delegate Jessica Feldmark
– Former House of Delegates Candidate Ysela Bravo-Schwetje
– Prince George’s County Board of Education Member Ed Burroughs
– Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Aisha Braveboy
– Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks
– Prince George’s County Democratic Central Committee At-Large Christopher Luis Stevenson
– Maryland State NAACP Y&CD President Chanel Ferguson
– The Legislative Black Caucus
– Center for American Islamic Relations
– Maryland State Conference of the NAACP
– American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland
– African American Democratic Clubs of Maryland Inc.
– Ujima People’s Progress Party
– Maryland Democratic Party
– Maryland Republican Party
– Governor Larry Hogan
– Harford County Executive Barry Glassman
SoulCrusher says
Now, do you have anything you’d like to say?
Bess says
Hang in there, Mary. We love you, girl!
Bob says
“Harford Del. Lisanti absent again following her censure, no longer leading charge on renewable energy bill”
How can expect to move forward if you don’t get back to work. I am beginning to think your reason for NOT resigning might be all about $$$$. I sure hope I’m wrong about this
Charles Jones says
Hey Bob! She’s required to take “sensativity training” Cut her some slack.!.
The Sun/Aegis should be looking into the corruption on the HC-DCC with secret meetings and secret email voting on resignation.
. Chairwoman Denise Perry violated DCC protocol. All public business is supposed to be held in an open public meeting.
A vote on resignation was suppose to take place at a public meeting.
E-mail voting is corrupt. Voting in secrecy is corrupt.
Ms. Perry is violating proper democratic procedure. Democracy dies in the dark.
Her secret mobile phone. email meeting is corrupt and could lead to her own dismissal or /resignation.
Bob says
Charles, I’m trying to give her a break — I really am! As a democrat, living in district, who voted for her, I wish I was more confident in her ability to recover from this sad incident. Unfortunately, the way she is handling this matter has created a seed of doubt in my mind about her sincerity and truthfulness.
Charles Jones says
She needed a break from the political bullshit about resignation. She is back tomorrow.! Dont you read the Aegis/Suns?
Bob says
Charles, It looks like she missed more than a dozen votes Friday, Monday and Tuesday. It probably would have been better for her to have “gone to work” and faced the music, instead of laying low.
Charles Jones says
If you walked a mile in her shoes, you would be out the rest of the week, and arrested for stealing her shoes!
Stop the hysterical Mob talking points She is back tanned and rested!
Phil Dirt says
Del. Lisanti: “Quitting is Easy but Not the Road to Redemption”
Well the first step would be showing up for your job.
Please stop trying to stay in power your time has come and gone.
Bull Moose says
I would like to see an investigation into the finances of LSHG. Lisanti has been running it for years with no oversight or accountability. No board meetings as required by law. Pretty sweet deal if you asked me.
Just how much has she skimmed off the top over the years? Nobody will ever know. She has her tracks covered well no doubt.
Lisanti, you are a disgrace to the people you are supposed to be representing. Resign from the Legislature and the LSHG.
I know it will be hard for you to find a real job and actually have to work for a living, but join the club.
You have been hanging on to the government teat long enough.
The Central Scrutinizer says
Words matter….Das Juden from Omar, Cummings trying to tell us he is the son of a slave (that would make him over 160 years old) during the dust up involving Tleib where Cummings seemed to be in competition with Tleib in a “who is blacker” pissing contest, and Meadows and guest being called a stage prop by a sitting congresswoman ( muslum ) to an African american woman in our government. in the Cohen show last week. It seems that Lisante is held to the standards we all thought was the norm just a few years ago……yet there seems to be a segment who cannot go racial in any way, even in commentary on social issues.. I SEE GRABS AT SUPREMACY! As Americans we have walked away from race supremacy long ago yet there seems to be a effort on the left to revive it with the new house.
Bob says
Words, including YOUR words, do matter — Cummings did not say he was the son of a slave. He said,”If there’s anyone who is sensitive in regard to race, it’s me, son of former sharecroppers who were basically slaves, so I get it,”
The Central Scrutinizer says
Sharecroppers were NOT “basically slaves”. They chose access and egress of being share croppers. Slaves were chattel. Go back to Jr high school.
Bob says
So you were wrong… .accuracy matters Next time check things out before you write. We accept your apology.
Bob says
“New Harford Democratic Club will ‘find a way to work’ with Lisanti if delegate does not resign”
Friends of Art says
All this fake outrage. Every one knows what district she was accused of naming. Anyone that can dispute it can cast the first stone.
Phil Dirt says
Lisanti out, Carty in as LSHG executive director
By Jane Bellmyer
Jul 14, 2019
HAVRE DE GRACE — The board of directors of the Lower Susquehanna Heritage Greenway voted unanimously Thursday to appoint Brigitte Carty, longtime administrative assistant of the nonprofit organization, as executive director.