From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Between July 19 and 22, 2019, deputies with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded to three commercial robberies at two businesses in Darlington and Street.
The first robbery occurred on July 19 at 2:03 a.m., when deputies assigned to the Northern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Royal Farms in the 3600 block of Conowingo Road in Street for the report of an armed robbery. Upon arrival, deputies were informed an unknown male suspect had entered the business, displayed a knife, and demanded money. The suspect then fled the store in an unknown direction with an undisclosed amount of cash. The suspect was described as a male, approximately 5’5” tall weighing 170 pounds.
On July 22 at 3:20 a.m., deputies assigned to the Northern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded to the same Royal Farms for the report of a second robbery. Upon arrival, deputies were informed an unknown male suspect approached an employee and demanded money. He fled the store in the direction of northbound Route 1 with an undisclosed amount of cash. The suspect was described as a male, approximately 5’7” tall, weighing 160-170 pounds. At this time, no weapons were believed to be used, or implied, during the robbery. If you are thinking about opening an investigation but don’t know the cost of a detective you can consult with one on this site.
The third commercial robbery occurred on July 22 when deputies assigned to the Northern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded at 10:53 p.m. to the Highs Store in the 1200 block of Main Street in Darlington for a hold up alarm. While en route, deputies were informed the store contacted Harford County Dispatch to report a robbery. Upon arrival, deputies immediately began canvassing the area, in an attempt to locate the suspect. Deputies were informed an unknown male entered the store, approached an employee, and demanded money. He then fled in an unknown direction with an undisclosed amount of cash. The suspect was described as a male with a muscular build. At this time, no weapons were believed to be used, or implied, during the robbery.
No injuries were reported as a result of any of the robberies.
The investigations into all three robberies were assumed by detectives with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division. Investigators from the Forensic Services Unit responded to each scene to collect and preserve physical evidence in support of the investigations.
Detectives Make Arrest in Commercial Robbery
Through investigation, detectives developed a suspect in connection with the July 19 robbery of the Royal Farms. The suspect was identified as William Preston Grace, Jr., 32 of Street. A warrant was issued for his arrest on July 22, 2019. On Tuesday, July 23, detectives, while attempting to apprehend Grace, executed a search warrant on a residence in the 1200 block of Trappe Road in Street. Grace was not at the location, on Trappe Road, but was located in the 3500 block of Smith Road a short time later and taken into custody.
He was transported to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division for questioning. While in custody, at approximately 3:18 p.m., Grace was able to escape from custody and flee the immediate area. Deputies located him less than a mile from where he escaped custody, in the 400 block of Granary Road in Forest Hill, approximately 30 minutes later. He was charged with armed robbery, robbery, first and second degree assault, reckless endangerment and other related charges. Additionally, he was charged with malicious destruction of property, theft, and escape. He is currently being held without bail at the Harford County Detention Center.
At this time, the armed robbery and related charges are only connected to the July 19 robbery of the Royal Farms.
The investigation into all three robberies remain active and ongoing. Detectives are investigating to determine if the three are related.
Anyone with information about this crime is asked to call the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division at 410-879-7929. Those who wish to remain anonymous may report their information through the methods listed below. If the information you provide leads to the arrest and indictment of the individuals responsible for this crime, you may be eligible for a cash reward up to $2,000.00.
Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
Someone needs to take him and his no good brothers out of the gene pool before they spawn more low lifes
U have no idea
Why Trump needs his vote
Where are all the gun freaks out? Surely the bravado of “if I was carrying…” is just waiting behind a keyboard?
Blah blah blah.
Judging from your grammar, your title holds true.
I would embarrassed to call myself a Republican in this county.
People around here (Harford County) talk shit about their local elected politicians, yet, you fucking idiots keep voting for the same crew.
What’s the definition of insanity? Voting Republican in Harford County elections.
Hurrrrrrppp.. Durpppppppp.
You are the reason people keep registering and voting Republican. Your statement is so hate filled, misdirected and just stupid, people in Harford vote for the opposite of it. The criminal is responsible for the acts the criminal commits, but you blame the elected Republicans!! Keep spreading hate and we will keep voting for the opposite.
“The criminal is responsible for the acts the criminal commits, but you blame the elected Republicans!! ”
What the hell? Where did that even come from?
Some people are registering their party as Republican but in a few more elections the county will be probably 50/50, if not favoring a Democratic majority.
I don’t know what your deal is, I never claimed to be a Republican or Democrat.
It’s just the Republican way though, assume and go off on some unrelated tangent.
Actually in Harford County, Republicans became the larger voting block in 2010 and since 2012, Democrats have added less than 1,000 additional voters and the Republican Party has continued to grow, increasing by almost 12,000 additional voters. I would bet many old school Democrats have decided to walk away from the party of hate and true bias.
Oh yeah, 12,000? Oh, wow?
Imagine if all these Proud Republican voters actually got out to vote, Harford County would be red forever. LOL
Harford County will be half Democratic voting county in less than 10 years and everyone knows it.
You can take that as positive or negative.
Just voting for the Republicans or the Democrats is a terrible way to vote, and unfortunately it happens so much that people who run for political office anywhere in this country change their “party affiliation” just to get elected making.
Just for shits and giggles research how many Democrats vs Republicans occupy our jails and prisons, utilize ( and abuse) our public assistance programs, and operate under the old JFK motto you know “ ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country”. Again just for shits and giggles try and find out how many Democrats follow that doctrine. Then tell me why you would proud to be a modern day Democrat.
By the way. You can tell by the panic in several of the post that the Democrats are scared, real scared. They know that they have no candidate that can beat President Trump. They have played every card in hole and can’t make it happen. The real fun will begin when the investigations in to the deep state corruption gets cranked up. I bet Comey will be the weak link unless he grabs one of the last chairs as the music stops.
The “music” stopped in November 2016. Hopefully, it will start again in November 2020.
Not to get too technical for you but trump didn’t win the popular vote. And if you are really following the investigation of the investigators the wheels re falling off that bus.
Weren’t you the one telling us about Hillarys kidde porn op out of the pizza shop basement that turned out to be trump and companies child rape ring being run out of marlago….
President Trump ran a very calculated campaign. He clearly understood the electoral vote procedures. He won the election. Bottom line. In reference to the deep state investigations. Stay tuned my friend. It is all about timing. I’m not really familiar with what you are referencing with Hillary but again stay tuned. You want to talk about corruption and obstruction of justice let’s start with Hillary. The smart money says that Comey is the weak link. Stay tuned the Democrats will be scrambling like rats on a sinking ship in the spring.
Actually the Democrats re sitting back watching the GOP dig a hole they will not be able to crawl out of. IG Horowitz has interviewed Steele and finds his claims credible, The dossier didn’t appear till after the investigation started, Strozk was a member of the investigation for less than 30 days, Strozk told Rosenstein there was no there there. Strozks lover texts where 2 years old. Cohen is sitting in jail for commiting a crime with the President. Believing the Russians helped Hillary lose so the Liberals could eventually come back nd impeach trump is looney. Stop drinking the koolaid.
Actually (one of my Granddaughter’s favorite words) the “koolaid” you refer to is the ‘voice of reason’. Try it Take a sip .You might even like it. Perhaps it may clear out some of the cobwebs for you.
My apology “Just the facts”. I got you and “just for” confused. Please disregard my previous reply to your post.
Oh and Strozk was a lead investigator into Hillarys emails and thought the investigation should have been reopened when the new emails were found. This is all information you will not find on Fox “news”
It is all about timing my friend stay tuned. Keep watching MSNBC. Spring time my friend. All about timing. This may come as a shock but sometimes people don’t do the right because it is the right thing to do sometimes they employ CYA tactics. Stay tuned. LMAO
Bob you should also stay tuned.
I surely will. Have a great day!
North Harford Democrat = North Harford Moonbat
Well…at least he stayed true to his “shithead” role in life!! We all pick paths…him and his family name apparently know their direction!! Unfortunately for them the county…and the rest of the world…would be better off without them and others who choose that path!!!
He will join other thiefs like Dawson, Keplin, Conrow, and Grease….
How in hell does he escape while in custody? “While in custody, at approximately 3:18 p.m., Grace was able to escape from custody and flee the immediate area.” Just doesn’t make sense……
“Why can’t they keep criminals locked up?” “why can’t the roads get fixed?” “Why is there so much development being allowed?” “Why why why why?”
And here the voters are in Harford County, they vote for the same ol’ – same ol’ on election day and expect different results, each and everytime it NEVER fucking happens. #idiots.
Here’s a question, why not vote for someone else? Even if they have no political experience and/are a Democrat, Independent, whatever? Tell me a GOOD reason why?
I keep looking at the article and all the comments. No where do I find proof this person is a Republican or Democrat. Yet all I read are both parties arguing with each other. I really see a deep sickness in this county.
The “WHITE” House?
8 days now and no new headlines
It’s not like anything major has happened lie the rubblefill case or a murder and that’s just taking 10 seconds to think.