From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., issued the following statement in response to yesterday’s counting of the Electoral College votes and mob violence in the Capitol Building:
“I have routinely and consistently rejected violent protests, whether in the case of yesterday, or last summer. Democrats are calling for unity, yet also calling for the expulsion of Members who objected in yesterday’s Electoral College count. Today, some Marylanders are even calling for my resignation, which I will not do. My colleagues and I held legitimate Constitutional concerns about how the November election was conducted in certain states and felt compelled to highlight those concerns during the formal vote count. We did not call for the overthrowing of an election. Joe Biden will be President on January 20th. Some of my colleagues, including those still in the Maryland delegation, offered objections in 2017 when counting the electoral votes for President Trump. Congress is afforded the right to count, and object, to electoral votes, which we utilized yesterday to highlight concerns we had regarding the November election. There was nothing treasonous or seditious about it in 2017, nor this year.”
Yea…. and starting a fist fight on the house floor is completely normal too…
You Dick!
Why do you feel the need to constantly use my screen name? There is only one crusher of heads, holes and souls and it isn’t you. Personally, I think Harris has acted like a moron over the years, however I completely support anybody, including Andy Harris, for starting a fist fight in the most unreasonable and corrupt Congressional body in American history. In this one instance Andy has acted like a true Patriot. Andy Harris, the originator applauds your decision to do what you did and it is about damn time somebody actually did the right thing in that House of TREASON.
Soul Crusher…explain why you call yourself “the originator”
When I call myself the “originator” it is simply because I was the first to use “SoulCrusher” as a screen name. That’s all, nothing else. I used it for many years and came up with parody sayings like the “Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls”. It is all about being the first to use the name, nothing else…
1. The Chief of the U.S. Cap. Hill Police reports directly to the Capitol Police Board (hereafter “the BOARD”) The BOARD consists of;
a. the Sgt. at Arms of the U.S. House of Representatives,
b. the Sgt. at Arms and Doorkeeper of the U.S. Senate,
c. the Architect of the Capitol.
2. Upon information and belief, 2 U.S.C. § 1961 and Pub. L. 108–7, 2.20.03, says that the SPEAKER PELOSI is ‘in charge’ of Capitol Police and that, the BOARD reports directly to the Speaker of the House [DEMOCRAT PELOSI] and other presiding officers.
3. MEETINGS & DOCUMENTATION under federal law Pub. L. 108–7, div. H, title I, §1014, Feb. 20, 2003, 117 Stat. 361, states:”(d) Documentation, (2) MEETINGS. — The BOARD shall document Board meetings and make the documentation available for distribution to the SPEAKER and minority leader of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore and minority leader of the Senate.
4. In summary, at some point before the riot on 1.6.21, the Chief, PELOSI and the board should have held a meeting or several meetings about security around the Capitol Hill Building, it was an obvious logic move, IF NOT WHY NOT?
5. Upon information and belief, PELOSI, the Chief and the BOARD have been mandated by federal law, to work in concert with each other and are RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SECURITY AROUND THE CAP. HILL BUILDING, see: 2 U.S.C. § 1961 and Pub. L. 108–7, 2.20.03.
6. PELOSI blames THE CHIEF AND TRUMP for 1.6.21, THE CHIEF BLAMES SOME ANONYMOUS FINAL DECISION MAKER(S) and says that his requests for THE NATIONAL GUARD WAS DENIED 6 TIMES, which proves that meetings relevant to 1.6.21 were held 6 TIMES and the minutes of said meetings should be available. Upon information and belief, there are no FOIA documents available concerning; 2 U.S.C. § 1961, Pub. L. 108–7, 2.20.03 and the name(s) of the ANONYMOUS FINAL DECISION MAKER(S) for all internal security meetings linking to 1.6.21. There are several reasons why no FOIA documents are available, two of them are; (1). the Office of Inspector General reports directly to the BOARD and (2). THE CAPITOL POLICE DEPARTMENT IS SHROUDED IN SECRECY
I’ll never vote for him again!
Rep. Harris there is no doubt that you have used your constitutional right to object.
The problem is we are a nation of laws. There were over 62 court cases that said there was no fraud in this election, especially in the state of PA that your sponsoring senator used as his reason for the challenge.
Rep. Harris you represent the state of MD and Harford county. Your actions are calling the fine election officials of Harford County of allowing fraud in Harford County. For that action alone your should resign. In my working with the Harford County board of elections I find them the highest ethical employees handling elections.
Now my big question is why as an elected official in MD why are you interfering in the state of PA business. What you just did belongs in the legislative process, not in the certifying electoral votes to certify an election.
Your actions are indeed promoting the coup that was attempted yesterday and you should resign. Of course when elected you claimed you would not run for reelection. Since you are not a man of your word what else can I say about you refusing to resign.
There is not much more I can say to someone who can’t keep a simple promise to not run for reelection this year which you made when first elected.
Joe Biden isn’t the President. Joe Biden is a TRAITOR and a Chinese Agent. Gordon, you should be hung by your treasonous neck…
A proctologist might not be able to extract your head from your rectum as it’s so far up there!
‘rump is a lying selfish sack of shit and you are such a dumbass you believe it.
Just read that Andy Harris was in a fight on the floor of the house with Rep. Conon Lamb of PA around the time of the siege of the capital. Yes Harford County that is your representative in Congress. A school boy fighting in the capital building.
Right on andy. The time for dialog and civilityhas long past.
Please correct this. He was not in a fight, but he did have a verbal exchange with a different dem rep, not Conor Lamb.
Another case of fake news by fake Gordon
Actually, none of what you proclaim is true.
There was massive fraud. The evidence is there. Hundreds of sworn affidavits, millions of unlawful votes, the list goes on.
Trump won in a landslide victory. There is no doubt about it.
MissingReagen, you are deluding yourself.
Let’s see….230,000 more mail in votes than mail in ballots sent out. This is a REAL hard one. Pennsylvania should NOT be allowed to certify it’s results because the results are OBVIOUSLY fraudulent. End of discussion and it doesn’t matter if you are from Pennsylvania or not because the end results effect the entire Country. ANY member of Congress could and should object to the certification of Pennsylvania’s election under these circumstances. This is also why you saw the protest and breach of the Capitol building yesterday. If BLM and ANTIFA can riot, loot and pillage for a year, I think the Trump protesters can be forgiven for one extreme act that should put the fear of God into those supposed Representatives that believe they are elected royalty. We all bleed RED. However, some of bleed AMERICAN RED.
This dumbassedness didn’t just start. The issue is, Stupid people believe Stupid things:
If you believe:
Obama was born in Kenya – YOU ARE A DUMBASS
Hillary could have done anything about Benghazi – YOU ARE A DUMBASS
Widespread voter fraud – YOU ARE A DUMBASS
Elections were “Stolen” – YOU ARE A DUMBASS
Storming the U.S. Capitol and killing 5 people is patriotic – YOU ARE A DUMBASS
Trump is anything other than an ignorant jackass – YOU ARE A DUMBASS
Andy Harris isn’t a complete ass licking tool – YOU ARE A DUMBASS
Since all of you Dumbasses hate America so much please move to TRUMPFUKISTAN with your Dear Leader.
I never said Obama was born in Kenya. I never said anything about Hillary or Benghazi. I have seen video tape of the voter fraud and heard other evidence of voter fraud by credible witnesses under oath. I KNOW the election was stolen by the bureaucracy and the traitors whom occupy our incompetent government. Trump had this Country operating like a well oiled machine and the only thing that disappointed me about Trump was our national debt. When Trump got elected I thought it was a joke, but he proved me wrong and he was a GREAT President. I don’t hate America. I hate traitors whom are trying to destroy the Republic. I hate traitors who are subjugating and hurting my people. What makes you think you have the right to tell everyone else how to live? What makes you think you have the right to tell everyone they need to move to another Country? You are a “Not See” traitor and I hope you are judged the same way you judge everyone else.
You are the one that’s incompetent. Go see a proctologist dumbass!
Wow, my imitator is a fascist “Not See” traitor. Who would’ve figured that?
Only 3,000 civic deaths today…
See. I told you guys that it wasn’t any worse than the ordinary flu.
You all need to stop listening to the media, and start listening to the real crusher of souls, moles and assholes!
Coronavuirus isn’t so bad! I’ve had it myself… It won’t kill you… unless you are part of the thousands of folks dying each day.
You really need to get that spell checker. However, what does the Coronavirus have to do with what we are talking about?
Not true you dumbass
Did you watch the hearings on OAN? I did.
I watched all of them. Definitely mass fraud occurred.
But here’s the thing with Dem dumbasses.
THEY can’t prove the election wasn’t fraudulent.
Yall need to get your so called facts from real sources. I voted by “mail in ballots last year in Pennsylvania. I we t to an early voting secure location 3 weeks before election day at a university branch campus 7 blocks from my home in Pittsburgh. There were thousands there at this location and many more throughout the state in the days running up to ele tion day. NONE OF THOSE BALLOTS WERE MAILED OUT BEFORE HAND. I needed a photo ID or voter registration card. (I brought both). I’m actually surprised that there were not more of a difference between the # mailed v. # cast. Signatures were verified against signatures on file. AS ALL THE COURTS FOUND THERE WAS NO VOTER FRAUD IN PENNSYLVANIA OR ANYWHERE! Remember that the voting rules in Pennsylvania were changed by the republican controlled legislature. Whats your beef again?
The “beef” is there was over 200,000 more votes counted than there are registered voters. That was just in Pennsylvania. Nationwide, there was over 3.5 million more votes than there is registered voters. If you can’t see a problem with this it is because you are a member of the Democratic “Not See” Party and you can “Not See” what you idiots are doing to my Country. There was MASS voter fraud and down right CHEATING across this entire Country and it was all done to appease the insanity of a bunch of idiots that hate our Country. As for the Voter ID’s and the Democrats push to NOT require them, this isn’t a racist thing where the law is designed to make it harder for “people of color” to vote. It is to make sure that ONLY US Citizens are voting because US Citizens are the only ones supposed to vote. This is also why the Democrats want to allow illegal immigrants to flood the Country. If you have an influx of non voters enter this Country and don’t require Voter ID’s, then all these people NOT eligible to vote will vote and taint the election with millions of illegally cast ballots. I personally know at least 15 illegal immigrants that voted during the last election, right here in Maryland. I don’t like this bull shit and if you give illegal aliens all the benefits of being a US Citizen then what is the incentive for them to become actual US Citizens? Bottom line is the Democratic Party is, was and will always be the enemy of WE THE PEOPLE and I for one believe the entire Party should be banned on the grounds of TREASON.
and just for the record, you may have had to use a Voter ID to cast your ballot personally at whatever poll station you used, but there was NO requirement in YOUR State to show an ID and cast a vote thru the mail. Don’t see a problem? Its because you’re not using your head.
Did you stream MEGATRON by Nicki Minaj? I did.
Will you low life’s who believe those lies and hate this country please climb back under the rock you were in before the anti christ exposed himself.
There is nothing lower than you Gordon. We don’t hate this Country, we don’t like people like YOU. Calling someone the ANTI CHRIST for fighting a fraudulent election is beyond all reasoning. Gordon, you are the craziest whack a Doodle on this website and I truly hope you seek some help.
Go see a proctologist dumbass
Why? To get Gordon’s head out of my cyberasshole? I don’t think so. Gordon, you are traitor, a fascist and a “Not See” all rolled into one. I think I’ll call you a true “Democrap”.
Some people are so naive they will believe anything Trump says.
I’m getting my info from One America News and the local hearings that were being aired on their channel. Your getting your info from Democratic run State media sources. I don’t watch any MSM because the MSM does nothing but report the TREASON of the Democratic “Not See” Party. End of story….
OAN? Obtuse America News!
You can’t see because your head is stuck in your rectum.
No, that’s Gordon’s head stuck in my cyberasshole. Maybe they have a cyberproctologist? Gordon, shut the hell up you stupid “Not See” traitor..
Obtuse America News!
Congratulations to County Executive Glassman for his courage in asking Andy Harris to resign.
does not represent my county..and continuously arrogant..
In Georgia we have a video of poll watchers being told to leave, then ballots are counted and one stack is fed into the machine 3 times. I cannot accept the word of a state official saying we looked into it everything is fine. That is absurd. Voter fraud in this country is rampant in cities. Either we secure our election with voter id, mail ins limited to people who cannot go vote, and paper ballots then we can never trust our election system again. Get something through you heads 4 socialists just got appointed to oversight committees, Nancy exchanged that for their speakership votes. We are in troubled waters, our individual freedoms are at stake if we continue down this road we will likely split as a country.
Once a vote is “fed” into a ballot machine it doesn’t matter if you send it through again. SMH… You obviously don’t know how this works but just watch Trump News. This is awaking the nation to just how stupid people are. You really need a hero.
Watch the full video, not the version edited by ‘rump goons.
The Democratic lunatics that are on these pages will continue to push the Democratic narrative and are only interested in destroying our nation. Don’t believe the MSM sources and never believe Gordon Koerner, Bob or Mike Callahan as the battle for the minds of America will continue to plague this nation.
Go see a proctologist dumbass
Obtuse America News! Lies!
You are such a dumbass SoulCrusher that you believe in that incorrect bs. You and ‘rump can move to putinville.
Harris is a spineless wimpy man so who cares what he does. Everyone now knows he’s a bum so keep boot licking Trump ya pansy.
He is a wimpy guy
My imitator just won’t stop typing under my screen name. Oh well. You’re a “Not See”….
On January 6th the capital building was stormed and taken over by Trump supporters. They followed the instructions of Trump about one hour earlier
Trump is responsible and the Republicans who stormed the Capital building are home grown terrorist’s. With Trump’s attempt to over thrown the US government it is questionable just how many who are on this site love this country and respect the United States.
Today as I drive in Harford country I still see Trump flags and signs most every where I go. These people are supporting a home grown terrorist who attempted a coup of our government.. People on this site are supporting this attempt to overthrow our government and of course those who are fighting like crazy to divide will always accuse the other person of their own actions.
For the Dagger Press to continue to allow people who are attempting and supporting someone who is trying to over throw this government I call on the Dagger Press to shut those voices down.
I also ask the Dagger Press are you going to continue to be part of the problem is this country or will you finally take a stand to be a solution. Yes, this country has a 1st Amendment yet yelling fire in a building is not covered by the first amendment. Neither should backing a coup to over throw this government be protected by the 1st Amendment. Since when is it okay for a news agency to protect someone who has told over 30,000 lies and has now promoted a coup.
Since Charlottesville, the ACLU is under scrutiny because their actions of protection of free speech lead to a killing and bodily harm to many others.
Yes I expect the anti American people on this site to be written their BS against me.
Well said, but you are speaking to cult members. Those cult members who still have their Trump signs up are brainwashed and believe his lies so rational thought and discussion are out of the question. Remember Trump “loves the uneducated”. it will take years and years to fix what Trump has done because his cult members are brainwashed fools.
So, we are “brain washed” because we don’t believe in the Democratic “Not See” Party. The only people who are “brain washed” is fuktards like you that believe your government has the authority to rule us. Funny, you bring up the “uneducated”. Please tell us oh wise one under what power or authority did the government gain the power to stage a nationwide mail in voting system? Please tell us how you are so certain there wasn’t any fraud during the election. There is video evidence of the Georgia election fraud and sworn testimony in ALL 6 swing States. You’re just a liar and a traitor.
If there was really any sworn testimony it was probably lies from blind morons like you and real fake news.
Republicans are not brainwashed because they don’t believe in the Democratic Party. They are brainwashed cause they believe lies and support a person who has told them over 30,000 lies and they believe them to be fact. Of course the brain washing did start 4 years ago. It started when they were made to believe trickle down economics would create jobs and give higher wages. Then they were introduced to women wearing tea bags on their hats which was perpetrated because of a black man in the WH. Then there is the brainwashing Fox has done along with Rush Limbaugh. Then there is Dick Amery and his propaganda. No Democratic Party did not brainwash republicans. There own party did it to them. Leading poor souls to the slaughter. For 40 years the followers have been lead into a Jonestown scenario. Never ever suspecting they don’t have a mind of their own. So unable to think for themselves they have been brainwashed to think it’s someone else doing it to them.
There was more votes than ballots in PA. There is video evidence in GA. There was manipulated votes and votes actually changed in GA. There was mass vote changes involving Dominion voting machines in MI. If you guys are so “woke”, then how come you were asleep during all of this?
Gordon, you are such a liar. Trump never told people to storm the Capitol. He told them to go “protest” before Congress. Now, I know it is hard for you Democratic “Not See”s to understand what a “protest” is because according to you warped brain farts a “protest” involves rioting, looting and burning down cities, but telling your supporters to “protest” isn’t telling them to storm Congress. You are just a moron and will always be a traitor to this Country.
Go see a proctologist your head is way up there!
So you think that you should subvert the votes of 50 Million Americans Mr Harris and tell them that the fact they voted does not matter?
If people on this comment page cannot figure out that the words spoken to his supporters at capital didn’t encourage his supporters to storm the capital, then I am sorry for you.
Years after it was first discussed, the Lehigh University Board of Trustees voted Thursday to rescind the honorary degree the school awarded Donald Trump in 1988.
The decision to rescind Trump’s degree came amid what political and legal analysts are calling a disastrous week for the president, who admitted Thursday in a tweeted video statement that he had lost the November election to President-elect Joe Biden.
Many Trump supporters continue to believe his repeated false claims that the election was stolen from him via widespread fraud; baseless allegations that have been debunked dozens of times in United States courts and at the state level in recountings of ballots.
Trump’s concession came only after his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol Wednesday in an insurrection whose aim was to disrupt the certification of the Electoral College votes confirming Biden’s presidency. Biden received 306 Electoral votes to Trump’s 232.
Five people died as a result of the violent riot that ensued inside and around the building, as a relatively small Capitol Police force was quickly overwhelmed. One officer with the unit died Thursday from injuries he suffered trying to protect the Capitol and its occupants; a woman from California was shot and killed by another officer as she attempted to break through a window inside the building; and three other participants–including a Pennsylvania man–died due to medical emergencies suffered at the scene.
A Lehigh Valley school district has announced that it has suspended a teacher who was part of a pro-Trump protest that turned into a violent riot at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday.
In a statement published on the Allentown School District’s website, district officials said they learned Thursday that the unnamed teacher “was involved in the electoral college protest that took place at the United States Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.”
At least four people died in the protest, including a 35-year-old woman from California who was shot by Capitol Police when she attempted to smash through a window inside the building and a central Pennsylvania man who suffered an unspecified medical emergency while he was participating in the unprecedented gathering.
No Gordon. You’re once again a liar. She was trying to squirm through partially opened doors and was fired on by the Capitol Police. Just saw the actual VIDEO on NBC. Are you gonna call them liars too? Stop reporting false facts and get your head out of my cyberbutt…
How great it must have been to live in the Soviet Union in the 1970’s. With only a handful of government run news organizations, all of the Soviet citizens were fed news and propaganda that was approved by the State. The overwhelming majority of citizens believed in the news, believed in the propaganda, and supported their leaders. The few disruptive dissidents were imprisoned or executed so they would not disrupt order.
Fast forward fifty years to the USA, with the internet and thousands of news sources, how do we each choose to get our news – we watch and listen to the sources that tell us what we want to hear / the sources that confirm our already skewed views of the issues. It is no wonder that each of us believe what we hear to be the gospel truth, because few of us actually listen carefully enough to extract the facts, filter the bias, and form our own independent thoughts regarding sensitive issues. OAN calls the protestors at the Capitol Patriots, CNN calls them insurrectionists, the actual truth is that these people are trespassers; each of these individuals had their own motivations that may or may not have been premeditated.
The facts about the election are (1) the certified vote total from each State gave Joe Biden the presidency, (2) Donald Trump’s legal challenges to the certified vote failed, (3) there are no longer any legal avenues for Trump to continue in office.
None of us will ever know all of the truth about the election results, but we cannot continue to believe that every single news report or conspiracy theory is the truth that we so dearly hope to hear. We need to move on and find a way to better our shared country.
You are right. We will never know the truth about the election results and the bureaucracy will cover up their involvement in a completely unconstitutional election that made a man who represents all the Democrats hate, their President. I will not acknowledge the 46th President and Biden will be President in name only. That’s the best I can do for you…
Andy, your schoolgirl crush on Trump is embarrassing to yourself and your district. Stop trying to get Trump’s attention with these idiotic stunts. He doesn’t care about you, he doesn’t think about you. You can promise to put out on the first date, but is still never asking you to the prom!
Get back to work.
It is so sad that certain people in Harford County are supporters of terrorists. An article from the Saucon Source newspaper prints an article about DC and suspending a school teacher and they call me a liar because I posted it. Some of you are really really sick people.
You all may think your attacking me, but in reality you are talking about yourselves. It is a known fact that they who accuse others are the real guilty ones..
I posted a Baltimore Sun Times article so I guess I am lying about what is written there.
So, when the Democrats accused Trump of Russian Collusion it was really the Democrats colluding with Russia. When you accuse Trump of being a traitor it is really YOU who are being the traitor. I’m glad you finally realized that you are an idiot Gordon.
If blm, occupy dc and antifa had sacked the capital you and kamala would be raising funds to get them out of jail right now. They would be praised by all democrats call called patriots demonstrating in the name of social justice.
You and your supports let every mako city burn for years unchecked, billions in losses, many of police spit on, assaulted and beaten. Many small business owners had their business destroyed and entire police stations burned. You and your ilk stood mute and claimed they should be given room to protest.
Within hours of the capital been breached over 6000 law enforcement offers were dispatched and fences are installed, which they want to take down on the Southern border. The same group of people who want to defund the police and remove protections for citizens but demand them within minutes when someone darns to storm their place of work.
Your hypocrisy is on full display and it disgusts many of us and you are the fascists and the real enemy of both the first and second amendments.
Attacking ourselves? Are you delusional you old bugger? This is what happens when you eat paint chips during the 40’s
Gordon the failed district 7 delegate attempted is a low life piece of dung. His views are on point with the other lib trash posting on here. True scum. Can’t even think for themselves, need government and media to tell them what to do and say…pathetic little creatures they are
Never ever expecting to win the 7th District I still stepped up because no other democratic had. So many fear the half brained republicans of Harford County, so they sit back.
It takes someone outside the county to step up and take the bull these half wits on this site try to push their fear.
If there is anything i learned about this county and the area around this county is it’s loaded with very low intelligent people. Traveling all the way Joppatowne to the PA border I met many such people. The least intelligent were the farmers beyond Fallston to the PA border. What was really interesting was how the county has made it so difficult to build a home this county with their outrageous fees. Two that really shine are putting out over $20,,, to install a $5,000 septic system. The other was the hoops to put in a drive as well as the outrageous costs. Of course your republicans so you don’t give a darn for what other people have to pay to survey.
In ending I wish to thank you all for all the recognition as you all hide behind handles and afraid to put your own names out in the public. Bunch of Cowards.
Least intelligent would be you Gordildo the Barbarian. Why are the fees in the county so high??? Thank your fellow dems for that. Still think you are jealous of Andy Harris because he got to serve twice, once being in the military. You never served at all! Those “least intelligent” farmers as you call them are more successful then a union maggot such as yourself! You were a joke to the 7th district polls.
Thank you for standing up for our Constitution and upholding your oath to protect it.
There is overwhelming evidence of fraud. We know and they know it.
Illegitimate President-elect Biden will never be POTUS in the eyes of over 100M+ Americans. That number will increase as more facts come out.
It’s a sad time for America.
People have a right to their opinion. When total lies are embraced that’s not an opinion. That’s treason and tyranny.
No. When the government and its agents hold a nationwide fraudulent election to insert globalist elites into the Country that supposedly represents the leadership of the free world, that is tyranny. When those same agents undermined the will of the people using the fraudulent election in place of an actual democratic election, that’s treason. The bureaucracy establishment has conducted this and is now using all means to cover up their evil and instill a false narrative of a free and fair election. Facebook and Twitter are censoring any opinion that does not follow the great lie while Google, Apple and Amazon have silenced the opposition of the Democratic “Not See” Party through unfair business practices on those whom are allowing the 1st Amendment rights of Americans take place. I don’t know about everyone else, but I don’t feel very free right now and I am wondering about the government instilling a complete tyranny across this land. We are a mere breath away from complete “Not See”ism taking hold in the Land of the Free. Let’s see who will stand up in the Home of the Brave….
Blast from the past Dagger article. Gordon’s shitty attempt to be a politician. Constantly contradicts himself as he continues to today. Lacks charisma and common sense. 4 years of military service would have done him well….
As a Korean war veteran I find comments here very sick. Running for office twice I may have lost but I stepped up compared to hiding behind a handle.
Your hero Bone spires is like many of you. How many of you who ran to Canada needed Carter’s help so you didn’t end up in prison.
Gordo, you dickbags have ruined most if the state already.
If harford county is such a bunch of racist assholes, maybe you should move the hell out of here and stop trying to represent a bunch of people who fundamentally disagree with you and your policies.
I am sure you would be welcomed with open arms in baltimore shitty, a model of liberal success alike most every most democratic city.
Amazing how you Pericytes ruin every place you live and then proceed to migrate out to clean, safe and prosperous republican controlled suburbs and states then demand we adapt to your failed ideology.
Your political success is like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. So thanks for stepping up to suck! I bet you praised Carter as your hero.
Stick to your basement pal
I find Gordon Sick!
I find Jon Adam McCarty sickn
How did my name get here? I suppose you think I’m “James G” now? Sorry, you’ve got others hounding you now….
I’m sure Gordon cleaned the latrines well back stateside wondering about what the real men were doing. Probably crying about the successful farmers while he was scrubbing fecal matter off the sides of commodes.
Just remember Gordon, real men fought so that lib jackasses like you can run their suck hole.
Running twice and failing is not stepping up. Trump ran only once and got the highest office. You couldn’t even run successfully as a den mother of a Girl Scout pack.
I just received the biggest insult anyone on this planet could receive.
Was just compared to the biggest piece of dirt to ever hold an office in the US.
Comparing anyone to a Trump is as low as anyone can be. Trump is not only a traitor he is also Putin’s play mate. People think Trump got a golden shower from prostitutes but it was actually Putin.
Republicans as so naive they think McConnell is going to save Trump from impeachment again. The way it looks now Trump will be impeached on Monday but it won’t go to the Senate till they have control after January 22nd.
Sounds like Gordon wants a golden shower from another man. I guess he’s used to being pissed on.
Trump and republicans think they controlled the census and the Democratic control in states.
The house is prepared to reject the census and have a do over.
Ha. Ha. He who laughs last laughs best.
Maybe you should run against andy harris next election and make it 0-3
Jerk I am in the second district.
Sorry to hear that Gordon, you jerkoff!
What an idiot. You took the bait. Any MD citizen living in MD can run for congressional seat in the state. No matter what part of the state they live. It’s just dumb politics to run in a district your not a resident of.
You ran and sucked ass! Gordon Koerner is angry about his social security.
We are not citizens of Maryland? Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the United Socialist Republic of Maryland! Gordon just went full on tard.
Korean War Veteran Gordon says… I doubt that, just another hoax. Gordon is taking lines from the Dan Rather – Brian Williams playbook. Gordon how many vets did you spit on that came back from Vietnam? You low life trash puke that never amounted to anything…good luck with your next failed attempt to run for office! Looser!!!
Korean War Veteran Gordon says… I doubt that, just another hoax. Gordon is taking lines from the Dan Rather – Brian Williams playbook. Gordon how many vets did you spit on that came back from Vietnam? You low life trash puke that never amounted to anything…good luck with your next failed attempt to run for office! Loser!!!
I bet Gordon never had the balls to run his mouth to the farmers. Gordon is a typical lib coward. Gordon you lost massively because people smell the shit oozing out of you diapers from a mile away. If the 7th district is so messed up with conservatives, why don’t you move down to the city where the grass is greener? You can be neighbors with that jack tard Ryan Dorsey. No Ballz Gordon.
One more thing..Gordon is the asshole that you see on the road in the vehicle by himself wearing a mask.
Gordon is a walking vagina, Clint Eastwood is still able to whip your ass!
SoulCrusher is the walking vagina…he is the biggest moron on here!
What an idiot!
Lashing out at me in no way is going to change the fact that others are on here tearing you up. I’m glad that you think I’m responsible. If you could only see the grin on my face right now. Paranoia will destroy ya…
I have Gordon figured out. He’s jealous of any one with success. That’s why he runs his mouth so much. He’s just upset because his annual social security income is what Trump might spend on a golf outing. Oh yeah Gordo, the farmers in between Fallston and PA will always be more successful then a union maggot such as yourself. Always needing to hide behind an institution is why you are nothing.
Wow that guy is going to in office? At least the 7th district is still safe from a local puke.
Here’s Andy talking about how it is ridiculous to ask whether he thought Trump would accept the election results. This aged very poorly.
Here’s Gordon talking about how he is going to run for a 3rd time and lose bigger than ever.
As more and more evidence is found of those that went to DC on January 6th when will those investigators look at Harford County.
About 30 bus loads left this area.
Listening to many comments in this comment section who will be charged with a part of the insurrection.
Gordon, there was more violence and more evidence of an insurrection at this summer’s BLM and ANTIFA protests than what happened at the Capitol. BLM rioted over exploited incidents of blacks being killed by police, but in most occurrences they would’ve killed anyone, even a white man, over the same damn thing. I still can’t figure out what ANTIFA is lashing out at, especially because they seem to be more fascist than those they hate. At least the Capitol incident actually had a reasoning, due to concerns over election fraud in a VERY questionable election that was carried out in an unconstitutional manner. You can disagree all you want, but you can’t say that this one incident is anywhere near the level of what we saw the Democratic Traitors Against America undertake for the last 4 years. Your political idiocy is showing.
There was no call from Trump, who will live in infamy as a patriate and hero, for any violence or insurrection. The fact that there was no call for violance is refuted by a media that’s in the bag. The sad fact …. the media including Jack Dorsey….probably doesn’t know its responsibility’s and the ramifications of its child like actions. This fact is saddest of all.
go dagger….go dagger…..go dagger
wow…this idiot is ….speaking with a German accent……BTW…nice brown shirt!
go dagger
Jack Dorsey has comitted crimes against humanity …..I think Brian would agree. He understands that ….truth is truth….BUT VOICES MUST BE HEARD.
World leaders agree….the book burning in America, by twitter and facebook, is despicable!
go dagger go dagger….go dagger !
time to buck up…….free speech…a constitutional right…Jack Dorsey ceo of twitter…silanced Trumps message to be peacfull.
Calling for expulsion of reps who speak up… akin to saying zeig heil. Its a call to disband the constitution.
go dagger…go dagger…..go dagger….go dagger
Pelosi is a wack job living in some Khrushchev / Stasi induced dream state.
The right to redress is assumed to mean sue in the courts. The right to assemble is the right to protest. The right to express…is the right to publish and speak…..combine in modernity….and you have the use of twitter….ergo Trumps 1st amendment right were violated.
Gordon is a hoax vet!
Stolen Valor is a crime
Stolen Valor is no longer a crime.
This comment section is crazy. Many are making up their own facts.
It’s been proven that the violence at BLM event are Trump supporters. Just like the FBI caused much of the violence at MLK events.
Trump supporters didn’t attend BLM events. End of story and your craziness….
BLM plans a demonstration and who shows up as well, bus loads of Trump supporters. These bus loads of terrorists start all kinds of fight and shot paint balls at BLM. No one can tell me that the Trump supporters went there to back BLM. They went there to cause riots.
There was already riots going on and BLM terrorists were the ones doing it. Remember, BLM in Portland was rioting over events that didn’t occur in Portland and that means they were rioting for the sake of rioting, looting and burning down cities. This is all part of the agenda sponsored by the Democratic Traitors Against America and their “Not See” followers. BLM was the source of “Not See” riots all across this country in 2020 and only a brainwashed DemoTraitor like you can’t see the truth. The bottom line is BLM and ANTIFA use riots to cause harm to innocent businesses and innocent people in their homes to try and cause a change in society and/or government. BLM and ANTIFA are operating to the codified definitions of DOMESTIC TERRORISM and should be classified as the Domestic Terrorist Organizations that they are. Gordon, please take another pill because your medicine is wearing off again, traitor….
The cowards of Harford County and Maryland are climbing back under the rocks they came out from under. Lock Them Up.
The following is a photo from June 2020 and it shows the BLM Riots in Washington DC. If you don’t see the hypocrisy in the MSM and Political morons that currently rest in the House of Treason then I don’t think you’re elevator goes all the way to the top. Seek help if you think differently….
Those pictures don’t prove who it was. Anyone can do a photo shop and claim they are BLM protesters.
At what age should people stop smoky crack?
Gordon you need to pull out the q-tip when you feel resistance.
Gordon, in June of 2020, Washington DC had BLM “protests” each and every day and night. Those are legitimate pictures of the events. There was no events in DC that triggered a BLM “protest” and the people were rioting because they are terrorists. ALL of this was sponsored by the Democratic Traitors Against America and the “Not See” movement that furthers their cause.
Here is one article calling those protests peaceful.
Yet the pictures show otherwise…
Here is a good article showing how peaceful the protests were. They were so peaceful that police present was practically nil.
Gordon is a nut job!
Gordon never served at ALL. Just an idiot that’s bat shit crazy
Our boy Andy Harris, one of the worst, didn’t have the guts to vote on the Article of Impeachment. Shame on you, Andy. It’s time for you to resign, NOW!
Bob, you suck. Just a dumb hack. Why do you have a man crush on Gordon? Leaking diapers your fetish?
So, Dr. Andy was conveniently seeing patients today. Why not a proxy vote?
You didn’t vote for andy anyway so stfu and shit in your hand You Commie bastard.
Gordon it’s time for you to resign. Oh shit, you can’t cause no one voted for you but your cat and the jar of peanut butter you used to bribe its’ vote
Maybe I have feelings for Gordon, but this isn’t the place to talk about it
Bob you stay away! Those shit filled diapers belong to me.
So many are in love with me they can’t stop using my name. Even using my name as their handle.
I love you man!
Gordon and Bob are the same 2 bitches.
As Trump approval ratings hit a low of 29% Andy Harris starts his CYA.
The house held an impeachment vote and Andy Harris didn’t have enough courage to even vote yes or nay. He is so shaking in his boots he can’t even vote.
As people of knowledge know a no vote is the same as a Yea vote it appears Andy isn’t even smart enough to know simple basics.
Let’s face it: you’re a very partisan Democrat. You hate Republicans.
You wake up every morning thinking about how much you despise Republicans.
I rarely comment on here, but I have never read you say a single nice thing about anyone not from your party.
You’re exactly the type of partisan, vitriolic hack who has poisoned both political parties and made it impossible for people to find common ground.
And I am a registered Independent.
I agree, he is a partisan hack which is why he has never been elected to any significant office.
It’s obvious that you suck Gordon. Couldn’t even carry Harris’ jock strap. “Gordon 2022, Make the 7th District Suck Shit Again”. Go cuddle up with your cat, you asshat!
Gordon, the House of Traitors was going to vote for impeachment on party lines regardless of Andy Harris’ involvement. So, why even take part in the act of treason? This is the Bureaucracy in action and has nothing to do with law or Constitutional law regarding a legitimate impeachment. It has to do with the political establishment and the bureaucracy getting their way, illegally and unconstitutionally, while wiping their asses with the will of the people that was delivered in a completely sham election. There is STILL no impeachable offense because Trump didn’t incite the riot, the bureaucracy did. If the bureaucracy hadn’t staged this obviously fraudulent election, there would’ve been no riot. However, there would still be ANTIFA riots because they are still ongoing. There will still be BLM riots because the media will exploit blacks being killed by police, but won’t say one word when the police kill whites. Even if the “victim” is proven to have done something that the police should’ve gunned them down for, they will still stage a riot for that too. Now, we are in a reprieve right now due to winter or is it because Biden will be President? It doesn’t matter either way because mark my words you Democratic Dipshit, when the weather warms up and idiots go outside there will be more riots and that’s the way it is. You Democratic Traitors created a monster and you can’t control monsters. I can’t wait to see Traitor Joe handle the next wave of BLM and ANTIFA terrorists. However, at least this time these riots will happen under the watch of the moron who made the policies these rioters are complaining about…
There you go again…
Demonstrating how much of an idiot you really are.
Keep ranting, asshole.
Necrophiliac …
Soul Crusher is spot on as usual. Idiots like Gordon and Bob will still run their suck though…,
The most partition vote ever cast for impeachment and some of you live with your heads in the sand.
As far comments about republicans they live in the past and are afraid to move forward. As demonstrated by 8 students in Harford County school they are very racist. Children are not born racist they are taught to hate.
I know nothing I say will ever change the thinking of you old folks. Just maybe I or someone else will reach your children and bring about a physic change.
There was a time when I respected Republicans. I hated to see Nixon impeached. He was a good president who developed a mental illness. But even during his impeachment he signed legislation to move the country forward.
Reagan started my mistrust when he destroyed the manufacturing industry in this country. Especially the steel industry. As I watched countries like China, Brazil, Japan buy the old factories and turned them into computerized mills that under cut out manufacturers.
Then there was trickle down economics. Most stupid ideal the public ever embraced.
Then along comes Newt Gingrich probably the worst destructive politician before Trump. G.W.Bush wasn’t the smartest which allowed Cheney to take us into Iraq for oil.
Then comes racist McConnell who declared the day after Obama was sworn in he announced Obama will be a one term president.
It is so much what the politicians have done, it’s the closed mindedness of you the voter that gets me the most. Your love of party over country is sickening.
I know what you all are trying to do. Your up to your lousy game of shut down those that have a different opinion. I am Not going away. So enjoy your sick thinking.
Gordon you are a donkey cunt!
Donkey cunt for 7th district. Watch Gordon loose again!
Gordon, you just can’t seem to tell the truth. You and the Democratic Traitors Against America are the ones using shutdowns of just about everything to harm those who don’t agree with your all too unAmerican opinions. Trickle down economics was working. It was working VERY well. Unemployment was at lows, especially minority unemployment. The economy was booming. Then came Coronavirus, allowing the Democratic Traitors to shut down and destroy the economy. Trump succeeded in what he wanted to do and the only mistake he made was listening to the bureaucrats that told him we have to shut everything down or millions of people will die. We went from an economic juggernaut to shambles in months and it didn’t have anything to do with Trump’s policies, except for listening to scumbag traitors, like YOU. As you urge your fellow Countrymen to go out and riot, loot and burn down everything they can, the country is failing. Joe Biden is a failure. He has always been a failure. You supported and elected in a failure. Trump already showed us that Obama’s claims of slow growth and GDP are nothing but Democratic policy to destroy our Country. The only thing you Democrats accomplished was destroying many cities, harming the innocent and getting rid of the BEST President this Country has seen in decades. Biden will fail because that’s all he knows how to do and you morons put a Chinese Communist Party agent right into the White House with a fraudulent election. You can’t have a pandemic every four years, traitor….
I was helping my wife get my invalid father-in-law up and dressed this morning. As it turns out he still had the same channel on his television as he did last night when he was watching the Ravens game. During that time the Meet the Press program came on which as some would know is hosted by Chuck Todd. Mr. Todd during his commentary appeared to be actually hoping for incidents of demonstration and violence to occur during the upcoming Presidential Inauguration. Furthermore he spent a great deal of his time speaking about President Trump and his “radical right wing” following. After he made many of his incendiary comments he then tried to convince the viewers that it was time for the country to begin healing. If ever there was a person that should be removed from social media for promoting divide it is him. He is on the same low life level as Mr. Tapper. Neither of those two individuals care in the least about healing. I hope and pray that there are no demonstrations at all during the inauguration. That would destroy Todd’s entire narrative. Furthermore, I hope if there were to be any demonstrations with subsequent arrests that the backgrounds and believes of the arrested parties be thoroughly investigated. I think there is the very real possibilities that members of Antifa and other left wing organizations will attempt to represent themselves as Trump supporters. If that is found to be the case, if the Democrats are truly interested in healing and not the hypocrites they have so often shown to be, they would pursue Federal charges against the offenders. There was a time when I considered “Meet the Press” to be a somewhat fair and balanced program but that has not been for a long time.
OYE, … and what news programs, outlets, sites or links do you consider to be ” fair and balanced”?
Interesting I voiced my concerns regarding a program and commentator that in my opinion is both divisive to the healing process of our nation and threatening to the future well being of future generations and you want to know what “I” consider the to be most fair and balanced news programs, outlets, sites or links. I’m at a loss as to your point in the grand scheme of things.
OYE, OK, I’ll assume from here on out that you do not have any favorites and your POV is most news outlets are “unfair and unbalanced”
Again, let me assure you I’m not trying to bait you. It’s pretty simple. If I know what sites you identify with and rely on for information, I can better understand and appreciate your take on things.
OYE, which particular comment(s) by Chuck Todd on Meet the Press did you find “incendiary”?. Below is a link to some of Todd’s opening and closing commentary.
Also, I believe your comment from the previous post that, “…Mr. Todd during his commentary appeared to be actually hoping for incidents of demonstration and violence to occur during the upcoming Presidential Inauguration” is a bit hyperbolic and over the top.
Right on Andy for calling the puke scumbags out.
Andy Harris is an excuse making wimp. Pelosi announced on January 8th there would be an impeachment vote the next week on Tuesday or Wednesday. It turned out to be Wednesday.
Andy knew well in advance the vote was happening.
See, Gordon proves my point.
“republicans they live in the past and are afraid to move forward.”
Insert any other group in here and he would be accused of stereotyping.
Again, Gordon is a partisan hack. He seems to hate every single Republican.
Gordon is upset because republicans refuse to nut in his face. He can only get golden showers by Bob.
You have just proven republicans have no morals. They want the names of minors out in the public. Persecute them for life for an act that their parents or peers led. Them into doing. Use the brain God gave you which you are destroying.
Gordon, are you sniffing glue again? The students at Harvard aren’t minors, they are adults. If you are 18 or over then you are an adult. Can we at least agree on that?
Clown learn to read. Go back and read my post not the jerk that wrote Harvard. I wrote HARFORD County.
Gordon hates Republicans.
Gordon, I don’t know what drugs you’re on, but you aren’t making any sense. You didn’t write Harford or Harvard and he wrote Harvord. Anyone with a brain larger than a squirrel knows that Harvard is the College that wants to take degrees away from former students that just so happen to be prominent Republicans.
Yes Gordon…we want names….bann those who want to oppress….give them a taste of what they want for republicans…yes Gordan…I said it and I stand by it. Do not attempt to try to make a moral equivalency here as it will only cement the fact that you consider yourself a 1939ish elitist. It took millions dead to rid the world of that trash.
The lord … or someone once said….eye for an eye.
Speaking of Harford County, Gordon, ….and Cecil county…..we need statehood!
Impeach Obama for spying on a political rivalry!
Lets impeach JFK for messing up the presidential limo!
Lets impeach Roosevelt for interning Americans in ghoulags.
Impeach Gordon from the 7th District. Nope, don’t need to worry about it, because nobody will vote for that batshit crazy douche with shit filled diapers!
Billy…..Gordan is not a FEDERAL elected official….so you cant. Learn before you spew! I knew I could get some dope to show how ignorance steers the ignorant. BUMPER STICKERS BELONG ON BUMPERS.
Thanks for the golden shower
Asparagus stinks
And windows are not meant to be licked…
Wtf are you talking about?
Where did you go, Partisan Gordon?
What a hack….
Gordon is busy starting his 2022 campaign. He’s out telling millionaire farmers how stupid they are and why they should have shit filled diapers just like him. He probably made a detour to spit on a Vietnam Vet on the way
He seems to hate all Republicans. Why would anyone vote for him? I will never vote for someone like that.
Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble
When you’re perfect in every way
I can’t wait to look in the mirror
Cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man
Oh Lord It’s hard to be humble,
But I’m doing the best that I can
You might be humble, but you’re also a partisan activist. Admit it.
Judy knows you are far from perfect.
Earlier in this thread Harvard is a Democratic school.
It seems many in the Republican House and Republican Senate also love Harvard.
You hate Republicans.
There is animation out there. Guess who it is????
Thank you all for a Monday morning laugh. Just love living rent free in people’s heads.
Did you wake up thinking about how to hate Republicans today?
Partisanship stinks.
I bet Gordon would go rent free anywhere he could go and charge everything on his EBT card! Gordon why don’t you move to North Avenue? Be in utopia with strong Democrat leadership that city has…Oh yeah, typical lib that only wants to take advantage of what directly benefits you and steer clear of anything that comes negative as a result of that mindset.
Most people on here that shit on you are working middle class people that got what they got because they worked for it. It’s not because of government intervention. Your a billion years old and failed to learn a lot of shit in life. Good luck when the time comes and government will turn its’ back on you. Things didn’t pan out for the elderly in NY, jackass dem leadership F’d that up really well. You will see when Father Time Tbags you.
You can blame Trump, blame Andy Harris, blame Harford County, blame “stupid” farmers….really the one to blame is suck asses like you that can’t F’ing think for themselves. 7th District shitted on you in the polls…why is that? People smarter than you smell your bullshit.
Oh, and Bob, you’ve been a bit quiet lately, but you need to be kicked in the balls. No one here clicks on the stupid bullshit articles you link up in your puke posts.
Thanks bragging clown. You just gave me another big laugh.
You wrote that opinion so well anyone can see your writing about yourself.
I’m not bragging, I’m Tbagging, you dumb ass
You are a laugh to the 7th district! Dipshit
Pennywise’s opinion sounds more like a fact Gordildo! You suck at sucking
I am waiting for Partisan Gordon to provide one example when he has said a nice thing about any contemporary Republican.
Until then, he is a partisan stooge, in my opinion.
Democrats didn’t even vote for this hack. He probably showed up at their door begging for their vote while laughing and being condescending to them. Stupid mope.
Name a contemporary Republican and I will give you an answer.
In today’s R party I’m having a hard time finding one. I already named some in the past. Since Reagan there aren’t many.
By the way. Do you consider Glassman a contemporary Republican.
Do you consider your mom a lover of the shower that is almighty and golden?
Does Tony Giangiordano qualify as a contemporary Republican.
Does your mom?
Does respecting Gov. Hogan even though I disagree with some of his political positions count as contemporary.
Where did you learn grammar? Not a single question mark.
I had to leave something open for you to question and comment about, Lina. Does that make your Day?????????????????????????????
Our new President preaches unity. Gordon, on the other hand, hates Republicans.
He who accuses others of hate are usually those who hate even themself.
He who puts hands in pockets feels cocky all day long.
Mr. Koerner, just wanted to say I think you and I have something in common – we both love the ballads of Roger Whittaker. Have a nice day!
Close to end of comments, so will end witj while I despise plenty of republicans I hate no one. Anyone who accuses me of hate doesn’t know me.
Should anyone accuse me of hate I suggest you look in a mirror at the real person who hates, looks like.
You may not hate all Republicans, but your posts reveal you to be deeply partisan.
I didn’t vote for Trump for precisely the same reason I will never vote for someone like you.
You are crazier than batshit Nancy! Who is more spry??? I doubt Gordo….
Wonder if Andy will write an article to the Dagger about him trying to go on the floor to vote with a gun.
Partisan Republican-Hater Gordon strikes again.
Wonder if Gordon is going to blame his Rep. Harris for no one wanting to change a miserable SOBs diapers with a name like Gordon. I bet Gordon wears a mask on his diaper….
Every day a Partisan Republican shows their worse side of themselves. What sick minded people and disgusting minds and thoughts.
You have no credibility. You have a history of partisan politics which is why you’ve been a loser at the ballot box.
Everyday Gordon’s double-sided dildo pokes its’ head out of his adult diaper. I don’t even think democrats like him. 7th district results proved that.
Only an idiot would say “when they go low, we go high”
When you go low Gordildo, I’ll go lower. You can take that to the bank.
Just what the heck is wrong with the Dagger allowing people to have pen names with cuss words in them.
What else is wrong with the Dagger management to allow people to us their comment section with handles.
Dagger get these people out in the open. Stop this handle use and hold people accountable for what they say.
Dagger just when will you step forward and start being an answer to improve the country and stop being part of the problem.
Awww Gordo, why you so butt hurt?? You think the Dagger operates like Twitter and censors only what they want to hear? If that was the case they would have shut an asshole like you down a long time ago. Now go change you 7th District shit filled diaper.
Haha he’s blaming the Dagger for the world’s problems. Next he is going to blame the Dagger for him being a loser to the 7th District.
“When will the Dagger…”hahaha, you Gordon are a certified dumb ass!!!!!!!!!
I’m ready for Gordon to blame the Dagger for the shit in his diaper
What’s really annoying is that the Dagger allows multiple users to use the SAME HANDLE. This practice really undercuts the usefulness of the site. All it does is create needless confusion.
For example: A comment from “Bob” (not me, another Bob) was just posted today at 1:52PM.
Eat a dick you snowflake.
Maybe I will!
I love eating dicks!
Just like Soulcrusher!!
“Pen names.”
What the fuck, is it 1950?
Welcome to the Internet, you have to go be +65 years old.
What other things do you like to enjoy? Waiting for Home Depot to open on Sunday morning with the rest of the boomers?
Maybe Bob will have a “union” with his boy Gordon. He can go bob on his “pen pal’’
Blast from the past. Gordo back peddling a bit there in the comments section. It’s funny how he was pretending to be bipartisan in the q and a. Reality is that he is nothing but a hack!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha the babies are crying again and again. What a sick bunch of dick weeds.
I’ve got some dick weed for you, but I need you to assume the position. Get on your knees and smile like a doughnut baby. I’ll give you some 7th District glory.
What sick is the dingle berries dangling off your diaper.
Gordon. Why don’t you watch this video? You will need to be open minded and not just have a close minded perspective. I think there is a lot you can get out of it.
Breaking news on new gun control legislation.
Bob (another Bob), Not exactly, breaking news. However, I am in total agreement with the below comment that Gordon made when he was running in 2018:
“I Will Support Any and All Gun Legislation to Improve Citizen’s Safety Through Sensible Gun Control”
BOB What people don’t know is when living in Indiana I was registered as a Republican. It didn’t take me too long to figure out who and what republicans are.
Plus when I lived in VA although a Democrat I was in a group fighting of about 100 of whom 95 were republicans. We were against new zoning laws that didn’t fit in with the population of the county. We won and they went back to the drawing board and changed. I am one who doesn’t fall in line with any party. Never have and never will be a blind follower as I see republicans, especially in this county do.
Now Gordon is registered as a shithead! Go 7th district, go!!!
Mr. Koerner,
The problem is, you’ve just engaged in the rhetoric of stereotyping and group-bashing that you and other openminded “progressives” claim to hate.
You’ve automatically lumped every single Republican into one group. You’re stereotyping and it’s wrong.
I think many of these comments are nasty and wrong, but I am pointing out your hypocrisy.
Don’t stereotype. You do it a lot.
Hey Buttplug Bob, why don’t you read the whole article before you summarize like a tool bag.
How bout you summarize it for me. I’m waiting. Thank you!
Bob got circumcised when his mom got kicked in the jaw.
Buttplug Bob!
Hey sounds like Bob is all plugged up right now….thanks Gordon, you next pack of diapers is on me
Buttplug Bob. 7th District shits on you too
Well I read that Dagger Press has no ethics and will allow profanity in names and comments.
Fuck you Mr 7th District Suck Shitt!
Freedom of speech motherfucker!
This Bob Says should learn the law before he uses such words towards me.,protected%20by%20the%20First%20Amendment.
You stereotype and bash all members of one party. Maybe learn a little bit about the power of words yourself?
Gordon, I mean Mr 7th District suck shit…where did you go to law school? Are you like creepy uncle joe and going to say you finished at the top of your class too. Asswipe Cunt!
Great story about left news outlet rewriting their own historical story. Called out like the liberal scumbags they are.
1. The Chief of the U.S. Cap. Hill Police reports directly to the Capitol Police Board (hereafter “the BOARD”) The BOARD consists of;
a. the Sgt. at Arms of the U.S. House of Representatives,
b. the Sgt. at Arms and Doorkeeper of the U.S. Senate,
c. the Architect of the Capitol.
2. Upon information and belief, 2 U.S.C. § 1961 and Pub. L. 108–7, 2.20.03, says that the SPEAKER PELOSI is ‘in charge’ of Capitol Police and that, the BOARD reports directly to the Speaker of the House [DEMOCRAT PELOSI] and other presiding officers.
3. MEETINGS & DOCUMENTATION under federal law Pub. L. 108–7, div. H, title I, §1014, Feb. 20, 2003, 117 Stat. 361, states:”(d) Documentation, (2) MEETINGS. — The BOARD shall document Board meetings and make the documentation available for distribution to the SPEAKER and minority leader of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore and minority leader of the Senate.
4. In summary, at some point before the riot on 1.6.21, the Chief, PELOSI and the board should have held a meeting or several meetings about security around the Capitol Hill Building, it was an obvious logic move, IF NOT WHY NOT?
5. Upon information and belief, PELOSI, the Chief and the BOARD have been mandated by federal law, to work in concert with each other and are RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SECURITY AROUND THE CAP. HILL BUILDING, see: 2 U.S.C. § 1961 and Pub. L. 108–7, 2.20.03.
6. PELOSI blames THE CHIEF AND TRUMP for 1.6.21, THE CHIEF BLAMES SOME ANONYMOUS FINAL DECISION MAKER(S) and says that his requests for THE NATIONAL GUARD WAS DENIED 6 TIMES, which proves that meetings relevant to 1.6.21 were held 6 TIMES and the minutes of said meetings should be available. Upon information and belief, there are no FOIA documents available concerning; 2 U.S.C. § 1961, Pub. L. 108–7, 2.20.03 and the name(s) of the ANONYMOUS FINAL DECISION MAKER(S) for all internal security meetings linking to 1.6.21. There are several reasons why no FOIA documents are available, two of them are; (1). the Office of Inspector General reports directly to the BOARD and (2). THE CAPITOL POLICE DEPARTMENT IS SHROUDED IN SECRECY
These are the supporting links