Since the political realm is really heating up, I thought this week we should try a political picture for Cut This. Just to clarify, this is a picture of George W. Bush and John McCain. And….. GO!
Wasting Time: Kitty Vs. Printer
Since last week’s Cut This with the cat wearing the fruit helmet was so popular, I decided to follow it up with a Wasting Time featuring a cat. Check out the video and find the answer to the age old question: who would win in a fight, a cat or a printer? Cute cat, and […]
Cut This: A Cat Looking For A Fruit Bowl Battle
By now you better know how this works. Give us your best lines for this picture:
Wasting Time: Geraldo Rivera Vs. Hurricane Ike
I know you’ve all thought to yourselves at one point or another, “who would win in a fight: Geraldo Rivera or a hurricane?” Since Geraldo has a long history of thinking he’s a tough guy when it comes to hurricanes and other severe weather, it’s no surprise he attempted to go toe-to-toe with Hurricane Ike. […]
Wasting Time: This Ninja Sucks!
Ever wonder what it would be like to do a backflip? Well if you’re like me, or this totally crappy ninja, it’s not pretty. Painful looking, huh? The best thing is that he tries to continue using the nunchuks. He also gave a real cocky sneer to the camera right before the backflip. Proof that […]
Wasting Time: An Ode To The Olympics
Since the Olympics are in full swing this week, I figured people might be interested in getting past the hump by watching something Olympics related. Here is an old Monty Python video making fun of the Olympics by coming up with ridiculous events. After watching sports like beach volleyball, it makes me wish that some […]
Cut This: What’s Going On Here?
It’s once again time to Cut This. Take a look at this odd picture we managed to dig up and post a caption of your own. Tell us what the subjects in the picture are thinking, or just give us a funny sentence about what’s going on. This one should be interesting….
Wasting Time: Jewels Of The Internet
When you actually work for a living one’s mind starts to wander. Sure, at first you’re focused and diligently plugging away at your job, but eventually everyone experiences the lull that hits after just a few months. It’s the same thing day in and day out. Repetition is beginning to kill you. So you start […]