Twenty-three years ago, Aberdeen mayoral-candidate Mike Bennett made the biggest mistake of his life.
This week, as he prepared for a candidate’s forum showdown, Bennett, a Vietnam veteran and ordained deacon, was exorcising old ghosts and cutting off at the pass an anticipated ambush set by his detractors.
In 1984, I was six years old, George Orwell’s fears were becoming reality and Mike Bennett was a thirty-something upstart with the Maryland State Police hankering for a promotion.
The seedy story that’s recently been circulating the drain, where I usually hang out, is that a couple decades ago Bennett and his state police colleagues buddied up with some guys in the local print shop and were able to swipe a copy of the MSP sergeant’s exam.
Of course, that’s not the truth. The local whisperers left out a few details, which Bennett was more than happy to provide.
“As a matter of course, that was 23 years ago. I and a couple of co-workers got our hands wrapped around 19 or 20 questions of a 120-question test. No answers, just questions. We researched them and passed them out to all our friends,” Bennett told me.
Bennett, presumably because of a low score, didn’t pass his sergeant’s exam on the first try, despite having “19 or 20” of the questions in front of him. By the time he took the exam a second time, Bennett passed, but the state police Internal Affairs Office was finally able to trace the initial test fraud back to him.
The consequence – Bennett and the others were stripped of their sergeant rank. Details are hazy on who ratted out whom. One guy may or may not have been fined. All remained members of the Maryland State Police. Bennett went on to continue what has been a successful, 37-year career with the organization – including several subsequent promotions.
“The bottom line was I got hand-slapped along with my co-workers,” he said.
So wait, what just happened? A guy who is running for mayor in an election less than a month away just admitted he stole the questions to a police exam and cheated on his sergeant’s test just for personal promotion?
You’re goddamn right he did, and I salute him for it.
Bennett, who is an ordained deacon in the Southern Baptist Church, has served in every elected and appointed position in the Aberdeen Volunteer Fire Department and currently manages a $6 million budget as Director of the Electronic Systems Division for the Maryland State Police, recognized this skeleton would be dragged out of his closet one way or another and decided he’d be better off doing it himself.
“Everybody has something in their life that they’d like to have a do-over,” he said. “If I had a do-over in my life that’d certainly be my first do-over.”
As much as I’m tired of hearing about the continuation of the Good Ole Boy network that allows law enforcement, government employees and others to screw up and get nothing more than a “slap on the wrist,” I think Bennett has handled this as well as can be expected.
He admits he did something wrong.
“I screwed up. I messed up. Let’s get on with life.”
He is sorry.
“I certainly regret that.”
He paid the price and went on with his life.
“I paid the price and went on with my life.”
What more can you ask of the guy? If all current politicians were judged by what they did in their mid-thirties, or early ‘80s (take your pick), our daises and chambers would be virtually empty.
Yes, Bennett might have chosen a more tactful campaign slogan than “Bringing Trust Back to the Mayor’s Office,” but if you can’t trust a guy who admits the biggest mistake of his life on the night before his first public appearance as a mayoral candidate, then who can you trust?
Herb – political candidates only "out" themselves to get themselves infront of an issue to minimize fallout. The "Dagger "should be commended but why if it is no big deal didn't he mention it on his website first rather than wait to be questioned by the "Dagger" That would be the trait of "real" man.
Wow! I cannot remember the last time a “would be” President, Congressman, Senator, or in this case Mayoral candidate “outed” them selfs. I must say, the courage and honesty for Mr. Bennett to bring this to the forefront is one the many traits of a “real” man. Nice article “Dagger.”
All well and good. None of us can afford to throw stones about our youthful indescretions. However, I think it should be noted that Mr.Bennett's job at the time probably involved a lot more than "a slap on the wrist" for those brought to the attention of the State Police. With respect, maybe a little more explanation is in order other then "I screwed up".
Maybe I missed something. Was Mr. Bennett was a youth when this occurred? Or was he an adult looking to gain an unfair advantage over his co-workers? Is he truley regretful for what he did, or because he got caught? Nothing in this story indicates that Mr Bennett suddenly had a case of morals and turned himself in. Only that someone "RATTED" someone else out.
Mike H. I know you're reading…
If I understand this, the guy cheated on a promotional test. He cheated himself, he cheated his co-workers, he cheated the honor of the MSP, and sure as heck cheated the citizens of Maryland. The man admitted to the "mistake" (get those skeletons out early so that voters forget) but as a concerned voter I can only ask if there is anything else that he should be admitting to? Trust in politics is an oxymoron, we've seen that at all levels, but theft of test answers and cheating, that really digs at the moral fiber and makes the candidate look a little less trustworthy than the next guy.
In fairness to Mike Bennett. Anyone who really knew Mike before the election also knew about his indiscretion.
It seems the competeative camp tossed the issue about town after Mike announced that he would run for Mayor. Let us all stick to the issues and not go off in the ditch here.
If anyone reading is a voter in Aberdeen, please feel to discuss the issue with him privately and then decide for yourself.
The way I get the story is that he stole the test and then distributed it to some of his "friends." When he got caught he blew the whistle on his friends, getting a 30 day suspension and destroyed the careers of the friends. One of those guys is around the area and more than willing to out his former friend. If this was a youthful indiscretion, do you suppose he didn't inhale too? "IT'S ALL ABOUT TRUST!
As with any human being, you need to take the time to get to know Mike Bennett before judging him. We all have made mistakes, and the culmination of those mistakes do not make us who we are. We learn from them and try to do better in the future. After knowing him for over thirty years, I can honestly say that Mr. Bennett is one of the most responsible and supportive men I have ever known. If you prefer to decide this for yourself, don't just read articles; get to know him and then make your decision.
November 6th can’t get here fast enough!
And I'm sure he never inhaled either!
Mighty Mike….maybe we could make a decision if the infamous Mike Bennett would come out from behind Helton and Johnson and make a public appearance, or ANYTHING for that matter. I love that because now that he admits to being a liar and a cheat we are suppose to forgive and forget. NO THANK YOU. Not when it's someone who should be running my city. Especially when they are backed by LIARS AND CHEATS!!! Wonder who I'm talking about???!!!
Citizen you are absolutely right – Bennett has been to countless Council Meetings and has never addressed the current Mayor and Council or public about any issue.
I guess Art doesn't have the key yet for the balcony to pull the strings to enable puppet Bennett to get up and speak.