Combining professional and personal calls on one phone number makes it very hard to switch off the business calls during the weekend or when vacationing. You end up being “on call” 247. This is why we highly suggest to have a phone line that is exclusive for your business. At you’ll be able to find much more about this service.
What makes a great call recording?
Here are a few things you should consider:
Your audience: what is your call about? Does it relate to a specific problem or problem domain or does it relate to a general concern about your company? What is it worth to you?
How well will you remember what you said? This is also a measure of how effective you will be in getting the calls you get.
Do your listeners have time to listen to the recording? Do you need the call to be urgent? You should do everything you can to avoid distractions. If you get a call about an issue that might be of immediate interest to your listeners, you should respond immediately. This doesn’t mean, of course, that you need to be immediately involved. Be mindful of your responses. It is also a good idea to include some type of compensation to encourage listeners to listen to the call again (for example, a money note, a coupon, or a gift card).
If you need to respond to a call quickly, you should go to your caller and say, “Do you have a minute?” Don’t go on the call right away, as it is much more difficult to engage in a conversation with someone who is angry or upset. Give the caller the time they need to resolve their issue. When it is appropriate to respond, be empathetic. Listen and give the caller the time they need to resolve the issue. When you are dealing with a client that has been injured, it is a good idea to call the insurance company and offer a discount to their current policy. When someone is injured in the line of duty, be sure to tell them that the Department of Justice will be reviewing their case, so that they have time to prepare for the investigation. If you are a caller in a dispute, make sure to give your caller’s number and advise them of the steps they should take if they are not satisfied with the service they receive from the City.
The department also encourages customers to write complaints with a letter detailing the incident, the customer’s name, the business’ name, and the company they worked for or for a corporation.
Unfortunately I was unable to make it last night. I was looking forward to cornering some of the candidates to find out when they are going to respond to the questions I sent them 🙂
How much money is Steve Johnson willing to waste? How do you think the residents would feel if they knew that the chairman of the city’s Economic Development Commission wasn't an Aberdeen resident?
Was Fre's tatoo articed licensed in Maryland, or is this another instance where he skirts around the law?
Now he can't be a blood donor.
The young Miss Burlew proved one thing last night: She hasn't a clue. She had no real answers to any of the questions, stating for the most part she would try to find out what to do and would do the right thing. That certainly inspires confidence. And her closing remarks showed her inexperience. Her seven point plan included all drivers from out of city and taxing out of city workers. Avery Ward needs to teach her a few lessons on government. She is cute, though.
I am very interested to hear the Dagger and readers thought on who stood out at the Meet the Candidates Night. If I were to rank them by order of which Mayoral Candidates stood out I'd say the "kinder, softer" spoken Fred Simmons. If I had to pick two Council Candidates that stood out it be Rick Denu and Mike Hiob. It seemed like Mrs. Elliott jumped to the growth boat, saying we need it and "high dollar homes." Is she voting for the Annexation of the Wetlands, again? Just something I found interesting. As for that, all candidates last night mentioned smart growth. Well, let's see it. Aberdeen is already behind the 8-ball. Will there be enough homes for these people by 2010-11? It doesn't look like that there will be in Aberdeen, at least not city limits.
There's something symbolic about The Dagger crew kicking a soccer ball around Festival Park with Mayor Simmons and City Council Prez Hiob while the 'real' media swooned over mayoral-candidate Burlew and kept their cameras trained on her every move.
I was too distracted by the mayor's new tattoo (and near confrontation with the homeless couple) that I forgot to ask him about his campaign signs, which appear to be adorned with at least one of the city's many official insignias. If I remember correctly (this came up before when former Harford County Sherriff Tom Golding sent campaign press releases out with the HCSO logo at the top), election law prohibits the use of the official government icon of the office holder in any campaign material. Then again, this is Aberdeen – where Darlington residents can vote and mayoral candidates can put out signs and fly small airplanes announcing their candidacy months before the designated period.
Speaking of Simmon' new tattoo, I cracked up when I read the comment a few posts up about Fred not being able to donate blood now that he has ink in his arm. Of all the put downs the oft-beleagured mayor gets on this blog, that might be the one that stings the most.
Fred's Tattoo guy is working out of a house without a permit from the health department way to go Fred make your tattoo guy pay taxes while he stays in deen
Harry T – Is that all you have to offer? I am sure you have something better to do than worry about a tattoo.
Mike H. I know your reading…
Sounds like Harry T has some inside information! Maybe he frequents the same 'tattoo guy'. The afternoon soaps on television have more drama than this.
Not hardly … just stirring the pot thats all, just like the rest of you
Looters and Strikers….
Philosophers have been around for centuries. They write books and give seminars trying to instill in us their “views of life.” A strong person stays focused and is not influenced by their teachings. Each person is unique and has intimate philosophies to the way they view life and, more important, how they approach life.
Now, let us briefly discuss Ayn and her book, “Atlas Shrugged.” Ayn was going to name her book “The Strikers,” it was her husband who named the book “Atlas Shrugged.” Even though I have the final four chapters to read, I have found that there are some truths in the book when Ayn shows through different characters what motivates people to do good or evil. To a degree I believe in Ayn’s theory that whatever a man decides it is he and he alone who must live with it and it is no concern of another. The exception to Anys theory is some decisions, right or wrong, have a direct or indirect impact on another person or society. If we would agree 100% with Anys theory, society would accept each act as, “what ever floats your boat.” I do however agree 100% with her approach to life when she writes that joy is found in the person who values their life.
Dagny, in my eyes, is the true hero of the book. She has great courage, optimism, integrity, and energy. Even after she receives a glimpse of the peaceful atmosphere that the ideal man has created, she doesn’t stay. She remains committed to her passions and does not hide behind a protective shield. Her commitment is to her railroad and the people. When she returns to the world, they try their best to discredit her…the looters (as Ayn calls them) attempts to blackmail Dagny by attacking her character; she quickly turns the table when she faces her offenders and tells the truth and she does it with no guilt. She will not become a victim.
John hides behind a protective screen occasionally venturing out in the world so that he can initiate, behind the scenes, a great destruction of the world. How? By snatching the good and brilliant people and placing them with him behind the protective shield. Thus leaving the world in shambles. Point: Could you imagine if all of the Christians in this country shared the same philosophy? To remove themselves from the world and hide behind a shield as they watched the world literally go to hell. Churches would be empty.
So I ask you… is John a hero or a coward? Dagny is probably fighting a losing battle by not agreeing to stay with John behind the protective shield, but (I hope) that the remaining chapters reveal that win or lose she ran her own race and was not influenced or intimidated by the IDEAL MAN.
From the initial article by Matt:
"Flew the guy up from Florida to do the job, Fred said, explaining that he’d been to famous tattoo shops in Vegas and South Beach, but could never find an “artist” qualified to give him his only tattoo: that of Atlas."
Unless Matt's lying about his conversation, it sounds a lot like Mr. Simmons specifically brought the artist up from Florida to perform the task.
Sounds like citizen has a personal relationship with S. Fred. Where is that tattoo, anyway?
BTW, One can donate blood after a 12 month waiting period only if the tattoo is legal. I think the post was questioning the legality of the tattoo and whether the artist was licensed to operate in Maryland.
Wow, is that all they have? Sounds like ACT need to do a little better than this kind of manure.
This is addressing “God help Aberdeen to dump Fred Simmons” comment…. ridiculous.
Fred Simmons did not even personally bring that artist to Aberdeen, and many of the fire fighters also got tattoos from the same artist.
May we look on to more important issues of the city….
For the record…you can give blood if you have a tattoo. Thanks.
No personal relationship here, just speaking my mind.
Let's see, by definition Elliott comitts election fruad and all observer for observer, An Aberdeen Voter, and God help Aberdeen to dump Fred Simmons are worried about is a tattoo?
That's stupid.
Hey EMPLOYEE….After working that street corner you stand on , brush your teeth and clean up take, a cold shower and get OFF THE CRACK! you are the stupid one!!!!
Wow, is that intellegent or what? If you feel it necessary to attack me personally being anonymous, then you are part of the problem. Is this JB-82? It has to be, it's the same intellengence level. Stop by sometime, we can discuss your issues.
Fred Simmons was endorsed by the Aegis. Guess someone noticed that he has been better for this City than any other cannidate or previous Mayor/Council President.
Well, smoke break's over!
Employee, Maybe you shoud be watching that $100K wall rather than blogging on company time. You should also quit smoking.
This must be the comedy blog! All kinds of garbage to catch up on!
Any local paper endorsing a candidate under Grand Jury Investigation has got to be on some kind of drugs. I will be calling and cancelling my subscription.
Do you mean Ruth Elliott?
Opps sorry under investigation by the State's Attorney
If you read some of the other posts, you'll notice that Ms. Elliott didn't commit election fraud as the results had already been certified to and accepted by the Mayor and City Council on December 11. Or can't you read like Daddy?
Employee……I agree completely!
Concerned Citizen, cancel your subscription. Ruth Elliott did commit fraud, or did no one read the blog?
I don't care what the article from Matt said, the artist has a house here that he lives in part time, and DOES have a Maryland license to do tattoos, and NO, Fred Simmons DID NOT personally hire him to come to Maryland to do tattoos. This artist has been coming here for quite a few years to do tattoos for the fire men and so on. Please get the facts straight.
Blame the ones at fault, not the ones with the title.
Please don't be petty, if a election is decided over a tattoo, Aberdeen will deserve every bad decision that comes with their elected Mayor Bennett.
Terrible Decision.