Forced to keep quiet before the court of public opinion during last week’s Aberdeen candidate forum, Steve Johnson will get a chance to speak out today (Monday) in a much more official court when he makes his plea to be certified as a candidate for city council in the Nov. 6 election.
Johnson, chairman of Aberdeen’s Economic Development Commission, owner of Johnson Family Pharmacy in downtown Aberdeen and, until recently, thought to be a resident of Perryman, was invalidated by the city’s Elections Board last week, but will take the issue today (Monday) before the Harford County Circuit Court.
Under the city charter, candidates for elected office in Aberdeen must have resided within the municipal boundaries of the city for a minimum of two years. It is well known Johnson has been living outside the city (he acknowledged as much before us and a group of exasperated city residents a year or so ago). It is just as well known that this particular piece of election law is easily worked around.
Just take it from the man who worked with Johnson in redeveloping downtown Aberdeen, talked the EDC chairman into running for city council and routinely performs his own feat of musical residences to vote where he chooses.
“I think he’ll win. The issue is not the length of time, but residency,” said Art Helton, a former Harford County Councilman, state senator and Darlington resident who votes in Aberdeen city elections every two years.
Art has an office and an apartment in Aberdeen, which he has used as a vehicle to vote in city elections. Johnson is apparently up to the same game.
Helton said Johnson also has an address in downtown Aberdeen.
“He lives there and he’ll prove that to the courts.”
Checking out the address (which we won’t publish), it seems the property indeed is owned by Steven C. and Julie S. Johnson. They bought the 1959, one-story brick structure for $160,000 in 2003 and it appears it may be rented out or at least split up into offices because it has two sequential addresses listed for the single structure.
The problem is the property is not the Johnsons’ principle residence. In fact, the mailing address attached to the property for tax purposes, is that of Johnson’s Perryman home.
This is where election law becomes hazy. There is no way I’ve ever seen to accurately or appropriately gauge where someone says they are living. If Johnson owns homes in both Perryman and Aberdeen how can it ever be proven which he lives in with his family and which he rents out to someone else?
As one of us owns both a home and a townhouse and rents one of them out, we know just how tricky proof of occupancy can be. But we like it better the way Art put it.
“I have a farm in Darlington and, say, 15 or 20 places in Aberdeen that I could live in,” Helton said.
For those who think the city rightfully turned down Johnson’s candidacy, consider this: Helton said Johnson was previously certified to vote in the city elections two years ago. There you go. If a guy VOTED in a city election two years ago (meaning he must have been a city resident), why can’t he RUN in a city election today?
“Let the voter judge that criteria,” Helton said.
Residency aside, Helton went on to cite a recent court ruling in Frederick, Maryland which found it unconstitutional to require a candidate to have lived in the municipality for any amount of time prior to his or her run for office.
“The two-year residency [requirement] is unconstitutional. Length is not a reliable, dependable qualifier of candidates,” he added.
It’s a sign of the times, a dangerous one at that, when someone can move into a city, rent office space and immediately run for office – although that’s basically what Sen. Hillary Clinton, Art Helton and now Steve Johnson have done.
But, there may be other, more sinister reasons behind Johnson’s invalidation, Helton alleges.
“He knows where the bodies are and that’s why they don’t want him to run,” he said.
Much like Helton and Mayor S. Fred Simmons’ prior relationship, Johnson and Simmons were also once close friends. That friendship has soured in the two years since Simmons was elected mayor, so much so that Helton doubts Johnson will keep his EDC position if Simmons is re-elected mayor.
“I can guarantee if Fred wins, he won’t be back in that position,” he added.
Standing outside after the FOP candidates forum last Wednesday night, Johnson said he’s tried to play it professional in his economic development-related interactions with the mayor and council, but described the mayor as “an egoist,” and alleged Simmons used strong-armed tactics to get his name rubbed from the ballot. Johnson also, in perhaps the most sober tones we’ve heard to date, recounted how former Mayor Doug Wilson was a “bump on a log” who never did much harm or good, and chastised Simmons for routing the city’s administrative leadership. The mayor and council should have reigned in the power that had been doled out to staffers over the years while retaining some institutional knowledge – instead of systematically cleaning house, Johnson said. Indeed, the forum itself may have actually been interesting had Steve been allowed to participate.
So what does Helton, who owns the building in which the would-be candidate runs his popular Johnson’s Family Pharmacy, think will happen?
Helton predicts a judge will rule to give Johnson an injunction to get him onto the Nov. 6 ballot – essentially giving him the benefit of the doubt until the matter can be sorted out by the courts following the election.
Another, albeit more unlikely, option is for Johnson’s attorney to ask the judge to put the election on hold until the residency issue is decided – although such a move might be aimed only at forcing a more timely decision from the court.
There’s something else to ponder. Why would Aberdeen hire an Annapolis attorney to represent the municipality in the Johnson candidacy injunction instead of using city attorney Elwood Stark?
UPDATE – Johnson’s court dates have been postponed thus far, but he has been told he will go before the Harford County Circuit Court and have his candidacy issue resolved Wednesday morning.
so art helton is behind steve johnson. has the city not seen enough of heltons dirty games? art helton talks about simmons…he has his nerve. its simple, johnson does not live in he city. i urge all not to vote on nov 6 if johnson is allowed to run.
Helton can't win an election, his wife can't win, and now his lacky won't win either. He's nothing more than a loud mouth.
Is Johnson going to run using Ann's plan?
What a joke!
Employee – I cannot believe this is getting all the attention it is…Oh wait, yes I can. On Sunday, I drove by city hall and low and behold I see the Bennett camp along with the now "blue shirts" and Steve Johnson. I cannot believe this man (Bennett) says "It's all about trust." With trust comes being principle based and having good morals and ethics. These people have their nerve talking about Simmons. Hah!
Why do people who DO NOT live in Aberdeen what to be in control of the City? Personal gain perhaps? There's alot of money to be made with BRAC coming and I'm sure Helton and Johnson just want to line thier own pockets. As if they haven't made enough money of the City already! Helton and Johnson make me sick and there is no way Bennett is going to gain votes by supporting these serving non-residents.
Well, it's certainly not about the interests of Aberdeen voters. It's probably more about getting a steady "yes" vote on the council for city approval of future projects.
"Why do people who DO NOT live in Aberdeen what to be in control of the City?"
So, will someone explain Steve Wright's interest in Aberdeen. Is it a large paycheck, annexation of the Wetlands, or the unknown future project where he stands to make billions? Oh, and he supports his business partner, Fred Simmons.
“Atlas Shrugged-Scene III”
Ayn Rand and Objectivism
Since I am writing on a political blog and Aberdeen is in the middle of an election, I believe that my timing is perfect to read about John Galt. Three chapters remain to be read in the Mayor’s so-called famous book, “Atlas Shrugged.”
I am in the middle of reading John Galt's 'famous' and I guess inspiring speech in which he gives at the end of the book.
Footnote: You ask why does John wait until the end of the book to address the people? Good question. It's because he's been in hiding for most of the book while he watched the world destroy itself–remember)
Anyways, his speech makes incredible sense, at least for those who have one leg on each side of the fence. My soul began to stir and my better judgment told me (through my THOUGHT PROCESS) to put the book aside and research some of Ayn’s philosophies because my MIND required more KNOWLEDGE to REASON her philosophy.
Much to my surprise, I’ve learned that Ayn is the curator of objectivism. One of her chief beliefs of objectivism is that the pursuit of personal happiness should be one’s ultimate goal in life. There’s nothing wrong with personal happiness, but if this is so, then there are many (if not infinite) paths to happiness.
Remember, in my last article I expressed how philosophers are nothing more than people trying to convince you that their view of life and how to approach it is the best way? We’ll it is now my friends that we come to a fork in the philosophical road. If I interpret John Galt’s message correctly thus far, objectivism is to rely on logic as the chief guide in life, but if this is so then objectivists are forced to condemn those who rely on religion for happiness AND exclude them from some of the enlightening PRINCIPLES of objectivism. Why? Because, according to the concept in “Atlas Shrugged,” objectivists MUST TAKE A SIDE. So I ask you, is personal fulfillment or reason more important? I leave everyone to answer this question on their own.
In my opinion (through REASONING OF MIND based on MORALS, VALUES and VIRTUES and thus forming the opinion,) Ayn Rand had no belief in a higher power. The basis of my opinion is that all religions believe in a higher power, and, that belief CONTRADICTS Ayn’s ‘perfect man’ theory. The concept of a higher power would be degrading to men. Example: If Christians believe that God is perfect, and man can never be that perfect, then man is low and imperfect because there is something above him.
In conclusion, don’t judge a book by its cover
After Thought: I'm still waiting to see if Dagny is influenced by the Ideal Man.
I am,
And this is where I will stay until November 6.
Last I checked, Steven Wright was trying tying up the court system to get on the ballot, donkey. Furhtermore, if the wetlands were annexed it would be in City limits. Anyone who made personal montetary gains from the City would be Art Helton (from Boutin and Wilson). Now Art Helton doesn't control anyone on the Council so there are no more sweetheart deals on City property. Need a list? The old town shop and the old police station. What did he pay? (cricket, cricket)
Old Dagny,
Welcome, then, to the fold. I do wish you would have, as I did when I was 18 years old, read the Fountianhead instead. Much more concise, I’d say. The real question, as I see it, is: Has S. Fred perverted Rand’s concept? His own old friend, Steve Johnson, called him an egoist. Was that a compliment? After all, Roark built buildings that made mankind better, but can this philosophy ever be applied to LOCAL POLITICS?? Please inform.
Employee, you make some interesting comments. However resorting to name calling, even on an anonymous forum, is more indicative of tactics used by bullies and those with limited intelligence and lends little to the discussion.
In any event, as far as I could tell from the limited public information on the Wetlands Annexation issue, the only ones who stood to make any money from the deal were the owners of the Wetlands, the developers and whoever owned the airpark next to it. I seem to recall that at the time the council approved the annexation, the terms of the deal had not been finalized. There was a lot of discussion about the developer paying for services and infrastructure up front, but nothing seems to have been put on paper until well after the uprising by the citizens of Aberdeen. Even then, no final proposal seems to have been published so we could all find out what the real terms of the deal were. It would have been interesting to see how the issues of water, schools, waste management and the long term use of city resources were going to be addressed. Had our Mayor and the council been more upfront with the citizens, instead of being so insistent on buying "a pig in a poke", perhaps the citizens of Aberdeen would have supported the annexation? I believe a modified proposal for the Wetlands was submitted at the same time as, or shortly after, the referendum, but I still haven't seen anything of its terms. Given the lack of public information, I think the citizens of Aberdeen were correct in stopping the annexation. After all, Havre de Grace is still reeling from the "good deal" of Bulle Rock David Craig forced on them. I don't think we in Aberdeen need the same kind of "good deal".
As a relatively new Aberdeen resident, I'm very interested in knowing how our city government is looking out for our interests. As far as Art Helton goes, all I've seen since moving to Aberdeen is old, abandoned buildings being remodeled and turned into new businesses. To me, it looks like he's on a one man cruisade to revitalize downtown, no matter what he paid for the buildings. In my mind, that can only be good for Aberdeen. Obviously, he's not doing this revitalization for free, but neither would anyone else. There may be more to his dealings with the city, but I haven't seen anything about them except for vague comments made in some forums.
New Aberdeen Voter: One thing comes to mind, beware a wolf in sheep's clothing. Aren't you concerned at all as to why a Dalington resident and a Perryman resident want into Aberdeen's City Hall? Aren't you also concenrned as to why a rival developer would finance opposition to the Wetlands annexation? Aren't you concerned as to why the former Mayor would sell a piece of property for a much lower price than what they were offered by another person? Believe me, Art Helton is not looking out for anyone's interests but his own. But don't take my word for it, educate yourself through public information.
Oh, and saying donkey on the www is funny to me. I appologize if it offended anyone, I guess some do not share my sense of humor!
Is there a problem with a person that happens to be a small business owner in a city voting (or running for office) in the city that holds the business? It seems to me that to be a business-friendly community that sort of political involvement should be awarded, not chastised (and is much better than mega-corporations buying votes as they do on the national level). As long as someone like Art Helton or Steve Johnson do not vote on two different ballots for the same race (vote in both Darlington and Aberdeen for President or the sort), than why should they not be allowed to vote in the district that they support through their business dealings???
UPDATE – Johnson’s court dates have been postponed thus far, but he has been told he will go before the Harford County Circuit Court and have his candidacy issue resolved Wednesday morning.
Well yea, first it is in violation of the City Charter. Secondly, if allowed, it could lead the way for people who say own investment property away from thier residence to vote in two places. Example, I live in Aberdeen but I own a vacation property in Cape May, New Jersey. Does that make it ok for me to vote in Aberdeen or Cape May whenever I feel like it? I mean the whole idea of the elected officails being representatives of the people (residents) would be thrown out the window. I don't think that is very honest. Isn't that what someone's campain is all about, honesty?
Employee, your comments bring to mind the name Hillary, but that's a different campaign. However, I concur with AberdeenWatcher. Both Mr. Helton and Mr. Johnson have legitimate business interests in town and whatever the city government does directly impacts them. As for who's supporting who, it's my understanding Mr. Wright isn't a resident of Aberdeen either, but he's supporting Mr. Simmons and trying to influence the outcome of this election. So what's the difference?
Old Daggermat,
All I can write to you at this time is, "I have a countenance more in sorrow than in anger." In case you didn't know, those words were spoken from Shakespeare's Hamlet, in 1603. This is where Horatio describes to Hamlet the appearance of his father's ghost:
Daggermat, I will not talk to you until I finish the book. Until then you will have to be patient. I promise that we will have a fulfilling dialogue. AND I promise you that at that time I will give you my 'honest' synopsis of John Galt.
Question for you Daggermat (something to ponder in the interim): Which has a benevolent impact on other men–Roark's life of personal accomplishment or Toohey's call for sacrifice to the collective?
I am,
So, I wonder…will the Judge side with Johnson or the City?
I have faith in our judicial system whatever the outcome may be. I also know that Mr. Johnson has a right to challenge the process in a fair and impartial venue.
We as citizens will accept what comes and move forward.
But what about the HONESTY? You know, the whole campaign is suppose to be about HONESTY. Does that include being honest about where you live? What if someone that lived in Baltimore City wanted to run County Executive in Harford County because they own a 7-11 here, would that be ok too?
Employee – I second that question!
Employee – I second that question.
Who's campaign are we talking about here?
I think the the judge should judge and not us.
Oh…another and more important point…If we had competency in our offices would they not have already resolved the issues of the antiquated or unconstitutional ordinances…they all knew or know about.
Example: Loitering and also the Election rules.
I can just see Aberdeen's election in the year 2009:
I'm going to move to Belair, but I'm going to open a Post Office Box in Aberdeen. And if they don't let me run for the Aberdeen City Council, I'm going to court!
Just plain disHONEST!
Are you a registered voter in Aberdeen now?
I think Employee is Steve Wright
What's wrong, am I hitting a sore spot? And no, I'm not Mr Wright. Most parents considered me Mr Wrong.
Any update on Canidate Zero's status?
For those waiting patiently for news on Steve Johnson's candidacy injunction, word is he will be appearing before Harford County Circuit Court Judge Steve Waldron at 3 p.m.
Expect an update in a few hours, but any guesses as to how it will all turn out?
Personally, I think it will be VERY difficult for a judge to rule the guy ineligible to run for office after someone certified him eligible to vote two years ago.
I hate to say it, but you are right. Why would they certify him eligeble to vote from that address? Man, am I learning about politics!
However, just because a judge allows him to run doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Everyone knows Johnson lives in Perryman. I was making lite of the situation earlier, but what happens if more people want to run or vote from out of town next year?
No matter what side you fall on you have to agree that Johnson is not being very honest here.
I'm going to play devil's advocate here, not necessarily because I'm good at it, but because I like seeing things from opposing viewpoints.
Is it truly dishonest of Steve Johnson to pursue his candidacy or is he just going by the election laws as they are currently written?
It's one of those 'don't hate the player, hate the game' scenarios we frequently see with developers. They get away with rampant, unchecked development often times not because they've done anything sneaky or dishonest, but because inadequacies in the current law or zoning code allow them to get away with it.
Suppose Johnson, who has worked for years in Aberdeen, owns a home there (that he may or may not live or have lived in) owns a business there and is something of a prominent community figure because of his economic development dealings, wants the opportunity to affect change in the city.
He looks at the city election law, sees he voted two years ago and owns a residence in Aberdeen and decides, 'Hey, I could run.' You can't fault someone for wanting to get involved.
And in this case I don't think you can fault Johnson. Is he trying to take advantage of a loophole in the process? Perhaps. Did he put the loophole there. Of course not.
I always think it's a better idea to let someone in be at the mercy of the voting public, rather than shut them out from the get-go. That almost feels like a form of censorship to me.
I think it's a question of ethics and character. There are thousands of people that live just outside the city limits, share a 21001 zipcode, and work in Aberdeen. They aren't trying to vote or run for council.
Couldn't agree more with your last two paragraphs!
By the way…Round one is won by Johnson…
Let's see if the current officials can undo what they have done.
Mr. Denu,
With all do respect, round one is not won by anyone. This makes this city look like a joke.
Brian does have a valid point. If they knew he didn't live in Aberdeen why allow to vote in the previous election? Steve also has a valid point with questions of ethics and character.
But as Brian says, Johnson is trying to advantage of a loophole. Is that what Aberdeen wants, someone who always looks for the loophole (bend the rules, cheat, etc)??
As the Helton/Johsnon/Bennett campaign says: It's all about HONESTY!
Hey Keating,
I finished the book. Looks like I'm due to give my critique. Not sure if they will print it.
I am,
Wow, I guess some of our City employees are eligible to run for city council now. I know a few that would like to run and I would surely vote for them over an out-of-towner!
Interesting that this old thought should pop up at the header of the home page today. Mike Hiob reminded me that this Art/Steve mess cost the City taxpayers $13,000 in direct legal fees. If Art and Steve really love the Town the way they claim to, maybe they can repay the City for the wasted time and costs.