Newly elected Aberdeen Mayor Mike Bennett has announced the membership of his 30-person transition team, which includes his own brother, Art Helton and wife, four failed city council candidates, a former city mayor, a former Havre de Grace police chief and a handful of annexation opponents.
The group, which convened Tuesday night in City Hall and will operate under the control of Helton, has until mid-January to report back to Bennett with information about the failures in city government operation and function.
In forming his team, Bennett was apparently looking for a broad cross section of folks that represented talent in various areas as well as a population diversity representing a cross section of Aberdeen’s citizenry, according to Helton.
Evidently, there are a few names yet to be added to the list once confirmed by Bennett. Any guesses?
Helton said the January report from the transition team will be made public and shared with the council members when the work is finished.
“We are not making policy, merely gathering information for the mayor’s use,” Helton said in an email.
So what do you think? Recognize any more of these names? Bennett asserts this is not a witch hunt, but it looks like this group is just a few torches away from being an outright brute squad. I wonder if this task force has folks working in City Hall encouraged or terrified?
What follows is the complete, unedited text of the Bennett transition team press release announcement, as crafted by Helton and Democratic jack-of-all-trades George Harrison:
Newly elected Aberdeen Mayor Michael Bennett has appointed a 30-person advisory team to give him a thorough, in-depth review of all aspects of city government to “see where we are and where we need to go to put the city back on track.”
In an initial meeting with the diverse group at City Hall Tuesday night, he said they had but a short time to gather information and report back to him by the end of the second week of January.
You are looking for the good, bad and the ugly, “ he told the group at the City Hall meeting. “But I don’t want anyone to think this is a witch-hunt. This is all about learning city processes, serving our citizens, and employee satisfaction.”
I want as thorough a study as possible in the limited time frame available so that I can see where we are and where we need to go to put this city back on track,” Bennett said. “Before we can move forward we need to see where we are with the budget, how the administration functions, how effective are our police services, and what we should expect are the future needs for water, sewer and basic infrastructure.”
“I want to know your assessment of what can be done better,” he told the group. “One of the things I heard most clearly during the campaign was that there was a break down in city services. We need to change that.”
Bennett divided the transition team into four sub-committees, each with distinctive duties. The overall team is co-chaired by Arthur H. Helton, Jr., a commercial property developer and landowner in Aberdeen and a Bennett supporter in the recent election. Helton is a former State Senator who served on a number of senate committees and Governor’s commissions, including the Sondheim Commission which studied state and local taxes and spending, and the Scanlan commission which reviewed the state’s personnel system.
Helton told team members he would act as coordinator with the four sub-groups and help facilitate their efforts to gain information. “My job is to make sure we are coordinated and focused on getting a comprehensive report to the mayor in the timeframe he has asked for.”
Other members of the transition team include representatives of civic organizations, the business community, religious organizations, retired military, APG contractors and citizens.
Bennett said the team will work independently of the City Government, but with the coordination of staff. Neither he nor members of the City Council will be involved until after they have completed their investigations and provided him with a report.
The largest sub-committee is Administration with 15 members, chaired by Tony Bennett, a brother of Mayor Bennett who owns the Famous and Spang Insurance Agency in Aberdeen. This committee will be looking into how city government works and interacts with the public, with an emphasis on good customer service.
Other committees include Budget, headed by Cynthia Wallace, a licensed CPA who has over 15 years experience in budgeting and financial reporting. Their charge is to look at trend lines, how past budgets compare to the current budget and analyzing what to look for in the future.
Police Department, chaired by Randall Holt, retired Major in the Maryland State Police, and former Havre de Grace Police chief. His group will look at police procedures with the view of determining if personnel are being used effectively.
And Water, Sewer and Infrastructure, chaired by Joseph Swisher, Chairman, Aberdeen Planning and Zoning Commission, who has been active in Aberdeen Proving Ground support efforts and other development programs in Aberdeen. This group will focus on processes within Department of Public Works and determining current and future infrastructure needs and the best way to finance them.
Members of The Mayor’s Advisory Team:
Cynthia Wallace – Bernard Backus – Art Helton
Tony Bennett – Steve Johnson – George Englesson (Past Mayor)
Bruce Garner – Ann Helton – Chuck Doty
Arlene Swarthout – Rev. Ken Telsee – Paul Kertis
Karen Heavey – Mike Wallace – Fred Silva
Rick Bruno – Phyllis Grover – Randall Holt
Rick Denu – Zilpha Smith – Bernard DeWitt
David Carter – Michael Mullin – John Landbeck
Joe Swisher – Bill Braermann – Dr. Billy Richardson
Dr. Sandra Landbeck
Brian: Don't you think it's about time to cool it for awhile and give the new administration time to sort things out. It would be fair to take Mayor Bennett's word at face value and if you think he's not doing what you think is right, then go after him. In the meantime, let the results of his effort be known and judge him on that. As for the makeup of the committee, there are many who supported him and some who didn't. What's the problem?
George: You should know by now that this is about as 'cool' as we get around here. I don't think there is any way to be fairer to someone than to publish a word-for-word copy of their press release. Now it's out there and we'll let the people judge it.
I think it's important to weigh in on every step of the process and not close my eyes and ears and wait until there is a report with 30 signatures sitting in front of me to speak up. That's asking for trouble.
When he was first elected mayor, Fred Simmons hired his business partner to help straighten out City Hall.
Bennett now appears to have handed over a certain degree of power and influence over Aberdeen's future to three men who city voters decided they did not want to have any power and influence over the city's future when they chose four other candidates on Election Day.
I think that is important to note.
"Bennett now appears to have handed over a certain degree of power and influence over Aberdeen’s future to three men who city voters decided they did not want to have any power and influence over the city’s future when they chose four other candidates on Election Day"
that is exaclty what jumped out at me about this matter. Not to mention that a 30 person "transition" team seems quite exessive. Have other administrations had "transition teams" ?
Brian: As I recall, Simmons PAID his business partner nearly $100,000 in city money to "straighten out" city hall. This committee is advisory only and they aren't getting paid for it. Hardly comparable.
George: I haven't forgotten, that's what I meant when I said Simmons HIRED his business partner.
But you're a wise enough man to understand impact can't always or only be measured in monetary units. For example, what would be more financially detrimental to a city in the long run:
– Hiring a CPA friend for $100,000 to decypher the city's fiscal woes?
– Handing a handful of failed, possibly vengeful politicians carte blanche access to city hall to sniff out what they can find and recommend changes?
Personally, I wouldn't do either.
Obviously, in the short term the $100,000 is a gut punch to an already staggering city. But a squad of handpicked helpers who have everything to gain from Bennett making changes in city hall can be even more dangerous.
If they recommend, let's say, hiring a new police chief or reshuffling the deck of department heads a little, those kinds of changes may end up being worth far more than $100,000 when you consider the cost of retraining, the chilling effect it can have on department efficiency and morale, hell, even right down to new business cards and letterhead. That's not even taking into consideration that some of the changes might be done for (gasp!) political reasons and may result in people being replaced by those of lesser qualification, which reduces the overall effectiveness of their department.
I think you hit the nail on the head George: "Hardly comparable."
I re-read the article and couldn't tell for sure – has it been confirmed that all 30 of these individuals are doing this completely voluntarily with no compensation monetarily or otherwise?
And also the press release states "Neither he nor members of the City Council will be involved until after they have completed their investigations and provided him with a report." I wonder if all of the concil members agreed on that approach..did they vote on the members of the "transition team"? After all, several of these folks are not Aberdeen residents, and it is not immediately apparent what their qualifications are. Some have some obvious experience, some seem questionable…it would be nice if Mr. Bennet would communicate each members role and their qualifications to fulfill that role. I think the citizens deserve that, considering he is planning to rely so much on their evaluation and not directly interact with the various departments himself.
fred's haunting word's.and the people get the goverment they deserve. I did not support bennett. or any of the rest.except ( rick denu) whose judgement I trust when it comes to police matter's. steve johnson tough on crime. art helton doing alot for aberdeen's appearance.he can cock and attitude when you make him mad.
he chased me off of his western auto store in haver de grace. useing his roof to get to another store on main st.can't say I blame him. we shall see.
Kudos to you for your comprehensive and fair article regarding the Mayor’s transition team. Please continue to disregard George Harrisions biased opinion. We all realize that he will endorse AND defend anyone that Art is currently supporting! Someone described the transition team as a “broad cross section of folks”. I would describe them as “eccentric” at best. You’ve got your small, but worthy group of talented individuals that have a “City friendly” agenda. But you’ve also got your nepotism, your thugs, your religous sect, your Council wanna-be’s, your “has been’s”, your carpet baggers, your anti-development whack jobs and your political payback players. I can’t imagine how this ever-expanding group of ” talented individuals” could ever end up benefitting our City. There are far too many conflicts of interest associated with many of them to allow independant thought to prevail! Oh well, my only hope is that my fears are misguided and that Aberdeen will progress in a positive direction. (because of OR in spite of the transition team) Mayor Bennett, please do as you promised. Make all of your decisions based upon what is best for our City. NEVER consider any other option!
I too thought this article/story was well written. I enjoyed your journalism when you worked for the "other" guys, but really enjoy your freedom of speech on The Dagger.
I am disgusted by this entire thing. Good idea on the petition, Brian. I would like to start one myself keeping at least Dewitt, Denu, and Garner off the transition team. And not for personal reasons – I'm sure they are good guys. But the principle of it is horrible.
So let me get this straight – the Council and Mayor will do nothing until "mid-January?" Is our water problem going to hold off until January? Is BRAC going to stop until January? Will our City employees continue to hold their breath, waiting to hear from one of their 30 "bosses" – wondering who not to piss off, until mid-January?
Bennett was all smiles on my doorstep during the election, but Steve Johnson did all the talking. Looks like the trend is continuing. I can't believe that the only quotes from Bennett in the paper have been about how he plans to be "hands off," as if that was something to be proud of.
I feel cheated, and lied to. I wish I could have the last few months back, because I would have gotten more involved to keep this idiot out of office. Everybody laughed at the puppet cartoon, but I'm not laughing now. We are at a crossroads for this town – and this guy wants to hear from every single person on the planet before he can make a decision? Unbelievable.
But it's not too late, Mayor. Grow a pair, tell Art that he isn't running the city, and go in there and give them the leadership they deserve. Dissolve this witch-hunt, get the morale back of the police and employees, and lead for God's sake. Don't waste 1/8th of your term on something that Simmons could have told you in 35 minutes.
The only problem at the Police Department is outside interference, not the leadership. When the outside interference stops, the Department will get back on track. Hopefully it'll be before the middle January. But I have confidence that Chief Rudy and Captain Cox will guide the Department through any turbulance.
Mac, Mac, Mac———-get a life. When will you face reality and quit lieing to yourself? Rudy and Cox should do the right thing and retire. Then and only then will the department be on the right track.
Is someone paying you to write these falsehoods? You know the truth, so stand up and tell it. Do the right thing Mac.
S I agree. the mayor is going to have’ to have leader ship support. he appears to be very timid. hopefully’ he proves me wrong. rick denu steve johnson art helton are men that stand out. as jeff foxworthy say’s. let’s get ‘er done.
I think they will.
I’am sure we don’t need outside help.for our police department.
we have very’capable people working there. but we shall see.
comment edited by admin
Started in 96 and still going strong.!!!
I am not sure what the relevance your post has to the article? Can we all please stay focused on the article and comments/discussion to it?
This transition team is really disturbing. First and foremost, where is the authority for this? The Charter, which Ms Elliott calls the Bible, has no provision for such a thing. In order to involve staff for one single minute means that the salary which is supposed to go toward some mission function is now being turned toward a session or time with this team. I believe the Council HAS to vote for such a thing to happen. Ms Elliott, don't you see the similarity between this and the expenditures you so hated in the last two years? This makes twizzlergate look mighty small. Next is the "Trust" issue. How in the name af all that's holy can we have anyone on this transition team who resides outside the City? If I had an insurance agency in Havre de Grace and lived in Havre de Grace I woul find plenty of reason to stifle the City of Aberdeen at any and all turnings. How about character? At least one member of this team has been caught stealing from the City. Another has openly lied both verbally and in writing. Another falsified a report. Another made false charges.
This Council is headed toward some huge law suits and investigations by the State Special Prosecutor. The Council needs to stop the Mayor. Give the benefit of the doubt and charge this off to his being green and naive. But stop it now before any real money gets spent on this.
By the way, how is it that the team guru got a tax break for ten years as the first item on the agenda last night?
Remember it's all about trust!
Ladies and gentlemen, that was the OUTSIDE INTERFERNECE I was speaking of.
I will not address my personal affairs on a web site other to say that yeas I am excited to be welcoming an addition to my family. My fiance and the baby are doing well, thank you, and we hope our baby arrives before Christmas.
As for standing behind my chain of command, it is something that was instilled in me by the military. Although everyone has their faults, I believe my chain of command to be the best option for Aberdeen. If your opinion is different, thats great and by all means voice your opinion. But when you personally attack someone for voicing theirs it kind of shows exactly what kind of person you are. I only hope they are not on the transition team. If they are, it shows what a witch hunt it really is.
The context of JB's commentary was that of how this site is loaded with posters who outright lie and then portray themselves as the good guy.
Think about that when you support others and not some.
Don't fret Mac, there are many more at city hall who are kissing ass and doing and saying whatever is necessary to keep their job. You aren't the only one. These people are not new to organizations and are easy to pick out. Just watch how they switch colors from one administration to the new. They switch so much that they have to question who they really are. They have no character or confidence in that they can find other employment. Instead they sell their integrity and bend like gumbie for the sake of a dollar. What a pitty!
Give it up, Mac. Standing behind your chain of command? What a joke. Did you not have what the military instilled in you when you motioned for a vote of no confidence against the Chief? Was he not at the top of your chain of command. My, my how your colors change with the wind.
Please, please, please, people…for the Love of God! Stick with comments about the articles.
There is no doubt that the post left here by the transition team members directly reflect their qualifications. Congratulations, is this a paying job for you?
And what about you, Mac. Just what reflects your qualifications? Rabbit Daddy/Mac just who are you speaking about on this transition team that is a liar, stole from the city, forged documents, etc. Spreading your rumors again? Nice how you say on this blog how others are spineless hiding behind monikers, but on another rumor central blog you had no problem using all kinds of names to throw out lies just to as you say "stir the pot", just because you like to.
Let me make this clear one final time. I will post as myself and myself only. I refuse to hide behind these made up names like you. Stand up and be proud of what you stand for. Or, keep hiding behind a moniker becasue you are ashamed of what you think.
As for qualifications, hows 18 years of police experience to include 13 years of supervisory experience. Graduate of the FBI executive development course as well as numerous MPTC supervisory schools. How about another 18 years of military expereince. To include Army Primary Leadership Course, Air Force NCO academy, Air Force Senior NCO Academy, AT Level II, Battlefield Leadership Course, Deployments for Operations Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Palmetto Ghost, and other support operations. Oh, and being named the 2003 Police Officer of the Year by the American Legion and the 2004 NCO of the Year for the entire Air Force Reserve Command would be the highlights of my experience. Your turn…….
Obviously the Punisher is of the old school of "discredit the author" . for God sake don't get into the facts!
I've worker for you and "with" you and al that crap from your resume doesn't mean crap if you don't live it!
Go crawl under a rock from whence you came!
You're still a loser!
I walk the walk and I am not afraid to post as myself. Keep hiding behind your monikers. You are obviously misguided and thus part of the problem. People like you are a dime a dozen. You obviously have something personal to gain by supporting command change. If you have something constructive, please identify yourself and state your case.
The chain of command? Is that why you and Cox called for a vote of NO-Confidence for the Rudy about three and a half years ago?
The only reasn you have anything to say now is because your boy Cox has been at the helm and you want to keep it that way.
You’re a joke!
comment edited by admin
Are you for real. I didn’t read one thing in post that had any validity at all.
Get informed and post some truth will ya.
it would be interesting to see' what a command change would make in the police department. I don't work there.but as and interested tax payer& resident.
what changes would be important to the men & women who do?
captain cox worked a tough'case for me some year's back. and I might add did and excellent job.against some tough opposition.
I have met chief rudy, in his wandering's with fred simmons & found him to be a very' pleasant person.
it was not my intention to misconstrue, his mild demeanor. I have no doubt he is professional at his work.
Just shut up!
I dunno…sounds like Aberdeen’s FOP should hold another one of those rasslin’ matches, only no pros…let all the officers jump in the ring and have it out in a Battle Royale. Let me know where I can buy tickets…
WOW, more outsiders. Keep on hiding behind your monikers. You remind everyone just how spinless and childish you are. And you have it wrong on the vote of no confidence, like just about everything else. Which is probably why you are no longer employed by APD.
Sorry but this isn't the mac that i know. the mac that i have known for years served his country and never i mean never would stoop. ok mac doesnt it only take one person to make a difference? think of waht rosa parks did. she stood alone and made a difference for all who followed to enjoy. when a union goes on strike the employees always lose, but those who follow reap the benefits. truckers, coal miners, and so many other employees stood for what was right and made it better for others. now you have to agree with this.
hey vietnam vet.
what are your thoughts since mac is being shy.
do you think a person should be in a position that only has a high school educqtion and at a minimum requires in the fair market a degree for that position.
if so then what incentive does anyone have to go to college if all they need is 12 years of education and a lot of experience in kissing butt. is it all about who kisses butt the best or who is the most qualified? if you owned a company which would you want working for you?
any comments?
thank you’ justin for your comment.but it does not answer the question.
Mac, your credentials speak loudly and you are extremely qualified. so why take up with the bull? you could be much more valuable to another organization. one that appreciates your skills. don’t relinquish yourself for the sake of keeping your command in a happy that is soon to enter a handsome retirement. think of yourself and your family. you know mac it’s tough to stand up for what you believe is right, BUT being true to yourself is a symbol of leadership — one which i believe you have. dont be so tough on yourself. look around at city hall. it has many disqualified people in key positions. you on the other hand are qualified. you have nothing to fear. But the unqualified should. they’ve enjoyed the big salary, posessing nothing more than a high school education. they are in positions that should have at the very least a Bachelors degree.
Why fix what isn’t broken. A couple disgruntled former employees are just that and nothing more. The only thing we should be discussing with this transitional team is what’s best for Aberdeen. Not what’s best for this single person or for personal vandettas. I appoligize to everyone, it seems the BS from the PD is dominating the site again. I will refrain from posting about the political climate in Aberdeen. I think everyone can see for themselves from the other ramblings.
I look forward to other thought provoking subjects from the Dagger.
HMMM, must be speaking of the trouble making and incompetent human resources director. She needs to go and so do many of the other trouble makers too!
Mac, I knew you shut up as soon as your called out its typical of you.
I would much rather do my talking in the proper forum and not publish anonymous posting on a web site. If you know me so well, then step up and be a man about things. You know me, so come talk to me. I would respect that so much more.
Is Punisher your name on the transition team too? The people get the government they deserve, even if they didn't elect them into office, right Punisher?
Punisher will win. He knows how to obfuscate. He knows how to tap dance and dazzle them with his BS. Just because he can't use facts is no reason to malign him. Face facts he's just getting even for having been treated the way he deserves.
hey punisher I work for the city come find me and punish me i would really like to meet you in person but i know youwould not do that you are scared of the real world crawl back under your rock little boy
I don't know mac.but it would appear he has some very' good credentials.I would hope he is useing them to the best of his ability. I also agree the police department pop's up on a regular basis, on this forum. I'am sure the guy's& gal's that work there get tired of being center of attention.only when there seem's to be internal conflict.I suspect they follow and old marine slogan.
we take care of our own….
vietnam vet–right on! its time to stand up and be accounted. if you have the job that you deserve then so be it. if you are in a job and lack the credentials then I would only worry that i may be inevitably one day be looking for another job. and during your job search, the market can be selective to require crediential accompanied by experience. bottom line–college education and experience in key positions, anything else is a gift. and if you lack a college education, the market doesnt factor in kissing butt.
or other things either…thats right eraser.
right people n the right places will change alot
hey punisher
how can you be a director of human resourses and only have a high school education. even an administrator requires a bachelors in the field. a director requires a masters. check it out on the internet.
DaddyRabbit writes like fred…obfuscate and malign? Go sell a policy or two.
Someone obviously has a problem with some folks who don't hold degrees having positions they don't think they deserve.
Well I personally do have a degree (and no don't work for APD or any Aberdeen agency) but can tell you I work with plenty who hold multiple degrees and are completely incompetent.
" talking in the proper forum and not publish anonymous posting" read what you wrote. it doesnt even sound like you.
what happened to mac? are you that insecure in your job?
reality check.
come on man. look at the classified. they all want degrees for entry level positions. they want the degree to make sure that the person they hire can do basic math, algerbra, geometry, statistic, economics and the liberal arts list goes on and on. this degree only shows the employer that they have an average intellegence and thought process. that means they took the SAT and got at a minimum to get into a 1/2 decent college a 800+.
If the employee can get a degree, the employer can teach them the traits of the business because they know the employee is capable of learning and knows the basics.
can we agree on this?
not always so bit i think what you wrote is generally the rule
so why has aberdeen accepted nothing but the best that they could buy? dont the employees and people deserve the best.
what else is there?
Definately not always the case. I personally work with someone who holds a masters degree and not only can't learn but is a complete fake and liar and uses other people to do work they get credit for. Worked for a while until everyone caught on to the manipulation and lies. Fortunately or unfortunately in most companies and organizations once someone is hired, you are pretty much stuck with the person until a lengthy process plays out.
Point being a degree is only as good as the integrity and work ethic of the person holding it. Many can get degrees by cheating. Many others can learn whats in a book but haven't the faintest clue about applying anything to meaningful work.
On the flip side, I have had the pleasure of working with lots of individuals who don't have a college degree but have gained tremendous skills and knowledge through self initiated studies, non credit training and lengthy work experiences and have proven to be excellent contributors and people I have learned a lot from.
bottom line is you can't judge book by its cover and you can't judge a person by their degree or lack of one. The degree argument alone isn't very compelling.
on what aberdeen pays for what they do they should have better in some cases
gee after eading the first paragraph i thought you worked for rudy
why did you invest 4 years into higher education?
you sound like a competent person so why did you waste 4 years of your life to get a degree. think…you could have had 4 years in making money. so why did you do it reality?
be a perpetual student it is much better for u and everyone else
eraser what do you think of the transition advisory team idea
come on reality.
hang a certificate from the dollar store on the wall is equivalent to a degree? there are many people out there who have a degree (book smarts) and experience in their field. as an employer why not want both?
I believe in education. I chose to acquire my education the traditional way. I was blessed with a mind that enabled me to go on full scholarship, so why not? Others aren't afforded the same choice for a variety of reasons. Some learn in other ways also.
My degree got me in the door, true. But it was what I did after that that enables me success in my career.
I don't like it when people lump me in the same category with everyone else who holds the same degree. At the same time I don't like it when good qualified people are judged poorly simply because the don't have that piece of paper.
Since I dont' know who you are having an issue with I can't say if they are or are not competent. I just don't think that you can make the case that they are not simply because they don't have a degree or someone else IS more competent because they do.
What about a doctor. When you are sick–don't you want the doctor to have graduated from med shool?
I'm not even going to mention your dentist or lawyer or teachers.
Not all jobs are the same. Some can be achieved successfully by coming up through the ranks if the person is able to get in the door without a degree.
If the person in question is fulfilling a CPA type role, you may have a case. But then, was it the college degree or passing the CPA exam that demonstrated their abilities? We can just leave that as a rhetorical question and get back to the topic of article I suppose.
Here's some more Reality–engineers especially your PE's because without the PE they can't stamp approval on drawings………ooops you can't obtain a PE until you have a degree in engineering–another difficult degree to obtain.
Nurses–don't you want the nurse to know about the drug before they inject you with it? Yup, requires a degree.
Gee what about police. i surely would want the officer who is protecting me to first know how to shoot a gun and go thru the academy. If he didn't then it would just be another guy on the streets with a sawed off shot gun.
get your foot in the door. hmmmm. i guess it comes down to who you know THEN what you know.
ok i guess ill give you that.
reality I agree just a plain old willingness to learn and do your best takes the place of any old wall rag for sure but i think the issue here is competency there is none
You have made my point with your words. We are all gifted and are all capable of learning. Learning may be an easy road for some, but most it is much work. BUT, a person chooses as you did to invest in himself for a better future.
As you said, your degree places your foot in the door. Once in the door, the choice is yours if you climb the corporate ladder. BUT, the degree gives you the option to climb. That’s what disguishes college graduates from others. The degree offers you the choice.
Can we agree on this?
I agree that there are a few who can climb that ladder without a degree, but not many, atleast on merit. Think about a CPA. The CPA exam is one of the most difficult exams to pass. So are you saying that you would prefer a high school graduate to audit your books instead of a person with a degree in accounting and who passed the CPA exam just because they have merit?
What does all this have to do with the transition team? Maybe they should all have PHDs too.
Not much other than a response to the comment "if you have the job that you deserve then so be it. if you are in a job and lack the credentials then I would only worry that i may be inevitably one day be looking for another job. and during your job search, the market can be selective to require crediential accompanied by experience. bottom line–college education and experience in key positions, anything else is a gift. and if you lack a college education, the market doesnt factor in kissing butt." which infers to me that people who don't hold degrees may be targetted by the transition team.
And I agree with the sentiment about their credentials. If they are going down that road, they should at least have some creditials of their own of equal if not greater value, along with some logical reason for what each of them brings to the table that is in the best interest of the city and not other agendas.
too true reality – Mayor Bennett promised us an open government – I would like to see the resumes of the transition team members – weren't they supposed to provide those to be put on the team?
Denu has nothing more than a GED. He quit to take college courses on-line. Does that make him qualified?
You have just wowed me!
I can't believe the way you interpreted what I wrote. Why does everything written on this blog have to be directed at someone? What does anything that I wrote have to be directly or indirectly about a transition team? Who cares about the transition team. I was only telling you that I admire young people, like us, who invest in their future and I admire it when their investment pays off.
I really thought that you understood.
fyi – I couldn't agree more, but I wouldn't hold your breath. So far it seems that there is no accountability to anyone but the transition team itself and a few select individuals with what seem to be personal agendas. If there are really no agendas you would think a mayor that ran on the trust platform would want to go above and beyond to assure everything was on board. Instead, the first order of business at the council meeting gave the definate appearance of a political favor…although it may have been on the up and up, if the mayor cared at all about the obvious impression it would give he would at least have SAID something about it like Brian mentioned in the other article.
considering the topic of the blog itself and the refernce to 'kissing butt', and your other posts about people at city hall that you don't think deserve their jobs, I dont think my interpretation was that far of a jump. If I mistook your implication, I apologize. However, I can't dismiss the obvious air of a witch hunt that this whole 30 member transition team brings. With nothing more than names and titles and no explanation of what specific facts they are in search of, its hard to see it as something positive.
Reality check hits the nail on the head. Anyone who thinks Helton's team is there for the good of the City needs to take a look at this great bridge I have for sale. Punishment, and management by retribution are back!
Punishment and Management by retribution is not back it IS what APD is NOW!
You are obviously part of the transition team. But don't get to comfortable there. Your world is about to get alot smaller. Guess should have expected it, your friends are getting tired of your backstabbing and are turning on you Rick.
Yes, you are very much NOT in the Know with your answer and your perfect name. No, I am certainly not part of any transition team whatsoever. Very paranoid, you are. I am however someone who does know the truth!
Getting back to the central subject matter, can anyone please explain why there is a 30 person transition team? There are 14,000 residents give or take and a 30 person transition team for a government that was designed to allow for a strong city manager to run the city day to day. A 30 person transition team, as I recall the mayor of Baltimore had a 20 person transition team and they have a good 600,000 residents. Is this what the "majority" voted for? According to what I read the part-time mayor would be a part-time mayor with a hands off approach and quick and smooth transition. Mid-January is not quick. 30 person transition team is not smooth.
According to what mouthpieces said with Mr. Bennett standing there grinning and well within earshot, he is going to lower property taxes and water and sewer rates. You don't need a 30 person transition team for that. The plan (that I asked for time and time again and NOBODY could provide) should have been all worked out and ready to go so that the mayor could have a quick and smooth transition and get right down to business so that the tax breaks and reductions could take place as 2008 rolls in. NOT SO, this 30 person transition team has until mid-January so review should take no more than 10 working days (part-time mayor at 2 days per week) which could take us in to March. I think that The Dagger needs to take a poll on how many Bennett supporters now feel duped.
I doubt the water &sewer rates will be's becomeing a fact' your property value is becomeing lower.and that did not need a a 30 man transition team to take place. the town workers needed a raise.the police needed new car's etc. $7.00 dollars to save the bay. tacked to the water bill. and the truth is theres no saveing the bay it's hopeless. I can only assume this transition group is from all walk's of life except the poor.
Why would any Bennett supporters feel duped I heard he was planning on hiring all of them to do some odd end jobs here and there to.
Since you brought up Water & Sewer Rates! They are GOING UP! That's right, remember you herd it here first! Everyone at City Hall already knows about this, it's miracle it hasn't come out yet.
Why is that someone who knows the truth has to hide behind made up names? Becasue they are on the transition team silly. (For now anyway) The heat is about to get turned up! Keep an eye on the Dagger next week for another installment of Rick Denu has a hard on for the Police!
not in the know.
it's a rumor until it becomes a fact….
my blood pressure is up to day' and likely' to stay that way if they raise the water bill's again.
I'm sorry to hear that vietnam vet. I wish it wasn't true, but like I said everyone at City Hall is talking about it. Looks like S Fred was right after all. I just feel so disapointed with Bennett and it's only been a few weeks.
well there was mention of a petition, I can tell you' there are going to be some very' up set citizens. rick denu stiring up a stink?
No, Denu just has threats but it's turning out that he embellished on some of the problems he's been speaking out about. Believe me when I tell you that all of this will come back to haunt him in the very near future. Keep an open mind and read the papers in the next few weeks good stuff coming out!
Anyway, if you are getting a petition together post some information on where we can sign it. Looks the Citizens really need to be herd on this one!
Why is everything about Rick Denu? Who has got the hard on for who?
Man I just got home and just love all the lies that posted again today.
Water and Sewer rates are going up? B.S. The transition team is going afoul. More B.S.
Looks like the dirty little nay sayers are up to it again. I for one am glad that there is a group of persons looking into how this crooked bunch have been running this place believe me ive seen it myself.
Half the place should be canned they couldnt find their way if a butt wasnt in front of them to kiss or a back to stab.
Not in the know. ive been around longer than Denu. just what embellishments are u talkin about. i haveny read anythin he's written that wasnt true.
As for friends at apd I can tell nobody is friend there they all just use each other for the most part. but there are a few.
I couldn't resist..the "gypsies in the palace" song comes to mind everytime I think about what is going on with this adminstration so far…so, here is my version.
Enjoy, or go ahead and blast me….
I have heard that some of the greatest scams of all times have
Been at city hall- now that Fred isn’t there…
"in days of old, when citizens were bold,
And voted Simmons from city hall,
A few sly men were left behind,
transition team and all.
They helped themselves to political favors,
And made vengeful plans of mallice.
Oh, it was a stirring sight
These gypsies in the palace.
and some things never change……!
So long Fred, knock 'em dead, don't worry 'bout a thing
Don’t worry about that bell you bought – no longer will it ring
Truck’s right here, your box is packed, the billboard’s been defaced
Me and Art will run the town like it was our very own place!
Look at all these rumors
Look at all this “TRUST”
Lets form a great big transition team
cuz hands off is a must!
But the good stuff's yet to come, when it ends its gonna suck
But election day’s two years away – the people are out of luck
We're gypsies in the palace, but we’re not here alone
The 30 man transition team will now assume the throne
We’re in charge of all the money, people better not fight
We're gypsies in the palace, we got it all tonight
We're gypsies in the palace, there ain't no wrong or right
We're gypsies in the palace, and a' goin' wild tonight
Is there an age requirement for posting? If there was (is) maybe the childish rants would stop?
To Quote "Brother King"……Can't we all just get along ?
Town Poet,
Cool writing. It almost sounds like the lyrics of a song I once heard, with a few alterations.
Did you write it or semi-plagarize it?
I used its inspiration – a spoof, ya know? The song (I mentioned it in my post) was definatley my starting point. Its been playing in my head every time I read about the goings on lately.
You sound very skeptical and insecure. Not sure why — as you said, you have the credientials and received a fully-funded scholarship for your intellect. Now you make me wonder.
Could you be one of those people that you described in a previous post that has the paper and doesn't know squat?
The point that I was trying to make was in todays market employers can expect to hire the best. Not just Aberdeen but all businesses. They can afford, if they pay well, to hire a person with the appropriate education and knowledge. It's my understanding that Aberdeen pays its employees very well.
Don't trust me. Do your homework. Before you judge what I say, do some investigating. See what some of the employees are paid – in key positions – and if they have the appropriate qualifications.
If I'm wrong and you can prove me wrong, then I will be the first to admit it. But, we must be honest in our evaluation.
Water and sewer rates will either go up or go down. If they go up then Bennett lied, his mouthpieces lied, and the sham will begin to unravel. If water and sewer goes down, and other infrastructure does not suffer, then Bennett is the genius. If water and sewer stay the same then that means that Fred was right all along.
The same goes for the Aberdeen property tax.
I don't need a 30 person transition team to evaluate and re-evaluate. I need a mayor and city council that are receptive at city council meetings and a strong city manager to oversee. I need a strong head of the PD and a strong head of DPW. I admit that I got spoiled having a full time mayor.
If Aberdeen is such a chaotic big city then Bennett should be a full timer, if it's not and he can be a part timer then there is no need for a 30 person transition team. It's quite simple. Aberdeen fuctioned fine under Simmons with a little tweak needed here and thered but it apparently didn't suit Mr. Helton et al as the Simmons/ Helton bandwagon didn't roll on too long. It seems that Mr. Bennett was the perfect patsy to see that the Helton agenda could stay it's course.
BRAC, Ripken Stadium, Water and Sewer, and a hotel tax should be on the agenda first and foremost. If they are not, shame on this administration. Instead of worrying about a bell or listening to disgruntled former employees the business at hand should be addressing the 4 major issues.
I dare say that myself and other residents of Aberdeen that I talk to are beginning to think that Art Helton is really the mayor and that shouldn't be, he wasn't on the ballot and if Mr. Bennett can not do an effective job without the backing of Helton or the Big Dem machine then shame on him, he should have stayed off of the ballot too.
I am skeptical, but not insecure. I assure you I know a lot and have much success in my chosen career to prove it. I have no reason to be insecure, as I am not in any positon to be affected by this transition team. I am however, as others are as well, very leery of the motives of this transition team and question the true motives at play.
I am fully aware of the credentials required for key positions, and regardless of pay, would expect Aberdeen to set those same requirements for new hires into those positions – some level of 'proof' of knowledge is needed as a minimum or else any organization could fall prey to people with the power of BS (oh and I have known a few that have gone very far that way – it is disgusting!)
My point in all of this was if you have people already holding positions, regardless of if they hold the degree the going market requires or not, they COULD be competent anyway. If they are not, the proof of their incompetance should be the only reason they shold worry, not their lack of degree. Some how they managed to convince someone they were qualified for the job.; If they didn't prove that, they should worry, but if they DID prove they could do the job, I don't think it woud be fair or in anyone's best interest to remove them.
Just because I don't agree with you doesnt mean I don't know 'squat'.
And just because I think the transition team may be on a witch hunt, doesn't mean I am insecure. I happen to believe in fairness whether I am directly affected or not. (which I am not in anyway in this case)
You wrote, "If Aberdeen is such a chaotic big city then Bennett should be a full timer, if it’s not and he can be a part timer then there is no need for a 30 person transition team. It’s quite simple. Aberdeen fuctioned fine under Simmons with a little tweak needed here and there"
I agree that Aberdeen with BRAC coming needs a full time Mayor. What Aberdeen doesn't need is Helton or the City Manager running the city. So what's the answer RWINGER?
Can we agree that Simmons could have been a two term mayor but wasn't because he lost his focus. He was consumed with public safety. Public safety is one aspect of leading a government but there are many facet in running a city. Simmons consumed himself and got sucked into a vaccum that was self-inflicted. Ultimately, he forgot about the public as a whole.
Can we agree that Bennett needs to take the bull by the horns and start leading this City?
I couldn't have written it better! Well said.
I too have nothing to gain by watching the circle unfold. Guess it's just another episode. We keep going round and round never finding the end. What a cruel game.
Eraser: I do believe that we are on the same page. I would venture further down the path to say that Simmons went after public safety because that's where the attention was needed. I agree that when the ducks were in row he should have backed off a little and shifted focus on matters other than annexation. Perhaps that's where the fatal flaw was, I suppose that we will never know. What has me ticked is that right now with transition team crap and Helton's name popping up constantly is that they seem to be putting out a vibe that Aberdeen under Fred was all wrong or that all things Fred are wrong and I think that you'll agree wasn't the case. With that in mind it seems that Aberdeen is in a sort of limbo. No changes (for better or worse) until sometime after mid-January, no real decisions until sometime after mid-January, and no direction until sometime after mid-January. I don't know about you but I don't think it's fair to any department heads of agencies, any employees of Aberdeen, and most certainly isn't fair to the tax paying residents of Aberdeen.
Town Poet, I don't know you but I love ya already! That last post is pure genius. Keep up the good work.
Nice to see you back Punisher, we needed the comic relief.
Can someone please tell me HONESTLY why the City of Aberdeen needs a 30 person transition team?
The AEGIS or RECORD reported last week Bennett took off work (MSP) to spend time at City Hall. In that week, I wonder if he ever went to DPW/Waste Water to meet the employees (introduce himself)? I surveyed three people from the City Administration and they were introduced to Mayor Bennett during that week. Mayor Bennett, a retired police officer HAS YET to come introduce himself to his "BROTHERS." Why?
why i think you need a panel of people to analize the city functions. because its been run not by policies but by what i think is right and get in my way and i'll screw ya.
bring in a group of volunteers (which some were urged to join from department heads themselves to protect themselves)no pay. no favors.just good people trying to let the mayor and council know just what has been going on.
how they fix that is their business and i dont think a month is a long time to wait considering the magnitude of the operations.
grow up.
Maybe he doesn't know what to say to his "brothers" after all the bashing he did.
Any other proof needed that the "Punisher" is Denu?
The Gestapo tactics of the transition team are becoming apparent.
Punisher, will Jason be tried for treason against the new administration? Under the Helton/Bennett tyrannical regime will you be the Judge and Jury?
You all have it confused. The Gestapo was the previous administration. My way or the Screwed Highway.
Just remember, what goes around comes around. Everyone has to answer at some time for their actions. We shall see.
jason. maybe its because you and your new little crew have been bad mouthing him since he began his run.
your a little traitor too.
Something to keep in mind, from our friends at Wikipedia:
Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies) is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.
Godwin's law is often cited in online discussions as a caution against the use of inflammatory rhetoric or exaggerated comparisons, especially fallacious arguments of the reductio ad Hitlerum form.
The rule does not make any statement as to whether any particular reference or comparison to Hitler or the Nazis might be appropriate, but only asserts that one arising is increasingly probable. It is precisely because such a comparison or reference may sometimes be appropriate, Godwin has argued[4] that overuse of Nazi and Hitler comparisons should be avoided, because it robs the valid comparisons of their impact. Although in one of its early forms Godwin's law referred specifically to Usenet newsgroup discussions,[5] the law is now applied to any threaded online discussion: electronic mailing lists, message boards, chat rooms, and more recently blog comment threads and wiki talk pages.
proud to be seen in aberdeen? not like’ly. head’s are going to roll,first of the year? most like’ly.change’s for the better? hard to say’.I will say’in the 30 years I have been in aberdeen the squabbling has increased dramaticly as far as elections go.
so we have a staduim we can’t afford.we did’nt have space, for the department of motor vehicle’s.
we have walmart. so does everybody. a post office, that’s pathetic. try haver de grace you will love it. a police department. that supposely is in a state of depression.I guess next will be the fire department.
a train station that is in need of some major improvement.and we are getting ready for brac.? people the mayor and council can’t stop fighting long enough to accomplish anything.leave the leader ship alone, unless there is major bungling get them out.
vietnam vet you make some very good points! Remeber they didn’t want motor vehicles up at beardshill rd becasue it would increase traffic. So let’s build two shopping centers instead they said. And the post office is a dump, no handicap access. And the train station is another dump. Brac people must be crazy to want to come here.
so much, for godwin’s law.we hope the brac people, are not reading this. or it’s like’ly those with family’s. will think twice about comeing to aberdeen.
there only appears to be a few’regular poster’s here. you have to wonder how many read this blog.
I can say’ aberdeen has carryed a bad name for many’ years. being transplanted here from oh no! yes bel air. some say’ the rail way is to blame I doubt it. less take a look at the low income houseing. bel air is constantly fighting. the pink palace. now known as washington park. under a name change again. baldwin manor. here a name change. north deen same name. presently being sold to private owners. church green. dell grove name change.was holy family house. swan meadows. being sold to private owners. magnolia farm’s. that’s a lot of low income houseing.most often public assistance’s not saying much for the support of the town. and then we wonder why it’s known as L/A lower aberdeen.
It was the people that voted him in, not the 30 man transition team. It was the people that voted your very successful Insurance salesman out, not the 30 man transition team. How many votes did he get? How many votes did Bennett get? Stop all your crying and complaining. I agree this all should be happening much faster than it is, but it is what it is. Perhaps if you had issue with this man or some of the council members, more people would have been out working the campaign trails with thier respective candadate and not whining in little circles. The people got what they asked for, right? Give the man a break. S. Fred did not make his moves the first month either.
Have any one of you tried to approach the man to confront your issues? Probably not. Have any one of you thought to email him your concerns or issues? Probably not. No, you will just whine and complain in the new age way of gossiping via these blogs. I, love this idea (The Dagger) and in no way am I saying this is not a good idea, I just think along with voicing your opinions here, perhaps going to the source would help solve these matters, or at least allowing your opinions and issues to be heard from the source in which you are directing.
This is the problem. No one has the guts to confront directly.
If you see another change in 2009, I only hope you are hot on the trails supporting your candadate day and night. Long days, long nights, no weekends are yours. It involves a great deal of dedication, commitment and courage. A great many love to talk, but I don't see too many people able to step up the plate to put themselves out there. It is a cruel world.
Next time perhaps you all will use your efforts in a better direction and not sit around complaining and just watching everyone else do the work.
Remember, the people still do have the power. Give it a rest. We can all make this a miserable two years, or if you grow up, this can be a two years of needed change and growth in preparation for some pretty important deals coming soon.
Yea Rick, I should've. In 2009 I will.
no harm done. I understood the question. sometimes with limited time you can't ask a lot of question's.but I never expected to hear' steve will be here in a minute. he's in now so we will see what he can do.
it's more likely what his transition team can do.
Yup, I think Helton and Johnson are making the calls. ANd there are probably a few behind the scenes. It's not Helton or Johnson that I would focus on but those who are working and have been working behind the scenes. They are the most dangerous and if you look closely transparent.
Helton and Johnson wouldn't know anything unless the people behind the scenes were directing them. They would be powerless because knowledge is power. So someone has to be giving them the knowledge.
Helton and Johnson………two people that know very little about the Aberdeen government and yet believe they are in power. Man, that's government at its best! But we are not stupid.
Hey does anyone know why hiob was crying the blues in the record newspaper editiorial this week because he didnt get elected as council president? come on, hiob went from the biggest vote winner to squeaking in as a councilman. we know he says he has all this knowledge and thats why he should be council president. not sure what knowledge hes talking about unless its following simmons coattails. we cant forget when hiob worked really hard in the last election to defeat the police referendum. he cheered against the police when they read the results. last year simmons tried his best to get the police to like hiob but i really don't think that we can forget. we are sworn law enforcement agents and hiob will never understand our code.
“In The Know”: You called the previous administration “the Gestapo.” Their way or the “screwed highway.” Lets see here…any good businessman takes that kind of approach. If S. Fred allowed people to walk on him when he built his VERY SUCCESSFUL business, his business would be no more, now would it? S. Fred spoke to all employees that wanted to speak to him, cannot say that about the current or pre-Simmons administration.
All should sit back and wait. See what happens. Give Mr. Bennett time and chance. If he is not what you expected or want, November 2009 you have the power.
I see another change not only with the Mayor, but with a few on the council as well in 2009!
as a matter of fact, I personally confronted mr bennett on his campaign trail all I got out of the man’ was steve johnson is around the corner. he should be here in a minute.
that’s fine mr bennett is he running for mayor? the people have very’ little say after it’s over. a tend some council meeting’s. they act as tho they are bored to misery.
don’t ask us we don’t know.
let us see.what the people have done. somebody’ mentioned a petition.might be agood Idea after the first of the year.
the people voted, for what appeared to be the lesser of the two evil’s. I’am surprised they were that gullible. mr bennett show’s his weakness. by gathering strong personality’s about him. art helton steve johnson ( rick denu for you in 2009 etc.
Come on Rick, ‘I mean In the Know’, Mayor Bennett is nowhere to be found. And you are right, I will be out with a candidate next time. I wish I would’ve went out last time. I don’t like this puppet city government.
Again, In the Know is NOT Rick Denu. It is not possible. He is most definetely a Man and a fine one at that . It is not humanly possible for In the Know to be Rick Denu! What part of this don’t you understand as I have said this a few times before. And yes, Mr. Vietnam Vet, I agree, Rick Denu is for You in 2009, no doubt about that! I have talked with him at length and he remains very focused on running again in two years. I asked him many, many questions and he has never waivered even against all odds (from people like you). I have the utmost respect for this man. He is a nice person and easy to talk with. He has true compassion and concern for this City. I am glad you confronted Mr. Bennett as now you are able to make and informed decision not like some of these other bozo’s who make their decisions on others word and less than factual information.
Not in the Know (couldn’t be a better name for yourself), if you don’t like this so called puppet city government, why wait which is typical of you windbags, why not do something now? Wah, wah, wah. Could a, should a’, would a’s must be your motto.
Sorry about the previous post, Mr. Vietnam Vet. In referring to “people like yourself”, I meant Mr. Not in the Know.
In the Know is either Denu or Jansen…it's obvious. When they wrote "it is what it is" they are the only 2 I've heard use that term regularly. The FOP has attempted to contact Bennett, twice and both times he has not responded to them. His choice. There are some pretty smart people there with many contacts and friends, some of which have influence and power well above any small government. I know they will wait and see the methods of this team and at the first sight something's fishy…By the way JB, still going strong? HA, whatever, more lies. How long were you a "marine" again? Oh, that's right, you weren't. You just got some tattoos and told everybody you were and then got a set of blues from a second hand store or Ebay and wore them at your wedding. You disgust me and anyone who ever wore the uniform.
This is exactly why you all are in this dilemma you are in. Now In the Know is either Denu or this Jansen person. Wrong, wrong, wrong again! I guess in your small little circles there would be only two people that would say something only because you heard it. See how SMALL minded you all are? Again, it is humanly impossible for In the Know to be Denu or this Jansen (assuming he is a man). Do you get it? Probably not. I only hope you are not in charge of investigations as what a mess that would be with your very, very far off base comments, inaccurate assumptions and downright lies. After all, commenting, "In the know is either Denu or Jansen", is a downright lie because it simply is not true. Get off of it and remember there is a whole other world out there guys, try to exist in it, or can you when you don't have your buddies around feeding off one another. You are like a pack of wolves. Do I need to explain that one too?
original punisher.
punisher it's alway's, disturbing to hear there is a wanna be in town. be it ( marine) or any other branch of the service.
we often shed' blood sweat & tears for the title, u.s. marine.
the weakling's were culled from boot camp. another process of culling took place in vietnam.again the weaker were removed. sent to supply. chow hall etc. what was left was a mixture of.poor black & hispanic'
from all walk's of life. a machine gunner's life expectancy was 5 second's in a fire fight with the ( NVA) north vietnamese army.if this man is not what he say's he is he disgrace's our men and women in uniform.
semper- fi
Baby, I'm going to sine your pitty on the runny kine! Sa da tay!
The FOP can't save the Chief.
And the Mayor can't save your job either. Nice knowing you liar!
The string of successes keep coming for the Aberdeen Communities Together group. As if booting Simmons and Yensan from office and installing a handful of its members on Bennett's transition team wasn't enough, the citizens activisit group was apparently awarded First Place for the float the group constructed and entered in last weekend's Aberdeen Christmas Street Parade. I'm not sure what the ACT float looked like, but apparently it involved Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby.
Cheap Shot Alert: Anyone know if Art Helton's Transition Team was in charge of judging the floats?
Who cares? Move onto something else already.
my thought's also brian' no one know's for sure what's going on in aberdeen.if it's under handed. it happen's in aberdeen.
I did'nt see the float either. somebody' will stop by and in lighten us I'am sure.
Is the group called ACT or ACT UP?
Shorty why are you so quck to change to subject. why doesnt anyone want to talk about management. isnt that where it all begins.
I agree Shorty. Transition teams look at what works and what doesn't. Who knows what the team will learn.
Did anyone bother to know that the same group won last year – second prize and Fred was Mayor. Now what do you have to say?
Hello? BRAC, water, taxes. Can't think outside of that small little circle, can we?
oooh ouch dotcom…
seems like shorty and a few others might be shorty on time
The ONLY person shorty on time is the Marine wannabe. Some of our finest have documented proof of threats made against some of them by a certain member of the mayor's transition team. Things could get interesting but I'm betting that when it's all over not much changes. With the exception of a small splinter group the troops are united and are too smart for all of this nonsense.
Oh let's see the "documented proof" The only small splinter group is you and you full of crap.
Nice try though
who is this infamous marine wanna be anyway…[edited]
Or mabe [edited]?
Aberdeen Citizen
you sure are right about management
Why the Marine wanna be is none other than JB! Soon to be former employee, and hopefully [edited by admin]
Am I full of crap Rick, I mean Punisher, about the proof? We shall see.