It looks like Gov. Martin O’Malley has backed off a proposal to implement a two-tier system of driver’s licenses in Maryland that would have created one license for documented, legal citizens and another identification card for undocumented, illegal immigrants.
Instead, the state will implement a system by 2010 complying with the federal Real ID standards requiring proof of citizenship prior to issuance of a driver’s license. Once in place, anyone applying for a driver’s license in Maryland will need to produce a birth certificate, Social Security card, passport or other valid forms of identification available only to citizens of America.
Maryland is one of only seven states that does not require proof of legal citizenship and some have said it’s become a haven for illegal immigrants. In fact, I’m told Maryland’s Motor Vehicle Administration processes 2,000 out-of-country appointments for licenses each week.
The two-tier system would have granted driver’s licenses to those who could provide documentation of citizenship and a secondary license to those who could not, which would have at least addressed some of the federal government’s safety concerns.
The day before O’Malley backtracked and distanced himself from the two-tier system, Harford County state Sen. Nancy Jacobs, a Republican representing the southern District 34, issued the governor’s office a strongly-worded letter recommending he abandon pursuit of the two-tier approach.
January 15, 2008
The Honorable Martin O’Malley
100 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
Honorable Governor O’Malley:
It is my understanding that your Administration has proposed a two-tiered drivers license system in an effort to comply with the federal Real ID Act of 2005. I strongly urge you to change your mind on the two-tier system because we need to protect Marylanders and all Americans from the very real security risks and terrorism we face.
You may recall that one of the 9-11 hijackers was stopped by a Maryland State Trooper. His visa had expired, but his driver’s license was still valid. The trooper had to let him go. We can’t let this happen again.
I recognize your interest in homeland security and I hope that you would keep with the conceptual framework adopted by the 9-11 Commission; a two-tiered system is in sharp contrast to the commission’s adopted report.
Maryland should not knowingly provide legal documentation to people operating outside of our laws. It represents a clear security threat. I would hope that you recognize this and withdraw your two-tier system. Hopefully we can work together to come up with a compliant measure that does not flaunt valid security concerns.
Nancy Jacobs
State Senator
A day later, I’m certain the Jacobs camp is happy with the outcome and O’Malley’s change of heart.
Ever try to slide into the Bel Air MVA office when they open, to “beat the crowds”? It’s been a while since I’ve been down there at opening, but they were trucking vanloads of “persons of various citizenship” there to get their MD ID. They’re stackin ’em deep and sellin ’em cheap.
Personnel at the MVA were instructing people to run up the street to Best Buy and apply for a credit card to establish address documentation.
It may wind up costing us $8.00 more for a Drivers License, but anything is better than just giving anyone with a pen and $25.00 an identification.
Hey!! Martin O’Malley really IS a Leprechaun! The graphic in the story has him at 5’4″ and 140. SWEEEEET!! They’re always after me Lucky Charms!!!
I was hoping someone would notice that. I could find his birthdate easily enough, but wasn’t even going to mess with trying to get his height and weight right. And no, that isn’t my height and weight either…I weigh at least 150 now.
Ha, I forgot I share the same birthday as our new Governor. Different year, of course…
Nothing escapes the eyes of a trained observer…..
Not even the California Driver License used in the background ;)!!
Jumping Jesus on a Pogostick, this whole thing reeks of delusional xenophobia.
So now, instead of starting an administrative system that would start to keep track of exactly who is here and driving, we throw up a big ol’ ‘Mericuns Only! sign. How are we any safer now?
The illegal immigrants are HERE. They are not leaving, never ever EVER. They are marrying into our society, and their kids are going to our schools. They have started their own churches and frickin sports leagues.They are never going to not be here, end of story, whether you like it or not. No matter what freaky draconian- too little too late-right wing appeasing-but-spineless measures get thought up.
And triple dog shame on Nancy Jacobs for the 9-11 trooper story, which is A. Not at all related, and B. Tasteless, and C. Just plain offensive to intelligence in general. “Maryland should not knowingly provide legal documentation to people operating outside of our laws. It represents a clear security threat. ” Clear? CLEAR?? What is so fricking clear? The 9-11 hijackers GOT HERE LEGALLY, they had visa’s! Some of them expired, but what’s that got to do with drivers licenses?
Plus, btw Ms Jacobs, remind me, how many of the hijackers were hispanic? How many international terrorists are hispanic? 9-11, umm, no. Saudis. First WTC bombing, umm, no. Saudis again. Oklahoma City, umm, no, McVeigh/Nichols, white boys. “Clear security threat”, right.
Ok, I’m a little fired up here, clearly. But this kind of closet racism, and that is exactly what it is, makes me sick.
Anyone who thinks that the illegals are not ruining this country need only to go to any construction site and hear all the spanish being spoken. Someone has got to do something to get them out of here.
What are you saying Mike? Spanish = Illegal? Or you don’t want Spanish-speaking folks building your house? Or you actually speak Spanish and have been busy translating terrorist plots at construction sites?
You mean the construction site where they are physically building our country? Like the Chinese immigrants who laid the rail lines, or the European immigrants who planted the tobacco?
“Someone has got to do something to get them out of here.” Listen Mike, the time for that is just gone. It’s past. Maybe if 50 years ago we’d built a fence, maybe it could’ve been done. But the hispanics are here, they are your neighbors from now on. That is the way it is. Deal.
valid security concern’s. I suggest we all go out and buy’ a terrorist detector. a terrorist come’s in all shape’s, size’s & color’s. men women & children. it worked in vietnam and it could work’ here just as well.
just what is and american? how about ellis island? I’am inclined to believe the true american was indian.
so that make’s us so called american’s, unwanted guest’s.yes’ the mexican people are takeing some lower paying job’s.
they have been comeing in to the u.s. for along time, and nothing was said. I’am inclined to believe it’s to late. the next best thing is to try and get them legal.
What Joshua said!
Joshua, I find this hard to compose, but I actually agree with some of your post (sigh). Illegal immigrants are here. Have been here. Will continue to be here. The question becomes “How do we remove the ‘illegal’ part from the equation?” The last time I checked, we aren’t in the business of rewarding illegal behavior.
But, you say, it’s been going on for years, so, stopping it now would be closing the barn door after the horse got out? Burglars have been plying their trade since Og first decided to hang a saber-toothed tiger skin over the mouth of his cave. Does that mean we should just accept that their are burglars among us, just trying to make a living and raise a family?
You want to drive a car. You go to the drivers ed classes, take the tests, take your money to the MVA, take more tests (in English–another post for another topic!!), and get your license. You have complied with the law, which is reasonable to expect.
All anyone is asking here is “comply with the law.” How is that xenophobic?
Back to my original question: How do you take “Illegal” out of “Illegal Immigrant?” Is the answer amnesty? A Stalinesque purge?
I don’t think it’s either one of those, but there has to be something in the middle to start these people toward citizenship. IF that is indeed their goal.
Dell that is very’ well. spoken. it’s been a slow movement, but a steady flow of imigrant’s are being brought in to the u.s.
by those who are all ready here. most often family members shareing apartment’s etc. and there’s money’ to be made transporting them also.
one particular male ( mexican) would disappear aweek or more at a time useing a suv. return with 5 or more relative’s.
he is no longer operateing his service. I suspect he was responsible for bringing 50 or more relatives, to the usa.
Dell, if we are agreeing on an issue, one of us is in trouble!
My point about the law is that it is itself xenophobic. The law now says that only legal citzens can apply for a license to drive. So if you are not a legal citizen, you are SOL.
It is reasonable to comply with the law. But this law is unreasonable, there is no way for the “illegal” to ever become “legal”.
Now I know it looks like I’ve set up the arguement that it is ok to break any laws one might find unreasonable. Have no fear, I have not retuned to my high school dabbling in anarchy and satanism.
I would propose that in light of the highly unusual situation of who knows how many tens of thousands of illegals living in Maryland alone, the law needs to be not broken, but bent. For a few years. Lets get everyone on paper, and make sure they at least know how to drive. This benefits everybody. The illegals take the first steps towards legality and, even better, responsiblity. The roads are safer. The MVA gets some licensing fees.
The new law is just garbage. Fear-mongering exclusionary delusional garbage.
A true sign of the apocalypse, Joshua! Two posts in a row. I agree getting them “on paper” is a great idea. The problem is thus: For the majority of the people effected, the reason they are undocumented now is because they don’t want to go on paper. Which circles nicely back into my point. Why become documented, where this creates a ready reference for ICE to come ‘n git cha? Even those who have taken advantage of MD’s lax ID requirements to this point are STILL breaking Federal law.
Nope. These folks will be satisfied to stay in the shadows, working cash jobs, siphoning services and resources, until something is done at a FEDERAL level to address their status in this country. The ID stuff is a band-aid on a bullet wound.
O’Malley is a joke! I am counting the days until I can vote him out of office. He has taken more money from my wallet than any other politician.
Go back to Baltimore O’Malley! Ooops, I don’t think they want him either.
With his corporate tax ideas and increasing everything under the sun, the State has begun to bleed its citizens. Economic development—–forget it. Who wants to bring a business to MD when they can go to DE. Elderly—–again why would they want to pay our new sales tax when they can go to DE or PA and have their retirement non-taxed and in DE pay no sales tax. I guess O’Malley never took economics in college, or maybe he slept through this class. Before you know it he will tax us for waking up in the morning.
I read in the paper where he is dumping millions in to saving the Bay. Good for him. And who will be left when he puts everyone out of business and increases the unemployment for the state.