It has been a tradition each year in Aberdeen for the city to honor its volunteers with a special night for them – a dinner, ceremony and awards presentation to say ‘Thank You’ to those who dedicate their time and energy to making Aberdeen a better place to live, work and do business.
That tradition was threatened last year when Aberdeen, in the midst of going bankrupt, could scarcely afford to put on the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and, with the economic climate in the city unchanged, it looks like it’s in jeopardy again this year.
Aberdeen’s Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was scheduled for March 27 – scheduled by City Manager Doug Miller, who evidently proceeded with organizing a lavish, $13,000 event without consulting the Mayor and City Council or even determining from where in the city’s budget the money would come. The event was abruptly canceled this week when the City Council learned about the expensive engagement.
Let’s watch how the entire scenario unfolded in the following chain of emails made available to The Dagger.
In the first email, entitled ‘This and That,’ city manager Miller jots down a laundry list of Aberdeen to-do items, which casually includes finding a way to pass a budget amendment to pay for the lavish volunteer celebration:
From: Miller, Doug
To: Bennett, Michael E ; Mike Hiob ; ; RON KUPFERMAN
Cc: Correll, Monica ; Lapinsky, Matthew ; Grover, Phyllis ; Hartman, Theresa ; Jack, Opiribo
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 9:01 AM
Subject: This and That; 2/14/08
- We are proceeding with the Volunteer Dinner. We will need to come to you with a $13,000 budget amendment as this event was not budgeted. We are assuming that this is OK since we have heard from most of you that you want this event. If you have a concern w/ the amendment, please get w/ me ASAP.
- A very old Ford Taurus assigned to PW Admin has died. This car is used by our engineering folks to inspect projects and handle citizen complaints. I’d like to re-assign the Jeep that Matt has to PW Admin and find money to get Matt another 4WD.
- The Mayor, Phyllis and I met w/ Beth Hendricks and Mary Chance of HaCo. Beth handles the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for the County. Harford County is an “entitlement” jurisdiction which means that it gets a set amount of CDBG funds that it can use as it wishes for CDBG eligible projects. We have the option of falling under the County and getting a set appropriation or entering the fray as a competitive jurisdiction. If we compete, we must submit each project to the State and compete against other jurisdictions for whatever pot of money that the State has at the time. There is potentially more money if we compete and are successful, but it is with far more work and risk. We will be asked at some point how we want to proceed w/ CDBG’s; I advise that we stay w/ the County.
- On the legislative front there is the normal flurry of activity in Annapolis. For us, there is a BRAC bill in the works which put more emphasize on Counties than municipalities; there is a hotel/motel tax bill; and there is a gang bill sponsored by Sen. Jacobs. Her bill would allow police agencies to seize property used in gang related activities.
Then, four days later, evidently after the City Council had time to check their inboxes and digest what was being asked of them, Miller sent out a second email, this one in more sober tones as he relays that the city will cancel the March 27 event.
Of greatest interest is the line that I’ve bolded, in which Miller essentially tells the Mayor and City Council how to lie to the volunteers and public to make it seem like a scheduling conflict and not “the concern over the price” was the reason behind calling off the dinner. Shame on you Doug Miller for “offering an excuse” to the city volunteers and us, the public:
From: Miller, Doug
To: ; Mike Hiob ; ; RON KUPFERMAN
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 6:39 PM
Subject: Volunteer Dinner
Due to the concern over the price of the Volunteer Dinner, we will cancel that event for March 27th.
Invitations have already been sent out with specifics to location and menu. Since we have offered those details, it would be difficult to change venue, menu and program on that date.
We will offer the excuse that we have encountered scheduling difficulties and that a dinner and or event will be scheduled at a later date.
Before we embark on our subsequent effort; I will need to know: (1) what are my budget parameters, (2) what sort of gift (if any) do we want to give, and what cost limitations are there, (3) what sort of menu shall we offer.
It didn’t take long, about an hour-and-a-half, for the always verbose councilman Mike Hiob to weigh in with ideas to cut costs – like uninviting members of Bennett and Art Helton’s Transition Team:
From: Michael Hiob
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: Volunteer Dinner
Doug, et al.,
I fully endorse the decision to cancel / postpone at this time. Regarding the invitations that have already been sent, I would suggest that they were sent prematurely. Let’s get our heads together regarding the follow up attempt. We need to answer questions 1-3 as well as 4. (4 would be….WHO we are inviting and who are we paying for?) I think that we should reconsider inviting the transition team AND paying for each volunteer’s guest. (This would help keep the cost down considerably) The regular volunteers dedicate their time all year. This dinner is designed as their thank you. I think is is unfair if the temporary transition team is invited. Remember, it is OUR taxes that are covering this event, and contrary to what some might believe, we don’t have a “champagne budget”. In fact, the City didn’t even offer a Volunteer Appreciation dinner last year due to budgetary constraints!
As Always…Just My Honest Thoughts,
Then, a full 17 hours AFTER city manager Miller announced the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was being canceled, Mayor Bennett checked in with his two-cents – including a proclamation he was calling off the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner right then and there:
From: Bennett, Michael E
To: Michael Hiob ; ; RON KUPFERMAN ; Miller, Doug ; RUTH ANN YOUNG
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: Volunteer Dinner
I think that we whould wait until late spring (when it is warmer) and have a picnic, maybe we can afford that. If the “temporary transition team” should not be invited, that is ok, but don’t minimize the amount of work they accomplished for the City in a very short timeframe. I disagree with charging a spouse of a volunteer, after all they are making a sacrifice by giving up time for the volunteer to work for the City. Lastly, remember we all thought that a volunteer dinner was appropriate but no one including me gave any parameters to the City Manager and his staff on what we wanted. I am instructing the City Manager via this email to cancel this event at this time. We may want to revisit once budget is put together.
MayorMichael E. Bennett, Lt.,Ret.
Electronic Systems Division
Maryland State Police
Finally, Hiob responded via email to Bennett directly and questioned why Miller even bothered to inform the City Council, as the event had already been planned and the invitations printed and mailed, and why Miller didn’t have a rough idea of what the last volunteer dinner cost (I understand it was less than $3,000 and was hosted by Sam Smedley at his Wetlands Golf Course):
From: Michael Hiob []
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: Volunteer DinnerMayor Mike,
Doug should have known an approximate starting parameter due to the fact that he approved the check to pay for the last Volunteer Appreciation Event.
Not only that, he should have checked with ALL of us before attempting
something of this “budget affecting” magnatude. His email soliciting our
opinions went out on Friday, and I contacted both of you on Saturday to set
up our Monday meeting. Why solicit our opinions, when the plans were already made and the invitations sent!? In reality, we didn’t have the opportunity to respond to Doug’s solicitation.My opinion remains the same regarding the transition team. This event has
always been for our annual volunteers that serve year round on committees
that are for the most part “chartered”.My opinoin also remains the same regarding The City paying for a spouse (or
date) to attend with each volunteer. In the past, the cost had been minimal
(around $22.00), and I would pay for Barb to attend with me. Also, I am
against the gift idea. It would probably go unused and therefore would
become a dust collector. Remember, these are “VOLUNTEERS”. They do it
because they want to, not for a dinner or some trivial gift. I served for
MANY years and I was very grateful just to get together with my fellow
volunteers for a relaxing evening, good food and conversation. I know that
we can do a nice event in a location with “atmosphere”, without spending
anywhere near the amount of money that was proposed to be spent. Why try to “fix” something that isn’t “broke”?Councilman Mike
So there you have it. The dinner was arranged, scheduled and advertised before Miller finally decided to ask around for the $13,000 needed to put on the party.
Now the event is canceled and who knows what the volunteers will end up with – aside from the embarrassment of having to own up to spending their priceless time and effort volunteering for a city that can’t even plan a dinner without getting in its own way.
This really inspires confidence. How are they handling real issues? Does Bennett’s response time and executive dispatch always lag by two or three days? When in his two-year term does he plan to start signing city business emails, “Mike Bennet, Mayor?” Is leaping to the defense of his (Art Helton’s) bloated, nonsensical transition team the best he has to offer? Fricking Aberdeen. Must be something in the water.
This is the way an honest, trusted servant serves in modern society. Damn it that’s not good enough! Let’s look a t a quote or two form Art Helton’s mayoral campaign, oops I meant Miikey Bennett’s:
“I will restore the public’s trust and confidence in the office of Mayor. I will work with the community to develop a long-range plan plan to prepare the city for the future and I will reduce some of the taxes and fees that were increased by the current administration. Aberdeen can do better by its citizens and I will make sure that happens.”
Now look at the statement form his email:
” If the “temporary transition team” should not be invited, that is ok, but don’t minimize the amount of work they accomplished for the City in a very short timeframe.”
OK, I get it – the terrific transition team, headed up by Mayor Helton himself, is of equal value as the folks who live in tis City and serve on boards and committees year round, year after year. Has anyone really looked at the report of the esteemed transition team? To honor them for that is ridiculous.
$13,000+ dollars to be spent at an event that was not subject to open and competitive bidding is even more ridiculous. The email from Mikey attempts to shove this off on the City Manager. The “buck stops here as long as its someone else’s desk” thinking is back and alive. The Mayor is responsible. He’s the guy to point the finger toward, not the CM. Councilman Hiob, thank you for taking the point on this. I sincerely doubt the others would have given it a moment’s thought. I actually ca n imagine one or two of those gutless wonders complaining because one of their free dinners is lost.
Trust and Confidence? I think not Mike, try again!
I remember attending the dinners for years (I’ve been a volunteer and have lived in the city for many years) at the Sheraton and the cost never surpassed the $3,000 mark. $3,000 is a fair cost to show appreciation to approx. 120 volunteers and yes that would include the transition team. Remember they were not paid and volunteeered their time.
What could cost an additional $10,000? Bad planning on the managers part and bad assumption by the manager for not first receiving approval from the council.
I remember, in the good old days, when the dinner would have the Mayors Medal-recognition-a once-a-year recognition in which everyone looked foward to It also had FREE speakers.
One dinner I attended had Latino dancers from AHS entertain the volunteers – the city would donate $150 – 200 to the dance program (good donation and cheap). I know this because my son was on the dance team. I attended when there were TV stars agree to speak at no charge. Those who I saw were :Get Gelfman and Sandowsky.
I had to pay for my spouse and that was okay because I was the volunteer, not my spouse, and we enjoyed a night of good company.
Oh well so much for the good old days.
I guess that I am most disturbed about is -who is providing the emails that are visibly City Business to the Dagger for the world to see? I find it so ironic that it is less than two weeks after the situation surrounding Ruth Elliott and the ethics issue.
From what was provided here for the world to see, I don’t see that a decision has been really made. Wouldn’t it have been more prudent to find a solution and then have something positive to report, i.e., Circumstances have been overcome and though we can’t afford to pay tribute to our volunteers as we have in years past, we will be honoring them. As everyone knows times are hard for everyone including local government so we hope that everyone will respect our position on this.
It is my hope that those that have the city’s interest at heart would contemplate setting aside their aspirations to being the “Deep Throat” of Aberdeen. This is not productive, it only once again gives Aberdeen a bad name.
The time and energy that this takes could be used on finding and accomplishing solutions. I by no means approve of covering things up and hiding facts, but I do believe that it is most important to remind those who make hasty decisions or poor judgements that things have to be done properly. Work on getting everyone on the same page and finding resolution before resorting to airing out this before resolution are found.
New Aberdeen Resident,
I really don’t think it’s the media giving Aberdeen the bad name. Is what was reported false?
There was a lot of interest on this site during the election, but has anything been accomplished now that it is over? I’m sure there has been, but no one is sending us those stories. The elected leaders know where to find us, and the same goes for everybody. If you have something you feel would be a great article, send it in to us at, or write about it in the forum. We are now publishing select “Letters to the Dagger”, giving everybody a voice.
Nothing has been accomplished in Aberdeen. And the City is it’s own worst enemy!
it just goes’ to show we have the same bunch of crook’s operateing as town council. the dagger simply’ dig’s up the dirt.
unless some one can point to something’ positive. I say’ welcome to aberdeen where nothing changes, but the weather. and that is being debated.
hopefully’the dagger will continue recieveing e-mail’s letting the people know there being duped.
Why is it that the town in past years could afford to honor their volunteers one night for their services? When a town stops thanking its volunteers it’s time to revisit their budget and how they are managing thier dollars.
camers, salary increases, $6500 furniture to make the mayors office comfortable…and the list goes on and on. i say forget the $6500 for new furniture for the mayor and spend it on the volunteers. It is the volunteers that have saved the town thousands of dollars year round to support town projects and boards that they otherwise would have had to outsource.
way to go aberdeen. guess it’s all about priorities. you have made a choice to recognize new furniture over recognizing your volunteers.
What about the $2 Million surplus as reported in the Record newspaper? Probably only about half is cash though. But it should be enough to do a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. I don’t care fi they order take out, but do something. Way to disenfranchise people!
Did you know that in 2006 & 2007 new furniture was purchased for the same room . Nothing was said about this at all. Because the public was not informed about it. Also the volunteers did not get a thank you dinner for those two years also. But no one complained about that did they. I think not.
Good try Buck, but you can’t bash Simmons on this one. The last volunteer dinner cost less than $3,000 and was hosted by Sam Smedley at Wetlands Golf Course. Kind of ironic when you think about it, guy gets his land voted down for annexation into Aberdeen and volunteers use of it to host an Aberdeen volunteer appreciation dinner. I know it was most likely a stunt to sway annexation and it was a political favor, yada, yada, yada……..but the volunteer dinner was held under the Simmons administration and for a fraction of the cost.
On a side note, are my property taxes going down this June? Are my water and sewer rates going down any time soon? Promises, promises, promises…..just waiting for someone to make good, it’s the end of February and the Secret Society of Transition Team Specialists that Specialize in Special Transition Team Special Reports (all hail Helto….creator of the future) have met and passed down the sacred scrolls, I’m just thinking it’s time I see these reduced rates with no loss of services that was promised.
Hmm….how many of those complaining voted for those great new counsil people and the new mayor?
did anybody notice the big3. meaning mayor’s’ are looking for and easy’ way out of the water solution. bring in a private contractor.
I bet we see some major increase’s in the water bill’s.
if they choose that route.
I know Punisher voted for him, but would he vote for him now? SAD would have too, if he was a resident.
I’m curious how you know whom I voted for?
This new Council is the same as the last and the ones before them. What have they ever really accomplished. I have never seen any leaps or bounds in Aberdeen since I’ve come here and likely never will.
The Transition Team “snap shot” isn’t what this City needed. What it needed was this group of mostly professionals digging and digging to find better ways to business in Aberdeen and the people who would do it.
BTW… Where’s the big story of the blow up in Aberdeen’s Council Chamber last Monday… more media drop I suppose… [edited by admin] …how much of the truth passed under the radar there?????
Two days ago Buck pointed out that the same room had new furniture put in and no one said anything. Actually what was removed from that room was some horribly disgraceful computer hutches and a table and chairs were brought in. The reason no one said anything is because that move was functional, and was intended for the use of the entire council.
He then goes on to state that the volunteers had no dinner in the last two years. Sorry Buck, as usual you don’t know what you’re talking about. The volunteer dinner was held in 2006, just before the results of two months of trying to figure out the finances. Once it became obvious that 20 years of fiscal wrong doing were catching up, the following year had no dinner.
Find a better source for your information or quit trying to comment.
I’ve lived in Aberdeen since 1978. This town made huge progress during the Simmon’s term. You can rag on the past mayor and council all you want but the fact is….the town was never cleaner, I never felt as safe in this town and the crack heads, whores, and dealers were running as fast as they could out of town. Now there’s a fact for you.
In the know? You have referred to me as a “he” more than once now. I’m very much a lady. And I voted for a return council minus the unethical Ruth.
Huge pay raise are what happened during the Simmon’s term And huge tax hikes .. check at City Hall
Someone named Anonymous posted the previous statement. It’s fairly easy to see why he or she wants to be anonymous. The tax increase and pay raise issue has been explained ad nauseum but fools like this one keep tossing out unsubstantiated crap like this.
Where would I find that??
Oh, and Daddy Rabbit isn’t anonymous?
Actually DaddyRabbit was my call sign back in my flying days and then later was my handle on my CB in the 80s and early 90s. Lots of folk know exactly who I am.
Im anonymous…….not !
Do you have any idea when the last time a city employee received a raise prior to the last mayor and council? Ask a city employee. I’m sure it was well welcomed and deserved.
In speaking with some city employees is how I came to form my thoughts on this matter.. It is based on the fact that persons involed in moral turpitude should not be given raises but removed from their positions.. Everyone should be held to the same standards..Someone needs to restore trust and confidence to our city and send those who have no moral standards down the road we don’t need them. Fair is Fair
I personally have no complaint’ with the town service’s,the guy’s & gal’s have been great to me. I’am not speaking of the mayor & council. not much trust there the problem is money!
it’s alway’s about money!
Don’t you think if one employee gets a $20,000 raise in two years everyone else should as well?? I don”t think anyone in City hall is worth that type of raise.
Your right it is always about money..
This is our money they are spending our money
that’s a ridiculos amount of money’ I don’t think anybody’ working there is intitled to that kind of raise.
I think it could have been put to better use. the fire department’ police department etc. maybe we could honor the guy’s & gal’s at the fire department with a free dinner.
volunteers one and all and very’ few thank you’s.
Thats exactly how I feel.. And to make it even worse we pay them to spend one to two hour a day for lunch.You can see everyday first a walk that last over 1 hour ,
then its off to have lunch How long do they get for lunch?? Must be half the day..
at our expense..
If you want to see them in action just visit the Towne Pub it is beyond what you would expect from 2 married people ..You would think they were married to one another NOT Then after becoming intoxicated they just hop in the vehicle and drive down the street ..Is there a law against drinking and driving? or are they also exempt from that also..
I saw this first handed this past weekend they need to get a room if they are going to be acting this way in public.
What an example for the town to see.
Maybe they will get another raise and we can pay for that too….
Who got a $20,000 pay raise? It’s easy to toss out these type of comments, but extremely hard to back up. After more than 8 years of no or extremely limited raises, all employees got a one time parity increase to bring them up to par with the rest of the community. Before the parity raise, the turn over rate was horrible. After the adjustment it settled down. The cost of recruiting, hiring and training was whole lot higher than the actual adjustment. The other piece of the equation was the utility and tax increases. What happened was that the previous administration had been overstating the projected income in order to make the budget appear to be balanced. The City was spending about $3,000,000 per year more than it was able to take in. The cases were multi fold but the City was on the brink of bankruptcy. The Simmons administration realized that you cannot keep spending money that is not there and in the first budget cycle, cut where possible and then set the tax rate to reflect the actual cost of doing business.
If someone has an actual and factual complaint about any employees, there are several channels in which it can be reported. Try the police department, or the ethics committee or a direct complaint to the City Manager. The Dagger is a great outlet for all of our frustrations but not the place to get things of this nature fixed.
Well Dave it is so ironic that you would respond to the above comment.
First I would like to thank you for pointing me in the right direction.I will be contacting the City Manager. How do I get in touch with the ethic committee?
[admin note – We don’t want to rehash rumors that have been posted before – move on]
So you tell me is this rumor true?? Regardless if the rumor is true or false there is proof which I have seen of a $20,000 raise in a two year span.. As a tax payer I don’t really care other than is this really how our tax dollars are spent? All city employees were well deserving of a raise but I feel $20,000 is out of the question. Totally!!!! So why don’t you check this out and you will find how true it is….Its really easy to check.. I have seen the proof. Also.I feel people that are running our city should not be showing up as defendants in court cases.. You
may want to do a background check you’d be suprised at what you will find
As far as calling the police we’ll when you work with them and know them on a personal level the most they would do is give them a ride home.Hey atleast that would keep them off the streets. I’ll do that next time..Thank you for your help.
there are no inforced law’s in aberdeen, as to drinking & driveing we had and officer that busted his tail’ for the people. he no longer work’s there.
so that leaves us on our own.
I suggest you hug your wife or children, before they leave home if you have either or I suggest you’ leave your life insurance addressed to the local morgue.
Vietnam Vet
I am in agreement with you . Something is just not right with this picture..
Why does the officer no longer work there??
I’am not sure. he was a tough officer. he kept his self physically fit, I suspect he demanded the same rigid standards. from his underling’s, that he set for his self
which does not alway’s meet with approval.
he did make the remark, a police call came in while he was on duty’ the officer he was rideing with was more concerned about his chicken dinner than the call of which he asked said officer do you intend to respond ? I can beleave in finger licking good but this is ridiculos.
That really makes me feel safe ..Would that have anthing to do with certain persons hanging out at the wawa etc…
I’m sure being fit upset a lot of apple carts.
I just read a while back on how wonderful the dept. is was and will be. Then you get a little inside info and it blows that right out of the water..
As tax payers are these people.. accountable to every citizen They are being paid to protect us and our familys.
This site is for rumors opions etc i posted one earlier today but it is being edited don’t know why be sure and read it. I have some facts..
frankly I would be concerned about there ability to use there side arm. it’s not a place for officers who think it’s a career to inhance the exotic fire arm’s collection they own legally.
yea’ some garbage about the wawa. as far as editeing the dagger is pretty decent about posting. they may have felt it was a personal assault. of which they would edit.
I would not make a personal attack on anyone.But I did ask about a rumor I heard that was not very nice we’ll see
Don’t they have to qualify or something to prove they can shoot that gun??
I would hope they practice..Good Lord what is this city coming to..
I try not to make personal attack’s. but I’am old hatefull & grouchy & I have congestive heart failure, which is steadily getting worse. so I’am trying to get that last word in. I gave poor old s. fred a hard time.even tho I liked the man. ( just did’nt like those property tax raises & water.)
all bull a side. we have some good officers at aberdeen. it just would’nt be me if I was’nt tormenting some one. in authority.
sem-per fi.
Vet and Anonymous;
You have made some really serious accusations there. Every officer ids fully qualified with their sidearm and any and all other weapons that they might use. The training program is very rigorous and strictly enforced. The department switched to 45 caliber Glocks this past year and all officers had to be qualified with it before they could go on the road with them. Vet, you ought to know better! The officer you are talking about jammed himself up and resigned. End of story. The other one was found guilty of 19 charges of false statements, falsifying records, etc. The degrading comments you have made are really in not only bad taste but are wrong on every count.
You owe several men and women a sincere apology.
Anonymous, come out and make your charges if they have any substance. The crap you have put out there so far is just that, crap.
well dave I tell you’ I know nothing a bout a jam up. shooting a paper target is one thing shooting a man is a nother.
you should know it’s not the same. and if you had payed attention! I did say we had some good men on the force.
if said officer happened to drop by. what would you have to say to him? your willing to dine at the ex officers house. then talk about him. that’s a real friend ship.
Actually Vet I would say the same to him now as I said the last time we had an opportunity to talk. He created every bit of his problem and then when the going got tough he tried to toss the blame to everyone around him. I expect that from my 14 year old grandson, but not a grown man. This guy jammed himself up and that’s about that. Having dined, shared adult beverages, told stories, partied, laughed and cried together is one thing but when a guy pulls the pin he’s got two choices: toss the thing or get hurt.
You’re damn right firing at paper target is different than at another human. Maybe we could find some volunteers to work as range dummies and we can have our guys shoot them. Short of that I would guess the old fashioned paper target will just have to do. How did they teach you at boot? At Knox (Army of course) we shot paper targets. Rumor had it that we were suppose to have gotten some sea going bellhops to shoot at but they never showed up.
If yo can read this thank a teacher. If you can read it in English thank a vet.
Anonymous – I just approved your comment that was held in moderation, but edited out the rumor. It has been posted many times in the past, and there is no need to keep posting it.
While we will allow rumors that are not personal attacks to be published in the comments section, The Dagger is not a rumor site.
would you like to compare dd 214’s ? on the job training s.vietnam machine gunner(0331) small arm’s weapon’s. weapon’s repair (2111) but you dave never saw anything but a type writer. combat action ribbon navy commendation presidential unit citation. etc. have to wait till 28 april my record’s & medal’s are being replaced free.
sem-per fi.
Dave I posted earlier today they are doing moderation on it. This site is used for rumors opions etc……………
As for the statements I have made you were on the council you know who got raises and how much .For example DPW workers that were at $9 something went to &11 something ..How do you justify some one going from $23 something an hour to over $30 hour that is not a $2 per hour raise I do have proof and will send it to the City manager also to the ethic comittee if you would be kind enough to tell me how to contact them.
You can stand on the street at noon and verify one of the first statements I made it is so out in the open. Please don’t insult me as I see very well..
Degrading and immoral act take place and a cheek is turned which would be fine for some if our tax dollars were not involed. I know you are very aware of most of these things….
Steve I was unaware of this . Thanks
Great move Vet! 20 years, Commissioned after 5 years enlisted (E6). Flight school, two tours in RVN driving UH-1s. 2000 hours flight time, 1600 of it in combat. Yeah I did spend time at a desk but had others to do the typing. So?
Thanks for the update. Back to the $20K; yes I was on the Council and also very much involved in the parity issue. I can not think of one person who picked up a $20K raise over 2 years. First, the people at the top of the pay scale did not see much if any increase for parity. That was geared to the people you see on the street wearing police and DPW uniforms. The single most extreme case applied to a truck drive who went from $11.00 per hour to slightly over $16.00. That is an example of the total stupidity of the pay scales we had in place. The folk at the bottom got the same 3% as the ones at the top. 3% of $11.00 is not quite the same as 3% of $40.00 and we took that into account. The only way that someone could have gotten a $20 raise across two years would have been from being promoted form one position to another.
The “rumor” sounds a little goofy. Excuse me but are you suggesting that 2 people who are married to someone else are having an affair? Not in the year of our Lord 2008! It is not for me and may very well attack your delicate senses but is there a true violation of some sort or just jealousy that somebody’s gettin some?
Contact both the City Manager and the ethics committee, in writing, care of City Hall.
I just read the article.. I am really amazed that you would take so lightly if in fact
there was an affair taking place. IF a display of public affection is taking place I would think the mayor someone on the council city manager or anyone would go speak with these people whoever they may be. Really is this how our city employees are acting. I think the violation would be one of conduct unbecoming of an employee of the city.
Dave, I was curious to see that you are the only one using his NAME when posting on this site. I choose not to because I do not want to be a target of personal attacks by the Anonymous posters, my family is too important to me for that crap. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for being a stand up guy and attempting to explain your point of view without resorting to lies and innuendos. Besides it’s tough to win an argument with an anonymous idiot.
To the Anonymous and the anonymous vet, you didn’t like the Simmons administration and now you don’t like the Bennett administration. Since the common denominator in all of this are you two, maybe you are the real problem and not everyone else. Please move on with your lives!
This seems like a pretty easy request, how about naming what employee got a 20K raise over two years. You name the employee and verify your claim and I’ll be the first one in line demanding an investigation.
It is no ones business what two employees of any employer are doing with or to each other. Unless there is a superior/subordinate relationship there is no way that the employer can say anything about it at all. I do not know who the anonymous one is slandering here but my point is that if people choose to work for the city they are under no different set of laws or standards than an employee of the local bottling plant. There are any number of puritans who would like to legislate morality, but my morals and ethics can not be imposed on any one else.
Town Idiot;
Thanks for your kind words. I have mad any number of errors in life, some while on the Council, but have always attempted to do the right thing for the right reason. I remain accountable for my actions during the two years I was on Council.
Let’s go get em.
That would be my point exactly if there is a superior/subordinate relationship why is there nothing being done???? I have to tell you most company don’t
allow this at any level not even Wal Mart..We have all made mistake and had error in judgements Some people need to do the right thing. If indeed any of the above statements are true then all I want to know are we paying these people while engaging in these activities .?? Are they on or off the clock??
Is our tax dollars being used for this?? These things are my business as I pay taxes! Don’t you?
As far as the 20k I would love to know That would avg out to about a nine to ten dollar an
hour raise ?Anyone get 5 then another 4 ?? You were on council maybe you would know.
Dave I would like to believe you’ but I don’t. we don’t ” drive” uh-1’s we pilot those. but just the same,it would have been nice to have had you a long’ November 24 1968.
when 38 teenage boy’s ( marines) were ordered to to take a north vietnamese (NVA) bunker complex. a frontal assault was ordered. it was taken several hour’s later. at the cost of 32 men.
6 left standing, to injoy a thanksgiveing of c-ration turkey loaf. soaking monsoon rain’s. you can set back & scoff if you choose. but the meaning of the few & the proud was bought in blood.
many battles long forgotten.but not by those who survive.
Gary owen & semper-fi.
of course vet. you are the only one who can claim such a dignity.
why don’t you just get out your measuring stick and call it a day? i find it extremely offensive that you would try to belittle someone else’s military service when you understand the magnitude of it. the typewriter crap, basically calling him a liar…super-classy mr. marine.
why would he lie using his name on a public forum about facts that could easily be checked?
it’s nice to know it’s people like you we spilled american blood for. I simply implied get your fact’s straight.
what I’am claiming is the rememberance of the boy’s who lost there live’s for people like you.
“Dave I would like to believe you’ but I don’t.”
that’s not telling him to get his facts straight, and that’s not an implication. that’s calling him a liar. say what you will…all you know about me is that i am standing up for another vet that doesn’t happen to be you.
very’ good ” yuck” it’s wonderfull to live in a country where we can express our feeling’s along with freedom of speech.
& the dagger allow’s us to do that.
semper -fi
OK vet, we all know how big your cojones, so you can give it a rest now. Thank you for your service, and thank you equally, Dave.
About the $20,000 raise – it’s pretty obvious that there is no name mentioned here because there is no $20,000 raise.
How many times can both of these be rehashed? It’s hard enough to get through the creative spelling and punctuation of these posts just to read the same thing over and over and over and over and…
BobD I’am inclined to beleave it will be rehashed until the truth prevail’s if your haveing and eye problem. I can suggest a very good optemtrist. I would also suggest takeing care of the ” cojones” they may be of use to you one day.
I hear through the grapevine the person makes some where around 61k now anyone know who that might be?
Bertha, happiness is not found in money but in self-assurance and contentment in who you are or who you have become. Some would look at contentment as having money or power…okay–so what. It’s all about what each person values. Some value family, some value relationships and some value their daily blessings. Blessings are around us each and every day all we have to do is see them. When we hear a bird sing–that’s a blessing. When we watch a new life come into the world–that’s a blessing. When we see our grandchildren come into the world and grow into adults–that’s a blessing.
Bertha, don’t get caught up in the small things. Concentrate on and enjoy your blessings!
Who cares what the other person is or isn’t doing–they have to live with their choices in life.
Life is all about choices. Choices that each and everyone of us makes everyday. We are all directed by our personal convictions and should live our life to the fullest in accordance to our convictions.
When we leave this wonderful world (and we all will one day) we are only going to take with us the choices that we have made.
Be happy!
I guess the answer (to the salrie question) is in getting the salrie information from the City of abberdeen. I beleive that was asked for by press of the city of Havre de Grace and they refused ether completely or to some extent.
Civil jobs are posted and salries are stated so I dont think a full press to hide a salrie would be successfull as its already published information.
Somone needs to go to city hall (aberdeen) with a request both direct and immediate and than with one under the md public information artical. You may get a fight and than youll have to decide wether or not to force them to disclose the salrie.
Its all in how you ask. If you ask what Joe Blow makes its no…if you ask for a list of what positions make what…its policey not personell. The precedent is already there…military…GS positions…ect.
Just a thought…but…..please this thread is all over the board !
Focus on A topic …if you need to, open a new thread…you have to be a rhodes scholar to follow it. It is all worth discussing but almost unintelligible.
to vet….
I seem to recall some ARMY pilots used to referr to their huey piloting as “driving” as a slang. Check it out ! Relax and lets not eat our own! Its the same as navy and air force differences in the throttle setting of a dead engine…one is set to full and the other is to minimum. I forget which is which but apperently the navy way makes it easier to remember under fast paced pressure that you are to ignore that throttle as its a dead engine. This was a factor in the c-5 crash in dover…according to an air force galaxie pilot i discussed with it at the time. The point is that not all services and units used exactly the same language and slangs in practice. Lets not eat our own. THANK YOU BOTH !
Joy are you so happy happy happy that you do not care where your tax dollars go?
Maybe a little more kissing up will go on and they will get another raise .
Or do you have so much money that it does not matter..if so you could of paid $13,000 for the volunteer dinner. They deserve something they actually did work .
Aberdeen would be like HDG not happening but I’m sure it will all come out sooner or later..There is a buzz around town and I for one have learned some things about our city good and bad…
Punisher and eraser know who it is .. I’d be kissing up too if I only had a GED
Again, I ask, who got the 20K raise. Save me the time of tracking it down, since it’s public information no one who spilled the beans, go ahead and state who received the 20K raise……that is if there was a 20K raise.
I don’t think that is public info
Come on RWinger even I could read the above and figure out who they are talking about soon as Yensan jumped in it was easy… I’m not sure of the amount but have a call in to see if the info is correct..The person has a GED no degree for anything. oh thats right you have to go to school for that. Unreal
Bertha…be carefull…but…are you saying somone who is nt qualified is doing a job they are not qualified for for an exuburint price . Is this whats behind the aberdeen situation? Is this, if true, patronage? Please be carefull in your answer and not make an assumption. If you have to be vague do so. I want to know more? Some here are denieing it…some here are swearing to it…but their seems to be no proof ether way.
As somone from the land of HdG Im curious to see. We in HdG have an interest in Aberdeen cause of its next door…as you guys have an interest in the well being of HdG for the same reason.
Somone bring me up to speed on this PAY RAISE ALLEGATION…please.
Aren’t punisher and eraser the same person? Without any facts to back it up, it amounts to just another rumor. If so many know who it is why not just say it? Or would you rather continue the baseless rantings of a disgruntled former employee?
I think if somone said it with the disclaimer that its a rumor we could move forward………….apperently many are afraid to say it………mabey they feel they will catch hell as i did in HdG for speaking out…even though I did it in private.
RichieC, they aren’t afraid they just don’t have any factual information. If they did, believe they would use it. It’s just the same old song and dance from these people. If they had ANY facts, the info would’ve been posted ALONG time ago.
well…what is the rumor…….who what and where…….ill ask if its true….me no fear shit ! Ill ask !
You can ask, but they will never answer with the information. All they have to do is give the position and salary. It’s a small town, everyone will know. But still, nothing but inuendo.
Read 8-30-31-32-43-48 49
And that will cover most of it, There were other post made back in Nov when they thought the New Team was put in place it would resolve this issue.
I just want to know where my tax dollars are going??In Aberdeen that hits a sore spot.. I must be in Hdg at the Marina
Still no names or salaries. Go figure.
Guess you cant figure
you’ seem to be a person of interest. you speak of punisher as if you know him & eraser is one and the same? Richiec is In Haver-de grace, who has and interest in aberdeen. of which I do injoy the haver de grace area as well.
I’am not sure what his blood pressure is at present. but mine is riseing.
and the mystery is still unsolved.
who is stealing’ tax payers money?
Come on Vet! Bertha ain’t got bupcus! It’s the same innuendo and rumor crap that the former and failed City employees tried a month or so ago. there is no intrigue, no smutty affair, no theft of tax payer money. It is downright smarmy to continue this crap. You should be smart enough to see through all of the nonsense. Name names and file ch rages or shut the _____ up!
By the by vet; we Army guys called what we did driving. I couldn’t have taken care of yo that nasty night in Nov 68 because UI was already home. If you had been at the Marine Corps R&R center in Khe Sahn in early ’68 we would have met and you would have been one of Marines who were really happy to go joy riding in my Huey.
the smut is what keep’s the dagger going. the 26th marine’s never flew out of khe-sahn. they walked out returning to quang-tri. april 1968
Shut up Santa
Why so angry? Is this personal for you?
The rumors are ridiculous on here and always unsubstantiated. I don’t know who the $20K raise is supposed to be but I do know the guy that cleans up the trash around this town personally and I know his family was glad to finally be able to put meat in their soup.
I look forward to a raise every year from my employer. It’s the raise each year that keeps me working as I am sure most of Americans. The city workers didn’t get raises for years. I’d rather pay my taxes to support the employees that go to work for this city every day than on frivolous things governments like to waste money on.
Again I write to you with much respect and thanks for your service. I ask you however why would you argue with a fellow vet who has served this country? There are no brownie points in my book for who saw the most blood, killed the most vietnamese, or witnessed the unthinkable. Those who serve for those of us who lay at home in our warm beds each night while they watch their friends and comrades blown to pieces should be honored, always.
You are showing the equivalent of the Jane Fondas of the 60’s.
All Im Getting Out Of All This Is Somone And Their Girl Friend….Or Mabey Just The Girl Friend.
JUST SAY IT !!!!!!
There is nothing there. Bertha is 10-96 and doesn’t know what else to do. Pity
Sad you are very wrong’ there was some question as to the integrity of said vet we now have a standard of conduct, of which is called a stolen valor act.
enacted in to law. december 20 2006.
our commendations were earned with blood! I suggest you visit the wall any given day. and see how many wanna be’s are there.
there a disgrace to those who gave there life. for this country. our young men & women will be returning home from, Iraq & afgan. they deserve the same respect
sem-per fi and out of respect for the vet in question. gary owen
A police term used to describe a person with mental delusions, commonly known as an “emotionally disturbed person.”
For those of you that dont know.
Richie tell me your curiosity is satisfied? your giveing up to easy. who’s bertha?
…”Anonymous on March 23rd, 2008 8:10 am
Huge pay raise are what happened during the Simmon’s term And huge tax hikes .. check at City Hall”….
This was the first post about a 20,000 pay hike and any thing around it…..the rest is elusive…and im curious…
Who is bertha?….i dont know. Actually i was gonna ask who some people are? I am curious and simply want to see somone make a straite forward answer.
Vet..Im not trying to instigate…but i would like to see an answer. Vet…the stuff I speak of reguarding HdG directly involves me and im free to speak of it as I know I dont have to depend on others to prove what I say.
I am , however, curious after 90 posts to know who the hell this 20000 raise stuff is all about.
20,000 is a lot over two years and without a good reason and under the curmsatnces cited I would also have questions.
Vet…If you read my threads…the last thimg Im interested in is a railroading as I have received at the hands of the current HdG admin ubder Dougherty. Im sure their are many things that need criricizim in Aberdeen and patience usialy bears fruite.
Viet Vet ….have you ever seen posters by the name of “rathernotsay” and “dedicatedreader” except for their answers to my posts ?
Dave….are you santa? I guess you two know each other.
Vet That should answer your question on who is Bertha.
Geez here we go again. Who’s who…..sounds like an old Abot and Castella skit.
Bertha……you are missing the point.
Has anyone seen the movie, “Pay it Forward?”
Here’s what they write about the move……..
Like some other kids, 12-year-old Trevor McKinney believed in the goodness of human nature. Like many other kids, he was determined to change the world for the better. Unlike most other kids, he succeeded.
Three imperfect people. One perfect idea.
Sometimes The Simplest Idea Can Make The Biggest Difference.
Have You Heard?
When someone does you a big favor, don’t pay it back… Pay It Forward
Some favours you are not allowed to pay back.
Is it possible for one idea to change the world?
A movie from the heart that connects with the heart.
This is the best line above…
“Three imperfect people. One perfect idea.”
Joy…many of us still do have optimizum.
If the truth was printed there would be a personal attack. Because i asked about rumors feathers flew..Because i can SEE i know there is some truth to this..
I just can’t beleive people don”t even care where their tax dollars go…
Joy what was your point??
yensan ought to know the names, t. hartman and m. lapinsky. and it was 24,000 over two years.
Richie Have you figured any of this out ..This is the rumors I have heard this person works at City Hall got a huge raise over the past 2 years. I know they gave out raises and there were many people than were well over due them..The DPW crew sure did…
So I called to see if i could aquire any records NO WAY
This I dont understand as a tax payer we are paying these wages .
Anytime you ask they act like pitbulls
It sounds to me as though Bertha is getting all of her info from one of the following: the cop who got caught lying and stealing, or, the cop who quit after he screwed up, or, the former secretary who couldn’t keep her emotions under control, or, the red head who wants to be queen.
I have seen the strolls thru town on a regular basic Which is fine along as its on there time ..Do you want to pay for this??? If City hall gives up the records it would stop all this.. and court record at don”t lie
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My God! Are they actually strolling together? Is it the two who Joe Holley identified? Two people who don’t work for each other and are legally separated from their spouses? I think we should have them tarred and feathered! Bertha do you have any idea what kind of hours these people work? Those two in particular are salaried. That means that if they can get their job done in 30 hours or 60 hours, it’s all the same. If they would get it done in 30 on a regular basis then the management isn’t doing its job. Those two in particular never worked less than 40 hours a week. When it snows or we have a water main break or any other major disruption of services the manager and his folk work right around the clock.
Bertha I really think yo need to do a lot more research. Maybe you could go sit at City Hall and clock all employees in and out. Then you could give us a real report. In the mean time “strolling reports” don’t serve much purpose.
So are you saying that a raise in the amounts people are discussing are justified
when a in coming person would not even start out at this rate of pay.
Stop while your ahead…Now your really not making sense. Here’s what I see…one more person not listening or giving any real solution but instead using this format to continue throwing daggers and spreading gossip.
Love the positiveness of your mind.
Here is a solution take that excess tax money and hire another Police officer or DWP worker.If indeed that raise would cover there salary …Maybe you should compare the pay of city employees in HDG to those in Aberdeen You maybe suprised.. Do you care where your tax dollars go???
I can’t read this anymore wothout posting!
Stop it! [admin note – let’s keep the personal stuff out of it, even if it’s relevant]
But wow! if there is truth to the 24k over 2 years! Did her position change? Did she get a promotion? I sure hope it wan’t hush money…..
61K doesn’t sound unreasonable for a degreed person with significant Human Resource background. Does the position require any specific education/experience? If not it should!
I know this is not a rumor site BUT does anyone know what our former mayor has been up to? Can you support and justify that too, Dave?
I am a taxpaying citizen of Aberdeen. I do care where my tax dollars go, which is why I am glad the employees of Aberdeen received the pay raises. Do you not get tired of us losing good employees to higher paying jobs? Bertha, you need not only to compare with HDG but state govts., county govts., city govts. and the private sector because that is who we are competing with to keep our people. This is what the Simmons administration, did which is why they were called “parity raises”. It is the narrow minded vision of some Aberdeen citizens(red shirts) that do not want the city to grow while the cost of doing business will continue to increase. That increase will be our burden unless we expand our tax base and streams of revenue. I’ve had questions about the annexations and water etc… I reached out to Mr. Lapinsky about those issues and he took the time to answer my questions. I found Mr. Lapinsky to be very intelligent, well informed and with great ideas. He even explained things in a way that even I could understand them. So yes, I am glad we have quality people like this. As far as Mr. Lapinsky’s personal life, it is none of my business as it should be none of yours and who cares what the former mayor is up to. Unless your last name is Simmons, you shouldn’t care!
Bertha/DO and Anonymous/PC seem to just be interested in destroying. Of course there is ample reason for them to do so. Bertha was a failure and Anonymous thinks that he/she should have been promoted to head muckety muck long ago. The pay raise that seems to continue to fuel this think is not there. Where is any scintilla of proof? It’s right there with all the rest of the former and bitter employee crap, in the crap heap.
What circle are you speaking in?? What so wrong with wanting to know where our tax dollars go..Remember we could not as a city afford to show how grateful we are to all the volunteers that put all those hours of free time in because they want a better city..What kind of CRAP is that?
I get it…………..Rick Denu is hiding under another alias again. Same ole bull crap…you can tell by the writing of the arthors. Bertha you seem to be more worried about rumors and lies than about “where your tax dollars go”.
Stop this nonsence….Us life long Aberdeenians are sick of this.
So sad how do you feel about the volunteers??
I think, until this new administration, it was never a problem. You are comparing apples and oranges. You are now changing the subject away from where you tried to take it. Volunteers should always be appreciated and acknowledged. I have done volunteering myself and spent a lot of time with my now passed grandmother volunteering together. My grandmother taught me that volunteering was good for the heart not for the recognition. I do however think from the business side… should always recognise people who take care of you.
I am not changing anything this is where it all started as I stated before . I think the new administration walked in to NO MONEY so how can you spend what you don’t have, Seems after tax hikes water increases we’d have a little money..
Then up comes the pay raises which I do think was needed It is to what extent they went I do not think 20k in 2 years is needed for anyone.and I don’t understand this at all.. I care where my money is spent and have every right to ask about it.
I agree when someone gives because they care they should atleast be acknowledged. Where would we be without volunteers?. So you see it all comes to full circle when you think about it . If you waste money in one place you won”t have it when you need it.Facts of life
But Bertha everything the past administration brought to the table to help cut taxes in the long run was meet with opposition. The annexation, hotel tax, etc. Oh….and now annexation is passing? Meet with opposition with past council but now that the new admin is run by Helton “developer” it’s passing? Hmmm?
Please you are concerned with would of could of.Thats a joke. Helton ‘s not broke is he?? Bet he does not give out insane pay raises. Just look at the outgoing and incoming track record it speaks for it self..Where is all our Money???
the 24,000 raise was to the human resourses 2005 she was making 19.00 an hour,according to her in one of her drinking nights at the towne 2006,she exalted,again during one of her nights out at the pub,that she got a raise to 24.00 an hour.then just last year,after santa`s little escapade at the city employee christmas party(yes santa i was there),a new position was made(human resourses administrator) and another raise was given.but she was salaried(30.00 an hour ),ah to cover our tracks.she has pretty loose lips when having her nights out it seems.i don`t know about whether the superior/subordinate is in play but i would like to know how you know that both of these people(t.hartman,m.lapinsky) are legally seperated santa?i know for a fact that mrs.hartman is not.
Wow, this is really personal. Talk about getting it all out on the table.
Bertha, my point is if you are patient in giving time when time is necessary, our view of things as we see them now will change and do eventually make sense.
WE ALL LIVE IN SELF-MADE PRISONS–self-inflicted and so sad.
We don’t have the inside to what people think or what leads people to make certain decisions so why speculate. What you believe is the ‘right’ behavior for a person isn’t necessary ‘the’ way for all.
Let’s concentrate on the good in people! Believe me, when you begin to see the good your entire view will change.
I have had a approx 45 minute phone comversation with Barry Anderson. I found Mr Anderson to be both friendly and open. I found no aires what so ever in his deminor. I found that he listens, questions and doesnt make a conclusion half cocked. When speaking its to the point and unambigious. As you can imigine I broached the subjects I have spoken of here, among others, and he did not cow tow… placate me by telling me what I wanted to hear…or make any promise or commitement other than what he has indicated in the Dagger . The core values he eluded to. Somthing lacking at present in our council.
This is good ! Why you ask? It shows he is comfortable doing what he feels is right and does not feel a need to be everything to everyone…an imposibility.
Just thought I would share that with my fellow citizens. This will be a breath of fresh air!
Oh well posting to the wrong thread is my second gaffaw of the year….woops!
Joe Holley brings it to the table! Take someone’s drinking tale and make it an accusation on the Dagger! You are lower than whalepoop with that one!
Joy I am not to sure as to what you are talking about but I will say this people in certain postitions people are expected to act by certain standards. Not my standards but by which is levied upon them by their job tittle..Their are “code of ethics”..So if you are in a public job these things will happen..Just look at what happened in New York??
Everyone has to be held accountable for there action.Tax dollars pay these people..
I don’t what prison your in but I can assure you I’m in no self made prison.Are you for real
Things that have been swept under the rug are coming to light .Now lets see what happens…
In post 40 & 42 you refer to me as getting myself “jammed up” and resigning.
Define “jammed up”? If you mean that I call like I see and not supporting you and Simmons in the 07′ elelction like I did so vigorously before, “jamming” myself up, I guess I did. I’ll say my perspective was with the majority of Aberdeen voters and they ousted the two of you based on the same feelings.
Lastly and for the hundredth time. My resignation came because I wanted to complete my degree and start a new career that suited my family better and I have. If anyone would like to contact me they can at the Department of Homeland Security, Customs & Border Protection, Internal Affairs Division, Washington D.C.
Time and time again, the truth comes out, contrary to all the retoric…
Failed, Lier, no job, affairs, losing the house….what’s next? I can’t wait.
I’ll have to say…everyone…what has been posted above regarding raises and overpaid positions….is the absolute truth!
[admin note – no personal attacks] You should have stayed under your new alias. Liked not thinking you were around.
Rick, glad to see the inlaws came through and helped you pay the house thing. I don’t want to see anyone thrown out of their own house.
sound’s to me like mr denu has stepped up in life. it’s good to know we have a VERY GOOD MAN. working home land security. I support him all the way. action’s speak louder than word’s.
and he was a man of action.
Would not have expected you to say anything different there vet!
I learned a long time’ ago to learn respect for those who are willing to stand out. they show a toughness’ that’s not exaggerated.
you do not have to like the person. but learn to give them respect when they earn it. I bet he would have made one tough marine officer.
and out of respect.
Gary Owen & Semper-fi.
Rick, were you in the service?
Congratulations Mr. Denu. Would you be serving in the capacity of PSS, SPSS, PSA, or IPS within the Internal Affairs Division?
It is incredible what trash is spread in this town. The job, the in-laws coming through to help with the house? All wrong. Rick and his family have made it through like they do with everything else, with each other. Too bad there are not more that could say the same. Sad thing is, they would be the FIRST to help anyone that needed it. I have seen this more times than I can count.
You could not hold a candle to his man. Jealousy must be a terrible disease.
He has spoken the truth and the truth hurts, doesn’t it?
Town Idiot…your name speaks for its self…I pay my own bills and always have!
RWinger it’s in P.S.S. for P.S.D.
I’ve definitely moved up, as was my plan.
Thanks and Oh no alias’…Brian would love it if I were all the bloggers here???
So, more in keeping with the topic let’s talk about how the City makes its purchases. That’s more in line with budget.
Most with few exceptions, all of the equipment and supplies that are used or acquired by the City are not purches on government bid or bid specs for the purpose of interoperability as per Presidential mandate to improve our disaster responses. Generally speaking, many pieces are of different models or manufacturers and or from the average retailer. For example WALMART. I know a certain police captain makes frequent runs for supplies there on the City credit card.
What does this all spell for us? Increased purchase, operational and maintanance costs!
Not to mention that according to the NRP purchased equipment should be from the interoperability list so if and when a responder comes from another jurisdiction to help in a recovery process they’ll know how to use the ite or it will interface with their own equipment… Makes sense huh?
Town idiot you’ don’t strike me to be that at all’ if I may ask, what has mr denu done to you? sometime back I mentioned the fact I have congestive heart failure on this blog.
the denu family immediately came to my aid. inviteing a stranger in to there home not once’ did I thank them for the kindness they had shown.
chooseing to remain a stranger. but that kindness will not be forgotten.
congradulations on your new position Mr. are and always will be a stand up and class man.the city of aberdeen lost a good policeman when they lost you.
Thanks guys, I appreciate your kindness. Let’s talk about the issue and that’s the budget. What do you all think of the way the City has been doing business?
as for the rest of you aberdeen citizens,you wanted the facts about the raises and i gave them to`s is not my fault that someone with a g.e.d. can`t keep her mouth shut while out drinking.she also brags about having the police in her “back pocket” and is not even worried about getting pulled over after a night on the far as i am concerned,i don`t think our tax dollars should have been spent on her “talents”,but of course i`m sure MR.YENSAN would disagree with that.
what`s the matter santa,no reply to the fact that the H.R.A. position was made because of it being hush money?what about RWinger,still waiting for you to get in line,and anyone else that wants to join in the investigation is more than welcome.there also seems to be some sort of e-mail going around that was sent during regular business hours from mr. lapinsky to mrs. hartman,something about a nude woman.know anything about that santa?
Del Riley…Steve…Vet…SMS…PWH…Parent …and all …check out the tax dollars of yours(water way grant money) wasted in HdG …
Go Dagger !
Hey’ joe be carefull guy” you have my respect’ not sure where you work but be carefull.
your rocking the boat. heard that rumor? my self about hush money.
That’s because everybody keeps repeating the rantings of Darlene O. who was in fact not at the event and doesn’t know what she’s talking about. By the time the so called incident occurred, that lady was kept from knowing much of anything that was actually going on. As several others have said, if you have any substance to your rants, bring them out as official charges. In the mean time Vet don’t listen to too much of this crap. Thos of us who work in City Hall, and have a pretty good idea of what is actually going on are just glad the old cliques are gone! Joe, Dar, Rick et al were all turds.
hey hangiing around,you obviously don`t have a clue as to your surroundings. answer me this,how distraught was mrs hartman when simmons lost the election?darlene has nothing to do with any of this.and don`t worry,the charges will be on their way to both doug miller and the ethics committee,but they will probably get swept under the rug as well.
blue and gold,you speak highly of mr.lapinsky,but you haven`t been on the receiving end of one of his rants when things don`t go his way.his language is like old santa`s.
Hangin Around,
You’re a sad individual. Although I do know of these incidents, they are sometimes left delt with in a more private venue. That said, I don’t think that you are one of the ones who really knows what is going on or at least has the character to address it.
The abounding number of employees that have gone, did not do so because they were “turds” as you so intelligibly assert, but becuase they were forced out by the “old cliques” that still very much exist, or at least had the good sense to remove themselves from the sewer.
In closing, the assertins made by Joe Holly are in fact true, just as many other untold issues are and the mere fact that you state the contrary and demand formal “investigations” (joke…maybe some of the MSP buddies can handle them as they have in the past…not) doesn’t mean that these among many other destructive behavior are not occuring at the expense of good employees and the taxpayers.
Change is certainly needed, with or without those mentioned!
Perhaps an audit of the internet use and the intranet use of City employees are in order. The findinings would clear out half the place.
Question for Hanging Around.
How many City employees have left in the past ten years?
How many for the money?
How many because the environment there?
I can assure you the latter is the prevailing reason, so how would you explain that?
you know what`s a shame rick,at the benefit for your child at the aberdeen V.F.W. you and your wife were the nicest people to everyone in city hall,and for them to talk about you like this is absolutely ludicrous.
WOW! this string is really silly. Rick vs Hangin’ vs joe holley vs any number of people. is there even a little truth in any of this? Maybe we should all start posting every rumor we ever heard about any employee. Bertha maintains that anybody stupid enough to work for a government should give up all rights and succumb to some rediculous, unwritten code. it looks to me like a lot of people have way too much time and not near enough sense.
Just to let everyone know- the “Curious” above in this thread is not the original Curious. I have no dog in this race. Curious2- whoever you are- please choose your own nim(or at least add a distinguishing #). Thanks! Curious1.
Did you file a trademark or patent on the name curious?
We do not require registration to post comments, therefore everybody can use whatever “Name” they want. We only moderate those that use other’s real names that are not the real person. This protection does not extend to readers that use non-real screen names.
I tried to trademark my screen name, but I found out that it was already taken (sigh)
“Dude! You’re gettin a Dell!”
Mr Holly.? who are you to know anything that goes on (or so you think) in City Hall?
Don’t waste your time. This trash on this thread is nothing but lies and innuendos fabricated by one disgruntled former employee with multiple personalities. If you try to defend your position here you are targeted with lies and told you are jealous. The false statements perpetrated by this disgruntled former employee are malicious and reckless. He (they) don’t have any credibility, which is why they hide on the blog.
Steve- Just think it would avoid confusion- folks with the same name making conflicting comments, expressing opposite views etc. its pretty much common courtesy on other blogs. Thought I made a polite suggestion- don’t get the tone of your response…Guess I will just call myself Steve from now on since that may be my given name…. noprob.
We have multiple Brians here on the site, and they have no problem with that. Can it be confusing? Sure. Your name may be Steve. Go ahead and use it. If you use my last name as well, then we might have a problem, although it is possible you share that as well.
If we forced registration, then you would be the only “curious”. But that would end some of the fun.
Town Idiot,
Again your name preceeds you. You are in fact, the example of Aberdeen’s “finest”.
There’s no lie here only facts which are supported. The ones who lie and malign are still in charge and inside the doors.
I’m sorry, but if your example of defending positions is above, you are even more pathetic than I previously presumed. In fact I have not seen one logical rebuttle to anthing me and my “multiple personalities” have disclosed. Even further, if you call hiding using your given name on this vastly read venue, you’re again even more pathetic than I presumed.
I’m sure the creators of the Dagger, its posters and readers really appreciate you condescending commentary about trash threads. Way to show your use and them mentality and think that you’re above everyone else.
Keep proving my points, I appreciate your help.
I’am haveing a problem with the town idiot. he’s asking for credibility & calling his self and idiot.
this trash on this thread is nothing but lie’s & innuendo’s. mentioning the possibility. of multiple personality’s or person’s useing multiple blog names.of which I don’t believe the dagger would allow ?
vietnam vet, while we would certainly appreciate our readers sticking to one screen name(and most do), there are those that use multiple. This is common among all blogs that do not require registration.
At this time, we aren’t changing this “feature”, but reserve the right to reexamine it in the future.
thank’s steve. it answered my question, I’am computer stupid was’ nt sure how it worked. thank’s again.
hey vet
…..RichieC here…go to marina mafia and send me an e mail….and ill return it to you…
Vet…it is possible….I just showed you.
whoops… spelled me own name wrong
Curious “2”,
I would state so if what I posted were rumor, but I’m generally not one to pass rumor. I like to post facts and have so all along.
The sad part is that no one wants to discuss the facts that effect the Aberdeen taxpayers financially and in the quality of their services.
Again, anyone have a problem with the fact that a majority of Aberdeen purchases ( some single purchases of more than $60K )are non bid and from general retailers which costs us many thousands per year more…
How about the issue of grant monies not being pursued when available to provide equipment needed and otherwise we the tax payers have burdened?
How about the issue of thousands being spent on coffee mugs and other misc. trinkets that serve no purpose?
Didn’t I hear everyone upset over tax, water and sewer increases? Yet no one responds to this issue where monies can be saved and help to stabilize our rates.
Sure while the rancid environment exists that Joe Holly refers to these larger issues also need to be addressed and now.
Let’s talk about them…huh?
What did I tell you? Ask them for proof of the acusations that they make and they make you a target. If you had proof of ANY of the bullsh*t you post Rick, go make a legitimate complaint. Don’t just goto Aberdeen, goto the Attorney General. But DO SOMETHING with it other than stir the pot on a blog.
But you’ve been preaching now for over 6 months and you have yet to do ANYTHING about ANYTHING you posted. I mean what happened to all your political buddies?
But hey, Veitnam Vet will always believe you!
You must have missed the part where I stated the calls have been made and the ball is rolling. That was several months ago.
As for purchasing, a vial internal environment, etc… why would one go to the AG? That’ s just foolish waste and poor administration, not a crime, you must be a heck of a cop?
Again in that instance, I have / am addressing the issue in venues other than this, but I will continue to use this venue as it it is timely, relatively un-edited and widely read!
I have always challenged anyone to go ask for the information I post about and also give them the resource to find it…
How about anyone go and ask the CM for the accountings of all vehicle purchases for the past ten years and that will clearly prove the point!
Perhaps you might also ask the CM how many MPIA requests they receive and perhaphs that might? demonstrate to you that inquiring minds would like to know.
I guess pretending to be your wife and draw sympathy for your public notice forcloser (glad to see you cleaned that up) and death of your child(I don’t wish that on anyone) isn’t pathetic?
Mr. Sad, Melvin, Daddy/Rabbit, Town Idiot and anyone else that questions.
My husband did not pretend to be me when I felt compelled to respond and explain what was after all PUBLIC knowledge. It was not only published in the legal section, but also thanks to the person/persons whom thought it funny to cut out the article and post it all over the police department, there as well.
There was no need for any sympathy for our family and I certainly was not asking. My response was simply spelling out the FACTS to the people that would use other people’s hardships to poke fun and kick them while they are down. That is pathetic, Sir. I hope you can sleep at night.
Yes, the foreclosure was halted and stopped permanently. In fact we were able to loan modify because of our credit history with the mortgage company for many years prior. Imagine that? I entered into the other agreement because honestly at the time when I CALLED to tell them I started to fall behind, I was scared and in retrospect not thinking too clearly trying to deal with many things at one time while maintaining security for my children was paramount.
Yes, our son died. It was the most tragic event before, during and after, of our lives and I certainly would not wish that on anyone, even the likes of people like yourself. Obviously with your lack of class, it is obvious you could not begin to imagine how many facets of your life it would affect. It would make your head spin.
We have what we need, thank you.
Interesting…Ms Denu appears again….Your info was posted in the police dept because you/your husband is not respected by his former employees…why would friends and co-workers turn on you?
The attacks were started by you Mr Denu…oops Ms. Denu. Rick chose to put lies and trash on the blogs and try to discredit others. Do you not think people would just sit back and allow that and not say anything? In fact many he chose to discredit have still not answered back. Yensan still hasn’t. So don’t open the can of worms if you don’t want them to jump back at you.
I sleep very well at night. Did you while your husband was out visiting Wawa?
You attack and then call others pathetic when they bite back. It doesn’t’ work that way.
Whoa there SAD! I am not going to say anything about Rick or anyone else here. What happened behind closed doors while I was at the City will stay that way. My name is Dave not Yensan by the way. We have had more than our share of crap that was leaked and or rumored by some extremely unethical people and I would just as soon hold some distance from that stuff. Go to the current Council President to learn about events from behind closed doors.
Rick and I were friends as well as employee/Councilman. Things happened between him and me that altered that. I still respect hi greatly as a superb family man , and find his wife to be a wonderful person.
I really wish that the hateful nonsense would stop. I am aware of a lot of things that could make any number of people look bad, but learned years ago the making others look small doesn’t do a whole lot to make the accuswer look any bigger.
mr yensan I think that was very well said. we have our difference’s of course. as for the town idiot.
I stand my ground’ I will support & defend rick denu & his family I have respect for this man even tho he is the younger.
I have no reason to think he need’s my help. because he has friend’s in the p.d. that are not afraid to show there loyalty to the denu family.
sem-per fi. from kilo co 3/26 marine’s
I may be old hatefull & grouchy. but I would not bring family member’s in to the fray’.
That you are! I haven’t pretended to be anyone other than myself.
I haven’t attacked anyone on here, just generalized behaviors and the way the City and yes the PD is administrated, just so happens there are those who are attached to those misgivings.
The truth is that you and a VERY few others are afraid that if changes come in the PD administration as a result of these truths, the cliques of the underqualified and unethical would get moved where the belong and loose their PERCIEVED power. That is why you scamble to lie and discredit me and my family at any expense in your all your desparation. I think if we were man to “man” and face to “face” I would still say the same and you would not (but if you did your “feelings” would get hurt).
What I have posted here are religiously the facts and anyone with the motivation could easily get the facts and I encourage them to do so.
The last note for you and for your personal enlightenment. Ms. is for un’married women, so it’s Mrs. Denu to you. Mrs. Denu happens to have a heart bigger than you’ll ever have the privledge of knowing and also a mind of her own. So no her posts are not me pretending as you like to believe, but her defending her husband from defilers like yourself. Besides those points I was at work in Washington DC and Customs doesn’t let you blog like A.P.D. does; so in fact it was her.
Word of caution. I’ll defend my wife most visciously from the likes of anyone including yourself; so be careful where you tread I still have much more to discuss and do!
You post sounds like someone I used to know. I certainly respected and appreciated that man and was the reasoning for me getting him those much needed endorsements and votes in 05′.
Back to the root of the story… “Who’s picking up the tab?”
I have an idea on how we could trim some fat and budget an appreciation dinner for those who volunteer countless hours of service which save us taxpayers multiples more while also providing us with an invaluable service and supports the goodwill that should be injected into ourselves and our community.
Let’s have the Chief of Police not buy…
Coffee mugs $3000.+
Key Chains $1000.+
Challenge coins $1000.+
A wardrobe 2X his officers allowance $1000.+
Gas for the wasted trips to Annapolis, etc… Who knows the cost.
O’Malley, the buddy, really came thru.
Printers, printing supplies and computers at a whim $20,000.+
Who knows where they are?
PDA’s+ that are not/can not be used $20,000.+
Custom software that doesn’t work $10-$20,000
City credit card for buddy lunches. Again who knows?
Gun gear and BDU’s from buddies instead of buying the same brand product from a GSA vendor at a third less. Yet again who knows?
etc. etc etc…
Heck, I think I just found enough money to fund the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner for the next decade.? Sure would be better spent there or maybe on some new RADAR/LIDAR units since most of what we get there are dumpster items from other agencies?
Call me crazy but…
Rick and Elaina,
I`m sorry that you ywo got into this with some of these “brilliant” people on this sight.I just watched for a while and read just how some people choose to live their lives.These people asked for where our tax dollars are going.I was just trying to provide some facts for the citizens of this GREAT AMERICAN CITY. You and Elaina are two classy people,and when I see you out I will come and introduce myself and you will understand my displeasure with city hall.
vietnam vet,
If the way I read a previous post is correct,the info that you received from a certain eskimo is all true and the way,my dad was a marine and I think you buys deserve all the respect in the world for protecting this great country.
Mr. Yensan,
At least you gave me the courtesy of an answer,even though you denied non of the info that was printed. All of the unethicall stuff started with you,simmons,hartman, and lapinsky.I would just like to know how big that rug is?
Hanging Round
I hope you`re ther when the charges get delivered,because you will have to sign for them,then i`ll know who else is in the clique.Then we will see what you have to say.
Sad and town idiot,
your names speak for themselves.
You are right about Mr. Yensans rebuttal,it sounded like simmons or hartman wrote it.
town idiot
and yes i am disgruntled,but I,just as hanging around does,still work for this once great is a shame to see it go to hell in a hand basket because of some bad seeds in city hall.
The ‘powers that be” can certainly help one in that direction.
I’d like an Aberdeen resident to go to City Hall and request the bid documents, purchasing documents, payment disbursments for 10 Panansonic Toughpads, their docking stations and Pellican cases and their now location and or disposition.
There one would find that not so lond ago there were 10 w/access and cases purchased for more than $20,000.
Well, during my tenure there, the officers only saw but a few of them (minus the case $300.) as a work station, but no one seems to know where they have all gone over the past couple of years.
I would hope that the taxpayers would agree that there should be some accountability there?
Doesn’t this make my push to have a procurement director hired? I proposed that within my first six months with the idea that first and foremost one person can be responsible for each and every item purchased or leased for the entire City. We would have had the ability to ensure compliance with the common sense rules and ethics as well as all the nonsensical federal and state requirements. The current Council President and one other current Council member would not go along with the idea at all. This would have had an annual cost of about $50K for salary and benefits and was not in budget. I maintained that the position would more than pay for itself in bulk as well as competitive purchasing. The folks who have been there forever said no. They did not understand how and why. If I were a director in Aberdeen right now I would do exactly the same as the crap you outline. The puffery and BS is rewarded while the stuff that makes a difference is either ignored or ridiculed by the Council. Why do differently?
Move on Rick, Dave and “Joe Holley”. Get over it. You’re has beens and need to go find another sand box.
I recall that Havre de Grace’s procurement officer more than made up for his own salary several times over each year through the cost saving initiatives and spending oversight he brought to the city.
Mr. Denu,
Sorry, read this string and got to do it. The term “Ms” is NOT for unmarried women. Rather, it is the logical field-leveling alternative for Miss/Mrs., which indicates a woman’s marital status whereas, by contrast, Mr. says nothing about a man’s marital status.
According to Ms. Magazine, 1972: “Ms” is being adopted as a standard form of address by women who want to be recognized as individuals, rather than being identified by their relationship with a man.
Maybe radically feminist at the time, but not 36 years later. If your wife prefers to refer to herself as “Mrs. Rick Denu”–that’s wonderful, and absolutely her choice. But please be aware that Ms. is the preferred address across the board for many of us, and does not say anything about a woman’s marital status–by design.
Thanks for the clarification, Ms. ? 🙂
You mean with all that has been posted here, you just “had” to respond on the Ms/Mrs thing? This goes to show you how the people of Aberdeen care about. I have watched, read and witnessed for myself and something is in the water here!
BRAC people – Beware
I am Legend – comes to mind here!
You’re absolutely right.
I guess I could’ve rehashed who is sleeping with who in the city government…or I could’ve gone back and forth about foreclosures and personal issues that aren’t anybody’s business…or I could’ve blamed the previous administration for the fact that there is no money for a volunteer dinner, hell blamed them for global warming…
This thread is dead in the water for any political issue at this point and has degenerated to the point where someone used the death of a man’s son against him. So yeah, when women in this country are still getting $.77 to a man’s $1 for the same job–I feel it is appropriate to point out latent sexism when I see it.
I don’t quite get your analogy, but then, you just “had” to comment (nastily) on what I feel is a valid point among a lot of mudslinging here. Maybe there’s blood on your lips?
You know what, I have to appologize. With that explanation, I understand now. I was out of line. Please accept.
I am just a little sensitive about all this horrible stuff being posted. I have the known the Denu family for years – way before they moved to Aberdeen and they are salt of the earth. Elaina wouldn’t hurt a fly, however she will stand for her family as we have all seen.
It is very difficult for us (their friends) to sit back and watch all of this. We know this is the nature of the beast (referring to Ricky running last election), but wow!
I, being a woman see your valid point here.
I also had a family member in the last election–and he (and some of my family) were raked through the coals as well. I understand the sensitivity. I have been pretty shocked at some of the things people are willing to say under anonymous cover. Anyway, glad we found some common ground–maybe we can teach some of the snipers a thing or two. 🙂
I’am inclined to believe, as it has shown. people with different political view’s are going to snipe.
but what is disturbing’ is to watch the innocent family members catch some of the static. for no other purpose than to create malicious gossip. the denu family are now working greener pasture’s.
as mr denu quoted he left the p.d. for his family. but it also appears some people are not content with that.
I have no doubt due to his line of work’ he made some enemy’s. but I”am inclined to believe this snipeing, is none other than people he worked with while he worked as a police officer.
you know what? he made a difference! so may be we could wish him & his family the best in his new job.
well said vet!
Have to agree with your statments about the procurement agent. I had said long before you came, but who am I?
Perhaps not hiring the community development person and another receptionist clerk when one already exists 50 ft. up the hall would have made the proposal more paletable by others in the Council?
None the less, it needs to be done now and also a City wide property management system put in place to account for items of value purchased by the taxpayers; as so they don’t get purchased and them disappear shortly thereafter. I do understand that Captain Trabert finally brought this idea into action after the other one neglected it (by design) for soo many years. I say let’s keep that momentum going across the board. Dollar for Dollar it would save US many thousands.
Hangin around,
You mis-spoke…you meant to say litter box didn’t you.
Brian and Rick;
This is one of those golden moments when it makes sense to try to communicate at least until we find an area where we can agree. The procurement guru idea is one of those classic “no brainers.” The procurement office in Havre de Grace saved more than three times his salary and benefits each and every year. Rick is pointing to wasteful spending and accountability int the PD, Because there is no system we have to have waste! It is the nature of systems. I saw it and wanted to do something about it, not to point out the failings of any person or department, but to do what is right. At that point in the cycle, unfortunately, we had arrived at the “my way or the highway” mode and the battle lines were drawn. I could have proposed nirvana at no cost and would have been opposed. We had a full year of three to two hate and discontent. There was no trust and no open communication. Anything that was proposed by
me was thought to be an obvious political trick. It doesn’t take too much of that to come to the realization that you’re wasting your time.
A procurement position would not have cost the citizens one red cent and within two years would have been the only department actually making money for the City. Go figure.
Procurement office along with transparencey so that the ability to “get away” with anything is eliminated, are key to a good procurement system.
Common ground to the benefit of the mission and the debtors (citizens) was all that was/is and ever should be sought.
“The evil seductress of positional power woos many, but those of true character stay true.” One of my many coin phrases…
Everyone knew two + years ago what and who were the issues, but those same two + years later,most if not all, the who’s and what’s still exist and the perfect oppotunity to step back to square one and rebuild fast on solid ground was lost yet again.
Now we’re still on with the fifty-fifty and little forward progress being made. A leader with good heart and head, one with a strict no to everything, one with a strict “I won’t do anything unless it’s a re-election ploy, the dark horse an analyst who analizes, but seldom resolves and there’s one against all the others although he sometimes makes sense. Also in the meanwhile we have department heads and their subordinates who will stop at nothing to preserve the (what RichieC calls) ole boys mutual aide society doing and undoing along the way. Note: Remember there are many more full time persons than the part time Council.
Ever wonder why the harsh veil of arogance (talking down, destroying others, My way or the highway) shows its self in a “leader”? Compensatory device for not knowing what you say you do and having the good surround yourself with people who do and then listen to them.
Rick Denu: Maybe you can give some ballpark figures to me specific to the PD. How much does a pair of uniform pants cost and how much does a shirt cost. How many of each are issued to an officer? How much does a set of blue fatigues cost? How much does the blue drill sergeant hat cost versus how much a baseball cap with APD logo cost?
I understand that there is quite a bit of grant money that comes up for specific crime fighting tools. Are there such things as grants for community relations? If so does that grant money cover coloring books, stickers, coffee mugs, key chains, etc.?
You have brought up some interesting points that are valid in any municipality and have some sense of police spending up until last year. I’m curious as to those costs and don’t know who at the PD could give me the figures. I’m not looking for a procurement job but I’d like to be able to throw some figures out at a council meeting and see where the ball rolls.
Almost forgot Rick, ballpark figure on what the canine operation runs and does the PD pay for trained dogs or do they pay to have dogs trained? By the way, has anyone seen the police dog lately, I used to see the officer with him in the car but haven’t for a couple of weeks now.
Thanks in advance.
Let me tackle the K9 question 1st.
APD K9s can be donated, or purchased untrained costing several thousand dollars. So the dogs are always untrained and the “selected’ handler spends six plus months every work day of the week training the dog in patrol functions, tracking and narcotics detection. Hopefully the dog doesn’t washout at any point during the training or all those man hours are lost , as is the food and vet bills. In essence the dog must be replaced and the training begins again. In addition to the lost productivity of the officer themselves, there is the cost of travel to an agency willing to train the dog for free,..Balto Co., Balto City, New Castle DE, etc.
The total annual cost for the K9 varies based on purchased or not, diet and health and I do not know the latest costs. That said, the tab for the dog only and purhaps the cage for the car is paid from H.C.J.N.T.F. seized monies. Again I’m not presently sure if the TF is still paying the bill for the dog alone.
The officers salary,($9G’s) lost productivity (Priceless) and transportation costs ($2G’s) are always absorbed by A.P.D. These numbers only reflect the start up for the K9 officer, not the dog and its associated costs.
To further that…after the dog is certified the handler only works 7 hours a day vs. 8. That hour is in lieu of overtime to care for the dog at his/her home each day. Additionally, the officer gets 2hrs (or more) comp time for caring for the dog on regular days off. Aside from that the handler and the dog go for at least one day per month training, but maybe more on occasion; so again lost productivity and transportation costs.
I did a brief cost comparision while still working there and found that purchasing a trained and garanteed dog is less expensive and also eliminates two thirds the lost productivity. However, many K9 trainers frown on this method?
I also have issue with the manner in which the handler is selected, the manner in which the dog of employed and the fact that the current animal was trained to aggresively alert (meaning he scratches vigorously when he smells drugs. can’t tell you how many times complaints came in because the dog peeled the paint of the car.)
I do believe that K9’s are an excellent tool, if the use of the tool reaps the benefits of an officer/citizens safety preserved (priceless) , the seizure of monies and or assets exceed the amount expended.
To answer the last portion of the question, I know the officer had an accident in which the patrol car was totaled. Thankfully he, nor the dog were injured, but the car was a total loss.
I’ll get back to you quickly on the uniform costs. Great questions. Thanks.
Thanks for the K9 info Rick. Would you agree that under the 2000 H.R. 5314 — sponsored in Congress by Rep. Roscoe Bartlett which allows for US Army dog adoption by law enforcement agencies could be a benefit to APD? Basically a trained army dog used for narcotics, explosives, and/ or human tracking that completes it’s tour of duty can be adopted for free by a law enforcement agency for field work. The dog has it’s commands, the dog is used to multiple handlers, and the dog has a proven track record which just saved a boat load of money in training expenses. As for the handler I suppose he or she has to be able to care for the animal and learn the commands (can’y be too tough) and demonstrate this ability in a training environment. This should take a couple of weeks at the most. If the dog is owned by APD and working in Aberdeen and gets drugs out of a car with say 20 grand would APD or at least Aberdeen get the 20 grand? (I deal with corporations/ trusts/ partnerships and don’t do a lot of criminal work so I admit not keeping up on criminal drug currency forfeitures)
I guess the end question would be if APD got 2 or 3 dogs this way and a couple of good seizures the program would pretty much pay for itself. Has this been discussed or attempted in the past? (Rick or anyone else in the know feel free to chime in)
Great idea. I wasn’t aware of this program, but you see some simple looking goes a LONG way. On the surface it appears to be a great way to go.
I also agree that the use of the dogs should be on Every shift and of course we also R.R.T. for now and has proposed the same several times, but the idea rejected due to cost. (How can you justify that when one spends $3000 a year for coffee mugs?)
Narcotics trafficking is and has been a problem here and it’s well proven that said trafficking occurs at alls hours of the day and all days of the week to avoid detection patterns. SO wouldn’t we employ the dogs on all shifts. + the application of the dogs in officers safety situation would be invaluable.
Can you send me a link to that program?
For those who are late getting there mail. another raise in sewer rates are on the way.thank’s to the council & new mayor. last but not least doug miller will answer all your question’s.
but don’t expect anything but bu-l sh-t.
Good for Abeerdeen for televising its council meetings……chalk another one up to the citizens….Mr Hiob…keep on trukin.