Harford County Councilman Richard C. Slutzky expressed disappointment that his request for public disclosure of documents relating to the appointment of school board members Alysson Krchnavy and Leonard Wheeler was denied in a letter he received from Governor O’Malley Advisor Pat Foerster. Slutzky said the letter mirrored Foerster’s denial posted on The Dagger.
Slutzky noted candidates for the board who appeared before the Board of Education Nominating Committee were shielded under the same statutes cited by Foerster, but as chairman of the Committee he had sought and received permission from the candidates to release their resumes and letters of interest. Otherwise, Foerster was prohibited by law to make the documents public.
Slutzky said he had anticipated his latest request might be denied on the same grounds, but added “I am disappointed that neither the elected officials or the citizens of Harford County have access to what went on in this process. And that is why we need an elected board.”
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