Police investigate reported kidnapping and robbery
(Aberdeen, Maryland) August 28, 2008 – At about 02:25 hrs the Baltimore County Police received a call of an injured subject in the area of Ebenezer Road and Pulaski Highway.
Arriving officers found 30 year old Brian Baynes suffering from a serious arm injury. Baynes is an employee for the restaurant concession at Ripken Stadium in Aberdeen.
Baynes was finishing up nightly duties in an office area when a male entered, displayed a handgun and demanded money. After receiving an undisclosed amount of money the male forced Baynes into his vehicle and forced him to drive from the area. The in area of Ebenezer Road and Pulaski Highway Baynes exited his vehicle and ran into a wooded area.
During the incident Baynes suffered a laceration type injury to his arm. He is being treated at Bayview Hospital. The Aberdeen Police Department Criminal Investigation Section is conducting the investigation and anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the section at 410-272-2121.
The Ripken Stadium web site has Baynes’ full biography:
An owner of two successful restaurants in Baltimore and Carroll Counties, Brian’s experience as a restaurateur also includes affiliations with such corporate chains as Glory Days Grill. Since joining the Levy Restaurants management team in December 2007, Brian has already become an integral member of Levy’s sports and entertainment venues throughout the region, contributing to the opening of the Mall of America for Nickelodeon, the NCAA playoffs at Verizon Center, and operations at Wrigley Field, Texas Motor Speedway and Churchill Downs on behalf of the Kentucky Derby.
2:25 a.m. sounds kinda late/early to be in the office, but I suppose Baynes was kidnapped a little while earlier and it took a bit of time to get to Ebenezer Road. But did he bail out of the vehicle he was being forced to drive at gunpoint?
And how routine/regular are the Aberdeen Police Department’s patrols at Ripken Stadium? Does the stadium have security in place when IronBirds games aren’t ongoing?
Was the restaurant…bar opened till 1 am…..he would be there mabey until 2 am…at least 1 30….an hour to get messed with and dumped and find his way to a phone or help….very feasable. Of course I dont know the detailes…just throwing that out.
This is a horrible crime! I have to wonder, who on Earth would have known he was still there at such an hour? Inside job, maybe? This will be an interesting story to follow! I’m glad the guy is going to be okay! The situation certainly could have turned out much different! Sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders, and thankfully, was able to keep his senses about him to think the situation through and escape!! Good thinking, Brian!!! Get well soon!!
Inside job im calling it right now watch he will be convicted. mock my words
that is just tooooo easy.
Has anyone heard anything new on this story? Just curious.
Wow. Points go to “Employee at Levy” for calling this one more than 3 months ago. It looks like the Ripken Stadium robbery may have been an inside job after all.
From the Sun:
“A 31-year-old Baltimore County man has been charged with felony theft, obstructing justice and making a false statement to a law enforcement officer, Aberdeen police said yesterday. Brian J. Baynes was arrested Tuesday at his home on North River Drive and later released on $20,000 bond. Baynes, a former employee of the restaurant concession at Ripken Stadium in Aberdeen, told police that he was assaulted, robbed and kidnapped at the end of his shift Aug. 28.”
This guy is a crook!!!He planned and pulled this off himself.I am a former ripken stadium employee,everybody who worked there knew this guy was a drug addict and a thief.The money he was in charge of,was short many times before this so called robbery took place.He was trying to cover his thefts from before.He has been charged in this crime,cant wait to see what happens in court?P.S. Major Props to Employee at Levy for calling this guy out a day after it happened!
Just so you know….Brian did not have anything to do with this. There are 2 black men that done this and one worked for brinks who picked up from there all the time… Brian was totally set up. He had gaurds with him every night and on this night its funny the guards were busy!!!! Brian is also not a drug addict!!!! Brian is a stand up guy, he is a great father and a wounderful family man. Everyone that knows Brian knows he had nothing to do with this. You will all see…things are going well…
Now that the trial is over I must admit having suspected this man of being capable of this. It is a shame that he threw his life away for some dollars and drugs. Shall we say a prayer for his family and even him that they may be restored!
Please pray for him and his family and for the family of the 2 men that done this too Brian…They are serving alot of time for kdnapping and attempted murder. The one man worked for Brinks and did all Brians oick ups. The other man is unknown. Brian never stole anything from that place. Trusts me I have spent alot of time with that man and I proudly dated him from june of09 till january 2010. I have known him for over 8 years and Brian has never stolen a thing!!!!
Is there any other information on this story? Updates?
Yeah here is an update: This happened 2 years ago, learn how to use case search or move on.
Well I must say from all I see in the case search it looks like Mr. Baynes is guilty of theft and making false statements and embezzelment! Did the ripkens get restitution for the money he stole? Did his co-workers get a sense of safety back after finding out it was all staged? Move on indeed we all have but with a little less innocence then we had before reading this story! What ever happened to the other managers from the stadium did they get fired too?
Dear Uhhh,
Casesearch shows a sentencing date that has passed, but not a sentence.
What was said at the hearing? What sentence did he receive? What happened at the trial? I remember when we used to have journalists who did real reporting. Now we don’t have them, only bloggers.
Valid point
A update Brian is serving a 3 year sentence for a crime he did not do…His lawyer made him take the plee he was willing to do life instead of pleading guilty to a crime he did not do. In stead now he is in prison for 3 years. Also if he did this wouldnt the 2 guys that they caught with the money be set free if Brian planned and did all this his self. And for his co-workers, lolol there were a few of you that tried to sell him pills and coke on a couple occasions and i was with him when you tried this. So before we beginn to point fingers maybe you all should think about this. Why you are all worried about what drugs he was doing or how much he took, have you ever thought of his poor children or his family. No!!!! Brian did not do this he was set up and robbed by those men from brinks, thats why they are still in prison and they were found with alot of the money.
justsoyouknow, are you saying that there are two men who were caught with money in jail for kidnapping and attempted murder related to this case? Did these men work for Brinks?
Really after all the truth comes out and he pleads guilty there are still people that believe Brian is the victim? This is sad all the managers lost thier jobs behind what Mr Baynes did including the regional vp. It was theft and lies and the drug use that is unforgivable how much do you have to hate yourself to use drugs?
co-Worker, where do you surmise all that money is?
Well I suspect Mr Baynes trusted some “friends” to hide the money and soon found out that he wasn’t the only criminal he knew! The problem with stolen property is you cant use it so whats the point of stealing it! I work in food service so I am by no means rich but at the end of the day I make people happy and that is enough I can pay my bills I even get to spend a little extra a couple times a year when we get a month with three paychecks that is enough for me! I never have to leave my family to serve a couple years for a boneheaded move.
is your name Sandra by any chance??? lol I bet its you!!!!
Yes there are 2 men in jail right now for kiddnapping him and robbing him and yes one of them worked for brinks… Also if Brian did this why would Levy Rest. keep him employeed. After all this they keep him as an employee. HE was the top dog at the wizards home in d.c. And Brian is doing 3 years of his life in prison for nothing. Also no one lost there jobs. That is bullshit. And the VP of the company sent Brian a Christmas card in 2010. Explain that. And if you pull up Dorector of Operations for ripken stadium Brian still comes up. Know your facts before you start throwing your mouth around.
Wow I am sad to hear that Brian is facing these trials correctional institutions are very difficult. Granted his own actions may have something to do with this. I know for a fact that many peoples lives were harmed as a result of the staged robbery. Also I recall there being a very loyal co-worker that defended him in spite of some addiction issues I hope she is able to deal with the truth. The real story hear needs to be that sin leads to self hate and destruction however there is a solution. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. You don’t have to pay for your crimes against God he took care of it for us. Jesus died for me!He offers forgiveness to all who trust in him.
What are the names of these Brink’s employees?
Was this defense raised at trial? Looks like the jurors didn’t buy it.
I was Jury Foreman. There were no brinks employees. All the evidence pointed to his guilt. There was no doubt in all of our minds that he acted alone to cover up a season full of skimming from the till. It came to the end of the season and there would be no more money coming in to cover what was taken previously so he had to stage a robbery. He lived way beyond his means, boats,cars, etc…. I know how much money he was making and the numbers didn’t add up. I sleep very good at night knowing that I did what had to be done.
I am Brian’s brother and Gordon Tillman is lying. He did not have “boats, cars, etc..” He had one boat which was a 16′ center console Bayliner worth about $5K and two cars, one that he drove and one that his wife drove. That’s not exactly living beyond his means. I guess this goes to the character of the people sitting on that jury. Brian is getting out of jail in August and it is likely he will be granted a new trial. The prosecution withheld evidence that should have been presented at trial. That $200K is still missing. Now that he was found guilty and had to serve jail time, hopefully he has it somewhere.
I’m not lying I’m just stating what the prosecutor told us. Brian seemed like a nice young man. I don’t see how you can judge my character or any jury member’s character when we were just doing our civic duty and we were not the one’s on trial. I hope he gets out and gets squared away so he can move past this part of his life. Good luck and I am impressed with your loyalty to your brother because it seems like it doesn’t happen that much any more.
OK fair enough. Then the prosecutor misled you and the other jurors and that is what the appeals attorney has stated as well. His public defender in that trial was also terrible and should and could have put up a better defense. There was additional evidence that you all weren’t allowed to see. There are a lot of questions left unanswered. The big one being where is the money. If he had the money then you would think he could have afforded a better defense attorney. Not a public defender who was working nights at Home Depot.
haha he used to ome to my house and buy Oxys (Oxicotin)….Saw him all the time… Thier to buy alot from joey…..He was even telling joey he would ge him a car. Joeys was up his ass cuz he always had money and threy both could get high……He even Hired some of us to work events at the staduim. Seemed like a koul dude… Opiates really do destroy lives.