I wanted to take the opportunity to provide a brief update on the Republican National Convention. As you may know, I am an At-Large Delegate from Maryland and serve as Chairman of the Harford County Republican Party.
Gustav has really toned down the convention, but the general atmosphere is quickly picking up. Maryland and several other states will be volunteering today to pack relief kits for the Gulf States.
The buzz at the convention has largely centered on Gov. Sarah Palin. There is overwhelming enthusiasm about her candidacy. A lot of folks who were not considering McCain are now taking a serious look at the GOP ticket.
There is also a lot of talk about Sen. McCain being the epitome of a Commander-in-Chief and that he handled the hurricane correctly.
There are thousands of protestors in Minnesota as is typical of any convention. The security perimeter is extremely extensive and there are thousands of police officers from all over the country here to protect us and maintain order.
It seems that the rest of the convention will move forward on schedule. McCain is expected to get a good bounce and the Palin excitement will give the GOP an excellent place to start toward the finish line in November.
Sen. Joe Lieberman speaks today as an independent member of the Senate.
Mike Geppi
From a republican point of view it’s great. From a Democrat’s point of view who cares.
Vet…I love ya buddy ! (chuckle)
Mike ain’t kidding about the police presence: http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/
It’s great to hear from Mike. Where his report of “overwhelming enthusiasm” is concerned, though, I’d like to remind everyone that Mr. Geppi gave an early, giddy, and ringing endorsement to Fred “District Attorney” Thompson, who turned out to be a less than impressive candidate, and didn’t prove himself the rightful heir to the mythological Regan throne.
Matt, Amy Goodman got exactly what she wanted. She was looking for publicity for her show and cause. Why else videotape her not obeying police orders and subsequent arrest? Well, it seems to be working. Congrats to her.
The same thing happened in Denver:
What’s the difference? One works for a major network, and the other works for an openly-biased organization. One had something to gain, the other really didn’t other than doing their job.
If you believe everything you read, Steve, a major network IS by definition an openly-biased organization. btw, was this a form letter? It bears a pretty uncanny resemblance to some other “dispatches from the RNC” that I’ve read today..
Don’t worry matt, I don’t believe much that I read 🙂
How could McCain “handle the hurricane correctly when at this time he is neither Chief Executive nor Commander in Chief? As a Senator, all he can do in this regard is to act on appropriations that will deal with the problems caused by the hurricanes. Why was there no stirring Video lauding the accomplishments of the current Republican occupying the White House? I guess the family values issues of those who are without sin casting the first stone, is now dependent on if they are the “Stoner” or the “Stonee’.
No thoughts yet on Palin’s speech?
I’ll bite. I thought it was good, exactly what VP speeches should do: be the attack dog against the opposing pres. nominee so your candidate doesn’t come out as too aggressive. But if McCain doesn’t come out an address the issues with his solutions tonight, a grade A speech will drop down to a D.
Did her speech win this undecided vote? Nope. Still undecided. A bad speech may have made me lean away though.
As I told Brian last night, the best speaker of the night was by far Huckabee. The worst was Romney, followed by Giuliani.
To me Giuliani came off as pompous, scoffing at what community organizers do.
I didn’t like his tone. Putting down the little people that try to bring change from the ground up.
This undecided voter was much impressed by Palin. She was tough but compassionate and she sent some nice zingers to Obama’s camp. I only watched her speech and bits of others. It will be interesting to see how the investigation turns out about her ex brother-in-law.
Like no other political person has used their power in such a manner? Please.
We’ll see what tomorrow brings for Gov. Palin.
Now “The Enquirer”, that bastion of journalistic consistency, they who brought us John Edwards’ love child, claim to have the goods on an extramarital between the gov and her hubby’s business partner.
To echo a post I read here earlier, are these the four best and brightest leaders this great nation can muster?
Sweet crackery Christ!
Income Redistribution.
Let’s get on with discussing a broader scale other than our personal balance sheets. I fear the increased government handouts will take a little more initiative and accountability out of our society. It’s logical that at some point
escessive wealth redistribution demotivates and is detrimental to the
common good. The trick is how to optimize social programs and where
is the ‘sweet spot’ in balancing benefits and personal accountability?
I am afraid we are already passing that point while others clearly believe
we have a long way to go.
This is the insight into the mind of one heartless Republican.