We hope you were part of our emotional tribute to the memories of 9/11/01 with the visual display of patriotism as members of our Edgewood/Joppatowne community stood en-mass over the bridgework of I-95 and waved American flags for all to appreciate. Most of the thousands of cars and trucks that passed gave us a thumbs-up or blew their horns in agreement. We intend to do the same next year. Many thanks to the Joppa-Magnolia Fire Company for hoisting the large American flag from their hook and ladder truck!
The Edgewood/Joppa/Joppatowne 4th of July celebration and parade held on July 6th was an enormous success and featured floats, marching bands and fireworks and even a carnival. Thanks to all who contributed and assisted in this first annual endeavor. The 2009 Independence Day Celebration Committee is preparing for next year’s parade that will take place on Sunday, July 5th 2009. Many sub-committees are involved and you can help by calling Jansen Robinson to express your interest. Get involved!
Where’s the Action?
Your Edgewood Community Council (ECC) has the following committees requiring your attention: Safety & Security; Historical & Cultural; Education; Business Development; Ministerial Alliance; Neighborhood Youth Panel; Special Events/Independence Day Celebration; Laws & Legislative Actions; Serve-Fest/Edgewood Grime Abatement Campaign; Voter Registration; HOA & Apartment Manager’s and various special event subcommittees. Volunteering and service are key elements leading to a better quality of life and a more neighborly community. Here is your chance to see what’s going on and to help improve our community. Attend the meetings and see what’s new. Date and time information below.
Here’s More News!
The Farmer’s Market located next to the MARC train station at the end of Edgewood Road is now open every Thursday until October 23rd from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and features locally grown vegetables, fresh fruits, baked goods and honey items. Please patronize these merchants.
Remodeling and parking lot expansion of the MARC train station has finally begun and the work is scheduled to be completed in 2009. Meet the MARC Managers! Representatives will be at the MARC Edgewood Station from 5:15PM – 7:30PM, Wednesday, September 17, 2008.
Unfortunately, according to the State Highway Administration, serious design and utility problems were encountered on Rt 755 at the Willoughby Beach culvert construction site and it will be at least 1 month and likely 2 months before the project is completed after a Select Door Service finishes installing all of the commercial doors.
What’s Up Next?
The 2nd annual Legislative Town Hall Meeting (Moderated by Congressman Dutch Ruppersburger) takes place at the Edgewood Senior Center on Saturday, September 20, 2008 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. At this meeting WE THE PEOPLE will inform our representatives what we expect from them when they go to Annapolis for the 2009 General Assembly Session. Your voice is needed!
MAJOR initiative. Voter registration for our community in underway and is in preparation for the 2010 election of our local representatives. Door-to-door sign-up is being conducted Sep 17 in Harford Commons, Sep 27 in Fox Run and Courts of Harford Square, Oct 8th in the apartment buildings near the library and on Oct 11 at the Village at Lake View. It does not matter whether you register as Republican, Democrat or Independent. What matters is that you vote for the most qualified person because the outcome of local elections can be determined by our community of 25,000 residents.
An Annual Performance Appraisal form for our Elected/Appointed Officials has been developed and will be exercised by our community to evaluate how well our representatives perform on matters important to us.
In our efforts to involve more Edgewood residents in community affairs, the October 8th ECC meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Boys and Girls Club next to the Edgewood Elementary school. The November 12th meeting is planned for the Abingdon Fire Company Sub-station on Willoughby Beach Road and the December 10th meeting is planned for the Joppa-Magnolia Fire Company Sub-station on Hanson Road. Please plan to attend.
Senior’s Corner
Edgewood Senior Center Fall Class sessions featuring arts and crafts, computers, exercise, discussion groups and games begin October 6th through December 12th. Late registration continues thru September 19th. More details and other activities at the Center located at 1000 Gateway Road.
What Else is New?
Check out www.crimereports.com for an up-to-date listing of crime in your neighborhood. “Finding Your Future” workshops at Edgewood Middle School, September 27th, 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Registration required. October is Crime Prevention Month. Check out the Sheriff’s travel trailer displays in Edgewood area on October 1st. A decision regarding school uniforms will be made by the Board of Education in January 2009. Check out the Harford County Public Schools website and submit you comments. MUCH more is going on in Edgewood, come to our meetings and find out for yourself.
Important People to Contact.
Dion F. Guthrie: District A County Council Representative for Edgewood/Joppatowne. 410-638-4109 x1403 or via e-mail dfguthrie@harfordcountymd.gov.
Jane Walker: Harford County Office of Government and Community Relations.
410-638-3355/410-838-4284(fax) or via email jlwalker@harfordcountymd.com
Jansen Robinson: Chairman, Edgewood Community Council. 410-676-1589 (h),
410-258-4552 (cell) or via email jmrobinson4@hotmail.com.
Art Stuempfle, Editor, Edgewood Newsletter stuempfle@aol.com
Craig Administration Initiatives
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY – “Growing & Sustaining Harford’s Prosperity” Foster an environment within government that encourages financial opportunity and supports private sector ventures that diversify Harford’s economic base in new and existing businesses.
EDUCATION – “Preparing Now, Building for the Future” To make long term investments in education by ensuring that children have a safe and stimulating environment in which to learn and to encourage and promote the availability of academic and technical programs that prepare all students to compete in the global marketplace.
EFFICIENCY IN GOVERNMENT – “Governing Smarter” Identify and develop best practices to maximize limited resources and improve the delivery of services to citizens, businesses, and government agencies.
ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP – “Protecting our Environment” Protect and preserve the County’s environment through efficient use and reuse of its resources.
PUBLIC SAFETY – “Ensuring a Safe Harford” To ensure that Harford County’s Public Safety services have the necessary tools and training to meet the County’s growing demand for emergency services.
QUALITY LIVING – “Safeguarding What is Important to Harford County Citizens”
Cultivate life enhancing amenities and necessary infrastructure that enriches the lives of Harford County citizens and neighborhoods through sound planning practices, investments in parkland and recreation, and promotion of community spirit and cultural arts.
To follow the Craig Administration’s progress in fulfilling these initiatives be sure to visit the “Initiatives” page of the Harford County Government website.
Dion Guthrie’s Report
It is good to be back from Denver, Colorado where I attended my first Democratic National Convention. Certainly being there was far greater than anything I could have expected. The feelings that were generated from attending the convention and especially the last day at Mile High Stadium, when all the speeches were given and 84,000 people reacted with the fireworks ending the event, regardless of how you may or may not feel as to the outcome, it was an outstanding experience.
On local matters the Southern Precinct Police Station is moving along. This will be a $13.7 million expenditure and will be built at the corner of Rt. 152 and Rt. 40, next to the Exxon Station.
We also would like you to know that we have trimmed the Homestead Tax Credit from 10% to 9%. You should start feeling the effect of that change. One percent does not sound like a lot; however, that represents about $3.7 million less that the County receives and that money is going back to the citizens of Harford County. Our plans in the future are to reduce that to 8% and in coming years hopefully to continue that process.
The new Edgewood High School and the new Deerfield Elementary School are under construction as we speak. It is moving along very well and if you have not been in the area, both of these new structures are being constructed behind the existing schools. When they are built the old schools will be torn down.
I have had a lot of inquiries about the small bridge that is being constructed on Edgewood Road. That project is part of the Street Scape Project for Edgewood Road. That part was supposed to be completed August 25th. Unfortunately, as I am told, there have been some engineering complications and we now are looking at a completion date of late October and more than likely early November.
Please don’t forget about the Harford County Job Fair which will be Thursday, October 9th from 2:00-6:00 p.m. at Richlin Ballroom. There are about 50 different employers that will be looking for employees.
Update on the Edgewood Shopping Center and the old Giant Food Store – I am pleased to report that Mr. Cordish, the owner of that shopping center, has now hired an individual to take care of both the Joppatowne and Edgewood Shopping Centers. They are telling me that they expect to do “extensive” renovations to this facility. I hope I am not dreaming!
If you need to contact me, you will find my phone number and email address listed in this newsletter.
Many of you may have read or heard about the Aegis editorial entitled“ Steer Clear of Edgewood”. While this article infuriated many of us, it has also given many of us the opportunity to reflect on why we choose to live in Edgewood. To that end Your ECC has undertaken an effort to develop a publication that will highlight all of the positive reasons why we think people should consider living in Edgewood. We are soliciting input from all residents of Harford County-especially Edgewood residents to help in this effort by submitting your list of reasons why anyone would want to live in Edgewood. Contact Art Stuempfle, Editor stuempfle@aol.com
Thank you VERY much for including the Edgewood News information in your website!! WE greatly appreciate it.
Nice to see an Edgewood headline with an informative and positive spin on it for a change.
Edgewood, like all communities, has pockets of problems that give the whole area a bad rap. It’s not right nor is it indicative of the people and the community itself.
Yes molly it is nice too see something positive coming out of edgewood. it’s time they track down the so called ”resident” managers, who rarely live on the property & hold them responsible for some of the problem’s.
Advise the section (8) eight program too wise up. it’s not uncommon for the inspectors to ignore’ boy friends sleeping in the bed room. of which are not on the lease. too find evidence. the boy friend has moved in lock stock & barrell.
Granted they are given notice. of intent to inspect apartment. no notice should be granted.you live on public assist. you will obey the rules.
Excuse no# 1 that’s my brother.
Excuse no# 2 the baby is a sleep don’t go in the bed room. The ” baby” weigh’s in at 230 pounds.
Excuse no # 3 I did’nt get a notice.
Excuse no# 4 do we have too do this ? can’t you just for get & come back another day.
Excuse no # 5 I lost my apartment key’s & can’t get in. I hate to hold you’ up I know your busy.
You know the land lord rented me this apartment. in this kind of condition. and I feel it’s not my responsibility to clean it up.
Can you’ excuse me? I’am expecting S fred & his S R T team any minute.