Help needed – Voter Registration Drive by New Harford Democratic Club, Harford Democratic Central Committee, Young Democrats and Obama Supporters.
Saturday September 27th, assemble 9:30 a.m., Edgewater Village Shopping Center Parkinig Lot, 1900 Block of Pulaski Hwy in Edgewood.
Look for the truck with the Obama signs. We will be canvassing neighborhoods and shopping areas along Route 40 (West Shore, Bay View and others).
Short training and explanation provided.
Contact person – Senator Art Helton 410-808-7847
Why is this group running this plea? Has it ever occurred to them or any others that a person who is not currently registered is probably not going to vote intelligently? I am asked, every time I go to the MVA, if I wish to register. It is a superb right and responsibility to vote, but anyone who hasn’t by now is probably fouling the gene pool. Maybe that’s why the democrats so desperately want them to register.
Are you serious? There are plenty of people who aren’t registered who would vote just as intelligently as many of those who actually do vote (the ones who base their votes on attractiveness, the lies politicians tell, or social issues that have no bearing on how good of a job someone would do as president). Many people don’t vote because they work a job, or two jobs, or a long shift, or the night shift and either can’t get to the polls while they are open or choose not to get up extra early or get home extra late to fit it into their schedule. There are also plenty of unregistered voters who are just apathetic or haven’t gotten around to registering; that doesn’t mean that if they choose to register they’ll make an unintelligent choice. And not being registered to vote doesn’t mean they’re fouling the gene pool; that’s a pretty harsh accusation. Personally, I think that if this were a true democracy, election day would be a national holiday…that way everyone would actually have a true opportunity to vote if they want to!
A few weeks ago I was having an intelligent, somewhat political conversation with 3 other people while waiting for the Amtrak train from Baltimore to Aberdeen. For some reason, I decided to ask if everyone was registered to vote and 2 of the people were not, or not registered properly.
You’d honestly be surprised how many people have recently moved, live in rental properties, etc and have not updated their voter registration information(this is not automatic when you update your MVA address.)
Over the past year and a half I’ve probably had something to do with nearly 200 people in Maryland and Pennsylvania either registering for the first time, changing their party affiliation or updating their address for voter registration.
I can not really speak to the intelligence, or lack of intelligence of any of those who I registered to vote as a whole, but can say that everyone had their own reasons for not being registered to vote, and no one who I have helped register didn’t want to be registered.
Will they show up at the polls, who knows?
Voting is just one of the numerous rights that the American people have that they do not always act upon. I do not think that anyone should ridicule any person or group for wanting to promote this right, regardless of an underlying agenda.