Have you heard the one about how the Aberdeen City Council is going to impose a citywide Homeowner’s Association and force all the municipality’s residents to clean up their properties lest they be hauled off to court and fined into compliance?
While that description might be a slight exaggeration (perpetuated, perhaps, by a group of vocal opponents), the crux of the idea could soon become reality. Proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance 08-9 would extend Aberdeen’s “Livability Code” from just rental properties onto all structures and properties in the city and force owners to clean up their acts or pay the price.
In an email exchange Thursday, City Councilman Mike Hiob explained the purpose of the ordinance.
“Basically, it’s an extension of the ‘Livability Code’ that the City already uses for rental properties. This proposal includes ALL structures and properties. Many of the requirements in the ordinance are already codified in one way, shape or form. (Development Code, Builder Code, Livability Code, Etc.) This proposal combines many facets into one document and codifies the same. It’s about ‘raising the bar’ throughout the City. It will benefit everyone…even those that might have to fix or repair a violation or two. Like the old saying goes…’A Rising Tide Lifts all Ships!'”
Hiob, who said he’s in favor of the ordinance, with a few amendments he’s offered, said the Property Maintenance Ordinance would only affect a small portion of city residents and property owners.
“Take a drive or walk through any neighborhood in Aberdeen. What you’ll see is that the vast majority of our citizens maintain their properties and structures in a condition that would not warrant a code violation. For the exceptions that don’t, this ordinance will allow the City to respond in a reasonable manner, while allowing the property owner an adequate frame of time to make the necessary repairs.”
To resolve disputes, Hiob said a Citizen Appeals Board would be formed to serve as mediator.
“If disputes aren’t resolved at the appeals board stage, the final stage to settle a dispute would be in a civil court,” he added.
Unsurprisingly, Hiob said the city council has been receiving many inquiries regarding the proposed property maintenance ordinance.
“Personally, I have been taking calls and meeting citizens regarding this ordinance. In fact, from 4:00-5:00 pm earlier today, I met with a concerned gentleman from Edmund Street. Once the ordinance is thoroughly read and any misconceptions are clarified, I find that most reasonable folks are relieved,” he said.
Hiob went on to say Property Maintenance Codes are quite common and aren’t something that should be feared by the citizenry – as the intent is to improve the entire city and not impose strict regulations on residents.
“Aberdeen is not attempting to ‘invent or even reinvent the wheel’ with this ordinance. More accurately, we’re just attempting to ‘add some air to a low tire’,” he said.
Part of the fear and loathing toward the proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance might be coming from a calculated and concentrated effort to rebuff the measure, but a group of organized opponents.
“What I do know is that there is an organized campaign to defeat this ordinance. How many people are involved and who’s in charge is a mystery to me. One thing ‘they’ are doing is placing flyers under windshield wipers of vehicles parked in local shopping center lots. The flyer (and I have one of them) is chock-full of outright lies and intentional misinformation designed to get the uninformed or casually informed citizen fired up enough to contact Mayor Bennett and Doug Miller (their names and contact information is printed on the flyer),” Hiob explained.
The flyer calls the proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance “legalized government harassment” and questions if the measure is in the best interest of the city’s lower income residents or is being implemented specifically to make Aberdeen more appealing to New Jersey residents moving to the area because of BRAC – the base realignment that shifted their jobs to Aberdeen Proving Ground.
Hiob said the flyer is full of outright lies, including assertions that Aberdeen will be hiring a new inspector just to patrol for property maintenance violations and that the city could condemn and demolish a house before offering its owner any recourse.
The flyer is also full of irrefutable errors – it lists an incorrect day of the week for the city council meeting (there is no Monday, Oct. 28 this year and the ordinance isn’t even on the Monday, Oct. 27 agenda) and it gives the personal email address of former city mayor Doug Wilson instead of the email address of current mayor Mike Bennett.
Nuisance codes…which is what these are…are good in one document…with appeal rights spelled out. I don’t see a down side.
Go Dagger ! !
I suppose this mean’s I have to get rid of my six chicken’s one rooster and my pet pig.. it depend’s on who’s doing the nit picking. are they intending to ”include” back lawn’s?
If they are tell them too get the H-LL OVER HERE. I’am getting surrounded by neighbors who don’t give a SH-T. I don’t mind the snake’s……but if the rat’s start then it’s going to be all over but the crying.
Oh aberdeen’s policy is if you can’t see it from the road it does’nt matter. even had a female chicken hawk got caught in a brush pile. she was totally up set. managed to get her loose with a heavy metal rake.
Vietnam Vet,
You’re funny man. Chickens, Roosters and Pigs, as well as Cows, Horses, and every other non-domestic pet are already not allowed. (I loved the line though!)
I just wanted to let you know that “back lawns” would be included in the proposed ordinance. Brians article is well written and accurate, (Thanks Brian) but there are many other facets to this proposed ordinance that are being intentionally misrepresented by some folks. Why? While some may have legitimate reasons or concerns, and others may not be fully informed, another group (usually the most vociferous) may have “potential violations” that this ordinance would give the City authority to rectify. That being said, there are a few sections that need to be amended, and some that need to be removed entirely. To that end, I have already met with Phyllis Grover, Doug Miller, Mayor Bennett and some Council Members to exchange information regarding the same. Where this proposed ordinance ends up is a mystery to me. I WILL say that I am NOT in favor of it as it was originally proposed, but that I AM in favor of it with the amendments I have offered. (and of course, I am open to other amendments) Let’s not throw out the proverbial “baby with the bathwater”. Let’s make this ordinance right, then pass it.
I welcome your comments, & I will check in Sunday evening regarding the same.
Councilman Mike
Greeting’s Mr Hiob. I happen to be some of the Ilk that stand’s at the back door’s of the council meeting’s that Dave yensen spoke of. Nothing short of old Hatefull &Grouchy. and nothing short of ugly.
Raised on cat fish ”stew” & chitlun’s. for you city folk. that’s Fried pig intestines But I was taught to respect people in authority& there property.I’am all fore the bill if it’s going to force a clean up.
So, here’s my question. It is said that if appeals cannot be resolved it will go to civil court. umm, how is this new “thing” going to stand up in court. Im pretty sure 9/10 its gonna get thrown out. Our Judges have better things to do than worry about someone’s door, or roof in Aberdeen. Come on guys, really? You think this will actually HELP Aberdeen?
Sandi….its in the best interest of the city to not go to court…take my word…precedents get made in courts. I noticed the word “citizen” in the appeal process…does this mean a board would be created to hear these appeals?
Civil court means if the citizen is still not happy its still an option.
If all checks and balances are there I see no problem.
The way I read this, it is nothing more than the present rules consolidated with a set process for appeal.
Go Dagger !
Just as long as Aberdeen doesn’t turn into an HOA type climate. One of the things that draws people to small towns and cities is because there is no HOA system just a town code that is applied evenly to all. That is where the problem lies. You have a council President that is more worried about her street and the street sweeper on W. Bel Air Ave. (state road that the street sweeper wouldn’t be utilized on in the first place). As long as these type of ordinances are applied evenly. I’m curious as to the last time the Council Prez was in Swan Meadows!
Rwinger…valid enough…thats why its important to discuss it now….
Go Dagger !
Well I will second swan meadow’s. But my neighbors are & have been ”trashy” meaning Brush piles & general litter.there back yard’s border mine. and they have Bucket’s board’s litter Brush piles etc.
I’ am not for and Hoa either. who is insureing these place’s? they sure don’t have a problem ( the insurance co) notifing me there coming out for a property inspection.
you would get killed trying to get thru some of these back lawn’s. I’ve lost count on the Snakes I removed from my lawn.this summer. the Snakes were removed to the wood’s at Golden corral. closest wood’s I could get too. I suppose now I need a license for Snake removal.
go back to ‘ground zero’ when folks kept their properties up and neat…oh, if you can’t recall, just drive up to Lancaster county and look along the roads…farms, houses, they keep their land clean and green…
some of the magnificent homes along Bel Air avenue in Aberdeen are well-kept and examples of pride…
so be it…there would be no need for ordinances etc. if folks would just do what they should do…for themselves…for their neighbors…and for the good of having a home or land to live on or rent…
we can’t have fewer controls, if those who need to be controlled don’t step up
Rwinger when those house’s were being sold to Individual owner’s in swan meadow’s. the pressure was put on too maintain the property. but once the papers were signed& Harry home owner moved in.it’s who care ‘s.
The town home’s in North deen are under and HOA trying to prevent a recurrence of what happened in swan meadow’s. the little House’s are not covered. Curry agency is or was the property management for north deen.
JB the ”clout” wanted that nightmare. build it and they will come. so it was said well the mass’s did’nt come & now we can’t give it away.but it’s ok we will continue to raise tax’s. water bill’s and anything else we can think of.
I’am about ready to file for a property tax reduction. I could’nt give this ” Shack” away with the people I have liveing around me. It’s turning in to a snake den. but at least there ” clean” & do remove rat’s & mice
I guess that’s why mom Hawk is hanging around she will eat small snake’s a couple of week’s ago I removed a 6 foot black snake.I can tell you that snake had and attitude problem.
The livability code has nothing to do with the stadium. If you don’t want the code say so and display your reasons. If you have a gripe with the stadium go to one of the earlier items in the archive and get onto that argument.
We have had a problem with a great many “citizens” who don’t care or don’t know how to maintain their property. Three years ago I attempted to answer a complaint from a widow who has a next door neighbor who fits into this category. Because their is NOTHING in the code that makes one replace a torn shutter or actually replace a roof, or replace a deteriorated garage door, or even so much as paint the house this woman still has the same situation today. There is about nothing that the City can do to help a homeowner who finds him or her self in this situation. I will be going around town today and tomorrow to take some pictures to bring to the meeting at City Hall tomorrow night. I can cite five or six really serious cases of homeowner neglect that affect the property values of the surrounding homes. There are also any number of places that are not as serious but also need to brought up to some level of decency.
How about the person at the corner of Maxa and Beards Hill who lets his lawn get knee deep before blowing everything into the street? How about the guy on Northgate Rd who lets the weeds grow along the curb, causing deterioration of the street? How about the guy on Second Street who has let his home get so bad that there is raw sewage running into his yard? This list goes on and on. The problem is deeper than that however. Because this stuff isn’t codified each department head in the City can point the finger in some other direction.
Bill Young, the Council woman’s husband, said it clearly and succinctly any number of times; “what about civic pride?” There was a day when we all took pride in our home, neighborhood and City, but those days are really behind us. I wish there were no need for ordinances of this nature but just like seat belts, motorcycle helmets and the like, we have to spoon feed a very small minority to keep the rest of the society a tiny bit civil. Good grief, I’m mostly Libertarian and wish we could eliminate about 95% of the laws and the lawyers, no such luck!
Reverend yenson did you notice this is and open forum? speak as you please. you are no longer a councilman & hopefully wil never be again. known as the ”YES” man of aberdeen.
And a pathetic excuse for a preacher
So dave, are you going to fund the repairs that this code requires? IF I had a code violation, I wouldnt have the extra to repair a door, shutter,etc. at the drop of a hat. Which is especially bad considering my main income for my family comes from the city.
Sandi…is this code already not in place? That’s my take…and…
There’s a big difference between a shutter with a weak hinge and couches and pickups in blocks in the front lawn, broken doors, tall grass on rentals.
Can those who can clarify …clarify…..in simple language 1.are these codes already in place? 2. doesn’t a clear cut appeal process help the home owner who can state that its a hardship?
Maybe Sandi would feel better if the code has a clause added that gave rights for exemption to certain things in one way or another for financial hardship. That’s fair…isn’t it?
Go Dagger ! !
richie-the grass thing isnt an issue because the city can cite for that. That is why Darnell is employed.
My biggest issue is the “city” coming on my property and telling me that my house “doesnt look good enough” to what they think. If anyone thinks that this won’t happen you are kidding yourself. Aberdeen government doesn’t have the best track record for being impartial so what would lead me to believe they will be in this?
Understood…thats why the appeals process…citizen board is good…with all rules and exemptions spelled out clearly in one place.
I like it cause it seems to be a consoloditation of existing rules and a chance to make a fairer process.
Go Dagger !
Hey Vet;
What brought that on? To the best of my knowledge you have never been to Church with me, but are entitled to your opinion. It just looks like you aren’t up to your normal high standards and resorted to a pitiful diatribe. I still love ya though man!
Gary Owen and Semper Fi
Why not? The Feds are maiking me pay for the antics of the Wall Streeters, why not cover yours too? Like THAT GUY says: It will be better if we spread the wealth around
Sandi I agree. my point is there is NO excuse for litter junk trash brush piles etc to accumulate on the property. creating snake den’s etc. I would suggest they stay away from my property they may get Snake bit.
I’am not concerend about there shutters the house shingles etc… live & let live just inforce the grass code etc.
vietnam-if you are concerned about the grass, then call city hall and get darnell over there. It is his job to enforce that. There doesnt need to be a code for what already exists.
Greetings! While I agree somewhat with both sides, and I agree there has to be some type of code (which I believe the City has a basic code), I do not think the City needs to become the “watch dog” or a “HOA.” People need to be respectful of one another and their neighbors. It is the basic tool that ones parents should have instilled in you.
To anyone interested ,I would like to set the record straight. Yensan has never been a preacher and never will be. He is an insurance salesman and I use the term man loosely, You are right about (yes man) Vet, he voted yes to everything
the former mayor wanted or did. And thats on record at city hall.
How fascinating Bud. Have you ever considered counseling or perhaps medication for all that anger?
Anger ! What anger ? All I gave was the facts, nothing else.
Go back & read most of your posts if you want to see anger & hate.
Then you go & get counseled.
Nameless, faceless, but oh so right eh Bud?
Dave…you got your fans and I got mine….but im just a guy on the street…(chuckle)
Good morning Richie. I find it fascinating that the Buds of the world rejoice in my no longer being in office. They have a lot of company, among them my clients and family. I learned that the public really,”can’t stand the truth.” Vet points out that I’m no longer in office and won’t be again. He’s on hundred percent correct. There is no way in hell that I would ever do that to my family again.
I still think, however, that Aberdeen needs a single code for reference and citation so that a resident who does not live up to “community standards” can be brought into line. I wish we didn’t need this, but unfortunately with the current climate of political correctness we absolutely have to do it. Some in this blog have asked who will pay for the repairs. How about the property owner? Where does the idea come from that we can do whatever we want and ignore the needs and wants of others? I have three properties in my neighborhood that have serious problems, and can’t do one damn thing about it. On the positive side my property taxes might not go up, but not too likely. Thank God I don’t want to sell at this point, but in a few years when I retire and move to a state that doesn’t tax us to death, I would like to think I can get full value, not degraded by the idiot down the street.
Greeting’s Dave it’s not my intent to do battle with the neighbor’s. as such they could’nt be better. but there ”trashy” they see no problem with the way they live. I will never sell this place because nobody is going to live around it.
One is in foreclosure. ( Just walked out and left it ) I no longer look at it as a retirement investmest because I’am not going to be able to sell it. I’m here on the West side of town.where the ( clout ) lives.
Not to far from our Friend. Rick denu. so the decay is like a virus it’s spreading….
Actually Vet, give me a call, I’m in the book. I’d love to see where you’re talking about. I had thought you were on the East side.
Sandi: Just about everything in the “New Code” already exists in the various sections of the current Aberdeen Code. What would make sense is to pull out the sections of the current code and reference them, then you wouldn’t have so much a “New Code” but a conglomerated document. This would be fine and dandy BUT………….
Parts of the sections of the current code apply to rental properties and the elected town officials want to see that these are applied to everyone. Maybe Mike Hiob will tell me that I’m mistaken and misinformed but instead of using a condensed version of what already exists these officials want to re-write and in doing so ADD little tidbits here and there. Seems to me it’s all about getting picky and getting those civil penalties in as a way to make money. Civil fines are nothing more than a tax and we all know who the Tax and Spend Dems are.
Here’s where it gets interesting. Your current codes enforcement officer does a so-so job when you can get him to come out and the violations are in his area of knowledge. I’m sure that Phyllis Grover is more than qualified in her position (rolling eyes). These are the two that are tasked with the “New Code”. You have 2 council people that haven’t a clue, a Council President that doesn’t even know which streets are town maintained and which are state roads, council members worried about faux brick facades on townhouses that will never be built because code changes have all but forced the builders to build elsewhere so that the buyers can afford the houses, a council (not Mike) that voted a property tax decrease so that they could raise the sewer tax (talk about robbing Peter to pay Paul), a council member that wants what is good for the citizens but cannot form an original thought nor can she really spell out just what the definition of “good” is, oh I could go on and on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,taking this into consideration maybe the mismatch color of the roof repair isn’t all that bad, maybe that crack in the third story attic window gives the house character, and maybe this next tax refund check will pay for the new down spouts because the last one had to go to the hospital bills and it was the car the time before that, and let’s not forget about little Suzies braces.
I find it amazing that some of the trashiest properties in Aberdeen are rental properties that are substandard to begin with and are enforceable under current code, yet, nothing is done after repeated complaint. By the way Sandi, you can actually get a copy of the Aberdeen Code, it’s a long read, rather dry, but it helps to recite chapter and verse when correcting a councilperson flub or trying to get a codes enforcement officer to enforce a code. I don’t think that this was a priority during the Wilson years, I think Simmons addressed it just fine (remember when the drug dealer houses were burned down), but under this current body……..makes me wonder what Art Helton is thinking……….oh I know!
I am afraid that this new ordinance will be like all the rest: SELECTIVELY ENFORCED. That’s right, I said it. Everything in Aberdeen is dependent on who you know. And as for Darnell, he only goes out with the police chief to look at untagged cars between his smoke breaks. This ordinance is a waste of paper, time and resources. Just another way of getting Art Helotn more property mabe? I don’t know, I just alot of indegent people loosing. Things are tough enough, now I have to worry about Aberdeen checking my downspouts?
Why don’t the politicians put thier effort in finding a reliable water source or cutting more FAT from the budget? What a bunch of self-serving, inconsiderate people we have on the council!
local- I couldnt agree more. It’s only going to take 1 lawsuit for the city to get in major trouble about passing another thing that seems to target a certain few neighborhoods in the city. Also, I laughed when you talked about Darnell and the chief. 🙂
RWinger…You have a lot to say about all of the people that work for Aberdeen & the way you feel about them. But you should get your facts straight. The taxes & water & sewer rates were raised & voted on by Simmons, Yensan & Hiob only, After that all council members voted to lower the property tax by 2 cents. The water & sewer taxes have not been raised again.
Bud – you obviously do not pay a city sewer bill – rates were raised when they passed the budget on May 12, 2008
1. Setting the Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2008-2009; Budget Ordinance No. 08-1
(For Adoption)
Mr. Miller provided a handout for Ordinance No. 08-1 the FY 2008-2009 Budget.
The Property Tax Rate has been reduced from $.71.5 to $.70 per $100 assessed
value. The General Fund has been reduced by $73,000 and Capital Projects have
been reduced by $173,000. The water rates are: minimum usage 3,500 gallons –
$14.50 and over 3,500 gallons $4.38 per 1,000 gallons. The sewer rates have
increased from $13.65 to $16.52 for the first 3,500 gallons and over 3,500 gallons from $3.90 to $4.71 per 1,000 gallons.
Mr. Miller stated that the Budget was introduced on April 14th, a Public Hearing
was held on April 28th, and Public Comment was heard on May 5th. The Budget as submitted tonight is ready for adoption.
Councilman Hiob suggested leaving the tax rate at $.71.5 because the difference is only $45 per year per household. This would give the City a total of $165,000
sustainable income. There are numerous sidewalks which could be replaced with this money.
A motion was made by Mayor Bennett and seconded by Councilman Hiob to adopt the Amendments to the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget for the City of Aberdeen. Mayor Bennett requested further discussion.
A motion was made by Councilman Hiob to approve the Fiscal Year 2008 – 2009
Budget for the City of Aberdeen with a Property Tax Rate of $.71.5. There was no
second to the motion; thus, no vote was taken.
Councilman Kupferman recommended reducing the tax rate to $.67. He reminded everyone that the Rainy Day Fund is made up of taxpayer money.
The motion was passed with a vote of 4 – yes and 1 – no to adopt the
amendments to the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget.
Ayes – Mayor Bennett, Council President Elliott, Councilwoman Young, and
Councilman Kupferman
Nays – Councilman Hiob
A motion was made by Councilwoman Young and seconded by Council President Elliott to approve Ordinance No. 08-1, Aberdeen City Council Budget for Fiscal Year 2008 – 2009 as amended. The motion was passed with a vote of 5 – yes.
Thank you for posting that Jean, saved me the cut and paste time. Bud, most respectfully, you may want to check your facts.
Let’s get one thing straight, Fred Simmons was not the be all end all, BUT he showed up each day and took an active role in the day to day operations of this town. I understand that the government when intially set up was to have part-time mayor and council and Fred gave us a taste of what a full time mayor was like and for the most part it worked. He was in tune with what was going on. As it stands now I find 1 possibly 2 of our elected officials that actually have a clue! That is sad.
As for having a lot to say about people that work for Aberdeen, you’re darn tootin’…….my taxes pay for them and I will be as critical as I would someone doing work at my home or on my vehicle. It’s not Aberdeen’s money, it’s the taxpayers money and if I see money wasted on studies that aren’t needed, employees that are substandard, or hear town officials spout off about street sweepers sweeping roads that are under the state system I’m going to bring it up and excersise my First Amendment Right.
2009 can’t come soon enough!
RWinger you are able to really get to the heart of things and make objective statements. I also think you have a very good grasp of where we stand today in this City. The only problem I have is your comment about 2009 not coming soon enough. Who will run and win that really get in and fix stuff? Over the years we have had some good, smart folk come into office, but they don’t last. Aberdeen consistently gets the government it deserves. I’ve said it before in these pages, but it doesn’t matter at what level, folk who are smart enough to do the job are smart enough to stay away.
Bud, you sound a lot like a guy named Buck who used to try to enter into this discussion, with about the same level of acceptance. You exemplefy the problem with Aberdeen.
Make that “exemplify'”
Rumor mill says that APG sent notice to the City that it will terminate it’s contract pertaining to the water supply/plants over the City’s mismanagement. Sad thing is it’ll be three years. Kind of interesting that APG is looking at putting in a desalination plant to draw on the Chesapeake. Now where have I herd that before?
Denu for You 2009!
The City of Havre de Grace already has this type of code. I have prayed for Aberdeen to follow suit. Too many people have no pride let alone Civic Pride.
I would think a Home owner would take some pride in how they live. when the street sweeper was seen in certain area’s of town . some people. those who owned a rake
Would rake the leave’s to the road expecting’s them to clean them up. & then you had the one’s who refused to move a vehicle full well knowing they had a tough job steering a round car’s & truck’s.
When a tree went over in my yard.the men from the town were there to chip up the limb’s.
Thank you City employee’s
Bic has it. All of our problems are over – Denu for You in 2009!
Tongue in cheek I presume, Dave.
It appears that this attempt is now off of the floor. Just like annexation, I’m sure that it will reveal itself again with a few more bells and whistles.
RWinger – What?
Yensan – You are showing your green
I’m not Irish! The real thrust of my silly comment is that we as a people tend to come up with a simple, one dimensional solution to a very complex, multi-dimensional problem. As you so astutely pointed out, we have a Council that has one or at best two people who are the least bit effective. I have been there and have experienced, first hand how difficult things can be. Waving hands at a council meeting and either stating the obvious or overstating things which have no chance of ever happening, don’t get the job done. I have observed what happens when an elected official simply picks up the pay check and looks through the distribution. Two of the olng standing members are clueless on almost every issue, and will remain that way. Great politicians but useless employees.
I’m not the least envious. I was there, worked very hard for two years and left. That era is behind me. I wish anyone luck who wants to jump in there and actually try to make things better. If Denu wants it God bless him, but I don’t see how the City can survive unless the folks who pay the freight get involved and allow and encourage their elected officials.