A Harford County jury found Sean Jones, 20, of the 900 block of Woodbridge Court in Edgewood, guilty of second degree murder and child abuse resulting in death. The verdict came less than two hours after the jury began to deliberate. Jones refused to stand for the reading of the verdict and began screaming as deputies lead him from the courtroom.
The defendant was charged from the suffocation death of his girl friend’s two year-old daughter Ashlyn Sutherland on 6 July 2007. The prosecutor, Deputy State’s Attorney Diana Brooks reported that the child’s family was pleased with the verdict and felt that they could now get closure. A pre-sentence investigation was ordered and sentencing will be scheduled later.
The proof showed the defendant beat and smothered Ashlyn because she would not stop crying. Family members intend to address the court at sentencing.
What kind of a bastard beats and smothers a 2 year old baby to death?
This guy is a defiant monster who deserves life in prison. Good riddins!
Will be interesting to see if he gets any thing close to a 100 year sentence.
wtf is wrong with people today? death penatly!
I am her mother… its been a rough 6 years and no life sentence.. 60 years with chance of parole after serving 30