EDGEWOOD: Better with EVERYONE’S Help!
Edgewood Community Council, P.O. Box 1182, Edgewood, MD 21040
A Thriving, Diverse and Compassionate Community that Welcomes All Citizens!
EDGEWOOD News April 2009 Edition
What’s in This Issue
Edgewood Community Council March Meeting Summary
Special Projects Updates
Government Officials Updates
Committee/Sub-Committee Updates
Community Events
Edgewood Schools News
Teacher of the Year Recognition
Culinary Institute Scholarship Award
Tull Memorial Run and Walk, April 18,
Special Community Announcements
Community Healing-Teen Lock-In
Free Food
Fundraising Bingo
ServeFest 09
Non-Partisan TEA Party
Route 40 Business Association News
Farmer’s Market Opening
Spring Family Dinner
Summer Movie nights
American Legion (AL) News
AL Riders 1st Anniversary, April 18
Poker Run
Senior Center
Sheriff’s Office News
Persons to Contact
Edgewood Recreation Center Programs
Coach Dexter remarks
Edgewood Public Library Programs
April programs
LEAP programs
Community News and Information Sources
Connect-CTY Information
A Nostalgic Lookback
Volunteer Opportunities
Next Edgewood Community Council Meetings
Excerpts from Mary-Dulaney Janes’ Session Report
ServeFest 2009 Flyer
Bel Air TEA Party Flyer
Teen Lock-In Flyer , Registration and Permission Form
Edgewood Community Council March Meeting Summary
(Provided in part by Mildred Samy)
Our thanks to Mildred Samy for volunteering to serve as secretary for the Edgewood Community Council!! We appreciate your service.
Edgewood Community Newsletter: The monthly Newsletter has grown from a couple of pages to multiple pages. Its purpose is to highlight positive events, encourage participation in activities and to portray a positive image of Edgewood. News and information for the Newsletter is solicited from residents, communities, faith-based organizations, business, and government officials. It is currently e-mailed to a limited number of recipients and if you want to be included on the distribution list, please contact stuempfle@aol.com or jmrobinson4@hotmail.com.
Independence Day Celebration: The parade will start from behind the APG FCU in Edgewood along Woodbridge Way to Harford Square. A big event is planned to occur at Harford Square after the parade. We have a commitment to have the Carnival at the Edgewater Shopping Plaza. The yearly celebration’s parade route alternates between Joppatowne and Edgewood locations as this is a collaborative endeavor between our communities.
Councilman Dion Guthrie reports:
a. Results of the Harford County Council Hearing of March 10, 2009 – new Waste To Energy facility will be 4X the size of the present facility at the cost of $400 million; there will be additional tractor-trailer traffic (7:00PM-6:00AM) along Rt. 152, and may result in some possible environmental hazards. Contrary to standard policy of a 3-day advance notice, the Council submitted their amendments just one (1) hour before the meeting as opposed to Friday at 2:00PM before a proposed Council meeting. Guthrie’s submitted amendment was voted down regarding the facility and he was the only member of the Harford County Council to support his amendment.
b. A Master Plan for Edgewood is being examined that had been initially proposed almost 4 years ago and termed The Development Envelope. The time for action on this is now as this is done every 5 years. Joppatowne and Edgewood communities need to join forces, together with the media, and argue about plans being made for our communities without our approval and that may not be in our best interests. Since time is of the essence, the Edgewood Community Council will immediately start on a short-term objective to develop a Development Envelope for the people, and by the people.
Harford County Executive’s Office: Harford County has applied to the Governor’s Office of Crime & and Control Prevention for a Public Safety Grant of $201,866 to be used just for the Edgewood community on the condition that the County matches the grant with $106,663 pending approval of the Harford County Council.
Grime Abatement Committee
(See Flyer attached and additional information below)
ServeFest 2009: Edgewood Clean-Up Melting Pot Site – April 25, 2009 @ 9:00AM at Edgewood Recreation & Community Center . ServeFest 2009 is part of a global event spearheaded by Mountain Christian Church and includes about 50 churches from Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Harford County who will be sending volunteers to help with this event. We will be cleaning up the Edgewater Village area. The Cordish Group has donated $2,000 towards this initiative. Need volunteers, water, ice, garbage bags, disposable plastic gloves, tools (i.e., rakes, shovels, etc.) Refer requests for services to ServeFest@hotmail.com. A global celebration of ServeFest is being planned. ServeFest T-Shirts are available for $5.00 each. Visit www.mountainchristian.org. Requesting donations from local businesses and churches.
2nd Saturday ServeFest: Every 2nd Saturday of the Month. Register to volunteer: ServeFest@hotmail.com.
Community Healing-Teen Lock-In: Mildred Samy announced a MAJOR upcoming event termed TEEN LOCK-IN (ages 13-18) set for April 17-18, 2009 from 8:00 PM – 8:00 AM at the Edgewood Boys & Girls Club. See attached Flyer and registration form for additional detail.
Next Ecc Meeting
The next ECC meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 8th, 2009 in the Edgewood Recreation and Community Center (ERC), 1980 Brookside Drive.
Edgewood Schools News
Congratulations to Carolyn J. Bendyna who is an Edgewood High School mathematics teacher and is a finalist for recognition as Harford County Public School Teacher of the Year for 2009! Carolyn has been teaching for seven years and is very active in our community. Please see her biographical summary listed under the Harford County Public Schools Teacher of the Year Finalists website.
Congratulations also to Gladys Kemp, from Edgewood High School, in winning second-place at the 3rd Annual Le Cordon Bleu Schools North America Market Basket Competition! She has received a scholarship to Pennsylvania Culinary Institute (PCI) and will begin her culinary education in September at the Pittsburgh school. The Le Cordon Bleu Market Basket Scholarship Competition involved a two-phased process. First, students completed an online entry form that included a 75 – 150 word essay demonstrating their interest, desire and passion for becoming a chef; then a team of judges selected the finalists and invited them to compete in the kitchen challenge. On the day of the scholarship competition, future students were given a market basket containing key ingredients. They had 90 minutes to prepare and present two identical plated desserts (one for presentation and one for judging). Second-place is a great achievement and we say ‘well done’, Gladys.
3rd Annual Franklin L. Tull Memorial
5K Run and 1 Mile Walk for Student Success
Where: Lakeview Drive and Edgewood Road
Lakeview Business Park
When: Saturday, April 18
Donation: $15.00 per entrant
Time: Run begins at 9:00 a.m.
Walk begins at 9:10 a.m
Onsite registration from 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Register online at
https://www.active. com/event_detail. cfm?event_ id=1711864
Special Community Announcements
Community Healing-Teen Lock-In
(See attached Flyer for details)
In our continuing effort to helping our community and our children, a Teen Lock-In will be held on April 17-18 from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am at the Edgewood Unit Boys & Girls Club located at 2002 Cedar Drive, Edgewood, MD 21040. This event is for as many teens as we can fit in the Boys & Girls Club. It is not just for the Edgewood population. HOWEVER, all parents must complete the Permission Packet and the Teen will need his/her packet to gain entrance to the LOCK-IN. NO PACKET – NO ENTRANCE. Please see the attached flyer for the registration and permit forms! The Boys and Girls Club is requesting, as possible, for all teens who will be attending to call the Boys and Girls Club at 410-676-1020 and let them know you plan to attend so that they can get a headcount and have enough food and refreshments available. We could REALLY use some adult VOLUNTEERS and a few ROLE MODELS for the night! For information, contact Mildred Samy @ mimisamy1823@aol.com
Free Food
April 8th 1 to 6pm
Dairy, meat, and produce; anyone can participate and All are welcome to come get food.
For more info please call 410-676-1212
Or check our website at:
Vera Bradley Bingo – A Fundraiser sponsored by Extreme Family Outreach and The Ladies Auxiliary of Edgewood
April 25th Doors open at 5:30 PM. Pocket Book Bingo @ 7:00PM
American Legion Post 17
415 Edgewood Road
Edgewood, Md 21040
$12.00 per ticket; $15 at the door
For more info please call 410-676-1212
Or check our website at:
ServeFest 09 (submitted by Kecia Bell-Smith)
On Saturday, April 25th we will be participating in SERVEFEST 2009. As Chair of the Grime Abatement Committee for the Edgewood Community Council, I have the honor of hosting the MELTING POT, which is Edgewood. Our goal is to top last years number of 150 volunteers in the Edgewood effort. This year’s global Servefest is all of Harford County, Baltimore County and Baltimore City. Churches throughout the County have independent projects, but all are sending teams to work the Harford County Melting Pot Project. This year’s concentration will be cleaning Lake Serene, adjacent streets leading to Route 40, the Route 40 corridor between Gateway Drive and Edgewood Road, Edgewater Village shopping Center and the alley behind the shopping center, and the business lots on Route 40.
The wonderful blend of churches, businesses and people unified in this project takes coordination. I am honored to have Minister Tittle and Yvonne Bennett as coordinating volunteers to assist me in hosting this event. We are asking for Volunteers to step up and lead teams in this clean-up effort. Also needed are donations to complete the clean-up projects. Please see below areas of need and let one of us know how you may be able to help.
Volunteer Needs
Leaders for group clean-ups – make sure tools are available and projects are completed
Leaders in the Host Site – issue water and food to those coming in for rest breaks
Leaders for Heavy Hauling projects to dumpster’s
Tools/Food Needs
Garbage Bags, Disposable Gloves, Rakes, Bottled Water, Juice, Bags of Ice, Snacks.
* We also need partnership and volunteers from the local Edgewood Churches. If your church is not participating in Servefest please let us know so we may include you in this effort. Below is a link which best explains SERVEFEST. Mountain Christian Church spearheads Servefest, but collectively this is a project of the Body of Christ! Please review the short video about Servefest and join us is this wonderful united effort!
Mountain Christian Church – servefest@hotmail.com
Kecia Bell-Smith- keciabell@aol.com
Non-Partisan TEA Party
A Nationwide Tea Party for all concerned citizens and all taxpayers is planned for April 15, 2009. The Taxed Enough Already Parties, organized by grassroots volunteers and every day American citizens from across the country, are intended to draw the attention of Washington, D.C. and Annapolis, MD Democrat and Republican lawmakers. The intent is to emphasize that the U. S. Constitution needs to be adhered to and that the Rule of Law must be followed. The local Tax Day Tea Party will be held from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. in downtown Bel Air in front of the Court House. Similar Maryland Tea Parties will take place in Havre de Grace, Annapolis, Westminster and Salisbury and in hundreds of towns and cities across our 50 states. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Route 40 Business Association News.
Edgewood Farmers Market OPENING SOON!
Mark this date on your calendar! Thursday, May 14, 2009, 3pm – 6pm – Opening Day of the Edgewood Farmers Market. Sponsored by Route 40 Business Association and entering its 15th year, the farmers market features fresh seasonal vegetables, fruit, market packs of herbs and annuals, hanging baskets, flowers, delicious home baked goods and desserts, breads, honey, eggs, and home décor items and is a great place to meet new friends, catch up with old ones, and have all your gardening questions answered. The market is located at the intersection of Edgewood Road (SR 755) and Old Edgewood Road, across from the MARC Train Station. WIC and Senior Coupons are accepted. Come see what’s growing at your local Edgewood Farmers Market. Questions? Contact Alan Doran, Market Master, @ 410-679-2997, x 203 or alan-doran@hesshotels.com.
Edgewood Spring Family Dinner and Fun Night
Edgewood Alliance is planning another Spring Family Dinner and Fun Night. Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 6pm – 8pm at the American Legion Post in Edgewood. Spaghetti, salad/dressings, bread, and dessert will be served. Cost: $2pp with under 7 and over 70 free, $10 per family household. Entertainment is planned. RSVP to Edgewood Alliance @ 410-893-4435 or call Alan Doran @ 410-679-2997 x 203 or alan-doran@hesshotels.com.
For more information contact Route 40 Business Association at rt40ba@aol.com or call Alan Doran @ 410-679-2997, ext. 203.
FREE summer movie series will be held every other Friday in June, July, and August at the Edgewood Boys and Girls Club. The movies are a super way for a family to spend a Friday evening together. Current planned movie dates are Fridays, June 12 & 26, July 10 & 24, and August 7 & 21. We need volunteers to help with setup, concessions, and breakdown! If you are interested – it’s really not hard work – please call Alan @ 410-679-2997, ext. 203.
American Legion Edgewood Service Post 17 News
415 Edgewood Road, Edgewood, MD 21040, 410-676-1147
April 18, 2009 7pm-12pm, Come help the American Legion Riders ALR 17 celebrate their 1st Anniversary. Food, music, and fun so come celebrate with us. Tickets are $15/person.
American Legion Riders, Poker Run, April 19, 2009, starts/ends at American Legion Edgewood Service Post 17. Sign up is from 10:00 til noon, (last rider in by 5:00pm), $10.00 per person. Join us for a great ride.
Bingo every Sunday, doors open 5pm, play starts at 6pm, food available for purchase, progressive jackpot, etc. come play Bingo with us. No Bingo Easter Sunday or Mother’s Day Sunday.
Saturday, April 25, 2009 Purse Bingo, featuring Vera Bradley, $12 in advance, $15 at the door, doors open 530 pm, Bingo Starts 7pm.
Thank you for supporting our events and helping making them a success.
Senior Center
The Edgewood Senior Center is located at 1000 Gateway Road and you are welcome to attend all events when you are 50 years or older. Spring classes begin April 6th through June 12th.
Further information, please call Chuck 410-612-1622 and for other scheduled activities and lunch services, please visit the Center.
Sheriff’s Office News
Sheriff Bane reports that new management has taken over at the Village of Lakeview. The new management in coordination with the Sheriff’s Dept. will be enforcing new rules and regulations and ensuring evictions of problem residents. Installation of cameras and lights will soon take place along Brookside Drive for improved security and safety of residents.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is developing a list of Harford County high school students interested in attending the 2009 Sheriff’s Youth Academy. Attendees of the Youth Academy spend five days and four nights at Harford Glenn Environmental Education Center at no cost. This program is being offered, June 22-26, 2009 and August 3 – 7, 2009. If you would like to be included in the interest list for the summer of 2009 Youth Academy, simply contact the School Police Resource Officer assigned to your high school or call the Harford County Sheriff’s Office School Policing Team at 410-638-3969.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office new website is at www.harfordsheriff.org. Look at the Crime Reports section that enables you to receive timely and important local crime data for your neighborhood. Check out the “Wanted” section for information regarding suspects being sought and providing the opportunity to offer tips ‘‘on line’’. Join the Harford County Sheriff’s Office community email list. Simply log on to the home page of www.harfordsheriff.org and look for the “Stay Informed” sign up box and indicate what reports and information you would like to receive.
Persons to Contact.
Dion F. Guthrie: District A County Council Representative for Edgewood/Joppatowne. 410-638-4109 x1403 or via e-mail: dfguthrie@harfordcountymd.gov.
Jane Walker: Harford County Office of Government and Community Relations.
410-638-3355/410-838-4284(fax) or via email: jlwalker@harfordcountymd.com
Jansen Robinson: Chairman, Edgewood Community Council.
410-676-1589 (h), 410-258-4552 (cell) or via email: jmrobinson4@hotmail.com.
C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (Democrat)
District Office: The Atrium
375 W. Padonia Road, Suite 200
Timonium MD 21093
Phone: 410-628-2701
Fax: 202-225-3094
Nancy Jacobs (Republican)
403 James Senate Office Building
Annapolis MD 21401
Phone: 410-841-3158 or 1-800-492-7122 Ext. 3158
Email: Nancy.Jacobs@senate.state.md.us
Sen. Nancy Jacobs welcomes everyone to contact her about state issues and legislative issues at nancy.jacobs@senate.state.md.us or at 410-841-3158.
Mary-Dulaney James (Democrat)
404 Lowe House Office Building
Annapolis MD 21401
Phone: 410-841-3289 or 1-800-492-7122 Ext. 3289
Email: Mary.Dulany.James@house.state.md.us
District Office: 131 S. Union Avenue Suite A
Havre de Grace MD 21078
Phone: 410-939-7501
B. Daniel Riley, State Delegate (Democrat)
326 Lowe House Office Building
Annapolis MD Annapolis
Phone: 410-841-3289 or 1-800-492-7122 Ext. 3289
Email: Daniel.Riley@house.state.md.us
Harford County Board Of Education
(Edgewood Representative)
Mark Wolkow
102 South Hickory Ave
Bel Air, MD 21014
Art Stuempfle, Editor, Edgewood Newsletter stuempfle@aol.com
Edgewood Recreation Council & Community Center Programs Spring-Summer 2009
The Edgewood Recreation & Community Center offers a variety of programs for adults and kids. Included are Microsoft Word classes, typing, adult walking program, scrap booking and over 18 basketball. There are 150 children enrolled in the after-school program (95% come from this community) and transportation is now provided from the elementary schools. The fees for six-week sessions are $2.00 and the After-School Fee is $2.00/school year. The Center will be open during Spring Break and is open approximately 200 days a year. New programs include Computer Lab Membership for $2.00/month and a Gym Membership for $2.00/month. There will be a Fundraising Car Wash at Wal-Mart in Abingdon on Saturday, April 11, 2009.
Input from Coach Dexter:
“Edgewood hosts the 11-12 Girls Basketball travel for Harford County Parks & Rec. We have teams from all over the county plus a few teams from outside teams playing in our travel league. We receive many positive comments from Rec centers all over Harford County and other surrounding Rec communities outside the County on how well the Edgewood Rec center looks, the cleanliness and the leadership we provide to our youth in the community. What is very surprising, is we get feedback from other Rec Basketball Programs that also have new gyms, on how well maintained the gym is and our scoreboards. No other Rec Center in the County has one. We put lots of pride back in our Edgewood community with our youth.
CONGRATULATIONS to all our Edgewood Rec teams that played on Saturday in the Aberdeen League tournament. EDGEWOOD took home 4 Championships and 3 Runner Up trophies. CHAMPIONSHIPS WINNERS J
9 – 10 Girls
11 – 12 Girls
13 – 14 Girls
11 – 12 Boys
7 – 8 Clinic
9 – 10 Boys
11 – 12 Boys ”
Baseball/Softball – Ages 4-20. Contact Joe Nance to register at 410-671-6511.
Cheerleading & Football – Ages 5-14. Practice starts early August. Fees due at Registration: $110.00/per child/$75.00/each additional family member (must live in same household). Registration at Joppatowne High School Cafeteria, on Tues., 4/7/09 & Wed., 4/8/09, from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Limited Registration on a first come, first served basis. Interested coaches should contact Patty or Danny Jahn at 410-679-1567, or Carmela Perez at 443-307-3335 for more information, or www.ejs.org.
Soccer – Boys and Girls ages 4-16. Program begins in August. Registration will be held at Edgewood Middle School (outside) on Wednesdays, 5/20/09, 5/27/09 & 6/3/09, from 6:00-7:30pm. Also, on Saturdays, 5/30/09 & 6/6/09, from 10:00am to Noon. Cost: $65.00 for all children ages 6-16; $35.00 for all children ages 4 & 5 in the clinic program. Child must be at least 4 years old by July 31, 2009. Contact Sam or Michelle @ 443-922-7260 or e-mail edgsoccer@comcast.net with any questions. Always looking for volunteers and Coaches.
Volleyball – Ages 18 & over. Program meets on Monday & Thursday at the Edgewood Recreation & Community Center, from 7:00-9:30pm. Try it one night for free, $5.00 for the season. Register on site. Contact Phil Eichensehr, 410-676-2961.
For more information on any of the above programs please call 410-612-1606.
Ellen Pearce, Administrative Assistant
Harford County Department of Parks & Recreation
1980 Brookside Drive
Edgewood, Maryland 21040
Website Address: www.harfordcountymd.gov
Edgewood Public Library Programs
The Edgewood Branch offers a variety of activities for all ages. Call us at 410-612-1600 for information or to register. Here are some examples of April programs:
Babies Love Books Friday Apr 24 10:30 AM
Edgewood Senior Center Book Discussion Group
Tuesday Apr 28 10:30 AM
The Miracle at Speedy Motors by Alexander McCall Smith
Game On! @ Your Library
Match your skills against fellow gamers. Play of Xbox or Nintendo Wii
Tuesday Apr 7 12:30-4:30 PM Grades 1-12
It’s Story Time!
All ages
Thursdays Mar 5-May 28 10:45 AM
LEAP: Puzzles of the Past
Find out how archeologists use science to uncover the missing pieces of history.
Apr 25 10:30-11:30 AM Grade 3~8 This program is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services
LEAP: Scope Out Science
Wondering what’s new in science? Want to know how to use the latest take-home science kits? Need help in science? Drop in to talk with a LEAP expert!
Thursdays Mar 5-May 14 6:00-7:45 PM All
LEAP: The Lost Pharoah
Solve an archeological mystery from Egypt. Professor Howdy Digumup claims to have found a new pharoah. Are his finds real or fake? We’ll find out by testing scarabs, decoding hieroglyphs and more.
Wednesday Apr 8 6:30-7:30 PM Grade 3~8 This program is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services
Locate and Apply for a Job on the Internet (Part 1)
Learn how to use Internet sites to locate jobs, apply for a job and post resumes online. Adults
Master Gardeners: Grow It and Eat It
Certified Master Gardeners will teach you how to grow your own food during tough economic times.
Tuesday Apr 7 7:00 PM
Preparing to Plant – Helping your soil make it all work, and timing it right.
Wednesday Apr 29 7:00 PM
As You Like It * in the Garden. Tips that great gardeners know. Includes problem solving and a field trip to a garden.
Yu-Gi-Oh Dueling Club
Activities include beginning instruction, tournaments and free play.
Saturday Apr 25 12:30-4:30 PM Grades 5 and up
Community News and Information Sources
The Dagger Press website covers happenings in Harford County and has graciously printed our newsletters. Please subscribe and check then out at www.daggerpress.com.
BRACWatch.com is a free subscription for email information on what you need to know about BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) and its effect on business, government and home. Subscribe at: editor@bracwatch.com
For more news about Edgewood check out Dave Stansbury’s website for our community that provides many links to other sources of interesting information. On the Web at http://town.edgewood.md.us
The Greater Edgewood Education Foundation website includes information pertinent to our community. Check out http://www.myedgewoodmd.com and visit the home page of the Greater Edgewood Education Foundation at www.geefinc.com for more information.
The Harford County Public Schools website is located at “www.hcps.org” and provides information on the special programs at Edgewood schools. BE PROUD to be part of Edgewood, of our schools and of our status in this county.
Connect – CTY
On Thursday, March 5, 2009, Harford County conducted its first community-wide test call. Many Harford County citizens received the call from Rick Ayers, Emergency Manager, Harford County Division of Emergency Operations.
If you did not receive a call, we strongly urge you to enter your information by visiting www.harfordcountymd.gov and clicking on the link that says “SIGN UP NOW – SERVICES BY CONNECT-CTY” to enter your information into the secure database.
Those without internet access can have their information added into the system by calling 410-638-4900. Residents with call blocking services can make sure to receive the county’s time sensitive calls by adding 410-838-5800 to their approved number list. All information added into the database will remain secure and confidential.
Publicly available primary residential and business phones in Harford County were automatically uploaded into the Connect-CTY system. However, residents can opt-in to provide their complete information (up to three phone numbers and two email addresses) and indicate if they have a TTY/TDD device.
What is Connect-CTY?
The service will allow Harford County to send critical, time-sensitive information to our community.
The Connect-CTY service allows officials to record, send and track personalized voice messages to thousands of residents, businesses and local agencies in just minutes, through a single phone call.
How will Connect-CTY be used?
Harford County will use the system to directly reach out to citizens regarding severe weather (hurricanes, tornados, flooding, etc.), missing persons or road closures.
Within the Department of Community Services, authorized uses will notify targeted citizens about Senior Activity Center closings, changes to the Harford Transit bus service, commission meeting cancellations and more.
Why should you register?
Overall, receive critical information specifically affecting you. For example:
Receive a text message on your cell phone letting you know your bus is running behind schedule due to an accident.
Learn before you leave your house that the class you take at your local Senior Activity Center is cancelled due to snow.
Discover a tornado has been spotted in your area and know to stay indoors.
Find out a senior is missing from their assisted living center and may be wandering in your neighborhood.
Educational and governmental organizations nationwide are achieving major improvements in community involvement, operational efficiency, and employee communication through the Connect family of services provided by Blackboard Connect. For more information on Blackboard Connect and the services they provide, visit www.blackboardconnect.com.
A Nostalgic Lookback
May I recommend the following website for your viewing pleasure? Just turn on your volume control and reminisce about things our current generation will not understand, but for which we wish they too could enjoy. Close your eyes…And go back. …Before the Internet or PC or the MAC….Before semi-automatics and crack…Before Playstation, SEGA, Super Just Google Closeyoureyes.pps and enjoy.
Volunteer Opportunities
Discover how you can make a difference in our community. The Expo provides the perfect chance to hear from numerous organizations and agencies about volunteer opportunities available!
Sign up to volunteer on the spot – hundreds of exciting and rewarding volunteer opportunities are available. Funded by the Harford County Department of Community Services and the Corporation for National and Community Service.
Saturday, April 25, 2009 9 AM – Noon
Patterson Mill Middle-High School
85 Patterson Mill Road, Bel Air
Who should attend?
Individuals, families, youth groups, scout
troops – everyone is welcome!
Cost: FREE and open to the public.
Information: 410-638-3389 or 410-638-4444
or www.harfordcountymd.gov/services
Next ECC Meeting
The next ECC meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 8th, 2009 in the Edgewood Recreation and Community Center (ERC), 1980 Brookside Drive. The May meeting will be held on Wednesday May 13th. Mark you calendar and plan to attend and support YOUR community!
Mary-Dulaney James’ Session report
Friday, April 3rd, 2009
The following are edited excerpts from a letter provided by Delegate Mary-Dulany James regarding the 2009 State legislative session.
2010 Budget Analysis
This session cut $825 million from the Governor’s budget, thereby amounting to nearly $3 billion in cuts over the past three years. This budget is lower than it was in 2007. Nevertheless, we have maintained our commitment to local governments by allocating $7.3 billion in local aid, a $66 million increase from last year. Healthcare receives nearly $7 billion, and our public schools are being fully funded at nearly $6 billion. I want to take this opportunity to clarify what type of impact the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will have on the Maryland budget. There has been some misinformation circulated that the stimulus package will bind Maryland to spending money beyond the package’s time frame. Let me be very clear: This is false. When the stimulus funding ends in Maryland, the state’s obligations end.
Real ID
Many of you have expressed deep concern regarding HB 387, also know as the Real ID Bill. I want you to know that I was a lead sponsor on the original bill- leading the charge for the single tiered license. When a small group of the Judiciary Committee changed the bill to a two-tier system, I removed my name as a sponsor and voted against the bill. I will be working with my colleagues in the House and the Senate to try and return this bill to its original form, as a one tiered system for driver’s licenses -as 44 other States in the Union have already done. Please help me return this bill to its original form by sending me yours and your friends’ e-mails so that I can provide them to the Subcommittee as further reason why the State of Maryland should implement a one-tiered Real ID.
Harford and Cecil County Local Projects
As Chair of the Health and Human Resources Subcommittee to Appropriations, I am pleased to share that the fiscal year 2010 Capital Budget has allocated $600,000 for the first Hospice in Harford County. In addition to the Harford County Hospice, several local projects in Harford and Cecil Counties will also receive funding. The Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute located in Harford County is on track to receive $7,700,000 for its regional training facility, which is a top priority for Harford and Cecil Counties. We have fully funded Program Open Space and although we are using capital dollars, I successfully sunset that provision in 2011.
Summary of Sponsored Bills this Session
I am very pleased to tell you about several bills that I have been working on this session. All of my bills have passed in the House and are now in the Senate.
HB 781 Property Tax Credit-Seniors:
In an effort to offset the cost of rising taxes and cost of living for senior citizens, this bill gives county governments the option to provide a tax credit to eligible seniors who are a least 65 years old, living on a limited income and have owned their home for at least five years. This bill allows the county the ability to alleviate the high property tax burden placed on senior citizens.
HB 1438- Creation of State Debt-Harford County- The Citizens Care and Rehabilitation Center:
I have secured $200,000 for Citizens Care and Rehabilitation Center on top of a previous $600,000 allocation to continue much needed renovations. Citizens Care is one of the oldest and most important centers caring for our elderly.
HB 199- Maryland Transit Administration – Public Hearings:
Many people were rightfully upset when the state reduced or cancelled bus and rail services with little citizen input. As a result, I am a lead sponsor on a bill that will broaden the scope of what Maryland Transit Administration changes require a hearing, including reductions to certain bus or rail services. The bill will also require the agency to provide notification to the affected local governments.
HB 865-Harford County-Property Tax Credit for Homes Near a Refuse Disposal System:
Delegate Dan Riley and I asked the Delegation to support this bill which will allow for a 100% property tax credit for houses located near a refuge or disposal system, specifically in the Joppa area. This bill was requested by Delegate Riley and myself to especially help our constituents, for whom we are deeply concerned, but is of course, county wide.
Detailed updates on a number of other budget accomplishments and are available at the website www.marydulanyjames.com . If you would like to start receiving weekly e-mail updates please e-mail mary.dulany.james@house.state.md.us.
Host site “Edgewood Recreation Center”
1980 Brookside Drive
Edgewood, 21040
April 25th at 9 AM
Servefest 2009 is on Saturday, April 25th and we are in need of your participation. This year’s event is larger than ever, servicing all of Harford County, Baltimore County and Baltimore City. The Harford County “Melting Pot” is Edgewood and we need your help identifying and working areas in need of clean-up.
As a Church/Organization serving the Edgewood Community we are counting on your participation. Please ask your members to volunteer either for a project of your choosing and or to come assist in the Edewood clean-up. Churches throughout Harford County are sending teams to work the “Melting Pot” locations, and we wish to have representation from all of our Edgewood Churches, businesses and associations!
To confirm your support, please contact one of the following Host representatives for the Edgewood area:
*Kecia Bell-Smith-– keciabell@aol.com or call 443 -752-3785
*Yvonne Bennett – yyvonne331@yahoo.com or call 443-866-6160
Let’s Beautify the Edgewood Community and Clean up the GRIME.
***T-Shirts for this event are $5.00 and may be ordered NOW through Mountain Christian Church***
Mary-Dulaney James’ Session report
Mary-Dulaney James voted for the 2008 “Special Session” Tax Hikes on everyone who lives in Harford County and the State of Maryland.
She has my home address and my e-mail address.
God knows I have written to her many times begging her to not raise my taxes in at the beginning of a recession.
Do not even consider re-electing her come 2010.
We need change in Harford County….Change we the people can believe in.
MDJ and Helton go hand-in-hand fleecing the people of Harford County for their own gain.
HB 865-Harford County-Property Tax Credit for Homes Near a Refuse Disposal System:
Delegate Dan Riley and I asked the Delegation to support this bill which will allow for a 100% property tax credit for houses located near a refuge or disposal system, specifically in the Joppa area. This bill was requested by Delegate Riley and myself to especially help our constituents, for whom we are deeply concerned, but is of course, county wide.
Help our constituents?
Give me a break. Too little, too late.
I must help myself by going through an unnecessary tedious process. One must fill out a form, file for a hearing, gather information before the hearing, show up in person, complain, then sit back and wait for a decision.
You see;
Harford county’s tax rate is 10% on homeowners taxes.
The highest in our state while Montgomery pays 4%
I suggest everyone who owns a home in our country appeal your assessment and taxation bill.
Do not let this unjust fall through the cracks.