Have you always wanted to become a member of the Harford County Council, but never felt like putting in the time, effort, or money to actually run for office?
Good news, you still have time to make that dream a reality.
The Harford County Republican Central Committee has imposed a deadline of today (April 13) to postmark an application for filling the District B Fallston-Emmorton seat on the council. This District B seat opened after the recent death of longtime county councilwoman Veronica Chenowith.
So what’s the catch? Candidates seeking the position must reside in District B and be a registered Republican voter. The County Charter also requires that an appointee has been a registered voter in the county for at least two years prior to the appointment.
But the Republican Central Committee has also put together a 14-question application, which must be completed and submitted by all interested in the council position.
Harford County Council District B1. What qualifications do you have to fill this position?
2. Why do you believe you are the best candidate for this position?
3. What attributes and professional skills do you possess that will add value to the county council?
4. What about yourself, do see as a problem or vulnerability to overcome if and when you run for election/reelection?
5. If appointed to fill the vacancy of the Council B seat, will you seek election for a full four-year term in 2010?
6. If you became the person filling this position how would you support the central committee and the Republican Party? Please be specific.
7. Have you ever been a member of any political party other than the Republican Party? If so, when and what type of positions did you hold in the other party or parties?
8. Councilwoman Roni Chenowith has always been known for her very public presence. What is your take on how often you need to attend these events? How do you plan to balance your personal life and your obligation to these community functions? What are some examples of reasons you would use to justify not attending an event? If you have held office, what has been your approach to attending events such as Eagle Scouts, Fire Company Banquets, etc?
9. What do you see as the biggest issue facing the County Council in the next two years and why?
10. What is your philosophy on land use and property rights in Harford County?
11. What is your experience and philosophy on budgeting at the county level?
12. How long have you resided in Harford County Council District B? Where did you previously reside if less than 3 years?
13. Have you previously run for or been elected to public office? If yes, state offices, dates and outcomes.
14. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If so, what was the nature of the offense and your sentence?
Those interested should submit a resume and application to the Republican Central Committee of Harford County, attention Bob Thomas, Secretary at P. O. Box 289 Bel Air, Maryland 21014. Resumes and applications must be postmarked no later than April 13, 2009. Applications postmarked after April 13 will not be considered.
Interviews will be conducted on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at the Harford County Government Administration Building located at 220 South Main Street in Bel Air. Interviews will commence at 6:00 p.m. promptly.
After the interviews, the Republican Central Committee will send the names of three candidates to the county council no later than May 4, 2009. The county council will then have until May 22 to appoint Chenowith’s successor by a majority vote.
I’m not a registered Republican and don’t reside in District B, but I found it interesting to read what qualities and traits and Central Committee deemed most important in a prospective council member.
So if you were a would-be county council member, how would you complete the application?
OK, Here’s how I would have filled out my County Council District B Application:
1. I have two college degrees. I covered county government and politics for nearly 8 years. I’m right-handed. I live in Harford County. I have a driver’s license. I’ve been to the Farm Fair.
2. I’m neither a Republican nor a Democrat. That immediately should give me a leg up on everyone else.
3. As an amateur herpetologist, I’d take the initiative to wrangle any literal or figurative snakes out of the grass. I’m able to withstand 3-hour meetings without dozing off. I’m handy with a throwing star. I’m proficient in Microsoft Excel.
4. My affiliation with a certain local news web site could cause some problems.
5. No. Too much work.
6. I doubt very much the Republican Central Committee would want my support.
7. I’ve “Declined Affiliation” ever since I registered to vote in the 11th grade.
8. No one can come close to the level of public presence displayed by Chenowith during her years on the council, so I wouldn’t even try. I suppose I’d have to show up to vote from time to time though.
9. Filling the District B seat formerly held by Chenowith.
10. Wrong guy to ask about land use philosophy. I moved out into the middle of the woods so I wouldn’t have to worry about any of that.
11. I’ve only recently been successful in my own home-budgeting experiences. So I’d like to carry that over to the county level. My philosophy: don’t spend more than you earn.
12. I’ve never lived in District B, but I have lived in Joppatowne, Edgewood, Bel Air, Riverside and Jarrettsville. It seems I’ve lived in Districts A, C, D and F, but never B.
13. Never run for office, but I was Vice President of the University of Maryland Ninjutsu Club for a half-semester. It was an appointed and largely ceremonial position.
14. No felony convictions yet, but good question to ask. Might want to move it up higher on the list.
This might also be a good question to ask: do you realize that Abingdon is part of your district? As an Abingdon resident I would like to see someone who realizes this is part of his/her district. I know the people in Fallston loved Mrs. Chenowith, but people I know in Abingdon have a different view.
Word is there have been 10 applicants so far. Postmarked date has passed so we’ll see if anyone sent in their applications over the next two days.
I agree with abingdon resident. I have only lived in Harford County for 5 years in abingdon. To be honest I never once recall an event of the decesed in Abingdon. I remember last election she ran in I was not very well informed as to her pluses and minuses and decided to vote for her for reelection. I also decided to keep a better eye on her and the needs of the Abingdon area. I would say that if she was around I would propbably not vote for her again. I am sure she was a very nice and honest person but District B is more then one zip code I would like to see whomever replaces her keep that fact in mind.