Are you honest, thoughtful, compassionate and courageous? Are you also an instructional leader with knowledge of both facilities and fiscal management who possesses the ability to manage a highly qualified workforce? Would you like to earn a minimum salary of $190,000 per year, beginning on July 1, 2009? If so, you might be a candidate for the next superintendent of Harford County Public Schools.
No joke, it’s a tough job running one of the nation’s largest school systems, with increasing demands for accountability, a constant stream of government mandates and funding levels that are often unpredictable. But 16 candidates have stepped up so far to be considered for the post. Unofficial sources say that at least two of the applicants are insiders and at least one is from another Maryland district.
Candidates should keep in mind that the state has certain requirements for a schools’ superintendent, who must hold a master’s degree and be a certified educator with at least 3 years of teaching and 2 years of administrative or supervisory experience. For Harford County, a doctorate degree is also preferred.
Maryland Superintendent License Information.
From the Code of Maryland Regulations
13A. Superintendents
The requirements for certification as a superintendent, deputy superintendent, associate superintendent, assistant superintendent or equivalent position are that the applicant shall:
A. Meet the requirements for certification in early childhood education, elementary education or a secondary education area;
B. Have a master’s degree from an accredited institution;
C. Have 3 years of successful teaching experience and 2 years of administrative or supervisory experience; and
D. Have successfully completed a 2-year program with graduate courses in administration and supervision in an institution or institutions approved by an accrediting agency recognized by the State Superintendent of Schools. Graduate work under §B may be applied toward the requirements of this section, provided that a minimum of 60 semester hours of graduate work is presented.
Here’s the way the job is being advertised by the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE), which was hired by the Harford County Board of Education to gather local input on the ideal candidate and conduct the nationwide search:
Harford County Board of Education seeks an experienced leader for 39,000 student, PreK -12 district located in Central Maryland. The ideal candidate will be:
– A successful instructional leader who can recognize and build on current successes; has demonstrated the ability to improve student performance and narrow achievement gaps and understands current educational trends;
– A student focused educator who understands curriculum development, instruction, and assessment; is experienced meeting the requirements of NCLB; and understands the need for high quality special education, vocational, technical, advanced placement, and gifted programs;
– An open and inclusive communicator who values input from all stakeholders; is visible and active in the schools and community and effectively builds strong relationships with and among the board, staff, students, and community;
– A consensus builder who works with and balances the needs of diverse groups; involves all segments of the community and can work collaboratively with the board, local and state leaders;
– An experienced administrator with strong budget and financial experience and familiarity with growth and facilities management; can attract, support, and retain a highly qualified workforce and has experience with succession planning;
– An ethical leader who is strong and thoughtful; has high standards of integrity, honesty, compassion, and courage and respects all staff, students, and community members.
The preferred candidate will have: knowledge of the Maryland education system, laws, funding, curriculum and assessment, and will become an active member of the Harford County community; Experience in a district with similar demographics and issues; Doctorate Degree
Those selected for interviews will take the Caliper Personality Assessment.
Must hold or qualify for Maryland superintendent license
Salary: Minimum $190,000
Screening begins: March 23, 2009
Interviews: May
Start Date: July 1, 2009
Candidate screenings began on March 23rd, but Bea Gordon of MABE says the window is still open until early May, when the school board will review applications. So if sitting on the Harford County Council for District B isn’t your thing, it’s not too late to become the next superintendent of Harford County Public Schools.
Any ideas or insights who the 16 are? Someone on here has to have an idea who some of the people are.