Following an evening of interviews with each of the 11 candidates, the Republican Central Committee chose to forward the names of Tim Braue of Fallston, Derek Howell of Abingdon and Joe Woods of Fallston to the Harford County Council as its three nominees to fill the Fallston-Abingdon District B seat.
After receiving the recommendations, the county council will have until May 22 to appoint by a majority vote the successor to the seat of councilwoman Veronica Chenowith, who died last month.
For those who didn’t follow the action live Wednesday nigh on The Dagger’s Twitter (found on our homepage as well as here), below is a collection of the evening’s updates:
– “Republ Cen Comm starts Dist B applicant interviews. 15 min per, with questions from the committee and a wrap up with remaining time. Will they all show?”
– “Vernon Gauss handed out a print out from the Dagger and discussed the money he donated over the years, saying he only wanted to be considered on his merits”
– “Derek Howell handed out the Dagger poll – which he’s currently leading with 157 votes”
– “Howell had about 20 supporters, many who wore Vote Howell stickers and left when he finished. Now 15 people watching.”
– “Easily 80 degrees in the room. Must be worse for those being questioned. 2 candidates have suggested expanding the development envelope.”
– “RCC skipped Ricky McCall. During a 2-minute recess it’s confirmed that McCall doesn’t live within the boundaries of councilmanic District B”
– “Notable attendees include Councilman Slutzky, Del. Norman, Sheryl Davis-Kohl, Bill Vanden Eynden, Aaron Tomarchio, Court Clerk Jim Reilly”
– “Woods was great, Howell and McCreesh stood out, Braue was good.”
– “Youngmann has a great sense of humor.”
– “Song switched from Dem to Rep in Aug 2008 having been conservative her whole life, deciding to switch because of national campaign issues.”
– “The main question the RCC asked was what the applicant knew about zoning issues. Also asked what their main issue to champion on the council would be”
– “After a 10 min break and executive session the RCC should have its results”
– “After first calling council pres Boniface, RCC announces Braue, Howell and Woods as its nominees”
Kudos to the Republican Central Committee on the job they accomplished last evening. The interviews went smoothly from this spectators point of view. That so many qualified people applied for the position is a testament to the viability of the GOP in Harford County. I doubt that anyone could ever replace Roni, but each of the candidates came to the table with something unique to offer District B and Harford County. Congratulations to the three finalists Wayne Norman
WOW! I was there all night and Joseph knocked it out of the park! If the Council takes a pass on him they’ll be making a mistake.
For the better part of my life I’ve lived in Fallston and have known Joe Woods since he was a small child. In his adult years he has been very active giving back to his community. He will be fantastic filling Ronnie’s shoes – if that can be done. Joe Woods cares for his community and Harford County. I urge the Council to appoint him to the council. Joe Woods is passionate, caring, goal oriented, and determined. He is someone people turn to when they need help and he is most eager to help. By being appointed to the council he will bring that determination with him. I’m certain he will be for the people – something so many politicians seem to forget.
Good Luck Joe – I hope the council sees what I have come to see in you!