(Joppatowne, MD – April 29, 2009) -Harford County Sheriff’s deputies are investigating the homicide of a male subject in the 600 block of Harborside Drive, Joppatowne, MD. Deputies have not confirmed his identity at this time.
At approximately 3:25 p.m. deputies responded to a 911 call in the 600 block of Harborside Drive Joppa, MD in reference to a shooting. Deputies determined the unidentified male was shot multiple times in the upper torso and died at the scene. The female suspect identified herself to deputies and was immediately taken into custody.
At this time deputies believe there was an altercation inside the apartment just prior to the shooting. The female suspect was treated at the scene for non-life threatening injuries and transported to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center by Joppa Magnolia Volunteer Fire Department.
Detectives are continuing the investigation and additional information will be released as it is received.
Wow…. lets remember stupid ppl come in all colors and sizes just like criminals including trash. I am a Harford County native (raised in Bel Air and reside in Edgewood) who within a year will be relocating for the safety and welfare of my children (with my own funding). Its so sad to see your neighborhood go to Hell and the schools, some parents dont give a crap and neither do some teachers and thats just sad. Everyone please get it threw your thick head that the POLICE are not the problem they are working individuals who put their lives on the line…… Lets focus on the court system that slaps these idiots on the wrist.. Also, I would like to bring the slum landlords to the forefront who need to take accountable for the property they rent and what happens at the property. The slumlord should have a lien placed on their property when their tenants become a nuisance to the community and if its a sect 8 property it should be revocked. REMEMBER… the slumlord lives in places like Bel Air, North Harford and Fallston they live in your area you should call them out. Grievers: note that this is basically a social media site and ppl will respond. So if you want to remember your “loved one” you may want to do it in a more neutral setting(just saying).