From the office of U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) announced today that the Harford County Public Schools’ Department of Curriculum Instruction and Magnet Programs has been awarded a $143,000 Fund for the Improvement of Education (FIE) grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
The Harford County Public School district offers a specialized homeland security and emergency preparedness program (HSEP) at Joppatowne High School. The program prepares students to meet the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) impacted workforce needs in the county by training future workers in the science and technology fields. BRAC will bring between 45,000 to 60,000 new jobs to Maryland, leading to significant career opportunities in science and technology.
“Maryland is a high-tech hot-spot,” Senator Mikulski said. “We’ve got info, bio, defense and space technology in the state, which makes us multi-tech and multi-faceted. BRAC brings great opportunities and also great challenges. But programs like this will help us meet those challenges and prepare the students of today for the jobs of tomorrow.”
Harford County Public Schools will use the funding to expand and enhance HSEP at Joppatowne High School.
Does this lady feel shame?
She has been our senator for over 1 trillion years and should know by now throwing more money at the problem will never solve the problem.
$143,000 of YOUR MONEY, not HER MONEY.
This lady is old, wounded and out of touch.
Please help me help her to a nice retirement community.
Vote against Barbara Mikulski.
What the hell are you saying? A representative gets money for our county to use to updgrade a new an innovative program that will help our students, and you damn her for it!?!?!?!? Holy crap! She is doing a good job for Harford County, which is a far sight more than we can say for the likes of our State Senators. Get a life! How pathetic.
By the way, ‘throwing’ money at a problem is an interesting concept as you use it. Science and technology education is absolutely necessary (you are absolutely insane if you think tech ed is not relevant). These programs are underfunded… the public school system needs considerable additional funds to keep up with the rate of technology advancement and keep our students on the cutting edge. What the schools need is more money, no if ands or buts about it!
Finally, you must never read if you cannot connect the dots and recognize that effective schools reduce crime and poverty, and the need for cleaning up those problems down the road. Fully fund schools, and you save the public money in other places down the road. Sadly you Repub teabagger types refuse to see that putting money up front with healthcare and education pays dividends down the road when we have less poverty and crime and thus less costs associated with them.
Holy bat crapman! If nothing else works raise your voice and call her names for giving a flying crap about where our money goes. “homeland security and emergency preparedness program (HSEP)” has absolutely nothing to do with science, mathematics or anything else that will advance our kids technology knowledge. It’s about learning how to take the rights of honest citizens while protecting the dishonest.
Listen… I hate the term ‘homeland’ security. I think King George used it in a Hitler-esque manner that scared the hell out of me. I wish he would have been a bit more neutral and title the department ‘domestic’ security or something of the sort.
But none-the-less, it is what it is, and I cannot believe you actually just typed on here that security (like military defence, FBI, CIA, and law enforcement does not involve science, mathematics, or technology. Making a statement like that demonstrates your level of ignorance.
Oh… and as for your closing sentence, are you referring to the so called ‘Patriot Act’ that allowed King George and his Repub kingpins to ‘keep the public safe’ by accessing our phone calls and library records? Thank God that piece of legislative filth is (mostly) gone. Shame on the entire Repub party and sadly too many Dems as well for supporting that, and shame on you for supporting the kind of politics that lead to such a travesty to begin with.
It’s not about semantics! It’s about what our kids need form an education system in order for us to ever be competitive again in this world. Using flawed logic leads to flawed conclusions. Just because the law enforcement community uses math and or science is a weak excuse to spend one dime of my money on an academy at a high school designed to create cops.
How many of your phone calls and public records do you think “they” accessed? Just another specious argument form the flying left wing.
If even one person’s communications were intercepted in violation of FISA and constitutional protections, then it was too much. Sad that somebody who clearly argues strict constitutional rule would actually defend such an ill-advised piece of legislation.
That’s a mighty big if there PD. Do you mean one honest hard working American citizen or some under the radar “student” working to assist terrorists?
Two kids from that program recently presented a project on GPS mapping technology to a large convention in San Diego. GPS technology is very involved and has nothing to do with producing police officers look at the program before you berat it!
And the namecalling continues. Are you a homophobe or just ignorant?
Carole is clearly the only one who knows what is going on here. I will try to be as succinct as possible. The Army Alliance persued HCPS for the Science and Math Academy. This is the important part. They knew what they needed and they were willing to take the time and spend the money to get it. And it works. My daughter is a student at the SMA. My other daughter is a second year chemistry major at Towson University. My younger daughter regularly helps my older daughter with homework and figuring things out. She has a better basic knowledge. HCPS has very little to do with the SMA, which is another reason it works. The 3rd floor of AHS is it’s own world. They don’t take FOT, they don’t take LICW. There are classes offered there that aren’t offered anywhere else. They do a capstone project where they travel to APG to use the facilities there and work with a mentor.
So, HCPS upper management decided to put a magnet program at each high school. This isn’t going to work. Instead of being persued, they are going to be out begging for money. Instead of having the top 200 kids, they will have the top 1400 kids. Same with having the top teachers. HCPS will be directly involved. $143,000 is great. I guess that would get us some micro pipettes and a few test tubes. Any idea what it takes to fund state of art chem, bio, math, and enviro labs?
What if we put the $143,000 into better science labs and better math books at Joppatowne? It seems like that would benefit many more students than a Homeland Security Magnet Program. What happens if the Federal Funding goes away? Does this program evaporate? How about instead of creating all these “high tech” magnet programs we teach with a real math curriculum and better Language Arts curriculum so that more HCPS students are prepared for college and real High Tech jobs. Whatever technology these students use in high school will be obsolete by the time they enter the workforce.