A fight involving three C. Milton Wright High School students Tuesday sent one to Shock Trauma and drew an increased police presence to the school the following day.
Video of the incident had already hit YouTube just hours after the fight, which may have been the continuation of an earlier slugfest.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office said its School Resource Officer responded to a fight between two sophomores, one a 16-year-old male and the other a 15-year-old male, at approximately 12:20 p.m. Tuesday afternoon.
The officer stopped the fight and was escorting the 15-year-old to the school office when a third student, a 16-year-old junior, approached the two. A police report described him as having “an opinion of the fight,” and refusing the officer’s instructions to return to the cafeteria.
The 16-year-old sophomore was taken by Maryland State Police medivac to University of Maryland Shock Trauma after he was knocked unconscious during the fight, later regained consciousness, and passed out again in the school office.
Sources tell The Dagger that Tuesday’s fight stems from an earlier brawl between the same two students which occurred last week. One student was suspended for 10 days, we’re told, let back to school early, and was confronted by the second student again.
Since it’s the age of camera phones, video allegedly of Tuesday’s fight went up on YouTube that day. But sources also pointed us to a video posted a week earlier, which seems to depict the same two combatants.
Fair legal warning: the videos depict live violence and should be viewed at the reader’s risk; The Dagger is not responsible for the content of the video.
Here’s the first, earlier video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOcMth13y08
Here’s the video from Tuesday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB3t2JaqPu8&feature=youtube_gdata
The 15-year-old sophomore (the one doing the knocking out) is charged with first-degree assault, disorderly conduct, and disruption of school activities. The 16-year-old (the one who was knocked out) faces pending charges of second-degree assault, disorderly conduct, and disruption of school operations.
The third student who later confronted the officer is charged with failure to obey a lawful order and disruption of school activities.
The fight was not linked to larger issues such as gang involvement or racism, according to the Sheriff’s Office, and none of the students involved are believed to be members of any organized gang.
However, a source told The Dagger that the student who knocked out his classmate is new to the school this year, and has said or is rumored to be with the Crips. The other has attended C. Milton Wright for two years, and has said or is rumored to be with the Bloods.
The source said the alleged Crips student asked the other, “What’s your 20,” slang for proving you’re in a gang by flashing a sign or color. The other student supposedly responded with a gang sign. It’s not clear whether this took place during their first fight or second.
A regularly scheduled quarterly meeting of the Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officers had already been scheduled for Wednesday morning, but was moved to C. Milton Wright in the wake of the fight. Police said the move was intended to keep the school’s regular SRO on-site, and provide additional back-up if another fight began.
Also, the county school system sent out robo-calls to C. Milton Wright parents informing them of the increased police presence at the school Wednesday.
Here’s what the calls said:
Due to a student altercation that occurred at school yesterday and the ensuing investigation, there will be a police presence on campus at school today. Appropriate disciplinary action has been taken with the student involved in the fight. We are working proactively with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and local authorities to ensure the safety of our students and staff. As always, we take the safety of our students and staff very seriously and we will keep you up to date on any developments through this phone system.
As a former teacher in the Route 40 corridor, I hope that this incident serves as a wake-up call to parents around Harford County who mistakenly believe this behavior only occurs in certain schools.
I could not agree with Sarah more however will take it a step further and say I hope this serves as a wake up call to all parents that their children are not to precious and innocent.
Not really shocking at all.
It was a fight between two students. Fights happen in every school. Fights occurred when we were kids and they do now. I do think that fights do happen more at some schools than others and some schools have more gang activity than others. No school is immune to violence, it is just more prevalent in some schools than others.
Amen to that, this brings this to Bel Airs Doorstep…its no longer “that other schools issue”. What gangs and drugs in Bel Air Schools..say it aint so…yeah would’ve believed that until I heard MS-13 had set up shop in Westminster. Violence and problems are everywhere…its not restricted to a certain section of Harford County.
Wow! SO they do have gangs in the other end of the county. Guess that Highway won’t keep you safe.
Excellent coverage, Aaron. This is why I can’t get enough of the Dagger.
One question: “However, a source told The Dagger that the student who knocked out his classmate is new to the school this year, and has said or is rumored to be with the Crips.”
Just “a source?” Is this another student or someone else who can give trusted information? I hope the Bloods v. Crips angle here doesn’t generate any unnecessary, and potentially harmful, rumors.
Yup, just a source. Made a judgment call that to further describe the source would basically identify them. But we thought the info was legit.
But Adam has a point, so to spell it out: these two kids either claimed to be or were rumored to be members of a gang, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are. Plenty of wannabes out there.
those of us who live on route 40 know well you have gang members and expensive drug users up that way. Theri parents just burry their heads in the sand I guess. When you drive down Hansen road late at night and see a car with fully tinted windows and guys and bandanas and a big W with a mustang on the back or a Hallston Cougar pawl on the back of the car at the neighborhood drug house you figure these things out. I just hope other parents up their wake up and smell the coffee it is not a rumor that the gang problem is spreading. It just isn’t as prevelant and not being acknowledged. I wasn’t living here 25 years ago but I imagine it was the same way in Edgewood when it got started. Bottom line…..Parents watch your kids!
It almost sounds like you are hoping this was gang related to prove some kind of point. I think all parents understand that drugs and fighting are everywhere. Let the SRO handle the investigation of gang related stuff and stop projecting a wish that “other” parents can feel your pain. Parents on Route 40 and parents in North Harford should always stay involved in their children’s lives regardless of geography.
True however the sad fact is many non route 40 kids parents are oblivious to the fact their kid is part of the problem. In worse cases they enable them with excuses like, kids will be kids and it is just a fight.
I agree with No. 3 Adam, well-written and investigated article Aaron.
I went to Fallston High back in the day and am completely oblivious to the gang scene, but would like to know more about it, especially in the areas that you would think would have no gangs.
Expulsion won’t do any good until you start punishing the parents since they are doing such a poor job. Throw Mom and Dad in jail when junior acts out.
Or does crack, distribute kiddy porn on their cell phone (sexting), or drinks underage, hosts a large party that disturbs the neighborhood, drives recklessly without a liscence.
I am a student of C Milton Wright. I know how the school works. By law, anything that happens on school property that causes riots, fights, injuries, whatever; the school will be held responsible. The parent’s aren’t at the school to watch them. That’s the job of the staff and the cameras’ throughout the school. That is part of the job of those who work in the school. Some parent’s are oblivious, but that goes the same for no matter where you go. C Milton is known as a great school, but every school is going to have mishaps. Do not dare blame parents. What right do you have? If it is on school property, not to mention the fact that it was DURING school hours, school has responsibility. Not saying what happened was okay. Clearly it’s not, but what control do parent’s have on the actions of the students during school. High school provides students with more rights and freedoms: with that also comes risks. Not much you can do. People who are in areas that are known for fights, are used to this stuff like this happening. People aren’t always saying to get your head out of the clouds: nor are they telling YOU to go to jail. Just stating that reality of what some of you are saying.
What can the parent do….Raise your kid right! It is called preventative maintenence. Furthermore Ms. Warrington when your some of your sports teams come to “this side of the tracks” and act as they are “all gangsta” because they are in “the hood” they insult the community in the very way you say. Most parents here realize we have a very real problem in this county with gangs and drugs and the only thing you can do is teach your kid right from wrong and raise them in such a way to make good decisions and provide consequences when the screw up! It does seem that a when you get “the look” when you talk to someone from up there and you say you live in XXXX or your kid goes to XXXXX. The look that says my good what is a fine articulate person doing living there. Why does your wife teach there. Yet the exact parent who does that ar tells you your wifes school children are zoo animals and dumb and can’t learn are raising the kid who they give a car to who drives like they are crazy and posting pictures of them drunk, high etc. The same kid who deals in the parking lot all while his parent is thumbing their nose at you and is oblivious to the fact their little boy is a BIG part of the problem.
Furthermore as a minor your parents can be held legally and financial responsible for your bad decisions. The school did not raise the kid!
furthermore, in school they can not come watch you like a hawk. It is the SCHOOLS job to make sure you do not get into trouble while on school grounds, during the school day, under adult supervision, and under watch of the school’s cameras. If someone cheats, the parents are not punished. If someone drinks and drives, the person committing the crime is held accountable. unless a child or minors commits a crime like drinking, drugs, stuff of that source, on the adult’s property… who is held accountable. so why at school would it be the parent that is held accountable? If a child is drunk or under the influence of drugs at school, who is accountable? Check your statistics.
Obviously, the medical bills will be payed by the parents considering they supply the child’s insurance but other than that, child is accountable. Fair trial is a law. If a 16 year old murders a kid inside or outside of school, do they drag the parent to court, ask them if they are guilty, they say no, and they say tough luck, your son is. and lock them up? I think not. IT isn’t suspension or expulsion. the offender is in juvenile jail.
You say in this case, which was assault, the parent should be responsible. Maybe I a wrong, but I’m not aware of any teenage MURDERERS, who weren’t held accountable.
Caitlyn if you drink drive and kill someone your parent is responsible since you are incapable of owning a car. Your parents own it. The school is not responsible for your actions you are and by proxy as a minor your parents! If you think the school should be responsible then maybe the school should start raisning peoples kids!
When the school wants to show explicit content material to students without regard to maturity or message, and parents object, it’s let them grow up for pity’s sake… trust the schools to do their job! When the schools can’t maintain control,you want to send the parents to jail. Undermine the parents, then blame them when you can’t handle the outcome. Way to be consistent.
oh do not go there with me. my sister drank and drive and crashed. she was caught. she is under aged. her fiance just got out of jail for a DUI charge. her ex is in jail for assualt, hes a minor . although I have no experience with these actions, I was in court. my mother was not charged for my sisters stupid decisions.
Financially who is liable for the car?
And damage done by the car to the other driver? Answer is simple…the car owner AKA your parents. Moreover I saw some kids parents charged with distribution of child porn because their kids sent photos of themselves naked on cell phones!
I have to say as a parent of a CMW student that it is the way the parents raise their children, is the way their children will act. My kids ar enot allowed to get involved in fights, they know the consequences. Schools are not their to raise kids, that needs to happen at home. Neither are schools there to babysit kids. Parents these days think they can leave it up to daycares and schools to raise their kids and teach them values. I am sorry but just because it happens on school property does not give anybody the right to blame it on the school. It starts at home.
It’s not in your face. It’s more more a case of gang kid from middle class faily moves to community and others gravitate to him. No one suspects that kid from that nice new family is a gang kid and then more kids are attracted to the lifestyle or recruited. Next thing you know Bel Air has it’s own little Crips. Or Fallston has the kid driving down to Edgewood to pick up the coke to deal to the rich kids. Meanwhile mom and dad are claiming that my kid doesn’t do that. That doesn’t happen here. If growing up in PG County told me anything it was no road or barrier is going to isolate the problem and it is not just a poor problem. It may start out because of it but once it spreads it grows beyond the simple factors that incubated the problem to begin with.
Agreed. And the reason for the problem is the parents. Time for people to get serious about dispensing some “tough love”. Your kids won’t like it now but they will thank you later, and not from a jail cell.
A good friend once told me if your kids think of you as a friend…..you are not doing your job as a parent!
We don’t like to talk here about the established local media in this county, but sometimes they need to be called out.
To use the headline of the fight story on your website to post the youtube link to the video in which a 16-year old kid gets beaten to the point where he might now be in a coma without a warning is absurd, irresponsible and reeks of desperation.
Why is writing about a crime wreckless? Or do we not want to report crimes that happen in cwertian parts of this county!
Writing about the crime is not wreckless, we did it too. It’s when you rush things and post the name of the video, which includes first names of 15 and 16 year-olds that have been charged with crimes, as well as telling everyone to come to your website to see the vid and not putting a warning on the website about what you are about to see.
That I agree with
When the article was written about Mr. Wolkow tryng to squash negative press, you wrote: “Negative comments with no real solution or desire for a solution is deadly to real change.” This was a fight in a high school where a kid was hurt. We know nothing else. Everything else is reported from “a source.” Let’s have some faith in the school administration and SRO.
This was directed a Cdev, not Steve. Just wanted to know if negative press is good in the north, but not in the south.
Note the difference between comments and grips the first you quote from and cold hard facts about a story. In this case this case this is simply a story in which facts are being reported not a newsletter forming a conclusion with no suggestions about how to fix it.
The Aegis published the search terms to use to find the video on Youtube and didn’t publish any warning.
Is it true he is in a coma?
I have heard that from multiple sources, but nothing official.
a friend of mine was watching channel 11 news and it [name redacted] is in a coma and if he doesn’t wake up [name redacted] is going to jail
[Moderator Note: Please refrain from using the names of the underaged parties involved.]
At 3:15 p.m. Friday both videos were removed from YouTube and replaced with the following statement:
“This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.”
UPDATE: As of 4:30 p.m., Shock Trauma told me the student hospitalized had been discharged on Wednesday.
There was a story on WBAL TV, which eight paragraphs down said the student’s current condition is unknown but “sources” told 11 News the student is in a coma.
Of course, their story is datelined Baltimore, meaning they didn’t bother to even send a crew for B-roll footage, but phone-reported everything. They’re probably going off the same “sources” that told us the same thing a day ago, sources that we decided internally weren’t reliable. Kids talk. Doesn’t mean it’s legit. Unless you’re local TV news.
If you know FOR SURE otherwise (meaning you’ve seen the student in the last few days or can put me in touch with the family), email me at aaron@daggerpress.com.
Hospitals are very stingy with information, so it’s possible that the student was “discharged” on Wednesday into the care of another hospital, and really is badly injured. I’m not medically-trained, but remember that Shock Trauma is one of the nation’s top trauma hospitals, and it seems highly unlikely that you’d move a patient with brain damage to, say, Upper Chesapeake a day after he had to be medivac’d downtown.
Forget the competitors, stay tuned to The Dagger on this one, we’ve got probably one more important update coming.
you don’t hit somone when they are down let alone knocked out. the kid that was still punching him is a f***ing fag. some of those kids that were watching should of jumped on him and beat him unconsious.
Sometimes I wonder if the problems in the schools are linked to the administration. Just basically their lack of interested or concern.
Just to address some of legal issues that have been raised here: If the school is found to be negligent in it’s duty to provide a safe environment for it’s students and as a result a student is injured, the school is on the hook legally.
If there is a history of violence between these students, which seems to be the case, a good lawyer would be able to argue that the administration knew of the potential for violence here and were negligent in allowing a volatile situation to turn into more violence.
As for a child/teenager’s actions – I think some of you have a very simplistic view of how the world should be. If you raise your children right, they won’t do bad things. Well I hate to break it to you, but no matter how well you instill good values in a child, there is always the notion of free-will. Children oft do things because of peer pressure or bad judgment – things that have nothing to do with their parenting or lack thereof. To blame parents in this type of situation is really unfair to the parents.
As for the debate about Route 40 schools vs CMW…I have to admit that I am very surprised to learn that there is potentially gang activity at CMW. As a former student – many years ago – it’s tough for me to believe that gangs are active. While I’m not oblivious to gang activity in the county, I guess my thinking is pretty naive to believe that CMW would remain the same after so many years, but then again no school in the county ever had a gang problem while I was a student…some schools had kids that were from poorer backgrounds and there was a bit of stigma, but gangs is ridiculous.
What needs to be done in this county is to run out the freaking gang activity. I’ve said this for a while now – there should be zero tolerance for gangs and the things that they do. Unfortunately, laws don’t allow it at the moment and until the powers that be recognize the problem and address it head-on, it’s only going to grow.
What needs to be done is the county needs to stop coddling Fallston and spread the wealth to the other parts of the county. The money alone they spent on the rec facility could seriously help with the gang activity. Most of us that are not living in the Rte 40 school district need to understand that gang activity can and will eventually move up there. I agree with Maxwell and as a high parent, I don’t believe that is gang activity up here-yet.
There is gang activity, drug use, and rampant alcohol use in every high school in this county and probably most of the middle schools (though obviously it’s more prevalent in certain schools, than others.) At one point CMW actually had the highest incidence of illegal drug (including prescription medication abuse, not just your usually illegal CDS) use in the county. I don’t know if that’s still the case. Parents (and students) who think it’s not happening in their school are kidding themselves.
My wife estimates that about 80% of her students drink regularly and most of the time they’re getting the alcohol from parents. The old “Well, I’d rather they drink here because I know they’re safe” bullshit line.
Here is how it happened, Gang members get expelled from other schools and work their way up here. Then you have the posers and the real deal facing each other and someone end up knocked the F* out because they didn’t think it was real.
Gangs are here and the first place to address it is to stop sharing the gang members with the schools that are just posers. Expelling student to send them to another school is retarded, its basically sending criminals to someone else’s neighborhood.
The boy that knocked the other kid out is a for real gang member, so believe what you want but your just sticking your head in the sand.
When you get expelled from one HCPS school you do not get sent to another HCPS school except for Alt Ed!
Maybe I used the wrong term, this kid has been bounced around from different schools in the school system because of behavioral issues…you tell me what its called, either way its stupid.
Boundary exception?
Using the word “retarded” when you mean “stupid,” and not know the differences between “its” and “it’s” and “your” and “you’re” must mean that you’re either still in elementary school or that you should be doing homework on a Monday evening.
It a blog stupid not a term paper. Next time I am getting graded for my grammar I’ll pay attention to my apostrophes and word choice…
Here’s the video from wbal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MKfiCCCGNE
Only the one who threw the first punch should be charged. Self-defense is a god given right! However since there was a previous incident, the story might be different as to who started the first incident.
I got picked on in high school and got in a fight off school grounds, I tried walking away from it but the kid wouldn’t leave me alone and then he threw the first punch, so we duked it out. After it was over, the constant harassment slowed down and then finally stopped.
This should be a wake up call, not to the sheriff because he too is in a coma, but to everyone else that voted for him and his policy of containment below I-95 along the rust belt of the rt 40 corridor. This is just the beginning.
It’s about time someone invoked the name of Sheriff Bane, especially since just about this time next year we’ll be voting in the primary election for that office. Wasn’t one of the main promises on his platform when he ran for office that gangs would be eradicated from Harford County? All he is doing is redistributing them to other parts of the county, our county. Keep that in mind at election time. Also, I can’t believe the naivete of the few writers on here who don’t believe that gangs exist in the upper end of the county. Gangs have been here for years. Half of the _________ (name redacted so I don’t get sued) apartment complex in Bel Air is filled with gang members. And prescription drug abuse has been rampant at CMW for years as well. Wake up!!!!
Unfortunately the gangs are here to stay regardless of what any politician says on the campaign trail. The problem isn’t the police, however. We arrest them, they go the DC, see the commissioner and half the time are back out before the report is even written and evidence submitted. Hell, there was a case recently involving a vehicle pursuit, bailout, foot chase, recovered drugs (plus the driver was drunk and suspended) and everyone in the vehicle were out within two days (and they all are frequent flyers.) Surprise, surprise a day or so after that one of them runs again and gets arrested for a variety of charges.
If the public really wants something to be done about the gangs there needs to be pressure on the court system to actually prosecute cases and not just keep sending these dirtballs back out on the street repeatedly. In some counties in MD (not Harford) they won’t even bother charging someone with possession of marijuana unless it’s almost a lb because the SAO won’t do anything with the case.
Blaming it on one person is childish. The problem lies in the county itself, and the sherriff is taking ACTION to change this.
Every school has problems with kids fighting. But I do think that because the Route 40 corridor has gotten such a bad rap for so many years (and I graduated from Havre de Grace, so I was no stranger to some of the insults other schools hurled at us), when CMW and schools in so-called wealthier areas experience problems, it does turn some people’s heads. But violence doesn’t discriminate when it comes to socio-economic status.
I am also a student at C. Milton Wright, I was pondering through internet pages to try to find the two videos of the fight because I am clearly viewable in both of the videos in the background and wanted to show my brother.
And yes it is true that one claims to be a Cripp and another a Blood, The person who did “the knocking out” also had a house arrest bracelet around his ankle and was supposedly on probation for fighting a Bel Air cop and as well as had a 4 Year contract with the school. Thats all I know.
I first hand witnessed both fights, During my lunch period where we are/were allowed to go outside after eating.
How can someone who is on house arrest be allowed to be in school with other children? Is this true? Does it happen often? Are the parents notified?
Being a gang member is an incureable and highly contagous disease. Gotta be atleast one parent out there wondering why in the world a school system would knowingly allow two punks who admit being infected to sit next to their children in class. You see the fighting isn’t because they are mad with each other. Its their way of recruiting and its very effective. If they just wanted to kill one another they could do it like their grown up brothers and stab or shoot some unarmed person with their back turned. These two bangers treat CMW like its a sound stage for YouTube and with them coming back to school be sure to watch the next episode.
i know the kid and i talk to him hes fine just on house aresst
The problem isn’s the lack of a sheriff. Gang problems have been reduced and he is taking the steps. COMPLETELY eradicating the gang problem will not happen in the near future. He has done a better job than anyone else so far. The blame is not on him or the police. There is MUCH MORE patrol and surveillance in Edgewood than there has EVER been. We elected a good sherriff. The issue is directed to the county as a whole, not a single person or group. The best thing we can do is educate people on doing the right thing. Plain and simple.
Jesse Bane may have beefed up patrols in Edgewood. However, he has gone on record as having a policy of “displacing crime”. Jesse Bane has displaced Edgewood Crime to other parts of Harford County. Hopefully voters will realize that policing is much more than being a nice guy.
Don’t you think the crime would have been “displaced” anyway? Did you really think an interstate was going to contain it in some area you did not have to see it in? Jesse Bane is doing a good job but as was said it will take time and a county effort by all to get ride of it, sort of like ivy in your back yard.
edgewood needs to become an incorporated municipality so that they can police their own community!!!. one of the reasons why there is no consistent police strategy is because there is not accounting to the residents and tax payers in the community by county police force.
Yes, it will cost more money, but it will stabilize a community in chaos that is being run over by gangs and out of control drug activity. the rte 40 business community should welcome a local police force to patrol, monitor, and respond to community concerns. The homeowners would probably see their property values increase and crime reduced.
cisco do you have any idea how bad of an idea that is. Your newly incorporated municipality would have to have a city hall/police building. Buy vehicles, uniforms, equipment, each officer by the time you included salary and benifits would be an initial cost of over 250K per (each portable radio is about 5K). You would have no crime lab no detectives. Throw in general operating supplies such as furniture, computers, etc. As you can see you are talking about millions and millions of dollars. The tax base could not support it. Add to which having to staff DPW,trash collection, etc. If that is not enough to scare you away think about having the issues that would go along with yet another elected government body. Your Mayor would select your chief of police not you. Crime is down in Edgewood just read the above blogs people are mad because Sheriff Bane is pushing it out of Edgewood. I’m not a supporter, but I’m just saying.
Incorporating Edgewood would be a great idea. Eric thoughts would be accurate if Edgewood uses the same model as the other municipalities in Harford County. There are some 160 municipalities in the state of Maryland and not all of them provide the same services. Nor do they provide similiar services in the same manner.
An incorporated Edgewood would not have to use the Bel Air, Aberdeen, Havre de Grace Model for providing services. There is another (more cost-effective) model, than the afore mentioned.
With regards to Gangs-Those who criticize Sheriff Bane are perhaps politically inclined to do so. This Sheriff has a plan and it is working. Think how much worse Harford County’s crime problem would be if this Sheriff (like most of his competitors suggested) policed this county as the previous Sheriff did. How much more entrenched would gangs have been if not for the actions of Sheriff Bane.
Many in Harford County (including some of our elected officials) were content to let Edgewood be gangland. One can only hope that we now realize that when problems are left unchecked in one part our community, others parts are similiarly affected.
I was somewhat skeptical about how someone (like Sheriff Bane) who had been part of the HCSD for 30 years could be different from his boss.
For those who the bottom line is safe and secure communities, Sheriff Bane has proven to be a proessional Law Enforcement Officer, who happens to be an elected (democract) official.
The student that was knocked out was moved to my school(BAHS) He is in my homeroom and in one of my classes.
To be honest, I think some kids are just stupid and need to learn things the hard way. Some parents do all they can to raise their child the best they can, but there are just some kids who still don’t get it.
I also think things like this are part of the schools problem. Many of the schools may say that they take an absolute no tolerance approach to bullying, but in my opinion they don’t do nearly as much as they say they do. I have had first hand experience addressing numerous instances of verbal harassment, and they never seem to do so much as a shake of the finger at the offender and a slap on the wrist. Not to be over dramatic, and I understand gang affiliation and mentality are different, but people are always so shocked when things like columbine happen. You think these kids would learn from events like that.
Yeah, that fight was crazy and it wasn’t right. but 4 months have passed and thankfully it’s all over and hope it doesn’t happen again. ever.
I am a student that goes to c.milton wright I saw the fight n it was technicaly gang related but there are no gangs or gang activity in this school. All it was a stupid argument. The White kid threw up a crip gang sign n the black threw up a blood gang sign as well. So they got into a fight the white kid “crip” knocked out the black kid “blood”. But the “blood” only thinks he is one cuz his older brother was in the bloods n now he just got out of prison n works at a burger king near me. But for the White kid I don’t know but he may have 1 or 2 friends in the crips. so I can I can safely say the black is not a blood his older brother was one n for the White kid it is extremely questionable, so none of you have to worry ya’ll can sleep easy at night. That’s what it was n nothing more. In hardford county people think they are hard but they ain’t they are little posers at heart. You don’t have to worry you all are going to be safe.
You’re kidding yourself if you think there’s no gang activity at CMW….
what are the colors of the gangs and how to they wear them
I went to cmw and there where no gangs but the there were fights u can pick up gang signs everywhere red blue it doesn’t matter if u say your in a rival gang your gonna get your ass whipped but how ever cmw always had a race problem I’ve seen it