All told, the 10 candidates for Aberdeen mayor and city council have raised nearly $22,000 in campaign contributions, but more than half of that total has been raised by incumbent city council president/mayor candidate Mike Hiob alone.
Hiob’s mayoral campaign has brought in $11,000. The other 9 candidates (2 for mayor and 7 for city council) have raised a combined $10,800 among them – Mayor Mike Bennett ($3,989), mayoral candidate Barbara Kreamer ($525), councilwoman Ruth Elliott ($1,568), council candidate Bruce Garner ($100), councilman Ron Kupferman ($0), council candidate Sandy Landbeck ($3,485), council candidate Trudie Norman ($0), council candidate Zenobia Todd ($75), and councilwoman Ruth Ann Young ($1,157).
Following Hiob’s massive war chest, the next largest campaign account is that of the incumbent mayor Bennett with $3,989, with council candidate Landbeck only $500 behind with $3,485 in her account.
Here are the campaign finance totals – amount raised, amount spent, and amount remaining – for each Aberdeen candidate along with a link to their full campaign finance reports and notable contributions and expenditures noted when applicable.
These campaign finance figures are from the first reporting period, which ended Oct. 6 (4th Tuesday before the election). The second reporting period finance figures are due Oct. 23 (2nd Friday before the election). Subsequent campaign reports are due Nov. 24 (3rd Tuesay after the election) and then six months and one year following the election if there remains any cash balance or unpaid bills in the account.
Bennett raised $3,989
Bennett spent $2,535
Bennett has left $1,453Notable Contributions
401 Market LLC (Art Helton) – $300
MacPhail Woods LLC (real estate development) – $1,000
Carsons Run LLC (Peter Bosworth) – $500
Morris and Ritchie Associates – $150
Ruth Ann Young – $30
Aaron Tomarchio – $30Notable Expenditures
Bottomless Cup – $1,000
Office Centre and ABC Signs – $1,400
Hiob raised $11,000
Hiob spent $7,400
Hiob has left $3,600Notable Contributions
HCS LLC (Chris Smedley’s Gilbert Road golf operation) – $1,000
DD and SP LLC (real estate development) – $500
Involved Citizens for Riley – $250
Charles Vickers – $1,000
Joseph Salvo – $1,000
Ketan Patel – $1,000
Ferrell Fuel Co. Inc. – $1,000
Hickory Ridge Investment LLC (represented by Curtis Coon)- $1,000
Del. Mary-Dulany James – $500
Eighty East Bel Air LLC (Havre de Grace investment properties) – $200
Glenville Properties LLC (real estate management) – $250Notable Expenditures
Clear Channel Outdoors – $1,200
Allsigns – $1,462
Brite Star – $2,144
Friends of David Craig – $30
Bane for Sheriff – $40
Kreamer raised $525
Kreamer spent $100
Kreamer has left $425Notable Contribution
Ellen Cutler – $125Notable Expenditure
Maryland Democratic Party – $100
Elliott raised $1,568
Elliott spent $1,357
Elliott has left $211Notable Contribution
HEMACO Management Co. – $1,000Notable Expenditure
Brite Star Printing – $620
Garner raised $100
Garner spent $0
Garner has left $100Notable Contribution
Patrick Faircloth – $100Notable Expenditure
Kupferman raised $0
Kupferman spent $0
Kupferman has left $0No deposits, expenditures or contributions
Landbeck raised $3,485
Landbeck spent $1,967
Landbeck has left $1,517Notable Contributions
Ferrell Properties – $250
Ferrell Fuel – $250
Locksley Manor Inc. – $500
Stepney LLC (real estate development) – $500
Sheryl Kohl – $30Notable Expenditure
Allsigns $869
Norman raised $0
Norman spent $0
Norman has left $0No deposits, expenditures or contributions
Todd raised $75
Todd spent $35
Todd has left $40Notable Contribution
Zenobia Todd – $75Notable Expenditures
City of Aberdeen and Board of Election filing fees – $33
Young raised $1,157
Young spent $566
Young has left $590Notable Contribution
Committee to Elect R.A. Young – $600Notable Expenditures
New Diamond Graphics LLC – $331
Sign Lady Incorporated – $200
Hmmmm… which candidate is in the pocket of new-construction developers? I wonder which candidate will fight to overturn what the voters clearly indicated they wanted in the referendum? Let’s see:
Hopes to develop property: HCS LLC (Wetlands Golf Course) – $1,000
Developer: DD and SP LLC (real estate development) – $500
Developer (with Salvo): Charles Vickers – $1,000
Developer (with Vickers): Joseph Salvo – $1,000
Realtor: Ketan Patel – $1,000
Vested interest in development: Ferrell Fuel Co. Inc. – $1,000
Pseudo-developer: Hickory Ridge Investment LLC (represented by Curtis Coon)- $1,000
Pseudo-developer: Eighty East Bel Air LLC (Havre de Grace investment properties) – $200
Pseudo-developer: Glenville Properties LLC (real estate management) – $250
Yup, sure sounds like he wants Aberdeen grow. And why not? If Aberdeen grows, then the tax base increases and it would be less of a strain on all the residents. But I guess you don’t want Aberdeen to grow do you? You would rather have someone elected who would raise taxes to cover the bills I guess. If Hiob can manage growth in the City and increase the City revenue without straining us taxpayers that just makes good buisness sense. Or maybe your good buisness sense is to just sell the rest of the City to Art Helton.
And a message to Mike: Good for you raising all that money. But you don’t need to spend another cent for my vote, you had it the day you announced.
Why not: BECAUSE THE VOTERS OF ABERDEEN ALREADY SAID NO!!! I find it pathetic that you would support a candidate that is running on the idea of openly defying the voters of the precinct within which he is running!
And another thing… it seems like everybody wants to make this race a referendum on Mr. Helton. Mike Hiob wants to make this race a referendum on the will of Aberdeen’s people. Mr. Hiob may not need to spend any further money to get your vote, but he will spend money in an attempt to mis-lead Aberdeen voters into overturning an idea they overwhelmingly supported. If he is victorious, it will be a true case of business and wealth overruling the people of a precinct.
This has all the feeling of a typical Republican style campaign… defer to special business interests, not the will of the people. If the people do not vote how you want them to, raise tons of money so that you can mis-lead them into doing what is in the business’ best interest. Sad…
You are the one who is misleading. No one said anything about annexing the Wetlands. All I said was Aberdeen needs to grow and expand it’s tax base. And when were party politics brought into this? I am a stout democrat and I believe Mike Hiob is too (if not, I appologize).
And defering to special buisness interests would mean the selling of City owned property at well below market value to Art Helton and then making your first “Official City Buisness” as the new Mayor giving Art Helton a big fat tax break. Tell me was the in the “people’s” best interest? What a joke!
Pround Dem,
I have you know if anyone is really mis-leading Aberdeen voters, its the people like Bob Price and Steve Johnson mostly, who goes around saying lies about Mr.Hiob and saying to businesses that have Hiob signs, that if they dont take them down they have to pay fines or will loose their buseness license. Also 4 years ago Bennett said he’d lower your taxes but I have seen no change, and now he says he has improved communication in city hall but really its gotten worse, nobody returns calls and threfore nobody gets an answer so has it really gotten better??
So who is the one now really mis-leading the voters of Aberdeen, NOT HIOB!
What precint are you from i bet you live outside the city limits near an airport pehaps?I would also bet that you are one of the of people that wanted to PROFIT from the negotiations with the the golf course owner and when he said no to the crazy demands you , and your FRIENDS tried to drag him through the mud.
The only sad part of this equation is you,your statements only reinforce my belief that Mike Hiob is the right choice keep it up you are converting people on a daily basis!
Sorry, but no. I live in town not far from Beard’s Hill, off of Paradise Road. My problem is that we voted a certain way, and while others keep harping on the Helton factor backing Bennett… I could not help but notice that it is the Wetlands and associated cronies that are funding Hiob, and stand to make MILLIONS if not more as a result of turning over a decision already made and shelved by the voters of Aberdeen.
We considered many aspects of annexation (including yes the tax revenue that would be generated), but felt that the increased traffic, the continued overcrowding of our schools, and the fact that we had not had the water to facilitate such high density new development were more important than the increased taxes. Now Mayor Bennett has worked with the county to get us our water… and Councilman Hiob wants to add more houses outside of any already allocated development areas in an effort that will once again restrict water availability.
The people of Aberdeen have already spoken. Keeping out town viable without expanding its limits is what we want. Mr. Hiob and his supporters are trying to slip past that for serious financial gain. They are trying to ignore the will of the voters to benefit themselves.
Proud Democrat I was at first against the annexation but the fact remain’s something must be done if Aberdeen is going to grow.
it can not remain a Quaint little town & survive Bel Air &
VV, I agree with you, but just cannot bring myself to support expanding the town limits when we have so much land within the borders that is ripe for development or re-development. We need to focus on infrastructure downtown and development within those areas already approved.
If, after that, we have found new sources of water, have the ability to fund the infrastructure upgrades necessary for the new construction, and can do so in a non-environmentally destructive way, then I think we can revisit the idea then. But be realistic… it would take a tax increase somewhere along the line to fund the necessary upgrades in schools and roads that would be necessary for the amount of expansion we are talking about here. This would most certainly be the case if the county repeals the impact fees.
If you really feel that Hiob is going to win and these new developments are going to proceed, then for crying out loud do not let the CC repeal those fees.
I must answer the ProudDemocrat. 1st of all where did you get the idea that Mike Hiob will go against the ABERDEEN CITY folks and try to overturn what has already been voted down a couple of times, not only be the citizens but by the current city council, including Mike Hiob. The other thing is that the ProudDemocrat needs to get the facts straight – the city elections are neither Democrat nor Republican and just to be sure you understand – Mike Hiob may have the most money but he does not have the money or folks supplied by Art Helton’s new democrat club minions. Mike Hiob will through smart growth attempt to expand Aberdeen and thus resulting in a possible decrease the tax bite. I would say to ProudDemocrat if you want the truth ask Mike Hiob, if you want BS continue to ask whoever your talking too.
what does this election have to do with the referendum vote which took place over 2 years ago can you please explain?
Mike Hiob indicated at the infamous New Harford Democratic Club meeting that he intends to annex properties adjacent to the current Aberdeen borders. He indicated that he feels the referendum of 2 years ago no longer applies because the zoning situation has changed in the county. He is arguing on a technicality… the voters did not care about zoning. They were against expanding the city limits in an effort to satisfy a few very rich developers. This election has EVERYTHING to do with that referendum. The question is, does the will of the voters mean anything?
But i have heard many voters say that after they heard both sides to the annexation, that they would have voted for it instead.
And Mr.Hiob is right that are city limits MUST grow and if we dont we will become Bel Air, surronded be the county and nowhere to go.
Proud Dem,
The reason the referendeum failed is because of people like you going out and basically lying about the true facts of the annexation. I would like you to man up and put your real name on here. Just like most people who make the most noise, you run and hide or do it behind alias names because you are afraid when people find out who you are, they will know that you don’t know what you are talking about when they see you in the light of day. You are not Proud, you are ashamed or you would put your name on here.
Also, do you own your own business, probably not, you ever have to make a pay roll, probably not, you ever have to worry about making sure your employees have bonuses and enough to support there families, probably not. Running a City is like running a business, something you know nothing about. So just sit back and keep your mouth shut until you have enough balls to pony up a real name, because when you don’t, you have no credability.
Lance Hersh
You are amazing ProudDemocrat, I was at the same meeting and heard none of this BS that you are posting. If you want to talk about “expanding the city limits in an effort to satisfy a few very rich developers”. The city currently works for Art Helton and has in the past 2 years provided this very wealthy developer with loads of tax breaks and since AH owns lots of other properties in Aberdeen you go ahead and elect the current MayorS and stop all development except AH’s and the city will get very little tax revenue except from the homeowners, but hen I get the feeling that you are not a resident and therefore really could care less about the residents of Aberdeen except perhaps what they buy from you.
Done any teabagging lately? Your logic is, as usual worse than flawed, it’s perverted. When you start counting the contributions for either side, and the legitimate reporting there are a few factors to consider. First and foremost is that Aberdeen’s election laws actually encourage election fraud. Like many laws they assume up front that only law abiding, honest citizens will be in the game. Bennett and Young will be and already have been receiving huge contributions from the Anarchists, Communists and Terrorists, (ACT) as well as the $30K war chest of the Helton democrat club. There is no need to report any in kind services, nor outright cash expenditures resulting form the efforts of these groups. I could form a legitimate Political Action Committee in this City with the purpose of unelecting Bennett. I won’t by the way. There is not one single rule that would require me to report anything. As long as I put “paid for bu the Committee to overthrow Aberdeen government”, nothing can be done. In the 2007 municipal election I filed three separate and most egregious election fraud incidents. Not one of them could be prosecuted because of the lack of a law to cover it. Were the City governed by Maryland law all three cases would have resulted in prosecution. The Mayor and Council are fully aware of this situation but have opted to ignore it. Just like everything else handled by the current Mayor and his flunky, Bennett, it serves Art and Johnson and ACT and others to leave it alone. We like things the way they are.
Mike Hiob needs a huge war chest to fight the last week filthy politics of the Helton club that is sure to come. I encourage every citizen to read the authorization line of every mailer and toss piece arriving at their door. If it doesn’t have the candidate’s name or the NHDC name on it, chances are it’s from the dirty pool gang at NHDC. Stand proud PD you represent filth!
Get a grasp of the issues. Bennett is pro development as they come where Helton is involved. Stop clouding the issues with the Wetlands, and misleading people with your posts.
I am not a resident of Aberdeen, but I am a businessman in the city. What I find to be disturbing in all political arenas is the need to satisfy a few and to ignore the masses. All politicians need to make choices which benefit all. The other troubling aspect to the political landscape is the need to “take from the rich.” The rich are the ones who make the economy of the world work. Us in the middle class do not have the resources to create business and the ability to fully help the masses. So if the people in business support candidates who are pro business than so be it. Capitalism, not socialism is what allowed this country to be great.
Thats because some candidates have the backing of the business community who want Aberdeen to grow and progress, while others… AKA Mike Bennett and R.A.Young are only for anything that there puppet master wants.Did you look at Bennett’s first contributer??
….He has probubly given plenty more in other names.
Do you not remember that when Art Helton had his office building up for vote,that even when the who community was against in that Bennett and Young still voted FOR the site plan.
I wonder why???????
Are you seriously comparing $300 from Art Helton to more than $8000 that Hiob has received from developers and associates? It should be noted that Mr. Helton is into re-development of land already within the city limit. Mr. Hiob’s cronies have contributed thousands in an effort to elect a person that openly defies the will of the people by expanding the city limits beyond where the voters want them. The resulting change in land-use and zoning would allow said developers to make millions upon millions by defying the will the voters of Aberdeen displayed in the referendum.
The referundum you speak of was specifically for the Wetlands annexation. Not necessarily for growth in general. I voted against the Wetlands because I wasn’t informed of the positive and negative impact that specific development would have on us taxpayers. But I am all for responsible growth.
If anyone has cronies, its Mike Bennet with his red shirts and Art Helton working 24/7 to get him re-elected by lying to voters.
And Proud Dem are you really going to base this election on a referendum that happened 3 years ago that would have really helped the city anyway because people are going to have to face it that one day that land is going to be developed and it would be alot better if the land was inside the city to have a greater tax base.
Have you ever thought about that????
Are you against growth or against people making money i am not sure by reading your post you refer to people making millions of dollars as if they should be prosecuted for supporting thier families.Are you jealous of people for what they have or do you think making money in Aberdeen should only be allowed if your last name is Helton!
By the way i will ask again is there a wetlands petition pending because last i heard there wasnt please clarify your statement you through it out now answer please!!!!!!
PD won’t and can’t answer your questions. He/she/it is able to parrot the crap that is fed out by the party and they haven’t gotten into that manure pile yet.
I dont understand how PD can spew all of this nonsense and not have anyway to back it up!Is it not “ALL ABOUT TRUST” COME ON PD WHERE ARE YOU????
Where am I… I was out campaigning and then watching football. Sorry I was actually trying to do something rather than try to communicate with teabagger Repugs (which, as was once pointed out, is like trying to have a conversation with the dining room table). The sad thing is the fact that you teabagger types are so quick to defend Hiob is one thing that makes me so afraid of him. You have Rinos, we have Dinos; and it is becoming increasingly clear that Hiob is one of them.
Perhaps if Hiob would talk about environmental impacts of his proposed developments, protection of wetlands that surround our town, and conservation of our resources (most notably water, which Mr. Bennett HAS done something about)… then I would be less concerned.
I wonder about overcrowding in Aberdeen High School. I wonder about construction of roads to access these new developments and who is going to pay for them. I wonder why we are trying to expand rather than develop or re-develop areas already within the town limits that will not have nearly the environmental impact. I wonder why we are trying to do all this new development, and then talking about the county council potentially revoking the impact fees (I am most certainly not in favor of annexation and development if the county will not even get the money to upgrade our schools, something that will certainly be needed if the proposed developments occur).
Even if you support Mr. Hiob’s intentions, you should still be asking him these questions!
ProudDemocrat,thanks for responding i have one more question for you how will the city pay for its new water agreement with the county,as i understand it will cost roughly $5,000,000.00 for 300,000 gallons of water and only 50,000 gallons is availible now the other 250,000 gallons may come online in 2012 yet i am told the $5,000,000.00 has to be paid now your smart how can anyone afford $16.66 per gallon for water! Redevelopment in Aberdeen only will work if all the enviormental restrictions are waived because the regulations for stormwater management etc eat most of the smaller parcels acerage which is really all thats left in the commercial zones.That coupled with the enterprise zone tax credits and the city is left with big goose egg from a revenue source it is really only left with 2 choices UNINCORPORATE OR RAISE TAXES ON ITS EXISTING TAX BASE that means you and i will pay more !
By the way i have been called many things that end in bag but never have i been called a teabag !!
Art Helton and Peter Bosworth are the only people who can get anything done in the city of Aberdeen there is no doubt the citizens of our fair city got the government it deserved we elected it and now we are stuck!!
The Queen has spoken,perhaps there is a Rose among us we will have to wait and see the King and the Jack may be a little nervous about the impending meeting in the Mary Land!
How much has the new democratic club given, for those of you out there who don’t know, those funds don’t have to reported!!!!!! Mr. Helton sat right in my office and told me Mayor Bennett only spent $3000 last election, but everyone out there knows thats not true, because as an Aberdeen resident, I recieved mail everyday either insulting Mayor Bennetts opponent or talking about Mayor Bennet’s qualifications. So if you do the math, postage and printing from Office Center in Havre De Grace was alot more than $3000!!! You should check with Mr. Helton on your not so facts on money spent.
Lance, You are absolutely correct, and I am certain that it is in the process of taking place again for this election. I believe that additional information should have been part of Brian’s story. I guess he may want to do a follow up to complete it. Also, the Art Helton (New Harford Democratic Club) has claimed that they have around 35,000.00 in their PAC fund. Anyone care to GUESS how much of that “warchest” will be used to try and defeat Mike Hiob? Also, isn’t there a way to force the NHDC to reveal their financials?
Proud Democrat, I agree with the others who have spoken out for you to identify yourself. Your words have no integrity without identity. Art Helton is concerned for Art first and all others next. Yes, let us face the truth, businesses do support candidates who are for creating more business. But unless you are independantly wealth youtoo work for someone or someplace which must remain profitable in order to employ you. Stop hiding behind your alias if what you believe is honorable.
I only speak for my vote and I am sick and tired of the self serving City governement we have in Aberdeen. Bennett will do anything to make Helton richer at the taxpayer’s expense. Helton is nothing more than a sleezy slum lord and should have been arrested for what he made that poor tennant do. Elliott needs to go as well. That woman has lied on such a regular basis that she no longer can recognize the truth even if it bit her on the but. Young just hasn’t done anything and as far as I am concerned should go do nothing at home instead of on the council.
Again, just my one humble vote. But my one vote will be counted.
I do not understand what the referendum has to do with anything. If you buy into the philosophy that the voters turned down the annexation two years ago then Helton should not run for Senate since the voters decided that they did not want him as their Senator when he last ran against Jacobs.
Proud wants to bring up a referendum vote. Is this the one from the Simmons era? That is done and over, water under the bridge. Looking at the Bennett era, wasn’t there a annexation plan that proposed and ended up getting shot down?
Mike Hiob can get campaign donations from anyone who wants to donate as long as they are reported properly. It sounds like Proud Dem is stirring the pot because (a) Bennett can’t muster up the bucks, (b) Bennett is seen as the empty suit puppet for Helton that he is, or (c) doth protest too much to take the spot light away from the real issues. How about Bennett’s money raised that comes from developers? How about Bennett’s money that comes from a commercial developer that receives tax abatement on his commercial development right here in the city of Aberdeen that every taxpayer in this town absorbs?
This election is quite simple, it comes down to a simple question. Do the citizens of Aberdeen want Art Helton as the behind the scenes mayor for 2 more years or do the citizens want to see Aberdeen govern itself from within with educated debate, progress, and action that is the will of the constituent not the will of outside influence? Mike Hiob is not perfect but he’s sure a whole lot better than the empty suit who is too busy to meet with a concerned taxpayer for fear of being asked an unscripted question and not having the likes or Art, Steve Johnson, or Bob Price to feed him lines.
I saw Mike Hiob with his family at the high school football game (we lost unfortunately). It wasn’t the first time, it wasn’t because it was an election year. I’ve seen Mike Hiob and his family shopping, eating dinner, and at community functions. I have not seen Mike Bennett doing any of the above. I have seen him working in his yard when he was too busy to wave “hi” after I extended a courtesy. I guess he was afraid that I might ask him a question and he wouldn’t be able to stammer out an answer.
The most important question that voters should be asking is how in the heck are we going to continue paying for the money pit known as Ripken Stadium.
Amen sister! By the way, Garner is against tax abatement for commercial development (that’s right they gotta pay to play) which will certainly lighten the load on the taxpayers backs.
Once again, as you can plainly see, if you take an issue and analyze the pros and cons and come up with a logical and obvious conclusion, you can be sure that ProudDemocrat will be on the other side.
Based on his history, I think we should just save ourselves much time and effort and wait for him to weigh in on any subject and then support the opposite viewpoint. Less work, same result.
Bennett had a fund raiser at the Bottemless Cup at $30.00 a person and only Ruth Ann Young and Aaron Tomarchio showed up??
Either that or the Mayor paid for 10 and Morris Ritchie paid for 5. By the way, in the past all candidates comped any other candidate and it was reciprocated. It is also very curious that he spent $1000 at the Bottomless Cup. I would imagine you could fill that place all week and not spend $1000.
Why would he go to that location is he running for mayor of Havre De Grace???
Hey….I heard (and read in The Dagger ad) that Mike Hiob is having his rally this Wednesday from 6-8 pm at the Clarion of ABERDEEN. How appropriate is that! Imagine….an Aberdeen official supporting an Aberdeen business! (I hope the room is big enough for his crowd)
Because a relative of his owns the shop?
Oh that makes perfect sense, so let me get this straight the Mayor is having a fundraiser to gain support and raise money from the voters in Aberdeen he chooses a location outside the city to hold the event and that makes sense ?
No coffee shops in aberdeen i guess.
I Agree 100% why not in Aberdeen??
I guess he can only support family businesses and not Aberdeen business besides Art Helton’s.
And PD..Mr.Hiob was not allowed in the meetings to talk about water with Mr.Bennett and Mr.Craig because Bennett just said he couldnt,instead of taking an experienced council president who does that type a stuff for a living, Bennett takes one term councilwoman R.A.Young and no suprisingly his puppet master Art Helton who doesnt even live in Aberdeen to the meetings. So really Mr.Hiob was not allowed to roll up his sleves and find a solution for a sorce of water.
On Looker….Have you ever watched Mike Bennett “chair” a Council Meeting? I don’t know about the “tinhorn” part, but I would certainly describe him as the “umm-horn dictator”. It’s really quite amusing to watch him try to speak without a script (or without off again/on again State Senate candidate Arthur Henry Helton holding his hand).
By the way folks look around at the signage and think about costs – each sign is about $8.00. Figure out how many signs, how many mailers and how much other trash Mr Bennett is passing out and then tell me that he has only spent $3K. Another point look at the sign locations, mostly located on Art Helton’s property. There are a few located on private property but very few and some of those have been placed illegally, did not receive permission to put the sign there and some are placed on highway right of ways, check Maxa Rd, Aberdeen Blvd(federal property) The only business that has not posted Mr. Bennett’s sign is the Johnson Pharmacy. Could it be that Steve Johnson would not be able to intimidate folks if they know that his business location also belong to Art H. This folks is a true Shakespeare drama. Steve J and Mike Hiob were good friends for many years before Steve got tied up with Art, I guess Steve J. needed AH and his money more then a real friend.
Interesting to note. Steve johnson & Mike Hiob were friends I don’t see the likely hood of and old friend ship.standing in the way of Aberdeen politics.
I’am inclined too believe Mike Hiob is a man of integrity.
Has anyone figured out why Bennett waited to election, to sign a water agreement? Just wondering..
It amazes me that in two years, the only thing Bennett has done is sign the water agreement, that could have been done 16 months ago, spend $20,000.00 dollars on furniture that wasn’t need, and hire a person to tell anyone visiting City Hall where to go. Oh wait that person isn’t there have the time. Has anyone figured out why we need a mayor and a city manager, and why the head of DPW need a take home vehicle at city expence. He doen’t respond to anything he just calls his supervisors to handle it.
Proud Democrat,
Still waiting for you to pony up with a real name. Nobody here on this site pays you no mind. You are full of hot air, let yourself be known, so when you do campaign walking I can kick your ass right of my property. If you would just let yourself be heard like a real American with the Freedom of Speech that we have, we would respect you on here. Although, if you voted for the current President, Freedom of Speech might not be that important to you! Your like a terrorist, constantly sneaking around trying not to be seen, and then bang, like a bomb a cowardly terrorist would throw, you show up on here with some bs lie and disappear into the dark.
Lance Hersh
Lance, your comments are bordering on anti-free speech. Proud Democrat has every right to post under whatever screen he or she wishes, just as you have every right to post your rather incomprehensible ramblings. It is pretty common Internet practice to use a screen name when posting to blogs, etc., by the way.
I agree with you on one stance, that Proud Democrat has the right to Freedom of Speech and post under whatever name they want, but to earn any respect and beleive in truth to what they say will not happen unless that person stops hiding and puts themselves out there. The only reason I’m calling this person out, is that if they are campaigning or a possible canidate, the citizens of this City have a right to know who this person is and what they represent, or they are just lying to get elected or lying to cover there best interests on the backs of the Aberdeen tax payers. Freedom of speech can be interputed many ways, so I guess you have no problem with someone burning the American Flag then. I guess you have no problem with the crazies from the Church out west protesting US soldiers funerals. All these freedoms have consequences, and one of the consequences for Proud Democrat is that I will continue to call them out and ask who they are. Just like if you were to burn a flag in front of me or many other Americans, you would recieve an asskicking, and if my brother in law was killed in the line of duty, those craziest showed up at his funeral , they would receive and asskicking.
An ignorant person can never interpert what an intelligent person says, because he never understood the meaning of what the intelligent person said in the first place. I understand the Freedom of Speech, and I understand what it was intended to be used for.
Lance Hersh
Just informed that the New Democartic Club voted to give Mayor Bennetts campaign a stimulus package of $1500 at ther last Wednesday night meeting. This will not show up on the Campaign budgets that have to be submitted. Wonder how many times he will get a stimulus package from the New Harford County Democartic Club. Just thought inquiring minds would want to know. I guess we know where the money will come from when we start getting all the nasty mail everyday the last 7 days before the election spreading lies about every canidate that the club doesn’t want in Aberdeen City politics.
Can someone out there answer-is the New Democartic Club and Art Helton the same. If the NDC is giving more money then it already has should that not show up on the campaign finances? What’s happen to the Aberdeen election board? Very strange.
Art Helton started the New Democratic Club and I believe he is Presdient of it.
Ann Helton holds the current title of “President” of the N.H.D.C. Art Helton is on the Board of Directors (but we know who REALLY runs the show).
The N.H.D.C. (New Harford Democratic Club) is a vehicle that Art Helton and his “henchmen” and “henchwomen” to use support his candidates of choice AND to try and destroy others that he doesn’t support (even if they’re from the same party!). The “Club” support all depends on if said candidate kow-tows to Art the Almighty! Ann Helton is the current “president” by title, but we know what that means. Just like 3 years ago when “Ann had a Plan”! It was Arts way of trying to be County Executive after his failed attempt using HIS name 8 years prior to Ann’s failed attempt. S.S.D.Y.! Facts just seem to keep getting in the way of Art Bennett/Mike Helton/Steve-O Johnson ( The Trinity of Terror”!)Sounds like a B-Grade Halloween flick to me.
Lance I don’t think I would worry about Mike Bennett’s supporters enough is enough.What amaze’s me the Bungler got elected.certainly turned out to be a lemon.
Fresh Ideas & young at Heart. Mike Hiob for Mayor.
The reason Mike Bennet signed the Water agreement now is because Mike Hiob, Ruth Elliott and Ron Kupferman didn’t agree to the water agreement till recently, thus enabling Mike Bennett to sign the water agreement- Watch the council meetings and you’ll find that out.
Mike Bennett can only do what is voted in on the council, it’s called a democracy folks. If there aren’t enough votes to get things done in the city then, the Mayor can’t get it done.
Sounds like the same bs that you probably attacked Fred Simmons on when he was Mayor. And thats why the City Charter needs to be rewritten so there can be accountablity on are local government. Not to get into the he said she said game, there were and are other options that could have been explorered that the other members wanted to look at, but that was all foiled by outside interests when in fact it could have saved the City more money. Thats why we finally had to settle for this deal 16 months later!!
What was the other water option and how much was it going to cost? When would this have been available to come on line?
Who proposed it to the council and when?
What or who were these outside interests that you refer to, lets stick to facts folks.
Because when I watch the council meetings it was never brought up as an alternative.
The water agreement that was recently signed will be paid for by the new users not current water users.
So answer this how is this a bad deal for the current citizens of Aberdeen? They won’t be billed more than they are now.
Please elucidate by means of enumeration.
If Mayor Bennett would have ever called Mayor Dougherty
back from Havre De Grace, we would have had a quicker and cheaper water supply. So, just because you didn’t hear it on the local channel, doesn’t ,ean there wasn’t other options. Do you really think that they talk about all dealings with the City in a 1 hour session every week. If you do, you are pretty naive. By the way, the current citizens wouldn’t have paid for the annexation either.
Art is not the president of the New Harford Democratic Club…his wife is.
I stand corrected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She was such a disappointment within the inner circle of the Maryland committee that Art and her had to start their own. Quite simple if you ask me, a vote for Bennett is a vote for Helton. A vote against Bennett is a vote against Helton. Mike Hiob or Art Helton for mayor, a city resident or a city tick who has been sucking the life blood out of our tax dollars with his special treatment. An insider or an outsider, that’s what it comes down to.
Not trying to hijack this thread but i would like to see a copy of the complaint against Helton does anyone know how to get a copy? This should be a matter of public record right,one would think it should be available through the police department is it?
Wow, I go out of town for a week and I return to find a tempest in a tea pot that would excite the storm chasers from the weather channel. Council President Hiob raised (and reported) $10,000. Lets see, if all the folks that voted for him in the last election wanted a sign in their yard he wouldn’t have raised enough money yet. Ten grand is just not that much money in a race for mayor where outside interests have an endless supply of hygenicly challenged drones walking the streets passing out literature that is dishonest in nature and funded by non resident dishonest folks.
And Proud Democrat- What in the world are you proud of? If ever there was a proud party faithful it has to be Mike Hiob. The difference is that when he serves, he serves all the citizens of Aberdeen and he has a proven track record to run on.
And to my friends Lance and Dave- Don’t let this carpetbagging interloper upset you. Every election there are always those like PD who surface with their one trick pony lines like, remember the Alamo or in their case, remember the annexation, and they are about as welcome as a turd in a punch bowl.
Council President Hiob- we, the residents and business owners of Aberdeen feel your momentum in this election and we are once again excited about the future of Aberdeen with you as Mayor.
Al you should know better. you can’t turn your back on Aberdeen politic’s for a split second. your excused this time.
Mike Hiob for Mayor.
Vet- Did you know that the Red Shirts were walking for Bennett but they have a new name?
No I did’nt. Do you care too Share?
the dirty dozen
Nothing a little soap & water can’t cure.
This is exactly why the City is the way it is. People running their mouths about everything. Let the candidates answer the questions.
Do you agree with annexing the Wetlands?
Do you agree with annexing more areas into the City limits?
What do the citizens receive from their taxes? (Currently no one can answer this, that is none of the candidates)
Pointed questions –
Mr. Hiob since you are supported by FOP and the current Police Chief do you agree with his ideals of how to save money?
Mr. Bennett why are you not available to talk to the citizens?
Folks how about providing a list of your questions so that Dagger can have a great list of questions for all candidates?
Quit bickering back and forth and just lay the questions out there.
I like your line of questioning, but there seems to be a point that everyone here seems to be missing. Lets not think of ways to cut spending, but figure out ways to create more revenue. And I’m not talking about raising taxes either. Everyone wants to cut budgets somewhere, which have to be done at times, but what has really been done to generate revenue in the last 2 years? This water deal that was put together recently was a start, but could have been done 16 months ago and was a smoke screen to get Mayor Bennett re-elected.
As a business owner in a tough economy, my first prioity during tough times is to find new products to generate new income revenues. Worst case senerio is to make minimal cuts or trim some fat. But the current administration has not been able to get this done. There is a chemistry there that doesn’t work and some links in the chain that are not connected to make this City strong. Our job as Citizens is to pick the Canidates that will make the right decisions together and move this City forward.
Lance Hersh
My point is just ask the questions and let the candidates answer them. Why bicker to anonymous people.
I do not like politics because the “Mayor” cannot do anything by him/herself they still need the backing of the majority of council member.
Yet people expect those running for Mayor to say they will do this and they will do that and they cannot guarantee anything. It is all lip service.
Lay out your questions and see how they answer.