For those who are unable to attend the Aberdeen Mayor and City Council Candidates Night Forum tonight (Wednesday), or may just want to catch the action for the comfort of their own homes, The Dagger will be providing live video of the entire event.
The Dagger is hosting and moderating the forum, which is scheduled be begin at 7 p.m. at American Legion Post 128 in Aberdeen
Doors open at 6 p.m., and the forum will begin at 7 p.m. Questions will concern issues facing Aberdeen, and candidates’ answers will be limited to 90 to 120 seconds.
The forum is sponsored by the Harford County Municipal Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 128.
Whether you show up in person or tune in online, join this important discussion with less than a week remaining until the Tuesday, November 3 City of Aberdeen election.
Cant wait to see what happens to Mike Bennett when his master isnt right next to him.
Let me guess… alot of ummmming??
Hope to see alot of people there tonight!
I hope the Record newspaper shows up to cover this important event. Maybe they’ll send one of the old editors to show us how the pros do it!
The Candidates were given just nine questions. There were countless possible issues but time constraints precluded most. The questions ranged from Why do you want to be Mayor/City Council, a gimme question that few answered with any sincerity to issues with hot topics, water, annexation, property taxes, Ripken Stadium and BRAC. I scored the candidates on their responses zero to nine. I don’t take shorthand and did not bring a tape recorder so I opted for key points or comments with the following results :
Mayor Bennett: 3 points, He spoke about growth and revenues. But you can’t have growth when you’re still wearing the same shoes you wore when you were a kid. You have to expand or annex, in short get bigger shoes to grow into. He mentioned he was on a BRAC council which discussed what else, APG and BRAC and STILL the City is way behind Harford county and even Baltimore City in marketing our city as a place to live and do business. He is in favor of a Hotel Tax as were all of the candidates. Harford County is the only county in the state without it. The Mayor and City Council have had two years to straighten this out (the Council longer even). Find out what the other counties respresentatives did right and DO IT.
Candidate Kreamer: 3 points, Her schtick was property taxes, after I heard the same thing from her on six out of the nine questions there was no way I could see where she’s be any better than the incumbent.She did make points on the Hotel tax but had to add her two cents about our property taxes. She went over her former public service several times. She should be commended for her education achievements and career fields as an attorney and now as an English professor at our community colleges. She doesn’t support growth and that alone will kill Aberdeen.
Council President and Candidate Hiob: 7 points, I’m a Hiob supporter but I managed to stay focused and objective. Mike made points on a solution for City Water, Growth, use of Ripken Stadium, hotel tax and BRAC. He’s believable, he cares and no one’s pulling his strings.
City Counsel: (Quickly)
Incumbent Elliott: 2 points, She supports growth inside of the development envelope. What the hell is that? She doen’t know why we don’t have a Hotel tax…Everyone else in the room knows, one of the state senators has a close family relation in the hotel business in Harford County and that tax is seen as bad for business, so it doesn’t get the necessary support when the bill comes up in the General Assembly. Elliott wants to look at water studies…those have already been done, pick one for heavens sake that doesn’t involve paying Harford County five million dollars!
I’m running out of time here:
Garner: 7 points. He made his points on Ripken Stadium and the hotel tax.
Lanbeck: 8 points: She was impressive with her knowledge of the annexation process..the whole City should know what she knows.
Kupferman: 8 points, no give Kup all 9 just for being forthcoming. He’ll do the best job he can for the City as he always has, but its hard when the deck is stacked against you three to two before the show even starts.
Challenger Todd: an impressive 8 points. A strong showing for a newcomer. Though I heard her Green history four or five times too often.
Incumbent Young: Almost had 3 points but wanted to read a poem, like she reads from the newspaper so she gets 2 points. She might ask the right questions and research the issues but her thought process and issue resolution get crossed.
That’s it, gotta go.
I was present and agree with your assessment, although I would give Garner all the points and this is the first time I have seen or heard the man. He knows what he is doing. You were kind to Todd, however she would be a good fourth on the council. You were very kind as far as Senator Jacobs is concerned. She is just a terrible, self serving, self interested political hack for her special interests. She has no interest in the City of Aberdeen or it’s residents and is not a good example of a public servant.
I was going over my notes and I have to re-assess Kupferman’s points and give him the 8 points he earned. He lost a point when he said that he woke up about 6 months ago and BRAC was suddenly here…Dude, BRAC has been in the news and coming for THREE YEARS. It’s like the letter I wrote to the Editor that was printed inthe Aegis and disappointment with the Mayor and City Council on their action or inaction in preparing this City for BRAC. I just don’t think enough was done. It’s too late now. BRAC is to be completed by 2012. New office construction on APG for both office space and new housing will be completed by then. Except for one re-enforced training company at the Ordnance School, all the soldier, airmen and marines will be gone. The researchers and scientists will BE HERE. Well at the Proving Ground at least, where they’ll live off post is a matter beyond the reach of the present City Administration. My guess is that Those new arrivals who have one or two years until retirement or have kids in their junior or senior year in high school will leave their families in New Jersey or where ever they are now. They’ll lease housing on post and stay there during the week then on Friday afternoon, shoot up I=95 to Mom and the kids. There will be those with enough time left in their government service that they can’t retire and they may move their families to within a decent commuting distance to APG. Without residential development and available housing commensurate with their status
in either the scientific or intelligence community, you can bet they won’t be living in Aberdeen…nuff said, I have yo get my shower and get to work.