Interview with Bel Air Town Commissioner Dave Carey:
As part of The Dagger’s coverage of the Town of Bel Air’s municipal election on Nov. 3, the following questions were presented to each candidate for town commissioner.
The five questions (bolded and boxed) were chosen to generate discussion on specific topics. The candidates’ answers have been included verbatim as received by email or reported following an interview.
1.) In short, who are you and why are you running for re-election?
I am an attorney with Brown, Brown and Young on Main Street and have been a Town Commissioner since 1997. I am running for re-election because these are especially difficult times and it is critical that the Town have experienced, proven leadership to guide it.
2.) The town budget has more than doubled this decade. How do you feel this has benefited the town, and how do you handle the budget as commissioner?
The increase in the budget over the last 10 years is generally attributable to three factors. The first is the increase in the cost of goods and services that everyone has seen in the last decade. However, the Town relies on many commodities that have increased in cost at a rate far faster than the rate of inflation. These include: fuel for the Town’s cars, trucks and equipment; the cost of heating, cooling and powering the Town’s buildings; the increase in the cost of health insurance for employees; the increase in the cost of worker’s compensation insurance (which is especially high because 60% of the Town’s employees are either police officers or public works employees who perform manual labor) and the cost of liability insurance.
A second reason is costs that are either passed onto the Town or which the Town is mandated to pay. The Town is a bulk user of the County’s sewer system. That is, we own the pipes and pumping stations in the Town, but when the sewage leaves the Town boundaries it is metered and one bill is sent by the County to the Town for all of its property owners. The Town then pays the bill and get reimbursed by the citizens. The Town makes no money on this but merely serves as a conduit between the citizens and the County pursuant to a Sewer Service Agreement entered into in the 1990’s. Because of regular, significant increases levied by the County, the sewer fees which the Town collects now total more than $2,000,000 a year, which is a significant part of the Town’s budget. Another example of these costs are unfunded mandates from other levels of government, such as the recent federal mandate that the Town set aside funds now for pensions that will be paid when today’s employees retire. Currently this cost is $60,000 per year. Additionally, the Americans with Disabilities Act requires that we install handicap accessible curb ramps throughout Town, including whenever we resurface a street, which is presently a $48,000 a year cost.
A third reason are capital improvements and other expenses that the Town has voluntarily undertaken. These include: a donation of about $1.3 million to the Board of Education to upgrade the Bel Air High School Auditorium (which I opposed); a contribution of about $600,000 to the Main Street streetscape project, which included upgraded street lighting, additional brick walkways and crosswalks and “street furniture” such as benches and trash receptacles; acquisition of and improvements to the Armory on Main Street, which presently costs about $143,000 a year to operate, but which we have put several hundred thousand dollars into; and the financial assistance we provide to the operations of the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company ($153,000 per year), the Bel Air Recreation Committee ($92,000 per year), Rockfield Manor and the Bel Air Downtown Alliance.
The first two factors we cannot do much about other than be as careful as we possibly can when making expenditures, which I feel we do. With regard to the third factor, I feel all of these expenses, with the exception of the BAHS auditorium, were appropriate and have benefitted the Town.
3.) The commissioners recently voted to table plans to renovate the town hall. Did you support the renovations, and how can the town manage costs and facility shortcomings?
The Police Department/Town Hall building is perhaps the Town’s largest asset and we have a duty to maintain it properly. It is also where citizens come with questions about and need for Town services and deserve efficiency. It was built in 1964, and although it was expanded somewhat more than 20 years ago, it is in need of repair and updating and the Police Department in particular is in need of expansion. The situation is not yet critical, but it will be in the next 5 to 10 years if we do not address it. With the recent, drastic cuts in State aid, now is not the time to take on this responsibility. But we will have to do so in the near future.
4.) The town recently completed a renovation of Main Street. Do you feel this has benefited the community, and how should the town handle the logistical problems or improve the town economy in the future?
The Main Street streetscape was a resounding success. I have not heard a single person say it should not have been done. It has provided a boost for our downtown merchants, very few of whom have had to shut their doors despite the economic downturn. We will continue to approach economic development by heavily marketing our downtown and providing assistance to all of our businesses thgough our economic development department, our volunteer Economic and Community Development Commission and the Bel Air Downtown Alliance.
5.) Why do you think you are a better choice for town commissioner than any of the challengers?
The Town has weathered the current fiscal storm, unlike the State and County, without tax increases, layoffs, furloughs or reduced hours. At the same time, the Town has been able to develop Rockfield Park, renovate Main Street, acquire and retrofit the Armory, and continue the same high level of services the citizens have come to expect. I believe the Town has flourished during my 12 years as Commissioner and that it times like these, experience and leadership are critical. This is no time for on-the-job training.
From Carey’s biography on the town website:
David E. Carey was born and raised in Baltimore County and is a graduate of The College of Wooster (Ohio) and the University of Baltimore School of Law. He is a partner in the Bel Air law firm of Brown, Brown and Young, P.A., where he has worked since 1990. His practice is concentrated in the areas of civil and criminal litigation.
Commissioner Carey was first elected to the Town of Bel Air Board of Commissioners in 1997 and was reelected in 2001 and 2005. He has served as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners three different times. Prior to his election, he served on the Town’s Economic and Community Development Commission as well as the Greater Bel Air-Forest Hill Community Planning Council, the Harford County Futures Commission, the Harford County Housing Commission and the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
In 2006-07, Commissioner Carey was President of the Maryland Municipal League (MML), the association of Maryland’s 157 cities and towns, and he has served on MML’s Legislative Committee for ten years. He has testified numerous times before both the Maryland Senate and House of Delegates on issues of interest to Maryland’s cities and towns. He also served twice as President of the Cecil-Harford Chapter of MML.
Currently, Commissioner Carey is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Local Government Insurance Trust, a non-profit insurance pool created by the Maryland General Assembly, which provides insurance to local governments. He is also a member of the State’s Task Force on the Future of Growth and Development in Maryland and served on the Planning and Smart Growth Workgroup of Governor O’Malley’s Transition Team.
Commissioner Carey lives in a historic home in Bel Air with his wife, Rachael Rice, and their two Labradors, Max and Augie.
Assigned Liaison Responsibilities:
– Commissioner of Economic and Community Development Commission
– Liaison with MD Municipal League
– Commissioner of Tree Committee
November 3, 2009
To the Taxpayers of Bel Air,
We are running for Town Commissioner because we think Bel Air deserves fresh ideas now, not the same ideas we’ve had for the last 8 or 12 years. Bel Air deserves Commissioners with FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY!
If elected, our Pledge to you, the Town taxpayer is;
1. No decrease in the level of service
2. Reduce the $7.52 million payroll expense and reduce the number of $100,000.00 salaries
3. Stop the current $5+ million Town Hall renovation planning
4. Review and revise the organizational structure
5. Maintain funding to Parks and Recreation at current levels
6. Maintain funding to Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company at current levels
7. Stop the MacPhail Road extension
8. Support demolition of the Gordon Street property. (former Bel Air Elementary School)
9. Encourage Main Street business development
10. Fund the Gateway/Boulton traffic light in FY 2010
Current spending is unsustainable. Our “10 Point” plan is the exact opposite of the agenda pursued by current Commissioners Carey and Preston. The voters have a clear choice on November 3, do you want 4 more years of tax increases or not?
On November 3, you can help us reduce the cost of Town Government by eliminating waste and inefficiency.
Please Vote for a Better Bel Air. Elect Davis and Adolph.
Thank you,
Greg Adolph
Ricky Davis
Got this email from the other campaign. They present a very viable plan of action. Your comments seem to defend your prior actions. In your recent Aegis comments you speak about the “bad decision” you made in spending $1.5 million of taxpayer money on the BAHS auditorium. Then you say that you’ll cut Parks and Rec and the Fire Company.
I don’t think that either Adolph or Davis will make a $1.5 million “bad decision” or cut such minor funding obligations to offset another tax increase. Why won’t you cut some $100,000 salaries? You might need 1 or 2 to run this Town but you have supported 6 of those salaries.
Adolph and Davis will have 3 other seasoned Commissioners for help. Isn’t that the reason that the elections are staggered? Experience for this job is over-rated. The only qualification is that you live in Town. Stop making it seem like the Town will falter if you are not elected.
Dave- I know what you’ve already done for the Town. I have no idea what you are planning to do with another 4 years and 4 more years of the same “experience” is not good enough for me.
I’m voting for Adolph and Davis.
#11 – Reduce tax rate to constant yield??
I’m going to give them a chance to try.
Not so much a vote of support for Carey, as a word of caution against the advertisement letter posted above and the candidates who signed it.
The full version of that letter, signed by Adolph and Davis, does not bear a campaign authority line, which, although apparently not required (because the Town of Bel Air has adopted different election laws than the State of Maryland), is usually included as a matter of good form.
More importantly, that letter uses the official municipal seal of the Town of Bel Air, which the town attorney himself has just ruled is a violation of election law.
This clear violation of election law by both Adolph and Davis, whether intentional or accidental, does little to inspire confidence.
Bel Air has never enacted any campaign finance laws of any kind because according to the Harford County Board of Elections it would be very cumbersome. As such there is no formal campaign accounting required. Either Preston or Carey must have contacted the Town Attorney if you got him on a Saturday, he hardly works during the week.
It should be noted they don’t seem to complain about the substance of the letter, sounds like whining to me, since the letter lays out a pretty clear agenda. Something neither of them have done. Carey and Preston should have started a Department of Fiscal Responsibility, they would have a better shot at re-election Tuesday.
You should also remember that the Town seal is owned by the taxpayers and both candidates, in adition to the hundreds of supporters of Davis and Adolph are TAXPAYERS. Look at your poll.
At this point let Carey and Preston bitch. If they hadn’t spent my tax money like there was no tomorrow, they wouldn’t be this worried about the letter. Man up boys, you’re better than this.
What exactly is the law that was broken? Since when does the Town Attorney rule on anything?
I’ve enjoyed reading the Dagger, it has been informative but you cross the line making assumptions about any level of “confidence” or representation about what is or is not on a “full” version of the letter, which is not posted as far as I can tell.
Today I received a mailer from Carey and Preston prepared by the same PR firm that represents Shiela Dixon, and there is NO campaign authority line. Gee, that is a surprise. It also says they are going to provide LOW taxes for the Town after providing 5 of the top 6 largest increases in Town history.
Bryan- the Dagger is better than this, you should only comment on what people can see.
I got the same mailer. All they talk about is what they have done in the past and that they have been able to save the $100,000 salaries. Doesn’t talk about what they want to accomplish in the next 4 years (if they stay).
The letter posted at the top doesn’t seem negative in any way but it does draw a significant distinction between the candidates.
I seriously doubt any campaign laws were violated but I’d like the Dagger to find out which one and post it. Post the ruling by the Town Attorney. Be neutral boys. You managed to scoop the Aegis on most of the municipal election stuff, don’t become like them.
I (personally and without any cajoling from any other candidate) contacted the Town as soon as I saw the flyer on Friday because I remembered from elections past that official seals (be they municipal, county, state, or agency – such as Sheriff’s Office) cannot be used on any campaign promotional material.
I was out of the state until this afternoon and only recently received this reply:
“I talked to the Town’s Attorney and he says the letter can’t be used with the Town seal,” Joyce Oliver, director and town clerk.
I’m not here to argue the merits of one candidate against another. Someone posted the letter and I wanted to inform the readers as much as I could about what they were seeing. That’s what we do. You call it line-crossing, but that’s clearly because you have already picked your candidates in this race.
As for our being “better than this,” thanks, but I know exactly how good we are. We’re good enough to not let stuff like this slip by without at least bringing it up for the public to judge whether it should affect their vote on Tuesday.
Thanks for the reply. You make a big leap after talking to someone who talked to someone w/o knowing they actually talked or verifying it independently. I actually think this flyer is pretty creative and I see this as no different than using the American flag on a campaign flyer. One can’t be right and the other wrong and you took one persons word for it.
LongtimeHarford says:
October 26, 2009 at 1:53 pm
Has anyone read Preston’s campaign flier ? I recently received a copy and it seems he thinks he is a member of VFW post 39. There is only one VFW post 39 that I can find and it is located in St Petersburg Florida. If he means that he is a member of Harford Post 39 of the Maryland Department of the American Legion on Hickory Avenue in Bel Air (although both are veterans organization they are very different) then he simply does not even know what organization he belongs to. Having done some homework and research in this area I found that the American Legion Harford Post 39 was chartered here in Bel Air 80 years ago in 1929 (3 years after his family business was started ) and you would think that he would at least know the name of that 80 year old Organization that he is a member of that has been contributing so unselfeshly to the local community for so many years. Maybe he should be asked when was the last time he visited the post for any reason
The “someone” I talked to, as shown above, is the Bel Air Town Clerk – who also happens to be the one handling election matters for the Town.
No offense, but I’ll take the second-hand info of the town attorney via the town clerk over the first-hand info of John Becker any day.
I didn’t say I agreed with the election law or that I didn’t like the advertisement. If nothing else, I like the initiative the challengers are taking.
But the rules and regulations are in place for a reason and can’t be overlooked – even if you think the ad is “pretty creative.”
Looking at the comment she says that it couldn’t be used, not that it was an “election law violation” or that the Town Attorney had made a “ruling”. This is Aegis type stuff, they expand any info for whatever purpose they see fit.
PS- in fairness, Preston used the Town seal first and he is the sitting Chairman. Why wouldn’t anyone else think it was OK if the sitting Chairman did it, even if you don’t bother to report it?
You’re really grasping here and it’s getting painful to respond.
Give it a rest for the night and enjoy your Halloween.
More details coming in the morning.
I have to agree with Brian. EITHER side using official town seals (or lookalikes) while campaigning (not doing town business), just doesn’t seem right. Also using a Department of Fiscal Responsibility or whatever, when I don’t think that exists currently, doesn’t seem right either.
I don’t care who started it, it’s not right from either side.
Also, anybody thought about why we’re lumping Carey and Preston together when one’s a Dem and the other’s a Repub??? Could it be that Preston owes his seat to Carey and is voting however Carey tells him to?
Magik- Explain this logic
Preston became a Republican a few years ago. He and Carey send out a joint mailer this weekend touting their combined “19 years experience”. Preston wants to get the Register of Wills job in next falls election.
What Republican opponent is not going to remember this mailer next fall?
Why would Carey team with Preston anyway at this point?
I just can’t understand it.
Carey needed another ally (besides Reier) to give him a majority of 3 commissioners. Who knows what promises he made to Preston.
Preston was smart enough to “see the light” a few years ago and change to Republican, but still acts like a Democrat. He knew he’d have a better chance with an R next to his name.
What makes me say this? Carey and Reier went door to door when Reier was campaigning (came to my door), so we know what’s up with that. Carey and Preston are sending fliers out together, so why does Carey care about getting Preston elected? Hmm – because Preston, just like Reier, will do whatever he wants.
I just hope the other voters wake up to their nonsense. I had already made up my mind for Davis and Adolph, this just confirms I was right. Thanks
Preston had no experience when elected. You had no experience when you were elected. The Town is 200+ years old. It is time for you to let go of the idea that the Town can’t function without you. I agree with frustrated, Davis and Adolph have put in writing what they aim to accomplish. I believe they will be successful.
Aberdeen and Havre de Grace both cut their tax rates this year. You voted against a cut for Bel Air, which resulted in the largest tax revenue increase in the history of Bel Air, AND IT ONLY BARELY BEAT THE 2ND LARGEST LAST YEAR. The last 5 years are 5 of the 6 largest percentage gains in tax revenue in Town history and you voted to spend it all, way above inflation or capital improvements. Don’t forget you screwed us on sewer fees too!
Remember the taxpayers are the ones you WERE supposed to be representing- NOT YOUR DEVELOPER FRIENDS!!!
Mr. Preston sent his mailer postmarked October 23rd and in fact included the Town of Bel Airs Official Seal and love this comment.
LongtimeHarford says:
October 26, 2009 at 1:53 pm
Has anyone read Preston’s campaign flier? I recently received a copy and it seems he thinks he is a member of VFW post 39. There is only one VFW post 39 that I can find and it is located in St Petersburg Florida. If he means that, he is a member of Harford Post 39 of the Maryland Department of the American Legion on Hickory Avenue in Bel Air (although both are veterans organization they are very different) then he simply does not even know what organization he belongs to. Having done some homework and research in this area I found that the American Legion Harford Post 39 was chartered here in Bel Air 80 years ago in 1929 (3 years after his family business was started ) and you would think that he would at least know the name of that 80 year old Organization that he is a member of that has been contributing so unselfeshly to the local community for so many years. Maybe he should be asked when was the last time he visited the post for any reason
Not surprised one-bit typical wining politician look for an easy ride on the taxpayers back.
Dave, I don’t want someone who just shows up and agrees the staff ideas seem good, like you have done the last 12 years. I want Commissioners who actually have the ideas and let the staff implement those ideas. The last idea you had was downzoning all the M-1 property in Town, hurting all those property owners. As I understand it, you never asked any of those property owners if they wanted it and even the staff didn’t agree with you.
It also scares me that you think you are so highly qualified for this job. Makes me think you are too much of a control freak. Other people have and will do this job very capably and we’ve been thru other economic uncertainties. You look at things through the eyes of a lawyer and that impedes things more than helps.
You know that small business generates the jobs, you know Main St. suffered through the road reconstruction and now the economy, what have you proposed to help those businesses? You proposed nothing and we have a larger vacancy rate because of it. You should have been more agressive dealing with this issue.
Pull your head out of your ass. You and Preston need to realize that people want significant spending cuts and neither of you has the balls to do it. Writing is on the wall Dave.
I’m voting for Adolph and Davis.
Didn’t Carey vote for a candidate to fill a vacancy on the Commission, then supported him in an election a year later when he still had NO experience? Yes you did– can you say Rob Reier? Why was experience not an issue then Dave? Didn’t you think the Town deserved the most experienced candidate? No you didn’t, you needed an ally, another vote and Reier was willing to be your bitch.
I agree with BAR, it is about the spending Dave and you do TOO MUCH of it with my money. I hope Adolph and Davis win, it’ll feel just like flushing the toilet to get rid of you turds.
Why isn’t anyone standing up for Dave?
Still looking for the Carey support. Is it possible you overestimated your importance Mr. Carey?
Look lower. He only has 13% of the Dagger vote. Preston is worse at 9%. Could the gods have smiled on Bel Air this year?
One of the 81 people who support Carey needs to say something in defense of your candidate. He is getting clobbered.
I’m not feeling the love yet. Someone say something nice. Anyone?
Carey and Preston are taking down Davis and Adolph campaign signs in our community and putting theirs up instead. This is beyond appropriate but must mean they are desperate. Doesn’t matter they sadi they weren’t giving us a traffic light, Adolph and Davis will. That is enough for me.
It happens when you need a miracle to win. Sorry Dave and Rob, term looks like it is over and now you’re acting like it.
I would love to see a political battle in which the candidates and their supporters do not feel compelled to resort to name-calling, sign stealing, back stabbing, and lie telling. Let’s stick to the facts as they really ‘tell it all’ anyway. There are alot of signs missing in English Country Manor. And there is a sign missing in front of Dave Carey’s house ….. Rob Preston’s.
You are right Carey and Preston have resorted to all of the above. As a matter of fact, the flyer I got today says that Carey and Preston want “low taxes”. The truth is that they’ve raised the tax revenue EVERY year they’ve been in office, and well above the rate of inflation. Adolph and Davis are not burdened by a history of tax increases so they talk about what they are going to do not about what they should have done. Frankly, Carey and Preston are resorting to “chicken shit” type stuff and it feels like it is more about them winning than serving the taxpayer.
I admire the approach that Adolph and Davis have taken. They told me that it isn’t about the signs but about the message. They think the message of cutting spending is working really well for them right now. They don’t need to resort to those kinds of things because stuff like that only happens when you are behind.
A new low Carey and his liberal wife have chosen to do a joint mailer with a Republican Mayor Preston
Oh that’s right its just spineless RINO Preston Trick or treat I want to be register of wills
Good bye incumbents there is new blood in Town.
Received the joint mailer from the experience Counts team and the first line says;
Dave Carey & Rob Preston Support; LOW TAXES
Are you kidding me !
This is the Town of Bel Air total property tax revenue growth for there budget.
Fiscal year to year of revenue only from property tax alone
FY 01 FY 02
$3,654,825 $3,858,092 +5.6%
FY 02 FY 03
$3,858,092 $3,935,430 +2.0%
FY 03 FY 04
$3,935,430 $4,520,978 +14.9%
FY 04 FY 05
$4,520,978 $4,659,522 +3.1%
FY 05 FY 06
$4,659,522 $5,121,882 +9.9%
FY 06 FY 07
$5,121,822 $5,560,055 +8.6%
FY 07 FY 08
$5,560,055 $5,954,453 +7.1%
FY 08 FY 09
$5,954,453 $6,636,859 +11.5%
FY 09 FY 10
$6,636,859 $7,356,396 +12.4%
The Commissioners of the Town Of Bel Air approved a 12.4% increase in tax revenue due to the constant yield tax rate.
With the Commissioners maintaining the current tax rate of $.500 per $100 of assessments, real property tax revenues will increase by 12.4%resulting in $719,537 in additional revenue.
In order to fully offset the effect of increasing assessments, the real property tax rate should be reduced to $.445, the constant yield tax rate.
No they aren’t kidding. They think that as long as they believe it, it’s not a lie, even though they can’t support that position and NOBODY else believes it.
Dagger Press:
How convenient you post Careys question/answer session AFTER the Bel Air Town forum. WOW, so you are not supporting a candidate? I would beg to differ. It looks like Bel Air needs a major change. I hope it works out on Nov 3rd.
I’m still waiting for your promised Town Seal update due yesterday, the law that was broken or a retraction.
You raised a non-issue at the expense of the Adolph/Davis campaign by defending the Carey/Preston campaign, while failing to tell your readers that the Carey/Preston campaign used it 2 weeks ago.
I don’t care about the seal, I’m questioning how much research you did. You need to be fair and equal to both sides, right or wrong..
Not that I’m down with quibbling over the trivial, but, the ruling in question most likely refers to the Town Code, Article 1 subsection 6(b) which states:
“B. The Coat of Arms and Seal may be used for stamping official papers of the Town, as an insignia on motor vehicles of the Town and on uniforms worn by personnel of the Town and for other similar municipal purposes.”
It is available online, via the Town website.
Here’s hoping that the turnout eclipes the 800 or so that managed to rev up their Rascals last election day…
My point was that the article was not unbiased and should have been. Maybe I expect too much.
What made it biased? If someone commits murder, and The Dagger writes about it, isn’t it biased against the accused? I bet they would think so.
Anyway, no article was written about this. It was brought up because someone copied the text of the letter into a comment.
It appears that you are really upset because something negative was written (in a comment) about a candidate(s) you support. Maybe Bel Air just isn’t used to this…Aberdeen sure is…
This clear violation of election law by both Adolph and Davis, whether intentional or accidental, does little to inspire confidence.
Brian has no idea if there is a law or a violation yet names only these candidates when at least 3 of 4 have done it. I really could care less about who used what but if you are going to call out 1, call them all out and make sure you have the facts.
You’re right, you could care less about who used what:
“I made up my mind last night, I want new blood in office, and given the choices, I’ll take inexperience over Carey and Preston any day. I’m voting for Davis and Adolph.
Brian was repsonding to a comment which posted the letter from Davis in Adolph which used the town seal, which according to the the person at city hall who handles election matters, is illegal. This was not an article talking about the infraction. I’m sure if the other candidates have done the same thing, the same rule applies. You saying that others have done it is the same as Brian saying it in a comment. Happy?
Personally, I couldn’t care less about these candidates, as I’m not a Bel Air citizen.
“No one has brought this up before, so it’s not as if someone has done a great wrong,” Keenan (Town Attorney) said. “It hadn’t been thought through.” This is what Brian referenced as the “clear violation” based on the “Town Attorney’s ruling”? And you
Face it, Brian didn’t check his facts or call anyone outside the Town to verify his story. In the future, if you choose to go negative or positive spread it around, but check you facts. I thought you were supposed to actually talk to 2 sources for a story?
My choice of candidate is a separate issue, but you are correct, I’m voting for Davis and Adolph, because Carey and Preston just keep raising my taxes without cutting any real spending. I feel like I made a business decision as opposed to a political decision.
You say I didn’t “check my facts,” yet it was me checking the facts in my own mind that brought this all about. It’s a violation. I knew that. The town, initially, didn’t. Now they agree. Deal with it.
And why would I call anyone outside Bel Air about the violation of a town policy? Isn’t that exactly who we should be calling and asking?
If the Town Attorney wasn’t the right person to call, who should we have called? You?
John Becker, whoever you may be, you are waaaaaaay too hung up on this seal issue. Just because no one ever brought it up before doesn’t mean it isn’t a violation. It just means that it had never been brought up before. Can’t state it any more clearly than that.
And why are you so hostile towards the Dagger? It is giving you an opportunity to voice your opinion. If you don’t like it, write your meaningless letters to the Aegis or the Sunpaper and see if they get printed.