The following e-mail was sent from Bel Air Tea Party organizer Tony Passaro to local officials, including Harford County Executive David Craig, all members of the Harford County Council and selected members of the Harford Delegation. A copy was provided to The Dagger for publication:
I thought you would like to know what is taking place in Harford County regarding our tax payer dollars to Illegal Aliens in our communities. I think this is something you might want to look at further and do something about.. This kind of waste is very disheartening to our Tax Payer especially during a recession.
I know we have electronic check off (thank you D. Craig) but we need more.
This is very upsetting to the taxpayers..
Therfore the TEA PARTY ASKS, NO DEMANDS to know What is the County Leadership doing to eliminate the cost of illegal’s in our County???
Go to this link to see estimates of what it costs other counties:
Illegal Immigration Costs Harford County Residents millions. Can we really afford this????
Help Save Maryland (HSM) calculates that the cost of illegal immigration to Harford County taxpayers will be over 60 Million dollars. The cost of a new school every year…….
This amount is the cost of public education, emergency healthcare and incarceration for illegal aliens. HSM bases its calculations on recent information provided by the Maryland Department of Planning and the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).
“Our citizens should be outraged,” said Tony Passaro a strong supporter of HSM for Harford County. “Given the difficult economic situation many Harford County taxpayers find themselves in, what household can afford to pay $790.00 each year to support people who are living here illegally?”
HSM’s calculations do not include the cost of other social services provided by the County, like day laborer centers and non-emergency health clinics. Nor do they include the value of state and county grants and contracts paid to organizations that serve a predominantly illegal clientele, such as CASA de Maryland, Identity Inc., Catholic Charities, Centro Familia and the Latino Economic Development Corporation.
“And we didn’t even begin to try to estimate the economic losses, and pain and suffering that will be inflicted upon Harford County residents next year due to the growing crime, gang violence, housing code violations and traffic accidents caused by illegal aliens,” said Brad Botwin, Director of Help Save Maryland. “If we had, the cost would be much, much higher.”
Help Save Maryland is a grass-roots, multi-ethnic, non-partisan citizens’ organization opposed to the use of tax dollars on programs and services for illegal aliens in Maryland. It has members in 23 counties & Baltimore City.
For more information, visit
Tony Passaro
Bel Air Tea Party Patriots
Alliance of American Patriots
Tony Passaro doesn’t speak for the Tea Party movement. Make no mistake, there are many groups involved and there can be no central messenger, especially such an angry individual as Tony.
Though well-intentioned, Tea parties need to ask another serious question: “What are we doing to include minorities in our cause?”
And if the answer is, “They don’t want to be a part of us,” then ask yourselves why. “They voted for Obama” isn’t an acceptable answer, because at the end of the day, no one likes excessive/unnecessary taxes.
And if you say I’m wrong, find me more than one black person at a Tea party rally.
Don’t hate the man holding the mirror…
Gee, Bob, it isn’t as if there are membership criteria like there used to be at swank country clubs. Anyone who shares a passion for upholding the Constitution and shrinking the influence of government, among other things, is welcome to participate.
Don’t go all Affirmative Action on the Tea Party Movement just because you choose to see things through the prism of race.
Bob your wrong!!!fyi this is not a racial issue only if you want it to be..Enjoy
jackie you gave us the same link as hotjavajack gave us 6 days ago… got outscopped as they say in the paper buisness!
If you don’t know him don’t judge him. what he posted is the absolute truth coming from a great source as “FAIR” .. Federation for immigration reform. exactly what is needed in this country is reform. Their are approximately 85%-88% of illegals in our country and they elect to remain illegal because many illegals are working the industry including many state jobs while collecting welfare because of their anchor babies and all the bells and whistles attached. Many are using fake id’s to get a drivers license and welfare funds. The state dept of election uses these licenses to give them a voters card. YES they are voting. So if you give them all the freebies of a citizen, why become productive legal citizens? Fortunately Employers are being reprimanded for hiring them. Many are paying up to $3000 for hiring an illegal and some going to jail. For every illegal you hire, 2 citizens lose their job. Illegal aliens are now suing their employers in record numbers. when you lay them off, they go right to unemployment only to find out no taxes were taken out. they are receiving large chunks of money from their previous employer and the state then goes after them. In any case, the employer loses in a big way. so saving a few bucks by hiring an illegal alien just isn’t worth it..
I am continiously amazed at the ignorance of those who cannot differentiate between “Immigrant” and “Illegal Alien”.
Specifically, the “Immigrant” applies for and is granted due rights and process. The other is, by any stretch of the immagination, here illegally placing an unsustainable drain on our resources.
Just my opinion and I’m sticking to it.
Andy Stevens, Anacortes Washington
Where do the numbers come from and have you factored in how much these same people contribute to the economy? They wouldn’t be here if someone wasn’t willing to employ them. It is time we recognized their contributions and their employers role in the problem.
Fear and prejudice are unfortunate parts of who we all are. Some of us do a better job at controling that part of our nature than others. It seems reasonable to want everyone to share the load but it also would be nice to be hospitable to someone who is in the same place as our parents, grand parents, etc when our families first came to our great country. I for example am Irish Catholic, not such a big deal today but those who fail to learn from history are in for a repeat. As an American, I really appreciate when I travel to a non English speaking country and the is an effort to make me feel welcome. Let’s get the latest round into the melting pot and figure out how to get them to pay their share of taxes.
Fear and prejudice? Do you always use that phrase to describe folks who wish to have the law applied to ALL people uniformly? I suggest you look up the terms. Or do you suggest that we should ignore the law only for certain groups of people (non-Americans, that is)? Who is the prejudiced one here?
It’s fine to travel to a foreign country, but don’t you respect their laws when visiting? And what about those of us whose ancestors came to America legally?
I’m sick and tired of people who purposly choose to ignore the ILLEGAL part of the equation and simply attempt to ridicule those of us who don’t and try to make us look like racists for not welcoming EVERYBODY with open arms, regardless of whether or not they are following the laws of the land.
Yes, it is illegal. However, there are employers who are actively recruiting illegal immigrants. So, it seems somewhat unfair when the immigrants are arrested and absolutely nothing is done to the employers. They provide housing, transportation across the borders… they know what they are doing. They are using these people like paper towels. When the immigrants are arrested, they just get another paper towel. I certainly don’t think we should allow illegal immigration. We have to look at both sides of the problem…. or are we just going to hire more immigration officers?
its so easy to report employers who hire illegal aliens. mega big fines.
jackie the employers should go to jail! JMHO
I.N.S. regularly stages raids on “hot spots” for illegals looking for work. They have the authority (for example) to confiscate the pick up truck that a landscaper uses to pick up day workers in the 7-11 parking lot. Here’s a hint: Your question should be what happens to the bus load of illegal workers at the end of the day. Our enforcement policies are not much more than a revolving door & economically unsustainable. We have to figure out a way to get them to pay taxes not get rid of them. In most cases they’re doing jobs that most of us consider undesirable and in ALL cases they’re getting paid dirt. Because of they’re illegal status it also opens them up to all sorts of abuse from a slimy employer who is the real problem here. I think there should be a program for employers to id illegals as “employed guest workers” and have taxes taken out. Of course, that would require that they stop paying under the table first. I love Tony’s energy and appreciate his concerns but I think they need a little refinement.
AMEN I think we need to stiffen the penalties for the employers. First offense is a fine of 100,000 per illegal. Second offense is forfiture of the entire buisness and it’s assests and if you dare open another buisness and employ illegals again…2 years in jail per illegal CONSECUTIVELY!
That said immigration is a federal responsibility. It is just as much the responsibility of this democratic congress and president as it was of the last republican president and congress who have all talked a good gme but done absolutely nothing to solve the problem. So asking the local govt wht they have done when it is clearly not their responsibility is like/is barking up the wrong tree.
As far as the equity issue, yes Tony only seemed to highlight the groups that support the largest percent of illegals in this country (Hispanics) but said nothing of the 30% of Canadians who live and work here illegally. Mostly in higher paying jobs! Wouldn’t it be nice for those unemployed americans if they can have those jobs?
can i have a link to your 30% illegals from Canada? why would canada come to this dump except for health care. their is plenty of work in Canada.
funny you say health care most of them work in the health care industry and come here for higher pay! Canadian illegals work high paying jobs like Indian illegals!
the numbers come from our own state stats in black and white. Your right about employers hiring them. nobody wins in that situation, not even the employer when they get caught. stiff penalties. call the dept of labor, ice and irs on employers. any one of them will enforce the penalties imposed..
So essentilly you made them up? Wht source of informtion was used to come up with that figure? What study was done and where are the results of tht study?
cdev. you are very argumentative for no reason. With internet access, you must know how to search the stats. I have provided great links for you to read. Go read them instead of arguing over nonsense. i do not like our tax $$$ going to illegal aliens and I don’t like illegal aliens taking our jobs. Why do you think people are losing their homes? if you can’t see my point, so be it. don’t argue because i speak my views and provide proof with links. i am not going to do your work for you. use Google!!
When you cite stats it is your job to provide the support if asked!
source of info? where are your links when i asked. you never provide links..i asked about your 30% come here illegally from canada sourse. i’m still waiting.
Neither party will remove illegal aliens (right wing) or undocumented workers (left wing). One side wants cheap labor, the other cheap votes. You, a legal US Citizen, are screwed and didn’t even get dinner and a martini!
linda, check out links provided. this is for “illegal aliens” who use and abuse the system. I know they are very loyal hard working citizens but many are screwing the taxpayer by taking the jobs of of citizens. They use fake id’s to get welfare, emergency cash assistance,sec8 free or reduced rents, a drivers license, social security cards and yes a voters card. the state board of elections uses the md. drivers license as a form of id. Casa de Maryland has day labor camps that provide a place for illegal aliens to go and wait for employers to pick them up for day cash jobs while most are receiving welfare. Where is the incentive for becoming legal citizens when we give them all of it for nothing. Do you think our ancestors did this kind of crap? Absolutely not!!Many of our elected officials won’t go against illegal aliens because they want their vote.. all of this is available on line and also check the General Assembly website. their is written proof of much of what i say. PEACE..
Bob should know the fact that most Blacks and other minorities don’t favor less government, and so for that reason are not attracted to the Tea Party movement. But Bob’s implicit antiwhite response is irrelevant to Tony’s message. Tea Party participants stand for less government but more protection from external and internal threats such as illegal invasion. Protecting illegals is antithetical what we expect from our government.
I must laugh when I hear terms like “illegal invasion,” as if immigrants come here with malice in their hearts, seeking to destroy you and your lifestyle. Your description of Bob’s response as antiwhite also makes me laugh. Thanks!
No, by allowing them to stay in violation of the law, they and the participating authorites are helping to destroy the rule of law, one of the aspects of the government that has actually worked for over 200 years in this country.
Any suggestions?
Yes – round up the illegals and deport them, and arrest employers who knowingly hire illegals.
As well as the employers! (most of whom are white!)
Phil and cdev:
Your solutions to deport all the illegals are logistically impossible.
I certainly don’t condone the illegal immigration to this still-great country of ours, but I’m afraid amnesty is the only solution in this case….then build that fence Bush talked about years ago.
Also, would it help to mention that although these people immigrated here illegally, most are hardworking, honest people with strong values?
Darn, I didn’t think so…
How hard is it to track down employers. My plan pays for itself in fines and siezed assests! A fence is simply not going to work.
Maybe your idea of ‘honest people with strong values’ include entering a country illegally and violating their laws by staying there, but mine do not.
We have a different view of how to deal with people who do not respect our laws. You choose to ignore their actions and try to stop any new ones from entering. I, on the other hand, choose to enforce the laws and punish the lawbreakers to whatever degree we can, which would serve to show those considering following the same path to reconsider. I would rather enforce the laws against as many as possible rather than throw my hands up and decide that the lawbreakers have won this round.
I also don’t speak in absolutes like “amnesty is the only solution in this case.” Where have I heard this sort of talk before? (“There’s no debate, the science is settled…”)
cd. not a black or white issue. Why would you turn it into one?
Dave. anytime you have 20-40 million come to america using the back door is wrong.anytime you come to our country poor as hell for a better life is ok, but come to our country poor as hell and start having “anchor babies” for tax payers to support is wrong. Do they stop at that? Absolutely not. they continue to have babies for more welfare $$$ and its amenities. Now they get food and free or almost free housing with sec 8. then they come to md and get a drivers license using fake id’s then they are allowed to vote. The state board of elections use these drivers license as a form of id for a voters card. then in md they go to Casa de Maryland where they provide day labor camps for them to sit and wait for employers to pick them up for day cash jobs while most are on public assistance.
Why are we upset? Because this digs into our pockets. it takes away from our families. $2billion on illegals last year is not right no matter how you look at it. Where is the incentive for them to become productive legal citizens when they benefit more being illegal. the sad part is many have worked hard to do it the right way and they are now citizens and paying their own way and their own taxes. Hugs to them. Remember that most of us are immigrants or come from immigrant families..
Jackie, where is the incentive to come here legally when our immigration system is so messed your wait could be ten years or more? We need comprehensive immigration reform. We can deport as many immigrants as we want, but that won’t stop anyone struggling to feed their family in Central America from coming here.
I laughed, Dave. Especially because I’m white.
I guess I’m what some would call a “race traitor.” 😉
BTW, I’m fully aware my post didn’t have anything to do with this story in particular, however I can’t think of the TEA party without thinking of a glaring lack of diversity of any kind. Surely this can’t be coincidence.
And “Factfinder:” way to go with the blanket statement about minorities.
Wow! There seems to be a lot of venom in Tony’s email. There are many other contributing factors (too many to get into) that are responsible for our societal ills, but to pin them squarely on the backs of the undocumented workers is truly an ignorant perspective. All I can do is simply shake my head.
$2 billion Tax dollars going to illegal aliens in md last year should be enough to twist your head..
That seems to differ with Tony’s copied Statistics. Where did you arrive at your number from?
the figure of $1.4 billion went to illegals last year in md come from here. time posting this link for you.
this figure does not include the welfare, food stamps, emergency cash assistance and their free or reduced housing through sec 8.
from FAIR.. same link..
Each year, state governments spend an estimated $11 billion to $22 billion to provide welfare to immigrants.
CDEV.. I’ve hope I enriched your point of views on illegal aliens and the stats provided.
I like tacos.
I like random thoughts.
Me too!!!
See, everyone complains about inner-city schools failing our children, and yet no one is complaining about the school system that raised the Teabaggers.
whats’ wrong with the teabaggers? they standing for disciplined spending and protecting our future and the generations to follow. when you have many bills being forced on us like the stimulus, omnibus etc costing trillions of $$, thats a problem. when we have to pay to control the stink of pigs in iowa and why do mosquito’s bite thats sick!!over 10,000 of pork issues with our $$$. When we see radicals being hired by our leader to run the country, thats absurd.. When we, the teabaggers, hear that they want amnesty for all, thats stupid.
Members of the Tea Party Movement weren’t raised by a school system. They were raised by parents who imparted a love of country and a deep respect for the U.S. Constitution.
And how do they feel about the current of our Congress, where we basically have obstructionist, minority rule. How do they feel about the state of the filibuster? Nothing about that in the Constitution, as far as I’m aware.
Gee Dave, I take it that “obstructionist, minority rule” is something that you believe has existed in Washington, DC. What happened to the filibuster-proof majority? It doesn’t seem to have enabled the ruling party to accomplish anything worthwhile.
Huh? You make no sense. It’s something I believe has existed in DC?
Define for us Dave “obstructionist, minority rule” if you will.
When you talk about the short-lived Super-Majority, you talk about a Democratic party composed of many different people with many different views. It still doesn’t mean the minority party should reject and filibuster everything the President or members of the majority party propose. Look at the filibuster statistics. There’s never been so much obstruction by a minority party to the wishes of the majority of the voters.
When the dems were the “minority party” they obstructed the elected majority’s wishes at every turning. Judgeships remained unfilled because the dems did in fact filibuster the nominations. This goes on and on. The history of this partisan BS began when the house and senate turned over in “94 and the former leaders could not accept the will of the people who caused it.
The way to stop this crap is to veote against all incumbents. Do yo like Mikulsky, Ruppersberger, Kratovil, Cardin, Hoyer, etc? Tough crap, vote against them anyway. losing the institutional memory is a small price to pay for tossing all of these useless slobs out of office.
Yes, let’s look at the filibuster statistics. Please provide support for your argument.
Would you not have to spend money to solve this economic problem? Where would this money come from? Does not seem like something that would save me money like 50 dollars in property taxes. Actually seems like the Anthiteses of what the “Tea Party” is all about. This would be the government interfering in lives. This would take big government.
Actually PG, it only requires that government do the job it is already charged with. The State of Maryland and its Counties and Municipalities routinely spend our tax dollars tending to the needs of people who chose to ignore our immigration laws.
With real unemployment at over 10%, who could argue that it is a good thing to have “undocumented workers” in the workforce?
I thought that Steve Wright, the guy who is going to beat Dave Craig, was the head of the Tea Party. He usually makes that claim when he talks to people. Either way, the Tea Party is lucky to have such a leader as the great Steve Wright. That man has made a bunch of money in business and is a great role model.
Illegal means illegal…their employers should be held accountable for breaking the law [AND they should have to pay to send them back]. If they do not have a valid social security card they shouldn’t receive social services.
M&M –
Employers that hire illegals also typically have two sets of books and in order to pay people off-the-books they cheat on their taxes. I have no patience for people who cheat on taxes owed or illegally hire illegal aliens.
Joe, we shouldn’t be surprised that employers who hire illegals would also have illegal bookkeeping as well. The same goes for the illegals who flout the law to enter into the USA. Criminality doesn’t suddenly stop at the border.
Back it up with some facts, Factfinder.
‘Anti-immigration forces have been hammering into our heads the dangerous link between illegal immigration and increases in violent crime. Their only problem: the facts don’t support their alarmist contentions.
“Some of the most violent criminals at large today are illegal aliens.” That’s the lead sentence of a policy report published by the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington, DC institute that provides intellectual ammunition to the anti-immigration forces.
Another CIS study led with a similarly impressionistic assertion about the immigrant-crime link: “In recent years, it has become difficult to avoid perceiving immigrants, legal or not, as overwhelming this country with serious crime.”
CIS is not alone in relying on impressions to form opinions about just how illegal immigrants are. On the basis of fear-mongering stories rather than scientific studies, groups like the Center for Immigration Studies have succeeded in convincing the media and the U.S. public that undocumented immigrants are criminals. A National Opinion Research Center survey found in 2000 that 73% of Americans believed that immigrants were casually related to more crime.
But, as in other dimensions of the immigration debate, the facts don’t support the alarm.
There have been dozens of national studies examining immigration and crime, and they all come to the same conclusion: immigrants are more law-abiding than citizens. A 2007 study by the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) found that immigrants, whether legal or illegal, are substantially less likely to commit crimes or to be incarcerated than U.S. citizens.’
your so wrong. the only ones that provide those comments you mention are supporters of illegal aliens like Casa de maryland. if that is the case why are at least 85%-88% still illegal in this country? i have hundreds of facts to give you. But all you have to do is google any of it. also go to md. general assembly website that tells of some of the scams like using fake id’s to get a drivers license and then voting.. like using fake id’s to get welfare and emergency cash assistance etc while working for cash.. like our tax $$ paying for organizations that support aliens and teach them the ropes so to speak. Did you not read the papers? Do you not hear of their scams like the woman who was paid $2k a month for use of her address where she was receiving over 800 welfare checks etc? Most of us were illegal immigrants or come from families of illegal immigrants. we didnt want or have to scam to become a productive citizen. When our families came to america,they didn’t have anchor babies to get welfare. i’m done. research the rest
Jackie re you claiming that 85%-88% of the people in this country are here illegally? Wht are your percentages out of? Please show us a solid link to those numbers and not just propaganda!
jackie MD is now ID compliant requiring a birth certificte or proof of legal residency to get a liscence. Those tht didn’t will have to provide it on their next renewal!
Or, if you prefer:
Dave, you know that there’s nothing that would change your mind that Harford County government leadership should do something to eliminate the cost of illegals in our county?
Your comments above including the link you provide only has one statistic which is unrelated to Hispanic crime. Everything else is either value judgement or unwarranted conclusion. However, Hispanic crime stats are very easy to find such as these:
A revealing report came from a Arizona border report several years ago:
“Since the beginning of the fiscal year (October 1, 2003) through Sept. 8 the Tucson Sector has arrested 12,535 illegal aliens with criminal records in the United States. Of that number, 175 were for Sexual Offenses. Of the criminal aliens arrested, 605 of them had active warrants out for their arrest.” U.S. Border Patrol arrests two sexual predators in two days Eloy(AZ), Enterprise September 16, 2004
Dave, you provide a link posted by one blogger and you think thats a reliable source? check these reliable sources out.…-78724507.html
CDEV, i testified in annapolis last year on the mva giving them drivers license. the only reason it went passed was because of the federal passing the Real id act. Not because of O’malley and his cronies. and you say a birth cert? are they fake also? i’m sure many are..
you asked what % illegal in America? check it out here. Even obama’s state of the union said 8 million illegal aliens working and taking our jobs.
Want a good laugh?
Go to the link Tony provided and click on Harford county. Up pops this article and it reads word for word the same as the information provided….except for the part where he atributes someone elses quote to himself.
I guess Tony is a plagarist!
Cdev, did you mean it happens all the time. don’t you ever provide links someone else wrote? whats funny about it. Don’t you ever quote other people’s words? what is the problem? do you not mind the many illegal aliens that come here and rob the system and steal your jobs and bankrupting this country including md? our tax $$ spent $2billion last year on illegal aliens and their scams. we’re $2 billion in a deficit because of the fraud they do. now when you become unemployed and pay higher sales tax, property tax, increased tolls, fines and permits, please don’t complain..
Jackie he didn’t use that link to cite the work he litterally took that piece changed a few words to make the quotes as if they where coming from him not the other person and passed it off as if it was his own. That was the bulk of his letter. Tht is plagarism plain and simple and it is intellecutully dishonest!
Read my previous post. I mind illegal immagrints but ultimately they would not come if someone wasn’t hiring so the cure is to make it so costly to hire illegals that employers don’t dare. See my paln outlined above. Obviously politicians of all prties do not care about doing anything bout the problem! They just talk.
REF: Steve Wright
To keep the record straight…..Item #1.
Steve Wright is the President of the Route 40 Republican Club.
As such, since he is the President of a political organization, he is not and can not be a Tea Party member. Mr. Wright may sympathize with the Tea Party Movement and has at times assisted the Movement (we have collaborated several times), but he in no way speaks for the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT and never has nor can he.
To affiliate Steve with the TEA PARTY Movement is to strike at one of our basic codes of belief – NO AFFILIATION WITH ANY POLITICAL PARTY and I as a Tea Party Member take umbrage to any one making that claim……I know Steve would agree with me..
To keep the record straight item #2.
Hi CDEV – I see someone is still sending in moronic comments and signing your name to them. I would get that corrected if I were you as it makes YOU appear to be a moron…..
The article was essentially attributed to HSM and the link was intended to do just that. However, the fool using your name was not intelligent enough to ascertain that fact…….
I am not a Plagiarist but you are certainly a MORON.
To keep the record straight…item 3.
Dave you are flat our Wrong. The stats do support the claims of the % of crimes committed by illegal’s. Since they are already flying below the radar by breaking the law to enter illegally the other American laws do not deter them. Like, how many times do you hang a multiple murderer?? In a sense they feel they have immunity and many of our corrupt politicians encourage that view…
If ou know of any illegal’s encourage them to become citizens. After all that is what I am asking them to do, bite the bullet and become American Citizens….
Tony Passaro is not anti-Immigrant nor an anti-Hispanic. My parents were Legal Italian (not Hispanic but certainly Latin) immigrants to this country.
However, Tony Passaro is anti any people who break the law to enter this country. They broke the law to enter and that makes them illegal. And to add insult to injury they take advantage of our laws and systems. Their doing so makes a mockery of our system and all LAW ABIDING AMERICANS AND IMMIGRANTS TO AMERICA.
To drain our taxes for a people that do not have a right to our largess is abhorrent to me. That part I will strenuously resist.
I WELCOME ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS TO OUR COUNTRY however, I will help expunge the illegal ones even if they vote…….
Then why did you alter the reprint of the article to attribute someone elses comments in the article to you? Furthermore if your intention was to cite the article in your letter to the poloticians as the bulk of your article you did so incorrectly.
You are a plagarist!
Tony, apparently I am flat out wrong, as are all of the studies showing absolutely no correlation between immigration status and crime? Where are the stats that you claim exist showing that illegal immigrants commit a higher percentage of crimes than natural-born citizens?
Maybe if I call you a MORON in all caps, I could become a well-respected leader of a well-respected organization like you! You’re not crazy at all! 🙂
You’re not helping your credibility or the unfortunate stereotype of the tea partiers.
Conservative blow-hards like Tony (and Rush, Glen, Sean, and others) rarely have science behind their statements. They routinely ignore studies that display the realities about things like immigration, crime, affirmative action, climate change, tax policies, and government programs. These people care only about the impression of low taxes, no matter what the result. Of course the TEA Party movement is strongly bankrolled by people that would economically benefit from extreme fiscal conservative positions. The TEA Party is a product of FOX news and big business. It is not grass roots, and serves to mislead true middle-class Americans who are so damaged by the political positions that the TEA Party advocates.
Thank God we have an expert here on the Dagger who knows more about the TEA Party than the folks who are actually in it. I only hope that I can someday be able to make up crap like he does so I can think that I am smart, too.
How do you ignore facts like an estimated $2billion of our tax $$ went to illegal aliens last year in maryland?
Proud Democrat, your rantings and reasonings is typical of the obama administration koolaiders. No Facts at all. provide facts and good links, not blogs that says any of the words you throw out.. this is why i am now an ex 35 year democrat. you allow yourself to be swayed rather than do a little researching yourself. if tea partiers are paid by fox, where in the hell is my $$. this is so laughable. again your a typical liberal democrat who drinks out of the same jug as your leaders. Geez, even most democrats don’t believe the words of our lying leaders. Get a grip. i because they provide good facts. now go do your homework and back up your words. I repeat, i do not care about blogs.
How do you ignore the majority of the media that lied their buns off and who is employed by our leader obama?
is Fox on that list of obama bailouts?
absolutely not..i’d start listening to fox. They are bi-partisan and honest..
“They are bi-partisan and honest.” For crying out loud please do not tell me you honestly believe this? Nobody can be this blind to reality!
What is so laughable is that you criticize me for using blogs (which I do not… go back through my posts and check for yourself) while using links to blogs and wikis in the same post! Pathetic.
Jackie the joker? You said that “Fox Noise” is bi-partisan? (or as they describe thenselves…Fair and Balanced)? You’ve got be be kidding (or unbalanced!). And what’s up with the U.S. flag for your “photo”. Do you think that makes you more of a patriot? How sad. Some of us “enlightened” folks can see through that B.S. We’re the ones that your ilk can’t “pull the wool” over. Your ilk likes to call us “elite”….but that’s because we are smarter than YOU.
She can’t write, has a flimsy grip on grammar, thinks FOX is bi-partisan and honest, and challenges the rest of us to do our homework and back up our words. Jackie is a perfect example my perception of the Tea Party people.
It’s clear that PD misses the whole point of the Tea Party Movement. It is entirely grass roots and is in response to the arrogant dismissiveness displayed by Democrats at last year’s town hall meetings.
No one likes being told to sit still and be quiet while I pick your pocket for your own good.
It’s in response to multi-thousand page bills being voted upon without being read or being debated on their merits.
It’s in response to the outright insanity of a bankrupt government eager to borrow and spend even more money.
And, it’s in response to incompetent bureaucrats concocting even more complex and doomed designs.
This is what has given birth to such an energetic and determined movement.
It was grassroots and Honest. Now it has been co-opted by Neo-Cons to put a pretty paint job on thier Palinesque Ideologies. As a liberal (not socialist or democrat) I enjoy the actual tea party and share some of the original groups ideals, now what is being peddled is the same ole same ole.
It has been co-opted by Neo-Cons? Palinesque Ideologies?
Please do educate we unwashed masses. Just how is a movement made up of people like me being “co-opted?”
And, by all means, do describe for us this Palinesque Ideology. Or are these just epithets you learned on a lefty blog?
i’m not here to diminish the subject or to argue with any of you. i have been an full time advocated against tax $$ going to illegal aliens who have used and abused our $$ for years. i don’t come here to lie or make fun of but to provide you with good useful links. try and remember that for a little while i was where you are. i started researching all of it when i was in a serious accident with an hispanic who had a md. drivers license a voters and social security card. all of it obtained with fake id’s. i am permanently injured and in pain all the time while he is out there driving again as per the states attorney who said it was common. He got away with it and God forbid if he kills someone on the roads the next time. I know what i am talking about. I have testified on bills in annapolis and I have spent years researching and studying and trying to make things right. I don’t hate illegal aliens because everyone needs a start. what i do hate is how many scam the system and tax payer thus the reason for higher property tax, sales tax and many others. I provided good links above and hundreds more if you need them. I also found out about the many corrupt politicians this state has. How they’ve cheated us out of our $$$ and are not following the law. I do like Fox and a others, but i refuse to watch any of the media that has been bailed out by obama because of their campaign support of him. I also voted for obama in the primary. i am now a republican after i learned about the corruption of obama and many other of our elected officials. one of his famous words were that he hadn’t seen Bill ayers since he was 8 years old. i found out later that Obama was president of Annenburg corporation in 1995 and william ayers was chairman at the same time. By the way, Annenburg Corporation is associated with ” Fact check”. see the relevance?
jackie you post on the Baltimore Sunspot?
Also you are aware that MD adopted Real ID to combat that very problem?
cdev. i’m very aware of the real id act that is not being followed. Our governor wants us to think that he is responsible for the change in drivers license going to illegals. He’s not. he had no choice because of the real id act. as far as sunspat. i don’t think so. Our governor could madate the E-verify act for “all employers and state agency’s” and correct this mess. Are you aware that huge amounts of illegals in md are getting welfare without proper id’s among other issues like voting? it’s all about the Votes CD
Wait on one hand you say we are not doing Real ID and then the other hand you say we have to. Which is it? I know we aare becuse when I got my liscence renewed I had to show proof of legal residency to get it done.
@ Hotjackjava: Not seeing you as the unwashed masses, just pointing out that the inception of the Tea Party was a great and exciting moment, enough so that a liberal like me was interested. What it has become in the Republican Party Redux. The party started with Ron Paul and his ideals of creating transparency at the Federal Reserve, recalling overseas soldiers and ending the drug war. This is now what the TEA party stands for now, you may have great Ideas as well, but you need to know the connotation of the name you are claiming. Now, many of the recent tea parties, expecially the very large public ones on a national scale have been backed and funded by Freedomworks. This “astro-turf” group is led by Dick Army. Lets looks at Dick Army: Republican leader of the house in the 90’s, And one of the creators of the Contract with America, the contract with america is a ton of legislation, a lot of government. The tea party is not the tea party you think it is. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, lets pay Palin 100,000 Dollars to speak at our convention.
Mama mia. i am a true Italian and we don’t lie and i have provided many greatr links. Point and click. You seem like your just a pissed off erogant person who wouldn’t know the truth if you read it in the bible. Any more name calling from you or anyone will be reported. I will continue to stand hand in hand with any tea partier who wants nothing but control on our outrageous spending habits of our leaders. We are the people who worry about the future of our families and are trying to make sure they have a future. I’m afraid our leader is right on only 1 issue. We will be tested. Now go google and see for yourself. If you want to go round and round with me, send me a Pm and i’ll connect with it. I can prove everyone of my words.
Billy Jack, your right. my grammar isn’t that good and i’m proud to be a tea partier. Anything else you’d like to add? I can back all my words. Can you? Have a nice day..
sign me an ex 35 year democrat.
I am pretty certain you have never been where I am. You state in an earlier post that most of us were illegal immigrants at some point. Please do a cursory review of those posting here to see if that is the case. As with much of what you say it is absurd and simply fantasy.
where did your ancestors come from? Billy, i have provided many great links. i don’t owe you any more explanation to you. Because you are uninformed or refuse to see the problems with illegal aliens, thats not my problems.
can’t you see how many people are losing their jobs and homes because of illegal aliens and the rising cost of all our taxes?
Don’t be bashing individuals because they speak of facts and not fantasizing. the proof is in “google”.. use it.
From the Susquehanna Valley of PA on my father’s side.
I have never said there is no problem with illegal aliens, however I tend to believe you have allowed your personal tragedy to color your ability to make clear judgments. I am not bashing anyone, simply calling your attention to the fact that if you are able to interpret FOX as unbiased it casts doubt on any other judgments you may make. As well, as your contention that more than 50% of the population has a one time been an illegal alien is absurd.
Jackie, you are a perfect example of the tea bagger demographic….undereducated, angry, misinformed, caucasion.
Don’t beleive me? Check out the participants at the next “rally”.
Good Riddance!
Yes, Mama let’s check the participants:
Seems to me that Jackie isn’t the one who’s misinformed and she certainly isn’t the hurling epithets and deliberately mischaracterizing Tea Party participants.
mama mia. change your name. you are giving us italians a bad reputation with your rudeness and name calling. you are right about one thing. I am angry and i’m out to set the record straight. I’m out to expose the employers who are hiring illegal aliens. I am out to expose the elected officials who approve of our tax $$$ going to illegal aliens and their groups. I am out to expose employers of illegals to the IRS, ICE, department of labor and licensing and to to get a reward for doing it. Irs i hear is now giving a reward to expose employers who pay in cash. many are!!! I am out to expose illegal aliens who operate business’ without proper permits and many have no permits. Our group is set out to make sure the laws on the books are followed. Nothing more and nothing less.
Mama Mia! –
Your diatribes, ad hominem attacks and crudeness are beyond the pale. Your points are underwhelmingly convincing and your bias apparent.
Someone get Joe a new Thesaurus he is running out of words, I have seen Ad Hominem and Diatribes alot recently.
No crudeness, No name calling.
PG; Perhaps Joe is using the correct words and you’re seeing them over and over because the routine culprits don’t get any updates for the DNC to create new arguments. Same drivel = same answer.
Where do you get that 85-88% of the population is illegal immigrants?
CD. I’ve provided great links above. point and click.. now stop. its you who don’t provide your facts. you want proof yet you don’t provide any..
Didn’t find any evidence to back up that 85% of the population in this country is illegal!
for those of you who wonder how illegal aliens can open bank accounts, get mortgages and id’s like birth certificate etc. see link..
CDev. when You got your license, did you provide legit id’s?
Yes I provided my consolur General Birthcertificate, Washington DC Birthcertificate, and Letter documenting my birth in the British Embassy on Observatory Circle. Thus my proof of legal residence was established. I had to provide the same for my passport as well!
Do not let the Liberals Hacks discourage you. Many of us read you with the greatest appreciation. Thank you for your work in providing facts and links to support your statements and your work sounding the alarm about the dangers of our society tolerating Illegal Aliens..
Something the Liberal detractors most often fail to do. We all recognize that the Liberals among us, when they can not deal with the truth, disparage the messenger. That is their style. They are too impotent to do more, so all they can do is resort to childlike school yard tactics.
Be secure in the knowledge that the Tea Party Movement appreciates what you are doing for our Country. Also, the Tea Party Movement out numbers its detractors. We are many, we are strong and we are determined to fight those that would try to obfuscate the truth. We are bound and determined to expunge all the Liberal ideas infecting our society and we are winning. Witness Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts and soon Maryland. The Tea Party Movement has grown into the millions in less than 12 months. We correct our mistakes and move on. Every day our ranks grow stronger. After every victory hundreds of thousands of Citizens flock to our banners. We are now large enough and strong enough to affect National Elections and will do so. And the Liberals with all their pseudo intellectual prattle can not stop us. We support many initiatives to make America a better place. All we get from the Liberals is negativity. They are the party of “NOT INVENTED HERE”. They very rarely if ever present initiatives of their own. They are empty husks because their belief system is essentially corrupt and without merit. Constructive ideas are alien to their way of thinking. They are losers looking for handouts and entitlements. They despise entrepreneurs because they are envious of our accomplishments. They prefer to take and take from those that work for a living. Like a pestilent pernicious vermin, they have been allowed to proliferate. No Longer, the Tea Party is wise to them and determined to counter their depredations to our society and our way of life….we allowed them to proliferate, now no longer. We will oppose them and their minions at every opportunity. We will use our numbers to bury them and we will prevail. Last March the Tea Party was a joke to the Liberals, now we are a threat. We dominate the INTERNET, and the MSM is being forced to recognize us. Soon we will dominate the MSM as well.
You can not stop a righteous people.
We are also unafraid to sign our names to our posts.
Those thin skinned pusillanimous fools sniping at us from their dark holes do not even posses the sand to stand out in the sunlight and be identified. They prefer to hide behind pseudonyms as if they were too ashamed of the crap they spew to be identified with it.
Tony Passaro
Proud Member of the Tea Party Movement
Bel Air Tea Party Patriots
Bel Air Md.
Yes tony you proudly sign your name to other people’s work we know
excerpt from the link provided in Tony’s “letter”
Our citizens should be outraged,” said Darlinda Ruzek, the HSM coordinator for Harford County. “Given the difficult economic situation many Harford County taxpayers find themselves in, what household can afford to pay $790.00 each year to support people who are living here illegally?”
Look familiar?????
excerpt from Tony’s “Letter”
“Our citizens should be outraged,” said Tony Passaro a strong supporter of HSM for Harford County. “Given the difficult economic situation many Harford County taxpayers find themselves in, what household can afford to pay $790.00 each year to support people who are living here illegally?”
Seems Tony you are a proud plagarist!
You certainly are seething with anger! Picturing you spitting out those big words is a good laugh.
It’s probably not his big words….he probably copied them and signed his name!
CDEV. links were provided. can i ask whose side you on? the citizens or the scams of illegals in md? Do you do anything to back up your own statements. i have provided links when you asked. I refuse to waste any more time on you. you just don’t seem to be worth it. Have a nice day and try to look yourself in the mirror when you talk to people the way you do. You try to find fault in all of us and its not cool.. What made you so hateful?
I looked through all your links. 2 did not work. One was a blog which I did not read further as it was not credible, the other appeared to be a newspaper and I could not find a story by a quick lock to back up your numbers. So please link me directly to the page that backs up your 85%-88% number most notably.
I am a citizen of the United States and think illegal immigrtion is wrong. I differ from you because I believe if you took away the job offerings, that employers make so easy for them to get, then they would not come here. So I say punish the employers and punish them harshly! Make it too expensive to break the law. I know of one landscaping company who had a town house in our development where they housed their employees of questionable origins. The employees where actually very neighborly but then INS came to get them and they have been gone. I still have yet to see the company or it’s owners go to court!
I am also opposed to people who use scare tactics to push an issue or agenda and teach intolerance on a scale that can only be compared to Adolph Hitler!
Any law-abiding citizen would want to see BOTH the employers AND illegal (that is, criminal) aliens apprehended which is after all what the government is supposed to do to uphold the law? Even if the government used the policy of only stopping employers from hiring these criminals it wouldn’t stop the problem because about half of all Hispanic immigrants are on welfare and don’t need jobs.
See Table 13 that 46.4% of Hispanic immigrants are on welfare.
You ought to clarify that your stat is for all Hispanic immigrants, regardless of status (legal or not). I think a lot of people are blurring the line here… I highly doubt half of the illegal immigrants here are receiving welfare.
I do but cuse and effect says if you take away the jobs the influx will stop, some will go back then you can truly get ride of the illegals who are hanging around. I also do not discriminate. Get rid of the European and Canadian illegals that easily pass as legals and hold 6 figure jobs!
When Cdev plays the Hitler card, any respect that I may have had for him goes away (and according to Godwin’s Law, he just lost the debate – end of story).
Phil as you clearly never had any respect for me….it is all academic!
when u saw a landscape company hiring and housed them, did you sit back and enjoy the view or did you do something about it. with internet you can accomplish much. use it instead of just complaining. Be a do-er..
I did along with several of us. To this day nothing.
Mama Mia!You sound like an angry young man. You mad about Teddy’s seat being filled by an independant thinker? You upset about New Jersey and Virginia? You aggrevated that O’bama’s approval rating has slipped below 50%? Keep your chin up dude for its going to get worse. It’ll get worse every time you call independants, democrats and republicans who have joined the TEA Party tea baggers which as you know is a frat house gag where you lay your nuts on the chin of a sleeping buddy. Hell of a way to address those proud americans who are tired of partisan politics and more than ready to put people in office who actually get things done. It’ll get worse until the spending slows enough to meet the earnings. It’ll get worse until this government realizes that creating government jobs is nothing compared to creating an environment where small businesses can grow and create jobs the tax payer doesn’t have to support. So MamaMia!, cdev and proud dem slow your roll long enough to see that its a new day out here for all the partys.
Tacco Joe,
I would love to support the Tea Party, if someone can point me in the direction where I can find information that would show me that it has not become the bastion of Neocons. Ron Paul has it right, but Palin has taken the driver seat and the focus has become to narrow. The loudest Tea Party voice on here is Tony Passoro, who seems to think that those who disagree with him are unintelligent vermin (see above.) that is a problem. Someone show me how this is the grass roots movement that it was 12 months ago and not “Astro-turf” and I, as an educated, Tax paying liberal will take a closer look at the policies and platform of the Tea Party.
Some data to consider. Sure it’s California and not Harford County, but the data are still relevant.
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people)are working for cash and not paying taxes This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working w ithout a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal , whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish
(There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County )
(All 10 of the above are from the Los Angeles Times)
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare. Over 70% of the United States ‘ annual population growth (and over 90% of California , Florida , and New York ) results from immigration. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
And the Feds won’t let most local jurisdictions enforce immigration violations and since Obama took office have been taking away the power to enforce those violations from agencies previously allowed to do so (see Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.) If the illegals aren’t “violent” criminals then ICE usually won’t do anything about it.
Immigration is a federal responsibility one both parties refuse to enforce. Afterall what did Bush do as president to enforce immigration laws? He didn’t either. No one does because like social security it is considered the third rail!
Sorry, I shouldn’t have implied that Bush was any better than Obama. Both parties are pitiful when it comes to dealing with illegal immigration.
Part of the problem is who Obama selected to head up DHS. Napolitano butted heads repeatedly with Sheriff Arpaio of Maricopa County over the way he enforced federal immigration (a power granted to some of his deputies under earlier administrations.) Once she took over DHS she basically set out to strip that agency of virtually all immigration enforcement powers, which she couldn’t do when she was the governor of Arizona.
I would agree that neither party has done much good when it comes to addressing immigration.
However, Arpaio doesn’t deserve anyone’s support.
“For years he has won fawning press coverage by playing the role of “America’s Toughest Sheriff.” But now another side of the story — that is, the truth — is leaking out.
The latest example is a report released this month that sums up, in devastating detail, the cost of Sheriff Arpaio’s reign. It was issued not by the sheriff’s usual critics — whom he routinely dismisses as a band of bleeding-hearts — but by the Goldwater Institute, a think tank dedicated to the principles of the late Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, an obelisk of conservatism.
Here’s the gist.
What has risen on Sheriff Arpaio’s watch: violent crimes (up 69 percent overall from 2004 to 2007, with homicides up 166 percent in those three years), 911 response times, unserved arrest warrants, racist sweeps of Latino neighborhoods, and dollars paid out in budget overruns, overtime and lawsuit settlements.
What has declined: the arrest rate, the number of satellite booking stations, public access to department records, Sheriff Arpaio’s reputation.
The Goldwater report must bring some comfort to the residents of Maricopa County who have spent years raising the alarm about Sheriff Arpaio, with little effect outside Arizona.”
A few points to consider
1) Los Angeles is spanish for the angels and used to be part of Mexico so would it not make sense tht a large part of their population here legally speaks spanish and might listen to spanish radio?
2)LA County is a small microcasim of the Los Angles Area.
3) If 35% of the inmates in CA are illegals wht about the other 65% or majority!
Furthermore what about the 71% of legal residents in US prisons.
New York, Florid and California aare all gateway states with major international airports, cities and ways for immagrants legl and illegal to get here.
Look at the stats on people who cross the Unprotected Canadian border and stay here. Yet no one is being an alarmist about that!
i’d like links to those stats. they are not true..
I used Dave Y’s stats in post 19 and simply subtracted. You do know how to do that correct for example in stat 5 he claimed; based on his source (notice he provided one, thats what intelligent people do, that “5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally”
So…..since a percentage in this case is part of a whole, and not a rate, I subtracted 35 from 100 and arrived at 65% who are not illegl immigrants or MOST of them.
#1 is simply based on the history of the city and anyone with a middle school eduction should have learned about that but just for you Los is spanish for THE and Angeles is spanish for Angels. SO it litterally mean “The Angels in Spanish. The city became part of Spain when founded in 1781 and became part of Mexico in 1821 following it’s independence from Spain. In 1848 at the end of the Mexican American War it was purchased by the United States as part of the Treaty of Gaudalupe Hidalgo. I hope that clarifies what I assumed you learned in school but obviously didn’t.
Furthermore Geography of the surrounding area including but not limited to Orange, Riverside, San Bernidino and Ventura Counties! These are major parts of the LA area and have many of the places you might associate with Los Angeles that are not really in Los Angeles or LA County!
I worked for a great man who told me that in writing and/or reading another’s work, always add the thought “so what”. You have told us all that the city of Los Angeles translates to city of Angels – so what? You told us twice that 35% subtracted from 100% equals 65% – so what? The original article quoted form the Los Angeles (City of Angels) Times stated that 35% of the people in prison are illegals. The so what is that 35%of the cost of running a prison system is devoted to people who should not be here.
The actual facts of the illegal immigrant argument have nothing whatever to do with country of origin. If someone comes here from Vatican City, illegally, send him or her back! I don’t care where they come from they are a drain on the government at every level. I never heard of any Canadian wet backs but will take your word for it that huge numbers swim acroos the Niagara River. They should be rounded up and sent back just like the guy from Cuba, Haiti, El Salvador, Iceland or any other damn place that can’t satisfy their citizens. My guess would be that the Canadian who comes her is trying to get medical treatment only.
Sorry Dave I had to spell it out a second time for jackie who lacks a proper education and can not subtract 35 from 100 without a calculator!
All crimes rates in LA have been dropping for the past two decades. Homicides dropped 18% last year. Violent crime is roughly the same in LA as in Portland, Oregon, the whitest city in America.”Hispanics have approximately the same crime rates as whites of the same age”.
More than half of all federal prosecutions are immigration related.
This info comes from The American Conservative, a magazine founded by Pat Buchanan. It was in an article from last March by the publisher, Ron Utz, entitled, HisPANIC “The Myth of Immigrant Crime”.
Care to site your references Dave?
Irrespective of crime rates, statistics, studies and comparisons it is indisputable that if the number of illegal aliens, regardless of country of origin, in the United States were reduced then crime would also be reduced.
That is a completely unfounded conclusion. Study after study has shown that there is no increased rates of crime associated with undocumented or illegal immigrants over the population as a whole. That is not to say there is no problem with having illegal immigrants in our society, but it is completely inaccurate to blame crime increases on those immigrants.
The biggest single indicator of increased crime: poverty. If your goal is reduced crime, then you should be trying to reduce poverty, and quickly. If we can reduce the number of desperate people in society, the crime rates would drop immensely.
You are an idiot.
If there are less people illegally here in the United States there has to be less criminal activity. It is a simple math equation based on crime statistics.
Are you so liberal/progressive that you are blind to reality?
CRIME RATES… that is what was being discussed. Clearly less people means lower total crimes… but crime rates means crimes per unit of population. I suppose you like the idea of lowering total crimes by reducing population, huh? I wonder what the next extension of that logic would be???
You do not know me and have no basis to call me an idiot. You display your total array of ignorance by making posts like you do.
So Joe you don’t like it when people call you names but call them idiots and that is OK?
ProudDemocrat –
If you are referring to the ideals of eugenics and population control they are rooted in the liberal/progressive movement.
Joe where do you get that idea?
Cdev, show comparable crime and welfare statistics for Canadian or European “illegals” and you might sound more credible about their drain on the political economy. On the Table 13 mentioned above, nine of the top ten welfare groups according to country of origin are Hispanic. And only 11.7% of Canadian immigrants are on the public dole. However, nobody has suggested that any illegals should be allowed into the country if they are Canadian or European?
Factfinder. Many people have said illegal imigrants are just that illegal. When someone has claimed their position is a mater of race bias they claim they are against all illegal immigration. So…..why is it no one caares about the Canadians who cross the rainbow bridge and overstay their welcome? They take a job that n American could be working. Infact they take high paying jobs most of the time.
Cdev, you’re changing the subject to Canadian illegal immigration which isn’t the topic of this thread? Again, nobody has suggested that any illegals should be allowed into this county or country even if they are Canadian. It’s altogether strange of you to hint that possible “race bias” against Hispanics is an acceptable reason to allow their criminal entry into the USA, and furthermore that illegal Canadian immigration is a growing problem to Harford County???
I thought the topic of the thread was ILLEGAL Imigration period. SO now you are saying we are only wanting to get rid of the hispanic ones?
So suddenly some illegals are OK?
jackie which specific piece of informtion I claimed as fact do you want a link for. Why do you not provide links to back up you specific facts.
Indians are the largest growing group of illegaal immigrants.
(Like that link)
half of all illegals entered this country on legal visa and then overstayed.
Drawing conclusions about illegals and crime is difficult for a variety of reasons
1) We lack comprehensive information on whether arrested or jailed immigrants are illegal immigrants, nonimmigrants, or legal immigrants. Such information can be difficult to collect because immigrants may have a reason to provide false statements (if they reply that they are an illegal immigrant, they can be deported, for instance). And the verification of these data is troublesome because it requires matching INS records with individuals who often lack documentation or present false documents
2)For many minor crimes, especially crimes involving juveniles, those who are apprehended are not arrested. And only a fraction of those who are arrested are ever brought to the courts for disposition.
among others
Edmonston and Smith, The New Americans, National Academy Press
Just a few stats.
when was the last time canadians jumped the border by millions?
Cdev –
Are you a race baiter?
What is it exactly you are trying to say?
I am saying to only be incensed about illegals of a certian decent is racist. If you really want to mad about illegals it should be all of them not just the ones from south of the border!
A number of Hispanic people who became American in the legal manner oppose the criminal entry of undocumented others. So let’s see, these people of a “certain decent” (sic) are also “racist” toward others of the same descent? Maybe Joe is on to something that you’re either race baiting, but perhaps you just get excited from a perverse moral masturbation delight over your own racial thoughts and morality?
wow we agree. Alleluia..all illegals from everywhere should follow the rules. it is you who sumized otherwise. But i did say 20-30 million snuck in through the back door didn’t
Opposing illegal imagrints is not racist. When you select only a certain group of illegals and ignore the many others, sterotype all illegals into one ethnic group and ignore the others or ignore the employers of the illegal aliens simply because they look like you. That is racist. Some people behind the anti-illegal movement are so more because of their fear, that according to US census 2000, in 2050 this nation will be a majority minority nation and Hispanics represent the largest piece of that minority pie ( think that if they dedicate their lives to expelling illegaal immagrants of a certian race they will stop themselves from becoming a minority. Let me emphasis that I do not think this represents everyone in that movement but a good chunk of them. So to answer your question no that does not maake them racist but I bet if you serveyed the crosssection of legal immgrants from spanish nations they would also tell you they don’t care where the illegal immagrant comes from and the employer is to blame too.
sorry jackie I summized otherwise because of the list of organizations from Joe’s list (that he plagarized) seems to be only listing certian groups, his letter about “Jose Illegal” suggests that way and when people only cite stats like “21 spanish speaking radio stations in LA” as a champion of their anti-illegal cause” That maybe why I summized the way I thought about the group of people here.
When someone has lost an argument and has nothing further to offer he usually resorts to name-calling. It’s designed to stop, not further discussion. Calling, or insinuating that someone is “racist” is the most graceless way of admitting defeat. Sadly, it usually does stop discussion, but it is advantageous in a sense because this name-calling reveals that he has taken his best try to win a dispute. Since he’s used to stopping discussion with his personal abuse he is not prepared for anything else of relevance to offer in the discussion. Take name-calling as that signal.’ve been asking me for links for 2 days even when provided you still ask. why don’t you provide links for your gossip. i’d love to see them. so provide. i do not believe most of what you say. they are gossip stories fabricated by you. with your posts you have no right bashing others.
this article is not reflective of harford county at all. the numbers of people and $$$ allegedly spend educating illegals are off the charts. I don’t think there are anywhere near the number of schoolchildren in his county that are here illegally. I think when you blurr the lines and call all hispanics illegals you get a distorted picture as to the true cost of services. My cousing died in Iraq…don’t lump all as illegal, this is really a slap in the face of any AMERICAN of hispanic descent.
at the same time none of the studies take into account the number of lllegals contributing to the social security payroll taxes, that of course, they will never be able to collect.
A friend sent me this scenario, in the hopes that it would help illustrate the salient point of this debate.
You have two families: “Joe Legal” and “Jose Illegal”.
Both families have two parents, two children, and live in any State U.S.A.
Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.
Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash “under the table”.
Ready? Now pay attention and follow closely …CDEV
Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.
Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.00 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $24,031.00.
Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.
Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $9,631.00.
Jose Illegal receives a $500.00 per month federal rent subsidy. Jose Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for insurance. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.
Jose Illegal says, “We don’t need no stinkin’ insurance!” and still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, etc.
Jose Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends out of the country every month.
Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.
Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.
Joe Legal’s and Jose Illegal’s children both attend the same school. Joe Legal pays for his children’s lunches while Jose Illegal’s children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal’s children have an after school ESL program. Joe Legal’s children go home.
Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose got a free ride at the expense of Joe and his neighbors.
CDEV, Do you get it, now?
Illegals of any ethnicity put an unfair burden on the American Tax Payers….and that is the point, period.
If you vote for or support any politician that supports illegal
aliens…You are part of the problem! And that is my point…..
Tony Passaro
Bel Air Md.
Proud Member
American Tea Party Movement
This is straight up racist inflammatory and amazingly misleading bunk. What we come to expect from the TEA Party.
Tony I get it and appreciate that you now did not claim this as your own. After all it is by a fellow Curt Maynard and in his version he specifically uses CA as the state of residence.
A few flaws Joe Legal would qualify for govt assistance in any large metro area since he would probably take the standard deduction and claim 4 exemptions his Taxable income would be lowered to 16,000 of which he would pay the federal govt. 10% in income taxes. His Social Security Tax would be another 10% but his state tax would be extremely low! Most Likely Joe Legal’s kids would be on FARMS at that rate of income.
Jose Illegal probably works weekends too! (at least if he worked for Trimco Landscaping he did!
Look I never said I support Illegal immigration. I think it is a shame but the root of fixing it is to get ride of the incentive to come here which is jobs. we currently do not punish the employers or give them a slap on the wrist.
Wal-mart got away with paying 11 Million dollars to make a federal probe go away for it’s flagerent use of illegal immigrant employees
Like the link Jackie from your favorite news!
They needed to be held responsibly criminally for what they did and were not. They are not the only ones.
Additionally I hate those who try to frame this as a Mexican only issue. It is bigger then that with about half of the illegals being those who come into this country on a legal Visa and then overstay their Visa. Someone needs to strt enforcing them and not looking the other way!
cdev.seems like your the only one that brings race into the issue.. i bet the odds are pretty good that you are an illegal alien, don’t pay taxes, collect welfare and its freebies and work for cash.. with all my grammar that upsets you so much and you saying i can’t count with no reason, i am proud to say that i am a citizen. I work hard. Play hard. Pay my taxes. Follow the laws. Respect my country and the fruits of the land and I go after the illegal aliens that don’t and their employers who hire them. I have a very good track record.
Next time you eat at a local restaurant pay closer attention to the “Kitchen Help” english is Not spoken there and the ten or so workers are probably living in a two bedroom apt hot bedding.
Mike report them here..
Hola Mike,
Granted the McDonalds in Bel Air has a lot of spanish flying around, but to say that speaking spanish = illegal is like making the assumption that you live in your parents basement.
—there’s a really good chance, but it’s not for sure.
If you go to Little Italy and they speak Italian does that mean that they’re illegal (or maybe you think they’re all in the mob.) I don’t disagree that there are freeloaders that need to pay their share but ease up on the prejudice and your point will be seen as more reasonable. As we’ve all seen, runing around with signs that say “speak english!” is; first of all, a message that should be written in spanish… and secondly, just makes you look like a nut job to a lot of folks that really don’t disagree with the larger issue.
sent with love,
Amigo your right, but the difference is, if i go to little italy to eat, they speak to me in english. If i go to mexico i need my spanish book with me. I think English is becoming the universal language for the world. My daughter went to 4 countries and they spoke english very well. why should we have to pay millions to interpreters in our school system and other state agency’s? I don’t assume all hispanics are illegal, but i do know that the odds are very high that they are.we can’t ignore this.
Hi Jackie,
Fair enough on the odds. I do quite a bit of traveling for work, and English IS the language of money. But, as soon as you get into the poor or non tourist areas, no habla. The difference is that many countries are savvy enough to teach (at least their affluent) kids more than one language. I think a forward looking use of monies spent for interpreters would be to teach Spanish as a second language starting in grade 1. Could someone let me know what year they start second language instruction in Harford Day School?
jackie try going to France or Quebec that curtousy is not extended. The few times I went to Mexico they spoke English after I made a bad a but honest attempt at speaking their language. BTW more people in this world speak spanish then english.
Amigo, mcdonalds will be reported & checked out. i also hand out flyers to employers that may or may not be hiring illegals. It is info on the E-verify program explaining the process. it is free, quick and easy to use to check on the status of an employer. It also stresses the penalties for hiring an illegal even though many might have green cards or visas, many are fake.
I have re-read my original post an cannot figure how you could come to the conclusion that I live in my parents home. Your powers of deduction elude me
Yes Mike, It’s a huge leap. That’s kinda my point.
joe legal is a racist pig!!! and so is Tony (wap) passaro
Tony don’t let cisco’s filthy name-calling lose your focus. His abusive ad hominem demonstrates that he has no case.
Cisco, watch with the racist comments. It is counterproductive and makes you lose your credibility.
cisco your so much a loser aren’t you.
it seems to me that a few of you are taking the side of illegal aliens who use and abuse the system. if you were tax payers, you’d be pissed as hell. since your here all the time, i’m assuming you either don’t work. Don’t own property and a possible illegal alien. you’ve all been given legit links and you still fight with the citizens on this board. now get off your lazy a.. and quit scamming taxpayers and stop having babies for the taxpayers to support and raise.
Talk about resorting to a weak arguement. BTW you seem to be on here alot too?
i have lots of time to fight illegal aliens and the employers who hire them. i’ll tell you the story one day.
Most of the people who post here are productive members of society. By that, I mean we work, own property, pay our taxes, and actively support the causes we deem important. I have my doubts about you, Jackie. My guess would be that you receive disability for mental health issues. Some mentally ill people see little green men everywhere. You see illegal aliens. Perhaps your meds need to be increased.
was that very nice? remind me not to come to your defense when you complain when your out of work or high property taxes or sales tax because of the $billions of $$ we pay for illegal aliens. i don’t see little green men, i see many illegal hispanics taking jobs meant for our families. I see many illegals scamming our Tax $$ through welfare and its freebies using fake id’s. i also own properties.I also feel the pain of many people out of work while illegal aliens are working. I feel the pain of the many people who have lost their homes and no money to take care of their families or able to provide them with shelter. a couple weeks ago on rt 43 were 2 large beat up tents. i’m seeing more and more at homeless shelters and sleeping in our parks,benches and cars. i really don’t care if you think i’m wierd or have an illness. The pain and worry i feel is real. I pray hard, work hard and will continue to shut the door on illegal immigrants and their employers. I am one of hundreds in our group. We work the fields. we report and we get rewarded. I also come from an immigrant family.
In just the last two months I have talked to 5-6 young (20-30 yr old) black men complaining that the illegals are keeping them out of what little work there is in the entry level trades.There is some anger developing.
you just accused him of being an illegal alien, unemployed and not a property owner; as if any of those are worthy causes of not treating him with the respect due a human being. So it is understandable that he might respond in kind by calling you mentally unstable.
Is what you aare saying it is OK for you to call people names but not them to call you names?
jackie I heard this story in post 12.2.1 on feb 18 at 3:29 pm when you told it. I also read it from a “coolnana” on sunspot ( Which when I asked you if you posted there you said no you didn’t. Yet in a post on feb 19 @ 8:47am you ask someone to “pm” you. On sunspot you have that ability and it common to use that term for private message yet on the dagger you can not private message you. I suspect jackie that you have been less then honest about you posting on the baltimore sun message board!
Beyond that jackie you still have not provided me with a link backing up your claaim that 85% of the popultion of this country is here illegally!
cdev Are you on drugs? and my 85% is wrong. their are actually 88% in this country illegally. go checkout links provided twice. i don’t know who a coolnana is but i wouldn’t mind the name. i assume you think i’m the only one in this state who is anti illegal aliens? NOT.. and cd. Get a life..its very obvious you are not on the sided of legality..
88% of what the total population of the US? Is that what you are saying. I would gladly check the link what link is it that supports the claim you are making? If you posted it already which one I will click on it. If I interpret what you say correctly then you are saying 9 out of every 10 people living in this country are here illegally or most of the country is here illegally and only a person on crack would believe that!
Hi Jackie,
I have read, with wry amusement, your attempts to have a meaningful dialog with the “pseudo elitist intellegencia” that lurks hidden in the dark corners of the Dagger Press. Their ideas are so weak, their pronouncements so poor, their writing ability so dismal that they hide themselves behind pseudonyms. I guess if I wrote as poorly as they do I would hide as well.
You have accomplished much to advance the cause of bringing attention to the depredations by Illegal’s (from any country and any race) in Maryland and the U.S.A..
I firmly agree with you that Illegals (for want of a better name) are freeloaders taking advantage of the various social safety nets we have devised and implemented to help the disadvantaged CITIZENS of theses United States. If the Illegal’s want to be able to ride the gravy train, they must first become Citizens, then swear allegiance to the U.S. A. and then they can dig in and pig out, not before.
These assistance programs have been devised by Tax Paying American Citizens. Since this is our money we have the right to say how it is spent –and Alien Freeloaders are excluded from these benefit programs.
These plans have been created to help the less advantage Citizens in our Society. These benefit programs are not intended for a people that refuse to become legal Citizens and refuse to swear allegiance to the Constitution. They insist on being “outsiders” freeloading on our largess. Any one who supports, aids and abets these Freeloaders is guilty of fostering sedition and should be dealt with as such.
I would suggest you keep focused on your essential work and dispense with corresponding with MORONS. Debating with them is a waste of time. They are incapable of rational reasoned debate on the issues and can only deal with the minute surrounding your post. They focus more on the “hole” than the “donut”. Their contribution is negligible if not totally meaningless and trying to make sense to them is futile and a waste of your valuable time.
Sincerely and keep up the good work,
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD.
Jackie is a barely literate bigot. You are too, and don’t seem to even realize you are an embarrassment to the Tea Party. Even among die hard conservatives your name elicits eye rolls, groans and much shaking of heads. Keep it up. My superiority complex is growing.
Tony before you condem other people for typos tell me when did
“theses United States”
become proper spelling.
Not to mention when did copying others work and signing your name become OK?
Tony….regarding your use of the term “MORONS”, this is definitely a case of the “pot calling the kettle black”!
“the pot calling the kettle black”?
Tony I totally agree with you. These people are a total waste of time. We need to use our energy to fight this scourge There is no excuse for Maryland being allowed to become a sanctuary for these criminals.NONE! We do NOT know who these people are. This is a serious National security risk and our very sovereignty is at stake!
You are so lame….you never fail to make my point…Keep your eye on the donut boy, not on the hole.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air MD.
Correct the donut is all illegals, regardless of country of origin, need to first stop coming. After we stop the influx we can productively remove the ones here. To stop the influx we need to eliminate what they come here for. Number one reason is a job. So let us make it so expensive for the employers by leaving Cripiling fines and Lengthy jail terms. The money and siezed assests can pay for the bulk of the program. An example of what not to do is like what happened with Wal-mart when they got let off the hook for 11 Million for RAMPENT violations. Instead the CEO should spend time in real prision and they should pay by the illegal. They should also pay to send them back. My problem is some people are only focusing on a certian kind of donut and not all the donuts, to borrow your analogy!
Cdev –
You are right.
Tony….regarding your use of the term “BOY”, this is another case of the “pot calling the kettle black”. Keep it up BOY!
OMG, CDEV and I actually agree on something. Amazing, truly amazing.
There is a God and he hears my prayers…
CDEV, Point well made, bit vitriolic, but well made none the less.
We might also go after the landlords for renting w/o verifying status.
Eliminate what they feed on (jobs) and where they nest (hot apartments) and we will have them on the run.
Thanks again,
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD
What is a “Hot Apartment”? I’m not baiting…I really don’t know.
Tony in some cases the lanlord is the employer. For example Trimco landscapping owns a town house in my development which INS raided. The fact is to my knowledge no criminal charges against Trimco. It is also not a local responsibility but a federal responsibility.
A recent study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reported that approximately half of all immigrants (legal and illegal) access welfare. As our government leads push to legalize illegal aliens and bring in thousands of foreign workers, this number is bound to increase exponentially.
100% of senior citizens acess welfare.
and so does 54% of illegals access welfare. Seniors worked all their life here and paid into the system. Most illegals work for cash and don’t pay anything yet they get welfare..
jackie that does not stop social security from being welfare! I am working and paying into a system I will NEVER collect from. I feel a limited program whose planned retirement money was lost to corperate greed or theft. I do have a serious problem paying for money for old people to travel round the world with or in leiu of them properly planning to retire. If they can’t afford to retire….keep working!
I believe the statistic is half of immigrants with no regard to illegal or legal immigrants.
Come on Cdev;
We’re back to my “so what” comment. The thread is about the high cost of dealing with illegals in this country. The comment about Social Security has absolutely nothing to do with that.
Reading these comments, it’s small wonder that we have lost the ability to communicate. Good God, too many folks are wasting time energy and cyber stuff, calling each other names. We are beginning to look like the republicrats and demicans in Congress. They lost the ability to communicate years ago, why follow that path/
if citizens paid into social security all their working life, then if they don’t collect it, where should their $$ go? Social security also covers the disabled. Its a good thing. Right?
No social security is not but AARP has every one so mobilized that no politician will dare say or do what needs to be done which is phase it out and eliminate it since it will bankrupt this country!
Good point…..I agree.
Maybe we should push for Legislation to make it a local responsibility.
How does Sheriff Joe Arapio (Arizona) do it??
Tony Passaro
Bel Air Md.
Sheriff Arpaio was able to get a significant number of his deputies authorized to enforce federal immigration laws. He also had his corrections officers asking anyone brought to the jail about their immigration status.
Unfortunately when Napolitano became head of DHS she was able to do what she couldn’t do as governor of Arizona and that is take away most of Maricopa County’s federal immigration enforcement powers. They still can enforce some immigration laws (mostly state laws), but their powers are not as broad as they used to be. Most of the criticisms against them where about Arpaio going into predominately Hispanic neighborhoods and stopping virtually every car and anyone walking around that they could (i.e. minor traffic violations, safety equipment violations, suspicious behavior, loitering, etc) and then arresting anyone they were able to determine were her illegally. The ACLU & co. called it racial profiling, but as far as I know no one was stopping cars just because they were being driven by Hispanics…there was some sort of violation involved. It’s no different than if I stop a car for not using a turn signal or having a brake light out on Brookside Dr that’s being driven by white 20-something male who lives in Bel Air, Jarrettsville, Whiteford, etc.
Joe Arpaio is quoted as saying,” If you are of Mexican-American heritage, if you have brown skin, there is nothing you can do to not be stopped”. This is racial profiling.
James Pendergraph, Exec Director of ICE Office of State and Local Coordination in 2008 (and a cohort of Arpaio), stated, “If you don’t have the evidence to charge someone criminally but you think he is illegal, we can make him disappear”. This is criminal.
Is he actually have his deputies stop people based solely on the color of their skin? If that’s the case then, yes, there’s racial profiling. If they’re being stopped for some legitimate violation (regardless if the real motive to check on immigration status) then no, it’s not racial profiling.
If you’re looking to find illegal immigrants in southern Arizona then it makes sense to do strict enforcement of all laws in communities where they are likely living (i.e. predominantly Hispanic communities.) I don’t think you’re going to find very many illegal Canadians living along the U.S.-Mexican border.
no more in Buffalo and Seattle
Billy Jack,
I beg to differ with you. As for your superiority complex growing, I judge it to be just about equal to that of a Flatworm or maybe that of a magot.
“Hot apprtment” a nest of about 8 to 15 illegals sharing the same space, beds and etc.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD
Joe, your comment on lease about restrictions on amount of tenants to occupy don’t hold up well in court. I am a landlord and deal with it often. Hard to prove since they tell judge that they have relatives Judge always favor tenants. But what i do, is call code enforcement in your county and tell them too many people living in house,which is against code. they will cite the tenant and possibly the landlord. then landlord will evict in most cases..
I actually work with ICE pretty regularly. You would shocked to see how little people they actually deport. Usually if they have no criminal record ICE will not even come out and investigate them. They will have me fax the information to the Baltimore Office and they will start a file on them. If they have a nonviolent criminal history ICE will usually pick them up from lockup, take them to the Baltimore office, record their information, and then release them.
If I happen to come across a family of illegals ICE will usually let them stay if they are married and have jobs within the community. ICE is more interested in expired student and work visas and temporary resident cards then they are people who just “walk” in to the country illegally. I have also had them decline to pick people up with current ICE warrants for prior illegal entry.
Apparently entering the country illegally is a Civil Offense,and doesnt become criminal until they Re-Enter the country, after deportation. Honestly I haven’t researched that at all, but thats what Ive been told.
At least MD finally places the ” NOT VALID FOR FEDERAL PURPOSES” on the tops of licenses that are usually issued to illegals, from the REAL ID ACT 2005. That makes it easier to know who you are dealing with. Now if they would just stop issuing illegals licenses….
Is that something you say is on all MD liscences or just ones issued to illegals? Because the one I got in Mrch 2009 doesn’t have that on it.
It’s only for people who cannot provide citizenship, or have temporary visa or no other federal ID, like a passport or cannot provide a social security number or a birth certificate. Its not mandatory until 2011. If you are a legal US citizen you wont see a change in your license. It’s also to assist at airports.If you have the ” NOT VALID FOR FEDERAL PURPOSES” on the top of your license, you aren’t going to be flying anywhere, unless you have naturalization documents, or a valid passport. And I don’t mean just flying out of the country, I mean anywhere.
CDEV, I agree with you about the Irish being treated the same way as the hispanic immigrants. When Irish immigrated they were treated like dirt, they were refused jobs, housing and many other things strictly because of their nationality even though they were then legal citizens. Remember all, there are also many hispanic people out there that are legal citizens and reporting someone strictly on the basis of their skin color is racism. There are also many people in this country of all different nationalities that English is not their first language. I have had many doctors in my lifetime that have come from foreign countries, gotten a free education from our government, worked and paid no taxes for many years and then return to their “home country”. Many of them did not speak intelligeable English and I would have to have them write things down. I do not agree with illegal immigration in the least but it seems like some countries have a revolving door while others reach a locked one. I can understand someone wanting to have a better life though, while I certainly don’t condone illegal immigration one of my relatives jumped ship in Baltimore to avoid losing his head in the French Revolution.
Link to “Citizenship Reform Act of 1995? was broken try this address
Link to “Citizenship Reform Act of 1995? was broken try this address
Yes joe you linked me to a bill which never passed or was signed by the president and is most likely unconstitutionl!
Cdev –
I was simply providing information regarding previous debate on jus soli. I had a prior post with two links and an explanation that must have been removed by The Daggers spam guard. So I understand your confusion, I would be confused as well.
Here is the other link that I originally posted
I did not proffer an opinion on constitutionality of modifying the 14th Amendment.
Cdev – My prior post is awaiting moderation.
Got it Joe. Sorry to misunderstand. Thank you for understnding how I also could haave misunderstood.
Cdev –
My pleasure.
People are sometimes rightly provoked into anger. Jackie you raise many legitimate points, and one wonders how cisco knows so much about receiving mental help?
When you consider that someone falls under a certain type because of their race that is racism. If you go back and read my posts you can see that I believe that there should be changes in both immigration and how to deal with illegal immigrants. I do not believe however in being a vigilant. My relatives came across with no money and a hope for a better life. Probably some of them a couple generations ago were illegal, the same as many others in this country. Many of my relatives were prosecuted for their nationalities and were refused jobs etc. Do you really think the Native Americans wanted us here? No the probably feel the same why we do now about immigration. Maybe if people weren’t so concerned with getting work done on their house for practically nothing, their lawn mowed cheaper than there would be less jobs for illegal immigrants. The reason that they are here is that no one that wants to fill the bottom jobs, your average citizen would prefer to collect unemployment then work for minimum wage.
***Sorry posted in the wrong spot the first time
Jackie, When you consider that someone falls under a certain type because of their race that is racism. If you go back and read my posts you can see that I believe that there should be changes in both immigration and how to deal with illegal immigrants. I do not believe however in being a vigilant. My relatives came across with no money and a hope for a better life. Probably some of them a couple generations ago were illegal, the same as many others in this country. Many of my relatives were prosecuted for their nationalities and were refused jobs etc. Do you really think the Native Americans wanted us here? No the probably feel the same why we do now about immigration. Maybe if people weren’t so concerned with getting work done on their house for practically nothing, their lawn mowed cheaper than there would be less jobs for illegal immigrants. The reason that they are here is that no one that wants to fill the bottom jobs, your average citizen would prefer to collect unemployment then work for minimum wage.
Verified true on Snopes
Gun owners… Look what’s on the 2010 tax return….
If you have a gunI hope it isn’t registered!
It begins… More Freedom gone…. The right to protect yourself and your family gone! Now ALL GUNS must be listed on your next (2010) tax return!
Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put on our 2009 1040 federal tax form all guns that you own.
It requires fingerprints and a tax of $50 per gun.
This bill was introduced on February 242009by the Obama staff. BUTthis bill will only become public knowledge 30 days after the new law becomes effective! This is an amendment to the Internal Revenue Act of 1986. This means that the Finance Committee has passed this without the Senate voting on it at all. Trust Obama? You must be kidding!
The full text of the IRS amendment is on the U.S. Senate homepage: You can find the bill by doing a search by the bill numberSB-2099. You know who to callI strongly suggest you do. Please send a copy of this e-mail to every gun owner you know.
Text of H.R.45 as Introduced in House: Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009:
Obama’s Congress is now starting on the firearms confiscation bill. If it passesgun owners will become criminals if you don’t fully comply.
It has begun… Whatever Obama’s “Secret Master Plan” is… This is just the ‘tip of the iceberg!’
Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House. This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009.
Even gun shop owners didn’t know about this because the government is trying to fly it under the radar as a ‘minor’ IRS revisionandas usualthe ‘political’ lawmakers did not read this bill before signing and approving it!
To find out about this – go to any government website and type in HR 45 or Goggle HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.
Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm – any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless: 1) It is registered 2) You are fingerprinted 3) You supply a current Driver’s License 4) You supply your Social Security number 5) You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing
Each update change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25. Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.
There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18.. They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 years in prison.
If you think this is a joke – go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this.. It is long and lengthy. Butmore and more people are becoming aware of this. Pass the word along. Any hunters in your family pass this along.
This is just a “termite” approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense – chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it.
This is one to act on whether you own a gun or not..
Search Results – THOMAS (Library of Congress) :
H.R.45: Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 – U.S. Congress – OpenCongress
H.R. 45: Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 (
Please….. Copy and send this out to EVERYONE in the USAwhether you support the Right to Bear Arms or are for gun control. We all should have the right to choose.
Pants-on-Fire! “The e-mail is wrong in so many ways that it’s hard to know where to begin.” How about this? The National Rifle Association wrote a blog post discrediting the e-mail, saying that it was “recycling an old alert that wasn’t even accurate when it was new,” and noting that the bill in question “disappeared without any action by the Senate, back when Bill Clinton was still in the White House.”
This is a recycled chain e-mail from 2000.
The “Obama staff” can’t introduce bills, only members of Congress can.
• No such bill was introduced on Feb. 24 of this year. But there was such a bill introduced on Feb. 24, 2000, by Sen. Jack Reed, a Democrat from Rhode Island.
• The bill didn’t pass. Indeed, it died in committee, as most bills do. The e-mail wrongly says the law will take effect with your “next tax return.” The bill would have required people to register handguns in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record, the government would have shared that information with law enforcement agencies, and guns would have been taxed when they were manufactured or sold. But again, the bill did not pass.
I have been following your posts and the comments from the “Elitist Intelligentsia” that populate this blog with amusement. I admire your tenacity. But, do you really think you can convert these Nihilists to your way of thinking. Their arguments seem to be non-sequetors totally immersed in semantics. They can only criticize you words but they are consistently off message.
Maybe this tutorial will help:
Illegal = Illegal, it is not a “code Word” for Hispanic or Canadian or Guatemalan or Muslim, it means against the law. When an person is here illegally they are here against the laws of this Country….
Alien = Unknown, Unfamiliar, From another country, NON-Citizen, expatriate. This word is not a “code word” for Hispanic or Canadian or Muslim. It means NON-CITIZEN, period….
Illegal Alien = Is a non Citizen, expatriate here in America in violation of our laws…..
Getting out the Illegals = identifying and deporting expatriate non-American Citizens that are here in America in violation of our laws… Nothing more, nothing less.
Illegals can become Legal. We have a process called “Becoming an
American Citizen.” File, then prove you know enough to be a Citizen, SWEAR ALLIGANCE TO OUR COUNTRY, and you will be a Legal Immigrant. Then they can pig out on all the good things we have for Citizens (not illegals)of the U.S…as have my family and millions of immigrants.…
For outsiders (Aliens) that do not desire to become American Citizens HERE IS THE DOOR…..
The Illegals (for want of a better word, this is sufficiently descriptive) and their supports must be made to realize that we are a Nation of laws and you can not pick and chose which laws to obey or and which laws not to. The Illegals want their cake and eat it. They want to remain in this country and retain their original citizenship however they want to be treated as American Citizens with all the perks…”No way Jose` – no pun intended. In short, I do not think so……and there is the un-varnished truth of the matter
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, Md.
Edify yourselves.
As a boy I heard people say they should send the Wops back where they came from. Those of you who are decendents of Wops should not say anything against the Spanish people who come here to work like your grandparents and/or parents.
The problem is not the illegals but those who hire them so they can pay then a wage lower than an America. Something should be done to the poeple who hire them. This will stop the problem
When the fog lifts, maybe you will be able to see that the problem isn’t people who come here (legally) to work like our grandparents and/or parents did – it’s anyone who comes here illegally for any reason.
Can we send Tony back to either New York or New Jersey (wherever he’s from) because he certainly isn’t a Harford County native.